252540 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �52540 � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE ATF Febrnary 11� 1971 WHSREAS, In the �att�r of Coaptroller=s Contract L-7253 for constrnction of the SBVS�T�!-GR8EI�RI$R STORM RBi.IEF SEWEx, Citq F�ro ject Ho. 69-S-1U36, McDonald b A�sociates, Inc., Ccntrsctor, the specified date of coapl�tion is A�gt;i�t 31, 1970, and ti�iffitSAS, The Contractor did not complete the cor�tract bq said date of co�pleticn, ther�fore be it R&SOLVEH, That the proper City Officials be and they ara h�rebq anthorized and directed tc exeex�ta an s�end�ent to said coatract ezter�ding the ti��e of co�pletioA to Nove�b�r 10, 1970, prnvided hcwever, that this resol�atioa shall � ( bave no force or effect unless the snreties on the Contractor's bond consent � thereto and file snch consent in vriting wit� the City Cc>wptroller, and be it FiIRTHSR RSSOLVED� That the City of Sgint Paul did not suffer anq large additional engineering and inspection costs, :o the Citq of Saint Faul bereby vafves all clai, for liq�idated dauges ar�d no engineerir�g a� inspdction costs on thi� project Will be charged to the Cor�tractor for such �xteMded period. � � � a �9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Naya Butler F�� �,. � �97�� Carlson A 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A8'ai�►st Mr. President, McCarty Q 97� . gp.�.�nvEn F EB �, pUBLISHED _ _ _ ��� Asst. �orl�0 ic�ra ��+�,,;-..'.Q � ou�ucnri ro�w�mit ` , CITY OF ST. PAUL �,Na� N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C.�OMM�ISS ON� Hi 1�v $� `[�t�l enn nAra *�1��a�rv 1 1 _ 1 A'71 �RlAS, in tla watt�r ot Co�ptroll�r's Co�eract L-72S� tor �tmctioa ot ti� SE1RlI?9•QREi1iSR1iR 8Ti�Rrt �ELZE! S�t. City ire��at No. 6'•S•10)6. ltaDeaali b Aswaiat�s, inc.. Contractor. tl� �p�citi�d dat� ot ca�pl�tion ia Ar�st 31. 1976, and MIRALA�, TLt Contr�ctor did eat oo�pl�t� tl�e o�traat b� said dat� o! co�pl�tioA. ti�s�tor� b� !t RESOLVE�� Tlut tL� prop�s City Oiticisls bt sad tiNy srt 1NS�b� ae�thotis� and dis�at�d �o ��acut� au a�ee�e�t to uid aeoatraet s:tsndins t1N tiM o! ao�plttion to Now�b�r 10� 19TA. psovi�w l�w�sr. tliat tbia stwlstion sball 1��� no losci oi �i'�ct tinl�sa t1N wr�ti�s 0a tlM Coatnctoi•s bemd �orra�at tlrrrto a�d lii� wcb con��nt in writiu� �riCti tla Citp Co�ptsoll�r, and b� it ?I��T9ER itE80LVED, Tbat tb� City o! Ssint Parl did eat snli�s any lar� aaditioa�l �asi�rins and iAap�atioA costa. so tir City o� Saiu� iwl b�raby wi��s all clai� tor liq�idat�d d�a�s aod no �aSinNrins a�i lua�ation oo�la on tLis pro��rt aill M cbarpd to tiM Coutractor tor w�h �:t�ndtd p�ried. EB i 8 �� COUNCII�N Adopted by the Cotm 19— Yeas Nays • �+�� �E8181��'1 Carlaon Appro�l 18— �°� �In Favor Meredith !.� sp� � � Tedesco ASs�t Mr. President, McCarty � �8'