252454 � , S OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 252454 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c�;rrrs� Co�2� COU CIL; ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y '.�s/�/���`" �f F°��3TF�8I'3►' ZC� 1971 COMMISSIONE� � �ATF BESOLVED: That Appliea�ios L«844.7 for the tras�sf�r of Off Sale Liquor I,icens� Fo. 2501 eapir3ng Jannary 31, 1972, issued to Haro18 M. Chea�shir and Tina S. Iaaa� �t 433 Sauth Hobert Street, be �.nd the sam� i� hereby traasfer�d to Harold M. Ches�3�ir (only) at the �ame addxe�s. Off Sale Liquor Establiahme�t � Tra�sfer from Partnership to'Individual I�iformally approved by C�un�il February 9, 1971 �k� � 619�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �E� 1 � �g�a Butler A � 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka (� or Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED F R ���97� � • " CITY OF'+�AIN� PAUL � � . Capital of Minnesota ���Z (/�� �f aUe a�tv�evtt o ub�C'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION por.ics DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner aEaLTa RALP'H G.MEARILL,Deputy Commisetoner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapeetor February 9, �971 Honor�,ble Mayor and City Cauncil Saa.nt Pau1, Minnesota Gentlem�n and Madam: Gu�rently Haxold Che�shir and Tina S. Isaaa, as a partner�hip at 433 South�bert Street are holder� of Off Sale I,iquor License No. 2501 and mi�cellaneo�as licenses (Confectionery, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette), all �xpirin� January 31� 1972. Th�y have held the licenaes as p�..rtners since Seaptember �9�5. Tina S. Isaa,o having relinqui�hed her interest in the business, application is made ,for th� trarisfer of these licenses from the partnersh3p of Chesshir and I$aac to Harold Cheeshir (only) at the same add.�ess. Attaehed is a letter of authorization for this transfer. V�ry truly yours, .��.� P I�1�.`0� ~ Licens� Inspectc�r ,� . _::Q�� �b � . ��,` � � ` � �` � . , � . � ` . � . � Honorable May�or Chas. McCarty City of 3t. Panl Dear S3s s Thia ia to inform yon that �lna 3. Isaac xiahes to relinquish her interest in the Riverv3.e�r Liquor Store nox in the name of Tina S. Isaac & Hsrold M. Chesehir and located at 433 s• �b� in favor of Harold M. Che�a}�is. Yours truly, s/.�%�(.CCJ � � Tina S. Iaasa 3nbacribad and aROrn to before m�e thia ]1,th day or daratar�, 1971 ' _����.,..�� �44�� Notary Pttblic o St,ats o! Yinnseots� Cvunty oi Haass� 14 Coami.a�ion �pirssi 8�72 . �,��2131415�s�j, �,o � �,� � Q� �Alr 1971 N , � � � s: � .1U�r r��� � � °1 P��l`c Safely � . • �� �gti� ����� '" � � ' . � � f � � . s r • ....4 � � � - . � Honorable Charles MaCarty M�r of St. Paul � . " , : . �• Dear Sir: � T'hi.s is to inform ynu that I w�uld like to aqu3.re my partnera , interest in the Rivoerviet�r Liquor Store at l�33 Sr Robert and nox � ' in the name o� Tina 3. Isaac 6eliarold M. Chesshir. Mrs Isaac has . indicated a2�.�ov1 �ike to relincN3.ah her part of the businesa.. � ' .. . . ... � . � - - , � � ' , . � . . . ' . .. .. . ,- . � � . . ' . . YOUrs txuly, Harold 1"I. Chea�hir , �ub�cribod �td snorA �o bn�ors ms t,h�w , ll,ti� c�c,y c� �M�.t+�r�� �.�'�1. • ,� llot.aty 'u���.i,� r,... B�aLr o! 1►�xinu�.ata, Coanty at' RaassB . '`., � lt� Cau�ras.�eion �arpir�at IR+�..72 ��12�31415�s�j,� . o � � . : � oj JA i J 1971 �, .. .. . �S.I '.t . .. . . ' � . . � l "���f V E D w , . . � ��t,. �:, DiV. ,V F� o(Pu�lic Sa/ety �'� ' ��` ����y " f�U4vZ ' � . 'A > . , ;., .,,; .,. . _ . . ..,. v . : �. _ ' ,. Februeuy 9, 1971 Hon. �Deaa Meredith, Camsr. of Public S4!'ety, 101 E. lOth. St., St. Paul, Minn. Attns Mr. Daniel P. l�feLewghlin Dear Sirs T2� City Cauncil tod�,y informally a�pprav�ed the a�rpli- csti�u o! 8arold Cheashir and Tins S. Isaa�, as a partnership • st 433 sc�th Robert straat, holders oY' Off Sal.e Lic�uor Licen� Bo. 2501, aad miscellanevua licenses (Conlectiarury, Ott Sale Me1t Beverage and Clgsrette), all expiring Jan. 31, 19?'2, for tbe transter ot these licxn�ea fran the partaership of Chesahir arid Isa�c to �arold Chesahir (on]y) at the s�rs �uldreas. W111 yvu please prrpat� the cust�m�ury resolutian? Very truly y�urs, City Clezk �P