252436 o�t�cic,c� . ._ ORDINANCE ������� COUNCIL FILE NO � - � PRESENTED BY �� RDINANCE NO � AN ORDIIdANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF K. J. JOHNSON CON�TRUCTION, INC. , AGAINST THB CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby autflorized and d3rected to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0435�*421, to K. J. Johnson Construction, Inc. , the sum of $125.00, in full settlement of tfieir claim of da�ages sustained on or about the month of November, as nore partic- ularly set out in a communication to the Gity Council Novenber 27, 1970. Section 2. That said sum shall be pa�,d to the said claimant upoa execution and delivery of a release ia full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained ia the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � MAR 2197J Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Carlson Tn Favor Levine ;.\ Meredith U _Against Sgrafka s�--_ �Ak 19:� ;� esident Y) Approved: At st: C' Cl r - Mayor �� Form approved Corpor��ion Cou sel By PUBLISHED �R 619 71 n�vbe.h f.pel�.e . , . _ ORDINANCE 2524�s COUNCtI FILE NO.� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO __� AN ORDIIJ�ANCB SBTTLING TNE CLAIM 0°F Y�, J. JOHNS�N CONSTRItCTION, INC., AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THB COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D13ES ORDAIN; Section 1�. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay oet of the Tort Liability Fund 0035•42I, to 1C. J. Johuson Conatruction, Inc�. � the st�a of �125.00, in full settle�ent of their cliim of da�aages sustaiaed on or about the �oath of Nove�ber, as �re partic- ularly set out ifl a con�runication to the City Counci.l Nove�ber 27, 1970. Section 2. That said sua� shall be psid to the said claimant upon execution and delivery of a relsase in fu21 to the City, ia a fot� to be appreved bY the Corporation Counsel, for all daaages sustained ia the �ann.er aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinaace shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � au►R a �9T� Yeas Councilm� Naya Paseed by the Coun�il Butler � % ��On 'U Tn Favor Levine Meredith il a�inBt s.,�«---� MAR a 19.7� Mr. President (McCarty) Appmved: Attest: City Clerk Mnyor �°� ..,;,. Form a��r°°ed �°r�°�tion Couneel By � �,. >. .. �. I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app��_Adopted�/-�--� Yeas Nays �Yeas Nays Butler \�iatler , � Carlson � �arison Levine � � ,�Levine �P � Meredi+h ��� eredith Sprafka �prafka Tedesco � ��^ Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O