252434 , � ORi6!NAL TO CIT CL[RK � ������ � . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � �� � C N IL LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE � ATE WH�REAS, Title VII of the Aousing Act of 1961, as amended, provides for the making of grants by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to states and local public bodies to assist them in the acquisition of permanent interests in land for open-space uses where such assistance is needed for carrying out a unified or officially coordinated program for the provision and development of open-space land as part of the comprehensively planned development of the urban area; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul (herein sometimes referred to as "Applicant") desires to acquire fee simple title to certain land known as the Frost Lake Recreation Site, which land is to be held and used for permanent open-space land for park and recreation purposes; and WHEREAS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating that title, provide that no person shall be discriminated against because of race, color, or national origin in the use of the land acquired; and WHEREAS, It is recognized that the contract for Federal grant will impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Applicant and will require among other things; (1) assurances that families and individuals displaced as a result of the open-space land pro�ect are offered decent, safe and san3tary housing, (2) compliance with Federal labor standards, and (3) compliance with Federal requirements relating to equal employment opportunity; and WHEREAS, It is estima.ted that the cost of acquiring said interests will be $75,321; and WHEREAS, It is estimated that the total amount of relocation payments to be made to eligible site occupants displaced from property to be ac4uired will be $805; naw, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul: � 1. That an application be made to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a grant in an amount authorized by Title VII of the COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine _jn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty O � ORIG�AL TO CIT LERK ����� + � � CITY OF ST. PAUL , FIOE NCIL NO. .� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • ' - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE2 DATF Frost Lake -2- 2-11-71 Housing Act of 1961, as amended, which amount is presently estimated to be $38,465.50, and that the applicant will pay the balance of the cost from other funds available to it. 2. That the Commissioner of �arks and Recreation and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such appli- cation with the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by said Department and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Applicant, and that the proper city officials are authorized to execute such contracts as are required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 3. That the proposed acquisition and development is in accordance with plans for the allocation of land for open-space uses and that should said grant be made the Applicant will acquire, denelop , and retain said land for the uses designated in said application and approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be and they hereby are assured of full compliance by the Applicant with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment e,ffectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 5. That there exists in the locality an adequate au�ount of decent, safe, and sanitary housing which is available to persons displaced as a result of the open-space land project at prices which are within their financial means and which are not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and {; public and commercial facilities than the dwellings of the displaced individuals and families, and it is the sense of this body that such displacees, if any, will be relocated in accordance with applicable regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 6. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be and they hereby are assured of full compliance by the Applicant with the Federal Labor standards imposed under Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as amended. F EB 12197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �'�� � 2 �97� Carlson Approve 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith J or � Sprafka l� Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED FEB Z o 1971 �� o�.�,�,n,�.�,� . - 252434 . 4 - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRES�diTED 6Y � COMMISSIONER ^AT� i+iHEBEAS, Titis YII of the Hani� Aat ot 1961, a� a��nd�d, prv�i�s !os tha a�kia� o! �rants b� tLe Sscrstas� ot �arins and IIYban Dawloprst to at�l�s asd local pablic bodia to as�ist �a Sa tb� acq�aitiaa ot p�s�uat in�sast� ta La�d for opsn-�paa� tiw �rhss� sw� a�ai�ta�cs is aNdal fer casr�iss aat a miti�d os olficial7� caordfaat�d psoara� �ar th� psodsioa aa�d drw7�op�nt ot o�Pa�-sPae� 7.�d as past e! ths co�pr�h�ai�rsl� plam��d �s�nal.apa�st �i tlu mrban u�a� a�d iiHBBEAB, Tha Cit� of S�int Panl �(Lsrain saMtftw t�f�sr�i to a� "Appii�t") drfrrs to acquiss f�a si�pls titl� to �sstain la�d �► �s tL� lsos! Lak� sactsatian Sita, vhi�h land is to b� h�ld aad n��d tos pss�t opas-spac� lasd fos park and ncac�atiaa pnspos�s; aad iiHS�t1iA8, i'itls VI of ths Ci�ril Ri�hta Act ot 1964, aad tl� n�nlations ot tba D�partMat of Howing and IIrb�n Drniopra�t afluttratiR� tLat titlt, provid� that so parsan ahsll b� disqciaiaat�d a�ainat b�aauss ot sa�s, aolo�r, or national origia in t6a u�a of th� land aaqnistid; aad i18S�8A8, It is raeogaisad that tlu eoatsut �or lh�s�al prmt Mill iiopo�� �sstain vblisatioo� aAd raaponsibiliti�s npon t6� Lppliaant and ni11 r�qv�tss mag othsr t63nga; (1) a�smcuc� that f�dlia and isdiddn�ls displa�d a� a rvul.t o� ths opau-apus la� pro��at as� o�i�s�sd d�a�at, aafe ��o�liancs v�ithgP�d�sral rsqnir�nb sslating to �qnal�o�r�t �Wportm�it7i and �E�S, It ia �atiaat� that du ao�t ot a�quiriar �aid iat�ra�b �ill ba $75,321; a� WHS�8A8. It is uti�at�d that ths total mnnt of raloc+atioo pay�b to bs aads to aligible �ita occapanb displ�d iro= prop�stp to bs u�ais�d will bs $dOS; sar, th�rslosa be it jtBSOLV1iD. D� ths Co�mcil o� ths City ot Saint Piwls 1. That an application be a�ids to th� D�put�t of Hawios a� Drban D�wlop�sat !or a praot in �n a�t wthoris�d bp Titla YII of ffi� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounM� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r A aninat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty o��,�T���,� . r 252434 � ° ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FC'OLE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRBENTED 6Y � COMMISSION�R DA*� F1'Oit I+�k+! �Z- • Z-11-71 Housin� Act o� 1961, a� am�aaded, vhicti aw�mt is pras�tl� esd.aatad to ba $38,46S.S0, and that th� applicaat will pay tbs bal�uas of tha aost ira� othss funds availabls to it. 2. Tbat ths Cc�eisaianer oi parlu aad �earsation a�d P�lic Buildinga ia harab� authorissd and directsd to �ucata aad to �ile auah appli- cation with the H�puhast oi Howia� md IIrba� Dnrslop�at to provid� additional iator�tioa and to furaiah snah doe�mants as �ap bs reqvdrsd by aaid Depart�eat and to ac�t u the authoris�d cosrespand�nt ot tba Appltcaat� and that ths praper eity o�fi�iala us authosissd to esacnta such contract� as ars nqnirad by th� Deputaaat oi Housing and IIrban Dawlapa�nt. ' 3. Thst ths propos�d uqvdaition aad da�lopaeat is ia aacordasua vitti plans �or th� allocatioa o! laad !or opan-aput nses and that �hould said graat bs aiaide th� Applica�t will aaqnin, dewl.op�,. and retaiu �aid land for the us�s dvignatad in said appliaation and approwd by tha D�patrtrnt o� H�owing a�d IIrbau Da�v�aloprat. 4. That the IInitsd Ststb of Arrica aad tba Sscretar� of Honaing and Urban Drralop�ent ba and ths� b�by ar� assur�d oi fnll oo�pliaa�e b� t6e� licaaat �ith rsgulations o! the DeputMnt of Howin� and, IIrb+m Dswlop- nent�sctwting Title VI of ths Ciril �tighb Act of I964. S. That thsra exists ia ths loaalitp at adpvat� m�t of d�wnt, sats, and saaitas7 honsin� vbich ia availabl� to persans displac.�d as a r�an1C o! the apr.c-spacs land preject at pric�s �rhich ass vithin their finaaatal �sas and vhich ar� aot �anarslly lsss dairabls in rssard to pnbli� utiliti�a and pablic acid canoascial facilitiea thaa the �slliags oi ths displae:�d individwL and fadli�s, snd it is ths a�asa o� this bodp that �n�h diaplace�s, if a�r, aill 'b.s relocatad in ucosdaaca vith applicabla s'egulations of tha Departseat � of Ho�sing aad IIsban Dav�elopsaat. 6. 1!►at ths Uaited Stat�a of A�eri�a and th� Secs�tarp ot So�usins and IIsban Dav�alapaait bs and thsp baraby ars asanr�d oi fnil c�plianae b� ths Applicaat with tht Fadaral Lsbos ataadards itipos�d uader Title VII of tha Ho�sing Aat of 1961, as a�adsd. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council F E B 1 2 � 19_ Yeaa Nays Bu�,� FEB 121&ZA , Carlson Approv� 19� Levine Favor Meredith � 8prafka �y� Tedesco AS'��t Mr. President, McCarty , ��