252453 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 252453 CITY OF ST. PAUL �`E NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CO1�lITTEE COUNCIL RESOLU ON ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �et�u�r3r il, i97i COMMISSIONE ATF RF�OLYED: `T'hat Appli�ation L«�8360 for Junk Ikaler I,ic�ruse ne,de by Poar RLchard�, Txic. at 820 Cl�k Street, be and the �sffie 3s he�ebg grassted subjest to the following restriationss 1. Absoluto prohib3tiom m� any suat�mulatian of aut0mobilea fvr �unk or other simila.r pt�rpoeee. 2. All br�rnir�g prohibited exeept probably a11 t�sual hmu�ehold papere, etc. in an approved contai�er during the houra presently per�itted. 3. Dumping prohibited of "hot" load� or any ot�er dumping of trash, fill or other refuse. BENEWAL _.__ (8es�rietiona (Orig. C.F. 23739�) snd RESCIND� snd ��w Hestrictions, C.F; 240954 11�.14-6g) �Eg 1619�i1i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yea� Nays Butler �:�� 1 6 19�� � Approvpd 19— Levine v Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka U yor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED F EB 2 0 197� ��