252536 � ������ OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL q�UNCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF R�SOLVED, Thm Mid�� eorporatio� be and hereby is granted � pexmit to install m 41-�ar parkir�g lot on property lc�cated on the southeast�sly corner of M�in and West �finth Streets, more particularly describ�d as follows: i�este=ly 1/2 of Lot 5, and Lot 6, Block 4, Ric� and Irvine's Addition to Sairit Paul= all in accordanc� with plans d�ted Received �a�nary 25, 1971f subject to the condition th�t amid applicant-permittee, and its successors and �ssigns, shall make d�e co�apliance with �11 appli�able prcvisio�s of mtu�icipal ordinanceffi, state st�tntes a�d rules axid regul�tions ot p�blic a�thorities haeing cogaizamce. . � N C � O b U t�.1 c � o b " � � � a ¢ o U � � �Eg 1 � 19.7�1 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �EB 1 � ��7� Butler Caxlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith or Sprafka � Against Tedesco 2 0 19 Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED F �� BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL �`�`�`�� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 January 26, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hal1 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Midas Corporation for a permit to install a 41-car parking lot on property located on the southeasterly corner of Main and West Ninth Streets. This property is further described as: Westerly 1/2 of Lot 5, and Lot 6, Block 4, Rice and Irvine's Addition. This matter was before a public hearing of the Board of Zoning on September 3, 1970, at which time the staff reported that a different parking lot plan had already been approved for this site. The matter was subsequently laid over indefinitely in order to obtain a legal opinion from the Corporation Counsel as to whether the Board could act on this application in these circumstances and whether the appellant can simply take over the formerly-approved p1an. The matter again came before the Board of Zoning on December 17, 1970, when it was laid over due to illness in the family of the applicant. This matter was heard again at the January 7, 1971, meeting at which time the staff summarized the history of this case, stating that the Corporation Counsel disclosed the opinion that the Zoning Board may act on an application under these circumstances but that a different party may not assume the authorization of a permit granted to another party. The staff displayed the plan submitted by the applicant which showed suggested revisions by the staff to make it conform to standards. The staff indicated that the suggested revisions have not been reviewed with the applicant. ,,�� � � „��� -1- �� `'� °� ( O Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) January 26, 1971 Mr. Michaelsen, representing the application, indicated approval of the revisions. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the application subject to staff recommendations. The motion was seconded and carried by a 5-0 vote. Plans dated Received January 25, 1971, meet design standards. Very truly yours, , PETER J. IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. ��7018 -2- � ' City of Sa#nt Paul, Minnesota , APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE A�AYOR AND CITY (70UNCIL yb the City Clerk . City of Saint Paui, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an euisting y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : 1 No. of tanks and capacity: , ��� HN � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (pnblic use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot ;�y,�,,,� gi,� g�� To be used in coanection with: �„��,,, �� � �� � � � �, � � � � 1RISCEI�i.ANEOtiS: ' (indicate type such as Drive-ln Refreehment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.,) Capacity of parking area:_T �� *Location � y f� !� � � lla� Legal Description : Lot Block Addition �4 �! �� +�N � �►f a+!"� d �N a� la'!la�s A�i1�3�wt Applicant's Name . � � Home or Office Address: �� �� � � ���� ��� � � � �� Phoae Number ; j���;j� � J U L � j,��� FOR✓BY TI� APPLICANT, �11Y YLANniNG 130Ahti ;�aunc P�wl► Miw�tot� � ignature —7��� � Address : �� j,�w �� �d�p,� � �Q!j Phone No.: �� 9�� When completed: file three copies of tbis application forna and three priats o� t8e preliminary lay-out pians of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of I�ain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First aad Second St. ZONING FtLE '��� .t _ , � ,� � �,� . i J. SFE e .. � MAa A{. A,. ., s � ,� K�", .f_IN J. 4�� n b �K , �>, f-. �S_f'' i:f R. _ - .d',, i�6�6.i�t;1. �':+IC:�+tl ����,�'� ��' � ., �, -,���(,�-� ry �T ,� ��, a,� rn�u.,J�.lN'J4±t! '"' " ' �_� :�, �_.L�i .;' ,R�".� p i'� . . N. Ri� P �r�'! I. F'c; � �o'>�+ri�l.ril �8G1 , , uES'<'�t�'�'Psi ���7`� 1'.'-""� CTN A S_� Er� 3'�� ���^y No3�, ^4 �'c3o6, hNS�� �euo4a B3'i���: ^3,� [;��� A. 'rl.,^ , �� .. rt)�:�'.�Irl� ' �: 1� � ��� i�� � ! I F . ''� "1[; Z. H�.�'lt�� Il , r� ,_ i.r�r . � , }' ; i� ,;��F1T'eTl:l ,lr� `;�J3 C''� � � `>1-�j r,';.�;, E°ce :�,:zi i .i�_�� � �� �' . �'ri1��� , '9i rtn��S��t a , :,.t � � . �, , r�a�, ,5 C,��-�r,�� ��Ciot� , ."�,��l:ic.�%. i��ii �o: .t :� ��C�r T'�� icin� � �,t, ,. i., �� r Dre ��eic�c�n; � ,� y����;r !E*tf�.r. o� Sep+ : ���>� a� i��, 1�7�, xf . ,�rflin:< i ?�ic ';����c ,�,�� �:i ,��:�;1 e ,:�t.��:m 1�, a. �i p�,,,-ic:� n�, l.c�' �ie�cat���l �e�.� thc� ���,t�s_h— � �r ��,- i�,� � ' ' t11 c � �, � .�i-n� �i- c M�� z.7 ,�� �i Wc�s ^�%ri _n �' .��• .s -i r� ;,? . '�� � ! ' � ;.�' 1 � �� � �c:.r:� 1?� �j is . ' [���s , r.i3° � /. of I,=,' � , <<;tc; L,oi� 6, , � :�-�k l+� !'LG'c` <tii:! ��'VJ.TI•_ � .ti �,�C�it. i(:T'i. -,u :�sk ' � qu���r.i �ns : ' . Whe� ��a-�r_ i_t���� ���r.d :'�•,xi��., �,i���r�ul� : _ _ c�r� �,�7 - ���1_i.c��t i .�� for � �-�.r�t,r.ir, �� 1� :e �E�a �..� L �.11'l,. UP.�' O�3 ;'}�'lE' S� ��;,'f �3'Cj3E t,�' �.+Ir��; �'+°,)�)t"E)V�.?CI 1)}11_ !laDL. i„i( � C�";? 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PURPO�E Tnstall a 41-car parking lot LA�1D USG Q ON E-F�{��I l�Y PRESENT ZONING Commercial °{}' T1r!/0-F'AP�+!LY PETITION SIGt�CRS �� Th�RE�:-F�R�il Y � F�l1i,- F�,�'iILY � Ml�LT6-Ft`�1�ILY FILE No. ��18 �QRTa � � ��CO��ti����r�CIAL INDl1S`��lAL V VAC,�^.�!7' St. P�ui Planr�i,�g Boa;d, Date: s/��,��o ��� �w�oR�r?y ►�nd�r cc���i��;ra�ic�n I�LI.NTES OF �E �[JBLIC HEARIrtG P�FOitE THE P�vARD OF ZONZNG ott �'huxsday, Segtember 3, 1970, at 2:00 PaM, - \ phi.�CEN`I': Messrs. Ames, Doody, Gad�.er, McPartLin, and plansur of the Board, � an�] �;r� Sar.en��n and r�lrs . I�r�n.tzen of the staff, MIl?AS CORP'0[iATI�3N: �n app?.ication fa� a pern�it :o ans�al�. a 36-csr parking lot on proper.ty lacated c�r the saut�a�asterLy corner of Main €�nd West Ninth 5��:eets. Mr, Sorens�an sununa�-iz�d tlie s�a�� rep�rt, a part of the fi1e, st•at�.ng that rx 34-car parking Lat -•��s appr.c�vecl f_ox L-his propLr€:yr and �h� a�joi�razng 40 fezt to the sou[h on .7anuar� 3�, 197U, �he �arking h�:� not been itistal?ed zn accord�nce witlt t"ra.at permi?�. `Th� c�rigi�al suhanitted plans with theix spplication did ��.ot meeL r��uired desi�n s�an�ards; r�viseci plz�r�� do no� ��UVi��e far hituminou� �urf�c�n� and wil.t require a,ttendaza� �pexation. Tne s��ff fee�s the Zoning Bc�.�rd and City Coeancil mre being asked �o approve a n��a permi�. to aileviate �:k�c. neces^zcy ef fclLowz��R angrov�c� plan.s. Tiae gxoposed lot has less de:�;.ra�,�.e ��cter� �h�n tize o�ciginal app�aved one. Th.e Traffic Engineer �oted that the dri�ae���ny th�t is existing shoiald Ue rPloca�ed about 10 fe�t ��ie��. af the pres��.� xocation. Tt�e curb cut� in place aflung M��n Stx:�e� sta��zl.d be elxmin�Led. Tl�e ,�ernsit drac,r�.azg is poo�r, a�.d th.e exisa:in; sic�nw:�Ik ca�.dths ;3o noe conform to those s�:�wza an ths� p�.ar�. The rada.us a� .:he inLers�c"iorc i� inacc�a���te. In respcnse to a qi�estion Pir, Sax+�nson nc�teu t�aat C;aptain Anderson. was sent �oi.ice of today`s public hearinb, but has nc�t z°€�plf.ec.t, Icz co�c�.us�on, Mx�� Scsrd•:�.,on xiv�.:ed tha*r �he `�rai'�ic Eragineer h�� nat �pproved th�.s fac�.tity. T�ie pAe�.*i�Qa�s ��r�rtii.i: h�xc� b�r_�F�-� d�,.7i�;n t:eate.ires �xn� �oas �atisizin� al�. �he property--�izis one �.�a ct�.ly pa��tial parking witt� the rest of 4�h;= �rea foz s�5��'iY"a�� `° th� sta£f fear_5 tiais soil? �:v�ntual�iy end up as 1iTiLOY�78:. parking. Tf this pia�. iU �p�ra�ed, standards wiZx tae rel�xed. He r�c��:ed thaF� ifi ti�i� zs r�=_c�-s�:�m�nde�1 far apprc�vral, i� shoal.d be a�t�enda:i�- Gp��8t�a, Etavc v�.i:uz��Inc��.c5 ��.:r��ci.n� with striping, b1x�+i�er fences �.iast�ad of �ahe�Ist�g�s, t�;ain 5i�reet ruts sF�.oul.d b� closed and havFa ne�a curbing, an� the cut on. Na.ntlz St,-�e� sho�xicl '°�p r�?UCa�ed �ccoadir¢, �o i:��e "Txaffic Et�gineer. Mro Gadler asked :C` th�.s i.s on the stree� that cam�s off the �reeway, sa�d Nr. Sorenson answered that i'�: is the str�et �hai- uI.timately leac�s �o the freews�y. Representin.g ttap ap�ll.ca�t eaa� ��r. G. �,> A4ichaelsPny l�x�esic�ent af Mid�s �Corparation. I-Ie nQt+�d he didr�'t know a�e+ut t�ae a�prov�d pern�f.t since he jus� �i?�s�d the pr�perty. x�Ir. :oren��±x not•ac' tha9� r_hr� �e�rm3.'t was ��Sproved '�:ecter �hF, na�ie of �entxal Rac3t.�tor. �.c�_ MiDAS CORPt�.2ATI�1 (9/�/70) (Coatiuued) Mre Ames sta�ed that the prev�.ou� germit had bette�r fea�ures, aad shauld be adhered to, Thati paxkiag Iati was nevex iastalled, hawevere Mro Ames su�gested tha� the applicant woxk with the pl�iag staff on co�nplyiu� x�ith the approved applicatiocz, aud tche s�aff caa repor� back to the Zonia�g Board ��ethe� this r�ew app�ica�ia� can be raithdrawno Mr, McP�rtlin maved for aa inde£ixcite Yayover of this �pplfcation9 su�ges��.ng tbat a legal apinio�t be obtafned froaa ehe Corporation Covxtsel as to whether �he Zo�aix�g Bearcl �hould act on �his �ezmi� since one on th� same �rope�ty was app�'o�ed lsaa� �tever in�stal.2�do Pethaps the app3icaut can just tak� ouer the previa�s�y apgro�ed perm�.t, The motion was secanded bg Mxo Gadlsr, and ca�"xied aaxAanimouslyo Submi�eed by: Colc�.e�. Lo So�ez�sgsa P.o3�e�t L. Ames a Chaiz°maa e�pe . 1 .. �1INUT�S OF THE E�(TBLIC IiF�R�.adC Ii�:�(3R� `�� �t3R�}} OF Z�NII'�G on `Thursd�y, Dec�m��ea° Z7, b970,, ae 2:00 �'oM� PRESENT: Messrs. .Am�s, Daody, Gadl.er, a�ad Ru�z�c�� asf thc Boar�d; �'te:�srs. Brcowci, Roset�er, Ry�n, and S�r��ison, F�1rs e Fxantz�n, and rirs o I�an�orowicz of. eh� st�ff; and M�, Ite�e 51�rierc ai ttte �o�g�r�raticn. Ccztisnse�°s off�ce. 1�IiDAS CORPORATiON; An �pplica�3.on for � �e�x-f�it �o ic�s�all a 45-car parking lot on p�o�aerty l.ocst�d oa �he s�utheaste;:�� c��rr.er of ;�faixt z�a�d West t3in�l1 Streets e Tinis maeter was ff.rst heard at the Sep�:embPr 3, 1970, Board o£ Zonix�g meetingo AC that time, it was laid over �nd�f�.nirely. Mr. Rasette� aotec3 that the appii.can� txad reques�ed s further 1�yover because his wife is in the hospit�3, Mro Gadler mov�d for 8 Iayover of this m�t2:er ta tt�e Jan�zary 7, 1971, Board o£ Zoning meeti�ag. The mat£c�n was secanded b�r rir. R�tzicit, and earripd nnanimou.slya S�abmitLed by: Przul Lo P.as��ter Robert L� Ames, Ch�irm�� ., MINUTES OF THE PUBLIG HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF 20NZNG on Thursday, January 7, 197i, gt 2:00 FaM, PRESENT: Mrs. Cochrane, Mes�rs. Ames, Benshoof, McPartl3.n, and Mafetta of the Board; and Messrsa �rown and Rosetter, Mr�, Frantzen, and Mrs. Kantorowicz of the staff, MIDAS CORPORATION: An application for a permit to install a 41-car parking lot on property located on the southeasterly carner of Main and West Ninth Streets. This matter was laid over from the September 3, 1970, and December 17, 1970, Board of Zoning meetings. Mr, Rosetter su�narized the staff report, a part of the file, stating that a 34-car parking Lot was apy�roved for the entire �rea covered by the accompanying Iegal descripti�n on January 31Q 1970, 7'his applicatioa was laid over by the Zoning Board in order to obtain a 1ega1 opiaion as to whether the Board should act on an appiication involvic�g �he same aite as a previously-approved permit and whether the pxesen� applicant could take over the previously-approved pe�cmit. The Corporation Counsel disclosed the opinion that ttae Zoniag �oard may act on an app�.ication under these circumstancesa The Corporstion Counsel's Lctter aiso expressec3 the opinion that each applicaat must forlow appZication procedures ands therefore, thia applicant may not t1take over" the prev�ously-approved permit, Mr, RosetCer presented the sfte plan to the Board, He noted it is staff policy to be certain all land included in the legal descrf.ption is covered fn the plan. Therefore, the staff has revised the submitted plan to include the entire area for parking, making it conform to design standardse TExe building awner nexC door for whom the previously no�-included part of this site had been reserved for hi� pgrking, has expressed his approval of this arrangemento Upon a question by Mr, McPartlin, Mre Rosetter said ttie applicant has experienced difficulty in gctting together with the staff £�x consulta�ion on this parkin� lot sppl.icatione Mro Go Eo Michaelsen, representing the applic�tion, noted he is wiiling to cooperate fully with staff recoffin�ndations. Sub3ect fio staf£ recommeadations, Mr, 1�Iaietta moved L-or approvs�. o£ tb.e parking 2ot application. The motion wss second�d by Mro �3enshaof, and carried unanimously, Submitted by; Paul Lo Rosetter Robert La Ames, Chairman _6_ � City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 January 15, 1971 File X936, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held ia the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul aC 10:00 a.m. on January 28, 1971 on the applicatfon of the Midas Corporation for s permft to install a 41-car parking lot on the property described as follows: The Westerly 1/2 of Lot 5 and Lot 6, Block 4, Rice and Irvine's Addition. The property is located on the Southeasterly corner of Maia and West Ninth Streets. For further information, contact the Planning $oard, Room 1010 Commerce Buildiag, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has been senC out from the Department of Finance in compliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BUTLEx Cmznnissioner of Finance O - � �- �`�° � � - zq- 7 �. � � City of Saint Paul, l�innesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT c� ��ao (Please print or type) TO THE I�'ONORABLE bIAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one,out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Public Use � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot tr;rt� S;Y Cara To be used in connection with: �nn+hrar nf mr 7ots '�Q feet to the south on 9th � MISCELI,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: �� —�. Cars *Location g W Co'rner of gth and Main Legal Description : Lot Block Addition '�z of lot5 and 2/3 of lot 6 �3.ce and Irvines Addition Applicant's Name ' Mid�sEC��ra�.�se°n Pres Home or Office Address: 2403 I�ake E3aCe � Minrseapolis Minn 55�+05 Phone Number : Franklin 7-0306 . FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, " v' ' (signature) —���+i97� Address . 2403 Lake �.ace� Minnespol3.s Minn 55405 Phone No.: Fr�� 7-(J106 When completed: file three copies of this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. September 3, 1970 December 17, 1970 301�RD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION January 7� 1971 nl�t Map ��4 . -�- . .�_,..�. Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 pasged August 22, 1922, ae �mended to Apz31 $, 1970. 7018 1� RP��LICAK'�''S PiAML , Midas Corporation 2169 � I—� 1192 i o Ci.,ASSIFIC::ITI�JN ; � Amandment CI Ap�eal CC°J Permit I� �ther g_936 3• P(JRPOSE , Inatall a 41-car parking lot 4 , LOCATION ; Southeasterly corner of Main and West Ninth Streets 5. LE(',AL DE�CRIPTIOii ; Westerly 1/2 of Lot 5, and Lot 6, B1ock 4, Rice and Irvine's Addition. o� P�tE5F,tJT i.�NIN„ Copanercial % . ?URSUANT 't'� 7cn�n� Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Farac?raph: 4, 2 3 , S'1'AFF INV�STICATION � REP�RT; Date: 8/27/70 & 12/11/70 �y; CLS & PLR A. HISTORY: A 34-car parking lot was approved for the entire area covered by the accompanying 1ega1 description on 1/31/70. This application was laid over by the Zoning Board in order to obtain a legal opinion as to whether the Board should act on an application involving the same site as a previously-approved permit and whether the present applicant could take over the previously- approved permi.t. B. CORPORATION COUNSEL: In a letter dated 11/18/70, the Corporation Counsel disclosed the opinion that the Zoning Board may act on an application under these circumstances, but advised that the Board apprise the City Council of the fact that the previously-approved permit has not been exercised according to agreement, and further that the Board may wish to recommend to the Council that the previous peYtnit be revoked. Counsel's letter also expressed the opinion that each applicant must follow application procedures and, therefore, this applicant may not "take over" the previously-approved pe nnit. C. AREA ZONING: Commercial. D. DESIGN STANDARDS: PZans dated Received January 25, 1971, meet design standards. E. FRONTAGE ANA AREA: The site has a frontage of 90 feet on West Ninth Street and 150 feet on Main Street, resulting in an area of 13,500 square feet. F. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer has viewed the plen and gives his approval on the condition that the lot be serviced by an attendant. _.. __ _._._ G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is 1eve1 and at the grade of ad�oining streets. It is presently-used for parking in a manner similar to that proposed, but the southerly curb cut on Main Street remains open and accessible. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Thie aite and the surrounding area is included in the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Seven Corners Redevelopment Area. It is also included in the Planning Board'8 Central Business Dietrict-�Weatern Area report which recommenda a medical complex for this site and the surrounding area. 9. BOARD ACTION: To RecouQnend �X Approval � Deniel � Moved by ; Maietta Yeas Nays Council Letter Dated: Seconded by: Benshoof X Ames - Ch. 1/26/71 X Cochrane X McPartlin Date of Secretary'a Remarks: x Maiette Mansur Hearing: 1/28/71 x Benshoof (Alt.) Council Action Dooley (Alt.) - Prifrel (Alt.) Date _ . �- H... '� r �` .n�,ti •,. -:r^*�.� �r ��y..y a�,,.�+� ! ,d.y:�a. 4,y4 h . i'f°��'�rn `t:.T�},� 94 � � / _ - ,. , ., .... . . . , � �7 :' • �, .'.. y }..+ti �,� ,d�bc ..p ��t. Y . . . ��i�� . . _ . � � ..'_. _ , . . ) . : . , , . . . � n �.;. � . .. ,.r. � � , . ` . , .- , . /t ,`� . . . . .. 1- . : •- - .. .: . � .. . _ ... . �. , . �. .. �� . . . - •,.�, - . � ... -, ,.�..n: ... _ . .:,. . . , . .:.. . ., _ . ., . . .: . �.. . . . , . . , .. , . .. , . ', s .... .. � . ., . ' . � 't . ,. . � '� � � � .. . � .. . ' . . . . .. . :�. .. � :.�.. .. . , . , . ..� . . , . .r---, �/ . , h 8 : _ � _ � . . _ - � �c�bM �n� aa � - _ - , I ; . � N I1. 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