03-1059Presented By:
Referred To:
Council File # 3- (d59
GreenSheet# 3007474
Committee: Date
i W HEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services is seeking a grant to develop a strobe smoke detector
z program for the hearing impaired and to continue to fund Risk Watch, an injury prevention program, and
a W HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to pay a 30% matching fund contribution of $13,213.50, and
s WHEREAS, upon receipt of this grant, the City is obligated to appropriate the grant amount of
� $30,831.50, and
s NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to
io execute an appiication for the City of Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services to apply for the
�� Assistance to Firefighters Fire Prevention and Safety Program;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui Department of Fire and Safety Services is requesting
assistance in developing a smoke detector for the hearing impaired program and continue to fund the Risk
Watch program; a copy of said application is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services.
Requested by Department of:
ire & Safe Services
Approvai Recommended by Director of Financial Services:
Adopted by Council: Date //fi �i���_ -� �?�J3
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary:
, ��il�
��� �
Form Appse�ed by City Attorney:
for S�bm
Y � b3-1�
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
. DepartmenUofficelcouncil: . Date Initiated:
FR �;re OSNOV-03 Green Sheet NO: 3007474
DeoartmeM Sent To Person n� te
Contact Person & Phone: _/��
SfeVe ZaCCard 0 ire
22&6201 /��yn 1 ire De artmentDirector '
Must Be on Council l�qenda by (Date): Number 2 ;tv Att me 1/�'Y I h ��
Routing 3 a or's Office Ma odAssistant
OfdBf 4 ouncil
5 i Clerk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature)
„ Action Requested:
To approve the attached Council Resolution authorizing the DeparUnent of Fue and Safety Services to apply for the Assistance to
'. Firefighters Fire Prevention and Safety Program.
Recommendations:, Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission � - �_ Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a conVact for this department? .
CIB Committee Yes No
�� Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �
- Yes No
3. Dces this person/firm passess a skill not normally passessed by any
� , current city employee? .
Yes No
" " Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet '
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �
The Department of Fire and Safety Services is applying for assistance developing a strobe smoke detector program for the hearing
impaired and continuing to fund Risk Watch, an injury prevention program. A requirement of this grant includes a 30% match by the
City of Saint Paut.
. Advanfages If Approved:
The City of Saint Paul will be able to provide shobe smoke detectors to the heariug impaued and continue to fund the Risk Watch
, , program. � �
- � � fa�."' � � ,"a� '"� 2
_ ' _.
� ' Disadvantages If Appraved: •
�. � _� � ''' � �"
��� � � ����
� � �� �r �
, m , .� , �
� DisadvanWges If NotApproved:
Lost opporhwity to secure funding to develop smoke detectors for the hearing impaired prograzn and continue to fund the Risk Watch
, prograzn.
._ Totai Amount of 44045 CosURevenue Budgeted: Pt
Transadion: . . �!Q3P,�j��j �p,r�
� Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financiallnformation: FederalShat'e$30,831.50 �gQ� � � "�'��3
(Explain) City Share $13,213.50
Total $44,045.00
�3 �
Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Fire Administration
2003 Program Guidance for the
Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program
October 14, 2003
This document provides a summary of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency's U.S. Fire Administration 2003 FYre Preven�ion
and Safety Grant Program. It explains how to apply, what items can be
requested, and how applications will be evaluated. Please read this
program guidance carefully. The Notice of Funds Availability and
answers to "Frequently Asked Questions" should also be reviewed when
made available on the USFA/FEMA website. Together, these
documents provide you with the information you need to complete the
on-line application. The on-line application will be available at
httas://aortal.fema.¢ov from October 16, until November 14, 2003.
Prepared by the U.S. Fire Administration's Grmts Program Offzce
The purpose of tlus program is to provide assistance to State, regional, national or
local or ni�a tions to address the issues offire prevention and Srefighter safety. Our
primary goal is to address at risk tarQet goups and/or USFA_i entified goals. By statute
The authority for flus program is derived from the Federal Fire Protection and
Control Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. §§ 2201 et seq.), as amended. In fiscal year 2003,
Congress appmpriated a total of $745,125,000 to carry out the activities of the Assistance
to Fuefighters Grant Program. T1us appmpriation included a mandate that no less than
five percent of the money be directed towazds fire prevention activities. The law also
allows for us to provide funding for fire prevention acrivities to national, State and local
organizations as well as fue depariments. In order to fulfill the funding requirement and
in order to allow other organizarions acrive in fire prevention activifies to have access to
funding, $27,500,000 of the total appropriation has been reserved for the Fire Prevention
and Safety grant program.
Eligible Applicants
Private and public organizations dedicated to reducing the effects of fire and fire
related incidents, and national, State, local, or community
aze eligible to apply for funding through the
Fire departments that have received funding under the comperitive portion of the
Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program inthe spring of 2003 are eligible to apply for
these fire prevenrion funds. Funding to any orgauization is limited to $750,000 per
Federal fiscal yeaz. If a fire department has received funding through the Assistance to
Firefighters Cnant Program, their combined funding from each program is limited to
$750,000 in Federal funds in a single Federal fiscal year. The Federal fiscal year runs
from October 1 tlu September 30.
Apnlication Process
This yeaz's application is automated and available on-line. The application will
be accessible from the FEMA and USFA Internet websites:
We have designed the automated applicarion with many built-in "help screens"
and "drop-down menus" to assist applicants throughout the application process. Another
posirive feature of the automated system is that it will not allow an incomplete
FEMA/USFA Program Guidance for the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
application to be submitted, i.e., the system will alert you if you have not provided
required information. Also, by submitting an applicarion on-line, you will be
automarically norified via e-mail that your application has been received. Applicants
may access, amend, and save their applicarion as often as necessary during the open
applicarion period unril they submit their applicarion or the applicarion period closes.
Once submitte� applications cannot be changed
The online system will allow one authorized representarive of an eligible
organizauon to log in and create a user name and password for the organizarion. The
selection of the authorized representative is at the discrerion of each organization. �
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�qaetlog�n_ and Failure to use �our es�sting nseivame`and '
pa�swords may delay the processing bf your applicarion. The information requested
on the automated application replicates the information requested on standard "paper"
Federal grant forms. The application includes general questions about the applicanYs
organization and constituency, as well as quesrions regarding the proposed project.
Paper applications will be accepted, but aze discouraged. We are discouraging
paper applicarions because of the inherent delays associated with processing a paper
application. Also, if awazded, applicants who submit paper applications must continue to
manage their grants via paper, including payment requests, requests for modifications,
reporting, etc., whereas, electronic applicants can perform �1 these functions on-line.
Additionally, paper applications do not have the built-in help that is available to the on-
line applicants. Finally, there is no builEin assurance that paper applications are
complete when submitted.
Applicants that wish to apply via pap� application can download the forms from
the FEMA website (athttu //www.fema.gov/ofin/grants2.shhn) or obtain them via mail
by calling our helpdesk at 1-866-274-0960. Paper applications must include the
following forms: FF#20-16 Assurances and Certifications; FF#20-20 Budget
Information--Non-construction Programs; and SF#424 Request for Federal Assistance.
Paper applieations forms will not be sent to prospeetive applicants via overnight
delivery, nor by frix or emaiL
The application period for the FY2003 program will begin on or about October 16,
2003. Completed applications must be submitted electronically or postmarked on or
before the close of business (5:00 p.m. EST) onNovember 14, 2003. A confirmarion page
is provided when an application is successfully completed. We recommend printing this
confirmation page along with the username and password created through the online
system and maintain as a reference file.
Applications submitted by mail must be postmarked no later thanNovember 14,
2003. Applications not submitted electronically must be mailed to USFA Grant
Program, Suite 330, 500 C St, SW, Washington, DC 20472. No late, incomplete, or
faxed applications will be accepted No electronically submitted applications other than
FEMA/USFA Program Guidanee for the 2003 Assisiance to Firefighters Grant Program
those submitted on-line via the automated g�au� application system will be accepted (i.e.,
we will not accept applications submitted via email). We will not be responsible for
applications mailed to any other address than the one listed above.
A written narrative is required for both online and paper applications. The
narrative portion of your application should pmvide the d�ails of activities you pmpose
to be funded including budget details for each activity. It should elaborate on the funding
priorities outlined in the Notice of Funds Availability and this guidance. Minimally the
narrative should focus on the benefits the constituency or target audience will gain from
the expenditure of the grant funds and what methodology was used to detennine the need
for this program.
Space for the narrarive is limited, so the narrative cannot exceed ten pages.
Please note the system will "time-ouY' on each screen if no activity is detected. If you
aze entering the information into a narrative box the system does not recognize this as
activity. Be sure to click the "save" button periodically to ensure information has been
recorded. We recommend that the narrarive be typed off-line on any word processing
softwaze, such as Word, Word Perfect, Notepad, etc., to avoid losing any work. Once
your natrative is complete, you can copy it or "cut-and-paste" it from your word
pmcessing source onto the narrative block in the application. Any supporting documents
that exceed ten pages will not be included in the review process.
berby applicants applying for Federal grants.
The DiJNS number is a unique nine-character idenfification number provided by the
commercial company Dun & Bradstreet. .
We encourage obtaining a DUNS number prior to the application period
Proerams and Program Priorities
e following aze examples of iniriatives that we deem to be of
lugh importance. This list is not an a11-inclusive list of pmjects that will be considered.
These programs aze not listed in order of importance.
Eliaible ActiviHes
to assure smoke alarms are
• Projects that focus on planving and practicing escape routes, or conducting
home fire safety wallcthroughs;
. L.e �3[�"r \r � `�N';lsr 3� a..L'>� 1 � 1• 1 � 1.
FEMd/(7SFA Program Guidance jor the 2003 Assistance to Fir�ghters Grant Program
Applicants can also call 1-800-333-0505 and register for a number immediately.
03- ���
i. Enhance national, State, or local efforts to reduce Sres and butn
injuries affecting children under the age of 14 or adults over 65;
ii. Tazget geographical azeas with a higher incidence of fire related
deaths and injuries;
in. Implement projects that mitigate risk in urban cities or groups of
high risk to include addressing culturally sensitive materials or
addresses social economic challenges;
• `k � b
. . . . and demonstrating \
wo g models of residential sprinklers; d
• Projects that promote the adoption or awazeness of building codes and
enforcement, impmve engineering or enact fire-related ordinances for new
• Projects that develop and � ,
• Local or regional programs that address training personnel in the area of
public education, code enforcement and arson prevention.
USFA Goals and Priorities
The three major goals of the U.S. Fire Adnunistration aze as follows:
. To reduce the overall loss of life from fire by three percent per year.
• To establish comprehensive mulri-hazard risk reduction plans led by or
including the local fire service in 2,500 communities.
• To create the ability for communities to respond appropriately to emergent
issues in a timely manner.
For the purposes of funding priorities unda the Fire Prevention and Safety Grant
The next lughest level of consideration will be provided to applicarions that
include the following characteristics:
Use of an innovative project to address an identified risk or enhance
traditional methodologies. We feel that benefit will be achieved through
innovarive approaches to fue prevention and safety. Projects will be
evaluated on the degree to which they propose an innovative means of
FEMA/USFA Program Guidance for the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
Proposals that do not address these
priorities will receive very low consideration.
�3- i�
addressing a recognized risk or the degree to which they address a previously
unrecognized risk.
• aze established with public or private
groups/agencies whose mission serves thepopulation identified by the project
We believe that pmposals that incorporate partnerslvps between groups and
agencies whose mission serves the target group of the projed will lead to a
greater success of the pmject. Therefi�re, projects that include such
parmerships and commitments will be afforded higher consideration.
• Tazget geographical areas or audience with a higher incidence of fire related
deaths and injuries. We believe there is a lrigh benefit to programs ttiat
address prevention issues to a targe�d geographical azea whether that be
location or audience.
• Present a high benefit for the cost incured and maximizes the level of funding
that goes direcfly into the delivery ofthe program i.e. projects that include
little or no overhead and administrarive costs.
• Include sound reasoning regazding the det��nation of the target audience,
measurable goals and project evaluation.
• Propose a program that will be sustained beyond the grant perfonuance period
and has a greater potential for long-term benefits;
• Illustrate the applicant has a successful record for timely project completion
and performance in similar projects.
Evaluation Process
FEMA will use the above criteria in ui2king funding decisions. Applications that
closely meet all of the listed evaluation criteria wIll be more likely to receive favorable
consideration. Additional considerafion will be given to applicarions that direcdy relate to
funding iniriarives listed above as well as those applications thatpmpose innovative ideas
or implement proven prevention strategies. Federal and Non-federal experts will assist
with the prel'uninary review of proposals and analysis as part of the funding decisions.
The online application will ailow for multiple projects to be outlined separately.
If applicants choose to apply for several diffaent projects, each should have details on
the azeas outlined above for tlris activity including budget details. Be advised that your
application should only include activities that can be completed within the on�yeaz grant
Other Eli¢ible Costs
FEMA/USFA Program Guidance for the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
03� �c��
( I) Administrative Costs: Aduunistrative costs aze allowable under any of the
prograin azeas listed above, in accordance with OMB Circulaz A-87 or OMB Circular A-
122, as applicable. (For more infocmation about the C"uculars, go to
www.wlutehouse.¢ov/omb/circulazs.) Applicants may apply for adnunistrative costs if
the costs are direcfly related to the implementation of the pro�am for wlvch they aze
applying. Adnunistrative costs are identifiable costs direcUy associated with the
implementation and uianagement of the grant. If requesting ad�ninistrative expenses, list
the costs under the "other" ca�egory in the budget and e�cplain the costs in the project
narrative. The adaunistrative costs should be based on actual expenses, not a percentage
of the overall grant. FEMA/USFA will reimburse actual expenses only. Examples of
eligible administrative costs would be shipping, office supplies, computers associated
with the NFIRS reporting requirements, etc. The cost of a grant writer (if specifically
listed on your applicarion), is eligible and can be charged to the grant as adiuinistrarive
costs in accordance with the provisions outlined below (see (7) below). We will assess
the reasonableness of the administrative costs requested in each application and
determine if it is appropriate and in tt�e best interest of the program.
(2) Indirect Costs: If applicants have an approved indirect cost rate, they may charge
indirect costs to the grant. If applicants are charging indirect costs to the grant, they must
submit documentarion that supports the indirect cost rate to FEMA/USFA for review and
approval prior to submitting any claims far indirect costs. The appropriate
documentation for an approved indirect rate is a negoriated indirect cost agreement.
FEMA/CTSFA will allow the rate to be applied as long as it is consistent with the
established terms of the agreement. For exa�le, some indirect cost rates may not apply
to capital procurements; in these cases, indirect cost rates would not apply for a gaut for
(3) Audit Cosu: Some grantees with large awards may be required to undergo an audit
in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. Specifically, recipients of Federal funding that
spend in excess of $300,000 of Federal funds in a yeaz must undergo an audit. (For more
information about the Circular, go to www.whitehouse.gov/omb/cuculars) The costs
incurred for such an audit would be an eligible expenditure if included in the proposal's
budget. Applicants may wish to consider inc�ding anricipated costs of such an audit if
applying for a significant level of funding. FEMA/LTSFA does not require any other type
of audit, therefore no other audits costs aze eligible.
(4) Renovation Costs: Renovaflons to an elcisting facility aze allowable only if the
costs comply with the final rule as published in the Federal Register (i.e., limited to minor
interior alterations costing less than $10,000). In order to beeligible, renovations must
be essential to the successfixl completion of the grant scopeof work. Consttucrion costs
are not eligible under the Fire Prevenrion and Safety Grant Prograzn. Conshuction
includes major alterations to a building that ct�anges the pmfile or footprint of the
structure. Note: Installation of fire suppression, fire alarms or detection systems are not
considered renovations and accordingly not subject to the limits oudined for renovarion
costs. The costs however need to be reason�le and justified. Fire departments who are
considering installation of suppression, fire alann or detection systems in a fire
FEMA/USFA Program Guidance for the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
03- ���
department facilily aze encoucaged to apply under the Assistance to Firefighters grant
program under Mo3ificafion to Facilities.
(5) Pre-award Costs: Generally, grantees cannot use grant funds to pay for pmducts
and services contracted for, or pwchased prior to the effective date of the gant.
However, expenses incurred after the application deadline but prior to awazd may be
eligible for reimbursement if the expenses were justified, unavoidable, consistent with the
ganYs scope of work, and specifically approved by FEMA/USFA. FEMA/USFA wIll
consider requests for reimbursement for pre-award costs on a case-by-case basis.
(6) Pre-applicarion Cosu: Expenses, obligations, commihnents or contracts incurred
or entered into prior to the application deadline aze not eligible to be included as a grant
expense with the exception of grant pteparation costs (see (7) below).
(7) Grant Writer Fees: Fees for grant writers may be included as a pre-award or pre-
application expenditure (as provided in section 152.7(b) of the Assistance to Firefighters
Grant Final Rule). But, fees payable on a contingency basis aze not an eligible expense
that can be chazged to the grant. For grant writers' fees to be eligible as a pre-awazd
expenditure, the fees must be specifically identified and listedin the application. In order
to be eligible, the fees must also be paid prior to awazd, e.g., paid within 60 days of the
end of the applicarion period. Applicants may be required to provide documentation to
support these pre-awazd expenditures.
Award Procedure
A panel of technical reviewers will assess each applicarions' merits with respect
to the detaIl provided in the uarrarive on the acrivity including budget information, the
rarionale used to identify the project, and the purported benefit to be derived from the
cost. The panel evaluators will independenUy score each application before them and, if
necessary. discuss the merits/shortcomings of the applicarion to reconcile any major
discrepancies.. A consensus is not required.
The ranking will be sunuuarized in a Technical Report prepared by the Grauts
Program Office. The Grauts Program Office will make award recommendations to the
Grants Management Branch of the Financial and Acquisirion Management Division. The
Grauts Management Branch wIli contact the applicant to discuss and/or negotiate the
content of the application before making the final awazd decision.
Grantees' Resnonsibilities
Recipients (Grantees) must agree to:
(1) ', agree to a matching cost-share of
non-F deral . enerally, recipients must agree to match with an amount of non-
Federal funds equal to However, the match for
FEMA/USFA Program Guidance for the 1003 Assistance to Firefghters Grant Program
�3 105
recipients that may, be characterized as community organizations whose mission serves
populations of 50,000 or less shall be 10 pereent of the total project cost. FEMA/USFA,
in its discretion, will make this determination based upon the organization's primary
target population as reflected in such things as its bylaws and mission statement. A copy
of the mission or bylaws does not need to be submitted unless requested. For fire
departments, FEMA/USFA will look at the population of the departmenY s primary
response area. "
pplicants do not need to have e matc on d when applying or when the
grant is awazded. By accepting the grant, the applicant is committing to spending the
cost share prior to the end of the grant period.
(2) Maintain operating e�cpenditures for the one-year grant period in the areas funded
by this grant acrivity at a level equal to orgreater than the average of their operating
expenditures in the two years preceding the year in which this assistance is received.
This program is meant to supplement rather than replace the applicants funding.
(3) Retain grant files and supporting documentation for three years after the closeout
of the grant.
(4) Ensure that all procurement actions ace conducted in a manner that provides, to
the maYimum extent possible, open and &ee competition. If the organization has no
established procedures, �
Documentation of the process used must be maintained in a grant file for the period of
three years.
(5) Report to FEMA/[JSFA the progress made on the performauce the applicant has
made on your grant after six months. At gant closeout, applicants need to report how the
grant funding was used and the benefits realized from the awazd in a final report. An
accounting of the funds should also be included.
(6) Make grant files, books and records available if requested for FEMA/USFA's
inspection to ensure compliance with requirements of the grant progr2m.
(7) If applicant is a fire department they must agree to provide informarion, ��,
through established reporting channels, to the U.S. Fire Admiuistration's national fire � •
incident reporting system (NFIRS) for the paiod covered by the assistance. If a fire ���
department does not currently participate in the incident repor[ing system and does not j V ��
have the capacity to report at the time of the awud, that grantee must agree to provide L
informarion to the system for a twelve-month period commencing as soon as they
develop the capacity to report.
(8) Follow the audit requirements of OMB Circulaz A-133, Audits of States, Local
Govemments, and Non-profit Organizations, which calls for grantees who expend
$300,000 or more in Federal funds in the organizations fiscal yeaz (from all Federal
sources), must have a single audit performed. (For more information about the Circulars,
go to www.wlutehouse.gov/omb/circulars.)
FEMA/USFA Program Guidance for the 2003 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program