252432 . , � , OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ' � �j����`� CITY '�OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. �� � OFFICE O� THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SO TION ENERAL FORM February 12, 1971 PRESENTED BY V].CtOP COMMISSIONE DATE �I I VVHEREA.�i, the Council o£, the City of Saint Paul is informed by the City .Architect that the vaca»t.; and open buildings located at: � I 592 Marshall _ ! -in the City of Sai�it Paul are a proximate hazard to th.e public health, welfare ar�d s afety; and WHERE�-1S, the ].ast kno�,vn record owners of said propert�� .are: Thomas C. & Naomi Ward; Rus s ell Peters on � -and said owners have failed to secure the same against entry by ua-iauthori��ed � persons in violation of S_ection I92, 18 of tl�e S�.int Paul Legislative Code, anc3 said vacant and open buildixigs have been found and determined by the Council of the Cit}r of Saint Pau1 to constit;ut� a menace to the public health, welfare and safety �i1d a ptiblic nuisance wh;.ch must be irnmediately ar�v�ed.to �revent loss of life or property; now, th�re£ore be it RESOLVED, that the City Architect is aut�or ized aiad directed to immedia.teJ.y secure s�,id buil.di.ngs by the use of coni;ract labor undea ContracL No. 7358 pending ��roceedings under the Hazardous Luildings Act; and be it FURTHER R.ESOLVED, tYiat the expense of securing such Uuildir�g� be paid froxn Fund No. 0979-269, Summary Abatenzent, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to talce appropriate action to reimburse said funcl by action against the owner of said property, (Estimated cost: $168). � ��g i 21971 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couxici 19— Yeas Nays Butler F E B. 1 `,�, �97t� Caxlson Prov 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith � � Sprafka yor Tedesco A'B'ainat Mr. President, McCarty F E B Z O 197� 1'UidLl�`rli�D . . ...�:,�.;� ��