252459 \ ORI .TO CITY CLBRK 252459 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�JNCIL ESO TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE WfiEREAS, O�dinaaace l�o. 3250 a�the�rises aud provide� far payme�t f� overti�e wc��k, a�d T�fiEREAS, The Ccmu�i.ssioner of Parks and l�ecreatien a�d Public Buildings has authoriseci ov�rtime �c�tc in bia deparl�ent dro�ring tla� peric�d frca� Jars�ar� 23, 1971 tYaough Febsro.ary 5, 1971x . thereYca�e, be it RESOLYED, That the proper eity offiee�s are herehy� authc�3sed to pa� th�e easployees �so perfarmed snah o�r�tiiao xark 3� aaca�dana� wd.#rh ths proviaaims of O�idinsonc�s �To. E�46 aad Na. 3250• i�� � F�g 16197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �E� 1 � �g�� Butler - A o 19� 'Levine �_In Favor Meredith / Sprafka V yo Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty PLJBLISHED FEB 2 0 1971 �� _..__ __�_------- _ _ ___ . _._ _._�..___---.. 25? For Payrol7. Period from January 23, 1971 tho�ough February`5� 1971 ^'��� Department: Parks & Recreation & Public Build3.ngs . . NAME ' HRS. RATE PAY` DATE REAS�iz ._.._ ._.._ '� Jacobsa�n, Peter M. 82.000 5.6687 lt�t.83 �om Dec.29 RamseY County Open Space Pla�z tt�u Feb.lt IIpdate fYon 197t?••].999. 7�- wirka, Johr� M. 79.ot�0 5.668? lil�7.83 � M N M N Total Office Orr�time 912.66 T; 6c ���M6k�s�d by �a,���r �'�K,��y � • SUI�IIrJARY OF PAID OVERTIME FOR OUTSIDI� ROLL John M. Amon 8.000 8.1750� 65.it0 Various S�►ox rea�oval (� OT30 Parks� Buechner, Eugene W. 4.000 9.3656 37.1�6 1/30 " Jensen� Richard C. 5.000 8.1750 l�0.88 1/34 ' " Klein, Karl F. 5.�� 9.3656 1�6.83 1/30 N osW�a, ci$ua� T. 2i, o0o s.i75o i71.bs v�iotis � Qu3.st, Donald B. 5.000 9.3656 �6.83 1/31 " ftesemius, Gregory J.. � 5.000 ?.l�b25 37.31 1/31 . " ' Shantos, AndreW W. 9.000 8.175� 73.58 1/30 " � Tangen, Robert H. 16.000 8.1750 130.80 Various , " . 0.?? � Fletcher, Lala J. 1t.000, 6.5063 26.03 1/26 Paid Zoo Shox at Spring Lake '= Grew, Robert H. 8.000 7.0719 56.58 Variovs Como Ski Tox (2740 Refectori�.. Peterson, A lvin C. 6.000 6.8l�38 l�1.06 ,l/23,30 p . • ; . I D � (Fores�:. Irestc�no, Arthur G., Jr. 3.5�4 8.lt3�� 29.51 1/2l�,2/3 3ervicing Aerial Tm�ars( l�700 ?.00o S.l�300 59�.So1� ]./23,3o Plowing,�rapairi�g (Shop o732: . Jensean, �walter R. 2.000 9.3656. 18.73 1/29 Topped split t�r.e.(Forestry Kruse, Edward R. 2.000 7.1t625 11�.93 " " 1t700) Niemela� victor A. 2.000 8.1750 16.35 M u Vorliaky, Ralph I.. 2.000 ?.l�625 ].l�.93 " " � ...�.�.. Lacey� Eugene 0. ° l�.000 5.5625 22.25 1/23 Taking �bndei+matioa Picttu�es . I D Public Build�::: Lindner� Marvin D. 1.500 7.l�625 11.19 2/3,1t�5 Taking truak to and fram �oba Priester� J�seph V. �.000 7.l�b25 3'1.31 Various " (Forestry 1�7�0)` Simpson� Howard T. � 5.� ?.lt625 37.31 � " " Vorlicky, Leo T. lt.000 7.1�625 29.8K � tt Vorlicky, Ralph L. 3.500 ?.�625 ;'26.�; " 'r : Weber, Patrick M. 5.000 6.8lt38 31t.22 u " Woodward� Byron L. 2.500 9.3656 23.lt7. n r 199. a ..�.�. t2700 Refecta�ies� Wi�cley, Michael T. 18.5� 3.� 55.50 Various Co�no Ski Schoo� Flanagan, John T. 2.000 2.500 5.00 1/23 Battle Creek Ski Sahool Aollf2�aa, Tha�oas J. 9.000 3.000 2�7..�00 Vaurioua Battle Creek 3ki Sahool �*-�-� ---�-��- -- �. , ��� �r