252429 _ , , � , 52429 , o��„��.�� . CfTY OF ST. PAUL Fc�«�� OFHCE QF THE CITY CLERK C�1iV�iL RESOLUTtON—GENERAL FORM �� COMMISSfONER , �A� �� � � � � � ��� ��� � � ��� ��� �� �• ��' � �� �� � �� ��� � �� �� 1�� � �ti � �_ � �r�� � �Z� � �1M� � � ��� � � �� �� Is'YW, �I�Ifr! 'tltl� I � t� ilrr'!1� M! �` 1�►l►s M �111i�i �#r�e �i !�► M '"litL�t I'y. qa �M�ri �[ Mwi�i �t M�ir� l�rll+�#� iiu �a+M M �It�N tir�rt�2 �►i�lwirs� a l�si' p4►�ia ap�st,�rr� is teM �ll�st�r i�i �rr+��► +� tlr �1MewM �t �1�M a�rt � Ml�t; �t �ta�et�ap � 1rr�i�#1�i�, a�sf,lr! a�t �r�r s �tjwMelr� tr�3�t tw�'s +r�M �l�Ri+1�� i� 1�M� �t wi�l�e �Ard�ett�r �r! �M I�q� +rt �+� tirr�L, lllfa���Ra �ae�stRaat :�tri�i t�► �M1 1tb� '�tt�"�� 1�M ��ne�, � �t �M�rtllr+�i a {��sii a �swrq� rrtit�l, "N�rt�lr�w�rirt �w�s���wt �r �r 11� I, 1�'/I !�r yeil �, i!►7!," �i�ti� �L a l�wl�.�t iyrt;�. i�e��l ls�r ��se�.��sti� �pi�, lt�r► �ti�i �iii� �`���r�tl�Mt �et• �ss �li,�t��i�7 ��, �*� Oea�r-is*�i �wirt,� �r �!'rl�► i�l�'�, ' �ilit�tl�r �s#i�ib �tt,, x� M�tty is��yily �, t!�► �a a�i istiYtt�r t�e't• a�i �tit�w lrqctisi�se�t�r M�r�rt, attf� lMrt�b !� as Klt�r �! lrr� "�at ��� t�t�s �t D�rwii�t tr��saa /e+M��tly ti! 1� �, aM i1n �t�►1#t�tie �. tir�uiit �!' �s �el.q a tlM ira�srl�r � � 1�e1� �► �e • l�n �Mae M�t� 1�� �rt; !�� I !� t1� �t �►t. �l1►,'3,� +pi �' a � �ttatl �rase, a r�� �t� aM; i �1 �r�st tie � � � :�aelir� �.pr dN lnli �t a�atZa1►l� !re rt�letYe� �t #i�i� � !s'�M ii,' �wi► l�e�i � � � 1M�,. tl�s �t�l�t i�l�rt �ea�t YMpe 2iI ' +�w1� it�la�rN�t dMeMit �aart� tl�► �rir�■� s�� ��nl��e �r /+�rnc�l�i t� �1�tt"�w �► a���irM� . nitia� �rr�� �t� 1�Ma �1� Mtan�LaMt �► tlriir O�ei! iir i�t�is � t�tq'#��lt�� 1�t� ti� ir�,� s�i�� pt ��I►i�i�t�i� � ' w011� 'l�i�pRl�, #� I! � � � O�L f�1/ '�t +�[!� 0� l�3M�" � �It�t 1. lwte t� �l,�e1Mr�! D�wrl��re h�ptar twae 1�q► �, �!7'1 ��!�'il i4, i!7!, ��r1 a�al lee�rarst trre 1aei�. l+Ne IiI rart lann��r �qN�� �r! dw� 0i�c �► 1w�aer�,lr�r COUPT�IL��N Adapted by itl�e �'',oumo3L 19— Yeaa Nays . Butler Carlson A�ve� �8_.. Levine . T*+ Favor ' B�eredith � sp� roOA;flA f, Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � ��8 ; � . . . �."�,n,�.R,N,� 252429 CITY OF ST. PAUL �Na�. NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ��.� COMMISSIONER , ^An � :• ais�s�t er► til� a a�r �t aa�t h�sa� aa�t 1►pliaetiw !�e ;sa�wrt �riti �r �et�tt�r o! tt�is �ti�. 3. �at �e t. �t�ease �t t�. arrweie�a d�e �r�► �r�r�t �. d�. v.��.s a� �qt�e�rt� wt K �ar1�s r��wptl aeieiKti�s �tltlu t�l !ltrellrl ar►�t+l�rrs� �Irt litl� I. i�elriiw� tl�� ra�l#tl,�t t� �a� tiN �nl�su!l�e� �!' �i� �ta, (b� t1w� p�i�lw� �!' Ieeal �tr-faMaLi„ a�i �� !�M �rai�lMti� �!' �lMS'irdsatf� 1�sarN �K sas�. Ml�r, ttM+l, os rrtl�al oel,*i�, 3. �haR tlM tlrrYSia�t NaLlt�sei i�ilati� wi�s iYel� I #�1 a�M+� !� �bl� tlM �nttiirritp eo li�s� t!� �st�rkiqs a�t �stir�ti�r �e+��t te � �aw �i . rawwtl iter�wtt. 4. Z6at t1N �ef�t�r ta Nd�eis� t� lil� �at A�1►l�re�w !�e:!lMrs3�1 Nsiaew� tr esrsar art t� Mii�Mrrlr�r� !s�)+�lr�� lmeir �rri �al iass'� �t. FE61 � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Can++� 18_ Yeaa Nays Bu�� FEB 1 a �97t Caxlson Appro� 19_. �� _ Favor Meredith Sprafka �r Tedesco -���nst Mr. President, McCarty �� . • _ _ ��o�-�-� , LIST OF PEOPLE SPEAKING AT THE PUBLIC , ' HEARING ON JANUAftY 15, 1971 Anthony Danna . Edward Helfeld � Thomas Schaenzer Joint Project Area Committees � 1. SU2�IIT-UNIVERSITY . � � . Joseph Pilate William Stewart 2. WEST SEVENTH STREET - Richard Prokop, President „ �' 3. CENTRAL CORE - SEVEN CORNERS Bob Van Hoef - Roger Starn Lloyd Leider i 4. TH0�1AS-DALE Adolf Tobler, President : Dick Zasada Lloyd Bergum > 5. WEST MIDWAY/SOUTH SAINT ANTHONY Elizabeth Clark, President LaVerne Van De Brake -�--a Harold Feder � Representative Robert North Other Citizens � 6. NDP III - GENERAL William White , Gerald Ouderkirk Charles Poe . B. Warner Shippee � Lorraine Wood Trades & Labor Representative . ` t �`� �C _ �.�yl..'� 1 .,' � L � . ROBERT D. NORTH I ���� � ' {�' COMMITTEES: . DISTRICT 4BA �� fF'`-+ � ' -�'-�_� ,�_ �.- CITIES OF THE FIRST CLA55 RAW.SEY COLN2Y " �` �� — — � ',"'� y;�'� �_�S CRIME PREVEN7ION- 1642 BL41R ��� � .�.�•�� � �-? ° - ��'�°�'' GENERAL LEGISLATION, VETERANS, A^!O } — '_ ST. PAUL, M6NNESO7A 55104 � � ¢,__i +� Y':-� a "'�� ; .;- CONSUMER AFFAIRS ����+.5� Y ��� ,_ T _ '�_:=� HiGHEFt EOUGAT;ON se—,�. _ �� — _�s�„ q�-+ "'�''- _ --� METRO°OLITAN AND UR9AN AFFAIRS ����t' J���tl�l�eSp�R NOUSE OF RfPRESENTATIVES L. L. DUXBURY, ;peaker January 15, 1971 Honorable Charles P. McCarty Mayor, City of St . Pau� St . Paul, Minneso�a Dear Mayor MeCarty: Over �he last t:zree years the residents of South St . Antnony have in one wa� or another been invoZved in �n attemp� to re3e�,elop th�ir neighborhood into a better place to live. Throu�hout this process they have worked Vrith the Housing an�i Redev�lopment Authorit�; The H�A and the neighborhoods residents have not alivays been in agreement on ev�ry point . On orie �hing, however, they have agreed; that there should be housing Ea.st of Raymond. They have also generaZl�r agrPed that Lhis housing shoulcl be of a higher density than sin�le famils� residents a.�d that. land occupied by sub-standard housing and non-compatab'?e indus�rial praper��es shauld be cleared to ma�,�way foi� such housir_g. This ��ar' s program works toward the fullfillmer�t of these gaals . The city council b;� its acceptance in the pr•evios year of the HRA - F'�C �ropasal has , from my viet°Tp�int at least , a.l.so committfaf� itsel.f to similar goals . Whi�.e the mayor and council :iave annual revie��v powers over the HRA�-PAC proposal� th�s revies�� should �� confined to a.n exarnina-- tion of wne�her or n�t a specific �ears pro�ram mee!;s the , previously agreed upon goals . If the basic. goals of' t;�ye the HRA-PAC are ccnstantl; up for reviPw there wi13 be little progress . Sincerely, � � �� � � �f J'��,4A . �- �. �, L,, ; � Rep. Robert D. Norfi�h /L;i �J ; �. �� �„ _ ..�. '.��i \\<'�� . '4'=:�.> '� � . n .. _.._-��C-.'.; � , ;�. +, �.a ., The Mayor and the City Council St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Ma,yor and Council: The deciding factor that brought about the City Council's decision to have �, ref- erendum taken in the Thomas-Dal.e area was a presentation of a petition. We feel that this petition is invalid for these re�.sons: 1. The last line was added %after tl�e signatures were collected. In fact, Page 5 of the petition �oes not include this line. 2. Signed affidavits have `est�blished that many of the signator�es were mis- lead as to the purpose��,nd content of the petition. 3. It has been establish�ed that two of the signatories could not possib�y have signed. We also feel that the activity of the organizers of the petition drive was mis- directed for the following reasons; l. The organizers did not direct the petition signers towards e�cpreesing their v3ews �d:thia the framework of the Thomas-Dale Association. 2. All residents within the Thomas-Dale �rea were eligible to vote on this issue, whether they chose to or not. Di�stdent views can be expre��ed at the �enerel meetirig. Petitionin� th� City Council only- undermines the integrity of the Neighborhood Development Program. In conclusion, we feel that in 13ght of these facts, the Council should re consid�r its action of last week and r�instate the Thomas-Dale Neighborhood Devel.opment Program to its previous le�itimate status. (/(° omas A. Sch�enzer, Presi ent, Joint PAC Council � ��� Adolph Tobl�r, President, Thomas-Da,le Association ���� ���� Richard Prokop, President, West S�venth Street Association �������� Elizabeth J. Clark, President, West Midway-South St. Anthony Park Association � � F ASSOClATIOAI OF ST. PAUL COM�1'iUPdfTi�S PI�ESIDENT .... _ Fredric R. Steinhauser t FIAST VICE PI3ESIUENT u�� ' couamr � u�wn���M � /�11C(tTIFET rwut�ru�'. , ,� � �' u������ Moody �� ; Maceo G. now�r � �• ' ` � �����E ;��o��: o�« �--�• SECOND VICE P�?ESIDETuT � 'YI 1111 11IE1 IIQ - • 't�'�S �"� ' Robert J. Ferderer � SIIYYII� YFItEitllt �CPMfiCt1 � D'� /� YICItfSTfl IqEtY:fW�--� SECi1LTt1�Y ` Usr00 ; r ���� �'�� UfitE ��f� John K. Rut f ord �I � __ _ ;MESI SE1E�iM:�` WpS1 SiDE �' Ill{ ' � �SitFfl - ; �,,,r��; ���.�UY.�R � •�W�� `v � � Miss Pam Jackson ',� '� `�''-': � DII3ECTOBS �, ,: " 2243 SCUDDER STREE7 ' (,�. ___ ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA + �� Rat�ert LJ� Nor�h , . 55'°8 Fredxic Fi. 5teinhauser Jarivary 13, 1971 Members of the City Cou�cil, Th� AS�`u�7CIATIdN OF ST. PAUL COP•ii�tlNib IES �Et V�1th representativcs of the South St. .Anthony Park PAC to discuss proble�ns they are having in �e��iizg the�r community plan accep`�ed. The ASSC?c.�7�TI�:�T feels that �he Sc�uth St. l�nthony Park cltiz��s l.av� ;7���pared a rea,sonable plan and therefor�, the ASSOCI��.�'?:�?� pas�e:cx a resolu�lon ask�ng the Cif:y Council to pass the plan a.s presented. The �S�QCTATIOIT worked witlz the cit izens of South St, Ar.thony Pa..rk dl�.rin� �h� ori�;inal plann�.ng for that community. The l�SSOCI.�TIOrJ �1.so appeared l��for.e tih� City Council to assist in �,�t��in� �he f irst proposal ap�r�ved. It shotald be remember�d that th� t�aVOr of St. Pzul and representatives of the Hous9.n� �.nd Redevelopment Authority made a com�i�ment to the citiz�ns of this community at the • time of the a,doptior� of �he �?llP progra�. This a�.reement - k*�,s �'hat t�Q e3�cted citi z�r_ PAC or�^.ri�^tion L�!pL?�Ci. EJ� th� comnranity°� representative ir� the plannikzg operation. The 1iSSOCIATI0I3is askin� that t�ze City Council noi�r honor its commi�ment and accep� the pr�sent plan. urs truly, � � Fr�dric R. teinh�.user � _ President and Directar r � CENTRAL MANOR 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET � LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55,0, 222-3178 iatiu.aT�' ls, 1+��'1. To: '.�he ?�onora,b_lP Charles P. 1�cCart�r, �tay�r, and Me�l�ers of the City Council From: 1•xs�,.�l.vin �Tel�er, 1'resident Mrs. Cecil Wood, Chaimtian, Urlesn 1'�enewal �tem �i order to m�aintain a viakle city, �oar�e of St raul's oider nei�hleorhoods must have help ta eliminate l�light �nd sutistandard hous3.ng and to formulate comprehensive plans. The St ?aul �ea,gue of Women �Toters believes that lry worki.n� together in the Nei�hl�orhood Develonment ?ro�rara the St Paul �ou�ing and �eci�velopment btithorit� and the nei�hborhood council� (1'AC's� sre on their way to aehi�vin� this $oa7.. We, t,herefore, recommnend the aceeptance lry the City C��nei1 of the rro�ram for AID1' Year LTI as �resented by the �i. and a�aproved l�y the !'AC's and l�y t�he nei�htior— hoods at their gen�ral meetings. We would also l.:i.ke at this t3me to make s few comments lrased on our �bbaervation of the Nei�hborhood �evelopme,nt ?rc��ram: First, we coaenend the �A for treir eontract chariges which a11.�w for discuss3on lretween the r11C's and ths �or.�missioners of the Autho�rity in a case o� disagreement plus the presentat3on to the Council Ly the 1'AC's,°,any vnresolved disputea. �"he &�, l�y this action, has broadened the op�ortunity for meanin�Pul citisGn parti�cipation. We are pleased too with the cooperation xe have obserrved l�etween the MNi'C and H�lA in Summit �Tniversit�*`s Nei�htior_ hood D�velop�aent Pro�ram. We als� coaur�end the ?AC members for their unselfish �ivin� of their time without compensation toward the improvement of their neighl�orhoods. Certainly the fllture of mur cities d�bends on this kind of citi$en invo].nement �nd willin�ness to give of oneself. We ar� aware that l�ecause oP relocation problems in the ti�ht housin.� market, 1'i� has limited its relocation load for ldDP Year ZII to 33` families, considerabl7 tielow last year�s numlrer, and has als� 1i,m,ited as much as possitile the taking of standard hou�in�. We exxioect the asse�rance fraan t'utA that it �aril.l continue to follow its pclic� of . CENTRAL MANOR � �4���� LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 222-3178 Pa,ge 2 Jan�asry 15, 1��1. relocaticm only When housing satisfactory to the displaced family is av�.3,lskle, and further that H�A wili halt (as it did ea.rlier� all. demolitian Khich displaces families if �ro�ected relocatiran aources faL1 seriously �ehind. �'e res�►eetf'u�_l�r re�,uest the Council to accept the NDr Year 2�I pm�x� which �ri.l]. continue the work af renearin� housin� and assanbline sites �or hou�in� and industrial devel�pment. This lon� range pro�ram wi11 not anl� �eneP3.t the res3de�ts �ut Le of value to the cit�r by increasing the tax tiase. ?Y�rs Alvin Wel�er, President Mr� Cecil Wood, Chairman, Urban Renewal Zte�n 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 01. Etlward N. Helfeld, executive director.phone 223 52 18 ', � r_ DATE 1ANUARY 20, 1971 Z�-� 1 HOUSING AND REDEVELQPMENTAUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FRO M EDWARD N. HELFELD SU BJECTi ELECTIONS IN THE THOMAS-DALE AREA � � Given the discussions of the past week, I thought you might find useful information on past votes taken in the Thomas-Dale Area; 1. S-n December of 1968, the Frogtown Improvement Council, after numerous meetings discussing the issue, conducted a vote aC St. Agnes Church to determine attitudes about participating in the Nei.ghborhood Development Program. One hundred eleven � residents voted for the program and 64 voted against the program. 2. In December of 1969 the first elected PAC conducted a vote in which 340 residents favored the plan as prepared by the Thomas-Dale Development Council and 225 did not favor the plan. 3. In October of 1970, the second elected PAC conducted a vote in which 36 residents favored the plan and 30 were against it. In addition elections for PAC officers were held in September of 1969 at which 584 votes were cast, and on September 28, 1970 some 218 votes were cast for the present membership. 1 - � � . . � C�G-'1�1� 0 � t t � �. �� �- z�.� ' Frog-town Civic Council � 605 N. Dale St. St. Paul, Minn. 55103 Jan. 20, 1971 T0: Mayor Charles McCarty Members Of City Council, In support of our position in accordwith Statements of our letter, we the Frog-Town Civic Council, request timeto appear before the City Council in order to present more signers of our position, and to permit some of thepeople who were threatened to appear And testify. If at all possible, we would appreciate time to appear Monday Jan. 25, 1971 at 10:00AM for hearing. Sincerely � „ r �/� '� � /�����v...i ,r '�``� Act' g Chairman � F'� . ' . �1 , �`�, , � � � � � t , Frog-Town Civic Conncil � 605 �i. Da►le 8t. � st. �aul, Yfnn. 55103 v � sauuary 20, 19?1 t o t-Ys�yor Ch�,rle s 3icCarty � Yember� of City Council, , The Frog-Town Ciiic Cnunci�� as �ell ae maay of the property owners and re$identa of the Dale-2homz►s area, are deeply dietnrbed l�y the tactice and praatices th�t }a�ve beea applied by represeatativea of the Thomae- Dale Pro�ect Area Committee �,gainet som+e of, the reaident,�. Our organiz�►tion aa �ell as the residente in geaeral, are deeply appreciative ot the deaision of the City Coun�il made at the Briday � January 15 meetiag ordering a 9ote' to bo taken under regular city elee- ,; tion procedures to determine the desire of the eitizena in the serioue ' m�tter •2uther to permit a ]� D Y to be aarried out in tY�ir aeighborhood. The practice and taotice referred to above and carried out �ince the `'� decieioa on thie matter by the Cauncil, in our opinion are elearly designed to iaLimidate aad deceive the people and to th�art their �ill ,,, � and ita ears-yiAg out of tihe demaaratie proceBa. - Ia �upport of �ltie sta�emsnte made h�reln, mAny aetnal incidents which in�volTed residente of the area ewu be cited. T11e BtetemenL$ at- � Lached were 4oluntari2y provided by only a few of thoee 8ub�ected to these practices s�ud laatics. ' The Frog-Tawn Ci�ic Cn�nQil wantg to aeeure the Yagor and City Couacil oY their lull cooper�tion in publiciaing ond carryiag ont the eamina votf, on t2tie propo.ed �hom+�ta-Do1e Di n �. SfilCerely c , ��� �� .., ,,,,, � , Ag,�i�g Ch�ir�n � � , . � , � , , , ' ., � _ _ .'� i � � � � _ ,� . �: � . • . ; . -- _ _. _-- , _ �_Y r l_----------- __ '_. _-- -----_--- ��•-- : ----------. —_ _ ._ ---- - ----- - ____ _ _ :.`�.-.c.�yrc�!__.,vZ�_�ru-c�c ___-- -—__ .__r _. . -___ —:__ ____---_._.�.__ __ _ _. __.____ • - . � - � � , , » ..._._�_. _ ____ . ---- -- - _ __ — � /_a'lr', a.B . � e�.��__ .� .__.__.--- .- .� v,c� ._ . c2� �,r,,c� , - -.- 4,u-�.�,a;,� �__� .�__,�?�'jl__ , _ �-------- . _ __ �lic.�__ .�ec.Q�Q �� ._. - -- � _ r , ���--- c�GL�GC.e _ _ _ �_ ___ _ . _rr,c..LCQ_ _-��+�_� � ' �ftG�s"J_��Z�J._ v_¢ _ _ c.�-�----1 �-� � , _ �.- ..�..a.GP c ` , .� �•. � , _--- ,,�. ��� - . ---- - =- �___. _ - ; -- -��---� _ __ _ _ ,� �,�, _ . �� � .__. � ---- "" ..__ . '_. . �s�.. �-_. . 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Ma,rshall, City Clerk. � . T. P`UBLTC HEARINGS Hearing on the Neighborhood Develapment Program Application Year III - May 1, 1971 to April 3�, �972. Hearing on the Advisability and Necessity of the Correction or Wrecking & Remova.l of a building at 274 Thomas. � II. ORDINANCES : • , Fina1 Adoptions - CF 251767 - amend Ord. #3250 re Project Asst., Pro�ect Asst. I and II. CF 251768 - amend Ord. �7607 re specs. Project Asst., Pro�ect Asst. I and II. ' CF 251789 - amend Ord. #7607 re specs. for Baker II and Cook 2I. CF 251680 - amend Ord. #7607 re specs. for Safety Coordinator. CF 251682 - amend Ord. �7607 re specs. for Grants-In-Aid Coordinator. CF 251683 - amend Ord. �61+�+6 insert title Asst. Safety Coordinator. CF 251684 - amend Ord. �6�+46 insert title Asst. Grants-In-Aid Coordinator. 3rd Readings- , � cF 2518�+3 - settle claim of State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co. - $132.52. G� 25184�+ - settle claim of Nicholas, Mary & Kristin Eoloff - $453.9�. CF 251845 - settle claim of Abedenego Ingram - $193.9�• 2nd Readings- Ck' 251904 - amend Ord. #6�+�+6 insert title Safety Coordinator. cF 251.905 - amend Ord. �641�6 insert title Grants-Tn-Aid Coordinator. IV. NEI�? BUSIRTESS - Resolutions and other matters offered for consideration. V. MISCELLANEOUS - Committee Reports, matters requested by Councilmen, citizens, etc. ��: ;�, 4-`�;.q � ROBERT D. NORTH �i: k�� ;' 1 COMMITiEES: DISTRICT 48A � f - � ^ -�- � CITIES OF THE FIRST CLA55 -.,.. ��+-�7 - RAMSEY COUNTY --nF� x f:." j - F ..,is CRIME PREVENTION 1642 BLAIR �-��.�� ���.�-° x ���-+ j Jj9 GENERAL LEGISLATION, VETERA{VS. AND �-�f i � 7 v Q oLS=-�1 � � CONSUMER AFFAIRS 5T. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 . � ��,F �.�--,°�r YY'Y' `" y . y __ � �•`Y.l A�f � � �-' ; -J � n3 _�— HIGHER EDUCATION ���-' '�::-.,. ��A �"`�""�` � --�' METROPOIITAN AND UFBAN AFFAIRS t. .. ._ . _,.. i .r'6^ .._ ._. -- . 'c�' � ��afe ot�ICi�rzt�re�of�t � HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES L. L. DUXBURY, SpeakEr January 15, 1971 Honorable Charles P. McCarty Mayor, City of St . Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor McCarty: Over the last three years the residents af South St . Anthony have in one way or another been involved in an attempt to redevelop their neighborhood in�o a better place to live. Throu�hout this process they have worksd with the Housin� and Redevelopment Authori.��, The HRR and the neighborhoods residents have not always been in agreement on every p�int . On orte th3.rig, howe�er, they have agreed; that there sh�uld be housing East of Raymond. They have also generally agreed that this housing should be of a higher density than single family residents and that land occupied by sub-standard housing and non-compatable industrial propnrt�es should be cleared to m�,k�v��a3� for such housing. This year' s program works totiaard the fullfillment of these goals . The city council by its acceptance 3n �he previos year of' the HR�1 - PfiC �r. oposal has, from my vie��rp�int at least , - also committed itself to similar gaals . While the mayor° and council have annual revietiv �.�owers over the HP.A-PAC pr°oposals tih�s rev�ew should be cor�fiiied to an examina- tion of whether or not a specific years pro�ram meets the pr�viously agreed upon goals . If thr basic �oals of tY�e the HRA-PAC are constantly up for review there will be lit�le pr��gress . � � Sincereiy, ��-� .�, ,i ������� � 1 Rep. Robert D. r1or�;h ,��=_:��; � `V �' lC ' r4. \�?.�„ -L::.'>„ � , � . fX� � '4\ . � � '' ROBERT D. NORTH i- ' ;L l GOMMITTEES: . DISTftICT 49A �{_� e�.. - � _ � CfTIES OF THE FIRST CLA55 RAM1!SEY COUNTY ��p a� .,� y�� i���c CRIME�PREVENTION � 1642 @LAJR `-"L�,...�.x ?� :S ° ^ 5^ GENERAL LEGISLATION, VETERANS, AND ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55f04 '.`~I� n_a �� '� - CONSUMER AFFAIRS ��' t �•� �' � ��; _ _= __---- HI.'sHER EDUCATION ..� _..�,..j,"r_ __ ..,<=— –�� '� .___. - METROPOLITAN AND URBAN AFFA�RS ��a��� o�.�rtitc��c�so�a HJL'Sc OF ?EP�tESEN IATIVtS L. L. DilxBURI', �peak2r January 15, 1971 Honorable CharZes P. McCarty . Mayor, City of S� . Paul St . Paul, Minneso,a Dear ATayor McCarty: Over the last three years tr�e resid�nts o� South Bt. Anthony have in orie way or anet:�er '���;�. ��v�:I.vec�. in an atte;ript to redevelop their n��gnborr���.,u 3.n�CO a bett�r place ta live. Throughout thia prveess they have worked ��ith the Housin�; and Redevelogr��nt Authorit�. The HRA and the neiQ?-�rarh��ds resicients ha�a.� not :.lways been in agreement on every pc:int . On one �:�iing, rot�rever, they have a�r�ed; that �her�e should be h�u.sing �a�� of Rayt�cnd. Tr.uy have a3so g;eneral3.y agrec�d �;hat tY�is housing shc�uJ_d be of a h��ne.r �er.si�y t:���.�:: S�ng:Le fam�ly residents a:�� that 1an3 occ:x�.�ied b,y su�-s�,.��ndard no�asi�� and. non-corrtpa�ca'.�E_e inc?us�ri.al �:r.n��rti�s ::��uld be clear•�ci to z,i�;;,ecrdy for suc�i �eus�.r�. Th�_�: ye�.r�' s proQx�am wox°�� to;r�»L ��i� ful.lfilZ�;lc�x� of ;;hese go;.�''�s . The city cuun�:ii by .?i.�+5 dCC:i:Nf".�.i�i:i:' :�.r� �,;�. �.r�.•ic� ;��.r of the �it�� - P:�C �roposal_ nas, frorri my vie��ro�inL a� le�.st , al.so cotnmit�F� it::�.?� �o sir:�i�.2.r �;oa�.s . s��r:�a_1� ����� �nayar. and council havu �.nr�ual revi�N� pcT•;ers o r�r•� th� HRA�PAC pr�posal5 t�ts revi.:b�r s:zculd �e c�s�fir:ea t� an ::xar.in�-- tj.ot� �� tivlleth�r c:r• not a s�ecific years ;�y��.��;r�r.: meets the . Previot�sly �.�TMeeu u?�on goa�.s . If the �us�:��w goa�s of tY�e the �:Rx-PAC are c����tartly up for revieTir ��wt�re wii I be li�tle pt�n��es:�. Sincer�l;�, � ,�' ,.%�f �� i/ ; !�? � �..�t`. f'j�� .r:r ,,. � Yy • . � . . �; �1 �" � � , > i � �- ` Rep. Ra�e.rt B, �dorfil, ,-';'� ��, �p/'.\ - �...: ..:._a. . . . _ �r.i.� �li� � . ;.,�_-....%,, . . .ct���c wyry . .. ... ,,:_._.:o 10HN TRACY APlDERSON 6�� �' `�` COMMITTEES SENATOR 48TH DISTRICT k� CIVIL ADMINISTRATION AND METROPOLITAN 1048 VAN SLYKE AVENUE ; AFFAIRS ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55103 - - GAME AND FISM 488-4482-489-1388 GENERAL LEGISLATION LOCAL GOVERNMENT ,��a�a o�.�C�xcxceso�a PUBL CPWEL ARE ROBLEMS SENATE January 15 , 1971 The Honorable Charles P. McCarty Mayor, City of St . Paul St . Paul, Minnesota Dear �iayor McCarty : The residents of South St. Anthc,ny Park have been fighting for the survival of their nei�hbor- hood. They have worked closely with the Housin� and Redevelopment Authority through the constituted a�encies of which they are a part. Last year the Council gave them every reason to believe their plan, which included a small resi- dential arm East of Raymond Avenue , would be a part of the official plan. I would hope that you as Mayor , and members of the Council , would now honor the wishes of the South St . Anthony Park residents and I request you make no changes which are not agreed upon between the Council and the neighborhood. Sincerely , 1 �� / . �. x �� SENATOR JO TRACY ANDERSON JTA/hl cc: Council Members �°„ �- ~ .Tanuary 15, 1971 SAINT FAUL CHAMBER�S STATEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON 1971 NDP PROGRAM The Saint Paul �ber and its Planning & Development Committee has been staying in close touch with and offering its support to the Saint Paul Housing Authority with regard to its renewal activities for the city, The Chamber has appeared on several occasions at the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington in behalf of programs of the Housing Authority. We believe that the planning and redevelopment activities of the Saint Paul Housing Authority are meritorious and we urge that the City Council give positive consideration to the Aousing Authority's programs. The specific interest of the Planning and Development Committee of the Chamber is with regard to the Seven Corners and Inner Core NDP project areas. We regret that the commit;tee has not been operating long enough to have provided the thinking of the business community with regard to the Housing Authority�s pro- grams, but our intention is to enhance our communication and in this regard, Housing Authority representatives meet regularly with us. We urge that the Year I Acquisition Plan for the Seven Corners area be approved in that is is essential for the proper achievement of the upgrading of major traffic arteries around the Civic Centre and in the vicinity of the Saint Paul Companies office. While we recommend the approval of the Year I Acquisition Plan for inner city NDP, we do so with this reservation: we hope that the block bounded by Wabasha and St. Peter between 9th and lOth is being acquired with immediate redevelopment in mind. Further, we urge that top priority be given to the proper relocation down- town of the businesses that are now located in that block. In other words, we question the advisability of acquiring and banking land against the possibility of development at some later date. . , . , � � Fage 2 We have been assured that the Housing Authority has interested developers ready and it is not the case that they are acquiring land to hold it for future needs. On that basis, we again repeat our desire that the Council look with favor on the Housing Authority's total basic program �or 1971. 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phone 223 5218 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA t The Honorable Mayor and City Council January 5, 1971 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Neighborhood Devetopment Program Applicati�in Year III - May 1, 1971 to April 30, 1972 Minn. A-1 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Transmitted herewith axe: � 1. The Urban Renewal Plan for NDY Year III, May 1, 1971 to April 30, 1972. 2. The Financing P1an for the six NDP projects indicating the total Federal Capital Grant increase for the NDP Year III program of $15,287,000 and Che local share of $6,912,768. 3. The Relocation Plan, indicating the number of families and individuals to be displaced and the availability of relocation resources to meet that displacement. Each of the neighborhood Project Area Committees has reviewed the proposals relating to their respective projects. They have held public meetings and invited citizens and residents of their area to attend these public meetings and voice their opinion8. Each of the PACa has, in turn, approved the program as it affects their community and each is requesting that the Mayor and City Council approve this application. Sincerely, � Edward N. Helfeld Executive Director Enclosures Anthony A. Danna, Henry R. Thomas, Rosalie L. Butler, Orville E. Anderson, Donald P. Del Fiacco, Victor J, Tedesco, Kenneth J. Lynch , 'CI'TY PLANNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 N. R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director January 12, 1971 Mr. Edward Helfeld Executive Director Housing & Redevelo0ment Authority 55 E. 5th St. , St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Dear Mr. Helfeld: Re: N.D.P. Action Year 1971-72 At its regular monthly meeting on December 18, 1970, the City Planning Board of Saint Paul took the following action concerning the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's N.D.P. for Action Year 1971-72. "Moved by Mr. Gadler, seconded by Mr. Gauger to adopt the report of the Planning Board�s N.D.P. subco�nittee titled "Report of the NDP Subcommittee on the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's NDP for Action Year 1971-72." Motion carried unanimously. A copy of this report was transmitted to Mr. Donald Cosgroveon December 28, 1970. May I point out that, as yet, the minutes for this meeting have not been formally approved and reviewed by the Planning Board. Very �ruly yours, � ; � _ 1 � ` .� ` � _ `� ��; �`:, <�-r`— L No��.rid R. `Heiden NRH:FS Dir�ctor cc: Mr. Dooley �O � � ��� r � , �{ �4�`�, . � CITY PLANNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL ��� �v` . �1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director � � � � ���ya_�_S rd�`�,*'�,.��_,.�Y; �,� ��� � �,, . �� �:�' � � ��:.,1 . :�� �9 �70�, December 28, 1970 `� ����A��,,���y� r � ,�C7�,�1' �,,��►� /��� �� �' Mr. Donald Cosgrove Housing and Redevelopment Authority Northwestern National Bank Building Sixth Floor 55 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Cosgrove: Enclosed please find two reports that were distributed at the December 18, 1970, Planning Board Meeting, en- titled, "Staff Review of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's NDP for Action Year 1971-72"; and "Report of the NDP Subcommittee on the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's NDP for Action Year 1971-72." Sincerely, �� �P �/ C,��.� Noland R. Heiden Director kk Enclosures O w'""'r`�,` , �.<- ��,� :� , , • . ' � ��'. � �.� ' }� �" � � � � $�'AFF' REVIEW UF THE HOUSIPdG AND REI�I.VELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S NDP FOR ACTTUN Y�AR 1971-72 �', Saint Paul City Planning Board December 18, 1970 + ; I� * Note: This refers to Section ND 401i Appendix B of the indivi�lual plans eubmitted. _ i , �, .�. o • � � . Neighl�orhood Development. Pr�Kram . , „ • Action Year 1971-72 West Midwav - South St. Anthonv Park - Mi�inesota A-1-2 1) The Midway Between Two Cities Plan proposed the "West Midway" as an in- dezsY.rial area. On the oCher hand a good case can be made that it should bc developed as a residential community to be coordinated with the f.unctional int:ercoctnectiot► of the M�1it� and St. Paul campUSea of t:he University of Minnesota. liawever, to ,�WnctiQn well, the devalopment must be basically une c�i� the atlaer, not half atld hal£; it is too smsll an are8 for ttie �uxra- pc�sition of such incumpatibie uses in .,ucti � manc�er. Tf the residenrial route is chosen, it must be recognized that this constitutes a reversal of the existing trend tawerd industria] use in the area. Therefore, tl�e residetltial plan must be a .very pawerful one, dramatically couceived, and ictvolv,ing a m�ssive ipv�etment and strong conanitment. It r�lso must he [har�ughly coordinat:�ed at►d integrated with the surroundinf; multi:-cs�mpus University community. �160, ttae Lar�e-scale and m��cll higher deneity � i suciz a developmenL wot�l.d �ef�ectively obli_terate the existin�; sma11 re:>icic•ntial � �;roup. Tn the long-te:rr,i it woulcl be redevelbpmen[, not reh:�bilitation or conserv�tion. In the residential. concept, considerable officE.-type uses cca��ld be encrn�re�,ed, whiCh"also could hc rE:lated t�� a possible Luture r_�pid tr�insit statzc�n, Also, some arees of light industry could remain but this cout�ld no lon�;er be the domi,nant use of the areR. `Ct�ere is a �;rave n��c�d to �.v:�luar.e the i_mpact of such a redevelopment trend upon the t:xistinfi a«d E�o- tential heavy cor�unercial �,tid indust�i.al development in the c�ntixe Midway area which traditionally has b�en considered such an important job an�l tax base for the City. The �oerd feels it has been presented nothing so f,:ir ro indicete in any concreCa ,terms what tliis impect may "be. 2) 'Cl�e speCifi.c changes propoeed in A endix !3 under items 1 aud '?. are found -1- • . � to be in c�nforinance wfth the general camprehensive planning objective . c�f the Ci ty. 3) 7'1�e change�, in the "circul8tion syatem'° .is proposed in AT�P�'tldix B under i tem No. 3 are found to be izi cc�nformuairc with t]�E� �eneral c��mpretierisiv�� plaruiing ol��ectives c,f tho Ci.ty with the followins conditions: a. Item 3b: Cleveland Avenue. It is felt ttiat souncl traffic planning requires that the Cleveland grade-crossing with the Short-line tracks (esper.ial2y� ae $ major sr.reet) should not be encoui-a�;ed and perpetuated. • b. Ttems 3d and 3e: `Raymond-Pelham-T.H. 280 ;. Frontage Roads: - The "Midtoay Between Two Ci.ties" PJ.an and the VHSS consultant plan borh indicate a connected route be- t�aeen Raymond and Pelhsm. It is still felt that some type of u1[i�tate impravement i_n continuity along this rc�uCe ehould be accomplished as suggeated in the ab�ve t�ro plans. In addition, the proposed connectian of Felham with the T.H. 280 Frontege Roads raises tt�o other points: 1) are the frontage roads and the highway interchange capable of handliag the additional traffic?, and 2) is it desirable to placc short-�rip txaffic on T.H. �80? c. I�em 3cs Chnrles Avenue. Based o� the comQnente in 1) above and beeause of the tentative �nd indefinite state of the planning and develop�ent propos,�ls, it ie felt that even the � "tentative" design,ation o£ Charles as a "collector" street. is prematur�. _'_ ' '. 4) �he acquisition"�F psopoeed in Ap�endix B under item No. 4 and indicated . _ � on M�p N�. 2, January, 1971, titled "Lan�i Acqu�.siti��n Map - [�'��st Midway - So��th St. Anthony Park" ere found to be in conformance with ttie general co��rehensive planrting obj�c[ivea of the City. The proposed acquisitions in the two blocks bounded by Raymond, Hempden, E�lis, and Long Avenuas mugt be conaidered in reFerence to the commencs made Yn item 1) above. 'Phis is especially the. case as to the tieed for creating an adequate buffe�' betiween the proppaed r.c:sidential and existin�; industrial along Hampuen Avenue. , -3- , n . ' ' ' ;��i�hborh�ao�l �evel�aprie,�t Pr��r.im ,�'' - � � Action Year 197 i-72 � � � • Thoxnae-Dale - MinnesoCa A-1-3 1) Tl�e apecific change5 proposed in A en,jix B under items, 1, 2, 3, 4, Sh, 5c, Sd, Se, Sf, 5h, and Si are found to be in conformance with the ' general comprehensive planning ob,jectives of the City. 2) 7tem 5f -� � l�lthough the proposed land use change from "RII" to "Public" is c�nsidered favorably, it is not clear to the Planning Board w}iether or not the s�+lecti.on oF "ice arena" sites h�s been done un the basis �>t an overall c��?�rehensive aite aeiection �lan. 3) I tem SR This is qot in conformanc8 if the proposed re-use of this area is intended to be an .expansion or continuation of c>.xisting �unk yaz'd functions. Then, the Planning Boerd would feel that such a Iand use change would be quite inappropriate. . 4) The proposed lattd use pian chan�e ae contained in Appendix 13 itc:m Sa is nc�t found to bG in conformsnce with the general cc�mrrehensi_v� plannin�; ob�ectives of the Ci�y. Since Che HRA has no plans to initiate an� actions i.n this area and that the Comprehensive Plan of the City as well as that developed by the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Co�nisszon has r�stricted commercial to the block bounded by University, Marion, Rice, and Sherburne, it: is felt thet no expan5ion of thE: "commercial-retail" l��nd use ehould be indicaCed at this time. S) The propoaed acquisitions ae contained in Appettdix B and ahown ��n Map No. �, . January, 1971 et►d titled "L3ttd Acquisition Map - Thomas-Dale" are found tf� be i.n conformance with the .general camprehensive planning objectives of the City, except for the following exclusions and conditions: a, Ia l�t of recent rezonings and apartment development, there -4- • �.• .. . � � , . . � �, r� ippeare ta be no sound rea�on for the acquisition of those ... ' . . properties in the western end of the bZocic bounded by Minnehaha, Vi.ctoria, Avon, and :nglewood. b. The acquisition of those residential properties in the blocks bounded by Englewoad� Como, Arundel, anci Westera is subject Ca thcr. re-use r�etr�ctions and conditions presented initem 3 above. _c_ � � " • Neighborhr�;�,l i)eve i opme=�t Prc•�,�'am , ' Act i�,n lear 1971-72 � �. - "� • Central Core - Minnesota A-1-5 1) As f�r us the p1��nninU propc�sals qo ��r this NDP .�rea, one +�f the prim�ry �>b_jecrives seems to Ue the incl.t�sion of the th�r<�ugt►fare pr�P��sats as contained in the report, "Transportatioii Plan f.or t:he St. Pat�l Core �lreti,�� whizh was propnsed for the Public Works Denartment cf tl�e Cit�� rf St. Paul by ttie consulting firm of. 13ather-Wolsfeld, Pl.anning for the development of. a proper circulat:ion system for tnis area of the city is unusually difficult and demandinfi because of the co�rpl��x interrelationships nf so many important land use elements. i.e. Civic Center; Hospital Ccmiplex, Irvi.ng Park; C13D; and riverfrc�nt.. It is further complicated by the configuration of the major t�p�graphic features t}�at bracket Che area. �1 mn,j�r, gen�uine beginning has been made with the completion o£ the Bather-Wolsfeld report; one which has long been called for by the Planning Board. The HRA.; and Public Works are to be complimented on this cooPerative effort. There ia need, however, ta expand this effort geograpliica.11y and conceptually as well as further detailing certain areas. ` It is understuod that the Public Works Department has not formally adopted it as a nlan and doee not anticipate going further with any formal action. Rather they c��nsider it as a working guide subject to modification as thc� need arises. I'urther, the Planning Board has not adopted the report as a circulation plan and reserves the right to further study Che report in light of tt�e important developments itt thia area. Also, the Kellogg-I35r connection shown on the NDP Land Lrse pian map does n�t correspond with the plan as sh<>wn in FIGURE 19 pa�e 44 of t�h� Consultant re�ort. 2) '1'hc second level or "skyway" pedestric�n system proposal should be , stren�;thened with thc: intent of its establishment as the main pedestrian -6- • � '� .. .� circul,at3.on leve�., and tv r�place the pres�nt •trE�ct level as such. Off�cial grades, alzgnmente, and wr�lkin�; widths s}�c�uld be established ar appropXiate. Public policy concerning the use and location of air Y-�ghts and possible air rights corridors ,hould be established. Provisions should be included in the design-scheme for potential additions of I mechanical pedestrian-movement devices such as "hurizont-al elevators," i "people movers," etc. , at appropr�iate locations. 'Chis system shot�ld be integrated with the futur� land and flo<>r use pl.ans for the "Central Core" an�� "Seven �'ornera" areae. 3) Ttie ��neral proposals included in Appen�lix B under items 1,4,5,7, ancl g are found to be�i�n conform8nce with the general com�rehensive planninb objectives of `the City. - 4) The gen.eral proposals included in A�pendix B under itema 2,3, and 6 are subject to the conditions in eection 1) above. 5) As far as Che apecific I3llP land uae area changes are concerned (as indica�ed on page 3 of Appe____ ndix B under items 9a, 9b, 9c, and 9d), it is rhe staff's fceling th�t these are in cott£ormc3nce with the general objective� af t,he compreheneive planning for the Cityo uf St. Paul. 6) Zt is further the feeling of the staff that the acquisitions as shown on ' Map No. 2, January 1971, and titled "Land Acquisition Map - Seven Corners an�l Central Core" will not t►egate the pnssihility of achievi_ng the Comnrehensive Pl.ln ob�ecCives for the CeACral Core area and theref�re in conformance with thc� generaL comprehensive pLanning objectives far ttie City. 'i • �I I � , . , , i . ; � i -7- -R- .� ,. � , : � , Official grades, ali.gnmenta, and walking widtha should be established �1,� appropriate. Publie policy concernin� the use and location oi air , ��it;hCs and pc�ssible air =ights carridors should be establishecl, ��rovi.sions � sf�ould be included in the des?gn-scheme for poCential additions of ' mechani.cal pedestrian-moVement d n evic es suc h as horizontal eLevators," � ��P��Ple movers," etc. , at appropriate locations. This system should be. ,i intef,rated with the £uture land and floor use plans for the "Central Core" I �II ��nd "Seven C�ra�rs" areas, 3) Tt�e sp�cifi.c changes as contained in A � i nAe_�__n�ix,B under irems l , 3, !+� �� ' 7, $, and g are found to be in conformance with the � �eneral c��n,pr�hensi�;e ' planning ob�ectives of the Cit:v. �+) 1'he proposel� as contained �n ,A�end`ix B under items 2 and 6 are sub ect � � � to the conditions ,in section .1) above. ' � S) The proposed land use chan e ' g (identiffcation of industrial area sout�� ' ; � �>f Kellogg Bivd� and weste�rly of St. Peter Streez) as zndicated in �nnei naix_,,,.8 item No. 10 is found ta be in conformance with the genere2 c rnnpx�eheneive plenning objectives of the City. � ' 6) Tf�e Prop���� acqulaitions as shown c�n Ma No � P • .., 3.znuar �911 ; , Y� �nd titicci "LanJ Ac.quislr_iott Irlap .- Seves� Curners and Central Core" wil7. n��t ne ate g the possibility of' $chieving the Gomprehensive Plan objectives for the Seven Corners area and are therefore in conformance with the �;cneral com- prehensive planning ob�ectivea for the City. . : . _ , _Q_ I �,�r� relative to the "1=�ti'�r�---- �� ,�SEV��n Cornexs" ND� area as it did in ita coeil�ants on the "''entral Co1'c and -10- applications. ; -------- , -11- ' �_ _ -- _ ; Jaz�uary 2Q, 197�. Mr. Dr�►ni�l A. Klas Corporation Coun8el Bu3.la�.ng _ . Dear Siar: At today'� Council meetin� during a discusaion of the NDP program for the 7°hamas•J1ea.e a.rea, cc3pie� oP the attach�d letters were rea.d a�nd it was ordered that they b� sent to the Cor�oration Counsel•s offica. '�ery truly yo�s, City C2erk AO�ng • � � pr.��ject Area C<��m,ittee�:, as well as busines:�,•�zen's groiips. In add.ition, it r � - i.s r.��t'ecl that Lh� proposa]_s are iri<�efinite in ttiat "Thesr� acquisi r.i.on prc�- P�`�-3!'� • • . . . are bar,ed on an est.i;,�ate r�f optimur� '�'c�deral fui��iiii� for nc�xt �ear s Prog� ;im. In th�� ' �. I ' event � ei;�t the antici ateri level of tunciing i; nc�L achie��c>d, thc �'���thc�rit:y will w�r�(, t,��itl� tt�e rc�s��c�cricr l?�tG's .in ��rdcr t�.o !>r�r��; t�he ��rt,�,ram ta� tli �i1 �I���dbci. litni.ts." C,,st data has not be�a recei.ved. There has been m� allocation of costs to Pr��P��'�e� actions for each :vDP area and no overF�l1 esri,;late of ul t imate f:iu�ancial connni rment relat.ive tc� ex�.;;�ing anc3 ��ro�ecte�� resour�es. Clari_fication and r�ut9�s1 uadc��,tanding c�f st-ag�nn i s suggest�u. What i s � lung-ran�;e and wliat �s e3rl_y s1:a�E, ; ��;?�at is pr��posc�cl durin�; Che Pi-c'.jeet ,cl��•c;i:ie ki„�c vul lahat. i�; ultim�xie houl� I�, determin���l. 'i'his clarif.icati.�m hcc�r.,���r; eti��c�� i,a l l_y im��ort.ant wi�en ccrf:tai�i i<�«y>-ranf;e �'7 "�?oseci t�a�ilitic�:. ;irr� ��xc l��;ic�d �or watere.d dc,wn because of I3DP {�r�aject fun�iin�; limit�itic�n:;. � It sl�c�ild be i�ncif�r:�tood Cliat �vDP �ro.jec� fund limi.�ations Shc�tild noi: be imputc�ci ris lorig- rar��,e fund 1 imil'<�tion:;. Lon�-ran�;c� ;�r��pasai;; �:i�c>tt].d be l�ased pr i�n��i-i ly un �ic�,�clv ancl desires, Ttiis is -�n ec�nrrast to :h�rt-��•3n�;r: proposals which, ���.f nece:�sity, are ba�;ed on *he more i*nmc�diate ft�r_di_nt; availability. Thc� ap�,arent delays of. past pr.c�jects sh��til�l be avc,ided becau:;e ��f the dets�ii„�•nt- to ll►e ]ivin� ai��i invest�»c��ii pattc�rn:; of ell c•i.tizens iri� �,lvecl. In rF�i.� respect r�cquisiti_��n of e�isr:ing ce:;.idc�nLial].y, c�mmerci�iilv :ind ir�- � dustri�311y useJ properties should not �roceid without i-Lc� best 2>��sit�ve assur..inces that these pro�erties hati�e devel:�pmen�s rea{iy to go w� thin a �ery short p��ri.od after acquisition. Our review has been limi.ted to the acr_inc� por.tion<; of the above listed Redevel��pment Plans as sul�mi tted bv the Hntisi r.s; and Reclevelopment l�ut:l�ori tti , in ri,ei r let:r.er �f transmft[:al of 1±ecet„ber 4, 1970, ttncl contingerir �iT,on available federal funding and matching local funds for ttie year 1'�71.-72, -�- ♦ y ' ' � r . � We l�ring a�ain to your at.tenti.on the necessity fox ,an ar�equate prncess for � ,... . studyi.n�; the entire city-��ide pi.ctur� of urhan develor�metit� - tr:�rzsportatioil; thorrnighfares; the layout of indusYrial, cor,unercial, and residential dis- trict<�; the de�relopment and location of recreational -�nd educational faciiitiES. As imp�.7.rtant as Lhe Ni>>' isn it de31s witti l�:�t ��ne aspect of url�an evoluti<�r; an�l i�ith but a portion nf tiie entiie city land area, [t woul�l �pPear tl�et the pr���ram ia c;cnerat.ing actic�ns thaP are beue- ficial to L'hose livin� and doing b�.:ainesa within the rroject. ar-e:�5. This is e�pecielly the ca5e in tt�e area of �i�courabing citi•reu parziciE�ation i�i making develo�entdecisions regardinb their neighborhoods. It is su;gested that it may be prudent for a re-examination of direction, scope, and priorities in orcl��r to assure L'hat d�sires and expectations et'e reasanably within tl.e bounds of resources availahie. Recommendation: ti�'e. recommend approval (subject to the conditions contained in the attached staff reviews) of Che proposed NDP as contained in the five Redevelopment Ylans l_isted above; Minriesota A-1-2, Minnesota a-1-3, Minnesota A-1-5, �Iinnesota A-1-6, and Minriesota A-1-7, as interim plans of a provisional and preliminary nature rhe use of which is for ,the pi�rpose �f securin;, ]?ederal r.�c,r�?,es tu cr�rr� out r},� land acq��isitions as propased for tl�eir �3etio�� year 1971-72, -3- _ . r y ` ` G-7 10/20-60 CERTIP'ICATE OF SECRETARY The undersigned hereby certifies a8 follows: 1) That she is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesata, herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the k�eper of the records of the Local Public Agency; 2) That the attached Resolution No. 71-1/13-6 is a true and correct copy of the resolution as adopted on the 13th day of Januarv , 19 71 ; 3) That the seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate ie hereby executed under such official aeal; and 4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 15th day of Januarv , 19 71 . � � 3ECRF•T�4RY ( SEAL ) . /• � � .. �_ . . .. � � . .. .� . RESOLUTION N0. 71-1/13-6 � RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TftE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AUTHORIZING THE FILIh'G OF A NEIGHBORHOOD . DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL INCREMENT APPLICATION FOR PROGRAM N0. MINN. A-1, YEAR III, MAY 1, 1971 TO APRIL 30, 1972 � WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota avail itself of the financial assistance provided by Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to continue a Neighborhood Development Program in the urban renewal areas described on Exhibit A, l�erein- � after referred to as the "Program"; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that the Federal contract for such financial assistance pursuant to said Title I will impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Local Public Agency and will require among other things (1) the provision of local grants-in-aid; (2) a feasible method for the relocation of fndividuals and families � displaced from the urban renewal areas comprising the Program; and (3) other local obligations and responsibilities in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of the Program; and WHEREAS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under any • program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, and Executive Order 11063 prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color, creed or national origin in sale, lease or other disposition of residential property (including land intended for residential use) or in the use or occupancy thereof; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this meeting a document entitled "Nefghborhood DeveZopment Program For Year May 1, 1971 to April 30, 1972" consisting of a Neighborhood Development Program Application, Activity Program Summary, Expenditures Budget, Data Supporting Expenditures Budget, Financing Report, Area Eligibility Report, Non-Cash Grants-In-Aid Report, Property Management Activity Report, Rehabilitation Activity Report, Land Marketing Act�vity Report, Relocation Plan and AcCivity Report, and Citizen Participation Report; and WHEREAS, in those areas where clearance is proposed, the objectives of the annual increment to the Program cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation of the urban renewal areas comprising the Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Conanissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: 1. That the United States oz America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota with regulations of the Department of Rousing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI. of the Civi1 Rights Act of 1964 - and applicable Executive Orders. � 2. The Neighborhood Development Program for May 1, 1971 to � April 30, 1972 and Application on behalf of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for a loan under Section 102(a) of said Title I in the amount of $24,144,841 and for a program capital grant, a relocation grant, and a Federal grant £or the making of a rehabilitation grant to the full amount available for undertaking and financing the present increment of such Program is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such Application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to provide such additional informa.tion and to furnish such documents as may be required in behalf of said Department, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. _ 2 � , . .;� �� � � , �� . r . 1 _. . ,. ... ' . .: . ;, . _ .. : ; � . �. :. _ ,�. ., _ _ . . _ _ '2���� _ _ : . . _ .. : �_ _ . � _.- � - - , EX2iIB Li �:1�'r � . , SUI�fIT-UNIVERSITY : A. . DESCRZPTION OF NDP URBAN RENEWAL AREA . _ . - _ Be�inning at the po�nt of intersectioa oi the eastern ri�hC- � of-way Iine ot Tr;ts�ern AtTenue caith the projecte�' ziorthern � - xi�ht-of.-��:ay linc oi the alley betUreen Siiernurne �venue and : Univer5ity Avenue, taen westerly along said projected line of � the alley to ti�e F:O�lit Of intersection �:�itn the western right- � . � of-way line of Le�in�ton Parkiaay, tren southerly alolo said . line to the point of intersection �aith the southern ri�ht-of- way line of the alle;� betwee:l PortJ.and Av�nue and Su;r�it �venue, . then easterly alon€ said ].ine to the Z;oint of intersection with the eas�ern r_;ht-of-way li:�e of �:ilton Street, tnen northerly along said line to the poin� of intersectiou taith the souti:ern ri.�ht-oi-��iay line of Fortland l�venue, riien e�st-� • erly alon� said line to the point of int�rsection �,�ith the •. westeru zi�ht-oi-��ay lir�e of Victoria Str�et, then southerly � � .. along said line to the po�n:� of intersection t�;ith the southern right-of-c.*ay line of 1'ortland Avenue, t�ic:n e3sterly along said I.ine to tiie point oi intersection ���7ith th� western ri�►.�t-�f-wa} line of St. Albans St:eet, then sout-tierly along said line to the southern right-of-way line of th� al.ley be�c.�en Suuuait Avenue� and Grand Aver.ue; then easterly along said line to the ' point of znter.sectio:i t;�itti the eastern rz�;ht-of--wa}T line of Oa'�:Iai�d ��ve�:ue, t�eu northerly alon� said li�ic� to the poiut of . inCersection witi� tI:e projecte�' l�ne of the souther.n ri��it-of- - - way line �f the al]_ey bet��een Suir:.;it Avenue �nd Grand Avenue, �hen easter.l}� alor� said pro�ectecl line to the point of int�er- s_.. secti.c�n �ai�li tlie eastern righ*_-of-way lir.e cf Suna-�iC Court,, then nort-herly alon� said 1zTte to ttie poii�t of intersection �:�ith the soetl�ern rid}it-of-i�:c�5 1.ne oi Su:�:rat r°�venue, then easterly along . � said IlI1C? to the �o�iit of intersectic�z i�;iL-ti tt�e soutl:eriz ri;,ht- of-tvay line of .Zs:sey Street, then e;:sterly a].on� said line to ' the point af intersecti�.; �•:itii t}ie eastern ri�.:t-of-„ay line of �- , Western Averu�, then norther?y ulono :;ai.d lin� to the goint of in�ersectioa �aith L-he scuthern ri�ht-of-��;aa l�.t�e of Trvine �i��enue, thei� rortheasterly al_or.1g sai.d line to tne point c�f intersection � � with the northe�;sterly rioht-of-c:-ay line of vacated tdalnut S�reet, � then north��;est:erly alon� sai.d line to the poini. of intersec['ion taith the southezsterl}• rigilt-of-t�ray line of Su;:�it Averiu2, then ' northeasterly alon� .said line to the point of zntersectio.i with . the pr�jecLed norti:ern �i�iit-of-�say lir.2 of D2yton Avenue, t2�en westerly a].ong s�3id line to ti�e point of. intersection caith thz eastern ri.�i:t-of.-wav line of vac�:.ted Catn�dr.�l. Place, tnen north- erl}T a].onF said line to tiie poinC of iiitersection ��,ith tlie north- ern ri�ht-of--•��ay line of �•_arsilall Avenue, then �•�esterl}* alon� said line to th�. poinC oi i.itersection �tiTith the eastern right-oi--way line of �destcr.n Avenue, tiien r.ortherl} along s�id line to the poiizt of in�er.:ec�ion �:itn tl�e northern ri.�ht-of--way line of :iar- shall �'1��enue, then u�sterly alons said line to the point of inter- - section cVitli the•e�stcr].y right-of-i•�a}• line of Arunde]. Street, then northerl}� a].on�; said line to the point of inter�ec_ion �,Tith � � so«thern ri�iit-of-wa�* line of Concordi.a ��anue, tl�en southeasterl}• • . a].ong saiu line to th� point of i��tersection w�ti1 t:�e eastern r.i;ht- � � of-�aay line of ;'estcrn :�ven�e, then northei-ly alo;�� said linc: to the �;C171t Of l.^.tE'YS�.C�=2011 �:�1 ((1 [:�iC I1Gr�ti:Tt1 T3.C,!7�--OI-k':,' �lllC Of the �i�c}• bct�.J:.�en Sh�r�:i;_iie Az�,�n�.;=� �nd L�niversity Avenue. �Fiiict� is � the point ot bcbiiinii;n, . , . MINN. A-t-1 � . , �.� ` � ' _: �-,: WEST MID;dAY-SOUTH ST. ANT�sO^Il' PARK ` , . , _ ,. ♦ , . � - • -_ . _ ,.. . '. � - . ` . ,, . . . . . _ . . , . � . �• . . . ' . _ . .. � , --';- '.� A. DESCRIPTIO:I Or :�TDP LTRL�A?\T REI�TE'.•.T_AL AREA . ;- . Coxmencing at the point of intersection of the Westerly lot line of Lot one (1), • Blo�k two (2), Eustis' Addition to St. Anthor►y Pazk, Ra;asey Co., Mina., with tne � Soutnerly right-o£-way line of the Burling[on Northern Railroad, then northeasterly : along said Southerly right-of-way line of said{ Burlington Norther��'Railroad exter.ded � to the point of intersection witn the Eastexly right-of-way line of Manvel Street, then ;�orthwesterly along the Easterly right-of-way Iine of N,anvel S�reet to the . . point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of� Block 1, St. Anthony Park, Minn. , then Northeasterly alono said last described Iine to• t�e goint of inter- � section with the Northerly right-of-way .line of the $urlington Nozthern Railroad, • � then Southeasterly along said last described line extended to the point of inter- section with the Westerly right-of-way line of the Mianesota Transfer Railway , Compa:�y, tnen Southerly along said western right-of-way line of .;innesota. . � Transfer Railway Co:apany to the point of intersection wi�h the northern rioht- ' • of-way line of Charles Street extended, then southeasterly alo:�o a line to a ' - point on the southern right-o�-way line of Uaiversity Avenue and approxir,lately 304 feet east of the eastern right-of-way line of .Cleveland Avenue, t:�en . � southcrly alon� a line a�proximately 1,350 feet to the poir.t o� inte�section witn ' the northern ri�ht-of-way line of :finnesota Transfer Railway Co:npany, then south- _ ' easterly along said 2ine to the point of intersection with the western right- of-way line of- Prior Avenue, 4hen souther2y along said line to the point of intersectio;� with the northern right-of-way line of Interstate Highway��'unber 94, . then northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with thc westerl� � i 1 boundary of the City of Saint ?aul, then northerly alon� said line to the point � of i.ntersection with the southern rig:lt-of-way line of the $urZington�tiorthern ' R�i,lro�3 which is the point of beginning, all according to the piat thereoi on. _ file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for said • � , Ransey County. � , _ �. _ . - . r:n �oi � . A-1-2 . . ' � � . . ' , � . . . . ,. . . - . . . . . .. ,. _ _ ... ., _ . , .. , . � - .,✓ - . .: , . . _ _.. . - r . EXF�ZBIT A - . THOMAS D�LE . . . � .. : ... . . . . . . . , . _ . . ..__ , .. ._ . . . _ - _ . . - . _ _ . - . , . _ . . , -. .._ . . . ',• . - � �. _ . , ' A. DESCRIPTiO:d OF tiyP U^3��I R�:Crt•I:�L AR.::A - ' . ' . � . ' . � The Tho�as-Dale pro ject bouadary is sho-�an on Land AcYts�sition Map, IrTD 40I, ;tap Ivo. 2, and is describ�d as follows: ' . � . . . . : � � ' Cam.�nencing at the intersection of the southern right-of-way line of • Che Burlir.oton Northern. Railrozd tracks ar.d the eastern right-of-way . - . .- � •- • ' . •. � o� the alley (projected) easC of F.ice Stxeet, then south, generally, alono - . - • said alley line tQ the southern right-of-way line of University �ve�ue, .ti:�n � west to ttie eastern right-of-way line of Rice .Street, the:� sou4n to the soutzern � right-of-way line of the a1Zey souCh of University Avenue, then west to the - east�rn right-of-way line o� Marion 'Street, then south to the .southern right- �. of-way line of the alley south of Aurora Avenue, then west to the western right-of-way line of Galtier Street, then north to the southern right-of-way _ • line of the alley south of University Avenue, the� west to the eastern rig}:t- � � � . of-way line o£ Farrington Avenue, then south to the southern ribht-of-way line of the alley south of Fuller Avenue, Chen west Co the western right-of-caay lir.e . • of Western Avenue, then nor~.h to the southern ri�ht-of-way line of the alley �� . north of Unive:sity Ave;�ue, �hen wesC to the westerr� right-of-way line of.\ortn ' Chatsworth Street, then nort� to the northern right-of-way line o� Pie:ce . Eutler Road, then east to the northcrn right-of-way line of 2�iinr.eha�a Aver.ue, • � . then east to the western ribht-o:,-way lir.a of Arundel Street, then no:th to � - the southern right-oz-way line of the Burlingtoa Norther:� �ailroad - . tracks, then gezerally easterly along said railway righC-of-way to the eastern right-of-way line of the alley east of Rice StreeC, which is the poinC of beginning. � . . No portion of the area defined on riap 2 or in the boundary description is excluded . . .fr.cm the Tho�ras-Dale p;oject area. � • . -1- A� 40:. . . A���3 ' _ EX}iIBIT A . � . CE:dTRAL CO�E A, DESC�I°TIO_: Oc :��P UP.�AI� r��T��,'.yL ??t�1 _ . - . at the oint of inters�ection of the southern right-of-way line of � . � Corc�encing P xnter state Freewa}s N�nbers 94 and 35E ar.d the ceater line of St. Peter Street, . said rreeway right-of-ways to the eastern rioht-of-way � th�n northeasterly along " _ • � Broadwa Street, then southeast to the soutlzern right-of-way line of line of Y � lirte of Sibley Kello�o Boulevard, then southcaest to the eastern right-of-way � " � t tr.en southeasterly to the southern right-of-wzy line of Shepard Rozd, . Stzee , . � .. n southwest to the center line of Wabasha Street produced, then northwesterly the : � � to the cente� line of Kellogg Boulevard, then westerly to the center line of � St. Peter Street, then nort�a�esterly to the southern right-o.f"W3y: line of � xr►terstate Freeways Nur.zbers 94, and 35-E, which is the point of beginning, : , excluding, however, that portion of land which is identified as the Downtown Urban Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-20. � � �. � � . : _ . . _ . : • - , . - . - . . ..•- . �•. , . . � �u �;c� . . '1' k-� � : - ., . .. . . . _ . ., _ , . _ . , _. , : . , , , „ ` ,_ � � . . _ ' . - . �EXHIBIT A • . . . ,_.. _ . . . . . � - SEVEN CORNERS . .. :,. A� D�SCRYPTIO:I OF Iv�P U��A*i Ri,:�';JAL A�.A . ' . . . . The area ezca:..passed'within the Seven Corners 2�'DP Urban Ftenewal Area is shown an � Map �To. 1, and is descrioed as follows: , � � . . . . , _ Cor.;�vencing at the point of intersection of tr.e southera right-of-way line of Interstate Freeways Nu7bers 94 and 35E and the center line of St. Peter Street, - then southeasterly alono said center line of St. Peter Street to the Qoint of inter- section with the center line of Kellogg Boulevard, then northeasterly along said. • . 13.ne to the point of intersection with the center line of Wabasha Street, then south2asterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Shepard Road, then southwesterly along said line to the � point of intersection with the center line of Chestnut Street, extended, thea northwesterly along said center line to the center line of Seventh Street, then southwesterly along said center line to the point of intersection with the center . � line of SherMan Street, then northwesterly alone cenCer 7.ine to the point of ' xntersecti.on with the center line of Pleasant Avenue, then southwesterly aloag said center li:�e to the point of intersection with the center line of an alley located thirty-three (33) feet '�' wesC of the western right-of-way line o� � Tho�npson SCreet, then northwesterly along said line to a point on the center line of Irvine Avenue, then northeasterly slono the center line of Irvir.e Avenue to the point of intersec�ion with the western right-of-way line of vaca�ed � F:alnut Street, then northeasterly to the point or intersection with t;�e eastern right-of-wsy line of vacated Walnut Street and a lot line that fs 320 feet, more or less, south of the southern right-of-way line of Sutr,mit Avenue, then northeasterly alon� said lot line �o tha point of intersection with the southern rfi;t�l:-c�i'-ar��y lin� ��f vuc:ut'crl .�nll�y Avun�tc:� Gltir:ti wu+it'r.r'ly �cl��ii}; t+:�l�l 1 (iti;: t'�� t�li�i poinL- oF �.cttersect�oci caitki tl�e sou�(ie�stetci ri�ltt-of-ta:ix litie n� 5t���h�t�t �1��ectuc, tl�en northc:�l.y �11on�; snid lin� Co cl�<� poi.nc c�f tn�nx'��ectl.t�n wl.tli L-l�� n�>>Ch�rn ' � : ri�ht-of-way line of 1)ay��n Avenue, exCcncled, tlict� w��reCc:rly eiloii�.; «a1<1 ax�u���f���l linc to the point of inter�cction witil the ccntcr 2inc of John xrel�nd �oulcv�.d, L-lion no�-Llt�t�Qt�tl.� �t1anY, Fr+�-cl l.�c��± to t}tn. }�oLnt of interseceion witli t-he nor.th- _1- ' . '. . ?�'� :.01 . A�1-6 , : � . _. f .� • • - _ �_ � , . . „ _ . � - _ . �E}CHIBIT A . , , •. , WEST SEVENTH STREET A� D�SC.Z77TT�`� 0=' �7P �_;:?:�_ti T2�\L;�.'-`.L r��?A � , _ - � The West Seventh Stree;. project boundary is shown on Land Acquisieion �,ap, tiD 40Z, . �: Map ro: 2, and is described as follows: � - • � . � - - . . : � � 1 Coaunencing at tne center line of Pleasant Avenue a:.d �t:�e center line af Sherman . .� � .' Street, then southeast to tae center l�ine of West Sevent:� Street, .then no�:;.heast : � : .: = to the center line o� Ches�nut StreeC, �hen southeast to the �t�o�Cthern ri�iz�-of- �� - . way line of the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul RaiTway and the� Chicaba, SC. Paul, . . 2�inneapolis, and Onaha Rsil�oay, then sou�h��est to.�the southern rign�-o�-�ay line - . . . • . � . of Rar�doZpn Avenue, then west to the easte:n righ�-of-way 2in�; of Dra:ce Street, � :. "- �then soutn to the ::ississippi River, then southwest to the sot��hern rig:��-of- . . � . _ _ . . - way line projected of O�:.o Avenue, thea wes�. to the southern rioht.ro�-way line � of WesC Seventh Street, thea southwest to the easCern right-of-way lir.e of Hatn- . � . • - away S�ree�, then south to the southern right-of--,aay line of Adrian Street, t:�en . • sou�h•aest to the eastern righ�-of-way line of InterstaCe Free�aay Nurr,ber 35-c., - � � then followin� the e«stern rignt-of-caay Iine of Interstate Freeway \c,�;oer 3�-: . � � '. in a generally northerly and easterly di:ection to the eas�ern :ight-of-waJ lir.e _� • . of jJestern r.venue, then nor�h to tne center Iine o� Irvir.e �venue, then east .to , the c.enter line o� an alley located thi.rty-three (33) feet w west oi the w�stern ' rigntrof-way line oi Thor.pson Street pro�uced, then south to the ce:ter li:�e or Pleasant Avenue, then easC to the center line of Sher�an Street, whfch is t5e point of begir.ning. - ' ' . ._ � "-. . .. . - - - - - - . - - ' -:_ . ' � � . � . � - � _ -1- � � . 1�D 401 . . . �«1^, � . � _ - , � . � � Y�` � ���-,GrZ � '� , CITY PLANNIN �RoB�z,A►RD OF ST. PAUL £ ���';�, k' � � ��� ����� __ . , . � a 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING MA1�08�,6�9�M1tCtt, 11A,IN{VESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 Z M.ANDERSON P.N�Ka.:rvi� Housing & Redev. N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director V.COUGHLIN M. GliRYEY Authority �Q W. DODGE ` S�Paul.Minn. r'i � ACTION: February 11, 1971 ' $EE ME PREPARE REPLY FOR YOUR INFDRMATlON Mr. Edward Helfeld TODAY Executive Director Housing and Redevelopment Authority Northwestern National Bank Building Sixth Floor - 55 East Fifth Street St. Pau1, Minnesota 55101 Re: Redevelopment Plan - Central Core Area - Minn. A-1-5 - - Dear Sir: Land Acquisition Change On Thursday, February 11, 1971, the Planning Board of the City of Saint Paul held a special meeting to consider the revised acquisition in the Central Core Area .as contained in your letter of January 28, 1971, and specifically indicated on the revised "Land Acquisition Map" attached thereto. The Planning Board unanimously adopted the following motion: � "The Planning Board approves the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Core Area, Minnesota A-1-5, incorporating the land acquisition on the area bounded by Jackson, Sixth, Sibley, and East Seventh Streets, with the exception of the Triple-A building and.the frontage R along Seventh Street back to and including the Zohmann Company building, and as particularly shown on the revised "Land Acquisition Map" which was supplied by - the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and referred to above: The Planning Board also finds that the proposed._changes in land acquisition as being in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and would iike to make the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council cognizant of the need for priorities in terms of the Civic Center area." Very truly yours, r /,� , � � ' � ��`�,��� "�� �.���� � --r�'`�----_ � - Noland R. Heiden Director of Planning NRH:gaf cc: Mr. James Dooley Mr. Richard Gauger �O 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesata 551 01. Edward N. Helfeld, Executive director. phone 223 52 18 _ _ � � �� �, �_ Z �_ ,, DATE JANUARY 20, 197.1 N�BUSING ANQ REDEUELOPMENTAUTHORITY �F TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM EnwaRV N. HELFELD � SUB�ECT ELECTIONS IN THE THOMAS-DALE AREA ' f Given the discussions of the past week, I thought you might find useful information on past votes taken in the Thomas-Dale Area: 1. I�n December of 1968, the Frogtown Improvement Council, after numerous meetings discussing the issue, conducted a vote at St. Agnes Church to determine attitudes about participating in the Neighborhood Development Program. Dne hundred eleven residents voted for the program and 64 voted against the program. 2. In December of 1969 the first elected PAC conducted a vote in which 340 residents favored the plan as prepared by the Thomas-Dale Development Council and 225 did not favor the plan. . � . 3. In October of 1970, the second elected PAC conducted a vote in which 36 residents - favored the plan and 30 were against it. In addition elections for PAC officers were held in September of 1%9 at which 584 votes were cast, and on September 28, 1970 some 218 votes were cast for the present membership. " �� � ��'�;� �� • . ,_. .-� � r s • • 9 • • � �r �,� � ��II�I%�2��/li� � • • '`� � �"7 I � E��1�._EG ���� L� ::: , , January 25, 197I Mr. Olson CITY C -_,r;:= City Clerks Office ST ; ' : � '`..,. City Hall, Court House St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Ols�n: The enclosed letter addressed to Ma.yor Charles McCarty and the members of the City Council o.f St.Paul rep.resents the position of the Citizens Co-Ordinating Council on the Thoznas Dale or Frogtowm N.D.P. matter. Consideration of this isaue was held at our Friday evening meeting of the organization. It was voted to draft a letter and fo.rward it to the City Council and to use it in other appropriate ways and occasions to enable us to share our views and con�ictions on it. Regretfully� circumstances �o not permit a personal presentation of this position so the request is herby made that it be read into the record of the Council meeting on. the date received . We will be very much interested in the responses to this position of ours that we trust will be forthcoming. Sincerely; Charles A. Rauschnot Chrmn. Enclosed :�-Copy for Dispatch reporter� if you will please. ' li�� �� � �� .�� - ������� • � � � ` � �. �� , . . , . . � G���� � . •� ���`� . � To: �Iayor C�hules uoQa,rty Ja,nuar a I City Counc�il 1L�mbess; y 5, 9?I Honorable sira: The Citizen� Oo-�rdiAating �4unoil tor Undted Commanity �atioa whioh io aompo�ed �o! repreaentatioes of neighborrood organiz�tiona trom the •ario� areaa oi st. paul, ir deeply ctonoerned �ith the varioua proposed go�ernruent progr�ma siieoting them. Oae ot the iasue� that we a.a 4n org4aization hare apent eoasidQrable time de�ling witb and stmdqing�ls tha�t ot N.D.P. or Neighborhood De�elopment prograauo an3 a�rried out throjagh the St. paul I�ousing �nd RO��elopn,ent Authori+ty. It has long been our concerz� that cert�.in itiad,amental ohangea in both tho op er�tion ot tho Hot�sing Authority o.ad the► baoi� �tpon whfoh its N.D.P. aro implomented, �houl�� be oarried out in ord�r to mooape the other«ri�s diaatrovs ooasecl�enoer. N�ighborhood Dmvelopmeat Progr�r,s by thero vsry nat�r• oa�uae profound ahang�� in a, aeighborhooci itsalt,�ad a�rious dioruption in the li9ing patterno oi ma�ny of �he rer.icSentis �nd properby or►ners. Ma�or finanoi�l btirden4 mtiat be assyrumd by mauy v�uder forae o! larr, to paq ior ths ohanges req�irsd by the program. Peopler li�es ar� groatly a!leo�tied. Onr oonaern 4t thia present tim• is th• matter oi th• Dalo - Thomas � or Frogtown propos�d a.otlon undss the N.D.p. !or the a�rea. The Frog Toxn Oi�io Cov�noil prea�atea its o�s• �t th• �it� Gov�aail sassion o! Friday Jaav�a,ry Ig,I97I,�v�,pport�d by a petition Kith o�or 800 signit�res, �11 of the �rigner� wer� residents ana or property own�rs in the area. ♦11 ot ths signass therby e�ideaced there opporitioa to the propored progra,m.Yet the aigaer� �ere only representative ot 4 ♦ery muah lsrger part o! the oo�unit� �a � �rhole. On Frid,ay January I5,I97I tbe �1ty C�oanoil ♦ot�d wnsaimo�urly to pro�ide that an area eleation �ander reg�lar oity elootion proaedurer womld b• oaraied out. Th• data ot Febr�ary 9,I97I �►s astablisbed. The aotion i� pro�idiag this a�ynocratio ♦ote oa ths N.D.P. ��,s oommAnQa.bl• a,nd a positire,nonoontro�ar�sial method o! Qetmrmining tai3iy and wa�aratelq ths oiti�.n� 3esira in thi� matter. The rerers4l o! thio aotion oa IPsclnesday, Janu,ary 80, th�t is�not p�rmitting a �otm,�r �aost disturbiag �nd trom ov�r obser�ation , a, most un�ortuaat� �nd undesirable deoision. Thermlorm, �nd in ordor to aok that,�it �omaail roatore th� ri ht to vot• by r0a�ala�r oleotion ur000durea o � s . . ., the itiz�ns o- rdinating omnail �u+�mi�s thi• letter of protost ,a�ter considmring the iniorm�tioa and po�ition ot the Frogtown Oi�io Counoil. Your irnn,ediat� eon�ideratioa is re�tuested. R�epeotiully ; , Citizens Co-Ordinating Council .J�'" �� �( _868 " Rice St. St. Paul,Minnesota 551I7 ��T - . �harl�s Ra�sobaot C�hrmn. . ��'�a� . . , . . • . G����/ SP '� ����zn � To: �ayor �hules uaCarty Ja,nu4r 8 I City Counoil Yembers; y 5, 97I Honor�ble sir�: The Citizen� Oo-Ordinating Cotinoil !or UnateQ Comm�nity �ctioa whioh i� oompo�ed�oi re rosentativoa of neighborYaood organiz�tiona trom the ♦�rio�aa are�s of �t. paul, ir doeply oonoerned Rith the varioua propoaed goTernruent prograra� aiteoting them. Oae oi the iaauoa� that we �a aa orgaaiaation hare apent eonsiderable time dealing witb �nd st�dqlag�i�► th�t ot N.D.P. or N0lghborbood Dozelopment Progrwu� an� earried out throfagh the st. Pa�ul �oueing �nd R�d�velopn,ent Authori,ty. It has long been o�r aonaorn that certarin innQAamental changea in both thm oper�tioa ot the Hor�siag Authority �nd �he baoi� �pon a�hioh it� D1.D.P. ar� implampnted, 4houl�� be osrried out in order to esaspe the other!�is� dioatrou� oonsec�nenoe�. Naighborhood Dmvelopmeat Progr�r,s by thero very nat�rm oauae prolound ohanga4 in �, neighborhood itaelt,a�nd ��rious di�ruption in the li�ing patt�ra� ot many oi the ror.lQentis sad proper�y owners. �da�or tin�,noi�� burdea� mn�t bo assvrned by many nnder toroe oi lavr, to pay ior the oh�ng9� req�aired by the program. Paople• liTe� are greatly atleoLmB. Onr aoncera 4t this preoont time is the matter ot �hm Da,lo - Thaaa�.a • or Frogtown proposed a,otion unaer the N.D.P. tor the a,sea. The Frog ToNa Oi�io Co�ncil prea�atsa its oas• at th• �it� Coyncil •ession oi Friday J�nu�,ry I5,I87I,��,pportad br a patition with o�rer b00 slgaitnres, all of the signero wer� residento and or property owners in the area. ♦11 of thm oigne=s therby s�ideaoed there opposition to the propo�el progrsm.Yet the �ignera were only representative oi �, vary muah l�rger part oY the oomm�nity a� a nhole. On Friday Jantilary I5,I9?I the C-1ty C1-ounv�il ♦oted unanimomsly to pro�ide that aa are� eleation wader reg�lar ait�r elootion proceav�rer �o�ld be oarried o�t. Tha datm oi �'ebr�ry 9,I97I �as astablishe�i. The aotion i�; pro�iding this damoaratio •ote oa the N.D.P. R�,,� oo�m�naabl• aud a positire,aonoontro�e►rsial method oi dat�rmiaiug tai3ly and aoe�arately the oitiaena 3e�ire in �his matter. Th• rmrersal ot this sotion on �I.dae�day, January 80, th�t is�aot pormitting a ♦o�m,ws�� most disturbiag �nd irom our obser�ation , � most untortunato and wadesirable deci�fon. Therofors, a,nd in ordar to ask that�Cit �ownail ro�tore tha ri ht to vote b ro �14r eleation rooedurea o � . . , t e itiz�ns o- rdinating o�anail �uomits thi� letter of protost ,a��ter convid�ring the inform�tion and position oi the Frogtown Qi�io Couaoil. Your irnmediata eon�ider�.tioa is ro�luested. R��peotiully ; , Citizens Co-Ordinating Council .J�'" ��� . ,g68 Rice St. St. Paul�Minnesota 551I7 - �.l�arl�� R`�sobnot Ohrmn. �� ' �.�:� t i��u ( + 1��.�r;C i I�;1 �r' rr'•�.�J.�..:a�, .� �„ � � Y�@sty1P LL`2�.�iS1�rIC:�: �'t.ro:i�'�:'�' ic?�lU „�� i2�.' .�. .i_ ._1� � ,. .. . 'LV� i�� l�lli�S,� 71 �Y, �� ` „d • � ' �� ,. . ,: �� �iUt'if.2�v � ulC�E'-�iiU,Z'":: � i:�'t,S!1E`�•-__�1v 1�:" � �:�'i="G,v�--°1.'2 @@a� t�1�.@y I.�1,C%T'OV@J71'C'Yl t:.i - etc. be o�itted from t:ne i�3 � � 1y71 �.r�ci .L;-`�� ��.°�l�osed pro�rams in thP ' ' Fro�;-»T�wn area, al�;o '�no:t�n �,utthe ih�ma,:�-�d��.e �:z��a�, :ie consider this �ro�osed �:ro��m of i:he ��ei;;%i�uxilo D�v�lo;,�inent cil a f l��;rant v�aste of �he t��::x�l�ayer�' i�zor��y�d �urt�er� wQ oppc�r�e in ii'• ra�$rtty t�e wh�l� �s�pQ�e� �i D F f�r th� �h�w-I'�ale sasea� NAME ADDRESS PRECINCT WARD `� r�' � �„ �� � �� �� � � �J :. , �% � �r/ s�' � � � � �' O� "� L� . R `7/•�'� .�•�,r /i� � , I) � �'i:.,� �'"� �.,i �L�`._.. � �j L� ��? t"' l 0 �'rt -- jZ/��Z-v� ' � ,� �� `--� / tj� �; '� �� '' - .!-�'L�t�(-f � c:-'�✓L -` � f, '✓''?:,� �rL��r�%--�� j .--- l � _ ,-� � l ' � �. �/ 1 �;���� �,,..� �� , �� , ;^-�.� ' ��� � � � ` �,;� ; •— •� > �� �— � ��.� ; , �'" ���� � i� / 2 �.� �� � � � 7 �- U� � ` %� C��—�-t— -�.-- : � i'.' > � J � ..�� 7 J � .._.. , ,;�,� . ; � / _ ,�, � _ _ _ ,� . �, n � , , `-'� ' ' �/ ) ' �" -r. /C- �3 -� �. , _ _. _ J — . ; �� > z,� ' c.-a_ ��..,- - l .�__ � �,< �.. � � �� < � �� `� o�,���,� ,�-� � �. _,, < ; - � '� , Gr, �' �` ;�� 7,; Gi � %l '�Lr7�t., i L'I� � � � �C'�./vt� ��� c [%%L� C,-'��. � ,�l; ,;L�:� �Gr ��t,�_ �d�: .%�j���-, i���' �%=�� �2—° :, ' -� ; ti� , � � � ���� ���/ ��� ; ��,� ��.. ,i , j�,,� ��-, ' ` �� G� ;/c� �.�,i t i� r� �� � � � `�q � .�) ` C. 1 �;� � ''�,� t l' ')' ,� .0 � J.✓ �� A��•`i,( 1 . �.;.7" �l l I r� � �,�,/-;�,�.�._.. � �" . j �"�x.. c. �� �' 'V r. �_,� �..�"�'.y`.�� f.-G..:!._� �!.. /� . .��/" `�, i"J�-:;-.�..- �/.>.y..�._' =" � �{._-� . , ���� �` � /����1.,� �,�; ' ° ..��:� ,�� �,? 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NAME ADDRESS PRECINCT WARD ,�� �� ' �y � C "�.'�� .� i" �'---- - � �J (, � _ �'/"C--� �_`�'7/�,f/ �`� � ✓[/l'�'�!� 'a�,/�'^C'�:�".`'_�LS / �'+ i� �-- �.� ^ ` P / '�S' ��� -� � , . , ,. � � � ^ • �;,� • .�-- � _.• . ; .�. . . � � , �� , ,- : � i � :-, �• �i .� �? � -, f '!� �� t�� �' � , u°� v `- ; r , - ;.. ; � � .,W- ,, -.� e. � �. ,� ' � . � � - , � � _ , _ ✓. `�_, y") G, '�.. �4./ J 1 -1'�� 3 r��9 � L'_. �' ... ✓/� ./ ✓ �� / °'`' �/ `0 � . l / ^ �J / � ,,� ,// ..�1� � � CF''7..J �.CO__ ...� �� � � � -� ' ti� /� � V �`s� �����y !'�i�✓"�(I' � � ��� � � /r� , . JI 1 .�^. f �"� r ' � � � �-,��,� �7 `d"-1 '' ! +^'r Y �,���LL �'L;r� `�''�'�":tl�:� rL � u�'`�.' f�` -� C-z�-s-r,- Zl�trt�j.i-�-. % ��-- �� ' � f�`� ! � �%t-�Z. ! �1 .�2.F�%v� /1 �/ �� � i, � ,J �-� , ' r � . �u.•'r.�,�' �I �i' � L C-(_..-„�-, � , , � �.. � ,�, .. /�� Q �I r� �� A j :�� G�-i �'�"L " c�, /�G�fy--) c. -L..L'._. �` .�� � r L �,� � � "'�`../ �� � � .�<�_ �'� �� � � �, �'i � / � � , r / - �;i-. � �'�'T�1/' � � t �i'��Y�'' �!..�:'.%��'�''1� � t�J''� �: :'l�:`�/ , ��, �� L !!'y v �`� �. `'? � � �,y s��--�--F^(; � v� )a����.,,.v' � �__. . „ ��� }, , � �. � - ,:�� _ •� J X, .�i , : 1!' � � i._y - � y `"` ' � !l✓Y� �r� � �l.. `'1 �' j{_'y� t-- �•� 'l.�—r,��'��� •�j�� '�l�C/V . ...� ii O�j 4/�..�. ! 7 �P. 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' /� �. i :- /� �('� � -�c'�, 's�.' / '� -�+-- ���iZC�'--� �;r- ,i.l +�� / � ` � / � ' - � ��;:��;)1 ..,�s ,.. , , ,:�j ,�� >'� � �� � �/1'_._2�-.f� r�__ : ��,f.c_�> _�l J ��"`��� . �� ll'�-�: ` � � 7 `�1.��,• �� �G.� , ` . ' �-� , � � j L'L><_.0- /'. 'l,L � �,• � ;'S L'� �'�+'�i%�ri�crc-� (�!, ,c�!'.• � � _ / r �y�, ! �,� :s/_ ----- �� —�; ; . � � ,-i�,,�L� ��:., / !'G L� <<=-"~�"��� 4 �-�' Ls'y�c:-r-..---• �v�� . �� SYA7E OF RAIfdtJE507A t COUP�1'Y OF RA�"SEY j ss . ' EX1IIi�ll �s�„ . • SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY A. DESCRIPTION OF NDP URBAN RENEWAL AREA • � _ _Be�inninc at the point of intersectioa oi the eastern ri;ht- � of-wa}� Iine ot Triester.n A�*enue ��ith the projectec� iiorthern xight-of.-;aay liuc of the alley betF�een Siiernurne �venuc and University Avenuc:, then westerly along said projected line of the alley to the po��it uf intersection t�ritn the western ridht- . of-way Iine of. Le�_in�ton Par'K�•Tay, then southerly alo�g saic� � • , line to thc point of intersecti,on caith the southern- ri�t�t-of- way line o£ the alley betcaee:i Portland Avenue �.nd SuT�it Avenue, then easterly alon� said ].�ne to the l;oint of intersection with the eastern r:;ht-of-�aay line of Piilton Street, then - norther].�- along said line to the poin.t of intersection caith the souti:ern ri.�ht-of-���ay Iine of Porcland E�venue, tlien east- � • erly alon� said line to tl�e �oint of intersection �,�ith the - western ri�ht-or-�.ay lii�e of Victoria Street, then souther�:y' - . along� said line to the point of intersection t�:itti the� southern right-of-�a�y line of �'ortland Avenue, ttien easterl_y .along said Iine to tiie point of intersection ��aith the western ri�lit-�f-;aay � line of St. Albaas Street, then souttierly along said line to the soutrcern rig}�t-of-j•Jay licie c�f th� al_ley be��.�en Suuuait Avenue� and Grand Aver.ue, then easterly alon� said line to the ' point of intersectio:l F�ith the eastern rzl,ht-of-way line of Oa'�:Iand ��venue, then nortl-;erl;� aloii� said l��ic� to tt�e point of . intersection witii tt.e projecL-cc' line of the souther.n ri�I�t-of- - ' way line of the alley bett�eeti Suir:iit A��enue ar.d Grand �venue, L'hen easter.l5� alor_g said projectecl line to the point of inter- �_.. secta.on �•�itti the eastern righ*_-of-way line ef Sc:n:,-�it Cc,urt,. then northerly alon� said 3.zne to the f�oii?t of i.ntersecti.on wi.th the soutl�ern ri�iit-�of-�.•<<} l�n� oi Su.�:.4it ��;�nue, then easterly along . said line to ihe goitit of intersectia�z �:-itli Lt�e sout}:ern riynt- of-taay line of .Za;sey Street, tnen �;-:sterly. alon� said line �o ' the peint of intersecti�;� �•:i.tii t}ie east-ern ri.�;:t-of-Nay line of: �- W�stern Ave:�ue, t�en northeriy ulano sai.d line to i:he point, o_f in�ersectio;� ���ith the scuthern ri�.li—O�—�•Ic'1J line of Irvinc ��v�IlU2� . t�1E:I1 r.orttzeast�rl_y along sai.d li.�e to t'r:e point of intersection with L'he northe�sLerly riol�t-of-�:-ay l.ine of vacated L�:al.nut Street, then northc�;est:erly aionf sai.d line to ttie p01II� of intersection with i:he southe�sterly rigiit-of-caay 1in� of Su:-miL Avenue, then ' nortl�eastcr]_y along said line to �he point of intei-sectio.i ti�ith . the projected norti;ern Li�iit-of_-c•,ay li�:e of Daytoi� Avenue, tt��n taesterly al.an� said line to ti7e point of. intersection �aith tlie eastErn ri.�l.t-of-wa�> line of vac:teci Catii�dr�1 �'lace, th�n north- � erly al:on�; said line to tiie point' of intersection ��,ith tlie north- ern ri�ht-of--•r:ay liile of ��.arshall Avenuc, tl�e;� t•�esterly alan& said line to ti�e poinC oi i,�tersectio:l ��;ith t.he easteni right-�i--way line of T•lester.n Av�nue, tiieu r.ortherly along s�id line to the point of in�er::�ction c:ith tlze nor�hern ri.�ht-of-�oay line of .iar- shall �lvent�e, then �•��sterly alon� said line to the point of inter- section �aitli the•e�.stc:r].y risht-of-��ay line of arund�l. Street, then nort}ierl;r al.oilg saiu line to the point of inter�ec�i.ori �,Tith � � southern ri�tiL--of-way line of Concordi.a A�enue, ttien soutneasterlr • ' . a):on� saici line to the poin� of i.i�tersection t,�ith tl�e eastern ri�tit- � � of-cvay line of t'esterr. :!venue, the.i nortne.i-ly alo;7; saicl IlIlE, to tt1C �i0]I1t Of lI:LCYSCCL�OIl �:'ltil (:}iC I1GT*i1CYt1 T'1C.�1C—OL—AT�,' li.ne Of t�1C c11.�:�' �Ct'.7`.'C:1 .Si1�L�:1L'11e t�t'i?IIU� c?il(� j,�111VtI'Slt� :lveuue. ��iiich 1S ��lt': �02t1t Of JC�1Illlllih� , � r,z��. �►-t-� � � ._. . ;> : `' c✓':?ZBIT A , ` WEST MIDWAY-SOUT H ST. ANTHONY PARK : � . _: .. .., , ,._.._: ; - .. . . � A. Dr^.SCRIPTION OF A'DP URBAN RENE[dAL AREA Com.�nencing at the point of intersection of the l��esterly lot line of Lot one (I), Block two (2), Eustis' Addition to St. Anthony Park, Ramsey Co. , Minn., with tne Southerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad, then northeasterly along said Southerly right-of-way line of saic� Bur�.ington Northern Railroad exter�ded , to the point of intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of Manvel Street, then Northwesterly along the Easterly right-of-way line of Manvel Street to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of Block 1, St. Anthony Park, Minn., then Northeasterly alono said last described line to the point of inter- section with the Northerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad, then Southeasterly along said last described line extended to the point of inter- section with the Westerly right-pf-way line of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, then Southerly along said western right-of-way line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company to the goint of intersection with the northern rioht- of-way line of Charles Street extended, then southeasterly along a line to a ° point on t�e southern right-of-way line of University Avenue and approximately 300 feet east of the eastern right-of-way line of Cleveland Avenue, then � southerly along a line approximately 1,350 feet to the point of intersection witn the northern right-of-way line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, then south- easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the western right- of-way line of Prior Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Interstate Highway Nunber 94, then northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the westerly boundary of the City of Saint Paul, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of the Burlington�Northern R�ilroEd Which is the point of beginning, all according to the pZat thezeoi on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for said • . . Ramsey County. _ 1 _ . ND 401 A-1-2 .- . EXHIBIT A - � THOMAS DALE A, DE5CRTPTiON OF 1�'DP URB4N R�N�t•LAL AR:�A � The Thomas-Dale pro�ect boundary is shown on Land Acquisition I�.ap, ND 401, Map No. 2, and is described as follows: - Crnnroencing at the intersection of the southern right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern. Railroad tracks and the eastern right-of-way . - , o� the Alley (projected) east of Rice Street, then south, generally, along said alley line tQ the southern right-of-way line of University Aveaue, then west to the eastern right-of-way line of Rice Street, thea south to the southern right-of-way line af the a12ey south of University Avenue, then wese to Che eastern right-of-way line o� Marion �Street, then south to the southern right- of-way line of the alley south of Aurora Avenue, then west to the western right-of-way line of Caltier Street, then north to the southern righC-of-way line of the alley south of University Avenue, then west to the eastern right- of-way line of Farrington Avenue, then south to the southern right-of-way line of the alley south of Fuller Avenue, then west to the western right-of-way 1.ine of WesCern Avenue, then north to the southern ri�ht-of-way line of the alley north of University Avenue, then west to the western right-of-way line of Ivorth Chatsworth Street, then nortn to the northern right-of-way line of Pie:ce Eutier Foad, then east to the northern right-of-way line af Minr.ehaha Avenue, � then east ta the weatern r3bht-of-wuy lino of Arundel Street, then north to the southern right-of-way line of the Burlington Northerz� Railroad . tracks, then generally easterly along said railway right-of-way to the eastern righC-of-way line of the alley east of Rice Street, which is the point of beginning. . No portion of the area defined on Map 2 or in the boundary description is excluded . . from the Thomas-Dale pro3ect area. � - -1- lv'D 401 A-1-3 \l.hJ41��A�.-W 'k�.i1w� _ EXHIBIT A � . � CENTRAL CORE . A. DESCRIPTIOIv OF NDP URBAN REI�•�1AL AREA � Co�aencing at the point of intersection of the southern right-of-way line of Interstate Freewa}s Numbers 94 and 35E and the center line of St. Peter Street, ht-of-wa s to the eastern righC-of-way then northeasterly along said Freewaq rig y o Broadway Street, then southeast to the southern right-of-way line of iine f Kellogg Boulevard, then southwest to the e�stern right-of-way line of Sibley . Stxeet, then southeasterly to the southern right-of-way line of� Shepard Road, then southwest to the center line of Wabasha Street produced, then northwesterly to the center line of Kellogg Boulevard, then westerly to the center Iine of St. Peter Street, then northwesterly to the southern right-af-way. line of . . Interstate Freeways Numbers 94, and 35-E, which is the pofnt of beginning, excluding, however, that portion of land which fs identified as the' Downtown Urban Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-20. � . �1_ rD 4G1 .. A-1-5 . :,- � : - - : , . ,. � _. . - EXHIBIT A SEVEN CORNERS . . A. DESC2IPTION OF Iv'DP URBAN RE:�WAL ARr^,A . The area encompassed within the Seven Corners Iv'DP Urban Renewal Area is shown on Map No. l, and is descrioed as follows: � Commencing at the point of intersection of the southern right-of-way line of Interstate Freeways Numbers 94 and 35E and the cenCer line of St. Peter Street, then southeasterly along said center line of St. Peter Street to the poinC of inter- section with the.center line of Kellogg Boulevard, then northeasterly along said. Iine to the point of intersection with the center line of Wabasha Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Shepard Road, then southwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Chestnut StreeC, extended, then northwesterly alono said center line to the center line of Seventh Street, then southwesterly along said center line to the point of intersection with the center line of Sherman Stxeet, then northwesterly along center line to the point of � intersection with the center line of Pleasant Avenue, then southwesterly along said center line to the point of intersection with the center line of an alley located thirty-three (33) feet '�" west of the western right-of-way line of Thompson Street, then northwesterly along said line to a point on the center line of Irvine Avenue, then northeasterly along the center line of Irvir.e Avenue to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way line of vacated F7alnut Street, then northeasterly to the point of intersection with the eastern • right-of-way line of vacated Walnut Street and a lot line that is 320 feet, more or less, south of the southern right-of-way line of Summit Avenue, then northeasterly along said lot line to tha point of inCersection with the southern rl�;l�t:�c�l'-wny linv uf viic:i�Yc�l ;ivll,y Avc.iuia� t.l�r.►� wur►Cc:rly hli����; rii�i�l 1 (t�c; I'.c► t'I►�i paint nf in�ersectiou ilith tl►c sdutheustern righ�-of�ta�y �i.ne tl� S�innti�t �lvenue, then northerly nlong s�ici lin� C� thn pc��.�G of; in�erac�ec�.c�n wi.Lh Ch� no�ath�+rn . ri�ht-of-w�y lina of Uuy�on Avenue, extended, tlici� wes�c:rly rilon�; said �.�xtc:n�.lE:d line to the point of inCersection wiCh the cenCer line of John xreland �ou�levard, tl�an nvr.Llieaatprly Alon� sAid liti? to thQ �►aSnt of interAection with Lhe naxth- -1- . ND 401 . .._..__._ . . A-1-6 . . . . _ - , . _ . ,. . , . _ , . . . _ , . _ . , � , : ., - '; , � . - J .� �r . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . • � . �HIBIT A _ WEST SEVENTH STREET � A. DcSC�T_PTIO� OF I�DP URBAi1 R�'Nfit�7AL A�EA , � . . The West Seventh Street project 'boundary is shown on Land Acquisition Map, ND 40I, Map I3o: 2, and is described as follows: � - . Coaunencing at the center line of Pleasant Avenue and.the center line of Sherman • � � Street, then southeast to the center line of West Seventh Street, then northeast �, to the center line of Chestnut Street, then southeast to the �northern right-of- way line of the Chicsgo Mil�aaukee and St. Paul RaiTway and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railway, then southwest to.the southern right-oi-way Iine of Rar�doZph Avenue, then west to the eastern right-of-way 1in�; of Draice S�reet, - - then soutn to the. Mississippi River, then south�aest �to the southern righ�-of- , • . . . . way line projected of Otto Avenue, then west to the southern righC�o.-way Iine of West Seventh Street, then southwest to the eastern right-of-way line of Hatn- , 2way Street, then souCh to the southern right-of-�way tine of Adrian Street, then • sou�hwest to the eastern right-of-way line of InterstaCe Freeway Number 35-E; - then £ollowing the eastern right-of-way line of Znterstate Freeway Nu:�ber �5-E in.a generally norther2y and easterly direction to the eastern right-of-way line of tJestern Avenue, then north to the cen�er Iine of Irvine Avenue, then east to , the center line of an alley located thirty-three (33) £eet -1- west of the �aestern right-of-way line of 2hor.pson Street produced, then south to the center line or Pleasant Avenue, �hen east to the center Iine of Sherman Street, whi.ch is the point of beginning. � - _ -1- ; ND 401 _ A-1-7 . � _ � .. . _,__ .s�.__. ..__.___._ _._.._ _._______..______..�_` . -.. _...'�.Y._._.—__�_________ __..__ .�___. � � � :i.., ".' : ? :�� '`;:SC'l�.'. t i DE:}'n:�l.'�!E\1 0: i10C�:\G •1�i; i�t;i'.1.'� �.:1'E:J.(1:'"�:. 'i �� - - — -- - - — -- - — • :�:o�:.cr . ��,_t� �c�;;o!E'C{' :��� -�;,_, ; � Cc;tc.�..� '�'�_r�::e. ..::�::. :-�7 s � S��.._�: t-:i:i:�crsi.ty :'i .:n. �_-1_: ; � FIX�D :ELOC.�l'ION P.al't„�" Sr' , �:�:t ::i c:.::•� ::i:;:;. :.-1-? ! ".'i S �.ric�U:.F `� ; tS1C:i:S �;l:C 1;1r�.:1. :.-i-� i . . .. _ ... ... - _• _ . .. .. . 1'..-.: . _1 �J. ! G-7 10/20-60 CERTIF'ICATE OF SECRETARY � I ' The undersigned hereby certifies as followa: 1) That she is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, MinnesoCa, herein called the "Local Public Agency" and th� keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; 2) That the attached _ Resolutton No 7 �/13 7 is a true and correct copy of the rpnnlvt�on as adopted on the 13th day of _ Tan ar 19 Y-_..._. Z,L,_: 3) That the seal affixed below conatitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official aeal; and 4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the aeal of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 15th day of _7attLarv , 19 �. � °'� � . �� 3ECRET�IRY ( SEAL ) and a Schedule of Average Sales Prices For Standard Housfng In Locality, approved March 14, 1970, attached hereto and marked for the urban renewal activities contemplated by the Neighborhood Development Application, Year III; and , , . , , , _. _ . - ._ . , . _ � . •.� - � :i�r- ;:,:�; � . . �r.,-<� „i�;l.,,. ,r,-;�,":... ;,v l� �^,,: r: .�r,.:!l� •:rc.i!�t'�:�• i.���•rn•� r E . �,;r>:, �',r ll.e v;t ,..1 l�utrr u�:: :!,. ; �a::a: t.�l ci �c�,:: n��..,,�r �Jf �.�)rtrS r,��Llriv!. L'eC �[r'uit.c�:nl cl�.',•!c l�nc�.�l.�(.) ~ i 1�`"iT,.ti';:i :7 �..,�•�_;lr�)if;'�T, C• �.T..�, r.T�. . _�, ,,, � ' _ -� --•-•-- -. _ _._ . _ ___. .. _ �,j:'__-1_.L*. � .j.l•(.l':i'i�l.i ��i': �)�iliCt� � ��in':��, ' ,i �, � 1 ` . . 4 'Y'L 1 1 ' '?.t'i.`_ ia1;:1..•}J!_' rl:� �Q u_il 4 iJOC!.a''ZLO?1 1�::l1C:1 1� '^S l'i!1{41i�1 � i:^ui•ly ;�.t:c� fo:- r�o���:•� T:,e. �r_.. ..:. - . � ��• < <�� c;1� �•��r:- ;� l;o�arly. rar.� i.: ir??..UO. t:���_ � t� �.,c'- •:;i;� � l:i:U . :;.• l.:C 1'�Ci':.�C' C:L1P,::1L�_C: [1:=i^_ 1:� O:�,` • � 1t0::� j�;;Y Z'00::1 �11U:, Cl�t'CZ ' ?;'. i�:VCL Ll.r?^ i° CC;;�'lir,?(: 1O:C�]. �O �>tii(.:i� i.01 L:'.0 .:.G'.'7 21� V:?tl. Z�i1C C5�J.f1�:!CCCI ::V'_:"<.'�� Z'"�YCL � t1.i�l�'_ i:7r e::`v'iCC�. 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Avc•ra�� ' $ 2.2.00 . �e $ �2.00 ��� •�. ::ccfi.�n) ` • i�u�ber o.0 Itour� Fcyuircd ' S IO • � 11 . , , l . . . . : _ . , _.. ..__. _ � __. _. __.. „ • � ' W ��. �t3ii�� CiYZiY'iE:$O�:i .� .. i � � i1.:>. G;_i'A.iPA:tli Of I�:GUSfhu Ah�) U�:i.•,N i!C�'_t J'1 ��' �<,E +r t : _I � � � a � �-iir r �t- � ��;iun ;. �'i ' ` �th`�O,��ty o�dth�1C�tent I � ; �rtiR !�. .�, ' C/�1 (� [� (� p`I (' /, / /� !� r �.. � St�snt Paul, Minne�ot:a 4 4 t�+ t;�� �it;� � ,il.ilC.l'l��.L l.�i J.r �.!\.A:�'t_ /1.�1�1!���. \•i'�V�'J '•�-.�� {��i.J A1 �. !! [[[������� , ��yj� . � � 5 d y �� �'� � � €��ct s���r,iai�n�;� t;�u�i::r_, e�; �.,�:r i.i�►�Y ;� � '�� 3:>a-r;�:� e � y ,,,, , ,, ,--,� ,, .� . � � , , �,r �l�'1��� ��„ �� l�, �l��i, �� �i,. , .l l��r „�l� i u, � �� � � � , ., , , . 1:����1�;r � 11�����. 1'•,�,���,• .����;,,,,,t.,�,�� . � �� , r �,: � , t I . ��11�l� 1� �1 '.h rr �n� .������ i ir�, in .l-/ .�� l� I� uv ��n�' �.�I��u n n�i 1��, � � I , . �u . . . . . ' I, i ' � � �,� r��, i ��il,l,ri,innl u rii, � .,l„��r r'� i, ., 4,,l�,l, �,i,l, I'r : ,� , � (ir� r�lu r, �� 111�11•�rf,1�r�� � •1 .tich�•�/uI� i� i,� ��,, ��..r,.+ �i���l u�i ,r, . � ����,� � � cvrn(Jrlri!. � � - -- -----_._ __._----_- . __ _ i---------------....�_�_--.• ----- -----...._._ -----__ --- � � A. TYi'E Of SUF!,ilS.`��Jtl a\D AP�LiLAf,1l.17Y Of S�f1:UU�i � � � • �., a, i�I�ntii:��,� .^.'.,^vr. , L I llii> is t���� Origi:�al ;chcd��.. rr p,;.��i t� a�,,,i� t.���I �ll :% 3�' .h'• i' 3 � ,. ,�� :� May 8, 1968 � � � � � ��{l This is an cmcrded schcdutc (a^<<',�,-' �:a �he �•�,� w;,n - 4 �_�Fevising tiie a:��ounts of the ovc�oye .nnu,:l gross renr.:t_. � �� �d�dding oddi��unol projcct(s)to t,,o:c cov,•r� � by thc p��� '���•. ••'',�•' Ir. $u_h ne« pro,c cr(s) is (��ci Y•linn A_1-1,_Minn_A-1-�, �-?�-��._A-1-5, A-1-6 ttnd A-1-?_ -- � __ - ; F �. I T}li5 is on adnptia� �� o :ihc.'�.ule ptcvi��;ly aF�.ro�od i�7 1!'1��. � . � � � � _ � . _ _.._.. _. # � _-------- — --- .,.. ..�._._-•— � � ..� �� , _--�____ -- C. R:.QII; S7 .---___ ______,.._.._.._. . .____. ; � , � ,�t � r " � i , � i �, �: '' S 4 A�,E.n�v�I is requ� .t�d u! rhe frl�Urifa sch�du!� of ov•:ta��• �r,�. r t: ��I�,d i � v'� �t�� t r �- ' ` , 1 � � �� f �rr. �r�. �;,� � •.r,-�rif •�� 1�. � . �.�iti '� � G 3 . I i�� i.^ u'.•.� i�� �� .. , .. � S m�l�•sf �,t md�nl, �n thc I��_al�ty. Tn,• tir I�r ���: w r.•���� in n,, ,r�.���e w�tii f li 1,r r� y � ro E�mi�ics and c�dcriy o� handicorf.�d �nd�viduals wl,o ar� cl��•h•c '�.� T.�� Pnl j { �j � � �.�__ — , ----------- ----. __. ---- - --_. - - -- - — ----_.--- ' �~ � SCN:.UULE i ' _----- -2---- - - - � _ __ . _ _. - . ,. - .. ! S ��p �� ic {� .. . -�---�..__..._- '—_.-- rI ._ , . . --'– �--' _ . I O F1LOROOMS BCJPO�V'i 3 �:UiiJOf.15 4 F+���1ff:.C�"i i .. . . _..._ . 9 F C1�'� �r�'- 1 BEC+�Gnh' � � --� �f/nuti�G<rj��n� l'iutf- -- . _ __ _ � - -. __ , G Y�. s � 224.00 _ �--�- � �a 1,560.00 S s 1�80�.00 (b 2,028.00 $ z,4E;�1.�:�; i5 2,a00.4U # ,1ti,,. t� ��2.00 i 13U,00 3 150.00 �1 tt>9.OQ �b 2U',.;;;? � � �25.00 � � _.__ .. _._ __ - - a . . .._. ...___ _ _.. _ _._. - - � c. •,u i�!,�i� r r r, nY: � j . ) �:OLT�Z:�t', l�.I�i�J ��"�' `�"�•4?;d�t�,�T A�IiL:tI'TY �'?,,�,�;`� � ����,�� , , �,3< A:�::_.Cie'Y 0?, &l�AT._N�__Pt3i�J4,_.MYNNF��TA " s�g,�:c�o,• „(.!„��,,,�:.��I �i-;�� � � U:splac•inb:Igr��•} i E Facecutive Dir �cto�: " _ _, _ _-- _ � _ 7'itl,, !)nte __._ _ _.-- -- p`ADOPTiON OF 5(rl�Dt�Lc PkEV�JUSLY aP?FCUYED RY MuJ � Y ���I-i1 tll�� iC�l:VU11: 111 1����1..�•. li. �:�,��J�:. lh,, _. ._ . . _ __ � _... . __ O�1(t�•S 10 •1� , Il+���lu�In�; .1f;���'Y , 'r1+ill�lll�li r�! ��ll�l��ll.���1��'i� �� - � � � � . . _.. ..��1111� .. _ � ' . .. �Ilj/' . � E � ... .... . .�. ..... ..�.�. ... ,... � ..... . . .,.. .... . ,,. .... • � � . ...-.,:,,..,., . , . . . . .. ,. , , _ .. fi�,.�..-,�:�. --_.�_.._... _ _ _ _ _.... ...� —�---_ „ ;i r. ,n^EC',.'�:!i � G�iION ' `J � ! ; t � � inc s�h�Jvle sct fecth in (31uck :i hns i�c�n rcvi�ri�.:! n��cl.fo���d cc�r{tuk'�• ti%,. !;.�r�.iu•r rccr,rnm�nd it, u ,ru�:�. 1� } � i � � 1 i I f � � � 1 '�+.. �,�`'/%(. I i ��' �J ( •, y- . � ',j a ? ,r � • / 1� �,�. � • � N:l...'�.....�. 7 a ��,,.,�,�, �. ,,,,,,,,�„� „�,.��„�,i„r �,,,,r, �, � "�.,..._ , � ll�w�.inry i . � ,� ir�rf„i li,�/ ���i„ii I�„�. . � � II i � ��,-� �� _ _ � � — - _ _ � ---_ 3 9' � D � , Ih,��� -_- - — _ � � llu:e• i � � j ! y 1 ,; � � , � � 1 ; _ _ _ __ _.- ------ + - ------ --- . _ _.. _- - - --- 9 -- .�.. _ __ _.__ __ _.. � F. Af'i'f.OVAI. OF OitIG1;7�1(. C:: '.S!CNUCC S."1i'tD'JI f ._- - - - - . •- +7 ! 1 � � ' �, lic sil��•,.l,ilc •,et (urih in flo� 6 E! is a�.provcd mi�1 n�uy f,•u:�•.1 h �Lc o,�,� fc�r �h �ur, , c I � i 'Y 7 'Y ` c 1^•r• x 1 f���i in (,I,��1.. 11. 4 i � , i � IV1,�R I I 197� \,, � i j _ . � � �41t�, �, 1 , �� i � ►a,,,• ' � � � ,4,..�rn ��'t:i,.�i: i,•I a���i,��,,<<,� � a i �'�u�innt(�orw�lii�riftn'r ral.�r��i�. } �` p � 1 ! i ; J ' � i r � , t � � � [ � � a � --------•----------- — � _ ----- ----_.___ _-- �� . �._..--- - -- _ _----- � G. SCI'f hUt � PRCVIpUSI Y AF'PROVED DY IIUD -- + ----g � f � � Tf,e schr.dui� scr forth in f31ucic E�was opprov�d by HUO en--- lc 0 t � .� _2�-----------� � ? Ary o,�cncy in tlir �ucn�i}y may ac�opt t��is nPFrove� 5ch�:,�u�c uy COmp��tir�� Q�oCR � . , � . s e ; ' � . ` I, h � � `� � ._-._"-. . .1)U!C T � . � Asi�.�hu+! �lrF�„r�r!i���u�irrt.�r�U,a hr . g � /'7�IA���D1(:�hdi:l;utt(Ur! 1u.!':,�,-1,;,. . � � � {` F � � � � Y � y � � � . . . _. .,, .. . . ... ._ . . � „ ►n�l� N,,.�, , „ ' �' __ _ _ . _..... .._.__._T.__.._.--___._,_.. __._.. ._..,.,..�..�_..__ ..__.___ . _ _. . . _,__ _ , i ' � � ., � � �ii.. 1'�lt:t , i`Ili1t'1;,�� ;� �. ,.. �� � U.. . Df NAH 1ME NT Oh` �tOU��N(. ANV l:�"'/'.r+ ..��c .. � M� h' , . ^ ,, r. I Ii' � . . : .� . s±�i i SCH�JJ�t OF �VERAGE SALES FRitFS hCyn iivucin� ttncf Rc•r.'ev�i��,, � .,_ �'_" F . '. 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Page 1 of 4 _. . , _.. .... . ._ . _ �.,_. _ _ ___. HUD-6280 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Program Locality NEIGEiBORH00D DEVELOPMENT PROGR'\M Saint Paul, Minnesota FINANCING PLAN Program Number Minn. A-1 � INSTRUCTiONS: Submit ori inal and two co ies in Binder No, 1 and one co in other binders. FTNANCING PLAN EOR ACTION YEAR FROM TO SECTIOK A. ESTIMATE OF GROSS AND NET PROGRAM COST A�TD SHARING OF NET PROGRAM COST Current Year From_Z�to�_ Action Year From�_to_]� Approved Revised Estimate Financing Financing Plan ' Financing of Column (a) Plan Approved Plan Requested TU BE COMPLETED INE ITEM BY H� N0. �g) �b) ��) �d) A-1 PROGRAM EYPENDITURES (From HUD-6275 Expendi.tures Bud�et, I.ine 17, as follows: Col. (b) fram COL. (b) : COL: (c) from COL. e 16,2&4,575 16,284,575 15,952,044 A-2 NON-CASH LOCAL GRANTS-IN-AID (From Part IV, Schedule 1, . ' Sucmnary of Non-Cash Grants- In-Aid 5,826,099 5,826,099 6,912,768 A-3 GROSS PROGRAM COST (Line A-1 • lus Line A-2 22 110 67 22,110,674 22,864,512 A-4 LAND PROCF,EDS. ACTUAL DISPO- • • • • • . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . SITION PROCEEDS FROM LAND � � � � � " " " " " ' " " " " " ' ' : . : : . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . : . . . : . : . : ACQUIRED IN INDICATED YEAR � � � � � � � � ' � " � ' ' ' ' ' ' , " ' ' . . . : .: . . : . . . . .. : : . : . : :. : . . . : AIVD DISPOSED OF IN THAT � � � � � � � " " " " " " " " " " ' " : . : . . : . . . . . . . .. .. : . . : . . . . . . . . . :. . . YEAR (Include sold,retained � � � � � �. . : ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; " ; ' ; • • • • • • or leased ' " ' " 226,412 ; ; ; ' ; ; ; ;; • • • • • • • A-5 ES'tIMATED LAND PROCEEDS(From • • • .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . :: : . . . . . . . . . . : : : : :: : ' land acquired or to be acq- • • • • . . . .. . . . . . . ' : : : ' : ' . . . : : . . : . . . .. . :: . . . : : : . : : . : : . uired in indicated year but • • . . . . . . . . . . . : . : . . . not di.s osed of in that ear � � • � � � � � . : 4,405,965 " : " " " ' : ' : : " . : ' : " : : ' A-6 TOTAL ESTI;NATED PROCEEDS � � RECEIVED OR TO BE REC�IVED � FOR LAND ACQUIRED AND TO BE � � ACQUIRED IN IYDICATED YEAR �� (In Col. (b) , enter Line A-4 � lus A-5 4,632,377 2,126,508 A-7 ADJUSTMENT OF ESTIMATED LAI�'D � INVENTORY PROCEEDS (Adjust- ' ments in Col. (c) must be 'ustified in Code No.ND 506 "�' -0- -0- A-8 NET ESTIMAT�D LAND PROCEEDS (Line A-6 plus or minus Line A-7 4,632,37 4 632 377 2,126,508 A-9 NET PROGRaM COST (Line A-3 minus Lir�e A-8 17,478,29 1 478 297 20,738,304 �-10 SHARING OF NET PROGRAM COST LOCAL GRANTS-Ilv'-AID: TOTAL REQUIRED (1/3 or 1/4 of Line A-9 S 82b 09 5 826,099 6,912,768 �-11 NON-CASH GRANTS-IN-AID From Line A-2 5,826,09 5,826,099 6 912 768 "12 KEAL ESTATE T��X CREniTs From tlllD-6275 Line 5B -0- -0- -0- �_ • + Page 2 of 4 HUD-6280 Current Year From�� to �1 Action Year From 7�_to 72 Approved Revised Estimate Financirtg Financing Plan Financing of Column (a) Plan Approved Plan Requested TO BE COI�LETED LINE ITEM � BY HUD N0. a b c d A-13 LOCAL GRA:VTS-IN-AID, EXCLUD- ING REAL ESTATE TAX CREDITS (Line A-10 minus sum of � Liaes A-11, A-12 and A-13 must e ual Line A-10 -0- -0- -0- A-14 PROGRAM CAPITAL GRANT 2/3 or 3/4 of Li.ne A-9 11,652,198 11,652,198 13,825,536 A-15 RELOCATION GRANT (From HUD-6275, Line 18 as - follows: Col. (b) from Col. b • Col. c from Col. e 3,006,809 1,368,474 2,731,292�� A-16 REHABILITATION GRAiVT(From HUD-6275, Line 19 as follows: Col. (b) from Col. • b • Col, c from Col. e 401,550 170�,148 599 402* A-17 TOTAL FEDERAL CAPITAL GRANT (Sum of Lines A-14, A-15 and A-16 15,060,557 13,190,�20 17,156,230 A-18 Less grants paid to date, " including project relocation and rehabilitation ' -0- -0- � -0- A-19 Total Federal grant for NDP year (contract amount) 15,060,557 13,190,820 17,156,230 ! � SECTION B. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF TEMPORARY LOAN FOR ACTION YEAR LINE ITEM AMOUNT REQUESTED BY LPA AMOUNT APPROVED BY HliD N0. � B-1 CASH REQUIRED FOR PROGRAM EXPENDITURES, RELOCATION GRANTS AND REHABILITATION GRANTS (From Col. (c) , sum of Lines A-1, A-15 and A-16 19 282 738 B-2 ESTIMATED VALUE OF UNSOLD L,AND AT BEGIN- NING OF ACTION YEAR (Use disposition values for unsold parcels which were used in calculatfng the disposition pro- ceeds in the latest approved financing � lan See Sec. A Col. a � � B-3 TOTAL C�SH REQUIREMENTS (Sum of Lines B-1 and B-2 24,144,341 B-4 REAL ESTATE TAX CREDITS (From Col. (c), Line A-12 -0- B-5 CASH GRA;VTS-IN-AID, EXCLUDING REAL ESTATE TAX CREDITS (From Column (c) , Line A-13 -0- B-6 SUBTOTAL Sum of Lines B-4 and B-5 B-7 MAX MiT*1 T .MPO ARY I.0 N THRO 1C'H DIRECT 02 PRIVATE FINANCING (Line B-3 minus B-6 24 144 841 - __. _. _ . _ - ------ _ _.____ B- Less grants paid to date, including ro'ect relocation and rehabilitation -0- R-9 Less land proceeds received -0- B-10 Maximum temporary loan NDP contract amount �,� * Includes roll-over from Action Year II of $1,638,355 for relocation paynlents and $231,402 for rehabilitation grants. �,.:.�,;.:.�.Y.,, ' _ _ �...:..�...�_�.�..:M_.wUd�..... _ . � • -�,� -r- -:.. ---._....,. _._�_. .. _ . . . _ .. _ . ._ . . . _._ _.._. _ _ _ ._ _...__. . _.---- -._ __--.- �~Page 3 of 4 - HUD-6280 SECTION C. SOURCES OF' FUNDS FOR REPAYMENT OF TEMPORARY LOAN LINE ITEM AMOUNT REQUESTED BY LPA AMOUNT A•PPROVED BY HUD NO. C-1 TOTAL DISPOSITION PROCEEDS (Sum of Line � A-8 Col. c and B-2 6 988 611 � C-2 PROGRAM GRANT From Line A-14 Col. c 13 825 536 C-3 RELOCATION GRANT (From Line A-15, Col, c 2,731,2�2 C-4 REHABILITATION GRANT (From Line A-16 Col. c 599,402 C-S TOTAL (Sum of Lines C-1 through C-4• must e ual Line B-7 24,144,841 C-6 Less granfs pa id, including project relocation and rehabilitation -0- C-7 Less land proceeds received _p_ C- Tota -must equal B-1 24 144 841 APPROVAL OF THE FINANCING PLAN IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN IS HEREBY REQUESTED: . Date Signature of Authorized Official.. Local Public Agency Title THE FINANCING PIAN AS SHOWN IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUt�II1S IS HEREBY APPROVED: Date Signature of Authorized Official Title SUPPORTING SCHEDULE 1. SUN'IlKARY OF NON-CASH GRANTS-IN-AID PART I - NON-CASH GRANTS-IN-AID SUBMITTED FOR FIRST TIME WITH APPLICATION FOR ACTION YEAR TYPE OF LOCAL GRANTS-IN-AID REQUESTED BY LPA APFROVED BY HUD 1. DO��IATIONS OF LAND 2. SITE CLEARANCE 3. PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS 4. SUPPORTING FACILITIES S. COMMUNITY-WIDE FACILITIES b. PUBLIC HOUSING CREDITS 7. SECTION 112 CREDITS g. TOTAL Sum of Lines 1 - 7 9. AMOUNT IN LINE 8 TO BE USED IN ACTION YEAR FINANCING PLAN - PART II - UNUTILIZED NON-CASH GRANT=IN-AID FROM INVENTORY (Instructions will be issued at a subsequent date covering the calculation of the amount of unutilized non-cash grant-in-aid which can be utilized as credits for the action year.) � • _ ____._. . ,___- , __ , ....,.... _: . _ _ . _ _ _ .,..___ ._. . _ _ .---. .__ _. _.... _ __ _ --.._ . __ . . _ ...._._ _ Page 4 of 4 HUD-6280 PART III - NON-CAS�I POOLING CREDITS FROM URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS AND SUBMITTED AS NDP NON-CASH GRANT-IN-AID CREDITS FOR THE ACTION YEAR SOURCE OF POOLING CREDIT AND ADJUSTMENT TO URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT POOLING CALCULATION Adjusted Sum of Com- pleted Urban Renewal Sum of Completed Transferred to NDP Projects to be Used Urban Renewal £or Action Year for Future Pooling . Projects Calculations Col. (a) LINE ITEM minus Col. (b). N0. a b c 1 Item I-Project Expenditures XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX � 2 Item 2 - Non-Cash � 3 Gross Project Cost XXXXXXXXX�{XXXXXXXXXX 4 Land Proceeds XXXXXX}IXXXXXXXXXXXXX S NET PROJECT COST XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 6 Local Grants-In-Aid Total XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7 Non-Cash „ g Cash . 3IXXXXXXXX3IXXXXXXXXXX 9 FEDERAL CAPITAL GRANT XXX�CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10 An►ount of Non-Cash Grant- In-Aid Credits Transferred from Urban Renewal Projects Pooling Credits to NDP for � Action Year $ (From Line 2, Col. (b).) • _ --.__ _ ____. __._ _ PART IV - TOTAL NON-CASH GRANTS-IN-AID FOR ACTION YEAR - --- 1 . From Part I (Line 9) $ 2 _ From Part II $ 3 From Part III (Line 10) $ 4 TOTAL (Enter this figure in Line A-2, Column (c) , of Form HUD-6280.) --� $ � . �.l����'�� 't�.- � —' F .._. _. . �.. 1 e. �! .a f .. '� F�. _ � . ,-. � �� � r >'� ��I � �.�.r�.._ ��.-` � =..-; _ �.__� 1 i- i t �`1 � ,j� �� -. . , . � o ..�_. �<�, /3'7� , �- , _ ,_`'�•--- , `a_ - ,— City Clerk City of St. Psul City Hall st. Paul 55�oz � r January 13, 1971 Citg Clerk, I request tha�t this lette� become g part of the hearl�F on Friday, 15 Jan, in support of the South St. Anthony Park plan. Plea�e read the letter at the appropriate time. Thank ou. �.i� Fredric Steinhat�aer . �%�"/v 9�- -�9r�-- � �� � , � � � zs � a�iun _ - �T lii iii i1 S - . , . . , - `, ; - ;� ` _;, ' ;I . ;}�' 1`�'�'�-- ��r�" ! �.�. � � � ° � `�; t q � { . � s' � "i �� I'a a; � ' �����_ ,....,,,.�.,.F j � i� ;� [ ,`.� �. f ,. _ a _,�. - :s„w . „ �:m...,�..°"'"`; ._....'�-`n� ,�.,.� � � .; 4. 7 ,. . _ �� � � ( t .._ i ( 't � y i R . ,_ ..._ . ..' - � � ciy L. � P�r- . .,�, � . .a ._ � ... _._� __ ._...��� i �,i i� .�,, � �i . ,� � ; " � 'Q'_ ""�w.�' ��.�'�. 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A-1-2 � , � ADOPTED JANUARY 1971 BY THE HOUS�NG AND REDE�IELOPMENr AUPHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINr PAUL AMENDS AND SUPERSEDES REDEVELOPMENT PLA'V AI}OPTED JANiJA1�Y 1970 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENPS TO THE REDEVELOPMENr P LAN ADOPTED IN JANUARY 1970 ARE CONPAINED IN APPENDIX B OF THIS REDEVELOPMEN.0 PLAN PROPERTIES AOQUIRED THROUGH THE UR&1N RENEWAL' PROGRAM AND TO BE DISPOSED OF DURING THE 1971-72 NEIGHBORHOOD DEVEI.OPMENT PROGRAM YEAR WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THIS REDEVELOPMENr PLAN PROPERTIES SOLD FOR REDEVELOPMENr DURING PRIOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENr PROGRAM YEARS WILL CONTINUE TO BE GOVERNED BY THE PRd11ISI0NS OF THE REDEVELOPMEt7� PLAN CURRENPLY ADOPTED AT THE TIME OF DISPOSITION ; ND 401 A-1 -2 _ i � � • i . � ; , A. DESCRIPTION OF NDP tTRBAN RENEWAL AREA Commencing at the point of intersection of the Westerly lot line of Lot one (1), Block two (2), Eustis' Addition to St. Anthony Park, Ramsey Co. , Minn., with the Southerly rfght-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad, then northeasterly along said Southerly right-of-waq line of sai,d Bart�ngton Northern Railroad extended to the point of intersection with the Easterly right-of-way Iine of Manvel Street, then Northwesterly along the Easterly right-of-way line of Manvel Street to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of Block 1, St. Anthony Park, Minn. , then Northeasterly along said last described line to the point of inter- section with the Northerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad, then Southeasterly along said last described line extended to the point of inter- section with the Westerly right-of-way line of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, then Southerly along said western right-of-way line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company to the point of intersection with the northern right- of-way line of Charles Street extended, then southeasterly along a line to a point on the southern right-of-way line of University Avenue and approximately 300 £eet esst of the eastern right-of-way line of Cleveland Avenue, then southerly along a line approximately 1,350 feet to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, then south- easterly along said line to the point o£ intersection with the western right- of-waq line of Prior Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Interstate Highway Number 94, then northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the westerly boundary of the City of Saint Paul, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern KaiTroad Which is the point of beginning, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for said Ramsey County. - 1 - ND 401 A-1-2 � � � � i B. STATEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The West Midway-South St. Anthony area is a district which is vital to the I I economic stability and growth of the City of Saint Paul by virtue of its I industrial development. This development represents an important part of the economic base of the City and provides em� loyment opportunities for residents of the City and the Metropolitan area. Tle district also contains residential development surrounded by the industry anc , in part, intersperaed among indus- trial development. The residential devel�pment. while providing needed housing for residents of the City, 'is suK�ect to encroa< hment and t�he adverse effects of adjacent industrial development. The primary overall development objective in the West Midway-South St. Anthony area is to eliminate and/or ameliorate the :e existing conditions which �erve to inflict an econamic blight ugon existing private investment in the area and prevent new private investment from occurring, which induce industries vital to the economic base of the City to move from the district, which induce many of the residents to no longer consider the area an att��active place to reside, which threaten the sources of public revenue, and which serve to impair the health, safety, morals, and general welf;�re of the City of Saint Paul and its residents. The conditions which have been found to exist which cause the above noted fac- tors, as related to industrial development, include over-crowding of buildings on land, building obsolescence or faulty arrangetttent in building design or im- provement, inappropriate platting and development patterns, inadequate public facilities including streets and sewer systems, deleterious land use and land use relationships, and other equally deleterious conditions. There also has been found to exist an inability on the part of existing firms vital to the economic base of the City to expand because of platting, land ownership and development patterns, thereby forcing them to move from the City and thus de- centralizing the City, or forcing them to curtail production and employment opportunities contributing to the general welfare of the City. i , I - 2 - ND 401 � j A-1-2 j i I _ j � ; i � � • • � Conditions causing the above noted factors as related to residential development � I include unsafe and unsanitary housing conditions; overcrowding; faulty arrange- I ment in building design or improvement; lack of adequate light, ventilation or ; ; � sanitary facilities; inadequate public facilities such as streets, sewers, and � schools; deleterious land uses and land use relationships; and other equally deleterious conditions. � � There also has been found to be an inadequate s�ipply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the City of Saint Paul, particularly for families of low I and moderate incomes and for the elde�-ly, and an objective of this Redevelop- i � I ment Plan is to remove and/or amelior�ite the conditions noted above, through i I public intervention so that private eriterprise will achieve the means and I encouragement to provide such decent, safe and sanitary housing for the -resi- I dents of the West Midway-Sout11 5t. An1:hony area. I I Additional general development objectives related to the above are: I . . . The achievement of an industrial district which is designed to permit efficient operation and expansion of h sical lant, as re uired of all � P Y P Q � � firms which by virtue of their intensive utilization of land and high employment levels make maximum contribution to the economic stability of the City of Saint Paul. The district should be appropriately platted; contribute to the efficient operation of each firm; be inoffensive by virtue of noise, smoke or other emissions; be safe; be adequately serviced; be visually attractive; and be �conomically stable. . . . The achievement of a re�idential environment condusive to urban living for all segments of the population. The neighborhood .should have ameni- ties sufficient for mod=�rn needs, be safe, be adequately serviced, and be visually attractive and economically stable. . . . The achievement of a proper relationship l,etween the industrial and the . resic!ential district ir terms of design f<<ctors, traffic needs, mutual protection against encTOachment, and other� factors contributing to the stabi.liCy and desirability of each. ` 3 - ND 401 A-1-2 � ' • � i • I i I I I Specific objectives to be achieved within the context of the foregoing are as � follows: � I 1. To remove blight, conditions of deterioration, and inappropriate land � I uses by: li � a. Undertaking a program of acquisition and demolition of buildings � i blighted to the extent of being incapable of being rehabilitated, I�I substandard buildings, or buildings otherwise determined to ; i represent blighting influences. �, b. Encouraging and fostering voluntary rehabilitation of property by owners. • c. Undertaking a program of public rehabilitation of deteriorated residential build ings in order to demonstrate residential rehab- ilitation feasibility. 2. To achieve safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation , patterns and capacity in the area through: '' i a, The achievement of an adequate arterial street system to provide I better external access into the area and to eliminate existing II congestion within the area. II: b. The redesign and reconstruction of ma.jor streets where necessary. c. The elimination or reduction of unnecessary through tra£fic, particularly heavy truck traffic in the residential area, which acts to the detriment of the residential environment. d. The facilitating of internal vehicular traffic flow in the in- dustrial area by the removal, where feasible, of impediments to such traffic flow, suctt as on•street loading, truck maneuvering, and parking. e. T'he provision of off-strePt parking, loading, and truck maneuver- ing.areas zahere feasible by indvstrial and commercial uses generat- ing vehicular traf.fic. I I - 4 - ND 401 � A-1-2 . I � , ! • � f. The reconstruction or construction as needed of sidewalks, I pedestrian-ways, street lights, traffic control devices, and �other facilities contributing to pedestrian comfort and safety. � 3. To achieve office and office-related light manufacturing or processing i development related to the activities of the University of Minnesota ' which is located in close proximity to the project area, related to the industrial district in the project area, and capitalizing upon the location of the project midway between the downtown areas of St. Paul and Minneapolis. 4. Secure the developm�nt, redevelopment or expansion of public and semi-public facilities contributing to the attractiveness and safety of the project area. Such facilities shall include, as appropriate to the district of the project, playgrounds, churches, utilities and sewers, fire stations, neighborhood centers, and similar £acilities. 5. Specific objectives for the residential. district are : a. To increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing and to encourage the provision of new housing of varying types appealing to and meeting the needs and financial ability of � all segments of the population; to stage the provision of such housing, where feasible, so as to maximize its utilization by i residents of the area who may be displaced by public action; � and to assure that the special housing needs of the elderly � are met. � , � I b. To encourage new private investment by members of the community , by making sites avail.abl�� for new housing construction. '� � c. To encourage to the full �st extent the continuing participation ' of the members of the co�rununity as represented through the i b j Project Area Committee working with the Housing and Redevelopment �I Authority and other groups, agencies and departments in the con- �' tinuing planning, programing, and implementing activities under the NDP Pro;ram. - 5 - ND 401 A-1-2 i � � � } ! • , � � � , � � � � � � � �� d. To foster the economic stability .of resident-serving commercial-retail �I � facil.ities in the neighborhood by acqi.iring and removing blighted and � economically obsolete cotrunercial-retail facilities; making sites available for new commercial-retail canstruction; and by encouraging the grouping of commercial-retail facilities at appropriate locations in the neighborhood where such facilities can be mutually supporting and provide greater convenience and service to residents. 6. Specific objectives for the industrial district are: a. Permit the orderly and planned expansion of land-intensive uses and make land available for new uses of a similar type. b. Eliminate Lmnecessary rail trackage, particularly where such facilities conflict with orderly vehicular circularion or prevents assembly of suitable development parcels, while still assuring that adequate rail service is provided to al.l £irms requiring such facilities. c. Increase the operating efficiency of firms through consolidation, where feasible, when such efficiency is hindered by the necessity to operate from numerous buildings scattered throughout the industrial district. I I - � - ND 401 i A-1-2 ' � i � i � ' � • C. GENERAL LAND USE PLAN l. Generalized Land Use Map showing the followin�: j a. Predominant land us�s includin�: i ; Predominant land use categories of residential, commercial-office, i commercial-retail, industrial, and pu6lic uses are shown on the attached Land Use Map, Map No. ] . Public and institutional uses are permitted within any of the resijential or co�aercial areas, and are generally considered to be suppo--ting uses. However, major public uses are mapped in order to indicate f,eneral location or service areas. b. Major Circulation Routes: The Land Use Map indicates circulation routes that are part of or fixed by external or major internal requirements. 2. Description of Each Predominant Land Use Category on the Land Use Map, Map No. 1 a. Residential II (1) Description of intended character of functions . Areas designated residential are intended to provide a wide variety of housing types serving a broad cross-section of the ; i population. This area is intended to encourage the retention I I and enhancement of residential housing types which currently � consists of 1 and 2 family structures and also to provide new housing resources which are appealing to young famflies, elderly, � I and other segments of the population whose housing preferences j i may not be primarily oriented to the detached, single-family, � � � I i or two family home. This area also is intended to optimiZe the � potential for its residential utilization, because of its prox- I imity to jobs, accessibility to major thoroughfares, location ! i between the University of Minnesota campuses and its equidistant location to the St. Paul and Minneapolis central business district. I i - 7 - ND 401 I A-1-2 � • • � (2) Types of Uses to be Permitted Permitted uses shall include detached single and two-family homes, town-houses and garden apartments and other multi-family residential development, Higher density multi-family development i also is permitted at appropriate locations subject to limitation specified in paragraph (3) immediately following. Also permitted are churches, schools, parks, non-profit institutions, and other similar uses which are compatible with and enhance the residential environment. - (31 Density The maximum overall net residential density shall not exceed 24 d,u, /acre, Specific density limits are as follows: (a) detached single-family structures, both existing and new, shall not exceed a density of 12 d,u. /acre� (b) detached two-family structures, both existing and new, shall not exceed a density of 14 d.u. /acre, (c) Town-houses shalt not exce��d a density of 16 d.u./acre, (d) garden or walk-up apartments shall not exceed a density of 24 d.u,/acre, except in instances where site design features and/or location warrants, a density not to exceed 44 d.u,/acre msy be permitted, Such circumstances which may w�rrant multi- family densities higher than 24 d.u./acre may include, but are not limited to, provision of parkin� under the structure or multi-level parking, proximity to public open space, or other circumstances as determined by the Authority. (e) higher density structures , as may be approved by the Authority, shall not exceed a density of 60 d,u,/acre, except where it • can be demonstrated that by virCue of proposed occupancy, absence of tenant-owned sutomobiles, or other similar factors mitigating against adverse effects on the neighborhood, a density not to exceed 72 d.u./acre may be permitted. -8- ND 401 � A-1-2 I � � i • , . � � � � � � � � i � b. Residential III ; � i (1) Description of IntendEl CharactEr or Function , � Areas designated Resic. �ntial ITI are intended to contain a � variety of housing typ �s appropriate to higher-density living. Such areas are intendE ' to be in close proximity to, and supportive of, neighbo�hood or commercial centers, or located where speci�il conditio �s such as .large open spaces, bluff lines, proximity to hi ;h-intensity uses, adverse abutting uses, or soil conditi< •s dictate that high density residential development is warranz� d or is the only feasible development. (2) Types of Uses to be Pe -mitted Permitted uses shall i clude existing rehabilitable, detached, single and two-family houses, but it is the intent of this Redevelopment Plan that detached single-family or two-family houses not be constructed or moved inta areas designated Residential III. Other permitted uses include townhouses, garden or walk-up multi-family structures, and high-rise structures. Also permitted are churches, schools, parks, non-profit institutions and other similar uses which are compatible with and enhance the residential environment. (3) Density The maximum overall net resid��ntial density shall not exceed 44 d.u./acre. Speeific density limits are as follows: (a) Townhouses shall not exceed a density of 16 d.u./acre. (b) Garden or walk-up apartments shall not exceed a density of 44 d.u./acre. (c) High-rise development will be permitted at densities up ta a maximum of 72 d.u./acre in locations as approved by the Authority. i -�- ND 401 A-1-2 � � i � , - , � � . . i . � � i � i I i � i i I � c. Commercial-Retail i (1) Description of intended character or function � The commercial-retail area is intended to provide for the convenience shopp�ng needs of residents of the adjacent residential area. By grouping these establishments into a single area, it is intended to create a more efficient commercial-retail area, adequately provided with off-street parking facilities. (2) Types of Permitted Uses Permitted Uses will c rosist of those uses which directly relate to or are compatible with a residential neighborhood such as food or drug stores, restaurar�ts, variety stores, dry cleaning, professional and commercial offices, commercial recreational use and small service affices, (3) Density and Buitding Restrictions Restrictions concerning building coverage, setback, off-street parking and loading, height, signs, and lighting shall be determined by the Housin� and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul prior to land disposition activities in each commerical area. Such restrictions in all instances will be not less restrictive than the currently applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Saint �Paul. d, Commercial-Office (1) Intended Character or Function The area delineated commercial-office is intended to encoura�e the further devetopment of office use and industrial use that is not noxious nor offensive by reason of the emission of odor, smoke, ; i -10- � ND 401 A-1-2 � � � • • _ � i � i ; � � i gas, noise, or by reason of excessive fire hazard. The area !, i i is intended to provide sites for the devel.opment of offices and � related light manufacturing or procesaing activities which may be housed in office-type structures and not requiring open storage of materials or finished products, The area, by virtue of its exposure to University Avenue, and adjacency to manufacturing and other industrial plants, is intended to be attractive for the office functions of nationally, regionally, and locally oriented firms, both existing and new, including those firms whose manufacturing activities occur elsewhere within the West Midway area. ('L) Types of Uses Permitted Permitted uses include r�tail facilities of a City or region serving nature and office uses. Fabrication or assembly facil.ities, light manufacturing and distributive functions also will be permitted if the nature and character of such functions contributes to the character and function of the area as described above. Transient housing al.so will be permitted at appropriate locations. Excluded will be al.l residential uses, open storage and those uses noxious by reason of odor emmission, dust, smoke, noise, gas or blare. (3) Den�ity and Development C�ntrol.s � Building coverape limitation5, setbacks, off-street parking and loading spacesshall be required of new construction and shall be established by the Authority prior to land marketing � activities, e. Industrial (11 Character or F�anction The intent in this area is to assist city, regional, and national oriented firms in meeting the requirements of more efficient, -11- , I ND 401 ' A-1='� � , � � • . � � � � i i � i i i modern industrial and distributive operations, to consolidate � � or group appropriate related and mutually supportive firms and to eliminate inefficient, scattered hol.dings and platting; � , I to improve off-street parkin� and l.oading spaces and to rehabil- itate existing sound structures and repl.ace inadequate facilities. (21 Types of Permitted Uses Permitted uses for this area will consist of heavy and lig ht industry (provided that no use noxious by reason of odor emmission, dust, smoke, noise, gas or gl.are so as Co interfere with other uses in this area will be permittedl and appropriate supporting office and commerciat facilities. Residentia2 uses will be excluded from this area, Appropriate special perfiormance standards wi].1 be met and approved by the Authority "in order to insure environmental compatibility, (31 Development Contro].s Bui�ding coverage limitations, setbacks, off-street parking and toading spaces shall be required of new construction and shall be developed h � the At�tharity prior to land marketing activities, Where i dustrial. uses abut the residential district, appropriate special ► erformance standards will be applied in order to assur�� the � nvirormental. compatibility of the abutting uaes. "i. P1 anning Criteria or Standa��ds to be Used g. Accessory and Supportin±; Uses Where residential. is the pred<�ninant use, horne occupations, off-street parking facilities and �ublic and semi-pubtic facilitfes intended to serve residents of the �rea may be permitted as authorized by the codes and ordinances of the City of St, P�u1 , subject to review and approval by the Housin� and Redevelopment Aiithority. Parking areas provided in al.� tand use areas sha11_ conform to the applicabte codes and ordinances i I -12- i ND 401 j A-1-2 � . I I � i � I � � � i • of the City of St. Paul, and sha11 be tandscaped, screened from view, shatl be designed to facilitate internal circulation, and shatl_ not impede traffic. on adjacent rights-of-way, b. Internal Circulation System (1) The vehicutar circulation system is intended to separste , I through traffic, This traffic separation wi11. considerabty � preserve and improve the desirability of the residentiai. area by eliminating through truck traffic, and wi�l enhance and contribute to the efficiency of the industrial. district, (21 Desi�n standards shal.l be applied to a11 circu?.ation improvements. In addition, traffic control. devices shalt be modern and efficient throughout the nei�hborhood. c. Additiona� Publ.ic Improvements (1) Al1 deteriorating and unimproved streets, sidewalks, curb- ing and alleys shal.l be brought up to City standards. (2! �he separation into storm and sanitary sewer systems sha11. I � i replace combined sewer ?.ines wherever feasibl..e, � (3` Inadequate titi� ities such as obso'ete water �ines and � I street �.iQhtin�; shal.l be repl,aced wherever feasible. I 1 I (4 Parks, playRrounds and other recreation and educational I facilities shall be provide�3 wherever necessary and i feasib?e to meet the needs of the ar.ea, (S� DamaQed or diseased street trees sha�.l be replaced . I as well as appropriate pi.anting of new street trees in � • � accord with a comprehensive street tree program. � � i -13- ND 401 II A-1-2 � i i � I i I i I i j Ili i , � � D. URBAN RENEWAL TECHNIQUES TO BE USED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES Techniques to be used in the West Midway-South St. Anthony Park NDP Renewal Area in order to meet the above recited development objectives include the follawing: acquisition of properties and demolition of structures that are substandard, blight- ing influences, infeasible to rehabilitate, or those needed for pnblic purposes or to effect necessary changes in land use; service to owner of existing properties t�o be rehabilitated by offering architectural and landscaping information and advice concerning available financial assistance; acquisition, rehabilitation and subsequent resale of residential properties for occupancy by low and moderate incaane families; pravision of public improvements; relocation of site occupants displaced by public action; property management; site preparation, vacation of unnecessary streets and alleys; removal of impediments to land disposition; elimination of easements and other subservient interests; disposition of land for public and private uses; enforcement of Plan requirements; and other activities as necessary in order to achieve the objectives of the Plan. In using these urban renewal techniques, it will be the Authority's objective • � to take maximum advantage of Federal financial aid and 1oca1 non-cash grants-in-aid. Under the NDP program, staging of renewal activities will be required. Within the limits of available financial resources, initial acquisition activities will be scheduled for those properties most seriously blighted, and those blighted industrial properties, the removal of which would most effectively permit land assembly for expansion of ma�or industries located in the area, Since planning of the project will continue during each year of the program, all properties to be acquired have not yet been identified. Additional properties may need to be acquired to remove additional substandard and blighted properties for additional public improvements and other Qlan objectives. Every effort will be made to aid owners and occupants of properties who experience hardship because of staging of acquisition and other renewal activities. 1. Rehabilitation All properties in the West Midway-South Saint Anthony Park Area shall comply with the standards set forth in all applicable statutes, codes, and ordinances as amended from time to time, relating to the use maintenance, facilities, and -14- ND 401 A-1-2 . , i i occupancy of existing property, including, but not limited to, the building, pl.umbing, heating, electrical, housing and pollution codes. These code standards are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof and I identified as Appendix A, Property Rehabilitation Standards, dated January, I i 1970. � a. Conditions under which rehabilitation will be permitted ' (1) Residential Rehabilitation Rehabi.litation wilt be permitted on all properties which meet Plan objectives. (2) Non-Residential Rehabilitation Rehabilitation will be encouraged �ra all properties which meet Plan objectives. .,. b. Conditions under which properties will be acquired for rehabilitation -,, � by the LPA and others, The Authority or others may acquire property through direct purchase for rehabilitation if such property and its use is consistent with the objectives and land use provisions of the Plan. The Authority proposes to purchase a number of structures, rehabilitate them and subsequently resell or lease them to low and moderate income families in order to promote home ownership, provide relocation resources � i for families, and to demonstrate rehabilftation. c, Property Rehabilitation Standards The rehabilitation in the area will be done according to the Property ; Rehabilitation Standarcis attached (see Appendix A, Property Rehabilitation ! Standards) . -- 2. Land Acquisition and Cl.earance a. To remove substandard conditions Certain properties identified for acquisition in clearance section areas, as shown on Map No. 2, are to be acquired to remove substandard building ; � -15- ND 401 I A-1-2 i ; � � i _ _ _ _ ; ' ' • • � � . �I conditions. Such determinations were made only after detailed inte�ior I � and exterior inspections of the properties were made and incapability � � of rehabilitation was established. Additional properties outside of clearance areas may be subsequently acquired or additional clearance areas may be identi£ied in order to remove substandard conditions upon identification by detail.ed inspection of such properties. �� i b. To Remove Blighting Influences I Certain properties identified on Map No. 2 are to be acqufred to remave � blighting influences, including but not limited to obsolete building , types, incompatible uses, over-crowding of l�uildings on the land, etc. ', Other buildings may subsequently be identified for such acquisition if they are determined to represent blighting influences. c. To Provide Land for Public Improvements or I'acilities Properties may be acquired to provide necessary public facilities, j , � including, but not limited to, street Xight3-of-way, parks, public � buildings, etc. I� 'i d, To Provide Land for Redevelopment Properties so identified in clearance and redevelopment sections may be I acquired, regardless of building conditions, if such acquisition is � � I i necessary to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment Ptan. e. Special conditions under which properties not designated for acquisition t�ay be acquired, i I Properties not identified on the AcqufsitYon Map, Map No. 2, will not be acquired during the Action Year. Hrnaever, in those cases where the owner of a property canc�usively demonstrates to the I satisfaction of the Authority that the achievement of the rehab- i ilitatfon objectives described in this plan will cause the owners I � undue hardship, or that the property is nOt econanically feasible ar desirable to r.ehal�ilitate� br that the property is substandard i i � i -16- � ND 401 j A-1-2 ; i ' � • • requiring clearance or ex�rts a blighting inf.luence cm the surround- ing a�rea, the Autho.rit}r, in its determin�.tfon may acquire such properties. In situatians where these bASic canditions are u�et, the Autharfty wfll assign high priority to those (previously identified) acqtYi- sitions that: (1) are necessary to assure the implementation of a previously identified action Proposal, or (2) take maximum advantage of new development opportunities that arise during the a�tion year. that are in accordance with redevelopment plan objectives. f. Statement of the special conditions under which properties identified as "to be acquired" may be exempt from ac uisition Properties identified as "to be acquired" and which have been included because of their present condition and apparent cost of necessary repair and/or other factors of blight may be exempted from acquisition providing that the awners conclusively demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Authority the feasibility of conservation and rehabilitation and will enter into an agreement with the Authority to rehabilitate the properties to substantially conform to City Codes and Ordinances and this Plan, or in some cases to purchase adjacent cleared land or to permit the remrn►al of a second structure on the lot, or other action serving to remove the cause of a determination of blight; and provided further that such exemp- tion shall not apply where acquisition in a clearance section is required in order to fulfill a planning purpose or otherwise achieve proper effectuation of this Plan. E. LAND DISPOSITION SUPPLEMENT Properties identified for disposition during the A •tion year shall be used in accordance with the deveTopment objectives and land use controls of this Pl.an. =1� , ND �s0i. AR1-2 � � � • i _ � I I I � Properties acquired by the Authority pursuant to the Plan may be disposed of by any of the following methods or combination thereaf; -- Demolish the structure thereon and dispose of the land at fair market value for redevel.opment in accordance with this Plan. -- Sell the property at its fair market value subject to its being rehabil.itated to meet the Property Rehabilitation Standards. -- Rehabilitate the property to meet Property Rehabilitation Standards and sell the property at its fair market value or lease at fair rental value. -- Retain or sell the residential property for development of low or moderate income housing. -- By disposition to appropriate public entities for purpose of providing supporting facilities and project improvements. In any case, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority may elect to dispose of the properties individually or in combinations thereof as will best accomplish the purposes of the Plan. Al1 disposition of sites will follow the requirements of Seate and Federal laws. 1. Building Restrictions Standards and controls outlined in Paragraph C-2 above supplemented by a full set of redevelopment controls will be developed prior to the disposition of each individual industrial parcel offered for sale during the action year. These documents will. include controls imposed by existing city and State statutes and regulations, as well as an outline of intended function for each parcel. Included, also, will be an outline for suggested building materials, land- scaping treatment and :reatment of open spaces, lighting, signs, paving materials, etc. Size and location of parking and loading facilities, as well as railroad spur tracks, if any, will be included. Individual setbacks of buildings will be related to locntion and. function of abutting streets as well as the required location of access and parking spaces for each � � I Nv 401 II -18� � A-1-2 i � i i ; ` ' , . I I � � i � � parcel. These will be desi$ned and located so that minimum fricCions for � I turning mavements will b� encounter�ed. � i I I � Also included in the proposed development standards will be provisions � which control. the height, bul.k and setback of buildings. Restrictions i I a�ainst air and water pollution as well as vibration and noise will be ! i outlined. Special consideration and desis;n standards will be developed for any industrial property to be disposed of during the action year which abut or face residential areas or property. 2. Circulation Major existing and proposed arteries and thoroughfares have been identified. These will provide access into and through the area with minimal friction or traffic conflicts. Improvement and .redesi,n of interior streets will be necessary to achieve j safer and more efficient street systems, reduce the number of intersections, I � permit the elimination of small, odd-shaped blocks, and to permit assembly j of land. I 3. Redeveloper's Obligations ' The general requirements to be imposed by the Contract for Sale between ' the redeveloper of property and the Housing and Redevelopment i Authority of the City of Saint Paul. ; a, To develop the land purchased in accordance with the controls and objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan. b. To commence and complete the building of improvements on the land within a reasonable period of time as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul. ! c. Not to resell the land before improvements are made without the prior I� consent of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority at the Citv ' of Saint Paul. n�•• xD �o: � u�r-=� I i � ' • • i i i I i i � i � d. Not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in the sal.e, lease, transfer, or occupancy of the - land purchased from the Housing and Redevelopment AuthoriCy the City of Saint Paul, e, The contract and disposition documents will spell out in detail the provisions, standards and criteria for achieving applicable objectives, requirements and regulations contained in this Redevelopment Plan, 4, Urban Design Ob3ectives and Controls The Authority may contract for sale of property upon receipt and acceptance of preliminary plans, but maq not dispose of property under such contract prior to receipt and acceptance of construction drawings. 5, Duration of Controls The development controls and regulations will be incorporated into the deeds conveying land to developers and shall be maintained and continued in effect for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of approval of this, the Redevelopment Plan, by the City Council of Saint Paul. F. OTHER PROVISIONS NECESSARY TO MEET STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Non-Discrimination Every contract for sale, lease or redevelopment of property within the project area will include prohibitions against land speculation, require compliance with all State and local laws in effect from time to time, prohibit discriminat �on or segregation by reasons of race, religion, color, sex, or natiotal origin in the sale, lease or occupancy of the property; and requirc� that this latter provision be made a covenant running with the land and be binding upon the redeveloper and every successor in interest to the property, 2. Vacations, Dedications and Covenants Vacations and dedications of public rights-of-way shall be accampliahed by separate actions in accordance with State law and local ordinances aad will be initiated by the Authority or redeveloper. Disposition agreements shall provide for the adoption of necessary covenants on the disposition land for : ; -'�- ND 401 _ I� A-1-2 � � - '� . . s • . 1 � � � � its development exclusively for publie use and purpose by the City of Saint Paul or for alternative uses as permitted under this Plan. I I 3. Citizen Participation I i It is the intent of thisRedevelopment Plan, and of the governing body , i, of the City of Saint Paul, that active participation by the citizens of the West Midway - South St. Anthony gark area, as represented by the auly constituted Project Area Committee, be encouraged in the continuing planning and implementation of the renewal program. Therefore, to the extent possible in a manner consistent with Federal, State, and local Law and regulations, it is the intent that all activities to be undertaken by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority under the Qrovisions of this Plan be undertaken with the knowledge and advice of the duly constituted Project Area Committee. G. PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN The Redevelopment Plan may be modified at any time by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the manner provided by law. i i � ; I 1 i -z1- ND 401 A-I-2 I . i I ' ' • • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA ND 401 APPENDIX "A" REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ALL PROJECT AREAS Appendix "A" ND 401 � � ,,. � ND 401 - Appendix "A" ' Property Rehabil.itation Standards The standards for this project area are requlations set forth in all applicable statutes, codes, and ordinances, as amended from time to time, relating to the use, maintenance, facilities, and occupancy of propert,y, including but not limited to, the building, plumbing, heating, electrical, an�i houaing codes. These code standards are hereby incorporated by reference and n�ade a part of these Property Rehabilitation Standards. In addition to these regulations, all properties in the project area shall conform to the following applicable standards: � Application: Residential Standards apply to all residential properties. Non-Residential Standards apply to commercial and industrial properties. Non-Residential Use in Connection with Residential Use roperties sha11 comply with standards applicable to the individual use portions of the structvre. Variations Variations to the following standards may be permitted by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for specific cases only when the variation attains the stated objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, provided the variation does not violate local regulations and one or more of the following conditions �justify the variation: 1. Topography of the site is such that full compli+tnce is impossible or impracticable. 2. Desi�qn and planning of the specific property of: ers improved or compensating featares providing equivalent desirability and utility. 3. Where limitations are presented by existing construction which is to remain, reasonable modifica[ion will b� permitted in the following standards where the resulting conditions are deemed by the Authority to be consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. Residential Standards Service and Facilities � Independent utilities shall be provided for each pr�perty. : � ND �O1 - Appendix "A" II _1_ I, � � � � • • ND 401 - Appendix "A" Parkin� Where site conditions allow, each property containing one through three dwelling units shall provide one parkinR space for esch dwelLinq unit. For properties cc�ntaining four or more dwelling units, .75 parking spaces per dwellin� unit must be provided to the extent that the site will allow. Privacy and ArranRement Access to all parts of a living unit shall be possible without passing through a public hall. A ba[hroom location is not acceptable if it is used as a passageway to a habitable room, hall, basement, or to the exterior. Kicchen Facilities Each living unit shall have a specific kitchen space, which containa a sink with hot and cold running water, six feet af counter work space, and adequate space for installing cooking and refrigeration equiprent, and for storage of cookin� �etensils, Minimum areas and dimensions of kitchen stc�rage space shall be as follows: a. At least 30 square feet of shelving in wall and base cabinets shall be provided. Usable storage shelving under sink may be count��d in the total shelving needed. b. At least 5 square feet of drawer area �hall be nrovided. Space for Laundry Facilities Adequate space for laundry equipment shall be provir!ed and may be located in the kitchen, basement or other suitable service space. Closets Clothes closet space shall be provided within each livinR unit on the basis of epproximately 12 square feet for the first bedroom, plus 6 square feet for each addi- tional bedroom. Bedroom closets shall be provided within each bedroom wherever possible. One additional closet located off of a hall, living room, or dining area should be provided. However, none of the minimvm clothes closet space shall be bcated within the kitclien. Wi.thin each livin� unit, shelf area or buiit-fn drawer space of at least eight. square feet shall be provided for Iinens. Generat Storage Each livinr� unit shall have a designated space within the unit or locked space elswhere within the building or other structure on *_he property for general storage. f ND 401 - Appendix "A" � -2- �� ; ' ' • • _ ND 40]`- ApPendix "A" The minimum volume of storage space for each livint unit shall be 100 cubic feet and shall be appropriately increased for three or fnur bedroom livin� units. Attic and Basementless Space Acceas to attics shall be provided by means of conveniently located acuttles, dis- appearin� or permanently install.ed stairway. For attic and basementl.ess spaces, tb � minimum access opening shall be 14 x 22 inches. However, if either are c:a contain mechanical equipment, the access opening shall be of sufficient size to permit the removal and replacement of the equipment. ' Natural ventilation of spaces such as attics and enclosed basementleas spaces sha11 be provided by openings and clearance �f sa�fficient size to overcome dampness and minimize the effect of conditions conducivc� to decay and deterioration of the structure, and to prevent excessive heat in attics. Painting and Decoration Protective and decorative finish coating or surfacing shall provide (a) adequate resistance to weathering, (b) protection of finished snrfaces from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attractive appearance, and (d) reasonable durability. Basement and Cellar Floors The floor of all basement or cellar furnace rooms siall be paved in an acceptable manner. Storm Equipment : Weathertight storm windows and storm doors sha11 be provided for all window and door openings. Mechanical Ventilation, Air C;onditionin� and Heating Exh�ust air sh�uld not be circulated from one Iiving unit to another, except in duplexes where the sir circulation system is already installed. Each property shall be provided with a centralized heating facility or the heating unit shall be U/L approved, built-in type furnace with or without distribution s��tem. Thermostat control shall be provided. A central space heater will be acceptable if the unit is properly sized and if the maximum distance between the h�ater and the center of any room to be heated is not in excess of 18 feet or through not mare than ND 401 - Appendix "A" -3- . . • • . ' ND 401 - Appendix "A" one intervening door. In addition, an inde�endent means of heating the bathroom must be provided. Further, if in order to satisfy the intent of thia requirement a second space hea[er is requixed, it shall not be permitted in a room used for sleeping purposes unless it is of the approved type e�tilizing 1009, outside air for combustion purposes. Space heaters will not be permitted in Lieu of central heating in s[ructures containing more than two dwelling units. Electric Living rooms witl be provided with at least two duplex wall-type receptacles. Non-Residential Standards All existing non-residential structures and properties in the Pro�ect shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The exterior of the building shall be clean, painted, and finished, and maintained in a sound condition and attractive appearance. All retail fronts shall be compatible with adjacent or nearbv retail frontage with regard to color and material. All canopies, signs, acmings and other appurtenances shall be of durable and appropriate material, and sh:►11 be maintained in good repair and properly anchored or installed so as to ��e kept in safe and sound condition. Deteriorated appurtenances or apptrtenan��es no longer in use, such as overhead sign supports, shall be eliminatec . All signs and other graphic elements sha11 he harm�nious with nearby retail �rontage and surrounding residential areA With regard to design, size, colo • and m.�terial. Signs may not extend above the roof line of the structure. igns painted on the surface of a building shall be removed. Lettering on f .rst floor wfndows stating an address, business or professional name and/or nature of business or profesaion shall be permitted, provided that such lettering does not exceei four (4) inches in height. Signs shall be related to the goals and services conducted on the premises only. Free standing signs are prohibited. � 2. (1ff-street loadin� and parking shall be provided to the extent that the land area of the parcel allows. All plans for parking and off-atreet loading shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. 3. Industrial or commercial properties may utilize open storage, provided it is . ND 401 - Appendix "A" -4- . . • • ND 4n1 - Appendix "A" screened from view from any public way. Thia may be accomplished by solid wall or dense shrubbery screen, the design of which shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. Open storage shall �e placed in the rear of a line across the front of the primary building parallel with public way frontage. 4. All non-residential properties shall observe the following requirements: (1) Emit no fumes or gases which are noxious, toxic or corrosive. (2) Exhaust no aaste and dust created by industri.il or heavy business operations into the sir. To the extent possible, non-residential properties shall comply to the "land use provisiona and building requirements". . ND 401 - Appendix "A" -S- ' � � NL� +i0� - Appr�r�,�ix S RedevelopaK�nt Plan. far Wc�st M�tdwa��-&outr, St:. Antt7ony Fark - Mimn. r1-��2 � Ch�nges tn the� previausly mpplir'�ts�e k�EC�a�v�lvp-�ic:-fu Plan a�doptc�d in .7a:muary, .1970: I I 1. �ecti.on � - ? - �escri.pt�.oz� �f. E�c.h �;���r�mfn�nt 'La;�ci 2;;;=� �a�e�vrv on tlte � Lan� Us<� M��� I � '►'he m�xi.mvm p�rmikt:�d c�ensaty for t�3 �'f1I'fUt18� de�,�el.opcnPnr in all r�sidenti.al � areas ?yas fsc�n reduced from 2C d.u. 's per ac.r� ta 16 d.u.'c per. acr�, I 2. S�ctioa D • 2 - e - Special Canditi�:►nF lind�r xJhicY ProDertie.�s Nat: tlesis;ri��ked f�r Ar.�uisi,tic�n Ma.y I�e Acquire�l The special conditinns �ander Wt1�C�l �STbp['�'t��`5 rdot d�sfg�ac�d far acqu��.sitfan b�rt whi.ch mny be �cqui.red has �veen nodif.it>d ra expand the ir�iti�l rxite.ria to i�nclude bli.ghting inflsi�r�c�s. Tye candi�foas alsa tz�v� been modifi.ed tn estabtist� pri�rities sa that prnperti.�s m�eting thp initi.�l caaditz.on cxiteri_,a w�l.l b� evaluat�d pri�r to det�rm3nf.ng which will be acqui.red so as to aelecc only th�se wliich will produce imm�*ui.at� d��vcalopmesst �ppnrtuniti.�;s nr which �r�� necessary t� complrte pre�vio�lsly i�dcnt�.f��d Action Prvposa�ls. 3. Map 4b,',, Land Us�. Map tSa ctin��g�e5 hav� been mad� i.r. 1<°anc� �.;sr ar�a�. Ce.rt,�fn chang�s have been made in the cirr.ulaci.on syst��m a.s rollow5: � a. Va;�dalia nor.th of Univ�rsity r� �e�cnd £r�m arcerial ata�us �r�d arterial '� fua4ction moved ir� fort��r �tteraa:�te route thrae�gh rai.l yards �ast of ; pro,�ect boundary. ; � b. ^I�veland. extendn�d n�rth of Uni-.,lexsfty t�n cor�n�ct �a� !;��arles„ � c. Charl�s designated t�nt�� ie��: c�'.l.ectar i.n plaee a£ T�xrEtnrin�. +3„ Raymond de��gnared coll.ector �o Ur�i.vt�rsit:y; coll.ecxar �3esi.gnaLion south af ►Jnivcrgir.y to 1'�?ham vi.a Wab�sty 3cl�tcd„ e. Prlham c.nnnecred tn Hi.ghwa�y �8C £rdnzage rnads artsi clesignakQd te�ntativP col�e�ioro i 4. Map ��?� Bo+.���ds�r�� and Arn,inis:ii.ion �f�;, I Propercics to ts�� acquir.ed during th � 1�71-7?_ NDP ��rogram y�ar hAt►e bepn add�d. ( 1 � Nll �a01-A endfx B � A- . � -�. _ I -- � . • • � � i ND 401 REDEVELO�MENT P'LAN I � THOMAS•DALE - MINN. A-1-3 I� �I ADOPTED JANUARY 197] BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENr AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH� CITY (>F SAINr PAUL AMENDS AND SUPERSEDES REDEVELOPME,� PLAN ADOPT�D JANUARY 1970 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE REDEVEI.OPMENT PLAN ADOPTED IN JANtTARY 1970 ARE CONPAINED IN APPENDIX B OF TRIS REDEVELOP'MENP PLAN PROPERTIES AOQUIRED THRdUGH THE URBAN RETEt�7AL PROGRAM AND TO BE DISPOSED OF DURII� THE 1971-72 NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPI�NP PROGRAM YEAR WILL BE GOVERNED BY THF PR4VISIONS OF THIS REDEVELOP'1�NP PLAN PROPERTIES SOLD FOR REDEVELOPMENT DURING PRIOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOP- MENr PROGRAM YEARS WILL CONTINUE TO BE GOVERNED BY Tt� PROVISIONS OF T1�: REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CURRENTLY ADOPTED AT THE TIl� OF DISPOSITION ND 401 A-1-3 • � • . : � � � A. DESCRIPTION OF NDP URB�AN RENEWAL AREA The Thomas-Dale pro�ect boundary is shown on Land Acquisition Map, ND 401, ' � Map No. 2, and is described as follows; I Camnencing at the intersection of the so �thern right-of-way line of I i � I the Burlington NorChern Railroad tracks �nd the eastern right-of-way - - of the alley (pro3ected) east of Rice St •eet, then south, generally, along said alley line tp the southern right-of �way line of Uniuersity Avenue, then west to the eastern right-of-way line of Ri,ce .Street, then qouth to the southern right-of-way line af the all ey south of University Avenue, then west to the eastern right-of-way line of Marion Street, then south to the southern right- of-way line of the alley south of Aurora Avenue, then west to the western ri�ht-of-way line of �altier Street, then north to the southern right-of-way line of the alley south of University Avenue, then west to the eastern right- of-way line of FarringCon Avenue, then south to the southern right-of-way line of the a� ]ey south of Fuller Avenue, then west to the ,western right-of-way line of Western Avenue, then north to the southern xight-of-way line of the alley north of University Avenue, then west to the western right-nf-way line of North Chatsworth Street, then north to the northern right-of-way line of Pierce B�,tler Road, then east to the northern right-of-way line of Minnehaha Avenue, then eaet to the .�e�tern right-of-�aay lino of Arnnd�l Straat, th�n north Co the southern right-of-way line of the Burlington Norther� Itailroad tracks, then generally easterly along said railway right-of-way to the eastern right-of-way line of the alley east of Rice Street, which is the point of beginning. No portion of the ares defined on Map 2 or in the boundary description is excluded fram the Thomas-Dale pro�ect area. i -I- ND 401 � A-1-3 � i � I � i ' i I � . , -, --�--- ------�_-___�__.�.____ ---:_.._--- "_ - �._------- ____ .._ _.� • � � • B. STATEMENT �F bE�7ELOPMENf OBJECTNES The primary overall development objective ii: th-� Thomas-Dale area is to eliminate and/or ameliorate those existing condition� which serve to impair the health, safety, morals, and Qeneral welf�re of the ��i.t1:��ens o£ i:he Th�m�s-�ate area, and whicli also serve ta infiict an economic bli�ht e�pon existinQ private investment in the area, threaten the sources of public re �enue, and induce many members of the ThomaG-I)ale co�nuni.ty to no l.on�er consider the area an attractive place in whicti to reside and do business. The conditiors which have been f�und to exist which cause the above noted factors znclude uns3fe and unsanitary housing condi- tions, overcrowdin�, bt�ildinp, c�bsol.escence or f�ulty arrangement in buildinR design or improvement, deleterious land i.ise , la�k o£ adequatp light, ventilation or Sanitary facilities, inadequate publ.ic fac�.l.ities such as parks, play�rounds, schools, streets, sewer facilities, or other eaual.ly deleterious conditions. There also has been found to be an inade�uate s�ipply of decent, safe, and sanitary housin� in the Thomas-Dale area ard the Ci.ty of Saint Paul, particul�rly for families of 1ow and moderate incomes ar.d for the etderly., and a primary objective of this Redevelopment P?an is ta remoae and/or ameliorate the conditions noted above through public intervention so that private enter.prise will achieve the means and the encouragement to provide such decent, safe, and sanitary housing for the residents of the Thomas-pale area. Additional general devel.opment objectives rela�ed to the above are: To conserve, rehabilitate, and foster a n�ighbortiood residential. environ� ment condusive to urban J.fving for all se-;ments of the population. The neighborhood should have amenities siiffici.ent for modern needs, be safe, be adequaCely serviced and be visuall.y at+_ractive and economically stabte , To .restore, conserve� and enhance, where feasible and desirable, the identity of existing sub-neighborhoads in the Thomas-Dale area by rehabilitating to the extent possible th�� existing structures in the -2- � 4�� l A-1-3 � � � i I , I i i ; �.._..-- ---- --- - --- • e • . . . ' . . . . � . 1 . � � � . . . � . . II + � ' �I I area and by strengthenin�; those elements which serve to gfve identity to an I are�3� such as neighborhood �;athertng places, educationa] and recr�at3onal I facilities, and similar elements rendin to c a � � h racterize and/or give I identity to each sub-neighborhood. � � � Each land-nse should function efficiently without adversely affecting or bein� adversely afFected by adjacent land uses. Educational, recreati.onal , spiritr�al, shopping, service. and other needs of the residentg sh�uld be met within the neighborhood. New construction should be physically and visuatly c rnnpatible in design and scale with neerby parts of the existing ne i�;hborhoad. Specific objectives to be achieved within the context of the foregoing are as follows� 1. To remove blight and conditions of deterioration by; a, encauraging and fostering voluntary rehabilitation of property by owners; b, undertaking a program of � ublic rehabilitation of deteriorated buitdings in order ro dem� nstrate rehabilitation feasibility; c. undertaking a program of : cquisition and demolition of buildings � blighted to the extent of being incapable of being rehabilitated, substandard buildings, or buildings otherwise determined to represent blightin� influe �ces. 2. To increase the supply of decelt, safe, and sanitary housing and to encourage the provision of nea housing of varying types appealing to and meeting the needs and financial abflity of all segments of the Thomas-Dale population; to stage the provs.sion of such housing, where . feasible, so as to maximize its utilizati�m by residents of the area who may be displaced by public action; anr to assure that the special housing needs of the elderly <re met. - - � 1+T[► �4n 1 . ... _. n� i- s . . ,:�. , �--_.z�_ .,. • � • . ' I � i I � 3. To encourage and foster home ownersl�ip, particularly for families of I I law and moderate incomes, and youngc�r families capable of contributing � to the social and economic vitality of the City and the Thomas-Dale � community. � 4. To secure the development, redevelopment, or expansion of public and ,I' ' semi-public facil.ities contributing to the attractiveness and safety , of the neighborhood as a place to 1?ve. Such facilities shall include parks, playgrounds, schools, churches, community centers, utilities and sewers, libraries, and similar facilities, 5. To achieve safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns and capacity in the neighborhood through: a, the redesiqn and reconstruction of major streets where necessary; b, the elimination or reduction of unnecessary through traffic or other factors detrimentF: i to the residential environment; c. the provision of off-street parkfng where feasible k�y comemercial � and other. uses which generate v�hicular tr.afffc; and � d. the reconstruction or construct:�on as needed of sidewalks, I I pedestrian-ways, street lights, traffic control devices, and � other facil.ities contributing to pedestrian comfort and safety. 6. To foster the economic stability of resident-serving commercial facilities in the neighborhood by acquiring and removing blighted and economical.ly obsotete codgnerciat facilities; making sites available for new commercial construction; and by encouraging the ! �rouping of commercial facilities ar appropriate locations in the neighborhood where such facflities can be mutually supporting and provide �reater convenience and service to residents. 7. To help protect the economic security of residents and the economic base of the City by retaining industrial uses which are not detrimental to adjacent residential prr.perty a�id which provide employment � -4- ND 401 • A-1-3 � ' • • � � opp�rtunities within easy access af residents of the Thomas-Dale area. 8. To encoura�e new private investment ? y members of the cormnunity by 1 � makin.g sites avail.able for new housir � and cammercial consCruction. � 9. To encourage to the fullest extent t}e continuin� particip�tion of I I the members of the community as represented through the 1?rc�,jecr Area i Committee workin� with the Housing ard Redevetoproent Authority and I � i other �roups, a�encies and departments in the continuing pl.annin�, pro�raming, and implementin� .�cCivit��s under the NDP program. �I 10. To ive hi h l 8 g priority to renew�l sctivities that inenediately � i rasult in the pravision of new housing or other facilities tfiat i are aupportive of a sound residential emrirotmient. i� I C. GEN]'RAt, LANn T1SE P1.AN a•. �:enerali7ed Land tTSe Map showing the foilowi►�Y; ��. Pred�m{n��nt land uses inrludfn�; � Pre�lrnninant l.and t.�se czte =oriea ��f residenti.al , �ommercial., industrial , and public i�ses are �,hown on the attached I,and i.ise M�, Map No. 1. Pubtic and insr.�tutional uses are permittpd i within any nf the residenti.al_ or commercial areas, and are �enerally considered to be supportin�; uses. However, major p,iblic iises ar� mapped ir nrder ± o indicate p;eneral location or �ervice areas. b, rtaj�r Ci.rculation Rocites: The Land USe Map indicates circu'ation routes that ar.e part or fixed by external or majcr internal reQuirements. �. Description of each predominanr. land use_ cate�orv on the Tand UGe Map No, IVD 401 �. Residential I (1) nescr.iptfon of Intended Cha��acter or F�inction Areas designated Resa.dentia' I are intended tn be rehabilitated I and enhanced essenti.all y in accord with present development, I which usually consi�ts of detached single-family and two-family I structiares at a net residentfal. density p;enerally not less than � � -5- I i Iv'D !�Ol � A-1-3 • • I 7 d,u. / acre and not exceeding 14 d.u./acre. Such areas are intended to provide homes which are usual.ly appealing primarily to famil.t.es in the child-ratsing stages, where family size may ordinarily be expected to exceed three persons per houshol.d. � Where new development may occur in such areas, the function and i character of such new development is to be consistent with that of the exfsting developemnt. (2� Types of Uses to be Permitted . Permitted uses shall includ� detached sin�le and two-family homes and attached single-frmily homes utilizing party wall � construction ("townhouses") . Townhouses will be permitted I subject to limitations s ecified in i p paragraph (31 irnnediately following. Al.so permftted �re churches. schools arks non- I , P , profit institutions and othEr similar uses which are compatible with and enhance the residertial environment. (3) Density The maximum overatl net residential density* sha],1 not exceed 14 dwelling ��nits (d.ii, )/acre. Specific density limits are as follows: (a.l Detached, single-famil} struct��res, both existing and new, shall not exceed a den� ity of 12 d.u./acre. (b) Detached two-family stiuctures, both existing and new, shall not exceed a density o! 14 d.u./acre. (c) Townhause construction as defined above, may be permitted subject to Authority a� proval, in appropriate sites at a density not to exceed 16 d.u./acre provided that such . construction does not cause the overall density in the R-1 area to exceed 14 c�.u./acre. b. Residential TI (11 Description of Intended Character or Functian , Areas desi�nated Re9identia'. II are intended to provide a wide I * Number of acres of ].and exclusive of ri�hts- of-way and non-residential uses divided by number �+f ' dwell i.n±; units -6- ND 401 A-1-3 . • variety of housing types serving a broad cross-section of the population. Such areas are intended to meet all of the objectives i established for the Residential I areas while also permittin� the retention, enhancement and provision of residential housing types I appealing to young familes, the elderly and other segments of the I I i population whose housing preferences may not be primarily oriented i to the detached single-family home. Residentiat II areas, by � virtue of their location (proximity to downtown, near arterial I i streets, view potentials, etc.) arE made up of land which has a li ; � value potential higher than ResidEntfal I areas. The intermediate � I densities permitted in such areas �;ill serve a transition between I � i areas of hiRher and lo,rer intensit} uses, � (21 Types�of Uses to be PE rmitted - Permitted uses shall include detached single and two-family homes, j townhouses and �arden or walk-up, multi-family residential develop- ment. High-rise, higher density m��lti-family development also is permitted sub�ject to limitations sfecified fn paragraph (3) i�ediately followin�. A� so permitted are churches, schools, parks, non-profit institutions, and other similar uses which tend to be crnr�patible with and add to the desirability of the residential environment. (3) Density The maximum overall net residential density shall not exceed ' 24 d.u./acre. Specific derisity linits are as fo1_1ows: (al Detaclied sin�le-family structures, both existin� and new, shall not exceed a den�ity of 12 d.u./acre. (b) Detached twa-family structures, both existing and new, shall not exceed a density of 14 d.u./acre. (c) Townhouses shall not e::ceed a density of 16 d,u./acre. -7- , ND 4�1 A-1-3 . , • • ,� (dl Garden or walk-iip apartments shall not exceed a density of 24 d,u. /acre, except in instances where site design features and/or 1.ocation warrant�, a density not to exceed 44 d.u,/acre may be permitted, Stich circumstances which may warrant multi- famtly densiti.es higher thai 24 d,u./acre may incliide, but not , be limited to, prnvision of parking under the struct�ire or � mul.Ci-levei parb:i.n�, proxim;ty to p�.ibl.ic open space, or other circumstanceG as determinecl by the Authority. (e� Higher density, high-r.ise structures, as may be approved by the Ai�thority, shal.l not exceed a density of 60 d,u. /acre. except where it can he demrnlstraCed that by vi.rtue of proposed occupancy, �bsence of tenan' -owned automobiles, or other similar factors miti�atinn against idverse eff�cts on the nei�hborhood, a density not to exceed 72 d.u,/acre may be permitted. c. Residential III (11 Description �f Intended Character or Ftinction Areas desi�;nated Residential. III are intended to contain a variet�� �f. housinc; types appropriate to hi,r;her-density livin�. Such areas are intended to be in cl.ose praximity to, and supportive of, nei�hborhood or commercial. centers, or located where special condiCions sucti as lar�e open spaces, bl.�.�ff lfnes, proximity to hi�h-intensity uses, adverse abu[tin�; uses, or soil cc�nditions dictate that hifih density residential development is warrarted or is the only feasible devetop- ment. (2`� �pes of t?ses to be Permitted Permitted uses shal.l incl.ude exi�ting rehabititable, de.tached, single and two-family houses, but it is the intent of this Redevelopment P}an that detached sin�le-family or two-family houses not be constructed or moved into areas designateci ResidenCial III. Other permitted uses iaclude townhouses, garden or walk-up multi-family structures, and high-rise structures. A?so permitted are churr..hes, school.s, parks, � non-profit instiCutions and other similar us.es which are compatible with and enhance th�� r.esidential: environment. � -8- � ND 401 � A-1-3 ; • • (3� Densit The maximiim overalt ner residen_fal density shall not exceed 44 d,u.!acre. Specific density limits are as foltows: (a) Townhouses shall � ot exceed a density of 16 d.tz./acre. (bl Garden or walk-up apartments shal.l not exceed a density of � 44 d,u. /acre. � (cl High-rise develap»ent will be permitted at densities up to a maximum of 72 d,u /acre, in locations as approved by the � At�thnrity. ' d. Commercial-Retail (t) Intended Functi.on or C �aracter The comnercial areas a �e intended to provide convenient, well- rlanned shoppinR areas for the residents of the comnunity, The �hoppin� center at Minlehaha and Chatsworth is intended to pravide a complete ran�;e of g��ds and services at a neighborhood convPnience scale to serve the Thcnas-I)ale neighborhood and adjacent areas, and be pr.ovided with ���fficient off-street parking to serve khe � predominantly driver-< rientation of Che centPr. The co�nerci<3] � i �;roupin� around the i�rtersection o' Thomas and Dale is intended i ; to provide a mutually supportin� cluster of small to medium sfzed stores with adequate � ff-street parking serving the dail.y convenience 1 shopping needs of res- dents, and b•�� concentratinp, stores in this � - � i area, to relieve the : dverse effects of strip commercial. devel.opment � alon� Thomzs and Daie Streets. The conenercial. deve.lopment alon� Univeraity Avenue in .�ddition to aerving hafghborhood-retail � , , i functions alsa serves city-wide retail marketa including auto- � rel_ated service funct�,ons. The proposed commercial comptex � on University Avenue '>etween Rice and Marion Streets is � intended to serve as � major neighborhood and community retail , � area and as an area o � office devetopment related to city-wide markets end the adiac �nt CaQit��t Area. I 9- ND 401 . A-1-3 { . i - - -- ------------ --- ___----. _ -__ ._ __--- --- - -----_ . _ --__;J . • (2) Ferniit ted Uses Neighborhood-oriented comnercial usea shall be the predominant permitted use within the neighborhood-related co�nmiercial areas. Types of uses Qermitted shall include food and drug stores, � restaurants, variety stores, shoe and �clothing repair, dry cleaning, and professional and c amnercial offices aa required to serve neighborhood residents, and similar typea of retail and service £acilities. In the University Avenue corridor, similar neighborhood uses will be permitted, and in addition, 1� I the plan will allow auto-related service activities such as ' I auto dealers, auto repair facilities, and light manufacturing i operations that are compatible with the caa�ercial retail character of the stre�+t. In the com�nercial center on University Avenue between Rice ant� Marion, uses similar to those allowed in neighborhood-serving i areas will be permitt �d. Also permitted could be office development and other cammunity-serving retail facilities of a non-suto orie�lted nature. New houaing as an ancillary use will be permitted in all com- � mercial areas only in appropriately designed mixed-use atructures . in order to assure the comnercial continuity of the area and the residential desirabiility of the housing units thus provided. Permitted uaes ahall not include processing establishments which produce goods intended to be sold or diatributed princi- � pally off the premises, except along University Avenue where such existing uses may be permitt.ed to remain if they are deter- mined to be compatible with the intended chsracter of the com- • mercial corridor. Any other type of cortmoercial use shall be permitted only if it contributes toward achieving the character and function for the particular c a�snercial area for which it is proposed, as described above, as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paulo � -10- ND 401 . A-1-3 � • • . � . � (3) Density and Bt�ildin� Restrictions Restrictions concerning building coverage, setback, off-street • parkin,n, and loading, height, signs, and li�hting shall. be determined by th� Housin� anc Redevetopment Authority of the City of Saint Pau] prior t� ' and disposition ar.ti��ities in each commercial area. Such restrictions, in all instances, will be not less restrictive than the currently applicable codes and � I ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, i e . Industrial � (1) Function or Character j The industrial �reas are intended to be developed so as to I � reinforce and enhance existing city-wide and re�ionally oriented I industrial land �ises now locaked in these areas by consolidating functions wherever ossible and � p , providing development parcels for � industrial expansion, off-street iarking and off-street loadin� spaces. Program activities also sitl. be directed toward eliminat- ing adverse effects from industri l use on ad.jacent residenCial areas. (2� Permitted Uses Permitted industrial uses are thrse which are not hazardous due to explosion or fire, or offE-nsive or noxious by way of noise, unsightl.y appearance, or emissions. No new residential or cormnercial uses shall be permitted. (31 Densit and Building Rest�riction� bensity limitations, setbacks, ofE-street parkin� and Aff-street loadin� shall be r�qi,ired for new construction and such reqtiire- ments sfiall be determined by the Housin�; and RedevelopmenC Atithority prior to land disposition activities, Stich restrictions, in all instances, will be not less restrictive than the cur.rent applicable i codes and ordinanc� s of the City �f Saint Paut. -11- ND 401 , A-Z-3 � . • • � , 3, P'annin� Criteria or Standnrds to be U���d � a. Accessory and Supportin�; Use. i i Where residential is the precominant use, home occupations, small. � i convenience retail , off-stree` parking facilities and public and semi- i � public faci]ities intended to serve residents of the area may be i permitted as authori2ed by the codes and ordinances of the City of � Saint Paul, subject to review and approval by the Housin�; and Redevel- � opment Authority, Parkin�; areas thus provided shall conform Co the applicab]e codes and ordinancAS of the City of Saint Paul, and Rhal.l. be landscaped, screened from �iew, desi�ned to facil.itate internal circulation, and shall. not impede traffic on adjacent ri�hts-of-way. b. Internal Circulation System (1� The vehicular cfrcul.ation system shall be designed to separate the various cate�ories of traf£ic. (21 The arteriai streets are located and shall be designed so as to � not disrupt or adversely affect the neighborhaod. Ttiey are ' �is��al.ly on the periphery of the area and carry major throup,h i I traffic. The de5i�n of. the streets shall fecilitate traffic I � movements with turnin�; slots, medians and similar devices, I (') The collector streets carry traf£ic from the local streets to � � the arterials. They are the "main streets" af the neiphhorhood � and function primarily as traffic service. These street5 are �c�ntin�us with some channelization and si�n contro� where necessary. (4 The loca'. srreet� are inrended to provide access to in�ividual pr.opert:ies and �hal !. be desiYnecl to di.scoura,^,e thrc�u�*h vehi.cul ar traffic and to allow easy and saf.e pedestrian movement. c•. Other Pub� ic Impr�vements (1` '�he sewer syst�m sh31 � he i.r.proved wher.ever feasible t:o provide rhe se�arat:ion of storm .�nd waste wat��r�,. � (2 � l)rteri�r,�;teci� <?n�l u.��pa���et srreets and al leyr; sha] 1 be p�+.ved <�nd � improved t� city stan<1:3rds, ('� ` Sidewa?ks shall be impr�ve�l to provide for maximurn pe�lestrian � I safetv =and c�onveniencr�, � (/+ The �tr.eet 1 i.�htinr r_hal 1 be i_mproved to provide adec;��a.tP ' i�;hrin�� fnr pede^*rirm and vehi����lar traffic. � -12- � ND 401 I A-1-3 � � � ' � ' * � (S� Dama�;ed or diseased street trees shall be replaced and new street trees planted as appropriate in order to accomptish an overall street tree plan. (6) Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities and other public facilities shall be provided and located where they can best serve the popul.a- tion, D, URBAN RENEWAL TECHNIQUES TO BE USED TO ACHIEVE PT.AN OBJECTIVF:S ' Techniques to be used in the Thomas-Dale NDP Renewal Area in order to meet the above recited development obiectives incl.ude the following: Acquisition of properties and demoliti.on of structures that are substandard, blighting inftuences, infeasible to rehabilitate, or those needed for public purpoaea or to effect necessary changes in land use; service to owners � of existing properties to be rehabilitated by offering architectural and Iandscaping information and advice concerning availabte financial assistance; purchase, rehabil.itation and subsequent resale of residential properties for occupancy by low-and moderate-income families; provision of public improvements; relocation of site occupants displaced by public action; property management; site preparati.on; vacation of unnecessary streets and alleys; removal of impediments to land disposition; elimination of easements and other subservient interests; disposition of �and for public and private uses; enforcement of P'an requirements; and other activities as necessary in order to achieve the objective of the P'an. In using these urban renewal techniques, it will be the Authoritl's objective to take maximum advantaoe of Federal financial aid and �ocal non-cash grants-in-aid. Emphasis wil_1 be placed on securing adequate housin;, including home ownership for l.ow and moderate income families through the encouragement of utilization of the below-market-interest-rate programs of the Federal housing. Under the NDP program, staging of renewal activities will. be required. Within the ? imits of available financial. resources, initial acquisition will. be schedul.ed for those properties determined to be the most seriously bli�hted and substandard, as well as those properties having the potential of providin� redevelopment land for the constructfng of new housing as early in the program as possible. -13- ND 401 A-1-� . . i � � � � . , �inr.e p�annin� of. th� proj �ct wi.11 continue iurin� e��ch year of the program, � • � ' � al � properties to be acqui -ed have not yet been identified. Additional � � � pr�perties may need to be �cqui�•ed to remove additional substandard anfl bl.i�hted properties, for :dditi��nal public mpr�vements, and other p�an obiectives , Every e� fort �vill be made to aid owners and occupants of properties who experierce hardship becau� e of staging of acquisition and other renewal activities. 1. Rehabilitatican All properties in the Thoma�-Dale NAP Renewal Area shall comply with the sCandar.ds set f�rth in al.l applicabte statues, codes, and ordinances, as amended from time to time , relating `o the use� maintenance, flciliries, and occupancy of existing property, inc udinp„ but not limited to the b�.iildin�� plumbing , heating, electrical. , housin� and poU ution cantrols codes, Thesc code standards are hereby incorporated by reference and made a F3rt hfreof and identified as Appendix A-Property Rehabil.itation St:andal js, d�dted January, 1970. a. Conditions iinder F�ich rehabilitati�n will. be permftted Rehabilitation activities will be p �rmitted on al.l properti,es for . which such trear.ment is econamicall�• feasible, and which are not identified for acq�.iisiti�n, In order to gain m�xim,.in� cmrnnunity l-�enefit5 and to best achieue Redevel_opment �!ar ob,jectives fram individual r.ehabilitation efforts� the locatLon oi rehabilitation activities wi1l. be considered in terms nf thr.ee �ategc�ries; (11 Areas recomome �ded for •concentr �Ced rehabil.itation activit�ies. These areas e :hibir the follcnaing characteristics: (a'� StablP a�eas not suhject to major change. (b'• Street and otrer ptabl.ic improvements are aiready pro�rame�l or �uch fmprovements may readil.y be programe�d in a ro�rdinated manner. (c� Praperties on both ,ides af a street may be rehabi?itated. (dl Hip,h percenta,;e of home ownership. (e Absence of significant conversi�n from the ori,inal use. -14- ND 401 A-1-3 . • . i I i (f) MaxLmum exposure to pubtic vi�w. (2`� Other �enerally stable areas n:rt subject to major change; S��ch areas do n�t exhibit all of the characteristics noted above to as high a degree. 9ehabilitation activities duxing the action year ' wi11 be encoura�� d on an indivi.dual property basfs. (3� Areas within whi,ch major chanfi�s may rake piace: Rehabilitation requests wil.l be considered within the lip,,ht o£ the effect of the Redevelopment P an on such areas. h. Conditions under which properties will be acquired for rehabil.itation hy the I.PA and others The Authority may acquire property throu�,h direct purchase for rehabilitation if such property and its use is consistent with the �bjectives and land use provisions of the pl.an. The Authority proposes to purchase a number of structures, rehabi.l_itate rhem and subseqtient1y r.esel l ar �er�se them t<� t ow and moderar.e income families i.n order to prcmiote home �wnership, provide relocation resrnirce� for families, and to dem�+nstrate xehabil.itation. �, F'roperty Reliabil itat ion Srandards The rehabilitation in the area wil be done according to the Property Rehabilitation Standards attached (see Appendix A, Property Rehabilf- tatton Standards� . 2. I.and Acct,isition and C'earance a, T� Remave S��bstandard Conditions Cert:ain properties identified .f.or acqu� sition in clearance areas as Ghown on Map No. 2 are to be acquired to remove substandard buildtn� conditions . Such determinati�ns were r:iade �nl.y after detailed interior �nd exterior inspections nf the properties were made and incapability c�£ rehabi? itation was established. Additi�nal properties rn�tside of clearance areas may be subsequently acquired or addition�l clear�nce areas may be identified in �rder to remove suhstandard conditions upon -15- ND 401 A-1-3 � . � � i � � � I i i identification hy detail.ed inspection of such properties. b. To Remove B� i�ht in� ?nf?.i�ences � Certai.n propert=es irentiffed on M3p No. 2 are to be acqui.red to I I i rrmove blivhrin� inf� uences, inclu�iing but not limite.d to obsolete bufldinc; types, incorpati.ble t�ses, overcrowdin�, of buildint;s on the �!, l.and, erc, Other bui ?dings may subs�qtently be identif.ied for such acquisftion if they : re determined to represent blightina infl�iences, c, Tn Provide I_and for ?'z�bt ir. Improve�nent5 of Facii.ities Properr.ies may be accuired to provicie necessary pubt.ic faci7ities, includin�; but: not l ir�ited to stree*_ ri�.;hts-of-way, parks, publ ic building�, etc, d, To Pr�rnate Hisrnric sr Architecturat Preservation Pro�ertie� ic�ent�i.fiec' as having hisr.oric �nd/or archi.tectural signifi- cance mr�y be ac�uirec' for disposition to �ppropriate 'e�<�1 entities in nrder to brir�n, abrut the preservarion or resrorati�n of s�.�ch pr�percies wher«� s�,ct properr.i�s are in danger o£ bein� dr.stroVed rhr�iiQh ab��se , nap�, �pri_ate ,i,:� . iziafpr�;�riaie <.�o�i••:•rsi��� t :, ;;�}�<�r i►SFS, inappropr :�te T �mode� i.n±; nr othez ci.rcrimstanceG. �. T� Provide T,and £or Fedevel�pment "r�nert3es Gn ic�enti.+ ied i.n clear:�nc;e anei redeve�apment sections may i I he acq��irecl , re^,��rdl. ss oE bui��lir�Q conditions, if such acqt�isttihn I is neceGSary r_� achi� ��e �hF. ohjec+ ives o£ rhe P.,edPvelopment P1an, f. Special conditions under which properties not designated for acquisition may be acquired � Properties not identified on the Acquisition Map, Map No. 2, will not be acquired during the Action Year. Haaever, in those casea where the owner of a property conclusively demonstrates to the ' satisfaction of the Authority that the achievement of the rehab- !, ilitation objectives described in this plan wi11 cause the ! owners undue hardship, or that the property is not economically I i � �� � -16- I Ni� 401 A-1-3 � � _ i � � , � � � I � . . ' �� � . _'�.I feasible or desirable to rehabilitate, or that the property ia ! i I substandard reAuiring clearance or exerts a blighting influence il on the surrounding area, the Authority, in its deternnination may � i acquire such properties. In situations where theae basic conditions are met, the AuChority will assign high priority to those (previously identified) acquisitions that: (1) are necessary to assure the implementation of a previously identified Action Proposal, or (2) take maximum advantage of new developraent opportunitie� that arise during the action year that are in accordance with redevelopment plan objectives. 4;. Statement of th� speciat conditions under which properties identified as "to be acquired" may be exempt from acquisition Properties identified as "to be acqi�ired" and which have been included because of their present cocidition and apparent cost of necessary repai.r and/�r other factor5 of bli�ht may be exempted from ar_quisitinn providing that the nwners conctusively demonstrate tc� the satisfa� tion of the A�ithority the feasibitity of conservation and rehabilitation, wi� l enter into 1n a�reement with the Authority to rehabilitate the properties t�� su��stantiaily conform to City • Codes and Ordinances and this P��n, ur, in some cases, to purchase , adjacent, cleared t_and or to perriit the removal. of a second structure on the lot, or ather action servin� to remove the cause of a determination of blight, an�t pr�vided further that such exemption shatl not apply where :�cqi�isition in a clearance section is required in order to ful.fitl a Qlannin� purpose or otherwise achieve proper effectuation of tl�is P?an. -17- '; i Np 4Q1 ! A-1-3 � � i , ' � � ! • � � � � , � � � �� � � � E, T.AND DISPOSITION ! Properties acquired by the A�ithcrity pursuant to the plan may be disposed of hy any of the followin� methods or combination thereof: -- Demolish the structure thereon and dispose of the 'and, in accordance with this Plan, at fair market v:�.lue for redevel.opment. -- Sell. the property at its fai� marke� value subject to its bein� rehabilitated to meet the Property R�habi' itatfon Sr.anc'ards. -- RPhahi� itate the {�roperty tr� meet Property Rehabilitation St�ndards and sel.l the property at its fair market val�.�e or ?ease at fair rental value. -- Retain or sell the resident�al property for development of l.ow or moderate income hovsin�;. -- By disposition to appropriate ptibl.ic entities for purpose of providing supporti.n�; facflities and proiecl impravements. In any case, the Housin� and Redevelopment At�thority may elect to dispose of the properties individua?l.y or in combinations thereof as will best aecomplish the purposes of the Pian. A� l dis�osition of site� will. follow the requirements of State and Federat Laws. Properties to be disposed of shal.l be used for pur �oses c�nsistent with the proposed land use and development ob �ectives for the Th rnnas-D�le Renewal Area, as set forth in Section B and C of the Reclevel.opmert Plan. 1. Land Use and Buil.ding Restrictions Land Use controts applicabl.e to di.sposition properties are set forth in this Redevelopment P an. Buildinf� Restriction provisions further detail.ing these ?.and use controls and governing density, bulk, open space, setback�, parkin�, circulation, etc„ will l:e pr�vided as pa.rce? s become available for sale or �ease. a � � -18- ND 401 '� A-.. 1_.�. ' . I � ; � __--- ------ --------� �.�.�_ � -- — ---_ -•----- _-- ----- - -- ------- .=-.J • • , 2. Circulati.on Requirement The T�and Use Map herewith attached indicates all major streets through and on the periphery of the project. The number of local stre t e s will be ' imited to only those needed for access to property and will: be designed to discourage throu�;h traffic. Connecrions to major streets will be limfted .to only those necessary and these intersections will incorporate such devices as medians, turnin;; sl.ots, and traffic control to fnsure maximum safety. ?. Redeve7oper's Obli�ations The �eneral requirements to be imposed by the Contract for Sale between the redevelopers of pr.operty and the Hnusinr and Redevelopment Authority are: a, To develop the land purchased in ac•r_ord:�nce with the controls and ob:jectives of this Redeveaopment P'an. b. To commence and complete the b,aildin�; of improvements on the land within a reasonable period of time as determined hy the Housin� and R�development A�tthority. c. Not to rese� ? the �and befnr.e impravements are made without the pri.or c�nsent of t��e H�usin� and Redevel ��pment Atithority. d. Not to discrimin�te on the basis of race, color, rel.igion, sex or nationa�. ori�in in the sale, lease , transfer, or occtipancy of the land purchased from the Housin�; and Rede•�el.opment Autharity. e. The contract and disposition documetits will speLl. ouC in detail. the provisions, standards and criteria F�r achiev�ng applicable objectives, requirements and regulations contailed in the Redeve?opment P'an. 4. Commitments for I,ow and Moderate ?ncome Housing A st�hstantial numher of individtials and families presently residins; within ^erfo�xsl u h� i�hted structtires are el igi �?.e for l ow and moderate i.nc�me housing. In order to ins�ire that these families and individua?s wiJl, h�ve the opporti.�nity to select safe �n� sanif:ary housing at rents or costs they can aff.ord, this p�an requireB that a mi iimtim af 50 percent of. al� dwell ing iinits to he prrn�ided �mc�er the P'an or 'anc] to be di5pnsed of f�r residential � iisE��, wi.l � he made availal�?r� -c�� ' nw c>r .,n<1F�r �ce in�•�m+.n c�,�rs�n�;. -19- ND 401 A-1-3 . . , � � i . , � � ; � 5. Ux'b.�n Design U��_;c�ctive ��nd Contro' � The A��thority may contract for sale of pi-operCy upon recetpt and acceptance I � I of pr.e� iminarv plans, hut may not ciispose of property iinder suclt contracC � pri�r to rec�eipt and acceptance of constr>>ction drawin�;s. I I The Authority sha11 retain the right of design revicw and may reject an•; proposal whi.ch is felt to be inconsistent with the �nals and objectives of the P� an> SPeci.£ic desiFn ab.jecti��es and criteria wi? ? be established for ear•h parcel prior to disp�sition, and pro�osa� � wil ]. be ev�luated in the � i�;ht of these objectives and rriteria. ��.ich c�bjective� and criteria wi': 1 peneraily seek to achieve the n�velopment t)hjectives set forth in Section B of this Redevelopment P'an. 6, D�.iratinn of Control s The rleve�opment contro? s and rerulations wi11 be incorporated into the � deeds com�eyin� 1�nd and shall be maintained and contiti��ed in effect for for :� peri:nd of thirty ("30 years £rom the date of approvAl. of the Redevel opment P'an by the city cot�n��, l. of Saint Paizl.. F. (7THER PROVISIONS NECESSARY TO MEET STATE A;�D L�CAL RF:QUIREMENTS 1, Non-Discrimination Every contract for sale, lease �r re�level�pment of property within the project area wi]1 incl.ude prohibitioils a�ainst land speculation, require � compl.iance with all SCate and local. ' aws fn effect from time to time, �rohibit discrimination or sevregatian by reasons of race, re] igion, col.ar, sex� or natiQnal origin in the sal.e, lease or occupancy of the property, and require that this ?atter provisi,�n be made a covenant running with the land and be bindin� upon the redevel.oper and every successor in � interest to the property. 2, Vacations, Dedications and Covenants VacationS and dedications of puhlic ri�;hts-of-way shall be accompl.ished by separate actions in accordance with State law and l.ocal ordinances i and will, be iniriated by the A��thority or redeveiope_r, -20- ND 401 A`-Z� i � _ � , � � � � i I ; � ; � i i 3, Cirizen_Partiri�tion ____ Ir is the intenl of thi.s Redevelopment l''an, and of th� rov�rnin� body of ; . i the City of Saint Paul , that active participation by the citizens of the � Thamas-na�e Renewat Ar.ea, as representecl by the d��ly �onsti.ta,ted Praject Area CommitteA, be enco�.ira�ed in r_he continuin� p?annin�; and impl.ementatian of the renewal pro�;ram. Therefore, to [he extent possihl.e, in a manner � consi.tent with F�deral , Srate , and 1oca1 1aw, policy, arid re�t,iations, ir is the intent that all activities to be ��ndertaken by the H�:�usin�; and R�development Authnri.ty �.mder r.he provisians of this P� an be undertaken witt� the knowl�<t�r,e, advice and appr.oval of the dtily consL-ituted Proje�t Area Crnnmi.ttee. �. PR�VISIONS FOR ArtENDIN� PT,.4N The Redeveiopmenr. P'an may be modified at an�� time i�y the Hoiisinfi and Redeve? opment Anthority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, in the manner provided by 1aw. 021- i � ND 401 I A-1-3 ' � � � � I , ---- - � . . � • HOUSING AND REDEVEIAP'MENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA ND 401 APPENDIX "A" REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ALL PROJECT AREAS Appendix "A" ND 401 . . • � ND 401 - Appendix "A" Property Rehabilitation Standards The standards for this project area are requlations set forth in all applicable statutes, cades, and ordinances, as amended from time to time, relating to the use, maintenance, facilities, and occupancy of property, including but not limited to, the building, plumbing, heating, electrical, an� houaing codes. These code standards are hereby incorporated by reference and r�ade a part of these Property Rehabilitation Standards. In addition to these regulations, all properties in the project area shall conform to the following apglicable standarda: � �plication: Residential Standards apply to all residenti.al properties. Non-Residential Standards apply to co�nercial and industrial properties. Non-Residential Use in Connection with Residential Use roperties shall comply with standards applicable to the individual use portions of the structure. Variat ions Variations to the following standards may be permitted by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for s�ecific cases only when the variation attains the stated objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, provided the variation does not violate local regulations and one or more of the following conditions justify the variation: 1. Topography of the site is such that full compli+tnce is impossible or imprac[icable. 2. Desiqn and planning of the specific property of 'ers improved or compenaating feat�,res providing equival.ent desirability and utility. 3. Where limitationa are presented by existing construction which is to remain, reasonable modification will be permitted in the following standards where the resvlting conditions are deemed by the Authority to be consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. Residential Standards Service and Facilfties Independent utilities shall be provided for each pr�perty. , �I ND LO1 - Appendix "A" , _1_ I�� . , • � ND 401. - Appendix "A" Parking Where site conditians allow, each pmperty cantaining one through three dwellin� units shall provide one parkinR space for each dwel�inq unit. For propertieA containing four or more dwelling units, .75 parking spaces per dwelling unit must be pravided to the extent that the site will allow. Privacy and Arraa�ement Access to all parts of a living unit shall be possible without passing Chrough a public hell. A bathroom location is not acceptable if it is used as a passageway to a habitable room, hall, basement, or to the exterior. Kicchen Facilities Each living unit shall have a specific kitchen space, which Containa a sink with hot and cold running water, six feet of counter work space, and adequate space for installing cooking and refrigeration equipnent, and for storage of cookin� �ttensils. Minimum areas and dimensions of kitchen stc�rage spece shall be as follows: a. At least 30 square feet of shelving in wall and base cabinets shall be provided. Usable storRge shelving under sink may be count��d in the total shelving needed. b. At least 5 square feet of drawer area shall be nrovided. Space for Laundry Facilities Adequate space for laundry equipment shall be provirled and may be located in the kitchen, basement or other suftable servicQ space. Cloaets Clothes cioset space shall be provided within each living unit on the b�sis of approximately 12 square feet for the first bedroom, plus 6 square feet for each addi- tional bedroom. Bedroom closets shall be provided within each bedroom wherever possible. One additional closet located off of a hall, living rootn, or dining area should be provided. However, none of the minimum clothes closet space shall be bcated within the kitchen. Wi.thin each livin� unit, shelf area or built-in drawer space of at leaAt eight_ square feet shall be provided for Iinens. General Stora e Each livinq unit shall have a designatPd space within the unit or locked space elswhere within the building or other structure on the pro ert for eneral stora e. �� P Y g $ , ', ND 401 - Arpendix "A" -2- I I . . • •. ND 4fl1 - Appendix "A" The minimum volume of storage space fnr each livinf unit shall be 100 cubic feet and sha11 be apptopriately increased £or three or four bedroom living units. At[ic and Basementless Space Access to attics shall be provided by means of conveniently located scuttles, dis- appearin� or permanently install.ed stairway. For attic and basement].ess spaces, tb � minimum access opening shall be 14 x 22 inches. However, if either are-ko contain mechanical equipment, the access opening shall be of sufficient size to permit the removal and replacement of the equipment. Natural ventilation of spaces such as attics and enclosed basementless spaces shall be provided by openings and clearance of s��fficient size to overcome dampness and minimize the effect of conditions conducive to decay and deterioration of the structure, and to prevent excessive heat in ettics. Painting and Decoration Protective and decorative finish coating or surfacing sha11 provide (a) adequate resistance to weathering, (b) protection of finished surfaces from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attractive appearance, and (d) reasonable durability, Basement and Cellar Floors The floor of all basement or cellar furnace rooms s�all be paved in an acceptable manner. Storm Equipment Weathertight storm windows and storm doors ahall be provided for all Window and door openinga. Mechanical Ventilation, Air (;onditionin� and Heating Exhaust air should not be circulated from one Iiving unit to another, except in duplexes where the air circulation system is already installed. Each property shall be provided with a centralized heatfng facility or the heating unit shall be U/L approved, built-in type furnace with or without distribution sX�tem. Thermostat control shall be provided. A central space heater will be acceptable if the unit is properly stzed and if the maximum distance between the heater and the center of any room to be heated is not in excess of 18 feet or through not more than ND 401 - Appendix "A" -3- • • ND 401 - Appendix "A" one intervening door. In addition, an indePendent means of heating the bathroom must be provided. Further, if in order to satisfy the intent of this requirement a second space heater is requfred, it shall not be permitted in a room used for sleeping purposes unless it is of the approved type utilizing 100�', outside air for combustion purposes. Space heaters will not be permitted in lieu of central heating in structurea containing more than two dwelling units. Electric Living rooms witl be provided with at least two duplex wall-type receptacles. Non-Residential Standards All existing non-residential structures and properties in the Project shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The exterior of the building shall be clean, painted, and finished, and maintained in a sound candition and attractive appearance. All retail fronts shall be compatible with adjacent or nearbv retail frontage with regard to color and material. Al1 canopies, signs, aFmings and other appurtenances shall be of durable and appropriate material, and sh:ill be maintained in good repair and properly anchored or installed so as to ;�e kept in safe and sound condition. Deteriorated appurtenances or apprrtenan��es no longer in use, such as overhead sign supports, shall be eliminate� . All aigns and other graphic elements shall. he harmanious with nearby retail "rantag � and surrounding residential area With re�ard to design, size, colo • and m:iterial. Signs may not extend above the roof line of the structure. igns painted on the surface of a building shall be removed. Lettering on f .rst floor windows stating an address, business or professional name and/or nature of business or profesaion ahall be permitted, provided that such lettering does not exceej four (4) inches in height. Signs shall be related to the goals and services r_onducted on the premises only. Free standing signs are prohibited. 2. Off-street loadin� and parking shall be provided to the extent that the land area of the parcel allows. All plans for parking and off-street loading shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. 3. Industrial or commercial properties may utilize open storage, provi.ded it is ND 401 - Appendix "A" -4- _ � • • ND 401 - Appendix "A" screened from view from any public way. This may be accomplished by solid wall or dense �hrubbery screen, the design of which shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. Open storage shall �e placed in the rear of a line across the front of the primary building parallel with public way frontage. 4. Al1 non-residential properties shall observe the following requirements: (1) Emit no fumes or gases which are noxious, toxic or corrosive. (2) Exhaust no waste and dust created by industri,;l or heavy business operations into the air. To the extent possible, non-residential properties shall comply to the "land use prrvisions and building requirements". l ND 401 - Appendix "A" ,5_ ^ � • ND 401 - A�pendix B Redevelopment Plan for Thvmas-Dale - Minn A-1-3 Chan�es to the previouslv aonlicable Redevelo ent Plan ado red in Januar 1970; 1. Section B - Statement of Develo ent Ob ectives Objective No. 10 has been added. Objective No. 10 establishes the LPA intent to give high priority to urban renewal activities which will have an immediate reault in the provision of new housing. 2. SecCion C - 2 - Descri tion of each redominant land use cate o ,on the Land Use Map The maxim� permitted density for townhouse developrnent in all reaidential " areas has been reduced from 20 d.u. 's per acre to li d.u, 's per acre. 3. Section C - 2 - d. - Commercial-Retail The section on the intended function and character of the connn,ercial-retail areas has been expanded in order to distinguish mor�� clearly among the three types of camnercial-retail areas to be developed, :Cn addition, the Permitted Uaes section has beea similarly expanded to mare fully distinguish among the � uses to be permitted in each of t*t►e types of cortm�ercial-retail areas. 4. Section D - 2 - f. - Urban Renewal Techni ues to be used to achieve lan objectives The special conditions under which properties not designated for acquisition but which may be acquired has been modified to expand the initial criteria to include blighting influences. The conditions also have been modified to establish priorities so that properties meEting the initial condition criteria will be evalueted prior to determining which will be acquired so as to select ' � only those which will produce imnediate development opportunities or which are necessary to camplete previously identified Action proposals. "1" � ND GO1 - A-}.:3 . APPendix B _ ; �.����� � � � � �: �.. . r • • �� 1dD 401 - Appendix B (continuedZ � Redevelopment Plan for Thanas-Dale - Minn. A-1-3 5. Map #1 - Land Use Plan The land use areas have been changed as follows: a. The -co�amAercial-retail land use north and west of University and Rice has been expanded to reflect the intent to develop a coaimercial caaplex at this location. b. The RIII area between Marion and Rice has been expanded easterlq to Rice Street and northerly to the Arch•Penn route. c. The RIII area between Elfelt, Blair, Galtier and Thomas has been changed to RII, d. The Jackson school site (public land use) has been enlarged without specific site designation in order to reflect the specific project objective of expanding the school site. � e. The coaanercial land use along University Avenue between Galtier and Marion and between Western and Virginia has been expanded to a full block depth to reflect definite expansion plans by existing camnercial property awners. f. The RII area north of Minnehaha between Arundel and Western has been changed� to public to reflect project proposals for construction of a recreation facility (ice arena). g. The industrial land use southwesterly of Cano. and Western has been expanded southerly to the public land use area referred to in S.f. above. h. The arterial designation for Camo Avenue easterly of Marion Street has been delp�eld to reflect recently completed and planned street construction. ie The collector street designation for Thomas Avenue between Marion and Como has been deleted as a reflection of recently ccmpleted street construction in the area. 6. Map #2 - Boundary and Acquisition M� The map has beea changed to show the properties proposed for acquisition during the 1971-72 NDP Program Year, -2- ND 401 - A-1-3 Appendix B ; : � I . • • • I • � � � . � .• • I • .• 1 � 1 ' 1 1 ' � 1 • � � , • , � • . . _ S; ,�� 6 _ _ +!'g • • • •��I .>f.. 1 ����j — �� V..:� ��• � '�, , - '� • � • • `V • � •� *+ � I �. �� � � q -. �� �• -� a •�,G+ s � • � �1� ���wP .�' - ;' ������•� � � +� �,n ,4 � ti ;��,� � ..i., . . .. � . . ..... . . „' ,r ti r \� ♦ ���) ��/��e��� ""��'�7'l+'Ti'�� �_, � � � .. . ..... � • . . . . ........ � . � yi'.��e�s���i�+`��������♦ ' _ r 4` j?5�{ti�� }1rf'{.�. , �� ,�1eA��'��A O���I����«��j�j���t����� � � �iarr ,.. � I ;;' - �,,�s � ♦7,��i�����������,>�����7���1 v����♦ , .xx� ����Yf� �i�io�� <. �����• � . � .:�tit r .r . ��r ♦t�ii O����1��•♦ ♦�4�����► � .... � . 0 . ......•� . .. ...... . �. {��fftii��.i,t'}r'r};�5y}{tv�• •��s��O��y��`��l���t�6�3��i���0��a����0�•�����♦ � . .... ;ty{tiS,�ti� �'�} t� �^( :.v� ���I��`�.,�ty��.�.�.�w`000�+.-��f�,�'�-�.w����q� , , . �,ti rr 'ti 1 �h�r� }j� ��!`f�i O s��1�b���•'� p� �O�,m��j�j� � � I�r 'r}rrr�{� ti~ti � .{ �r f t ������✓8t`i�j����'������6��4 r�3������ � � 0�•� •� ��J� ��. rti J S �l ti �."��•�� , �tY �"� �4 4��►f��`4���1����������O R.� •.•.••••• ...•.. . . . . . . . . . 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' � ��`.0�� .� /✓/� i�� .i� [ 1',�C/ /'/��'�/ i�/ �n� ' 0 r E / �+ fi .. ... ; . ............ ....... ` d� d � /� / ./e ^ � �� ... • •� „ < I ^ 1 ���%�//.'/ ........... • .......... , , ` �i�i►"f' I�.���//�/��i� "� ��� I�� ��'ar� r-?•,�s�v-ti��-�T-�,1"�p��=�,"�,��� '/r� �� �, //�i �l�,� — � ..� �%.. �.� .. .// ./ i _ i �,� ,� .i .r .♦ . �i/n°�� .;� � w i�J ./ �i����.!!,� ./' .I��fIIU�� f: O ■ r �r ____I (u��l �/IriC�i a�+�'.'r `rrdp/. �,/ I.. � �../ �,f:�/ �� LP i /�/ .��� r'B�. _AL �� S � ..t_ �� i ���r�•�' �•drna'�u.;� � �—L_�-_L� ' — - �.ti �.e ..�a. , � ..I I o 4 • •• _ • • r . • � R $ � �1 � � � t �W�iuili/1'IV� I � � .�r� �• . • • ND 401 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CENTRAL CORE - MINN. A-1-5 ADO'PTED JANUARY 1971 BY TI� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENP AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF' SAINr PAUL AMENDS AND SUP'ERSEDES REDEVELOPMENr PLAN ADOPTED JAPUARY 1970 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE REDEVELOP'MENr Pi,AN ADOPTED IN JANUARY 1970 ARE CONTAINED IN APPENDIX B OF TR;S REDEVELOPMENP PLAN PROPERTIES AaQUIRED THROtIOH THE URBAN RENEFTAL p80GRAM AI�ID TO BE DISPOSED OF DURING THE 1971-72 NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPI�NP PROGRAM YEAR [�IILL BE GOVERNED BY THE PRaVISIONS OF THIS REDEVELOPMENP PLAN PROPERTIES SOLD FOR REDEVELOPMENTr DURING PRIOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOP- MEIJr PROGRAM YEARS ti1ILL CONPINUE TO BE GOVERNED BY THE PRWISIONS OF THE REDEVELOPMENP PLAN CtTRRENPI,Y ADOPTBD AT T� TIML OF DISPOSITION ND 401 A-1-5 A-1-5 ` • • ' � ' CBNrRAL QORE A-1-5 A. DBSCRIPTION OF NDP IIRBAN RBNEWAL AREA Comnencing at the point of intersection of the southern right-of-way line of Interstate Freeway�sNumbers 94 and 35B and the center line of St. Peter Street, then northeasterly along said Freeway right-of-waqs to the eastern right-of-Nay line of Broadwaq Street, thea southeast to the southern right-of-way line of Kellogg Boulevard, then southwest to the eastern right-of�ay line of Sibley Street, thea southeasterly to the southern right-of-waq line of Shepard Road, then southwest to the center line of Wabasha Street produced, then northwesterly to the center line of Kellogg Boulevard, then weaterlq to the center line of St. Peter Street, then northwesterly to the southern right-of-way line of Interstate Freeways Niaabers 94 and 35-E, which ia the point of :�eginning, excluding, however, that portion of land which ia identified as the Davntown Urban Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-20. -1- ND 401 A-1-5 , • • . • B• STATEMENT OF I?EVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The Central Core of Saint Paul is a major co�nercial retail, administrative, financial, transportation, entertainment, cultural, and governmental center serving the Upper Midwest, the State of Minnesota, a large part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul. Within its metropolitan context, the Central Core is a ma�or employment center, drawing upon a work force comprised of a wide variety of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled people. It is a focus of rail and bua lines and of the Interstate ih fense Highway System, which is progressively taking shape. To ensure the continued contribution of the Central Core as a major source of property tax and other revenues, as an important source of employment, and as a symbol of the coamunity-at-large, it is necessary to undertake a redevelopment program. There have been found to exist within the Central Core substandard condition buildings and structures used or intended to be used for living, commercial, industrial or other purposes, which by reason of d ilapidation, obsolescence, overcrowding, faulty arrangement or design of buildings and improvements, by lack of public facilities, ventilation, light and eanitatq facilities, by excessive land coverage or deleterious land use or obsolete layout, are injurious to the health, safety morals and welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul or inflict blight upon the economic value of large areas and impair the value of private investments. The primary ob�ectives of this Redevelopment Plan are: (1) To eliminate and/or ameliorate these physical and economic conditions as they exist in the Central Core, (2) To improve the att�activeness and desirability of the area as a place in which to live, work and shop, and in which to aecure cultural and recreational enrichment, and (3) To complement development in nearby areas, most particularly the Seven Corners NeiRhborhood anc? *:he State Capital area, and the Capital Centre Urran K�newal Project. ND 401 :��1-5 -2- . . � . Additional General Objectives 1. Objectives of Function a. The Central Core, together with Capital Centre, the State Capitol and the Seven Corner's Neighborhood should serve as a symbol of the Community-at-large, its values and prosperity. b. The Central Core should function as a regional center of busfness, social and cultural coneaunication. c. With the Seven Corners Neighborhood it ahould function as the site of special, one-of-a-kind,activities joined in by people of the city and region. 2. Objectives of Arrangement a. Complementary or reinforcing land uses should be arranged in compact activity centers with the land between such areas being used as major circulation routes or for servicing. The degree of d!isperaion will depend on the extent of cumulative attraction within and between the activity centers. b. The location of activity centers should encourage the movement of pedestrians within and between the centera, and minimize conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. 3. Objectives of Appearance. a. The Central Core should be distinctive, transmitting a aense of a special or unique place. b. It should be unified in arrangement and style, while permitting variety within and among the individual developments. c. Redevelopment and Rehabilitation should occur with due regard for high standards of design, including building form and materials, signs and street lighting, and open spaces. 4. Objectivea of Transportation a. All parts of the Central Core ahould be readily and conveniently accessible from the transportation networks, exiating or new. b. The Central Core should serve as a terminal for public and private ND 401 A-1-5 -3- . . . � modes of transportation, and provide appropriate terminal facilities. c. The transportation syatem should provide intarnal movmnent of people within the Central Core's activity area. Specific Obiectivea 1. Clearance of substandard and bllghting buildinga. 2. Assembly of adquately sized parcels for redevelopment. 3. Achievement of a vehicular circulation syatem designed to meet current and future requirements of the downtown area through implementation of the Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area, completed for the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul during the 1970-71 NDP Program Year. 4. Expansion of the Capital Centre pedeetrian concourse ayatem. S. Construction of necessary parking facilities in sufficient number at locations needed to pxovide proper trip terminals in close relationship to the pedestrian system. 6. Retain exiating organizations which together are the source of downtown employment, and expand employment opportunity in the Central Core. 7. Provide for the strengthening and expanaion of retail facilities serving area-wide needs in a compact activity center. 8. Provide aites for high-rise houaing to support the Central Core, the State Capitol Complex and Institutiona in the Seven Cornera neighborhood� and also to conaolidate, strengthen and give identity to the exiating � reeidential area by the selection of theae sites. 9. Progreasively and systemntically iaiprove public facilities which contribute to the economic and social viability of Saint Paul. C. GENERAL LAND USE PLAN 1. Land Use Map Predominant general land uaes and major circulation routee ahall be in accord with the general objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul and the street system plan contained in the "Traasportation Plan for the Saint Paul Core Area('dated July, 1970. Land uses and wajor circulation routes are ahown on ND 401 Map No. 1, Land Use Map. -4- ND 401 � A-1-5 , . . • . 2. Description of Each Predo�inant Land Use Category on the Land Uae Map a• Co�rcial - Retail (1) Descriptioa of Intended Character or Funetion The Commercial-Retail area ia intended to contain the City's greatest concentration of retail stores, primurilq serving the city and region and relatfng to and coaplementinA the surround- ing intensively utilized office, retail and entertainment facilities. Thia area should accommodate new retailing facilities and the expansion of existing sound retail uses. (2) Deacription of Permitted Land Uses Permitted uses shall include retail commercial eetabliehmenta, reataurants, peraonal service establishmenta and similar and compatible uaes. Ancillary uses above ground floor levels shall include administrative, financial, profeseional and similar t�ses of offices. Transient housing ie permitt� if developed as a part of a complex Which, in the judgement of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, adequately supports the basic retail character of the Comnercial-Retail Area. (3) Denaities Densities within the Com�aercial-Retail Area should be high, generally with provision for additional space for pedestrian c irculation. b. Commercial - Office ° (1) Description of Intended Character or Function Theae areas should contain the City's most diverae, intensively developed and utilized office facilities integrated with supporting retail and entertainment facilities. They should provide facilities for employers dependent on concentra- tion to facilitate face-to-face contact and achieve concentra- tion of diverse employment facilities. Facilities for those co�nercial establishments requiring a location within the Central Core, but not within the Com�ercial-Retail Area ahould be provided in these areas. •5- � A•1•5 • • (2) T�pes of Uses to be Permitted Administrative, financial, co�miunication, governmental and profeesional offices, along with commercial and peraonal service required to support the office functions are permitted in the Commercial-Office Areas. Ancillary uaea ahall include tranaient housing and parking structures. Surface parking may be permitted as an interim use prior to start of development. (3) Density Conm�ensurate with location as a part of the high intenaity use erea: specific requirements to be developed during land marketfng activities. c. Commercial - Service (1) Deacription of Intended Character or Function To provide facilities for those co�nercial usera requiring a location within the Central Core Area, but not in the high- intenaity Com�ercial-Retail and Commercial-Office areaa. This area ia intended to house functions of a non-da�ratown core nature, but which have strong functional ties to core uses. The portion of the conm�ercial service area located north of Ninth Street is intended to house those cammercial service activities that are non-industrial in character, but rather, compriae relatively low intensity retail, service and office functions supportive of simil�r high intensity activities located in the downtown core area. A� such, the portion of the co�mnercial service area north of Ninth Street is intended to be free of uses generating significant smounts of truck traffic� noise, intensive pedestrian activity, etc. Further, the portion of the commercial-service area north of Ninth, by virtue of its more restrictive uaes and locational characterictics, is intended to also serve as a location for the development of high intensity houaing. -6- ND 401 A-1-S . . • • (2) Tqpea of Uses to b� Permitted Peraaitted within this area are: Comnercial and personal service establiehmenta; secondary commercial retail stores dealing in bulk or large item sales; storage and warehousing, printing plants,light induatrial uaes (those free of air pollution, dust and excessive noise); administrative, coAenercial, transportation, and professional offices; churches, schools and aimilar public and semi-public institutions, parking etructur�e and lota, public parks and open spaces, and similar and compatible uses. except that in the area north of Ninth Street storage and warehousing, printing plants, and light industrial uses will not be permitted. In addition, high density residential use and transient houaing may be permitted as an alternate reuse in that part of the Commercial-Service Land Use Area north of Ninth Street. (3) DensitY (a) Densities should be moderate so as not to encourage com- mercial uses more properly located in the CBD core itself; specific requirements will be developed during land market- - ing activities. (b) For slternate predominant residential use, densities shall be generally no leea than 50 daelling units per acre. d. Reaidential �1) Description of Intended Character and Function This area should provide high density houaing of a tqpe creating internal residential amenities and, aerving to support inatitutional, downtown and governmental uses. In addition, the area should be developed to conaolidate the '�' ND 401 A-...i 5_ . . • • existing residential developments into a self contained and identifiable residential area. It should complement the environ- ment of the institutional uses and the housing development in the Capital Centre Redevelopment Project, Minn. R-20. It should help to create a base for nightime cultural and entertairnnent activities. (2) Types of Uses to be Permitted High-rise reaidential; related public and semi-public uses including churches, achoole, parks and open spaces; parking facilities to aerve permitted uaes, developed ao they are compatible and non-dominant; and limited retail commercial uses purely ancillary to residential usea and intended primarily to meet the needs of residenta, including such uses as food and drug atores, and restanrants. (3) Density (a) Specific density limits shall be establiehed during land marketing activities. e. Public (1) Description of Intended Character and Function This area should contain City-wide serning facilities intended to enhance the economic, social, cultural and educational base of the City. (2) Types of Permitted Uses Facilities for exhibition and museum purposes; general governmental office functions; public outdoor passive recreational facilities and open spaces intended to provide relief in built up areas, as a setting for civic events, and to complement the adjacent residential uee; -8- ND 401 A-1-5 . . • • Parking facilities as required to serve predominant uae; semi-public or institutional uaea, as appropriate and similar in function to the predominant permitted usea; and connnercial usea in limited amounts and intended primarily to provide service to the predominant public user, such as food and beverage establishments and existing commercial and transient housing facilities. 3. PlanninA Criteria or Standards a. Ancillary Usea (1) Where Commercial-Retail ie Predominant Use (a) Parking facilitiea in atructures will be provided, adequate and convenient to serve the parking demand generated bq retail shoppers and will be so located as to achieve good access characteristics to major streets. (b) Major retail and other con�ercial facilities will be encouraged to link into and extend the existing Pedestrian Concourse system which was developed as part of the Capital Center powntown Uri�an Renewal Project, Minn. R-20. (2) Where Cominercial-Office is Predominant Use (a) Parking facilities in atructure will be provided adequate to serve the demand generated and will be so located as to achieve good access characteristic to major streets. (b) An extention of the Pedeatrian Concourse System will be encouraged to provide numerous pedestrian cot�nections between the Co�nercial-Office areas and the Comaercial- Retail area, as well as selected connections to taajor parking facilities in the Commercial-Service area. -9- NDP 401 A-1-5 � . - • • (3) Where Coamnercial Services is Predominant Use �a) Parking faciliti�a in structur�s will be provided adequate to serve the major uses in the area s� well as the long-term parking demand generated by the adjacent camiercial-retail and caamercial-office areas and will be so located as to achieve good access characteriatics to major etreets. Surface parking shall be permitted as interim use pravided it is paved, properly landscaped and screened from pedestrian view. (b) An extension of the Pedestrian Concourse System will be encouraged, and so designed as to allow selected pedestrian connections between the other conm�ercial areas and major parking facilities located in the commercial-services area. (4) Where Residential is Predominant Use (a) Parking facilities, visually non-dominant and located so as to minimize vehicular traffic through the reaidential area will be prwided in accordance with local codes and ordinances and limited primarilq to residents and gnesCs or those required to serve permitted ancillary uses. (b) Fnblic and semi-public uses will be limited to residential related (city-wide facilities prohibited) and will generally � be located at the periphery of the predominant use with proximity to major streets. (c) Commercial facilities of a resident-serving nature, or compatible with residential developneent, such as amall food or drug stores, will be permitted and only if built as part of a residential building complex. (5) Where Public is Predominant Use (a) Parking facilities to be provided in accordance with applicable codes and ordinances, generally required to be in structures or otherwise acreened from view, and must achieve good access characteristics to arterial routes. -10- ND 401 ___ A-1•5 • - � • (b) Semi•public or institutional facilities when similar in fun¢tion and complementary to predominant use. (c) Commercial uses: Existing uses permitted to remain Where use is not detrimental to predominant use and building condition does not warrant clearance; new commercial use permitted only if such use is solely related to and complements predominant use. b. Internal Circulation Svstem _ The Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area completed during the 1970-71 Program Year, the provisions of which are shawn on Map No. 1, Land Use Plan, was developed generally in accordance with the planning criteria and standards of the Redevelopment Plan. These criteria and standards, together with those additional criteria set forth in the Transportation Plan report, are as follows: (1) To provide entry points and facilities frorn the entry points to . destinations within the core area for the safe, e�ficient, convenient movement of vehicles, (2) To prohibit or discourage through traffic by location of parking and street design, (3) To provide adequate parking for long term employee parkers, executive parkers, shopper, business and patron parkers, and short term errand parkers, (4) To limit intersection with arterial routes, (5) To provide facilities to serve major pedestrian movements between activity centers, (G) To employ cross-section and design standards commensurate with function, (7) To provide adequate access to all properties for services and safety requirements, (8) To provide transit service in the core to help achieve an effective balance in transit/auto usage, (9) Relate public transit to the overall circulation system -11- ND 401 A-1-5 . � � � c. bth�r Public Improvem+ant� (1) Sewer System to provide separation of storm water from sewage. (2) Street lighting to provide adequate viaibility for pedeatrian and vehicle safety, while respecting character of ueea in area. (3) Sidewalks and other pedestrian circulation facilities to provide for maximum pedestrian safety, convenience and comfort. (4) Public recreation facilities and other open spaces to capitalize upon topographic, river, or other natural amenitiea. D. URBAN RENEWAL TECHNIQ.UE S TO BE USED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES Renewal techniquea are to be a cambination of clearance and redevelopment and rehabilitation of existing properties. This includes; -- Acquisition of properties and demolition of structures that are substandard, which constitute blighting influences, which are infeasible of rehabili- tation, or which are needed for public purposes or to effect necessary changes in land use. -- Relocation of site occupants. Residential displacees will be rehoused in accordance with the Relocation Plan. -- 5ite preparation, vacation of unnecessary streets and alleys. -- Removal of impediments to land disposition and elimination of easements and other subservient interests. -- Disposition of land for public and private uses. -- Provision of Rehabilitation Services including advice and counseling on architectural and landscaping, and on available financial assistance programs. -- Management of property acquired by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. -- Enforcement of plan requirements. -- Other activities as necessary in order to achieve the ob3ectives of this plan. 1. Rehabilitation All properties in the Central Core area shall comply with the standards set forth in all applicable statutes, codes and ordinances, as amended from time to time, relating to the use, maintenance, facilities, and occupancy of existing property, including but not limited to the building, plumbing, heating, elec- -12- l�D 401 A�— � � _ trical, housing and pollution controls code. These code standards are hereby incor- porated by reference and made a part hereof and identified as Appendix A, Property Rehabilitation Standards, dated January 1970. a. Conditions Under Which Rehabilitation Will be permitted � (1) .Rehabilitation activities will be permitted on all properties which are not identified for acquisition and which are economically feasible of rehabilitation. (2) Properties identified for acquisition, or acquired properties for which rehab- ilitation is demonstrated to be feasible as an alternative to clearance, may�be so3.d for rehabilitation if retention and rehabilitation of such properties is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan by virtue of use, nature of resultant redevelopment, and does not inYcibit the marketability of adjacent redevelog- ment lands. 2. Land Acquisition and Clearance a. To Remove Substandard Conditions � Certain properties identified for acquisition in clearance areas as shown on Map No. 2 are to be acquired to remove substandard building conditions. Additional properties outside of clearance areas may be subsequently acquired ,;:., or additional clearance areas may be identified in order to remove substandard conditions upon identification by detailed inspection of such properties. b, To Remove Bli�hting Influences ° Certain properties identified on Map No. 2 are to be acquired to remove blighting influences, including but not limited to obsolete building types, � incompatible uses, over-crowding of buildings on the land, or under-utilization of small parcels of Iand. Other buildings may subsequently be identified for such acquisition if they are determined to represent blighting influences. c. To Provide Land for Public Improvements or Facilities . Properties may be acquired to provide necessary publi�, facilities, including \ . but not limited to street rights-of-way, parks, public buildings, and similar facilities. �'� �� � d. To Promote Historic or Archite cti�ral Preservation � •� Properties identified as having historic and/or architectural significance may be acquired for disposition to appropriate legal entities in order to bring about the preservation or restoration of such properties where such properties are in danger of being destroyed through abuse, inappropriate use, inappropriate conversion to other uses, inappropriate remodeling or other circumstances. -13- ND 401 A-1-5 . . . � ` e. To Provide Land for Redevelopnent Properties identified in clearance and redevelopmeat sections may be acquired, regardless of building conditiona, if such acquisition is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Redevelop�ent Plan. f. Special Conditions Under Which Properties not Des��nated for Acauisition May be Acauired Properties not identified on the Acquisition Map, Map No. 2, will not be acquired during the Action Year. Hawever, in those cases where the owner of a property conclusively demonstrates to the satisfactiaa of the Authority that the achievement of the rehabilitation ob�ectives des- cribed in this plan will cause the owners undue hardship, or that the property is not economically feasible or desfrable to rehabilitate, or that the property is substandard requiring clearance or exerts a blight- ing influence on the surrounding area, the Authority, in its determination may acquire such properties. In situations where these basic conditions are met, the Authority will assign high priority to those (previously identified) acquisitions that: (1) are necessary to assure the implementation of a previously identified ' Action Proposal, or (2) take maximum advantage of new develop�nent opportunities that arise during the action yea r that are in accordance with redevelopment plan objectives. E. LAND DISPOSITION SUPPLEI�NT 1. Land Uae and Building Restrictions a. Land Use The property identified for disposition shall be used for purposes and uses as set forth in Section C - 2 of this Plan. b. Buildintt Restrictions Building restrictic ns supplementing the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan and regulating use, development intensity, bulk, setbacks, coverage, relationships to adjoining development, parking, service, landscaping, and other similar development characteristics will be developed for each �14• xn 4oi A-1-S . . • dieposition parcel prior to land marketing activities. Such building restrictiona will form the basis of provisiona to be incorporated in dis- position contracts. Where appropriate, building reatrictions may also in- clude requirements for the development of a pedestrian concourse system similar in function to that being developed in the Capital Centre Redevel- opment Project, Minno R-20. 2. Circulation a. Major streeta bound the site and provide all required access to the site. 3. Re_developer's ObliAations The general requirements to be imposed by the Contract for Sale between the redevelopers of property and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority are: . a. To develop the land purchased in accordance with the controls and objectives of this Redevelopment Plan. b. To commence and complete the building of improvements on the land within a reasonable period of tisne as detexmined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. c. Not to reaell the land before improvements are made without the prior consent of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. d. Not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in the sale, lease, transfer, or occupancy of the land purchased from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. e. The contract and disposition documents will spell out in detail the provisions, standards and criteria for achieving applicable objectives, requirements and regulations contained in the Redevelopment Plan. 4. Coo�itments for Low and Moderate Income Housint� A substantial number of individuals and families presently residing within seriously blighted structures are eligible for low and moderate incame housing. In order to insure that these families and individuals will have the opportunity to select safe and sanitary housing at rents or costs they can afford, this plan requires that a minimwn of 50 percent of all dwelling units to be pro- vided under this and other plans in the Neighborhood Development Program on land to be disposed of for residential uses; will be made available for low or moderate income housing. -15• ND 401 A-1-S . • � 5. Urban D�sign Obiectiv� and C�ntrol The Authority may contract for sale of property upon receipt and acceptance of preliminary plans, but may not dispose of property under such contract prior to receipt and acceptance of construction drawings. The Authority shall retain the right of design review and may reject any pro- posal which is felt to be inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan. Specific design objectives and criteria will be established for each parcel prior to disposition, and proposals will be evaluated in the light of these objectives and criteria. Such objectives and criteria will generally seek to achieve the Development Objectives set forth in Section B of this Redevelopment Plan. 6, lluration of Controls The development controls and regulations will be incorporated into the deeds conveying land and shall be maintained and continued in effect for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of approval of the Redevelopment Plan by the City Council of Saint Paul. F. 0'THER PROVISIONS NECE5SARY TO MEET STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Non-Discrimination Every contract for sale, lease or red�velopment of property within the pro�ect area will include prohibitions against land speculation, require compliance with all State and local laws in effect from time to time, prohibit discrimi- nation or segregation by reasons of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin in the sale, lease or occupancy of the property, and require that this latter provision be made a covenant running with the land and be binding upon the redeveloper and every successor in interest to the property. 2. Vacat_ions, Dedications and Covenants Vacations and dedications of public rights-of-way shall be accomplished by separate actions in accordance with State law and local ordinances and will be initiated by the Authority or redeveloper. G. PROVISIONS FOR AMENDING PLAN The Redevelopment Plan may be modified at any ttme by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the manner provided by law. -16- MD 401 A-1-5 . . • HOOSING AND REDEVBLOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA ND 401 APPENDIX "A" REDEVSLOPMENT PLAN ALL PROJECT AREAS Appendix "A" ND 401 . � • ND 401 - Appendix "A" Property Rehabilitation Standards The standards for this project areg are regulations set forth in all applicable statutes, codes, and ordinancea, as amended from time to time, relating to the use, maintenance, facilitiea, and occupancy of property, including but not limited to, the building, plumbing, heating, electrical, and housing codes. These code standards are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of these Property Rehabilitation Standards. In addition to theae regulations, all properties fn the project area shall conform to the following applicable standards: �plication: Residential Standards apply to all residential properties. Non-Residential Standards apply to com�nercial and industrial properties. Non-Residential Use in Connection with Residential Use properties ahall comply with standards applicable to the individual use portions of the structure. Variations Variations to the following standards may be permitted by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for specific cases only when the variation attains the stated objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, provided the variation does not violate local regulations and one or more of the following conditions justify the variation: 1. Topography of the site is auch that full compliance is impossible or impracticable. 2. Design and planning of the specific property offers improved or compensating features providing equivalent desirability and utility. 3. Where limitations are presented by existing construction �+hich is to remain, reasonable modification will be permitted in the following standards where the resulting conditions are deemed by the Authority to be consietent with the Redevelopment Plan. Residential Standards Service and Facilities Independent utilities shall be provided for each property. ND 401 - Appendix "A" -1- � ` . . • ND 401 - Appendix "A" �r Pa rk infq Where site conditions allow, each property containing one through three dwelling units shall provide one parking apace for each dwelling unit. For properties containing four or more dwelling units, .75 parking spaces per dwelling unit must be provided to the extent that the site will allow. Privacy and Arrangement Access to all parts of a living unit shall be possible without passing through a public hall. A bathroom location is not acceptable if it is used as a passageway to a habitable room, hall, basement, or to the exterior. Kitchen Facilities Each living unit shall have a specific kitchen space, which contains a sink with hot and cold running water, six feet of counter w�ork space, and adequate space for installing cooking and refrigeration equipment, and for storage of cooking utensils. Minimum areas and dimensions of kitchen storage space shall be as follows: a. At least 30 square feet of shelving in wall and base cabinets shall be provided. Osable storage shelving under sink may be counted in the total shelving needed. b. At least 5 squsre feet of drawer area shall be provided. Space for Laundr Facilities Adequate space for laundry equipment shall be provided and may be located in the kitchen, basement or other suitable service space. Cloaets Clothes closet space shall be provided within each living unit on the basis of approximately 12 square feet for the firat bedroom, plus 6 square feet for each addi- tional bedroom. Bedroom closets shall be provided within each bedroom wherever possible. One additional clo8et located off of a hall, living room, or dining area should be provided. However, none of the minimwn clothes closet space ahall be bcated within the kitchen. Within each living unit, shelf area or built-in draaer space of at least eight aquare feet shall be provided for linens. General StoraRe Each livfng unit ahall have a designated space within the unit or locked space elswhere within the building or other structure on the property for general storage. ND 401 - Appendix "A" -2- . • + ND 401 - Appendix "A" The minimum volume of storage space for each living unit shall be 100 cubic feet and shall be appropriately increased for three or four bedroom living units. Attic and Basementless Space Acceas to attics shall be provided by means of conveniently located scuttles, dis- appearing or permanently instalZed stairway. For attic and basementless spaces, the minimum access opening shall be 14 x 22 inches. However, if either are to contain mechanical equipment, the access opening shall be of sufficient size to permit the removal and replacement of the equipment. Natural ventilation of spaces such as attics and enclosed basementless spaces shall be provfded by openings and clearance of sufficient size to overcome dampness and minimize the effect of conditions conducive to decay and deterioratfon of the structure, end to prevent excessive heat in attics. Painting and Decoration Protective and decorative finish coating or surfacing shall provide (a) adequate resistance to weathering, (b) protection of finished surfaces from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attractive appearance, and (d) reasonable durability. Basement and Ce11ar Floors The floor of all basement or cellar furnace rooms shall be paved in an acceptable manner. Storm Equipment Weathertight storm windows and storm doors shall be provided for all window and door openings. MechBnical Ventilation, Air Conditionin�q and HeatinR Exhaust air should not be circulated from one living unit to another, except in duplexes where the air circulation system is already installed. Each property shall be provided with a centralized heating facility or the hesting unit shall be U/L approved, built-in type furnace with or without distribution sxgtem. Thermostat control shall be provided. A central space heater will be acceptable if the unit is properly sized and if the maximum distance between the heater and the center of any room to be heated is not in excess of 18 feet or through not more than ND 401 - Appendix "A" -3- - • � • ND 401 - Appendix "A" one intervening door. In addition, an independent means of heating the bathroom must be provided. Further, if in order to satisfy the intent of this requirement a second space heater is required, it shall not be permitted in a room used for aleeping purposes unless it is of the approved type utilizing 100X outside air for combustion purposes. Space heatera will not be permitted in lieu of central heating in structures containing more than two dwelling units. Electric Living rooms will be provided with at least two duplex wall-type receptacles. Non-Residential Standards All existing non-residential atructures and properties in the Pro�ect shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The exterior of the building shall be clean, painted, and finished, and maintained in a sound condition and attractive appearance. All retail fronts shall be compatible with adjacent or nearby retail frontage with regard to color and material. All canopies, signs, awnings and other appurtenancea shall be of durable and appxopriate material, and shall be maintained in good repair and properly anchored or installed so as to be kept in safe and sound condition. Deteriorated appurtenances or appurtenances no longer in use, such as overhead sign supports, shall be eliminated. All signs and other graphic elements shall be harmonious with nearby retail frontage and surrounding residential area with regard to design, size, color and material. Signs may not extend above the roof line of the structure. Signs painted on the surface of a building ahall be removed. Lettering on firat floor windows stating an address, business or professional name and/or nature of business or profession shall be permitted, provided that such lettering does not exceed four (4) inches in height. Signs shall be related to the goals and services conducted on the premises only. Free standing signs are prohibited. 2. Off-street loadinq and parking shall be provided to the extent that the land area of [he parcel allows. All plans for parking and off-street loading ahall be submitted to the Authority for approval. 3. Industrial or commercial properties may utilize open storage, provided it is ND 401 - Appendix "A" . -4- ' . • � ND 401 - Appendix "A" ecreened from view from any public way. This may be accomplished by solid wall or dense ahrubbery screen, the design of which shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. Open storage shall be placed in the rear of a line acrosa the front of the primary building parallel with public way frontage. 4. All non-residential properties shall observe the following requirements: (1) Emit no fumes or gases which are noxious, toxic or corrosive. (2) Exhaust no waste and dust created by industrial or heavy busineas � operationa into the air. To the extent possible, non-residential properties shall comply to the "land use provisions and building requirements". i ND 401 - Appendix "A" -5- . • • ND 401 - Appendix B Redevelopment Plan for Central Core - Minn. A-1-5 Chan�ea to the previouslv applicable Redevelopment Plan adopted in Januarv, 1970 1. Boundary Description Minor changes. have been made in the boundary description to correct inconsistenciea where boundary streeta were included in two abutting projects, or where abutting projects were separated by half a etreet width, or to correct similar discrepancies. 2. S_ection B - Statement of Development Obiectivea Under the Specific Objectives, Section No. 3., has been rewor�sd in order to empha8ize that the achievement of a street eyatem meeting current and pro3ected requirements is propoaed to be undertaken by implementation of the Transpor�tation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area completed during the 1970-71 Program Year. Additionally, Specific Ob3ective No. 8 has been expauded to include the concept of consolidating and giving identity to an already exiating dawntown housing concentration throagh the identifieation of sitea for new houaing development. 3, Section C-1 - L;and Uae Map The text reference to the Land Use Map has been expanded to state that the major circulation routes stulY be:fn �ccord��r#tti��ha:�lx�tpar�attem P1aa �or the St, Paul Core Area as well aa the Comprehensive Plan of the Citq of St. Paul. 4. Section C-2-c. • Commercial-Service The descriptiorr of intended character or •function and the typea of uses to be permitted have beem revised so as to differentiate between the portions of the land use area located north end south of Ninth Street. The portion north of Ninth Street has been more restrictivelq defined, and residential has ba�n added as an alternative land use in this portion of the laud use=area. ' . . -1- AID 401 - A-1-5 A�pendix B . . . • I�ID 401 - Appendix B (contiaued) Redevelopment Plan for Central Core - Mina. A-1-5 5. Section C-2-d. - Residential The intended charscter or function of this are�has been expanded to incorpora�e the concept of consolidation of the area into an identifiable entity. 6. Section C-3-b. - Internal Circulation System The planning .criteria aad atandards epplicable to the internal circulation system has been expanded to include those additional criteria aud atandards employed in the development of the Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area, completed during the 1970-71 NDP Progran Year. 7. Section D-2-f. - Special Conditions Under Which Propertiea Not Designated for Acquisition May Be Acquired The special conditions under which propertiea not designated for acquieition, b�rt which may be acquired, has been modffied to expand the initial criteria to include blighting influences. The conditione also have been modified to establish priorities eo that properties meeting the initial condition criteria will be evaluated prior to deterd�ining ahich will be acquired so aa to select only those which will produce inmediate development opportunities or which are necessary to caaplete previoualy identified Action Proposale. 8. Section E - Land Diapoaition Supplement Subaection l.b,, Building Restrictiona, has been modified to include the bases for the development of building restrictions which will be applicable to all current and future diaposition parcels to be made available during the life of the renewal project. Such building re8trictiona for each d�sposition parcel will be detailed prior to dispoaition. _2_ 1� 401 - A-1-S Appendix B . w , • • � ND 401 - Appendix B (continued) Redev�loament plan for Central Core - Minn. A-1-5 9. Map No. 1 - Land Ose Map The Land Uae Map has been changed ao as to have the circulation syste� reflect the street pattern propoaed in the Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area, ccmpleted by the D�partment of Public Works duriag the 1970•�1 NDP Program Year. Land Use areas which have been changed sre as followa: a. The portion of the comoiercisl-aervice area located north of Niath Street has been changed to include residential as an alternate land use. b. The public land use area in the nerCh-west portion of the pro��sct has been extended easterly into the block bounded by Minneaota, Eleventh, Robert, and Tenth Street, which block containa the Public Safety Building, a public use. c. The residential area in the north-we�t portiun of the project area hae been extended easterly into the block bounded by Minnesota, Ninth, Cedar and Tenth, partially as a result of circulation ;ystem determinetione and partially to reflect existing to remain land uses. d. The land uae in the block bounded by St. Peter, Fourth, Wabasha and Kellogg Blvd. has been changed to public to reflect the exiating to remain use. 10. Msp No. 2 - Acquiaition Map The Acquisition Map hes been changed to show the properties propoaed for acquiaition during the 1971-72 ffi�P Program Year. -3- - NID 401-A-1-5 Appendix B . • • . y T !I Ili ND 401 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN SEVEN CORNERS - MINN� A-1-6 ADOPTED JANUARY 1971 BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINP PAUL AMENDS AND SUPERSEDES REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ADOPTED JANUARY 1969 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENP.� TO T`iE REDEVELOPMENr PLAN ADOPTED IN JANUARY 1969 ARE CONTAINED IN APPI;NDIX B OF THIS REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PRQPERTIES ACQUIRED THROUGH THE URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM AND TO BE DISPOSED OF DURING THE 1971-72 NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM YEAR WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THIS REDEVELOPMENT PLAN � PROPERTIES SOLD FOR REDEVELOPMENT DURING PRIOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOP- ME NT PROGRAM YEARS WILL CONTINUF, TO BE GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN CURRENTLY ADO�TED AT THE TIME OF DISPOSITION � ND 401 A-1-6 • , f • • A, DESCRIPTION OF NDP URBAN RENEWAL AREA The area encompassed within the Seven Corners NDF` Urban Renewal Area is shown on Map No. 1, and is descrfbed as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the s��uthern rfght-of-way line of Interstste Freeways 1Jumbers 94 and 35E and the center line of St. Peter Street, then southeasterly along said center line of St. Peter Street to the point of inter- section with the center line of Kellogg Boulevarcl, then northea.sterly along said line to the point of interaection with the center line of Wabasha Street, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Shepard Road, then southwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Chestnut Street, extended, then northwesterly along said center line to the center line of Seventh Street, then southwesterly along said center line to the point of interaection with the center line of Sherman Street, then northwesterly along center line to the point of intersection with the center line of Pleasant Avenue, then southwesterly along said center line to the point of intersectio-� with the center line of an alley located thirty-three (33) feet ± west of the western right-of-way line of Thompson Street, then northwesterly along said line to a point on the center line of Irvine Avenue, then northeasterly along the center line of Irvine Avenue to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way line of vacated iTalnut Street, then northeasterly to the point of interaection with the eastern right-of-way line of vacated Walnut Street and a lot line that is 320 feet, more or less, south of the southern right-of�way line of Summit Avenue, then northeasterly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way line of vacated Selby Avenue, then westerly along said line to the point of intersection with the southeastern right-of-way line of Swnmit Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point of intersection wiCh the southern right-of-way line of Dayton Avenue, extended, .then westerly along said extended line to the point of intersection with the center line of John Ireland Boulevard, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the north- -1- ND 401 A-1-6 . , � � • eastern right-of-way line of Ramp W-10 of Interstate Highway 94, then southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection of the northern right-of-way line of Ramp W-11 of Interstate Highway 35E, then northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of St. Peter Street which is the point of beginning. No portion of the area contained within the above-described boundaries and as shawn on Map No. 1 is excluded from the Seven Corner:� NDP Urban Renewal area. B, STA'TFMFNr nF nt?VF.LOPMENT (�B,T�GtPIVES 1. Remaval of substandard and blighting buildings. 2. Assembly of adequate sized parcels for redevelopment. 3. Achievement. of a vehicular circulation system designed to meet current and future requirements of the downtown area throuqh implementation of the Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area, completed for the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul during the 1970-71 NDP Program Year. 4. Permit retention and expansion of major institutional and commercial uses contributing to the economic and social viability of the City as a wholeo 5. Permit construction of housing to serve institutional uses and the downtown. 6, Permit expansion and reconstruction of City-wide serving public facilities intended to contribute to the econamic and social viability of the City. 7. To create an environment complementary to the envirocunent being achieved in the adjoining �edevelopment area in the core, and condusive to the redevelop- ment of the adjoining residential area. �. To create an envirornnent through design condusive to private rehabilitation and construction within the project area and adjoining areas, _2- ND 441 A-1-b . � � • , , C. GENERAL LAND USE PLAN 1. Land Use Man Predominant general land uses and major circulation routes ahall be in accord with the general objectives of the Camprehensive Plan of the City of Saint Paul, and are shown on Map No. 1. , General Ia nd L�ae. 2. Description of Predaminant General Land Uses a. Public (1) Function of Predominant Use (a) City-wide serving facilities intended to enhance the eronomic, social, cultural, and educational base of the City, including facilities for exhibitions, sporting events, theatrical and musical events, library facilities, museum facilities, and general governmental office functions. (b) Public outdoor passive recreational facilities intended to provide landscaped relief in built-up areae, as a setting for civic events, and to capitalize upon natural physical amenities. (c) Alternate predominant uae (restdential) � permitted throughout the public use area, subject to Authority approval, and intended to provide high-density residential facilities related to the central core commercial and office area and the adjacent public and institutional facilities. (2) Aneillary Usea (a) Parking facilir.ies, publically or privately developed, as required to serve predominant use. (b) Semi-public or institutional uaea, as appropriate and similar in function to predominant permitt��d uses. _3.. ND 401 A-1-6 . , . . • (c) Commercial uses in limited amounts, and intended solely to provide servicea to the predominant public uses, such ae food and beverage establishments, and existing coumnercial and transient housing facilities, etc. (3) Density (a) Commensurate with proximity to CBD core. (b) Specific controls to be developed during land marketing activities. (c) For alternate predominant use (residential) , densities shall generally be not less than 50 d.u. pei acre. • b. Institutional (1) Function of Predominant Use (a) City-wide serving facilities intended to enhance the socisl and economic base of the City, and provide for the general welfare of its residents by provision and expansion of hospital and other medical facilities, education facilities (both medical and general education oriented) , social service facilities, and other institutional uses, achieving the stated objectives of the Redevelopment Plan. (b) Alternate predominant use (residential) for a portion of the area as shown on Map No.l., is intended [o provide high- density residential facilities related to the central core com�nercial and office area and the adjacent inetitutional facilities. , -4- ND 401 A-1-6 . t � • ND 401 (2) Ancillary Uses (a) Residential uses intended to provide housing to meet the demand generated by the institutional uses, or to provide houaing for those to whom proximity to such inatitutions i�s of particular value. (b) Parking facilities developed either by predominant land uses or commercially developed to aerve demand generated by predom- inant uses. (c) Commercial uses in limited amount intended exclueively to serve and/or complement predominant uses, including medical or other institutional office functions, clinics, etc, (3) Density (a) For predoaiinant use, densities will be commensurate with loca- tion ad�acent to conenercial And office core of CBD. (b) For alternate predominan[ use (residential), densities shall generally be not less than 50 dwelling units per acre. _ c. Residential (1) Function To provide medium to high-density residential facilitfes serving adjacent institutional uses end to also provide a transition between such institutional uses and the predominantly residential area located immediately to the west. (-2) Ancillary Uses . (a) Residential - related public 'and semi-public uses including churches, schools, etc. (b) Parking facilities to serve residential uses. (c) Limited retail conunercial uses purely ancillary to residential uae and intended solely to meet the needs of residents, such as food and drug sales. -5- ND 401 ; � • . t , , a i � i � i i . ; ! ; (3) Density '' . � Specific density limits shall be established during land marketing ', ; activities. ; i � d, Comnercial-Office � I (1) Function (a) To relate to and complement the office, retail, and entertainn►ent center of the downtown core located immediately to the east. Further to functionally link the Civic Center complex to the downtown core area, ' (b) To accommodate expansion of major, sound ca�mnercial uses existing in the area. (2) Ancillary Uses Parking Facilities. (3) Density Conm�ensurate with location as a part of the CBD core area; specific requirements to be developed during land marketing activities. e. Comnercial Service (1) Function � (a) To provide facilitfes for those camnercial uses requiring a location close to, but not Within, the CBD core, including ` those retail and wholesale functions providing services to the CBD core, and those secondary coamercial uses dependent � upon high volume �nd/or �:entral location found only in or near downtown areas. � � (b) To provide facilities for those commercial establishments � providing services or goods to institutional uses within the � project and residential �ses adjacent to the project area. i � i (2) Ancillary Uses - i Parking faciliti.es to serve the predominant use, � -6- I . ND 401 . I� A-1-6 1 j � � } � � • (3) Density Moderate density so as not to encourage cammercial �es more properly located in the CBD core itself; specific requirements will be developed during land marketing activities. f. Industrial .____._,. Delineated in recognition of existing uses which are compatible with the overall development of the Seven Corners area, (1) Function To permit the retention and limited expansion of specific uses which relate in a positive nature to the CBD core through their employment base and business activities, (2) Ancillary Uses Parking facilities to serve the predominant use. 3o Planning Criteria or Standards a. Ancillarv Uses (1) Where Public is PredominanC Us � (a) Parking facilities to be �rovicied in accordance with applicable codes and ordinances, generally required to be in structure or otherwise screened from iew, and muat achieve good access characteristics to arterial routes. (b) Semi-pubTic or institutional facilities when similar in function and complementary to predominant use. (c) Co�nercial uses: Existing uses permitted to remain where use is not detrimental to predaninant use and building condition does not warrant clearance; new cawnercial use pernnitted only if such use is solely related to and canplements predaoainant use, -7- ND 401 A-1-6 � � � . , . 1 ( i � I . � � ; � i (2) Where Institutional or Alternate Residential is Predominant Use � (a) Housing permitted ancillary to institutional will be high-density i and of a type creating inCernal residential amenities. ! (b) Parking facilities will be provided in accordance with applicable local eodes and ordinances, will be designed so as to not be visually dominant, and will achieve good access characteristics to major streets. (c) Commercial facilities will be permittE�d only if the function of such is to provide services and/or goods to the predominant or alternate predominant use; location of such facilities must not impair functional relationships of predaminant uses, and will generally be located at the periphery of the predominant use areao (3) Where Residential is Predominant Use (a) Public and semi-public uses limited to residential-related (City-wide facilities prohibited), such as churches, neighbor- hood schools, or community centers, and will genera?ly be locgted at the periphery of the predominant use with proximity to major streets, (b) Parking facilities provided in accordance with local codes and ordinances and limited exclusively to residents and guests or those required to serve permitted ancillary uses; to be located so as to minimize vehicular traffic through residential area, (c) Comanercial facilities solely of a resident serving nature such as small food or drug stores will be permitted, only if built as part of a residential building complex, -8- i ND 401 � ; A-1-6 � � i i I { � �' . - - � - - _ --- -� �, 1 . , . � � (4) Where Co�nercial-Office is Predominant Use (a) Parking facilities will be provided adequate to serve the demand generated, will be in structures, and will be so located as to achieve good access characteristics to major streets, (5) Where Commercial-5ervice is the Predominant Use (a) Parking facilities will be providEd adequate to serve the demand generated, and will be so located so as to achieve good access characteristics to major streets, b. Internal Circulation System The Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Core Area completed during the 1970-71 Program Year, the provisions of which are shown on Map No. 1, Land Use Plan, was developed generally in accordance with the planning criteria and standards of the Redevelopment Plan. These criteria and standards, together with those additional criteria set forth in the Transportation Plan report, ar� as follaws: (1) To provide entry points and facilities fram the entry points to destinations within Che core area for the 5afe, efficient, convenient movement of vehicles, (2) To prohibit or discourage through traffic by location of parking and street design, (3) To provide adequate parking for long term employee parkers, executive parkers, shopper, business and patron parkers, and short term errand parkers, (4) To limit intersection with arterial routes, (5) To provide facilities to serve major pedestrian movements between activity centers, (6) To employ cross-section and design standards commensurate with function, (7) To provide adequate access to all properties for services and safety requirements, -9- ND 401 A-1-6 . , � � (8) To provide transit service in the core =o help achieve an effecCive balance in transit/auto usage, (9) Relate public transit to the averall c:.rculation system c. Other Public Improvements (1) Sewer Sycstem to provide separation of storm water fraro sewage. (2) Street lighting to provide adequate visibility for pedestrian and vehicle safety, while respecting character of uses in area. (3) Sidewalks and other pedestrian circulation faciliti.es to provide for maximum pedestrian safety, convenience, arid comfort. (4) Public recreation facilities and other open spaces to capitalize upon topographic, river, ar other natural amenitieso D. URBAN RENEWAL TECHNIQUES TO BE USED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJEGTIVES Renewal techniques are to be a combination of clearance aid redevelopment and rehabilitation of existing properties. This includes: -- Acquisition of properties and demolition of structurea that are substandard�, which constitute blighting influences, which are infeasible of rehabili- , tation, or which are needed for public purposes or to effect necesasry changes in land use. . -- Relocation of site occupants. Residential displacees will be rehoused in accordance with the Relocation Plan. -- Site preparation, vacation of unnecessary streets and alleys, •- Removal of impediments to land disposition and elimination of easements and other subservient interests. -- Diaposition of land for public and private useso -- Pravision of Rehabilitation Services including advice and counseling on architectural and landscaping, and on available financial assistance . programso -- Management of property acquired by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, -- Enforcement of plan requirements. -- Other activities as necessary in order to achieve the objectives of this plano -10- ND 401 � A-1-6 . , • • � � :., � ,y � E �' .�+unt I ...,.�,... ,-.. �., 1 a, f:f�nc�i..r.ions Un3er Which R�habiliC3ti.on �Jill be �ezmitted � � i I .. . � Perrt►itted and required throughout prnject are �, except in clearance I'� � section, where property or the use of propert: is consistent with the objectives and land use provisions of the Red� �elopment Plan and where the property is not required for the provision of necessary public facilities. Mav be permitted in clearance secrians if prai�erty or the use of pr�perty is consistent with the objectives and lat3 us � provisions of th� Redevelopment Plan, and retention and rehabilltation of property dae� Ao� constitute an impediment to optimum redevelopment of a clearance section. b. Conditions �Jnder Which Property Will be Acquired for Rehabilitation by LPA The LPA or others may acquire property for re'iabilitation if such property and its use is consistent with the objectives and land-uae provisions of the Redevelopment Plan� and the retention a�d rehabilitation of such prop- erty does not impair land marketing activities. c. Property Rehabilitation Standards Properties to be rehabilitated will achieve the standards set vorth in the Property Rehabilitation Standards, duted January 1970, attached hereto as Appendix A. 2. Acquisition and Clearance e. Certain properties identified for acquisition as stiown on Map No. 2 are to be acquired to remove surstandard 5uilding conditions, as determined by detailed interior and e;.terior inapections of such properties, and such properties have beei� dete rn�ined to be incapable of being rehabilitated. Additional prop��rties outside of clearance sections also may be acquired in order to rer►ove substandard propertiea upon identification of auch substandardness by detailed inspections of such properties. b. Certain properties identified on Map No. 2 are Lo be acquired to remove blighting influences, including but not limited to, obsolete building types, incompatible �ses. over-crowding of buildings on the land, etc. 'I Other buildings may subsequent�y be identified for such acquisition i£ tte y I i are determined to represent bl:;ghting inriuence.s. i 11� I � h�il t�!�l_ j A-1-6� I _ . t _ ___.__ __ _:_ __. . � _____-_._._-____._ __��....� . , . � • � � . � i � � � � � j . � , i � �• Certain i properties identified on Map No. 2 are to be acquired in order to provide necessary public facilities, including but not limited to street � ri hts-of-wa arks � � Y, p , public buildi�ags, etc. • d. Properties identified as having historic or architectural merit may be acquired for disposition to appropriate bodies in order to bring about . the preservation or restoration of such properties where such properties are in danger of losing such merit through abuse, inappropriate use, inappropriate conversion to other uses, inappropriate remodeling, or other similar circumstances. e. Properties so identified in clearance and redevelopment sections may be acquired, regardless of building conditions, if such acquisition ia necessary to achieve the objectives of the Redevelapenent Plan. 8. LAND DISPOSITION SUPPLEMENT 1, Land Use and Building Restrictions a, Land ilse (] ) Properties identified for acquisition prior to the 1971-72 NDp year shall be used for the expansic�n and development of a Civic Center complex including facilities for exhibition, sporting, musical and theatrical events, and such ancillary functions as parking and other functions as identified in Section C.2.a. abave. (2) Properties identified for acquisition on Map No. 2 will be disposed of for a combination of public improvements and private development in � accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. b. Building Restrictions - Civic Center Redevelopment . (1) An over.all design scheme unifying visually as well as physically all building elementa and ancillary faCilities of the Civic Center complex, utilizing building materials, landscaping, treatment of open apaces, lighting, signing, pavement materials, ete. � encompassi.ng the Civic CenCer proper � Ke11oRg Bo�,IevArd. r�nd parkinq remp and ' pina,ne. Th� ultlt'nl lun ut thenw.. dr•�l}�n �INm�nC� ie lntar�dad cu provide a dietinct and �orre2Ated ��cientity far the entire comple�x ar� well .as its individual building elements and ancillary �acilities. � .1 . � I -12- � � t��aQl � . - �w1��. -- _ _-� , , . • • ND 401 (2) Architectural design and site planning of the entire Civic Center complex.utilizing individual buildings, plazas and pedestrian-ways to create both an internal a nd external orientation for the entire Civic Center complex. The inward or inte rnal orientation is to - provide a sense of direction, place and enclosure for functions within the Civic Center complex and with a retention of visual and physical linkages to adjacent areas as appropriste. The external orientation is to viaually utilize the scenic viatas of the River Bluff afforded by the topography and to realize .the opportunity to link the Ci.vic Center to and concurrently enhance the unique qualities of the old Federal Courts Building, Rice Park and Public Library. (3) Individual set-backs of buildings from abutting streets in order to achieve sufficient space between buildings and streets to accommodate regular pedestrian circulation as well as new bus-loading and waiting areas, landscape planting, street furniture and pedestrian protection from vehiculax movement. (4) Access to vehicular parking and service into the Civic Center facili- tfes from abutting streets and passenger pick-up and drop-off points are to be limited to locations where they will have minimal conflict with pedestrian and normal vehicular circulation. Vehicular access points for both parking and service are generally to be confined to coQnnon points on each block face and limited to locations producing the least travel over downtown streets. Access points are to be so designed that only a minimal modification will be necessary upon further realignmed of streets and/or additiona of more land for the Civic Center complex. (S) Pedestrian access to and from those buildings of the Civic Center complex immediately adjacent to peripheral streets shall be so . -13- N O1 A-1-6 . , . • ND 401 designed as to discourage direct access and egress from the atreets into .the buildings. The points of entrance into individual buildings ahall be correlated with adequate-sized plaza areas to acco►�nodate congregation and transition points for pedestrians entering and exiting for Civic Center functions as well a�s their channelization . to prohibit infringement or conflicts with normal pedestrian and vehicular circulation. (6) The eaclusive development of on-site lands not covered by buildings of the Civic Center for pedestrian uses and/or suitable landscaping, with vehicular uaes restricted to access points for parking and loading facilities. (7) A pedestrian circulation system functioning as a cohesive element in tying together the verious functions and activities of the Civic Center and relating to tt►e Capital Centre project, the River Valley, and other adjacent activity centers. The system ahould include combinatione of pedestrian activity nodes end enclosed concouraes (elevated, sub-aurface, and/or surface levels) , capable of connect- ing to the Capital Centre system and include provisions for linkages . � to other adjacent activity centers. Parking facilitiea on the south side of Kellogg Boulevard sho�ld be designed to serve as a visual and physical transition point from the area located below the Kellogg Boulevard Bluff area. Access to parking facilities constructed as ancillary facilities for the Civic :enter shw ld have multi- directional meane of ingress and egress to serve non-Civic-Centex- deatined usera as well. (8) Building placement and bulk, land coverage, and height shall provide for adequate natural light and air between buildings, sufficient pedestrian rights-of-way and plaza areas, suitable aet-backa and/or varying eurface levels to prevent the excesaive dominance of any one individual building that mfght be to the detriment of achievement of a coordinated building complex ha�ving a human scale relationship to . adSacent areaa. -14- IVU 4U1 A-1-6 � _ ! • � c. Building Restrictions - Properties for Non-Civic Center 6tedevelopment Standards and controls outlined paragraph C-2 above will be supplemented . by a full set of redevelopment controls which will be developed prior to the disposition of each site offered for sale during the Action Year. These documents will include controls impo�ed by existing eity and State statutes and regulations, as well as an outline of intended function for each parcel. Included, also, wi11 be an outline for suggested building materials, landscaping treatment and treatment of open spaces, lighting, signs, paving materials, etc. Size and locatian of parking and loading facilities ' if any, will be included. Also included in the proposed development standards will be provisions which control the height, bulk and setback of buildings. 2o Circulation a. Major streets bound the site of Civic Cente - and other disposition parcels and provide all required access to the sites. b. Realigmnent of streets is necessary to achieve a safer and more efficient street system, reduce the number of intersections, and permit elimination of small, odd-ahaped blocks, and permit assembly of land, 3. Redeveloper's Obligation The redeveloper, their auccessora or asaigns, of the cleared disposition land will be required by contract with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to observe all provisiona of the Redevelopment Plan. The contract and diapositio n documents will specify in sufficient detail provisions, standards and criteria for achieving the objectives and requirementa set forth in this Redevelopment Plan and required to complete construction. Disposition of the project land will be to a redeveloper best able to achieve a development fn accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. -15- , . I ND 401 A-1-6 � l - , . • • � t � � +i i I i � ; � � � 4. Low and Moderate Incame Housing � In recognition of the needs of potential displacees from the projecC ! area, provisions are made in other renewal project areas for the prwision of housing for low and mo�ierate income families. No such housing is to be provided in the portion of the project c wered by Section E. of the Redevelopment Plan. 5. Urban DesiAn Ob�ectives and Controls Included in Section E. 1. above. The Authority may contract for sale of property upon receipt and ecceptance of preliminary plans, but may not dispose,of property under such contract prior to receipt and acceptance of construction drawings. 6. Duration and Scope of Land Use Controls The development controls and regulations will be incorporated into the deeds conveying land to the developer and shall be maintained and continued in effect for a period of thirty (30) �tears from the date of approval of this, the Redevelopment Plan, by the City Council of Saint Paul. F. OTNER PROVISIONS NECESSARY TO MEET STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Non-Discrimination Every contract for aale, lease or redevelopment of property within the project area will include prohibitions against land speculatian , require compliance with all State and local laws in effect from time to time, prohibit discrimination or segregation by reasons of race. religion, color, sex, or national origin in the sale, lease or occupancy of the property; and require that this latter provision be made a covenant running with the land and be binding upon the redeveloper and every succeasor in interat to the property. -16- i i , � ND 401 i A-1-6 � i � % I . ' i ; i _�; . , • • I � � I i I 2. Vacations, Dedications and Covenants j � Vacations and dedications of public rights-of-way shall be accomplished by aeparate actions in accordance with State law and local ordinances and will . � be initiated by the Authority or redeveloper. Dispc�sition agreements sliall provide for the adoption of neceasary covenants on the disposition land for its development in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. G. PKOCEDURE FOR CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN The Redevelopment Plan may be modified at any time by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the manner provided by law. -17- j I�m 4n1 A-1-6 � ; i � � � � i i � I ; . � ._ � . � . • • . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA ND 401 APPENDIX "A" REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ALL PROJECT AREAS Appendix "A" ND 401 � � ♦ .• ..4 , • . I ND 4�1 - Appendix "A" � ' Property Rehabilitation Standarda ' The standards for this project area are regulations set forth in alI applicable statutes, codes, and ordinances, as amended from time to time, relating to the use, maintenance, facilities, and occupancy of property, including but not limited to, [he building, plumbing, heating, electrical, an�i housing codes. These code standards are hereby incorporated by reference and n�ade a part af these Property Rehabilitation Standards. In addition to these regulations, all properties in the pro,ject area shall conform to the following applicable standards: � �plication: Residential Standards apply to all residential properties. Non-Residential Standards apply to commercial and industrial properties. Non-Residential Use in Connection with Residential Use properties shall comply with standards applicable to the individual use portions of the structure. Variations Variations to the following standards may be permitted by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for specific cases only when the variation attains the stated objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, provided the variation does not violate local regulations and one or more of the following conditions justi£y the variation: 1. Topography of the site is such that full compli,ince ia impossible or impracticable. 2. Desiqn and planning of the specific property of °ers improved or compenRating features providing equivalent desirability and utility. 3. Where limitations are presented by existing construction which is to remain, reasonable modification will be permitted in the following standards where the resulting conditions are deemed by the Authority to be consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. Residential Standards � Service and Facilities � , , Independent utilities shall be provided for each pmperty. � i I ND LO1 - Appendix "A" -1- i ,� I � � ' • • � ND 40l - Appendix "A" ; Parkin� Where site conditions allow, each property containing one through three dwelling units shall provide one parking space for each dwellinq unit. For properties cc�ntaining four or more dwelling units, .75 parking spaces per dwelling unit must be provided to the extent that the site will allow. Privacy and Arrangement Access to all parts of a living unit shall be possible without passing thro�agh a public hall. A bathroom location is no[ acceptable if it is used as a passageway to a habitable room, hall, basement, or to the exterior. Kicchen Facilities Each ltvfng unit shall have a specific kitchen space, which containa a sink with hot and cold running water, six feet af counter work space, and adequate space for installing cooking and refrigeration equipnent, and for storage of cookin� iitensilA. Mintmum areas and dimensions of kitchen stc�rage space shall be as follows: a. At least 30 square feet of shelving in wall and base cabinets shall be provided. Usable storage shelving under sink may be count��d in the total. shelving needed. b. At least 5 square feet of drawer area �hall be nrovided. Space for Laundrv Faci.lities Adequate space for laundry equipment shall b� provirled and may be located in the kitchen, basement or other suitable service space. Cloaets Clothes closet space shall be provided within each living unit on the basis of approximately 12 square feet for the first bedroom, plus 6 square feet for each addi- tional bedroom. Bedroom close[s shall be provided within each bedroom wherever possible. One additional closet located off of a hall, living room, ar dinin� area should be provided. However, none of the minimvm clothes closet space shall be bcated within the kitchen. Wi.thin each livin� unit, shelf area or built-in drawer space of a[ least eight_ aquare feet shall be provided for lfnens. ' General Storagp ' i i Each livinQ unit shall have a designated space within the unit or lotked space � elswhere within the building or other structure on *_he property for general storage. i I . ND 401 - Arpendix "A" � -2- ' i � . • • • ND 401 - Appendix "A" The minimum volume of storaRe space for each livinf unit shall be 100 cubic feet and sha11 be appropriately increased for three or four bedroom living units. Attic and Basementless Space Access to attics shall be provided by means of conveniently located scuttles, dis- appearin� or permanently installed stairway. For attic and basementless spaces, th � minimum access opening shall be 14 x 22 inches. However, if either are �;o contain mechanical equipment, the access opening shall be of sufficient size to permit the removal and replacement of the equipment. Natural ventilation of spaces such ae attirs and enclosed basementleas spaces shall be provided by openings and clearance of sr�f£icient size to overcome dampness and minimize the effect of condition4 conducivc� to decay and deterioration of the structure, and to prevent excessive heat in attics. Painting and Decoration Protective and decorative finish coating or surfacing shall provide (a) adequate resistance to weathering, (b) protection of finished surfacea from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attractive appearance, and (d) reasonable durability. Basement and Cellar Floors The floor of all basement or cellar furnace rooms s"�all be paved in an acceptable manner. Storm Equipment Weathertight storm windows and atorm doors ahall be provided for all window and � door openings. Mechanical Ventilation, Air Conditionin� and HeatinR Exhaust air should not be circulated from one Iiving unit to another, except in duplexes where the sir circulation system is already installed. Each property shall be provided with a centralized heating facil.ity or the heating unit shall be U/L approved, built-in type furnace with or without distribution sygtem. Thermostat control shall be provided. A central space heater will be acceptable if the unit is properly stzed and if the maximum distance between the heater and the center of any room to be heated is not in excess of 18 feet or through not more than ND 401 - Appendix "A" -3- . , . • ND 401 - Appendix "A" one intervening door. In addition, an independent means of heating the bathroom must be provided. Further, if in order to satisfy the intent of thia requirement a second space heater is required, it shall not be permitted in a room used for sleeping purposes unless it is of the approved type utilizing 1009, outside sir for combustion purposes. Space heaters will not be permitted in lieu of central heating in structures containing more than two dwelling unita. Electric Living rooms will be provided with at least tw�o duplex wall-type receptacles. � Non•Residential Standards All exiating non-residential structures and properties in the Project shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The exterior of the building ahall be clean, painted, and finished, and maintained in a sound condition and attractive appearance. All retail fronts shall be compatible with adjacent or nearbv retail frontage with regard to color and material. All canopies, signs, awnings and other appurtenancea shall be of durable and appropriate material, and sh:ill be maintained in good repair and properly anchored or installed so as to ;�e kept in safe and sound conditian. Deteriorated appurtenances or apptrtenan��es no longer in use, such as �verhead sign supports, shall be eliminate� . All aigns and other graphic elements shaZl. he harmc�nious with nearby retail 'rontag � and surrounding residential area Wtth regard to design, size, colo • and m.iterial. Signs may not extend above the roof line of the structure. igns painted on the surface of a building shall be removed. Lettering on f .rst floor windowa stating an address, business or professional name and/or nature of business or profession shall be permitted, 1 provided that such lettering does not exceei four (4) inchea in height. Signs ahall be related to the goals and services conducted on the premises only. Free standing signs are prohibited. 2. �ff-street loadin� and parking shall be provided to the extent that the land srea of the parcel allows. All plans for parking and off-street loading shall be aubmitted to the Authority for appr�val. 3. Industrial or commercial properties may utilize open storage, provided it is ND 401 - Appendfx "A" -4- , . • • ND 401 - Appendix "A" screened from view from any public way. This may be accompliAhed by solid wall or dense shrubbery screen, the design of which shall be submitted to the Authority for approval. Open storage shall �e placed in the rear of a line across the front of the primary building parallel with public way frontage. 4. All non-residential properties shall observe the following requirements: (1) Emit no fumes or gases which are noxious, toxic or corrosive. (2) Exhaust no waste and dust cr�ated by industri,�l or heavy busineas operations into the sir. To the extent possible, non-residential properties shall comply to the "land use provisions and building requirements". ND 401 - Appendix "A" -5- , • • ND 401 - Appendix B Redevelopment Plan for Seven Corners - Minn. A-1-b Changes to the previously applicable Redevelopment Plan adapted in January, 1970 1. Boundary :Description Minor changes have been made in the boundary description to correct inconsistencies where boundary streets were included in two abutting projects, or where abutting projects were separated by half a street width, or to correct similar discrepancies. In addition, the properties on the south side o� West Seventh Street between Sherman and Ct►estnut Streets have been deleted fram the Seven Corners area and included fn the West Seventh Street project area. 2. Section B - Statement of Development Ob3ectives Under the Specific Objectives, Section No, 3., has been reworded in order to emphasize that the achievement of a street system meeting current and projected requirements is proposed to be undertaken by implemenCat�on of the Transportatioa Plan for the St. Paul Core Area canpleted during the 1970-71 Program Year. . 3. Section C and following Throughout the Redevelopment Plan, in the interest of consistency with other Redevelopment .Plans, the Land Use Plan is ntmnbered Map No. 1, and the Acquisition Map is numbered Map No, 2. 4. Section C-2-d, and C-2-e, The iand use area names of Commercial I and Coamiercial II have been changed to Comonercial-Office and Co�nercial-Service, respectively, in order to pravide more descriptive names, and also to achieve consistency with land use designations in other NDP program areas. In addition, the functional description of the Cotnnercial-Office land use area has been expanded. -1- ND 401-A-1-b Appendix B • • � , � ND 401 - Appendix B (conti.nued) � � Redevelopment Plan for Seven Corners - Minn. A-1-6 5. Section C-2 - Description of Predaninant General Land Uses An additional land use category, I,ndustrial, has been added to the Redevelopment Plan text as secqion C-2-f, and to the Land Use Map, Map No. 1. The industrial land use category is delineated in recognition of major to-be-retained industries compatible with the general redevelopment objectives of the Seven Corners area. 6o Section C-3-b. - Internal Circulation Syatem The planning criteria and standards applicable to the internal circulation system has been expanded to include those additional criteria and standards employed in the development of the lransporCation Plan for the St, paul Core Area, cvmpleted during the 1970-71 NDP Program Year. 7. Section D - Urban Renewal Techniques to be Used to Achieve Plan Obiectives This section in the prev�ously adopted Redevelopment Plan was oriented specifically to initial NDP program year activities, which were related to one specific site in the project area. The section, therefore, has been expanded so that it is applicable to the wide range of activities to be undertaken in this and subsequent NDP program years. 8. Section E - Land Disposition Supplement a. Subsection E-1-a. has been modified and expanded to broaden the applicabili�y of its provisions to properties other than Civic Center related disposition parcels. b. Subsection E-1 has been expanded by the addition of subsection E•1-c,, which sets forth. the bases for the formulation of building restrictions applicable to disposition parcels to be developed for purposes other than Civic Center development. c. Subsection E-3 and E-6 have been modified to make the pravisions applicable to redevelopers of all project lands. -2- ND 401-A-1-6 . Appendix B . 1 � I � i .� .' � � .. . . . • . . . � . . � . . ' . . . .. � I l i � I ND 401 - Appendix B (continued) I I Redevelopment Plan for Seven Corners - Minn. A-1-6 � ' 9. Section F - Other Prwisions Necessary t�� Meet State.�and Local Requirements Subsection F-2 has been modified to make the provisions applicable to all disposition parcelso 10. Map No. 1 - Land Use Map The F.and Use Map has been changed so as to have the circulation system reflect the street pattern propo�ed in the Transportation Plan for the Sto Paul Core Area, completed by the Department of Public Works during the 1970�71 NDP program year. The only land use change which has been made is the idenCification of the induserial area located south of Kellogg Boulevard and westerly of St. Peter Street, which area contains major to-be-retained indistries compatible with the gen�ral redevelopment objectives of the Seven Cotners area. 11. Map No, 2 - Acquisition Map The Acquisition Map has been c hanged to show the pro��erties proposed for acquisition during the 1971-72 NDP program year, i i - �U ND 401-A-1-6 � Appendix B � i � � i - I __ --- ______ _.---_- . __-------� . e �, � 'f1dn�N17S 0 ,ir:il'�, !"�a�.'-:^. .•�. ,��-�,ii'..;y�.....;;•.c. .w,l.. . � e� - - � i � `� - /.,,�p^ � �_S 3 0� ��6��P _e, aao� ��a�ua� ��� � � 3� . ; , � � � � � . - �NOeW j � � �,/ ��� /� �D ___ � �ob a� Pu� �. - � .� � , ,.,,�, , � m� - - - -_ �QS-, d ��,W saauao� uanas � �� - -:���` ` ����°�� -�-% _ � : _ _-__ _ � . . : , , ,. ,� � - -�. � r . . , t � , , _ _ � s� , ,� � � � � . �u � �, - , �ue�d asn p � � � � � � � _ , � ,•�� Y' f�; � ; , '�,� �� �, � � . . ,� � , ; - �--� -� � � _ . __ ' \ ,. ,� _, -__._ -- -- �, - --— . � na�we�,..- , --- - , . �• �� � � � , ��� � ; �avaNnoe sa3Nao� nr�n3s �•�'� .,�' - � ; ,� ����'r - � . _ ,� A . . : �avoNnoe 3ao� �valN3� :••��•,•: . ' " ���� �Z� �, '��� �"�`' � ��`���"'� � '�so,`� � Idt1 �—�— ,/ :'g�✓ �' �,�L� Jlat�Nf109 3a1N3� bl � � :� �—=1. �0' _A a1..✓ .. \'�-_ � ;L� f� � I I r � � � � ND 401 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WEST SEVENI"H STREET-MINN. A-1-7 ADOPTED JANUARY 1971 BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TF� CITY OF SAINr PAUL AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINP PAUL AMENDS AND SUPERSEDES REDEVELOPMENP PLAN ADOPTED JANUARY 1970 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENbMENrS TO THE REDEVELOPMEN.f PLAN ADOPTED IN JANUARY 1970 ARE CONTAINED IN APPENDIX B OF THIS REDEVELOPMENT PT,AN PROPERTIES ACQUIRED THROUGH THE URBAN RENEWAL 1'ROGRAM AND TO BE DISPOSED OF DURING THE 1971-72 NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM YEAR WILL BE GO�VERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THIS REDEVELOPMENr PLAN PROPERTIES SOLD FOR REDEVELOPMI:NT DURING PRIOR NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOP- MENT PROGRAM YEARS WILL CONrINUE TO BE GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE REDEVELOPMENr P'LAN CURRENTLY ADOPTED AT THE TIME OF DISPOSITION ND 401 A-1-7 I I � I ! i ; i � � . � • i . i REVISED 12/�/70 I � I � � I I I � A. DESCRIPTiON OF NDY URBAN RENEWAL AREA i The �Jest Seventh Street project boundary is shown on Land Acquisition Map, ND 401, Map No. '.l_, and is described as follows: i i � Conunencing at the center line of Pleasant Avenue and the center line of Sherman I Street, then southeast to the center line of i�est Seventh Street, then nortlieast ' to the center l.ine of Chestnut Street, then southeast to the northern right-of- ; way line of the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway and the Chicago, St. Pau1, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railway, then southwest to the southern right-of-way line of Randolph Avenue, then caest to the eastern right-of-way line of Drake Street, then south to the Mississippi River, then southwest to the southern rig}it-of- �oa line ro ected of Y P ,� Otto Avenue, then west to the southern right-of-way line of ��Iest Seventh Street, then southwe:;t to the eastern right-of-vray line of Hath- away Street, then south to the southern right-of-way line of Adrian Street, then southwest to the eastern right-of-wa,� line of Interstate Freeway Number 35-E, then following the eastern right-of-�ay line of Interstate Freeway Number 35-F. in a ge.neratly northerly and easterly direction to the eastern right-of-way line oF �lestern Avenue, then north to the center line of Irvine Avenue, then east to the ce.nter tine oF an alley located thirty-three (33) feet ± west of the �aestern ri�ht-of-way line of Thompson Street produced, then south to Che center Line of Pteasant Avenue, then east to the center line of 5herman Street, which is the point �f beginning. -1- :�D 401 A-1-7 t I • • • B. STATEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The primary overall development objective in the West Seventh Street area is to eliminate and/or ameliorate those existing conditiona which serve to impair the heslth, safety, morale, and general welfare of the citizens of the West Seventh Street area, and which also serve to inflict an econamic blight upon existing private investment in the area, threaten the sources of public revenue, and induce meny members of the West Seventh Street coaimunity to no longer consider the area an attractive place in which to reside and do business. The conditions which have been found to exist which cause the above noted factors include unsafe and unsanitary housing conditions, overcrowding, building obsolescence or faulty arrangement in building design or improvement, dilatorious land use, lack of adequate light, ventilation or sanitary facilities, inadequate public facilities, such as parks, playgrounds, schools, streets, sewer fecilities, or other equally dilatorious conditions. There also has been found to be an inadequate supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the West Seventh Street area and the City of Saint Paul, particularly for families of low and moderate incomes and for the elderly, and a primsry objective of this Redevelopment Plan is to remove and/or ameliorate the conditions noted sbove through public intervention so thet private enterprise will achieve the means and the encouragement to provide such decent, safe� and sanitary housing for the residents of the West Seventh Street area. Additional general development objectives related to the above are: 1. To restore, conserve, rehabilitate, and foster a neighborhood residential environment condusive to urban living for all segments of the population. The neighborhood should have amenities sufficient for modern needa, be safe� be adequately serviced, and be visually attractive and economicelly stable. 2. To restore, conserve, and enhance, where feasible and desirable, the identity of existing sub-neighborhoods in the West Seventh Street area by rehabilitat- ing to the extent possible, the existing structures in the area and by strengthening those elements which serve to give identity to an area, such as neighborhood gathering places, education and recre ational facilities, and similar elements tending to characterize and/or give identity to each sub- neighborhood. ND 401 - 2 - MINN. A-1-7 r � • • • 3. Each land use should function efficiently, without adversely affecting or being adversely affected by adjacent land usea. Educational, recreational, spiritual, shopping, service, and other needs of the residents should be met within the neighborhood. New conatruction should be physically and visually compatible in design and scale with nearby parts of the existing neighborhood. Specific objectivea to be achieved within the context of the foregoing are as follows: 1. To remove blight and ,conditions of deterioration by: a. Encouraging and £ostering voluntary rehabilitation of property by awners. b. Undertaking a program of public rehabilitation of deteriorated buildings in order to demonstrate rehabilitation feaaibility. c. Undertaking a program of acquisition and demolition of buildings blighted to the extent of being incapable of being rehabilitated, subatandard buildings, or buildings otherwise determined to represent blighting influences. 2. To increase the supply of decent, safe, and sanitary housing and to encourage the provision of new housing of varying typea appealing to and meeting the needs and financial ability of all segments of the West Seventh Street popula- tion; to stage the provision of such housing, where feasible, so as to maximize its utilization by residents of the area who may be diaplaced by public action; and to aseure that the special housing leeds of the elderly are met. 3. To encourage and foster home ownership, particularly for families of low and moderate incomes, and younger families capable of contributing to the social and economic vitality of the City and the West Seventh Street comnunity. 4. To secure the development, redevelopment, or expansion of public and semi- public facilities contributing to the attractiveness and safety of the neigh- borhood as a place to live. Such facilities shall include parks, playgrounds, schools, churches, community centers, utilities and sewers, libraries, and similar fscilitie s. 5. To achieve safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns and capabity in the neighborhood through: ND 401 3 - Minn. A-1-7 � l • • • a. The redesign and reconstruction of major streets where necessary. b. The elimination or reduction of unnecessary through traffic or other factors detrimental to the residential environment. c. The provision of off-street parking where f�asible by commercial and other uses which generate vehicular traffic. d. The reconstruction or constructi.on as needed. of sidewalks, pedestrian- ways, street lights, traff'.c control devices, and other facilities contri- buting to pedestrian comfort and safety. 6. To foster the economic atabilii:y of resident-serving coomnercial facilities in the neighborhood by acquiring and removing blighted and economically obsolete commerciel facilities; making sites available for n�w c aomercial construction; and by encouraging the grouping of comnercial facilities at appropriate locations in the neighborhood where such facilities can be mutually supporting and provide grester convenience and aervice to residents. 7. To encourage new private investment by members of the community by making sites available for new housing and :onmiercial construction. 8. To encourage to the fullest extent t1e continuing participation of the members of the community as represented thro�gh the Project Area Coa�ittee working with the Houaing and Redevelopment A�thority and other groups, agencies, and departments, in the continuing planning, progra�ning, and implementing activities under the NDP program. 9, To give high priority to renewal activities that immediately result in the provision of new housing or other facilities that are supportive of a sound residential envirocm�ent. C. GENERAL IAND USE PLAN 1. Generalized Land Use Map showing the follvwing: a. Predominant land uses inc luding: Predominant land use categories of residential, coartnercisl, industrial, and public uses are shown on the attached Redevelopment map, ND 401, Land Use Map, Map No. 1. Public and institutional uses are permitted within any of the residential or cammercial areas and are generally considered to be supporting uses. However, major public uaes are mepped in order to indicate general location or service areas. I3D 401 - 4 - Minn. A-1-7 . , • � . b. Major Circulation Routes: The Land Use Map indicates circulation routes that are part of or fixed by externel or major internal requirements. 2. Description of each predominant land use category on the Ia nd Use Map, Map No. ND 401. a. Residential I (1) Description of Intended Character or Functfon Areas designated Residential I are intended to be rehabilitated and enhanced essentially in accord with present development, which usually consists of detached single-family and two-family structures at a net residential density generally not less than seven dwelling units per acre and not exceeding fourteen dwelling units per acre. Such areas are intended to provide homes appealing primarily to families in the child-raiaing stagea, where family aize may ordin- arily be expected to exceed three persone per household. Where new development may occur in such areas, the functfon and character of such new development is to be consi.atent with that of the existing development. (2) Types of Uses to be Permitted Permitted uaes shall include detached single and two-family homes end attached single family homea utilizing party wall conatruction ("townhouses") . Townhouses will be permitted subject to limitations specified in paragraph (3) immediately following. Also permitted are churches, schools, parks, non-profit institutions and other similar uses which are comFatible with and enhance the residential environment. (3) Denaitv The maximum overall net re idential density* shall not exceed fourteen dwelling units per acre. Specific density limits are as follows: (a) Detached, single-fami '.y structures, both existing and new, ahall not exceed a density �f twelve dwelling unita per acre. *Number of acres of land exclusive of publfc rights-of-way and non-reaidential uses divided by the number of dwelling units. ND 401 ` 5 ' Minn. A-1-7 . , ° • � (b) Detached two-family structures, both existing and new shall not exceed a density of fourteen dwelling units per acre. (c) Townhouse construction, as defined above, may be permitted, sub- ject to Authority approval, on appropriate sites at a density not to exceed sixteen.jwelling units per acre, provided that such construction does not cause the overall density in the Residential I area to exceed fourteen dwelling units per acre. b. Residential II (1) Description of Intended Cha racter or Function Areas deaignated Residential II are intended to provide a wide variety of housing types serving a broad cross-section of the popu- lation. Such areas are intended to meet all of the objectives estab- lished for the Residential I areas, while also permitting the retert ion, enhanctment and proviaion of residential housing typea appealing to young families, the elderly and other segments of the population whose housing preferences may not be primarily oriented to the detached single-family or two-family homes. Residential II areas, by virtue of their location (proximity Co downtawn, near arterial streets, view potentials, etc.) are made up of land which has a value potential higher than Residential I areas. The intermediste densities permitted in such areas will serve as a transition between aress of higher and lower intensity uses. (2) �pes of Uses to be Permitted Permitted uses shall include detached single and two-family hames, townhouses and garden or walk-up, multi-family residential develop- ment. High-rise, higher density multi-family development also is permitted sub�ect to limitations'specified in paragraph (3) immediately following. Also permitted are churches, achools, parks, non-profit institutions, and other similar uaea which tend to be compatible wikh and add to the deairability of the residential environment. (3) Densitv The msximum overall net residentisl denaity shall not exceed twenty-four ND 401 - 6 - Minn. A-1-7 , � i . � • . • dwelling units per acre. Specific density limits are as follows: (a) Detached single-family structures, both existing and new, shall �' not exceed a density of twelve dwelling units per acre. ; � (b) Deteched two-family structures, both existing and new, shall not j exceed a density of fourteen dwelling units per acre. i � (c) Townhouses shall not exceed a density of sixteen dwelling units per acre. (d) Garden or walk-up apartments shall not exceed a density of , twenty-four dwelling units per acre, except in instances where ' site design features andJor location warrants, a density not to exceed forty-four dwelling units per acre may be permitted. Such circumatancea which may warrant multi-family densities higher than twenty-four dwelling units per acre may include, but not be limited to, provision of parking under the structure or multi- level parking, proximity to public open space, or other circum- stances as determined by the Authority. (e) Higher density, high-rise structures, as may be approved by the Authority, shall not exceed a density of sixty dwelling units per acre, except where it can be demonstrated that by virtue of proposed occupancy, absence of tenant-awned automobiles, or other similar factors mitig3ting against adverse effects on the neighborhood, a density not to exceed seventy-two dwelling units per acre mey be permitted. c. Residentiel III (1) Description of Intended Character or Function Areas designated Residential III are intended to contain a varfety of housing types appropriate to higher-deneity living. Such a reas are intended to be in close proximity to, and supportive of, neighbor- hood or commercial centers, or located where special conditions such as large open spaces, bluff lines, pro�cimity to high-intensity uses , adverse abutting uses, or soil conditions dictate that hfgh density residential development is warranted or is the only feasible development. ND 401 - � - Minn. A-1-7 . � � • • (2) Tvves of Uses to be Pe noitted Permitted uses shall include existing rehabilitatable, detached, single and two-family houses, but it is the intent of this Redevel- opment Plan that detached single family or two-family houses noC be constructed or moved into areas designated Residential III. Other permitted uses include townhouses, garden or walk-up multi-family structures, and high-rise structures. Multi-family units in mixed- use structures shall be permitted. Also permitted are churches, schools, parks, non-profit institutions and other similar uses which are c anpatible with and enhance the residential environment. (3) Density The maximum overall net re: idential density shall not exceed forty- four dwelling units per acre. Specific density limits are as follows: (a) Townhouses shall not cxceed a density of sixteen dwelling uniCs per acre. (b) Garden or walk-up apar_ments shell not exceed a density of forty-four dwelling units per acre. (c) High-rise development will be permitted at densities up to a maximum of seventy-two dwelling units per acre, in locations as approved by the Authority. d. Commercial-Retail (1) Intended Function or Character The four areas designated comanercial and defined as Jefferson- Pleasant, Weat Seventh-Otto, West Seventh-Randolph, and West Seventh- St. Clai•r are intended to be largely neighborhood oriented, interspersed with several commercial establishments of a comminity-wide service character. The commercial grouping in these areas through rehabili- tation and new construction is intended to provide a mutually support- ing cluster of stores with adequate off-street parking serving the convenience shopping needs of residents. Wherever feasible, the deteriorating strip commercial development in other sections of West ND 401 ' 8 " Minn. A-1-7 . , . • i Seventh Street will be gradually eliminated in order to relieve adverse effects of such development and to aid in achieving the ' commercial grouping at the four designated locations. The two ' com�nercial areas of West Seventh-I35E and West Seventh-Ramaey, are I intended to be c amnunity oriented in character, with the former serving an automobile oriented function due to ita proximity to interchanges serving Interstate 35E and the latter designed to serve the needs of the institutions in the area. (2) Permitted Uses Neighborhood-oriented commercial uses snall be the predominant permitted use. Types of uses permitted shall include food and drug stores, restaurants, variety stores. shoe and clothing repair, dry cleaning, and professional and co�nnercial offices and similar types of retail and service facilities. New housing as an ancillary use will be permitted only in appropriately designed mixed-use structures in order to assure the coa�narcial continuity of the area and the residential desirability of the housing units thus provided. Per- mitted uses shall not include processing establishments which produce goods intended to be sold or distributed principally off the premisea. Any other type of comnercial use ahall be permitted only if it contributes toward achieving the character and function for the particular com�nercial area for which it is proposed, as described above, as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Pail, Minnesota. (3) Densitv and Buildine Restrictions Restrictions concerning building coverage, setback, off-street parking and loading, height, signs, and lighting shall be determined by the Houaing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, prior to land disposition activities in each c�nercial area. Such restrictions� in all instances, will be not less restrictive than the currently applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. ND 401 � ' 9 ' Minn. A-1-7 ' i . i .. • • • e. Commercial-Office The area delineated Com�nercial-Office is restricted to office use and industrial use that is not noxious nor offensive by reason of the emission of odor, smoke, gas, noise, or by reason of excessive fire hazard. The area is intended to provide sites for the development of offices and related light manufacturing or processing activities which may be housed in office-type structures and not requiring open storage of materials or finished products. No industrial use excluded from the light industrial uae district in the Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul, or any new residential or commercial-retail land use shall be permitted in the Commercial-Office area. Other restrictions, including land coverage, setbacks, off-street parking, off-street loading and unloading shall be determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul prior to land disposition activities in this area. Such restrictions, in all instances, will be not less restrictive than the currently applic- able codes and ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. f. Industrial The ares delineated Industrial is aubject to the restrictions of a Heavy Industry District as specified in the 7,oning Code of the City of Saint Paul. 3. Planning Criteria or Standards to be Used a. Accessory and Supporting Uses Where residential is the predominant use, home occupations, smell conven- ience retail, off-street parking facilities and public and semi-public facilities intended to serve residents of the area may be permitted as authorized by the codes and ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, subject to review and approval by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Park- ing areas thus provided shall conform to the applicable codes and ordinances of the city of Saint Paul and ahall be landscaped, screened from view, designed to facilitate internal circulation and shall not impede traffic on adjacent rights-of-way. ND 401 - 10 - Minn. A-1-7 • . • • b. Internal Circulation System (1) The vehicular circulation system is intended to separate through traffic. This traffic separation will considerably preserve and improve the largely residential character of the neighborhood. (2) Design standards shall be applied to all circulation improvements. In addition, traffic control devices shall be modern and efficient throughout the neighborhood. (3) A major objective of the internal street syetem shall be to de- emphasize through traffic on West Seventh Street, and to decrease the number of streets intersecting West Seventh Street. (4) An efficient pedestrian circulation system shall link schools, recreational facilities and commercial nodes with the residential areas of the neighborhood. c. Additional Public Improvements (1) All deteriorating and unimproved streets, sidewalks, curbing and alleys shall be brought up to City staridards. (2) The separation into storm and sanitary sewer systems shall replace combined sewer lines, wherever feasible. (3) Inadequate utilities such as obsolete water lines and street lighting shall be replaced wherever feasible. (4) Parks, playgrounds and other recreation and educational facilities ahall be provided wherever necessary to meet the needs of the area. (5) Damaged or diseased street trees shall be replaced as well as appropriate planting of new street trees in accard with a comprehen- sive street tree program. D. URBAN RENEWAL TECHNIQUES TO BE USED TO ACHIEVE PLAN OBJECTIVES Techniques to be used in the West Seventh Street NI!P area in order to meet the above recited development objectives, inolude the fc>llaaing: 1. Acquisition of properties and demolition of structures that are substandard, blighting influences, infeasible to rehabilitate, or those needed for public ND 401 - 11 - Minn. A-1-7 ' II . � � � . � � �urposes or to effect necessary changes in land use. 2. Service to owner of existing properties to be rehabilitated by offering architectural and landscaping information and advice concerning available , financial assistance. . 3. Purchase, rehabilitation and subsequent resale of residential properties for � occupancy by low- and moderate-incame families. � ; 4. Provision of public improvements. : 5. Relocation of site occupants displaced by public action. .; 9 6. Property management. } + 7. Site preparation, vacation of unnecessary streets and alleys. - � � t 8. Removal of impediments to land disposition. 1 � 9, Elimination of easements and other subservient interests. � 10. Disposition of land for public and privat•e uses. 3 k 11. Enforcement of Plan requirements. , ',` € 12. Other activities as necessary in order to achieve the objectives of the Plan. � � • - � In using these urban renewal techniques, it will be the Authority's objective to r � � take maximum advantage of Federal financial aid and local non-cash grants-in-aid, � Emphasis will be placed on securing adequate housing, including hame ownership i � for families of low and moderate incomes through the encouragement of utilization . ; of below-market-interest-rate housing programs of the Federal Goverrnnent. i (. Under the NDP program, staging of renewal activities will be required. Within ' the limits of available financial resources, initial acquisition will be scheduled i � � for these properties determined to be the most seriously blighted and substandard, F as well as those properties having the potential of providing redevelopment land � for the constructing of new housing as early in the program as possible. � Since planning of the project will continue during each year of the program, all properties to be acquired have not yet been identified. Additional properties ' may need to be acquired to remove additional substandard and blighted properties, ' for additional public improvements, and other plan objectives. Every effort will { be made to aid owners and occupants of properties who experience hardship because of staging of acquisition and other renewal activities. � ND 401 - 12 - Minn. A-1-7 , . � � � � (1) Rehabilitation All properties in the West Seventh Street NDP area shall comply with the standards set forth in all applicable statutes, codes, and ordinances, ae amended from time to time, relating to the use, maintenance, facilities, and occupancy of existing property, includ- ing, but not limited to, the building, plwnbing, heating, electrical, housing and pollution controls codes. These code standards are . hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof and identified as Appendix A, Pro�erty Rehabilitation Standarda, dated January, 1970. a. Conditions under Which Rehabilitation Will be Perfnitted Rehabilitation activities will be pern�itted on all properties for which such treatment is economically feasible, and which are not identified for acquisition. In order to gain maximum community benefits and to best achieve Redevelop- ment Plan objectives from individual rehabilitation efforts, the location of rehabilitation activities will be considered in terms of three cate- gories: (1) Areas recommended for concentrated rehabilitation activities. These areas exhibit the following characteriatics: (a) Stable areas not subject to major change. (b) Street and other public imprcvements are already programned or such improvements may readil�� be prograumed in a coordinated manner. (c) Proximity to major public facilities, auch as schools or play- grounds. (d) Properties on both sides of a street mey be rehabilitated. (e) High percentage of home awnership. (f) Absence of significant conversion from the original use. (g) Maximum exposure to public view. (2) Other generally stable areas not subject to major change: Such areas do not exhibit all of the characteristics noted above to as high a degree. Rehabilitation activities during the action yesr will be encouraged on an individual �roperty basis. , ND 401 - 13 - Minn. A-1-7 , . � (3) Areas within which major changes may take place: Rehabilitation requests will be considered within the light of the effect of the Redevelopment Plan on such a reas. b. Conditions Under Which Properties Will be Acquired for Rehabilitation . by the LPA and Others. The Authority may acquire property through direct purchase for rehabili- tation if such property and its use is consistent with the objectives a�d land use provisions of the plan. The Authority proposes to purchase a number of structurea, rehabilitate them and subsequently resell or lease them to low- and moderate-income families in order to pranote home awnership, provide relocation resources for families, and to demonstrate rehabilitation. c. Propertv Rehabilitation Standards The rehabilitation in the area will be done according to the Property Rehabilitation Standards attached (see Appendix A, Property Rehabilitation Standards). 2. Land Acquisition and Clearance a. To Remove Subatandard Conditions Certain properties identified for acquisition in clearance areas as shown on Map No. 2 are to be acquired to remove subatandard building conditions. Such determinations were made only after detailed interior and exterior inspections of the properties were made and incapability of rehabilitation was established. Additianal properties outside of clear- ance areas may be subsequently acquired or additional clearance areas may be identified in order to remove substandard conditions upon identifi- cation by detailed inspection of such properties. b. To Remove B1iRhtinA Influences Certain properties identified on Map No. 2 are to be acquired to remove blighting influences, including but not limited to obsolete building types, incompatible uses, over-crowding of buildings on the land, etc. Other buildings may subsequently be identified for such acquisition if they are determined to represent blighting influences. ND 401 - 14 - Minn. A-1-7 ' � . c. To Provide Land for Public Improvements or Faailities Properties may be acquired to provide necessary public facilities, includ - ing but not limited to street ri�hts-of-way, parks, public buildings, etc. d. To Pramote Historic or Architectural Preservation Propertiea identified as having historic and/or architectural aignificance may be acquired for disposition to appropriate legal entities in order to bring about the preservation or restoration of such properties where such properties are in danger of being destroyed through abuse, inappro- priate use, inappropirate canver:;ion to other uses, inappropriate remodeling or other circumstance�;. e. To Provide Land for Redevelopment Properties so identified in clea�•ance and redevelopment sections may be acquired, regardless of buildin� conditions, if euch acquisition is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan. f. Special Conditions Under Which Propertiee i�ot Designated for Acquisition May Be Acquired Properties not identified on Che Acquisition Map, Map No. 2, will not be acquired during the Action Ye�r. Hawever, in those cases where the o owner of a property conclusively demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Authority that the achievement of the rehabilitation objectives described in this plan will cause the awners undue hardship, or that the property is not economically Eeasible or desirable to rehabilitate, or that the property is substandard requiring clearance or exerts a blighting influence on the surrounding area, the Authority, in its determination may acquire such properties. In situations where these basic conditions are met, the Authority will assign high priority to those (previously identified) acquisitions that: (1) are necessary to assure the fmplementation of a previously identified Action Proposal, or (2) take maximum advantage of new development opportunities that arise during the action year that are in accordance with redevelopment plan objectiveso -15- ND 401 A-1-7 • � g. Statement of the Special Conditions Under Which Properties Zdentified as to be Acquired May be Exempt from Acquisition. Properties identified as "to be acquired" and which have been included because of their present condition and apparent cost of necessary repair and/or other factors of blight may be exempted from acc�uisition providing that the ownera conclusively demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Authority the feesibility of conservation and rehabilitation and will enter into an agreement with the Authority to rehabilitate the properties to substanti811y conform to City Codes and Ordinances and this Plan, or in some cases, to purchase ad,jac.ent cleared land or to permit the removal of a second struc- ture on the lot orcther action serving to remove the cause of a determination of blight and provided further that such exemption shall not apply where acquisition in a clearance section is required in order to fulfill a planning purpose or otherwise achieve proper effectuation of this Plan. E. LAND DISPOSITION Properties acquired by the Authority pursuant to the plan may be disposed of by any of the following methods or combination thereof: 1. Demolish the structure thereon and dispose of the land in accordance with thia plan. 2. Sell the property at its fair market value aubject to its being rehabilitated to meet the Property Rehabilitation Standards. 3. Rehabilitate the propsrty to meet Property Rehabilita tion Standards and sell the property at its fair market value or lease at fair rental value. 4. Retain or sell the residential property for development of law- or moderate- income housing. 5. By disposition to appropriate public entities for purpose of providing support- ing facilities and project improvements. In any case, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority may elect to dispose of the properties individually or in combinations thereof as will best accomplish the purpoaes of the Plan. All disposition of sites will follow the requirements of State and Federal laws. -16- ND 401 A-1-7 , � � Properties to be disposed of shall be used for purposes consistent with the proposed , land use and development objectives for th�� West Seventh Street Renewal area, as ' set forth in Section B. and C. of this Red �velopment Plan. 1. I.and Use and BuildinA Restrictions Ia nd use con�rols applicable to disposition propertiea are set forth in this Redevelopment Plan. Building Restriction provisions further detailing these land use controls and govem ing density� bulk, open apace, setbacks, parking, . circulation, etc. , will be provided as parcels become available for sale or lease. 2. Circulation Requirement The Land Use Map herewith attached indicates all major streets through and on the periphery of the neighborhood. The number of local atreeta will be limited to only those needed for access to property and will be designed to discourage through traffic. Connections to major streets will be limited to only those necessary and these intersections will incorporate such devices as medians, turning slots, and traffic con!:rol to insure maximum safety. 3. Redeveloper's Obli�ations The general requirements to be imposcd by the Contract for Sale between the redeveloper's of property and t.he Housing and Redevelopment Authority are: a. To develop the land purchased in accordance with the controls and objectives of this Redevelopment Plan. � b. To commence and complete t}�e bui ding of improvements on the land within a reasonable period of tim�: as d� termined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. c. Not to resell the land bef �re im� rovements are made without the prior consent of the Housing and Redev lopment Authority. -1 �- �. ND 401 A-1-7 � i i � i • • d. Not to discriminate on the basis of rac� , color, religion, sex or national � origin in the sale, lease, transfer, or occupancy of the land. I e. The contract and disposition documents will spell out in detail the provisions, standards and criteria for achieving applicable objectives, requirements and regulations contained in the Redevelopment Plan. 4. Com�nitments for Low and Moderate Income Housint� A substantial number of individuals and families pregently residing within seriously blighted structures are eligible for law• and moderate-income housing. In order to insure that these families and indivfduals will have the oppor- tunity to select safe and sanitary hou :ing at rents or costa they can afford, this plan requirea that a minim��m of : ► percent of all dwelling units to be provided under the Plan on land to be iisposed of for residential uses will be made available for Iow or moierate inc ome housing. 5. Urban Desi$n Objective and Control The Authority may contract for sale of property upon receipt and acceptance of preliminary plans, but may not dispose of property under such contract prior to receipt and acceptance of cocistruction drawings. . The Authority shall retain the right of design review and �y reject any proposal which is felt to be inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan. Specific design objectives and criteria will be established for each arcel rior to P P � diaposition, and proposals will be evaluated in the light of these objectives and criteria. Such objectives and criteria will generally seek to achieve the Development Objectives set forth in Section B. of this Redevelopment Plan. 6. Duration of Controls The development controls and regulations will be incorQorated into the deeds conveying land and shall be maintained and continued in effect for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of approval of the Redevelopment Plan by the City Council of Saint Paul. -18- ND 401 A-I-7 ------- --- -- - -- — - - - -- A-1-7 e � _ _ _ .___ _.__._ - - -- - — _ __-- -- _. _— __ i ' . .,, • ND 401 - Appendix "A" Property Rehabilitation Standards The standards for this project area are requlations set forth in alI applicable sta[utes, codes, and ordinances, as amended from time to time, reLating to the use, maintenance, facilities, and occupancy of property, including but not limited to, the building, plumbing, heating, electrical, an� housing codes. These code standards are hereby. incorporated by reference and n�ade a part of these Property Rehabilitation Standards. In addi[ion to these regulations, all properties in the project area shall conform to the following apglicable standards: � Application: Residential Standards apply to all residential properties. Non-Residential Standards apply to commercial and industrial properties. Non-Residential Use in Connection with Residential Use properties shall comply with stendards applicable to the individual use portions of the atructure. Variations Variations to the following s[andards may be permitted by the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for specific cases only when the variation attains the stated objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, provided the variation does not violate local regulations and one or more of the following conditions justify the variation: 1. Topography of the site is such that full compli�ince is impossible or impracticable. 2. Design and planning of the specific property of �ers improved or compensating feat��res providing equivalent desirability and utility. 3. Where limitations are presented by existing construction which is to remain, reasonable modification will be permitted in the following standards where the resulting conditions are deemed by the Au[hority to be consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. Residential Standards Service and Facilities Independent utili[ies shall be provided for each pr�perty. ND �+01 - Appendfx "A" _1_ ' ''I I i ' I • • ND 401�- Append ix "A" Parking Where site conditions allow, each property containing one through three dwelling uni[s shall provide one parkinR space for each dwellinq unit. For properties containing four or more dwelling units, .75 parking spaces per dwelling unit must be provided to the extent that the site will allow. Privacy and Arrangement Access to all parts of a living unit shall be poesible without passing through a public hell. A bathroom location is not acceptable if it is used as a passageway to a habitable room, hall, basement, or to the exterior. Ki�chen Facilities Each living unit shall have a specific kitchen space, which containa a sink with hot and cold running water, six feet af countei work space, and adequate space for installing cooking and refrigeration equiprent, and for storage of cooking tttensila. Minimum areas and dimensions of kitchen sturage space shaZl be as follows: a. At least 30 square feet of shelving in wall and base cabinets shall be provided. Usable s[orage shelving under sink may be count��d in the total. shelving needed. b. At least 5 square feet of drawer area �hall be t�rovided. Space for Laundry Faci.lities Adequate space for laundry eqUipment shall be provi�ied and may be located in the kitchen, basement or other suitable servicQ space. Closets Clothes closet space shall be provided within each livinq unit on the basis of approximately 12 square feet for the first bedroom, plus 6 square feet for each addi- tional bedroom. Bedroom cloaets shall be provided within esch hedroom wherever possible. One additional closet located off of a hall, living room, ar dining area should be provided. However, none �f the minimum clothes closet space shall be bcated within the kitchen. Wi.thin each livin� unit, shelf area or built-fn drawer space of at least eight. square feet shall be provided for lfnens. General Storage Each livinr� unit shall have a designatPd space within the unit or locked space ' elswhere within the building or other structure on the property for general storage. , ND 401 - Arpendix "A" ' -2- ' , � - • • ND 401 - APpendix "A" The minimum volume of storage space for each livinf unit shall be L00 cubic feet and sha11 be appropriately increased for three or four bedroom living units. Attic and Basementless S�ace Access to attics shall be provided by means of conveniently located scuttles, dis- appearin� or permanently install.ed stairway. For attic �nd basementless spaces, tb � minimum access opening shall be 14 x 22 inches. However, if either are �:a contain mechanical equipment, the access opening shall be of sufficient size to permit the removal and replacement of the equipment. Natural ventilation of spaces such as attics and enclosed basementless spacQS shall be provided by openings and clearance of sa�fficient size to overcome dampness and minimize the effect of conditions conducivc� to decay and deterioration of the structure, and to prevent excessive heat in attics. Painting and Decoration Protective and decorative finish coating or surfacing shall provide (a) adequate resistance to weathering, (b) protection of finished snrfaces from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attractive appearance, and (d) reasonable durability. Basement and Cellar Floors The floor of all basement or cellar furnace rooms s`�all be paved in an acceptable manner. Storm Equipment Weatherti�ht storm windows and storm doors ahall be provided for all window and door openings. Mechanical Ventilation, Air Conditionin� and Heating Exhaust air should not be circulated from one Iiving unit to another, except in duplexes where the sir circulation system is already installed. Each property shall be provided with a centralized heating facility or the heating uni[ shall be U/L approved, built-in type furnace with or without distribution s�t�tem. Thermostat control shall be provided. A central space heater wiil be acceptable if the unit is praperly sized and if the maximum distance between the heater and the center of any room to be heated is not in excess of 18 feet or through not more Chan ND 401 - Appendix "A" -3- - . • • ND 401 - Appendix "A" ore intervening door. In addition, an inde�endent means of heating the bathroom must be provided. Further, if in order to satisfy the intent of this requirement a second space heater is required, it shall not be permitted in a room used for sleepin� purposes unless it is of the approved type utilizing 100% outside air for combustion purposes. Space heatera will not be permiCted in lieu of central hea[ing in structuras containing more than two dwelling units. Electric Living rooms witl be provided with at least two duplex wall-type receptacles. Non-Residential Standards All existing non-residential structures and properties in the Pro�ect shall conform to the following requirements: 1 . The exterior of the building shall be clean, painted, and finished, and maintained in a sound condition and attractive appearance. Al1 retail fronts shall be compatible with ad,jacent or nearbv retail frontage with regard to color and material. Al1 canopies, signs, awnings and c�ther appurtenances shall be of durable and appropriate material, and sh:�ll be maintained in good repair and properly anchored or installed so as to ��e kept in safe and sound condition. Deteriorated appurtenances or apptrtenan��es no longer in use, such as overhead j sign supports, shall be eliminatec . All signs and other graphic elements shall he harmonious with nearby retail �rontag � and surrounding residential area with regard to design, size, colo • and m.+terial. Signs may not extend above the roof line of the structure. igns painted on the surface of a building I shal.l be removed. Lettering on f _rst floor windows stating an address, business ' or professional name and/or nature of business or profesaion shall be permitted, � f � provided that such lettering does not exceei four (4) inches in height. Signs ', shall be related to the goals and services conducted on the premises only. Free I standing signs are prohibited. i 2. �ff-street loadin� and parking shall be provided to the extent that the land area ' of the parcel allows. All plans for parking and ofE-street loading shall be � ' submitted to the Authority for approval. I � 3. Industrial or commercial properties may utilize open storage, provided it is ' ; ND 401 - Appendix "A" �I -4- � ; 'y • • ND 4�1 - Appendix "A" screened from view from any public way. This may be accomplished by solid wall or dense shrubbery screen, the design of which shall: be submitted to the Au[hority for approval. Open storage shall �e placed in the rear of a line across the front of the primary building parallel with public way frontage. 4. All non-residential properties shall observe the following requirements: (1) Emit no fumes or gases which are noxious, toxic or corrosive. (2) Exhaust no waste and dust cr�ated by industri..il or heavy business operations into the sir. To the extent possible, non-residential properties shall comply to the "land use provisiona and building requirementa". ND 401 - Appendfx "A" -5- + � � ND 401 - Append3x B Redevelopment Plan for West Seventh - Minn. A 1 7 Chan�es to the previously applicable Redevelopment Plan adopted in Januarv 1970 1. Boundary Description Minor changes have been made in the bound;ry description to correct inconsistencies where project boundary streets were inclu� ed in two abutting projects, or where abutting projects were separated by half :� streer_ width, or to correct similar discrepancies. In addition, the properties on the south side of Seventh Street, between Sherman and Chestnut Streets, have been changed from the Seven Corners project and included in the West Seventh Street project. 2. Section B - Statement of Development Obiectives An additional development ob�ective (number. 9) has been added to give emphasis to the LPA's intent to stage redevelopment. in such a manner so as to secure new housing development as rapidly as possibl��. 3. Section C-2 - Aescriation of each Predomi �ant Land Use Cate�ory The maximwn permitted density for townhou�e development in all residential areas has been reduced from 20 d,u. 's per acre to 16 d.u. 's per acre. 4. Section D-2-f - S ecial Conditions under which Properties not designated for for Acquisition may be Acquired The special conditions under which properties not designated for acquisition but which may be acquired has been modified to expand the initial criteria to include blighting influences. The conditions also have been modified to establish priorities so that properties meeting the initial condition criteria will be evaluated prior to determining which will be acquired so as to select only those which will produce immediate development opportunities or which are necessary to complete previously identified Action Proposals. �1- ND 401 - A-1-7 Appendix B .� � i • ND 401 - Appendix B (continued) Redevelopment Plan for West Seventh - Minn. A-1-7 5. Map ��1 - Land Use Map No changes have been made in land use areas. In the circulation systern, Exchange Street between West Seventh Street and Chestnut Street has been deleted as an arterial and reduced to a minor street function consistent with the Transportation Plan for the St. Paul Central Core area and project redevelopment objectives of the Irvine Park portion of the Wes': Seventh Street pro,ject area. 6o Map #2 - Boundary and Acquisition Map The Boundary and Acquisition blap has been changed to show the properCies proposed to be acquired during the 1971-72 NDP Program Year, -2- ND 401-A�1-7 Appendix B . .... .. . . I • /+ • 1 _ . . . _ __ . . . ._. . .__ _ _ _ . . ... _ .... . ; _. . � Y �Q ,,o, o�� �� 1; o o: � ;� �� , , , �, ,, ��Dv � . �. � o :i� i ' � VE 1 eM 'au�s. ,nSP't�. \ u d� Q F/FT �P ,e,. 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MapNo.1 January, 1971 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ _ _ � � HOUSING AND R�EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MII3NESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO ND 501 RFAL.ESTATE ACQUISITION ACTIVITY REPORT WEST MIDt•JAY A-1-2 � . � \ . �� .\\ �� � . . PROPIItTI ES TO BE ACQUIRED WEST MIDWAY BLOCK PARC EL ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER SQUARE FEET 2 7A , vacant land Central Warehouse Co. 19,550 5 1 Wycliff Street Speed 0 Laq Products Co. 60,348 5 2 2400 Endicott Street Augies Incorporated 21,044 6 5A vacant land Hart Ski Manufacturing Co. 1,875 6 6A vacant land W. F. Smith Tire/Battery 4,760 6 8A railroad track Chicago Great Western RaiL- 22,420 road Company 6 9A vacant land Gourmet Foods, Inc 320 6 13 vacant land Mercury Motor Freight Lines 35,000 6 24 vacant land Burlington Northern Rail- road 207,950 13 2 2342 Wycliff Street Mutual Dealers Wholesale, Incorporated 14,430 13 12 2361 Hampden Avenue Mutual Dealers Wholesale, Incorporated 32,194 13 13 2343 Hampden Avenue North Central Supply Co. 14,688 14 4 2315 Hampden Avenue • Waterways Petroleum Inc. 27,260 15 2 2246 Hampden Thomas P. & �lara J. Lawler 3,290 � John Mohr ` 15 6 2292 Hampden Avenue Lawrenca A. Dayko et al 4,617 _ \ 15 7 2294 Hampden Avenue S. D. Sample ��� 33,917 � � 15 8 2298 Hampden Avenue Jemes W. Ryan et al �� 5,03b � 15 9 2302 Hampden Avenue United Realty Co./ fee 4,337 Richard Hedum 15 11 2304 Hampden Avenue 2324 Hampden Avenue Edward L. Kavli 31,754 15 12 890 Bradford Street George Joseph Martin 4,660 15 13 886 Bradford Street James J. Hall et al 4,660 15 14 880 Bradford Street Herman Hinrichsen 4,670 16 1 2326 Hampden Avenue William H.. Rohweder 15,333 16 2 2336 Hampden Avenue 2340 Hampden Avenue Michael J. Dunn et al 23,042 ND 501 Minn. A-1-2 � • i BLOCK PARCEL ADDRESS OF PRO'?ERTY 0[,1NER SQUARE FEET 16 3 2356 Hampdea Avenue • Joseph Gobeil 7,681 � 16 4 2360 Hampden Avenue August R. Macy et al 7,681 16 5 2364 Hampdea Avenue Lillian Waldorf 7,668 16 9 2369 Long Avenue LaVerne J. Winter et al 5,150 16 10 2363 Long Avenue Albert F. Singer et al 5,036 16 11 2359 �ong Avenue Jane P. & Carol A. Jensen 5,162 . 16 12 2357 Long Avenue Hugo W & Hedvig V. Allen 7,681 16 13 2349 Long Avenue 2349'� Long Avenue Katherine M. Winchell 7,681 16 14 2347 Long Avenue Katerine M. Winchell & 7,681 Cecil Winchell 16 15 2341 Long Avenue Gary R. Walker et. al. 6�282 .16 16 2337 Long Avenue Theresia Karcher 5,876 16 17 2333 Long Avenue Helen V. Dames 3,102 16 18 2329 Long Avenue • Youssef F. Afifi et.al. 3,300 16 19 891 Bradford Street Dennis B. Jones et al 2,406 16 20 893 Bradford Street Lloyd E. Eriekson et al 2,115 32 8 2375 Territorial Road Eyerett C. Anderson 3,369 32 11 2361 Territorial Road Harold Segers 5,375 Contract Investrnents 33 2 2362 Ellis Road � 2405 Territorial Road � 2407 Territorial Road Gertrude V. Hoose 7,555 ' � TOTAL �QUARE F�ET 667,956 ND SO1 Minn. A-1-2 � � STREETS AND ALLEYS TO BE VACATID � LOCATION SQUARE FEET 1. Bradford Street from Hampden Avenue to Long Avenue 19,800 • 2. Alley south of Hampden Avenue between Raymond Avenue and Bradford Street 8,804 3. Alley extending 100' from the Southeast right-of-way of Bradford Street between Hampden Avenue and Long Avenue 200 TOTAL SQUARE FEET 28,800 ND SO1 A-1-2 . � � . �z ` _ HOUSING AND REDEVELOIfi1ENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SUPPLET�NT TO ND 501 • RFAL ESTATE ACQUISITION ACTIVITY REPORT THOrfAS-DALE � A-1-3 � , . _ � PROPERTIES TO BE ACQUIRED THOMAS - DALE �.��— BLOCK PARCEL ADDRESS DF PROPERTY OWNER � SQUARE FEET 2 11 746 Western Rose Pennington 5,381 3 2 384 Como Avenue John Stiepan et. al. 4,968 3 3 382 Como Avenue A. Kamish Company 14,779 3 4 755 Western Avenue Rose LaBelle 4,680 3 S • 397 Englewood Avenue Keith & Elaine Smith � 9,612 3 6 � 401 Englewood Avenue Anchor Block Company 4,418 3 7 776 Cumberland Street Gertrude Seracki 3,760 4 2 777 Cumberland Street Harry Vincent et. al. 7,200 4 3 775 �umberland Street Edith W. Christianson 2,400 4 6 76S Cumberland Street A-1 Auto Parts & Salvage, 9,600 Inc. 4 7 421 Englewood Avenue Orville Ratley 4,800 4 8 437 Englewood Avenue Joseph Willmers et. al. 4,800 4 '9 A vacant land A=1 Auto Parts � Sales Co. 9,600 S 1 401 West Minnehaha Anchor Block Company 173,502 l.0 10 842 Englewood Avenue Eugene Kroska 6,644 10 11 B 855 W. Minnehaha Molin ConCrete Products, Co. 20,435 16 1 B 717 Grotto Street Clarence Peglow 1,985 16 3 vacant land Clarence Peglow 3,860 24 8 706 Virginia Street Theresa Moss 4,662 24 9 708 Virginia Street Dorothy Ales 3,071 34 24 491 Blair Avenue Walton J. Heuer 3,020 34 41 447 Blair Berry T. Riley et. al. 3,306 34 43 443 Blair Avenue Raphael Radmacher et. al. 3,020 42 1 740 Blair Avenue St. Stephanus Lutheran Church 4,980 44 8 646 Blair Avenue Michael Prokop 4,980 47 3 444 Blair Avenue Mrs. Francis Wolfe 3,020 58 4 613 Galtier C. W. Michael 7,200 58 5 615,615';,619,619�; Galtier Street 251,251�, 253,253� Thomas Avenue Constance M, g, �W 10,150 58 6 259 Thomas Avenue Miss Josephine Garcia 2,500 ND 501 A-1-3 • • BLOCK PARCEL ADDRESS Or PROPERTY OWNER SQUARE FEET 58 7 261 Thomas Avenue Raymond L. Olson et.al. 2,500 58 g 263 Zhomas Avenue � Joha LemkE: 7,500 58 9 267 Thomas Avenue It. M. King 7,500 58 10 273 Thomas Avenue Ronald J, Oczak 3,375 58 11 277 Thomas Avenue Peter W. Mercure et. al. 3,375 58 I3 614 Elfelt Street Alva Hayes et. aI. 1,750 � 58 14 618 El�elt Street Francis Wolfe Mr. Clair Becker� fee 5,250 58 15 620. Elfelt Street Mrs. Lauty Garvey 3,750 60 8 323 Thomas Avenue Alice Zell 9,974 61 1 vacant land Edith Brunschweiler � 1,670 61 2 vacant land Arthur E. Thom Inc. 2,025 68 1 629 Grotto Street John G. Schmitz et al 2,480 70 19 915 Thomas Avenue Marvin Maurer . 4,106 79 18 590 Kent Street Gladys Sorenson 4,712 83 14 321 Edmund Avenue Iowa Conference of Wesleyan Meth. Coanection of American/fee, Marlene Riley 3,306 85 1 250 Thomas Avenue B. C. McCormick 3,359 85 9 274 Thomas Avenue � Leonard Jambor et. al. 3,306 � 85 17 251 Edmund Avenue Jerome Sadergaski 3,200 \ 86 2 230 Thomas Avenue Mrs. Amy Kobett 8,725 87 5 172-74 Thomas Avenue Lawrence Flemino ' . 6,613 � �� 87 7 180-180'�-182 Thomas Avenue Ronald Parramore • 6,613 87 19 205-07 Edmund Avenue Roy Larson 3,975 87 20 203 Edmund Avenue Richard Zasada 3,965 87 30 169 Edmund Avenue Gerald Debrovahny 3,306 90 11 184 Edmund Avenue Walter A. Darwin 3,306 102 1 740-42 Edmund Avenue Cyril McCormick 7,464 118 18 528 Farrington Street ' James H. & Beatri e M. 4,000 �lobse 120 23 203-05 Sherburne::Avenue Ronald Parramore 7,029 123 6 194 Sherburne Avenue Mrs. Myrtle Schmieg 5,238 • 123 7 198 Sherburne Avenue Mr. Paul Holmlund 5,849 125 12 296 5herburne Auenue Mary Rad:nan 2,555 132 20 662 Sherburne Western State Bank • 4,000 145 6 378 Aurora Avenue Lincoln Jones 6,213 • • � STRE�.'TS AND ALLEYS TO BE VACATID � LOCATION SQUA RE FEET 1. Englewood Avenue ' 3etween Arundel SCreet and tdestern Avenue 36,360 . 2. Cumberland Street Between Englewood Avenue and Como Avenue 22,500 3. Alley Between Englewood Avenue � and Como Avenue. and West of Cuinberland Street 7,800 � 4. Alley �:ast of Cumberland Street between Cumberland Street . and Englewood Avenue 6,000 TaTAL SQUARE FEET • 72,660 �� . � � ' 4 . • � � # � '� ND SO1 A-1-3 • � PROPERTIES TO BE'ACQUIRED CENTR.AL CORE BLOCK PARCEL ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER SQUARE FEET 7 1 529 Wabasha & Harvey Investment Co. 15,795 10 West Tenth Street 7 2 513 - 519 Wabasha Harvey Investment Co. 11,955 7 3 20 West Tenth Street Elizabeth Hobbs 3,750 7 4 524 - 528 St. Peter Harvey Investment Co. 5,000 7 5 520 - 522 St. Peter Joseph Cohen, et.al. 5,000 7 6 516 St. Peter Solomon W. Miller 5,000 7 7 510 - 512 St. Peter D. H. Roaderick, et.al. 5,050 7 8 500 St. Peter & New York Tea Co. 24,582 11 West Exchange ' 7 9 498 St. Peter Harry J, Coulouris 2,500 7 10 499 - 507 Wabasha Mary Alice Gaertner & 14,544 The First Trust Co. TOTAL SQUARE FEET 88,176 ND SOL A-1-5 • • HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO ND 501 RFAL ESTATE ACQUISITION ACTIVITY REPORT • S�VEN CORNIItS A-1-6 • • PR�PERTIES TO BE ACQUIRED ' SEVEN CnRNERS BLOCK PARCEL ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER SQUARE FEET 8 1 385 Auditorium White Castle System Ine. 3,378 8 2 93 West Seventh Street Anna E. R. Furness, et.al. 6,003 8 3 97 - 99 West Seventh Street Agnes G. Bass 12,450 8 4 121 West Seventh Street Arthur E. Quantrell 30,576 8 5 364-368 N. Exchange Arthur E. Quantrell 10,079 35 9 153 - 155 West Sixth Street Grand Construction Co. 13,410 S0 1 180 Chestnut Street Industrial Steel � Container Corp. 87,830 50 2 176 Chestnut Street W. G, Schwab 12,000 51 1 184 Eagle Street � Industrial Steel . Container Corp. 78,478 � TOTAL SQUARE FEET j� ND SO1 A-1-6 .___ __ __ _ . _ • • . STR�ETS AND ALLEYS �0 BE VACATED LOCATION SQUARE FEET 1. Richmond Avenue from Graee Street to Neiderhoffer Street 18,942 � 2. Nef derhoffer Street from . Richmond to the Northwest boundary of Milwaukee Road Railroad property. 32,460 3. Elm Street from South F�cchange Street to Ryan Avenue. 29,040 4. Ryan Ayenue extending b0' from th�e Northeast right-of-way of � Elm Street. 3,960 S. � Alley extending 60' from the Northeast right-of-way of E1m Street between Ryan Avenue and South Exchange Street � 960 1i0TAL SQUARE FEET 85,362 _ ND SO1 A-1-7 • . • HOUSING AND RIDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT T�0 ND 501 REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION ACTIVITY REPORT WEST SEVENTH A-1-7 ND 501 A-1-7 � • � � PRDPERTIE5 TO BE ACQUIRID WEST SEVENTH BLOCK PARCEL ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Ot�1NER SQUARE FEET 2 1 226-228-230-232-234 S. Exchange Michael Arend 9,000 2 2 ' 271 Chestnut Street George J. Handford Ann Gordon J. Minea 13,250 2 10 240-242 S. �ehange St. Paul Norland Rod Johnson ' Keith Sherer � 9,000 Z 11 vacant land Dose' Roofings, Inc. 2,700 2 14 vacant land Dose' Roofings, Inc. 2,700 2 15 26b Walnut Street Dose' Roofings, Inc. 18,000 7 4 37 Irvine Park Castor�Larson_ 3,600 9 1 68 Wilkin Street Ray McLevish, Steve Doody, 22,940 Ronald Kleinvachter 9 2 76 Wilkin Street Maxine G. �hler 6,250 10 S 322-324 S. Exchange St. James Kane Lloyd Hensel 8,520 10 6 330 S. Exchange Street & Dwayne Rasmussen 268 Elm Street Charles Jahn 8,520 10 7 327 Ryan Avenue � Harold F. Pavlak 8,520 � 10 8 325 Ryan Avenue Mrs. Verneil��Titti 8,520 � 36 5 416-420 �aest Seventh Street Marcella Tracy \� 8,806 � 41 27 353� - 355 Banfil Street Julius Wilensky `. 3,390 � 41 28 353 Banfil Street Oscar Robbins \ • 5,198 58 1 171-177 Richmond Avenue Midwest Federal Savings and Loan 5,580 58 9 492 Goodhue Street Virginia N. E�ans 5,808 84 2 394-394'� Grace Street Gene E. Weger 7,150 84 3 398 Grace Street Margaret E. Schuster 7,150 84 4 402 Grace Street William H. Muske Jr. 7,150 84 5 416 Grace Street Sara J. Kelly Mary Marcella Laner 14,300 84 6 418 Grace Street Raymond E. Swanstrom 7,150 84 7 310 R:.chmond Street Frank J. Caruso 16,218 84 8 312 Richmond Street Ida Salzwedel 3,774 84 11 421 Neiderhoffer Peter E. & Elsa E. , Mickelson 7,150 • • ND 501 A-1-7 � � , „'1,t, ADI3RESS OF PROPERTY OWNER SQUARE FEET ', 333 Arbor Street Marlene J. Locke 4,640 ' :�' 11 438 S. Victoria St. Willis Tordsen 1,970 �� 1:� 426 S. Victoria Street Elsie A. Heinel 1,970 ,;A . . . ;�, . '�' ? 870 Monroe Court Fred W. Koppy 5,040 � � �� 5 882 Monroe Gourt Mary C. Steingruehl 5,040 � 1S 976 James Aveaue Josephine Wood 4,332 � �T" � 1026-1026� W. Seventh � 1028-10282 W. Seventh George T. Hovorka - 4,800 _�� �',` "� '_ 930 Randolph Avenue Peter g�on 11,400 ;� '�`" 15 852 Tuscarora Avenue Mildred P. Couture 4,800 ,,,- :� '�� `�; � - � � .. ,�;; �;, a�: ,,,,� � � \ �� � �, � <:}� � .�'�:.... \ ' \ ND 501 A-1-7 � � HOUSING AND RIDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ND 507 RELOCATION ACTIVTTY RII'ORT ND 507 January, 1971 . � • CODE �D 507 RELOCATION F�CTIVITY REPORT I. RELOCATION ACTIVITY PROGP.AM A. Description of Relocation Activities 1. Surveys 2. Services to be Provided a. Information Program b. Office Location - c. Relocation Housing Standards d. Authority Listings of Rehousing Resources e. Referrals f. Inspection of Relocation Housing g. Tracing of Families , � h. Referrals eo Social Agencies i. Mortgage Assistance • j. Temporary Relocation k. Relocation Payments 1. Services Provided to Business Concerns m. Eviction Policy n. Staff Organization B. Estimate of Anticipated Displacement During Action Year for each • Area and Aggregate. 1. Family and Individuals 2. Business Concerns � C. Description of General Characteristics of Fami.lies and Individuals to be Displaced for All NDP Areas. II. D�SCRIPTION OF HOUSING SUPPLY AND DEMAND IN LOCALITY AND RELATIONSHIP TO REIACATION RESOURCES A. Description of Available Standard Housing Units. . B. Description of Competing Demand for Standard Housing Units which will result from Other Governmental Action in the Area During the Action Year. 1. Description of Competing Demand 2. Relationship of Total Demand and Total Relocation Resources (i) . � • ND S07 EXHIBITS A. Informational Material B. Minimum Housing Standards for Displaced Families and Individual � Householders ; . C. Minimum Housing Standards for Displaced Individual Noa-Householders � ` D. Publ,ic Housing Eligibility Criteria � ' � ;* E. Relocation Payment Schedules - HUD 6148; .6142; 6155 F. Anticipated Displacement and Characteristics of Families and Individuals for All NDP Areas. � ' G. Anticipated Displacement and Characteristics of Business Concerns � for All NDP Areas. �' H. Relationship Between Total Displacement and Total Available Resources I. Housing Resources for the 1'hird NDP Action Year. � � - -,:. �- � �. . . � • � � ,� � . ,� � . � -:� . �,, �. �:':: ':� (ii) � � I. RELOCATION ACTIVITY PROGRAM A. Description of Relocation Activities 1. Surveys Through interviews with occupants of properties proposed for for NDP Year III acquisition, a nearly 100% survey was obtained. - The survey was made during November, 1970, following approval w of these proposed purchases by the Project Area Coaunittees and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. � The LPA has conducted a complete survey of all those families, individuals and iausinesses to be relocated during the action year, which have been identified. Interviews for the 70 proposed Home Opportunity and "hardship" acquisitions have not been conducted, since these properties have not as yet been identified. Data for these displacees has been extrapolated from existing survey information. In the execution stage of the project, the relocation staff will establish and maintain contacts with all displacees in order to obtain complete and accurate relocation data. All data is reported on the "Family Record Card", which is a complete record of each case, from acquisition to permanent move off-site. 2. Services to be provided (a) Information Program The Authority's relocation staff will attempt to contact in person, each household identified to be displaced in order to obtain informatiori on relocation needs, to provide � information describing project activities and to explain relocation procedures and benefits. In addition to these initial personal contacts, and as a supplement to personal ND 507 -1- � � communication, graphic and o�ritten materials will be provided to displacees in order to further clarify program objectives and policies. (Samples of informa- - tional material are presented as Exhibit "A" attached). This information program will be further supplemented in community meetings with the Project Area Coimnittees. . . (b) Office Locations Site offices are established in all the project areas. These offices presently serve as the planning and adminis- trative offices for the respective project areas and will continue to serve this function while accommodating the � relocation staff. The Authority's Central Office also serves as the project administrative office for the Seven Corners and Central Core areas. However, relocation services for these two areas will be provided from the West Seventh and Concord Terrace (U.R.) site offices. Relocation staff are available during regular office hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and evening appointments are arranged as • necessary. (c) Relocation Housing Standards 1) Physi.cal and Occupancy Standards Standards pertaining to residential site occupants and , their immediate environment are contained in bchibits "B" and "C" attached. 2) The following constitutes the rent-income ratio and criteria for evaluating family ability to purchase housing: (a) Renters � No family shall be referred to a dwelling unit if the gross. rental charges for such unit exceed ND 507 -2- . � � 25% of the family's gross monthly income. (In applying the ratio, care and judgment will be exercised so that the i.ndividual needs and responsibilities of the family are considered.) Factors which are taken into considerationywhen • analysing ability to pay inelude size of family, age of children, unusually high expenditures for medic8l treatment or care, and excessive family debts. (b) Home Buyers �he cost of the house ordinarily should not exceed 2� times the gross annual income. F7hen computing annual income, the income for all secondary wage ,� . earners should be evaluated. Sporadic income of minor children or working wives generally will not be taken into account. Income derived fm m working wives who are in the childbearing years must be realistically evaluated. In addition, the age of the purchaser will be taken into account. In evaluating feasibility of home purchase under Federally subsidized programs, income limits, family size and other special criteria will also be applied to determine ability to purchase within specific price ranges. (c) Individuals The evaluative criteria described above for families will be applicable to individual house holders and nonhouseholders. Generally, however, non-elderly individuals can often afford a higher percentage — ND 507 -3- . � of their income for housing. Consideration will be given to the individual's obligations, any unusually high expenditures for such things as . - medical care or treatment, and the degree of sCability of the individual's income in deter- mining the amount that can be allotted for housing expenditures. 3) Location with Respect to Place of Dnployment � Referrals to dwelling accommodations should not result in unreasonable commuting distances to and from place of employment on the part of the primary household wage earners. In addition, the household unit should be located in � an area not less desirable from the standpoint of public accommodations and commercial facilities than the area in which the household formerly resided. (d) A:uthority Listings of Rehousing Supply (1) Private Housing The Authority maintains records of published rentals and sales of private housing in the City of Saint Paul. These listings are obtained from local newspapers, windshield surveys, telephone inquiries, and personal � contacts with realtors and landlords. The Authority obtains information on these dwelling units as to size, rent, condition, and other pertinent information usually requested by displacees. ND 507 -4- • • Another source of rehousing is the FHA and VA repossessed housing in the area. 'I'hese listings of homes are ma.iled to the site offices and recommended as possible solutions to the _ rehousing problem. Still another resource is the Multiple Listing Service of Saint Paul. The Authority receives a weekly publication that describes available sales housing throughout the City and surrounding area. The Authority's files include the names and � addresses of real estate agencies and brokers in or near the pro�ect area, which deal in • property that may be appropriate as a relocation resource and which is available on a nondis- criminatory basis. The Authority's listings do not include housing units which are schedule� for clearance under a Title I project in planning or execution, or housing units potentially affected by other governmental activity. ND 507 -5- � � (2) Home Opportunity Program (fiOP) A continuing and important element of the acquisition program for the residential NDP areas is��the Home Opportunity Program, formerly knocan as the Demonstration Rehabilitation Program. It involves the acquisition, rehabilitation and resale by the Authority of large, single-family homes (three or more bedrooms) in the project areas. . This program will continue to perform a major function during the third year of the Neighborhood Development Program. . Thus far, the program has been highly successful in providing home-oc•�nership to displaced familiesuho would have been other- wise unable to accomplish that goal without the support and assistance made available throughthe program. �dith the participation of local social welfare agencies, non- profit sponsorship of rehabilitation and the availability of FHA 235 financing, the Home Opportunity Program has become a major Ureakthrou�h in providing permanent housing for large low-income families. ND 507 -6- � • (3) Public Housing The Housing and Redevelopment Auth�rity of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, is also the Local Housing �luthority, in addition to being the Local Public Agency for urban renewal. • Public Housing is available for families and individuals displaced ,from project areas. All eligible displacees interested in public housing accommodations have priority to relocate into vacant and/or newly constructed public housing units. If a household appears to qualify by virtue of income and family size, the relocation staff will refer applications to the Housing Rental Office to verify eligibility. The Housing Rental Office (through the relocation staff) will noti.fy applicants as vacancies occur in locations for which a preference has been indicated. The Authority has established a procedure for effectively coordinating the placement of applicants in available units according to priority of displacement and general suitabilaty .of housing accomano- dations. This system has proven to be effective in relating the needs of site occupants and the priorities of programs creating displacement throughout the city. Eligibility criteria fo�r public housing are attached as Exhibit "D". � � (e) Referrals � \ (1) Private Rentals and Sales \\ The Authority will malce every effort to relocate site occu�ants into � standard housing. The relocation staff will make referrals to pro3ect displacees which are of appropriate size to meet their needs and which are within their ability to pay. Site occupants will have access to the listings of rental and sales vacancies at the relocation office. (2) 221 (d) (?_) Financing The project relocation staff will advise interested families as to the details of this program and will provide a certificate of eligibility to assist families in obtaining financing under the program. (3) 221 (d) (3) and 236 Low- and moderate-income families and individuals who are eligible will be referred to three 221 (d) (3) projects which are available and to � -7- ' � • s other 221 (d) (3) aad 236 projects to become available in the future. Eight additiona]. moderate-income projects are programmed for develop- ment within urban renewal project areas and _two outside renewal areas. Construction has begun on five of these projects during 1970, (See � Part II Description of Housing Supply). The Authority is providing for the development of additional moderate-income projects in NDP areas and will continue to encourage and assist potential . sponsors in obtaining sites, and to work in close cooperation with FHA and the interim financing institutions. � (4) Loca-Rent Public Housing Families and individuals expressing interest in low-rent public housing will receive immediate processing by a housing rental officer operating in conjunction with the project site office. They wi11 be informed of their eligibility and the availability of units in conventional public housing projects, Section 23 Leased Housing, and dwellings provided at scattered locations throughout the City. (f) Inspection of Relocation Housin� The relocation office maintains records of approved standard housing in order to facilitate the verification of housing acceptability. The relocation worker will inspect, whenever possible, every self-located unit in advance of move-in. If the dwelling unit is found to be inadequate, the relocation worker will encourage the family to seek standard housing. The Authority will offer continuing assistance in securing these standard acco�unodations. If the family or individual declines an offer of a standard dwelling unit and the off-site dwelling unit does not meet local code requirements, the Authority will refer the matter to the local code enforcement agency with the objective of bringing the unit into conformity with local codes. When a family or individual is moved to a standard unit, the relocation worker will prepare a certification form which documents the family as permanently relocated and removes the family from the relocation workload. -8- ND 507 � � (g) Tracing� of Families The Authority will persistently strive to locate families that move without notifying the relocation office of their new address in order to determine that they have been properly rehoused and to assure that they _ receive the payments and services they may be eligible to receive. While traGing these families, the relocation worker will maintain a detailed record of the investigation. (h) Referrals to Social Agencies In order to supplement the rehousing procedure discussed above, the Authcirity, in conjunction with the Co�nunity Health and Welfare Planning Council, has encouraged the development of a team approach for the distribution of social services to project resfdents. The program is administe"red through existing or new neighborhood service centers in order to assure immediate attention to the problems of the people in the coirnnunity. The Com-nunity Health and Welfare Planning Council (United Fund) provides coordination and planning for the neighborhood service centers through consultation with the administrative staff of participating agencies. . The administrative functions of the neighborhood cen�ers, and the respective roles of the case work teams, team captains\'and case work coordinators have been explained in Code ND 508, Citizen Participation Activity Report (Year I). This social service team approach ha�s-.been utilized in the Home Opportunity Program as a Pilot Program to establish effective referral procedures for project residents. In addition to the project-oriented team approach, the Authority has established a Rehousing Policy Co�nittee which is composed of representatives of various private and public organizations and agencies in the co:rcnunity. The Authority's Director of Community Services is a permanent representative to the Coreanittee, which meets on a regularly scheduled basis, and in special session as required. Among ttie functions of the Rehousing Policy Coirnnittee, are the follo��ino: -9- ND 507 • � (i) To develop and, through L-heir individual organizations, help to implement programs to secure maximum housing opportunities _ for minority group families being displaced. (ii)To revie�v overall. relocation progress and assist in the solution of individual relocation problems as they arise. (III)To £unction as a grievance committee to rule on complaints of re2ocatees. ' It is felt that the combined resources of the participating agencies should insure freedom of choice in �e selection of rehousing resources. . (i) Mortgage and Rental Housing Assistance The relocation office �vill certify the eligibility of families by issuing Form No. 3476, Certificate of Eligibility under Section 221 of the National Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to prospective buyers of 221 and 235 housing and tenants of 221 (d)(3) and 235 projects. In addition, the relocation office will provide assistance to prASpective home bu�ers in obtaining mortgage financing, and to others in obtaining priority for admission to housing provided under Sections 221(d) (3) ar�d 236 of the National Housing Act. (j) Temporary Relocation Because of the substandard condition of a large number of the properties involved, there remains a potential demand for temporary rehousing. The Authority will attempt to hold temporary relocation to a minimum in both extent and duration. In order to qualify as suitable temporary accommodations, housing units must be in safe and habitable condition and be not less desirable than present acco:�anodations. The Authority will regard any relocatee as temporarily housed when the household is moved into a dwelling unit which does not meet the standards established in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached. ND 507 -�0- � • Temporary relocation �aill not diminish the responsib�lity of the Authority with respect to a continuing relationship with displaced project residents. The Authority will continue its relocation responsibility in these cases until the displacees are housed in standard accommodations or until they refuse to consider suitable offerings. (k) Relocation Payments Program - Families and Individuals The Authority will make relocation payments to eligible project displacees in accordance with Sections 3.103 and 3.109 of the Regulations Governing helocation Payments under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. The basis for payment of fixed relocation payments, additional relocation payments and replacement housing payments are shown in the schedule attached as Exhibit "E". (1) Services Provided to Business Concerns (1) Administrative Organization The Housing and Redevelopment Authority maintains an experienced business relocation staff which provi,des relocation services for all non-residential site occupants. The business relocation staff functions under the direction of the Supervisor of Business Relocation, �aho reports directly to the Chief of Relocation, and consists o£ two Business Relocation Specialists, a Business Advisor and a Clerk- � Stenographer. The $usiness Advisor acts as a referral specialist and provides assistance to business displacees in locating new facilities. (2) Relocation Standards - Non-Residential Qccupants While there are no specific standards which apply to the relocation of non-residential site occupants, the Authority will, as in the past, provide every possible assistance to those fi nns and organizations to be displaced, so that they can successfully accomplish their relocation plans with a minimum of difficulty and interuption. The Authority will also attempt to avoid temporary relocation for any ND 507 -11- • • firm to be moved. However, in the event of hardship �or in emergency situations, the Authority will relocate businesses temporarily within the project area if suitable facilities are available. No relocation pay{nent will be made until the firms move to a perma.nent location. (3) Relationship with Non-Residential Site Occupants (a) Informational Program The Authority distributes information to all non-residential occupants advising them of the relocation services and benefits available. When acquisition occurs, documents of a more technical nature will be made ' available to the businesses which explain the procedures for preparing claims for relocation payments and loss of property. (b) Interviews with Business Concerns The Authority has completed .a 100% survey of all business concerns to be displaced in the project areas. Information obtained includes commercial classification, type of ownershi.p, tenure, rental and space requireinents and tentative relocation plans. � (4) Procedure for Locating Resources (a) Business AdvisorY Service . The Business Advisor working in the Authority's Business Relocation section, is a retired executive of the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce. His sole responsibility is to assist businessmen in their selection of suitable relocation sites. As a result of his ��ride experience in dealing with the problems of businessmen and many and varied contacts in the business coaununity in Saint Paul, he is particularly well qualified to assist businessment in their relocation efforts. He is in constant communication with local realtors and property managers and maintains an inventory of all suitable office, co�nercial, and industrial real estate available for rent or sale in the locality. ND 507 -12- • • (5) Liaison with the Small Business� Administration The Authority wa�,l,l, continue to work closely with the Small Business Administration on behalf of those site occupants in the project who may wish to apply for SBA Loans and/or Cechnical assistance. The Authority will furnish the local Small Business Administration office with a listing of all the business concerns to be displaced. � (m) Eviction Policy - Notice to Vacate The policy of the Authority with regard to forced eviction of residents who enter into a rental agreement with the Authority . shall be as follows: (i) Eviction shall be used only as a last resort. (ii) Cases will be referred to the Rehousing Policy Committee when appropriate. (iii) Eviction shall be used only for one or more of the following circumstances: 1. Failure to pay rent according to terms of the rental agreement. 2. Maintenance of a nuisance or the use of the premises for an illegal purpose. 3. A meterial breach o£ the rental agreement. 4. Refusal to admit a member of the Authority to enter into a dwelling at a reasonable hour, upon a parcel acquired by the � Authority. 5. Complete refusal to consider acco:im�odations meeting the relocation standards adopted for the program. 6. Situations requiring eviction under city of Minnesota law. 1'he delivery of a legal notice to vacate shall be restricted to site occupants whom the Authority intends to evict in accordancQ with the policy stated avove. The Authority �aill not require any person law- fully occupying property to surrender possession �aithout at least 90 days written notice from the date on �ahich possession �vill be required. ND 507 -13- . � • (n) Ur anization of Relocation Staff: The LPA is responsible for the provision of relocation assistance to all families and individuals displaced as a result of any governmental activity, fires and other emergencies occuring in the City. The relocation staff is included within the Community Services Departmen� of the agency. Also included under Community Services are socia7. services staff for residents of public housing and community organization staff. Members of the three components provide advice and consultation as needed by other staff inemebers of the department. The Director of Community Services reports directly to the �cecutive Director of the agency. Following is an organizational chart showing the structure of the relocation staff at the present time. -14- ND 507 # • . 0 � . � ' v+ o ; � W p H �+ . . � ' � . W p; U � d 3 0 •1 H c� .� H a ^ v v � � �Z z �i � ° ° � . a � y � � 3 A �n `� � � r� �a � a � ° cNn w v, t-+ a w . °z A � � � � � H � � �° °� a � � z . 0 � 0 a � ..a HH z � a � o o w �n � a a � � � z W a o � � ,. � � a ►-+ r, . � a � • � � �„ H o �w o � � � � N � � � E � � � � N �ao ° � � � z � � a z � o z � W � ,,�H,, H � a ``� H ° o c°.� H c� � N a H � o � w o � � � c�3 A o w � � � ° � H a xo o a o � � � � • H A x , U W a � . � p A z � d . a y � U ,� • � Q � V � d x c� a ,.., � a A �Z •• � � �a `� x .. W a' N H � ..+ O�iC � � � �; � A tl � � ..� z H x 3 3° z � � w o ° z � s+ ►�-� i� H O dU .0 � 3 � O a � N � � � � � � � .� � � � 3 � a � � � o w .. � • • -15- ND 507 i � B. Estimate of Anticipated Displacement During Action Year for Each Area and Aggregate 1. Families and Individuals � Anticipated displacement of families and individuals for all NDP project areas for the Third Year is pre3ented in Exhibit "F" attached. 2. Business Concerns: . See Exhibit "G" attached, which describes anticipated business displacement for each of the NDP areas and for the entire NDP program for the Third Year. C. Descriptian of General Characteristics of Families and Individuals to be Displaced for all NDP Areas The general characteristics of displacees for all NDP areas have been documented in Exhibit "F" attached (Form HUD-6122). II. Description of Housing Supply and Demand and Relationship to Relocation Resources A. Description of Available Standard Housing Units A detailed description of the method used to estimate total housing supply is included in ND-507, Exhibit "G", "Estimated Housing Inven- � tory of Saint Paul", previously submitted. The tables in Exhibit "I" provide an estimate of housing expected to be available through turnover, rehabilitation or new construction to meet the needa of those anticipated to be displaced and ta provide for adequate re- _ placement of uaits to be removed. ND 507 -16- � � `+ . B. Description of Competing Demand for Standard Housing Units which will Result I'rom other Governmental Actions in the Area During the Action Year 1. Description of Competing Demand DISPLP,CING ACTIVITY FAMILY INDIVIDUAL Other Urban Renewal 216 51 State Highway Programs 80 43 Code Enforcement 63 41 Public Housiag 51 13 Public Works 3 2 Parks and Recreation 24 9 Library Department 1 1 TOTAL ESTIMATED DISPLACEMENT 438 , 160 2. Relationship of Total Demand and Total Relocation Resources -- The total anticipated displacement from all NDP areas during the third NDP action year has been documented in �hibit "F" attached. Combining the displacement anticipated as a result of NDP with competing displacement from other public activity (See Exhibit "H"), results in a total demand for resources of 856 dwelling units during the estimated period of displacement. A comparison of the � total estimated demand of 856 units against the �otal estimated suppt:y of 4,397 units of all types detnonstrates the adeq�uacy of . resources to meet all requirements during the period of ac��.vity. -17- ND 507 . � i � ND 5d7 �XHTI3IT "B" • MINIMUM HOUSING STANT�'1RDS FOR DISPLt1CID FAMILIES AND INDZVIDJAL F�OUSL'f�tOLDERS • � MTNIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS FQR DISPLAC LD I'AMILIES AND INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLDERS 1. Physical Standards _ The following standards should be followed with respect to evaluating the physical condition and suitability of housing as they relate to the minimum requirements for sanitary conditi_ons, cooking, heating and lighting facilities, structural condition, occupancy standards and neighborhood environment: a. Location• The building must have reasonable environmental surroundings so as to provide a neighborhood environment which is healthy, safe and sanitary. b. Structural Condition: (1) Condition of Structure: (a) The structure must have adequate and safe water supply and sewage disposal. , (b) IZ must be free from serious daylight obstruction. (c) Multiple dwellings must have adequate exits and public hall lighting. (d) The structure must be free from such physical deterioration as . would create health and safety hazards. (e) The premises must be free of unsanitary conditions. � (2) Condition of Ihvelli_ng Unit The dwelling, whether an individual house or a unit in a multiple dwelling, must meet the following criteria: (a) Permanent, safe and reasonably efficient kitchen facilities, including sink with hot and cold running water and provisions for a cook stove. (b) A flush toilet and a bath or shower in usablea�ndition must be available for the exclusive use of each family. (c) Potable running water m�st be available within each unit. (d) Each unit in a multiple dwelling must have a sufficient number of exits to provide a safe means of reaching outdoors at ground level. -1- � • (e) Adequate electrical lighting and safe �viring must be provided. (f) Heating facilities must be safe and adequate. (g) Living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens must have windows. (Windows opening into an air shaft sha11 not be considered as meeting � standards.) ' (h) Toilets and bathrooms must have some means of ventilation. c. Occupancy Standards (1) Sufficient space must be available in relation to size and characteristics of the family so that it would be unnecessary for a family to occupy accommodations which would result in: (a) Bedrooms being occupied by persons of the opposite sex, except married couples and children under six years of age. (b) The use of living rooms in one-bedroom units for sleeping space for more than one person. (c) The regular use of living rooms in units ].arger than one bedroom units for sleeping purposes. (2) In observing the above standards, the following considerations shall b e taken into account: (a) The number of persons expected to occupy each bedroom shall be . determined by the bedroom's capacity to prov��de for adequate . \ furniture and healthful, comfortable sleeping arrangements. '\ (b) �ery child will be considered a person, except that� an infant . �� under 18 months of age will not be counted as a person for occupancy standards. (c) The maximum occupancy limits are as follows: 0-1 bedroom 3 persons 2 bedrooms 5 persons 3 bedrooms 7 persons 4 bedrooms • 9 persons 5 bedrooms 12 persons -2� • • ND 507 EXHIBIT "C" MINIMUM HOUSZNG STANDARDS FOR DISPLACID INDIVIDUAL NON-HOUSEfiOLDIItS � - �. �� � � � �� .\ � \ � � MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS FOR DISPLAC�D INDIVIDUAL NON-HO USEHOLDERS 1. P�sical Standards The folLoi�ing standards should be followed ��ith respect to evaluating the physical condition and suitability of housing as they relate to the minimum' requirements for sanitary conditions, heating and lighting facilities, structural condition, occupancy standards, and neighborhood environment: a. Location The b.uilding must be so located as to provide a neighborhood environment which is healthy, safe and sanitary. b. Structural Condition . �i) Condition of Structure (a) Zhe structure must have adequate and safe water supply and sewage disposal. (b) It must be free from serious daylight obstruction. (c) Multiple dwellings must have adequate exits and public hall lighting. (d) The structure must be free from such physical deterioration as would create health or safety hazards. (e) The premises must be free of unsanitary conditions. (2) The Condition of Sleeping Room The room, �ohether in an individual house or a unit in a multiple dwelling, must meet the following criteria: (a) A flush toilet and a bath or shower in usable conctition must be available for use by the roomer(s). No more than four sleeping rooms or eight roomer's to share each facility. (b) Each sleeping room unit must have a sufficient exit to provide a safe means of reaching outdoors at ground level. (c) Adequate electrical lighting and safe wiring must be provided. (d) HPating facilities must be safe and adequate. (e) Sleeping rooms must have windows. (Windo�as opening into an air shaft shall not be considered as meeting standards.) -I- � � (f) Toilets and bathrooms must have some means of ventilation. c. �ccupancy Standards Sufficient space must be available so that it would be unnecessary to occupy acco�nodations which woula result in: (1) The regular use of living rooms for sleeping purposes. (2) The number of persons expected to occupy each bedroom shall re determined by the bedroom' s capacity to provide for adequate � furniture and healthful, comfortable sleeping arrangements. NOTE: Variances from these occupancy standards may be granted provided $iere are special circu�stances not normal to the average family and provided that such variance is approved by the Chief of Relocation. ! � ND 507 EXHIBZT "D" PUBLIC HOUSING ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA \ \� ,� � � �\ � �\ • • Exhibit "D" � PUBLIC HOUSING ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA , 1. Income Limits* For Tnitial For _ For Initial Occu�ancy if Occupancy Continued Size of Family Displaced by Public Action All Others Occupancy Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly 1 Person 3,200 266 2,800 233 3,204 266 2 Persons 4,100 342 3,600 300 4,600 383 3 Persons 5,900 492 5,000 416 6,000 SQO 4 Persons 6,000 500 5,600 466 6,600 550 5 Persons 7,200 600 6,200 516 7,200 600 ' 6 Persons 7,400 617 6,800 566 7,800 650 . 7 Persons 8,000 666 7,400 616 8,000 666 8 Persons 8,600 716 8,000 666 8,600 716 9 Persons 9,100 758 8,600 716 9,100 758 10 or more 9,300 755 8,800 725 9,300 775 *Net family income after allowable deductions. 2. Minimum Rent Charge Net Familv Incame Minfmum Contract Rent Under $1,200 per year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23.00 per month $1,200 or over per year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.00 per month 3. Priority of Admission � Families and individuals who are displaced by any public action will have first - priflrity for admission to public housing. This applies up to a maximum of three years after the date of such displacement. 4. Admission Requirements other than Family Income and Composition A family or individual householder will be admitted to public housing if the following requirements are met (in addition to those relating to incame and family composition); (a) Net assets (not including personal and household effects) do not exceed $3,000 at admission (for non-elderly families), or $6,000 at admission (for elderly families). -1- . • • NOTE: Up to $15,000 of proceeds received as a result of purchase of the applicant's residence due to urban renewal or other gavernmental acti.on wi11 not be considered as assets in determining elioibility. (b) Past records indicate that the occupancy of the applicant in the project will not be detrimental to the well-being of the commanity. �(Before any family is rejected for this reason, the case will be � reviewed by the Housing Operations Committee of the �luthority.) (c) The household does not own residential real estate within Saint Paul, or a radius of thirty miles from Saint Paul, in which it is possible for such household �o reside. (This qualification must be met regard- less of the fact that the equity of said household may not exceed the limitat�.on on net assets specified above.) NOTE: There are no residence requirements applied to displaced � families and individuals �aho are other�•�ise eligible. -2- • • ND 507 . EXHIBIT "E" Schedules 1. FIXED RELOCATION PAYMENTS 2. AVERAGE GROSS RENTALS FOR STANDARD HOUSING � 3. AVERAGE SALES PRICES FOR STANDARD HOUSING IN LOCALITY . • . �' . ' � , � . , ; : „ � . :L.,�..� �; � ��' � , , . r , � S�rcti�o� , . • � „ a ^,� ��, �o` � ' • ' * ��t�;������ * ° DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOP i ` ;"�' i MENT ,� il:t:�j� c° 360 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICqGO, iLLIN015 69601 � o>>���o REGION IV �., IN RE►'!r REFEG TO: [� (�'� Apr. il lU, 1970 , Mr. Edward N. }Icl.feld Executi��e Director Housing d Redevelopment Authority Suite GO1 - Northcaestern National Bank Guilcling 55 East Fifth Stxeet St. Paul., Minnesota 55101 ' Dear Pfr. tlelfeld: ' Subject; Fixed kelocation Pa}�rnents �chedule . Project No's �tIN,y R-3i, A-1-1, A-1-2, A-1-,i, A-1-4, � A-1-5� A-1-G, A-1-7, 1-2U and 1-21 This acknowleclges receipt of the revised Fixed Reluc.ation P�yments � Schedule for proj��ct� ;�tinn R-37 nnri Minn 1-2f) with new prc,jECts Minn A-1-1, A-1•2, A-1-3, A-1-4, A-i-S, A-1-6, A-1-7 and 1-21 lo he addecl to the approved schedule. � Approval is rante � d, as evidenced by the signed attached forms NUD-t;142, to make payments in accordance with said schedule and the re�ulations of the Departrient of Housing and Urban Develo��rr�ent. SincE:rel} yuurs, . ' � . ' j� -J . _� < � ,�� �;'� / (rf ' �. „� Dea�n SwartzEl ' /f��_—� Assistant Rc:�ional Aclmi_nistrator £or Pro�rarr. Coordi�iation a Services Attachment � r�,�Tf-T��----.�.__ . . ��1_ .,'�', : �"'.., ��a�,rN��•. 1 _�^ . , �: .�,,��., .� ,.�,�;,� 1 � � � `` ��� �'�. � ". : .��,�,:: ., � •, .���,��.�.. � : � t�•,��` �.� �,, .�� ,r,+ . •r • � � . ���J U�J�9 �- I � ��1 �E-'f?1 � i�1/0 6',, y , r . __ . . � ,; . ..,. 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V. , � � ,.- � . ` r�.<ii �, :,c,:;�_.., etc. , Lro- e::. lo:r.tioa to r.i�oLl��_: by ;:.cr,r.s ct a t a'iXi C�.J. � , ` Su?�r.titt� d�by:_ ....._ — ----^- •--- ��.��_f_ _ -- - �����2 2��__ �9_7a_ C��:, -::.,.��' �� � ��- � ; =�---.� �� .,,.1 • ; r - --- - - - -- '-':� ��', � -�''- '� -- ---•, -. \ ' �Ji�n�rl•✓r o(ir!:t:i/itr.; i�/ :�).' r '� 'i�.. ��D�f:��.i.�i :!'.I) li ,�Ji�:����.•�_�.. .��. i(J���i').�r�lY , - O: 7,t��:_���_l�- �%i� .:):�� ''1__i�:.�i�.� :'tl.��i� .5�11�� ��.:�•('ULI. :!• I111'!`C�UC +(I o.a! A��.:c�) -� - - - -_.. _.__... _ ._ . , _ _ . _ _ . _ _ - -- -°------------- y('IYtic)- �,r_.r.�_......�. .._..._�__��_-�-- -------- -- ---- -- ---- SPACE Rcl4'�; :-G.^. U�? p,= t:UJ D. A?P^01';:. "_ -—•-�----------�-- -------------• - 1lpprev;tl is �r�nted ln t!:c �n,•�1 :er,:a^v i !^�:•i:ie•J ,:':��•e to p��, in ;,_co:�I.in�r �.it!� the• 1t^��;1;ti�rs Cocrt.•i,� C_•I�,,.�cion Pa}•n:Pa!� r•�.1 on ::�� bar.is i:�icatc,: i� iTioc: :t. :ic :i���d .��.::.,s�.•., o; ! � +, ' r.• •ir�t���n pa}�;.:nt:, in..iratrd ir� I.:�e 1 0! tn•. �he�1��1�, (n: ex�.er.s_s a^.d ir.»,�.s i�c::rrr.l ��r. ct a�t�r t`ic '�`� �� r! ' � i� f � . ( r.s ;��r�•a: f�r t►.c ��r..j�r:...) ic,_�:tiC�:�. a�o�•c, c�.ccpt ri� pruci,!ed Icr Sc:n�ti; f .5' i:1,:.1.;1;1' �lf' Cu1 : C,�: :t\U I�li!:.1� r�l:l I:t.,�l",;►.�7' ppR � 3 1970 - . � . --------- _ _.--- ------ �z:___ . . ��;�_ �,�,1 � - (buel A,si::tant Kc r i� i, ! ��c�;r.it,`�s �:ratoY fc,r - ( : . - {'ro,;r�i: (.c,uri�iti;it �u�t �� ,`', rvicc•s_ . �•- �, IV ` t.. . ,•,�, .,., . ,. ..,�. ,lr�, �. � GPC ?^�.•-o ! . -- - I o - _ i ' . • � � __ , }...._� . . . � ,.._. " � ' '. ' . � � . CCOi;I'Ii;C�,1:T0i'_t%:� :;C:' :'�t;J,'; � . ��e"::�I.?:���-_J 7,'i1'._i�;;�iJ_,;� Q�•�;� �•_r, r,�r,•+� .. - __'� .._... .., '�l"��. !'t"�� ���':L���I I -,. _. . _--�� _ _p,`. 1. Pro�,a�c;, Fi::^ct ;� � 8 Foo:�s 9 fioor_s OLtI1C Oi _ _ _ Z� 4'pp_•q Reloc�:.i.o,t i':.y-.�,•,:�� . _._�_ S19g.00 $20�.0� r.t�^�, $200.0� rr�.:;. 2. Lo;�c��t :,�r;:ially 1�;��i 2:.',1� . rsa����� c���� r�: xot�r . . . . . . S 22.00 � zz.00 $ 22.00 � . . 3. Avera�e (i.e. ::edi r�i) • I�u;�ber ot Il�c�rs I:�y�iired 9 10 11 : , - � i � . � 1 . � ' _ _ .�__ ( 1 ;� � A� . � �� , }, ., l�_ , . .r • � . ♦ i ' • . � SC.►I;►�Ur,r "�;�' , . ' 2�IO��II:C; CO:;T�. }:UL�:,r;r „� : ,_. . .• .�...1'c cC . 1�r0 .: :i� �,::U 1'�.U;.:°: � CQ.•JZ'�_�:Y . � RllT� Pi..", �'pT'� � �D�:�n I:ovi:i� . --------_�-- $2?.,00 Cpt,i;qj_1.�"�C'.:i.15 r:::l • $22.00 ' Grr;•i�ouc;c� Vr..n • $20.00 $estcr �roLi�crs jJan $��.50 � B�ur�r,c�ll V�:n � " • $?.0.50 A1].ied V�^.ri $2?.00 r,�yflo:;e: .. � $2?..�� Pc]t.n:.•;i V.�u $2?..00 ��c^.'J?.^.i?:lA Vi�1 � 1 • $22.00 - $3J.00 I:'eC':�r.;:; � � Gar:::;(` V�il Li.n��s . r � . ��.:7 2a��•:c 1run;f.cr . $20.00 fiallwrQ Tr��:isicr . • - $22.0� � _ __. __ _.._._ . V�, , � : � i _ �_ � • • � . ! i . j , , :,�.�__ ._-�------ _--___ � - -_ ____ _ . _ _ �..:a::� �, -`�M - �' . ��erip� _. � -.... „ �.,� �* `E�Al�' *'� DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANQ'lJRBAN DEVELOPMENT - ' r E��s_ ' , s�� �N��� �e 360 NORTH MKHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 �O��AW M�� . � March 6, 1970 REGION IV , . ir+ neri-r Hritr� r� , �►GN, Edward N. liQlfeld, Y:xQCUti.ve D�xactoz Nouaiag and Redevelopcaent Authority of tha C:ty of 5aint �aul 55 Laat Fitth Street Saint Paul� Mintiesota 551�1 Daar Mr. H�lfeld: Subjectt Furrne HUD-b148 and 6155 � tdinn. R•37; A-1-1; A-1-2; A-1-3; A-1-5; A-1-b; A-1-7; 1•21� USA-4S, �)SA•47; USA-50; OSA-5�; OSA-60 ST. PAUL� MIN?�f�.SUTA Attachad are �pproved copies of HUU-��orma 6i�+8 (Schcuule of Averabe Axueual Itenta) and b155 (Schedule of Average Sa1Q� LYicea) coverin� the 13 projects indicated thereon c.hes� represent revisions to earlier approved schedul�s as w�ll as adclitions Lo the coverage of earlier �chedules. ' cere yours,,/ . , � ��.. ,t� � ���_ �::.3 De�n 3wa�r el y A.ssistnnt. ..e�iona�l A,dministrator ior Fr�gram Cooid�nati�on and 5ervices Uffice � K..nclosura � ` „�,.�n.,,,.,_�r,.._ ��.._.. . � � > • i �_ . ; v����.__ _---- _�_ � ` �' � __ , ►iu�� � � __ �, .. � .� . .� �._._.—_�.__ _ ._ __ ..___ ____.�..�-- -- --. __ . __ _.__.. ._ ... _ ._..__._ .._ _ .._ _. _ _ _ .__. .. _ ' � l('. H. 1� � sc. �gui� Minnesot� 'U.S. t>�rn,�r.��rir or �sGUSi�:G Ah7 URt,•.r, ;�rv�i o': :. , . _ _ _ ac,[ �� . �_ . � c,<,�! � � � � t�on t& o dthQ1C3m�ynt �inn R-� � � Minn p1�-21 i y � t A- - � OSA- �, SC11F.�ULC Ot �.Vi RAC�t: /.:;i::E.'I. C.::u`_5 C"i:'i;,: � �a�nt Paul, Minnebot �- _ • ��-� � FnR Si'/,Id[�1�1;7 I�OU�I;:C• t�, L��:i i.l"(Y A- - ; (1�'� (f � A- � .,A- � � «'.'��1�f � lh1\�, �'. ��.�. .ue�;i-�.�f,rn�l . , .,�,�� , �,r1lll� • r „ .� L. ,l.l. „ �, .11., , � 1� „�„ , , n � !',.��, , ,,,, „I�ir „•, �! ' � , . „ , I .. /� � .� r .�J.l�• i ,. ��� l� f�„l 1�,� � f�,. I nv ��i�� ��i� n�� n�r 1��, , l�.•,Ir�(, i�, r. .!, �, . I, l�� l . rI i•�u �� �n�,lif�.iq�rl �i•rn� • �1f�ti �1 �.h :.�r�! u�u� � .� , .��,i��l f���:� .r �r�����.�� ni��r ����,. l . � i i, ' l. . f��•� nl�,•r, n1l1�11•��j�j�rr�, l .�c��.•d„r, i� �„ ��� , . , . � �, ., . .,, com(,lrc��l. A. TYI'E Of SUF!1IS`IJN At:� APf LICRfIlJ7Y 01 S�tl,'�ULi . � j lfii> i5 tl��� original ;cF�cd��� f•�c� ..� i f�o,,;i� t.�o�I '!i :1 s.� .t••..' � .' '., , ���r�ti(:••1 �.,r:v�`. [X�This is un cmerdcd schc.ivfc (an.,•., , ,; rtie �•�:. ..;�.n ' !• :� :� I�Ay 8, 1968 r 1 � �., , , �_! �(�Revising the a:'�eunts of thc ovcruye -nnu�:l 3rou *•-��u�°. � �/ldding oddit�onol proj�cl(s)to tiio:c cc.v �� � by Ihc pr, . .�`��•� I�. Su_h neN {•r�,c-t(5} is (r.rt�) Minn A-1_l,_Minn A-I-2, A-�-3> A-1-5, A-1-6 t�nd A-1-7. . � �This is on od��ptia� c�o schedult prcvir�;ly ���ro.��l i� 1''1;�, , U. RF�UfST � 4� (�;O ff��O�lr )f�i����� :.�Gv�:fU �IO. i^, t:� � . �l��4�� � �.�'i��!�• {,,. . G�.. r t :1•�� 7 '� .'tnih.ly .�.v�•����� 1 �(.�.fUV:J� IS fC��U��.1� � � �r• . • ., • • . �l �..;tif�.,. .� F , :;ir� � ''�7 ::� ��, e� r. n�oJr:t �.t�nd•rl'. in 1pr Ir,ol�ty. r'n.• t,��r����: w�ll i.� us•.� i � �! r�r n.: � �.:� '. ••;,r�1 •.1 . to 1an�lics and tldcr;T o� hondicor�.r� ind�vi,ivals wf.o ar� c� �-n�c �..r t'�� pn�� .•��, in n,• ,r;:�te w�ti� li�l,�rr����'�•.. .. � I � __���___...�... � � _._�_•�.-- ------- --- -------- -------^ ----- SCH'._UULC -- --- --- _._----� --- ---- ---- . _- -—- - - l _. - _ . - - - - _ 0 PLDitOt>A15 ' S CF, 1�-,c t I 1 BECRGi,A! 2•Bc JAO)v; i l 8_U1iJ01.15 r � 6;!IR;G6�5 BE[�� �• ((/l�tlsr•I�e•.•1�in i !'11fl1_ - -- .__ . _ _. . _ .. -'--- Y�. � 1�22�i.00 s 1,560.00 ---- s - 1.,600.00 s 2,02A.00 f S 2,460.00 ' 2,7�0.00 �� � �+,�. � 102.00 f 13U.00 3 IS0.00 s 1��9.00 I�� � 2US.OU b 225.OU � _._ _ . .__ .--- -- - - -� -- - - --- - . - ! C. SUI".111 (! (� [tY: � `� ( � \ iOUSTNG AND RKDSVffi.O�Mffi�T AVi'F�4RITY F THS_.CITY_ OF &AINT .PAl�,�1jIrTJESOTA _ — f)isplrr.�tzb.�f�r.•y Jiga:ti✓.� ,f :u•1,:,-::e,ll1 • . . �xacutive Dir ector _ ---- — . . 71t1�� - __..__�_._�IY _.�_ � ___ ___ "'__"._.r_'_'—.� '__"_"'""_"'__"_ ' _�"__ "r.'_"'_ D. AOOPTION OF SC11���LE PR'tV�JUSLT AF?FtJVED RY MuJ lha . _ _ _. ._ . _. -- en�e.•s ro .:1,�n r'�� ;chr,l��c n, f��l,� 6 El. �:l,�.�.r. �M�����w���; �,;�r� � � . �,�y,�n�,,, „� t.��►�..,, ,.�����„ ,, - �ill .. . . « ��'I�di• � 71f lr. .«..>..<..._. ..... . .. .. . . . _.. . � � � {�- - , � � � . • � �.����.��-�..�_. _ ' _ _ d._�_.� � , . _� .� . s. i , y . � • � j 1 1HIS 5!!�L F Gfi H'JL� USC U�1LY NU!�.� I 'F . ,_----____--._�_.�._� ..___ ..-.•--- --•----- _.._ -•---- �-�..- F.,RCC`''.i!.1i tiDn1ION � i � . Thc s�hrdvle tct fo:fh �n (31ock Ei hos i�c�n rcv�rri�•1 o��cl fo��,d r.:��;w!'�r. Y,� �;..riiu•�• «c„m•����i� it, u�;,r�,�:l. � � � S , ., , , /, � - � ., /� ,�/,��, ••. ,��. L t, ,; t•, � K �,a�, �.....�.[.�.1C _ �w.�. ���Ir,f,I, j�.� „rnuqr�'IIrV�:1�,q1�I Ih,.�y ., �,�rfi.i� li,•1 dl�d� /��11. �Itlrl'.l��ll � r i. 1 � �3`-6 - ._7_�-- 3 - q_ , � i,,t,�• --- - -- - ---- _ �,�,:�� - - - -�---- - - -- - - �F. nr�r�ova�. of o�:icri�i. c'• :.s'FNUCC S�►f�r��rt r �hc srl�,•�lulr �.�I (urlh �n flo� k fS it e�.prav�•d o��,{n�ay f.�•u•.�,I by It�c oq�,�, � 1c�r tl�• �w�rp...,.., s<•1 (o�t!� u� (:I.,� I, (4. MAR i � 1970 \, ' �� - �- - � � � ' � ' n,�►,� - l�,ti� ���, .l. � .�,.�i.l,i ��<:;,.,. r,� ,:,:�,,,,,,,,. /'iuti�nm(�or.�,/�,,:r!ti.�� ��,f S,rt��, �" \ G. SCffCI�UL[ 1'RCVIOUSI Y AF'PROVCD OY f1UU ' ' The schedul� set(orth in f3lock (i was opprov�d by HiID en___ 1 lC' O .'1—+ �� ---- — ---_. � Ary ogcncy in tl�r lucn�ity mny odo�,� �h�s��r�o•«d :�►,�:�ul�- 'oy cOmpl�t;r�� f31oc'� (, ( f I , , � ���� . '."— . - _- �\/ . �lrtfC ^ .�.5 tl.�t,ud Ji. - �. 1�� .�,1:1�/i�irn�.•�•�/�v �.✓ /'r�run�(:ie„i�i•u�tl;d��u.!'���;i,i�� . 11f�v1.:. �� . .. ... .. . . .� . . 11111� w...'. , i� � '°�r�'.n,._.,_.,. , �_ i _ � • � �:� .�.� �.ti ,. _ _. .. ` + , � • ':�t .,`... , ' _ ,,. ti, ". •.r ...}a f'�.'., . -� � v • � I V .�. 17'Y � 1 U.'.. DfPAkiMCNT Of NOUSN�. AN�� �:k'��r. ✓:_.c. � 4ch7 SL. F11U1, Minci����oCj� i n..:�.� / IC'�. :'k(�1t1 � r.l, �!'1 .. t '� SCHEDULk OF AYERAGE SALES r'RICEx fGh ��uucing nnd iterlevelupment Minn R-3/, Mi�� _ 57ANDARO NOU�ING IN LGCaLITY Aut�ortty of Che City Minn A-t -1 . �a t.f .,ni�G P�ul , Minn�.ndtn A-1 �2� �` �►`, . _ ._ . ... , . _.-�-- - - . .._ i _ i Q �• A" �' �,'���I I�1 �����:'1 ��1��uur �n������i� .�n./ . „�.0� �..r ll� � �J� ��. !�,�. � �....�.� � l (,.r , . f� ,.r.. ..�.�.� � l rr�.,n.•�t i��(. 1/�'� . .�I�� ��, r�� �� �i���1/lil/lil� .��i r�, 1 (/1.�� h �� I.�l. r.�..�7 . .�.1.� ����� r I f.��, �.. �. 1��. .i�.�..i���1 1...�.r, �.i� Il.. �.�.l•�I.� 1, � � ... Ip � � .�l�i��. r� 4,er �1 �����1 �����r� �v,l ../u.�ql� �� lr.���1 �..�,i .. . l n� .� � �, � �..���.,� r I.. ��.1���.r �1u�1 �lu Inl. nl. l(/.,.1 1 � . f� n�r�l I..• .,•ny�l.�r•�l. A. 1Y1'E OF SU14MtSJ1pN ANIiAPYUTAU!LIfY O! ,� Ni-.vt - �- - •-- � � Th�s is 1hr• wiqinal •.c hrAule propn��,1 rv uVpIY r i o l �� � ... . . i .a,.,�,t�, o: u�rr�1 l���f n.. . . . '�� i{�1•. 1• un q�nn��l�nd Sr1�r�u�f 'tu�r'rh�y� �lr ,i�, u�fr �,.1 'r. •, .. , � _ Junc 4� 1 7�7> _ � �.,i II�u p,.p��.� ul: �xi Re.�:�np tht anovnis ol �L. .,���n.�� .�: •. p�,,, ��Addinq odd�t�p�a� pro��c r�sl to N,o.e co��red bti ��• o,cv. .. ,I�I. �.f. �W�I'Pf•N �.r,.,,r� : n �uro) Mittn A-1-2t A-1-31 A-1-S wnd A-1 7 -- - _ _ . __- _ --- -. .. , �_J lh�s is on odop��on of a Sch�dui� �r��i�h,��I ovv�ov��a o, NI.; . � (�. A����II�v�1� 1•. I����if'.11�1 U� f��• ��.��fiw�•�.� ,�I�r����lf ��f 0.�.,i ,p ,.�. � ... I�.I 'l�1�����IIr� I����i'..r � ��. i��. 1 „� ����. �1�� ,.�� 1� �• Wlli 1.• ...�.� � �J����m�nnu� �hr aonnml o) the k�ylo�M�ery►J1o�.•.m.� No� �•t �r� �a• �,u•:�: ��. Lnn�L�s onJ u�d�r�d��•u w':,m�• ��i�y�l,Ir (�.r 11�. ��iy. �y �, � r oc�w�lwy e'w��h NUD r�q„I it�unt. _ .t � � - _ - _: -_ - '� _� SCM!GUL E „ - - .__ _ .__ .�.__ .---- ---- , - -•-� - - - ' �..� -- _. .-- - ---� -, - - • _ . _ , . .. , � .� ���� at�r.. � i �CORO(/M 2 flf f11�00MS - �1 H�DpOOMti � 4 U1 f�t��l�M'. RI-il•�1., 'A', t "..____ _. .. _. _ �..__ ',.— _ ' . - - ---.__ L-- _. . _ .. __ ..._� _._ . __. _ _ __ .-'-. - -. . � , In�uff�ciant � ! i � �PP Y s $18,7SQ • '+ $21 ,400 ' � $23,000 � s 25,000 _ ___ _ _ _. . . � -- --- - --- �._�� __. _ __. . . ►----- -- � - - (.. SUlSMI T i[n DY: _ • • � • _ . • , . � HOUSING AND Rl:UEVffiAF1�IENT�E�tlrH�llI1"�w 6xocutiv 01� TliB CITY OP SAINT PI�UL� H _IK?lE30TA ����p,� � �� °� __ QiCect.or I�i.���lu�►n� ,iK�n�r �u'n,���u� ,�f 1�.�/� �,l l�����rr ..... _ . ._ -" __�Iu1r------- -- . . . _ �'if/. _ _ _ . u. AUnPi IUN 0� ��Nf UUII /Nl �IOUSI� AP►RGV� u Nr .+,,; �• , �Ae _ .�..--"-._.- ny�e�: to odcpt the .r hedu�c m 111tK.A �S•�bovc, —_.___�N.pin����;-itirnc y . �.�� ,� I ` ����Ir �II�4.d�Nr a� �Jd��•n�i�.lf�l�n�/ ' • � . +r �rfl� � �....��....rw ._.. ��.�.+�.�.«..��w- . . -`1l4,... ..,.:p.r ...._.._ ._,._...,..__. . .. . . .. . . F.. . � 2 � � � 4 / /•. � • . � . • . . •th rl ...�' ' 1 � ��_� f 1N1; S�GE �ir t�"�tµ fOR HUD USL u•��Y �,--_..� — --.,._� F. k[C�)I�tMCN)�ATIUN �^ .h...l� 1�- ..� � ... � .�i � .,�.� � r. u....,i,�. � , .�..,,.....i .�. .,., ..�. . . �1�� � L,��I, u� IN•. i�. It�.� i�.��. . , • , • . � i '/� � �- � "i � � I �•11.(• �_' `� �, y ' � . � '�.. ! � /c:�-- �� ' �;,�.,, . , �,,. ��.u, � � r � .e.,,. l��r.•��.,i, r, �,n„ri�• �nJ b��„� �n,�l. �' �. /�ii-i.�,.n 3 " � " �-°---- 3 � � ;,.�. ' _ . ,,,,.. � . AI'PH(1VA1 �N ui:�(,IN�I 'Ih' AMI NOf I 1' NI I��ll � r, r�,. „�,�d4M ..� i-„�+, «,K�,Kw n,�.�".�.�e �, �t e. ...�.• w �'• '' �� �� ` 'u,,,,,,.y i„�.il �,io..� is. / '� � �:. �� �fA(i i � �°��� � _ _---- -_ --- --_ _ - i.,r.l,�nr ,•r�,�ru�l (,nti��:lr.�1,d (�,i _ — �_ .�. /'r�r�r,lm � �r.r�lMUh,� ,iml ��•�� r.�•� ° �)rttr /� , ! r` ( ..,.--�-----------__-- _ _ _ _.._.. ------ - -----__._ _ . _«.,�� . �.. ��.HlUUI l !'kf VUIUSIY APPROVLO 6Y HU(� �h.• ti hs�����• f�� lorfh �� Ria 4 D`•n� �y��vr,i py NUn V` . _ _ _. qny pg�ncy i� thr �OCO1ilr mOy �v0� �A�••opMnr�d S�ne0u1♦ Fry ..cr�G •r�n•� Ulo.4 n, � , . _ . .. .._ 1�.��1 tl�f i�t'�'�•.�1r1� ��lir�1��1. •��1�. 1.�� _.__ - lt���... �_ _ /'�„tir,i.�� (:n�r,l.mU.�,r� �nli ��n��� ; . , .�, \ _ s (�.. , � � • � ND 507 EXEiIBIT "F" ANTICIPATID DISPLACEMENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS FOR ALL NDP AREAS � � • r • i . � � .. . I ' I _lue......:� ti ..- . _ �' M)C-6122 Form appro�ed g�(II,IES i-66) `� T:.�� 1 of � BoQQet Bnrean No. 68-R926.b ' � PROJECT LOCALITY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN D�1iELOP1�3dT Saint Paul, Minnesota _ URBAN RENEIIAL PROGRAY PROJECT NAME M'd���a ESTIMATED HOU${!dG REQUIREM�t�TS A!!D PRBJEGT yuMeeQ � RE30URCES FOR DISPLACEQ fAMILIES A-1-2 ESTiMATEO LENGTM DATE OF SUBMISSION IXSTR(J�CTIOXS: Plaee ori�iwsl �w1 ow• eopr in e��d�r No. 1. OF OISPIACEMENT /� •�J sw• eopr •oeh in otAer 6iwJe►a. PERt00: _L—MOS. 1. NtlllER OF FNI I L I ES I N ►ROJECT AREA AMO NI�IdER TO BE D I SR.ACED . fANIIP.ES TOTAL WNITE NONWHITE a. Esti�at�d nu�D�: of f�ili�s in proj�ct arsa g 3 3 3 0 b. Esti�at�d nu�b�r to b� dlaplacsd fso� prop�rty 33 3 3 � to b• acqulr�d by I.PA e. Esti�at�d cu�b�r to be di�plac�d fros property O O to b• acqulr�d bp other publie bodie• 0 d. Estiaat�d au�l»r to b� di�placvd by rehabilitation, eon�er�ation. or cods enforc�ent aeti�iti N,froo proparty not to bs aoquir�d Q 0 � 11. CNMtACTERISTICS OF FMIIIiES TO sE DISPLACEO FRON PROPERT1f TO BE ACQUIRED 9Y LPA . WHITE NONwHITE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMIl1ES TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS TOTAI TENANTS O+NNERS a. ='c1f'wL 33 22 11 0 0 0 b. Eliqibl• Eor f�d�rallr aid�d public hou�ing 9 8 1 0 � Q c. Eliqibls tor State or lxally aid�d public hou�iaq O O O O O � d. Is�ligibl• for public hou�luq 2 4 [' 0 0 1{1. •CMARACTEJtI_STICS OF FAMILIES TO @E DISPLACED FRON P1i0PERTY TO BE A�CQUIR£D sY OTNER PUBLtC BOOIES NONMMITE -____ .. __. — WHITE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMILIES TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS TOTAL TENANTS OwN'ERS a. 7"UTAl. b. £liqible for EedsrallY afdsd public hou�ing c. Eligibl• fos Stat• or looallr nided public housinq d. In�liqible for publle Aou�lnq IY. CMJYtACTERISTIC3 OF FAA�lIIILIES t0 6E D1SrLA�CED SY REHABILITATIOM. COMSERVATION. OR CODE OIFORCE)IEMT ACTIYITIES. FRQI PROPfRTY MOT TO dE ACpUIRfD _ . --- WHITE � NONWHITE - ' - ESTIMATEO NUNBER OF FAMILIES - ToT�I TENANTS OwMERS TOTAL TENANTS ONNERS a. TOf AL b. F1 iqibls for fedsrall� aid�d publlc �ou�ing c. Eligible for Stac• or locallr aid�d publie hou�ing d. Ioeliqibl• for public hou�loq Y. /R0�'CSfD RfMOUSiNC OF FAMILIES IMCLUDEO IN BlOCK3 11. ill. and IV A80YE WHITE NONMHITE PROPOSEO RENOUSING TOTAI XISTING UNITS NEM UN�TS TOTAL EXISTiNG UNITS NEN UNITS a. ?OfAL FAMILIES b. Pcl�at• r�ntal hou�leq 1 3 c. Pri�at• wl�� hou�inq 1 O d. F�d�rally aid�d publie sousioq 1Q •. OtL�r public hou�inq EXHIBIT "F" • _ � , , � . t .. ;„-: . • � ' ,__ � ] ,• ' . unuu-eiz't � Paie.t or 6 FAMILIES ( 1-66) ►ROJECT NAME PROJEC? NUMBER Y1. SIZE AN� BEDli00M REQUIREMENTS. !Y INCCME. OF FAMILIES TO OE �ISPlACEO FROM PROJECT AREA (lwelrAe ell Iiited ander II, lll, snd IY) A. SIZE, BY INCOiE. OF RFIIlE FAIIILIES TO BE DISPLAC� FROM PAOJF.Cf A�tEA TOTA� NUMBER MUMBER OF FAMIl1ES 8Y �AMILY S12E 1 MON1HlY FAMILY. INCOME OF FANIIIES 1 3 p S 6 7 8 9 OR MORE �u' 33 7 12 8 1 3 1 1 0-199 _ 1 1 300-349 1 1 350-399 3 1 2 ' 4�0-444 � 2 3 . 450-499 4 1 3 500-549 4 2 1 550-599 1 1 600-649 650-699 2 2 700-749 75n or more 12 5 1 2 1 2 1 _YQY_xe�orte B. BF�ROOII ADWIIiEIEM'3, BY I[iCOIE. � NHI7E FA1tIL�S TO BE DISP[�1C£D MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS OF F�l11LIES 1 BEOROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 7t BEOROONS 5 OR MORE Tuc�t. 33 6 • 18 7 2 0-199 2 0-2 1 1 � 250-299 - 1 1 350-399 3 3 � \ 400-449 � 450-499 4 4 500-549- 4 2 � 1 1 550-599 1 1 600-649 650-699 � 2 700-749 ZSO or more 12 1 4 6 :1 1 Dr�r • si�sa` lit� diii�r�atistis� �li�ipl� iro� ia�l�Qipl• s..iii.s, e� :..�i� •is�, !Or adri��ioa to p�blic ro.si.a. , • . . . �. �- ����� � ' • � � i . � � . ; �.� _�_ t . - - - - --- --- - - - - ---- - , , � _ ' NUP-6122 Pa�e E oi 6 FAMILIES ( �-66) PRQJECT NAME � �ROJECT NUYEER Y1. �IIE AMD SEDN00l1 REW�RE)tOR3, BY INCOME. OF FAMILIE3 10 BE 0{3rLACED FNON PROJECT AREAr—Continu�d (I�ef�de �I1 listed aed�r ll, Ill, aed !Y) C. SIZE, BY INC.Q�. OF NON*tlITE FAl[ILIES 'PO BE DISPi�CID FRUI PAOJFX.T 1tRFJ1 MONTNLY FAMILT INCOME TOTAL �NUMBER NUNBER OF FMItLIES SY f�!!!LY SlZE i , OF FAMIIIES Z x 5 6 � 8 9 OR MORE TQfIIL O - 0-199 250-299 350-399 400-449 - 450-499 SOQ-549 550-599 600-649 650-699 . - 700-749 750-or.more D. BIDl1001I AF7QUIEtEl�N1'3. BY INC016. OF NOMHITE FAMB.ffS TO HE'DISPI.A((�D MONTHIT FAMILY INCOME TOTAI NUMBER BEDROOM RE IREMENTS OF FAMILIES 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BE�ROOMS q BEOROOMS S OR MONE Y'dfAL O _ 0-199 . - , - _ _ : _— 350-399 _ __ , 440-449 __ _ _ __ _ _--_ _. . _.�.� __ � 450-499 •_. __ __- -_--- _�_ 500-549 � 550-599 _. , _ __ 600-649 � 650-699 _ _ __ 700-749 750 or more ' 1 Drar a si�saQ liae differeatiatinQ eliQiDle iran iieliei�le far�ilies� DT lamll� sise, for admi6sioa to pablic lousia�. ....__,..�-.._ .._.__ _ F: . � . , { e . ! � �► : � . . . � � . � . ; . ; . : � :� . � � � . ,_.�_� �, ' � � HUb-6122 � pae4of5 Z - 66 � YNUJfCi NRYI PROJECT NUMBER Y11. ESTIMATEO REMOUSiNG REQUIRElEMTS AND AYAilA9ilITY A. Number of Units Required and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. 1 BEOROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEOROOMS Y BEDRQOMS 5 OR MORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO OE TO 8E 10 BE TTPE Of HOUSING RE_ AVA1 UBLE RE_ AYAILABIE RE_ AYAILABIE RE_ AVAILAdIE RE_ AYAILASIE OUIUE pUIRED pU1RE0 UINED UIRED EXiST- XIST- EXIST EXtST- EXiST IN6 NEw ING MER ING NEN IN6 NE� ING NEM i. vue�ic HousiNO 1 1 8 a. Federally Aided Rental2 1 T 0 T A L 2. STANOARO PRIVATE3 ROITAL MOU3INC TOTAL RENTALS g 2 1 Under $90 � 90-99 N Z W 6 100-109 � a � 110-119 1 : v� 12(1-129 1 1 0 c ° 130-139 I � � 140 and over 3 1 1 TOTAL SALES HSG. 4 S 1 FHA 235 Sales Private SalesHag. Under $14,000 14,000-14,999 � l 5,00�-l 5 ,999 1 M , g 16,0�0-16,999 2 1 � 17,000-17, 999 1 3 a 18,000-18,949 19,000-19,999 . 20,000 & over 1 1 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Existing standard private housing available at any one time during the period. �.,�.�.,..�.�.- .� .. _ . ��_ , � � • � �� � I i � . • ; � � , : _ +...__ � y„+�-.-....:._ _ . _ ..__.. .__ �• •- �, .. . 1 . r . Fonn appro�ed j�jgIDUALS �a'6122 � PM• 1 of � 8�0`�t Boreao Na 6�-R92b.6 ( 1-66) �ROJECT IOCAIITY DE]'ARTMFNT OF HWSING AND URBAN DBVEIAP1�3dT Saint Paul Minnesota UIfBAN RENEtAL PROGRAM PROJECT MAME Midwa S NDP .III EST I MATED MOU31 NG REQU I RENENTS AND rao�ecT Nureea RE30URCES FOR D 1 SPUCED I1�DIVIDIIALS A-1-2 ' ESTiMATEO IENGTM OATE OF SUBMISSION INSTA(ICTl01�15: P1�ee ori�iw�l �w� •�� e�p� ie Ai�le♦ No. 1, OF OISIUCEMENT •�j •a• teP� •�e� �w otA�r �i�Jer�. PER100: �MOS. 1. IIUIlER OF II'IDIV. IM ►A0.1ECT MEA MD MIMdER TO 9E 015PLACEO IIIDIVIDIIALS TOTAL MMITE NONWHITE a. E�tl�at�d nu�b�r of Indiv. in pro)�ot arw b. E�YL�Q��d OY��[ to b• dl�plac�d lro� prop�rty eo b• acquir�d br 1�A 8 8 � e. Ertf�at�d nurbsr to M di�plae�d fro� prop�rty to b• acqul n d b�r oth�r publie bodie• � � � d. E�tl�at�d nu�b�r to b� displac�d by r�6obllitation, eon����ation. ' or eods antorow�ot acti�itl�s,froa prop�rty aot to b� aoqulr�d Q � � 11. CNMACTERISTICS OF INDIV. TO dE OISPLACED fitOM PROVERTY TO 8E ACQUIRED 9Y LPA WHITE NONMHtTE ESTIMATE� NUMBER Of IPIDNIDUALS TOTAI TENANTS 011NER5 TOTAL TENAN7S OMNERS a, 7'(7TAL $ 5 3 0 0 0 b. Eliqlbl• Ior f�d�sall� ald�d public Dousiaq 4 1 3 � � � c. ElfQibl• [or Stat• ot lxallr ald�d publle hou�iaq O O 0 O O O d. In�liqibl• [or public hor�l�p 4 4 IIi. •CN1I�ACTERI_STICS Oi INDN.TO eE Ot�LACED FROM ►IIO►ERTY TO OE MCpIiRED OY OT11ER PUBI�C BOOIE3 �- - - � MHITE MoNwHITE ESTIMATEO NUMBER OF �IVIDUALS TOTAL TENANTS ONNERS TUTAL TENANTS owMeas a. 7CRAL b. EI!qibl• (or I�d�rally aid�d pdblic Aouslnq c. Eliqibl• for Stat• or looallr aid�d public hou�inq d. In�liqi�le for publlc 6oYSinq IY. CMARAL?ERISTICS OF IND N.TO �E DISrLACED !Y REHABILITATION. COIISERYATiOM. OR CODE OIFORCOENT ACTIVITIES. FR01 PRO�fRTY NOT TO �E ACQUIRED MHITE NONMNITE ESTIMAtED MUMBER OF nQpj�/jDjJAj,S toT�l TENANTS OfIMERS TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS a. 7'UfAL b. F1SqiD1• for [�d�rallr oid�d pYblle hou�inq c, Elfgibl• for Stnt• or locallr afd�d publlc hou�ing d. Io�11qiD1• Eor public hou�laq Y, /RO►OSfO RENW S1pC OF IHD IV. INCLUDED IM BLOCKS 11, 111. and IY AlOVE WHITE NONMHITE PROPOSE� RENOUSING TOTAL xISTIMG UMITS XEY UNITS T01AL EXISTIXG UNITS NEw UNITS a. TCJfAL II�IDIYIDUALS $ � b. Prl�at• r�etal 6en�inq (� . c. Pri�at• •al�• Sou�loq O d, F�d�rally ald�d publlc 4 hou�loq •. Oth�r publle bou�ioq � _ ' i . ! � � '� ' I . � ,- ; . . � :_.v.._...._.._.i _�..._....... . .... _.. . . . . l-....... .. � � . f ` . - . . . . � ' . . . � IIMU��12� Ps�e i ot 6 INDIVZDZTAI.S ( 1-66) ►ROJEtT NAME �ROJECT NUMBER Y1. SIZE ANO BEDACOM REQUIREMEMTS� SY INCOME, OF INDIV. TO sE D13PUCE0 FROM PROJECT AREA (/we1�Ae all l�ited �ndrr !I, III, a�d !Y) A. 512E, BY INCOI�. Of TFtI7E Ij�jD�1� TO HE DISPIAC� E'RON PftUJECT 1tAFJl MOMTHIY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER Of INDIV. 2 3 4 S 6 1 8 9 OR MORE Tarru. 8 0-l 99 " 1 2 - 300-349 350-399 . 1 � _ • 400-449 450-499 500-549 550-599 600-649 1 . 650-699 - 7�0-749 . 750 or more B. BfTii100N �:�.7u:?�11�2fi9. BY Ii�. GF RHI7E IIdDIV. TO � DISPLA�:D TOTAL kJMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS MONTMLY INCOME �F IND N� 1 DEDROOM 2 BEDROONS 3 BEOROONS 4 EEOROOMS S OR MORE Tt1[AL � - � 0-199 3 2 0-2 � 250-299 350-399 1 400-449 2 450-499 ` � 500-549 550-599 600-649 1 650-699 , 700-749 ' 75D AI m0�'�' � 1 Drar a si�sy lia� d�1f�r��t�atia� •li�iel� iros ia�ll��p1• s.oiii.., 0� iril� •is�, tor adoi��io� to p�blie Yo��ia�. _ _.�__.___._r_-- _._ _ , �.,._. _. . � � � � . � _. ,� _.. . . . . � � � � . ' HUD-61?2 Pa�• E of 6 �1�mQ�.$ ( 1-66) �AOJECT M�M( ` •RGJfCT NUM�Ep Y 1. �I ZE 1N10 OEDR0011 REW�R010R3, !r I NCOME. OF INDIV�1C BE 013�LACFA FN011 iROJECf AItE�—Coet 1 nu�d (lwtl�d• �l! li+t�d •�1er Il, III, •wd IY) C. SIZE. BY INC01�. OF HOtRHI7'E INDIV. Ta BE DISPlJ1CID FRCM P4fOJDCT ARFJI NONTNLY INCOME TOTAL-MUMBER OF jj�jj,� 2 � 5 6 � 8 9 Oit MORE TO'fAL � 0-199 250-299 350-399 400-449 �450-499 500-549 � 550-599 600-649 650-699 700-749 750-br. more D. BIDtiOCM AEQUTAE]�Ni'S. B7 INCOIE. OE' NDNRHI'[E IND�.70 BE DISR.ACm TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM RE IREMENTS MONTHL� INCOME pF ��� 1 BEOROOY 2 BEOROOMS j BEDROOMS K BEOROOMS S OR MORE TQfAL O 0-1-99 . 350-399 ' 400-449 � ��.� 450-499 500-549 550-599 600-649 650-699 700-749 750 or more . _._ . .�_-- . . . " � s �► �. � .�.__.: � M � � ° . . RUD-6122 • Pa e 4 of 5 � 1 - 66 ' YabJFCT a�rf PROJECT NUMBEit Y11. ESTIMATEO RENOtlSING REQUIREMEMTS AND AVAILABIIITY A. Number of Units Required and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. � 1 BEOROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEUROOMS Y BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE BEOROOMS TO EE TO 8E TO BE TO 8E TO BE TYPE Of MOUSING RE_ I1VAIlABIE RE_ AVAlLABLE RE_ AYAILAEIE RE_ AYAILAELE RE_ AVAilABIE . OLIRE OUIRED OUIREO UIREO UINED — EXIST— u15T— E1cIST EXtST— EXIST ING NE� ING NE� ING NEN IMG NEw ING �Ew 1. PU9LIC HOUSIN6 1 3 a. Federally Aided Rental2 1 T 0 T A L 4 2. 3TANDARO PRIYATE 3 ROITAL MOUSIM6 4 TOTAL RENTALS Under $90 s 90-99 � � 100-109 � � � 110-119 . 1 s � 12(1-129 1 0 s ° 130-139 2 . 140 and over ' TOTAL SALES HSGo FHA 235 Sales Private SalesHag. Under $14,000 �` ]4,000-14,999 � ] 5�00�-15 ,999 « g 16,0�0-16,999 � 17,000-17, 999 � a 18,000-18,999 19,000-19,999 20,000 � over 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Existing standard private housing available at any one time during the period. _ __. . f�` _ � . f ' � � } � . .......__.___ _ .__ __ _ _ , - . � ,, . . � � Pn'a 1 ot d Bod`�t BnreaapHa�6S-R926.6 �N mU�S �Q3666) � � ( ►ROJECT IOCAIITt DEPARTMENT OF ROUSING AND URBAN DE.'VFi,OPAA�iVT SAINT PA�L, MINNESOTA - URBAN R6NE�AL PROGflAY �ROJECT NAME EST I W1TED NOU31 q6 RE t1 I REA�NTS AIlO THQ�IAS-DALE NDP III Q ►ROJECT NUMBER RESOURCES FOR DtSPUCED ItdDIVIDUALS A-1-3 ESTiMATEO LENGTM DA7E Of SUDMISSION INSlMlCflONS: P►�ee eri�iw�l �w1 e�♦ e�py iw eiw��r Mo, l, OF �ISPLACEMEMT 7 •�l •�• tepr •�eA iw etAer �iw1�r�. PERIOD: �` NOS. 1. NIMER OFINDIV. IM rAO.IECT MEA ANO MIMaER TO SE OISVLACED IIdDIDIDIIALS TOTAI MMITE NONMHITE a. E�tl�at�d nu�b�r ot Iadiv. io proj�ct as�a 1� 1� � b. E�tl�at�d uu�l»r to b� di�plae�d fso� prop�rtr to b• acquir�d bp 1pA ],Q 10 Q e. E�tl�at�d aurb�r to b� di�plac�d (ro� prop�rty to b• acqufr�d bq oth�r publie bodle• � � � d.. E�ti�ct�d nu�b�r to !» di�plaad by r�bubllltatton, coas�r�atioa. or cod• entorew�ut actlritl N,Eroe prop�rty not to b� aoqulr�d Q Q � 11. CMARAC1'ER15TiCS OF INDIV. TO !E OISfLACED fRflM PROOERTY TO BE ACQUIREO � LPA MHITE NONMNITE ESTIMATED MUMBER �F ��T]DU�,.S TOTAI TEMANTS OwNERS TOTAI TENANTS OIINERS a. Tc7tAL 10 3 7 0 0 0 b. Eliqlt!• for t.a.�aii� ata.a P�bis�e�.ioy 6 2 4 � � 0 e. E1lalbl� [or Stat• os locall� ald�d publlc hou�laq � 0 � � � � � d. In�llqlbl• [or publle Aor�inq 4 1 3 � � � i i�. •CNARACTERI.STIC3 OF II�IDIV,TO SE OIS►lACEO fROM h10►ERTY TO SE ACplIRE� SY OT11ER PUBIIC 6001E3 ESTiMATE� NUMBER OF j�jnIDUALS ^ MHITE NONWHITE TOTAL TENANTS OtNEAS TOTAL TENANTS OMN'ERS a. Tal'AL b. E1!gibl• for f�d�rallr aid�d pnblic Sou�ieq � c. Eliqibl• for Stat• or loaallr ald�d public hou�fsq d. Ia�liqibls tor publte honsinq IY. CMARACTERISTICS Of INDIV,TO •E DISfLACED dY REiIABILITATION, C01l3ERVATION, OR COOE OIFOIICElENT ACTIVITIE3. FR01 YIIO►OtTY MOT T'� �E AR:QYIRED . • ESTINATE� NUMBER OF �j`/IDIIALS MHITE NONMHITE TOTAL TENANTS ONMERS TOTAI TENANTS OwNEaS a. 7'QI'AL � b. Eliqlbl• for f�d�rall� ald�d p�bllc hou�inq � � c. Ellgibl• for Stat• or locall� ald�d publlc hou�fng d. Io�llqlbl• for pualic he��laq V. ►ROr03ED REMOU3111G OF II�TDIy� IIICLI�ED IN BIOCKS 11. I11. and IY �lOYE MHITE NONMHiTE PROPOSEO RENOUSING TOTAL xISTING UNITS NEM UNtTS TOTAL EXISTING uN1T5 MEw uwlTs o. TC1[Al. II1DjVIDIIALS lO O ____ b. PEi�at�_r�ntal 6en�ieq 2. _ _ O c. Pri�at• •al�• Aousinq 2 O d. F�d�ra117 ald�d pnblic ' __- bewlsq _ 6 - p .. ock.� p�bii� ao�.�9 0 0 .. ..,.4...,,.._._._ r. . , ; i • � , . � � ' '�� � � ' I , 6........� . . �- - , . i . . . � � . , � . un Ul?-6121 Pa�• Y ot 6 � �D�m��.$ ( 1-66) ►ROJECT NANE THC�IAS-DALE rao,recT NUMBER �-L-3 Y1. 31ZE AND BEOAOOM REQUIREMENT3, Slf INCOME, OF IND N. TO dE DISPLACEO FROM.PROJECT AREA (/ecl�dt all f�ated unde► LI, I11, end IY) A. SIZE, BY fNC0/E. OF �HI7E �jDN� TO HE DISPLIC�D FROM PROJECf i�RFJ1 TJTAL NUMBER NON�HLY INCONE Of INDIV. - 2 3 Y S 6 7 8 9 OR MORE T(7TAL l o 0-1 99 5 _ - 1 . . 2 - 300-349 1 350-399 � � ' 400-449 - 450-499 1 � 500-549 1 : _ � 550-599 . 600-649 . 650-699 700-749 or more 1 � B: B�lidOM AEQUIF�I�M'S. BY I!lOOIE. CF tHI1£ INDIV. ?O � DISPUI�:D MONTHLT INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM REOUIREMENTS OF �D�� 1 DEONOOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEOROOMS u BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE Tvtu. 10 10 0-1 99 5 5 2 �-2 1 L 250-299 1 1 350-399 400-449 45Q-499 1 1 500-549 1 1 550-599 600-649 650-699 700-749 75Q �r mpre 1 � 1 _1_.___ � D��r a ti�sy li�• dlif�r�atfati�� �li�i►1• iro� 1a�1i�101• fasili�a, e� f�il� •is�� !or adsi��ios to p�blie �os�ia�. . __ _ t._ .., i . � . � • � � ��._ _ . _ _ _. _______ _ _ _ �.�_�. . � �� . • . . r . . Huo-6i�z � e.�• a or e IIdDIVIDIIALS ( 1-66) rpo�ccr NAMC THCMAS—DALE _ � , rac,,tcT Mureea A-1-3 Y1. SIZE AMD lEOil00M REQUIREl9ENT3, !� INCOIIE. OF INDZV�1� BE DISrLACm FROQI PROJECT AREA--Continwd ((wc1�A♦ �II liatid re�tr 1l. Ill. •wd IY) ' C. SIZE, B7 UJCC1�. OF NOtl�NITE II�DIV. 7'O BE DISPL�CID F16Q1 PitOJF)CT ARFJ1 _ NONTHIY INCOME TOTAL �NUMBER OF jj�jV., 2 X S 6 7 8 9 OR MORE TorAt' 0 0-199 _ � 250-299 350-399 . , . � � 400-449 450-499 - 500-549 550-599 - 600-649 650-699 700-749 750-�r.more ' D. BFD1i0p1 REQUTAf]�X!'3. SY INCOIE. OF' NDNRHITE INDN.70 BE DISAJ►C�D TOTAL NIJMBER BEDROOM RE IREMENTS NONTHI.Y (NCOME pf I��� 1 BEOROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS Y BEOROOMS S OR NORE TQfAI. 0 . 0-199 � 350-399 ' 400-449 450-499 � 500-549 550-599 600-649 � 650-699 700-749 750 or more ,..,..�-,,...-.-.� . _ . . � �.,. . ! _ a � � - � i . ' i . � � ' . � � ���.._� � '' ,� � ' . � HUD-6122 � . Pae4of5 � � 1 - 66 � VWt�dFCt N�r� PROJECT NUMBER THCMAS-DALE _ A-1-3 VI1. ESTIMATEp REHOUSIMG REQUIRElENTS AMO AYAIIABIIITY A. Number of Units Required and Fxpected to be Available During Displacement Period. � 1 BE�ROOM 2 BEOROONS 3 BEOROOMS • BEDROOMS S OR MORE BEDROOMS TO BE TO 8E TO 8E TO BE TO eE TYPE OF HOUSING RE_ AYAILABLE RE_ AYA1l�BLE RE_ AYAILADIE RE_ AVAIIADLE RE_ AYA1lABLE pUIRE QUIRED OUIRED UIREO UIREO EXIS1- XiST- ExIST EXIST- EXIST 1� ING NEw IkG NEN ING NER ING NEw ING NE■ 1. PUBLIC MOUSIN6 1 6 a. Federally Aided Rental2 � T 0 T A L 6 2. STANDARO PRIVATE3 RpTAI HOUSIN6 • TOTAL RENTALS 2 Under $AO 2 � 9(1-99 � � 100-109 � J � 110-119 ' : u� 12(1-129 0 � ° 130-139 140 and over � TOTAL SALES HSG, 2 FHA 235 Sales 0 Private SalesHsg. 2 Under $14,000 14,000-14,999 1 � l 5,00�-15 ,999 1 M � 16,O(?0-16,999 � 17,000-17, 999 � a 18,000-18,999 19,000-19,999 20,000 & over 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Exfsting standard private housing available at any one time during the period. �__ : . _,_.,.._._��..,._ . ..__ ___ . F � 1 e � � ,� . 1 � �� . � r.�. - y� 1 `,� Fonn appro�ed HUD-6122 'Ps;�� of 6 BndQet Borean No. 6S-R926.s FAMILIES ( 1-66) PqOJEC7 LOCAIITY DEPARTM,ENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEZOPA�VT Saint Pau1, Minnesota- URBAN REHENAL PROGAAY PROJECI NAME NDP III EST i M.�TED H�!!S!!!� RF�J!R�!!�'!!TS �a�+J PRO�ECT wU�BER . RE30URCES FOR DISPLACED FAMlLIES Minn A-1- ' E5TIMATEO LENGTM OATE Of SUBMISSION INSTM/Cfl01rS: Plaee orisi�s! awl ow• eopr in Dindsr No. 1. OF DISPLACEMENT '/� •wl ow• eopy �aeh in�other biwd�r�. PERIOD: MOS. 1. NUl�ER Of FRlIILIES 1M PROJECT AItEA Ni0 pUMeER TO BE OISptACED fAMILPES TOTAL MHITE NONWHITE a. E�tiaated nu�b�r of f�ili�s in proj�ct area 5 2 S 1 � b. Estl�at�d ou�b�r to b• dl�placed itos prop�rty to b� acqulred by LPA $2 5 1 � e. E�ti�ated nu�bar to be displac�d fros property to b• acqulr�d by other publlc bodies � d. Esti�atad nu�b�t to be displaced by reLabilitation, consez�ation, or code enfosoe�snt acti�itiss,froo property not to be aequlred � JI. CNI16tACfER15TICS OF F1WIl1E3 TO BE DISi't.ACED FROM PROPERTY TO BE ACW�RE� BY LPA WHITE NONMHITE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMIIIES TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS TOTAI TENANTS OMNERS a. 1'v171L 1 0 b. Eliqibls for f�d�rally aidod pnblic hou�ing 7 7 c. Eliqlbla for Stat� or loeallr aid�d public housing d. In�liqible for public hou�iaq 1 111. •Ckl10tACTERI_5TIC3 OF FANILIES TO BE D13�LACED FROM Pf�OPERTIf TO BE ACQUIREO SY OTHER PUBLIC BODtE3 , WMITE NONWHITE ESTiMaTED MUHBER OF FaMII�ES ToTa� TENANTS OMNERS TOTAI TENANTS OMN'ERS a. TOri'Al. b. Eligibls for fedezall� aidsd public hou�ing c. Eliqible for Stat• oz locallr aided public hou�ing d. Iaeligible for public housinq IY. CNARAL'TER15�lCS OF FAiNIIIES TO SE DIS�LA�CED dY REHABILITATI011, CONSERYATION. OR COOE ENFORCE?IENT ACTIVITIE3. FROPI PR01'f�T`( MOT TO EE A�Q6JIRED �, WHITE NONWHITE ESTINATEO NUMBER OF FAMILIES TOTAL TENANTS OqMERS 70TA1 TENANTS ONNERS a. TOfAI. b. E11qib1• for fedsrall� aided publie hou�inq \'�. c. Eligible for Stats or locallY aid�d public hou�ing d. Iaellq161• Eor puDlic hou�inq y. IROrOSEO RENOUSIp6: OF FJIMILIES IRCLIl�ED IM BLOCKS 11. II1, and IV ABOYE WHITE NONMHITE PROPOSED RENOUSING TOT�L XISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAI EXISTING UNITS NEW UNITS a. TUI'AL FAMILIES 5� � b. Psi�at• r�otal housinq lO � e. Pri�at• �al�s hou�ing 1 7- � d. F�d�rally aid�d public 1►ousinq 2!} ' 0 •. Oth�r publie housinq � ,»._,,,,,�._. ..... .. _. ,_.__ . _ .,_ _._ l�.. , � . , i � � � Y ._:..... .. . .._ . ... ... .... . � � �! � . • �'� ' � , � � �~ ���`� � , p+�e � o! 6 --_.'` `'-- - _ _ �W __� - • - ' ' ---- ---�_ . - .�0 � ---.. � ' MUD-6122 .d• k,�. � 1-66) ' � � s ! % � � 3�I��IIi�'+�au..r.._.x...:,< ,.,>... t...... .�R MORE --.. .,,•.., _.— _ . R • . r' � ilMUl}-0122 �.Pa`� .� or s RAMILIES ( 1-66) ►ROJELT NAME Thoma.s-D819 PROJECT NUMBER �;�;�n A��� YI. 31ZE AND BEOROOM REQUIRElIEIIT3, 61f INCOME, OF FAMILIES TO SE DISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA (Jnctrdt eIl liitcd uwder II, I11, •nd IY) • A. STZE, BY INCOi�, OF' �HI'IE FAl(ILI£S TO BE DISPUCID F1tOM PROJECf Aft£A rOTAL NllMBER NUM9ER OF fAMIIIES BY FAMILY SIZE s MONTHIY FAMILY, INCOME Of FAMILIES 2 3 q 5 6 1 9 9 OR MORE � rvru. � 0-199 � � - 5 1 1 _ 2 300-349 10 3 1 3 2 � 350-399 � 1 2 ' 404-449 3 1 � � 450-499 2 2 500-549 � 1 550-599 600-649 5 � � 1 550-699 2 2 ` 700-749 � � � •75Q or more 12 2 3 4 1 2 8. BFDliUDH 71F)QU1�lEM3. BY I!lOOIIE, C� wfiI'1£ FAliliItS 1'O BE D2SRJIC£D NONTMLY FAMILT INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS OF FAMILIES 1 BEDROON 2 BEOROONS 3 BEOROOMS 4 BEOROOMS 5 OR NORE TQPAL 1 �7 0-1 99 1 2 0-2 ? � 250-299 2 - 10 350-399 � 1 400-449 3 1 450-499 2 � 500-549- � � 550-599 600-649 5 � � � 650-699 2 � 700-749 2 750 or more 12 S 5 1 - 1 Drar a si�s�` lia� diii�teatiatia� �li�1E1� lraei i..iiaiei• fyili�s� b� laisil� �is�. !or sAsii��ioa to p�blic Ioa�i�`. ...w...._, _ . _.. - - . r �. ; . � � • ' ,:.�_.: , . i � � � HUD-6122 pae4ofS 1 - 66 rwuJEC1 w�r1 PROJECT NUMBEN Thomas-D�.le Y11. ESTIMATEO REMOpSING REQUIREIENT3 AMO AYAILABILITT A. Number of Units Required and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. � 1 BEDROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BE�ROOMS Y BEOROOMS S OR MORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE TYPE OF MOUSIMG RE_ AYAILABIE RE_ AYAILADLE RE_ AVA1lABlE RE_ AYAILAaLE RE_ AYA1 UBIE OUIRE OUIRED OUIREO UIRED UIRED EXIST- XIST- E1(IST EXIST- EXIST NEw NE■ NEN NEM NEw ING 1,1 IM6 IN6 ING ING 1. oUBLIC HOUSIN6 1 3 1 0 7 • a. Federally Aided Rental2 0 0 T 0 T A L ?. STANDARD PRIVATE 3 REIITAL MOUSIMC TOTAL RENTALS 3 � 6 p Under $90 � � � 2 � 9�-99 � z d l OC1-109 ,, � 1 � � 110-119 : � 12�-129 0 a � 130-139 140 and over ' � TOTAL SALES HSG, 1 9 7 , FHA 235 Sales � 4 4 1 Private SalesHag. 0 4 Under $14,000 � �� � ]4,000-14,999 � � 15�0��-15 ,999 p � � 16,Of?0-16,999 � � 17,000-17, 999 0 a 18,Q00-18,999 � � � 19,000-19,999 Q 0 20,000 & over p 0 1 � . Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. �. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. �1. Facisting standard private housing available at any one time during the period. ,._ _., � { � � � � �:.. i .. v..�,�__�._.. _.__._.__ ' ..__� 4 _ ' _. - , _.. �y!` � � 4 � Fornt appro�ed iW0-6122 FAMILIES 1-66) � Fa�� 1 ot 6 Badget Harean No. 6S-R926.b � PROJECT LOCAIITf D�ARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVE3APN�iT Saint Paul, Minnesota . URBAN P6NE�AL PAOCRAY PROJECT NANE . Central Core NDP III EST I MATED HOtl3!NG RE¢U I REt�4�01TS A�D PRO,;ccr �u�eeea � RESOURCES FOR DISPLACED FAMILIES Minn. A-1-5 ESTiMATEO LENGTM OA7E OF SUBMISSION INSTMJ�CTION3: Pleet ori`iwsl �w1 ow• eopy in Aindtr No. 1. OF �ISPLACEMENT •w[ ew• topr •aeh in otAer ►isa�rs. PERI00: �—MOS. 1. MtN�ER Of FIW 1 l I ES I M PAOJ ECT AREA Ai1D MI�ER 70 BE D I S?lACEO FAMILPES T07AL NHITE NONWMITE a. E�ti�at�d nu�b�r oE f�il1�• in proj�ct ar�a b. E�tl�at�d nu�b�r to b� di�placed Iro� prop�rty 7 6 1 to b� acquir�d by I.?A e. Esti�et�d nv�ber to bs di�plac�d iro� prop�sty to b• acqulr�d by other public bodis� d. E�ti�atsd cu�l»r to b� di�plaad by rebabilitation, conser�atioa. or code aotoroe��nt acti�ities,[roe properiy not to bs acquir�d (1. CMMtACTER�STICS OF FAM{LIES TO 8E DISPLACEO fRaF1 PROPERTY TO 8E A�CQUIRED BY LPA � WHITE NONNHITE ESTIMATEU NUMBER OF FAMILIES TOTAI TENAN7S OWNERS TOTAL TENANTS ONNERS Q, rc�AL 6 6 0 1 1 0 �. Eliqlbl• for f�d�rallr aid�d public hou�ing 5 5 � 1 1 ' � e. Eliqibls for State or loeallr aid�d public houainq Q Q � � 0 � d. In�liqlbl• for public hou�inq 1 1 � � � 0 t�l. �CNNtA�CTEItI_STICS aF FAMILIES TO BE DISPLACED fROM P!lOPERTY TO BE AiCQUIREO OY OTHER PUBLIC BOOIES MHITE NONWHITE ESTIMATEO NUMBER OF FAMILIES tOT�I TENANTS OwNERS TOTAI TENANTS ONN'ERS a. TUl'AL b. Eligibls foz fedsra117 aldsd public hou�ing c. Eliqibl• for Stat� or loca117 uided public hou�inq . ._ __ _ . _ _ _ ' d. In�liqible for publie �ousiaq IY. CNARACTERISTICS OF FAPIILIES TO dE OISpLACEO SY REHABiLITATION, Cd13ERVATION, OR COOE DIFORCEIIENT ACTIVITIES, _ FR(�f P ROPfRTY MOT TO BE ACQU{RfD _ . _ - _ -- --- _ _. ___ WH ITE _ MONMH I TE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FAMILIES tOT�I TEN�NTS OwNERS 10TAL TEUANTS OwNERS a. TCA'AI. __ __ b. F11qib1• tor fedsrallT aidsd pubile hou�iag c. Eliqibls for Stats or locallr aid�d public Lou�inq d. Iosligibl• Eor public hou�inq Y. IROrOSED ROIOUSINC OF FAMILIES iMCU�ED IM BlOCK3 11� 1 f t. and IV It�VE - -- WHITE NONMHITE PROPOSED REMOUSING TOTAL xISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAL EXISTING UNITS NEM UNITS a. 2'OtAI. FANILIES G _ _ 1 -- b. Pri�at• r�ntal bou�iaq 1. _ _ ___..___ _ _ _ _.. 0 '._ ._ c. Prl�at� �al�• housiaq _ � _ _ -- - _ _._ _ � d. F�d�rallr ald�d public 5 1 Sowlnq _ _ . . •. Ocb�r pu6lic houslaq _ Q __. _. __ _._�_ . _ .� ___ � EXHIBIT "F" . _ _ ,._ . __. _ .. _ r { � � • � ��-� • , �. ,�..:.. �_ .y.._. �.___...._. :__ _ _ . __ �--_.� ._.. _.. .,.... � _ .. t '► •' � . J FAMILIES ��„uwai2r f Pa��-! of 6 ( 1-66) ►ROJECT NAME CENTRAL CORE I`TDP PROJECT NUMEEN MIPIN A"1� YI. SIZE ANO BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS. !Y IMCOME, OF FMIILIES TO BE DISPUCED FROM PROJECT AREA ([�tlrae atI Iiited a�der !I, III, •nd !Y) A. SI2E, B7 INCOI�� OF �tiT1E FAMILIES TO � DISPIJICID FROM PROJEC.T AAFA � NONTNLY FAMIIY. INCOME TOTAI NUMBER NUMBfR OF FAMIIIES 9Y iAMILY St2E 1 Of fAMIL1ES 2 4 5 6 7 9 9 OR MORE taru. 6 3 2 1 . 0-199 2 1 1 0 - 2 1 0 1 _ � 300-349 0 0 0 0 350-399 0 0 0 0 ' 400-444 0 0 0 0 450-499 0 0 0 0 500-549 1 0 1 0 550-599 0 0 0 0 500-649 0 0 0 0 650-699 0 0 0 0 � 700-749 0 0 0 0 •750 or more 1 1 0 0 B. BIDHOOM AF7Qt)IAEIEM'3. BY IlIL�01�. CF wHI7E FAMIL�S TO HE DISPlJiCED MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BE�ROOM REQUIREMENTS OF FAMILIES 1 BEOROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 1t BEOROOMS 5 OR MORE Tvru 6 2 4 . 0-199 2 1 1 2 0-2 2 1 1 250-299 350-399 . 400-449 450-499 . - 500-549- 1 1 550-599 600-649 650-699 700-749 "750 or more 1 1 � 1 Dr�r a si�s�� lia• d�ti�r�atiatii� •li�iei. lraw ia�li�ipl� iwili�s� b� fa�il� �i=e. !or ad�i��io� to p�Elic �oa�is�. . �. : _ _.._. '_ �..� 1 � . ► � � � � . � � � i � � � .,.. " ..__...� , _—.ti - - - - --- -- - - - - - ---- - � c��� ,, HUD-6122 Ra�• E ot 6 ' FAMILIES ( 1-e6) /NOJECT MAME CENTRAL CORE NDP PROJECT NUMBER MINN. A�1-S yl, �12E AND BEDN00l1 REQUIRENENT3. BY INCd1E. OF FAMILIES i0 BE D19�lACED FNOM PROJECT AitE�—Coetinu�d lwclyd• ali liited oedsr ll, III, awd IY) C. SIZE, 87 INCC71�, OF' NOM1iITE FAlIILIFS 10 BE DISPLACID FAiM PROJFX.T AflFJ! MONTHIY FAMILY iNCOME TOTAL �NUMBER NUMBER OF FAMILIES BY F�!1lLY SIZE 1 _ OF fAMIl1ES Z x 5 6 7 9 9 OR MORE TONIL 1 1 0-199 0 0 - 1 1 250-299 350-399 � 400-449 � � 450-499 500-549 . 550-599 600-649 650-699 700-749 750-or.more D. BIDA�DqI RF7QUTAE]ffM'S. B7 Il1COIE. OF NOt�tiI'iE FAMII.ffS 'PO � DISPUICID MONTHLY FAMIIY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM RE IREMENTS Of FAMILIES 1 8EdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS tl BEOROOMS S OR NORE TQCAL 1 ]. 0-199 p p 350-399 440-449 450-499 500-549 550-599 600-649 � 650-699 )00-749 750 or more � Dr�r a si�saQ line differe�tiatin` eliQiDle lran iaeli�iDle feniliea� b� famil� sise, for admiseioa to p�blie lousi�`. +�a'+�.,�.»�..,,._-._.....�.._. �.__. I . P � � �.. . , � 1 � � i �� .� �� •''; - . HUD-6122 'Pa e 4 of 5 F�MnIES 1 - 66 ' YNUdfCT N�ri PROJECT NUMBER ' CENTRAL CORE NDP M7NN. A-1-5 . Y11. ESTIMATEO REHOUSING REQUIRElENTS AMD AYAiIABIIITY . A. Number of Units Required and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. 1 BE�ROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEOROONS Y BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO BE TO 9E TO DE TYPE OF NOUSING RE_ AYAILABLE RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AYAILABIE RE_ AYAILADLE RE_ AYAILABIE QUIRE OUIRED OUIREO UIRED UIRED Ex15T— NEw x15T— NE� Ex15T NEN ExIST— NEw ExIST NEN IN6 ING (N6 (N6 ING �. PUBLIC MOUS4N6 1 3 3 a. Federally Aided Rental2 � 0 T 0 T A L 3 3 2. STANOAItD PRIYATE3 ROITAL HOUSINC TOTAL RENTALS 1 Under $90 0 � 9�-99 0 r z � 100-109 0 �- a � H 110-119 0 � � 12(1-129 0 0 ec � ° 130-139 0 � 140 and over 1 � TOTAL SALES HSGo 0 FHA 235 Sales Private SalesAsg. Under $14,000 14,000-14,999 � ] 5,00�-15 ,999 .. g 16,0�0-16,999 � 17,000-17, 999 a 18,000-18,999 19,000-19,999 20,OOQ & over 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Existing standard private housing available at any one time during the period. ..._ _ . r^ � _ � � � �. � . , ... .. . _ . _. _ . _ _: _ � �_�.� . � ♦ .. _. Fo� nppro�ed j11Dj�/IDUALS ��"6122 � p��� � or � Bubt�t Boreao Na 63-R926.b ( 1-66) �IiOJECT LOCALITY DEpARTMENT OF HWSING AND URBAN DE,'VQ,OPA�3rT Saint Paul, Minnesota URBAN AENEIIAL PROGPAY PROJECI NAME � Central Core NDP III EST I MATEO HOUS I NG REQU 1 REMENTS AIlD PROJECT NUMB ER RESOURCES FOR DISPUCE� IlQDIVIDIIALS Minn. A-1-5 ESTIMATEO LENGTM OATE OF SUBMISSIOM 1�STM/CT/ONS: Ol�ee o►i�i��! �w1 ow• tep� iw AiwJrr Xo. 1, OF OtS�IACEMEMT � ��I •�� e�P� ��e� iw otA�r �isJ�ri. ' PER100: 1 Z MOS. 1. NIMER OFII'IDN. IM /ACJECT MEA AMO NIMEER TO 6E OISPLACED � II�TDIVIDIIALS TOT�L wMITE NONwMITE a. E�tl�at�d uu�b�r oE IIIdiV� in proj�ct ar�a b. E�tt�at�d nu�b�r to b• dl�plac�d fro� prop�rtp 65 6� S te b� aequir�d by IpA c. E�tf�at�d nu�ber to b� dl�plae�d�lro� prop�rty to b• ocquirsd bp oth�r publle bodi�• � d. E�tl�at�d ou�b�r to b� displac�d by t�habilltation, eon��r�ation. or cod• eoforcw�nt aeti�itlN,Ero� prop�rty not to b• acquir�d : II. CNMACTERISTICS OF INDIV. TO dE 013PLACEO FTtt)N PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIREG BY Lt�A � ESTIMATEO NUMBER.Of INDNIDUALS ��TE NONMNITE TOTAL TENANTS 01YNER5 TOT4l TENANTS OrNERS a, ror�c. 60 60 0 5 5 0 b. Eliqlbl• [or f�d�rall� aid�d public 6ou�laq 37 3 7 � 2 2 0 e. Ellqibl• tor Stat• or locall� aid�d publla hou�laq Q Q Q .Q Q � d. In�llqibl• tor publle hou�leq Z3 2 3 0 3 3 � � t1I. CNMACTERI_STICS Of IAID IV.TO QE DI 9lACED FROM ►RO►ERTT TO DE .ACQUIRED 6V OTMER PUBIIC BOOIES �-- MHITE NONWHITE ESTIMATEO NUMBER OF ��IIDUALS TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS TOTAL TENANTS OMN'ERS o. TCifAL . -- ��-b� El+gfbl• tor f�d�ra2lT aid�d pnblic housinq - --- - c. Eliqibl• for Stat• os loce117 aid�d pablic hou�inq � d. In�ligible for publie Dovsinq � � ►r. CMARACTER19T1CS OF II+ID N.TO dE DISKACED tY RENABILITATIaI. CON3ERYATIOM, OR COOE EMFOkC OENT ACTIVIT1ES. FRpI 7110PfRT1f MOT T'0 OE ACQU 1 RED MHITE NONMHITE _ ESTIMATE� NUNBER OF jp�jVIDIIALS ToT�I TENANTS ONMERS TOTA� TENANTS OMINERS a. TtTI'AL - ' - b. Elipibl• for f�dsrall� aid�d publie Eou�iaq c. Eliqibl• tor Stat• os looailr aid�d publle Eou�inq d. Io�liqlbl• ior puDlic hou�tap �• ►ROrOSED ROi0U31NC OF INDIV. INCLWED IN BLOCKS I 1. I 11� �nd IY AsOVE MHITE NONMHITE PROPOSED REMOUSING TOTAI XISTIMG UNITS NE� UNITS TOTAI EXISTING UNITS NEM UNITS a. rur�L II�IDIVIDUALS 60 5 �_ - -_- . _ - . .. _ _ __ - -.___. b• Pri�at• r.oeai eoe.ieg 20 3 -�._.. t. Pri�at• wl�• �ou�lnq � � d. P�d�rallr ald�d pubiYc _. _.. _ _.. _ ------___ — . --- . __.�___--- -- _ Aowlnq 37 2 -�.�.,., •, OtMr��Q.� 6ou�laq 3 � _ ... �.r. !._ , i f � � � �. � � I . i , , ' _.___.__,, ._ _ ____. ._ Y..,�._! :�'= , � � �mulr01T2 ,�`� � af 6 INDIV�IIAI.$ ( 1-66� �,,,�,1 NAME CENTRAL CORE NDP ►ROJECT NUMBER MINN. A�1-S �,, �It[ ANO BEDROOM REQUIREMIEMTS. SY INCOME. OF IND N. TO SE DISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA +����Q� alt litted ueder (l, IIl, and IY) ' � X 1 t G. flY INCOiE. OF' tH ITE jTjD IV. TO � DISPUI(� F110M PROJF.Ci' AAF1. ` TOTAL NUMBER ��,M�1 INCOME Of IldDN. ? 3 M S 6 7 8 9 OR MORE � TdtAL 60 . ' ��-199 23 � . .�,-�r _ 11 r� : � �C(1-� �. ` " _�` ���0-34� 6 `;,: � ?SE�-399 2 - ' � �t�0-449 5 �; �50-499 2 SQO-549 5 . � ';� 350-599 1 . �:� � 600-649 0 . , � �: 650-699 0 � 7n0-749 0 '�� �" 7�0 or more 0 _� �'�+ �!_ 8mR00N RF)C�lIIEIEM'S. B7 IIiC01�. CF �F1I7£ INDIV. TO � DISP[J10ED �' �11+U1 INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS 'F'� �F INDIV� 1 OEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS 4 BEDti00M5 S OR MORE � T�'� 60 60 • � � �-199 23 �. 2 �-? 11 11 � 250-299 5 5 ' 6 6 � - � 350-399 2 2 � 4�0-449 5 S � 450-499 2 2 � = 50�-549 5 5 SSO-599 1 1 6��0-649 0 0 R �►%ry-699 0 0 r � 7���-749 0 0 � � r �%�1 or more 0 0 � ���� � tl�sy lia• diii�r��tiatia� �li�ipl• lra� i��li/ipl� fasili��, D� f�eil� sis�� fos aA�i��io� to p�plie �o��i��. ,�....--.r,�._.._. , , _ �___- __ i � � � t . � i . � ,__ ' , _ ....�.J � • � , . ' . HU�6122 P�o• ! of 6 INDTVIDZIALS ( 1-66) •aorccr NAMC CENTRAL CORE NDP � /RWfGT MUMEEN MINN. A-1-5 �1. SIZE A110 SEOtl0011 REQUIROIEJITS, er i�ca�, OF u1DjV,1C BE D13RACm FAOM oROJECT AREA—Contlnu�d (lwcl�J• •It I�it�d re�tr Il, III, •wa IY) C. SIZE, BY I1100�, aF NOq�H12'E ��I�. 70 BE DISPl�CID f11�1 PIWJDC? ARfJ1 MONTHIY INCONE TOTAI �NUMBER OF �jj�� 2 � S 6 7 8 9 OR MORE TQl'AL S 0-199 2 250-299 1 350-399 0 � 400-449 1 450-499 p 500-549 1 550-599 0 600-649 0 650-699 p 700-749 0 � 750-br. more 0 ` D. BIDl10011 REQUIRF]�Ni'S. B7 INC01�, OF NOM�HIlE INDIy.1'O P� DISPlAC�D MONTNLY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEOROON RE IREMENTS Of II�IDIV� 1 BEdR00Y 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS M BEDROOMS S OR MORE TOCAL ,5 5 0-199 2 2 - 0 � _ 1 1 - 0 0 350-399 0 0 � �� � 400-449 1 1 � 45Q-499 0 0 500-549 1 1 � 550-599 0 0 600-649 0 0 � 650-699 0 0 700-749 0 0 - - ---- _ _ .. 750 or more 0 0 _ ______... .__ __ - � ; � � � • �._ _ . ; ,i..�..:J ' HUD-6122 INDNIDUALS 1 - 66 PROJECT NUNBEA I , �►?Y _ � MINN. A-1-5 ,�,,,W RIQUIRElENTS AM� AVAiIABiIITY ' ,aicf Required and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. ` . 1 BEOR�OM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 4 BEOROOMS S OR NORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE 70 6E TO BE TO �E w: �(� AVA1lA8LE RE_ AVJI1LAOlE pE_ AYAILA9lE RE_ AVA1 UBLE RE_ AYAILABLE �Y1Rt OUIRED QUIREO UIREO UIREO EXIST- XIST- EEIST EXIST- EXIST ING NEw ING NEN tNG NEM ING NEw ING NEM � ,��': 351 �`� . � 3 .�_a: S2 �...�� .�. .��:+�.s 23 i� - : _ q 4 t 2 4 9 + 0 , ... . � . _��'� 0 � ., �. +r„e:s�, 'rr �. •�s► ♦W r,r� ' 4 ,. . . . . � ����►. ♦ .� �+(+: � . � � .. ,.r,i+ : � .r r`` S � ' � "' ` ���n 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. "�►; - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. �'' Aard private housing available at any one time during the period. �,. ... � � • • . �. � � �..... �. • r. .• • Fotm approTed iIUD-6122 P��� 1 ot 6 BndQ�t Bareac No. 68-R926.b FAMILIES ( 1-66) PROJECT LOCALITr pE�ARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVFi,OPA�iT Saint Paul, Minnesota URBAN AENEI►AL PBOGPAY PROJECT NAME West Seventh Street NDP III EST Il�tATED HQUS!!!G REQU I RF!K!�TS A�� PROJECT NUYBFR , RESOURCES FOR DISPLACED FAh{ILIES Minn. A-1-7 ESTiMATEO LENGTN OATE Of SUBMISSION fNSf11�1CflON3: Plaes orisi��! swi o�• topr in Aind�r Mo. 1. OF D�SPLACEMENT 12 MOS. January 15� 1971 ��l ��� eop� •aeh in other Aiwde►�. PERIOD: �. MIIIeER OF FMIILIES IM PROJECT MEA ANO ptR16ER TO BE DISPLACED fAMILPES TOTAL MMITE NONWHITE u. Esci�at�d nu�b�r of f�ili�■ in proj�ct area b. E�ti�at�d nuat»r to b• di�placsd fros prop�sty 4 9 44 5 to bs acqulrsd by LPA e. E�ti�at�d nu�ber to bs di�placsd fros property O O 0 to b• acqair�d by other publie bodie■ d. E�ti�atsd nu�l»r to be di�placvd by rehabilitation, coases�ation, O os ccde enfo[ce�ent acti�itis�,fron property aot to be acqulr�d � � 11. CMNtACTERISTICS OF FAMILIES TO BE DISPLACEO fROM PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BY LpA MHITE NONWHITE ESTINATED NUMBER Of FAMILIES TOTAL TENANTS OWNERS ?OTAL TENANTS OMNERS a. Tcri'Ai. 44 34 10 5 5 0 b. Ellqibl• for [�d�rallp aidod public houaiag 21 j$ 3 4 �1 0 e. Elipible for Stat• or loeallT aid�d publlc hou�iaq � � NA � NA 1VA d. In�ligibls for public hou�inq 2 3 1 6 7 1 1 0 Itl. •CRARACTEJtI_STICS OF FAI@ILIES TO BE OISPLACED f'ROM PROPERTIf TO BE JYCQUIREO SY 0111ER PUBLIC 80DIE3 - WHITE NONWM�TE ESTIMATEO NUNBER OF FANILtES TOTAL TENANTS OwNERS TOTAI TENANTS OwN�ERS a. 'i�l'AL NA 1V�1 NA IdEi NA N�1 b. E11giDle (or fed�rallr aided public Aou�ing � c. Eliqibl• for Stat• or locullr aidsd public hou�ing d. In�ligibls for publie hou�laq ��, F�A,CT�Ep�TMC�OTF��ELI�ESWi�E DIS*LACED SY REHABILITATIOM. CdISERYATION. OR.COOE QIFORCDIEMT AGTIVITIES. WHITE NONWHITE ESTINATED MUMBER OF FANILIES TOTAL TENANTS ONNERS TOTAL TENANTS 0'NNERS a. rvru. NA NA NA NA NA NA b. F11qib1• for ted�sa117 alded publlc hou�inq c. Eligibls for State or locallY aid�d publle hou�iag � d. Ineliglbl• Eor public hou�lnq Y. ►ROPOSED REMOUSIIiC OF FAPIILIES IMClU�EO IN BLOCKS I1, 111, and IV A80YE . WHITE NONWHITE PROPOSED REMOUSING TOTAL XISTING UNITS NEM UNtTS TOTAL EXISTING UNITS NEw UNITS a. TOfAL FAMILIES 44 5 b. Pri�ate reatal 6ou�iaq 1� ], c. Psl�at• ■cl�• Aou�inq 1 3 Q d. F�d�rally aidsd public 2 1 (; hou�lnq •. Oth�r publie hou�icq � 0 -�.�...�.,.�.�..,�_.__�..._ __ , , �� � . G . { • : • F .. a�� _ _ ' _. ,ti ; �w�-.._ - . , w � � � • ' FAMILIES ��„uu-a i2r � •P��• ! of 6 ( 1-66) �����[(T NAME West Seventh Street NDP � rao�ecr NUMBER Minn. A-1-7' ��� s�ZE AIID BEDIiOaM REQUIREMEMTS, BY INCOME. OF FAMiL1E3 TO SE DISPLACED FROM PROJECT AREA (l�clyd• •fl [i�ted ueder II, 117. and IY) �. SIZE, BY INC01�• � �� fANILIES TO BE DISPUCID FROM PROJF.Cf AAEA � TOTAL NUMBER NUli9£R OF F4MIltES BY FAMILY S12E i w+KiNlr FAMILY INCOME Of fAkILIES 2 3 q 5 6 7 8 9 OR MORE T�"1' 44 21 10 3 4 5 1 0 0 0-]99 6 6 0 0 - 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 300-349 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 350-399 4 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 � 0 400-449 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 450-499 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500-549 4 3 0 ,0 1 0 0 0 0 550-599 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500-649 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 650-699 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 700-749 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 •750 or more 12 3 4 1 1 3 0 0 0 B. BF�lt00M NDC2UIREIEItP3. BY INC01�. CF �HI'IE FIllIILIES TO BE DISPLA(ED MONTMLY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL MUMBER BEDROOM REQUIREMENTS OF FANFLIES 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 EEOROOMS 4 BEOROON3 5 OR NORE T�u' 44 15 ' 18 5 6 0 0-199 6 2 4-2 5 3 2 0 `, 0 0 250-299 3 1 2 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 0 �350-399� 4 1 3 0 �'Q 0 400-449 2 1 0 0 1 \� 0 450-499 p 0 0 0 0 0 500-549- 4 3 0 0 1 0 550-599 p 0 0 0 0 0 600-649 1 0 0 0 1 0 650-699 3 0 3 0 0 0 . 700-749 g p 1 0 2 0 750 or more 12 2 5 4 1 0 1 Drar a si�ss` lia� difl�r�itiatia� �li�ipl• fra� it�li�ibl• faaili�s, p� ladil� •ise. ior ad�i�sioa to p�blie loa�ia`. ��'°w'.+:"..�....... . _ - � _ . � • • �- • i . , � j . , . �. . ...,.� �,i�.�...�,�.,:..: _ _ _ � -- - - - ---- --- - - - - ---- - � � � .� • • HUD-6122 P.�e s ot 6 FAMILIES ( 1-66) PROJECT NAME WeSt Sev�nth Street NDP �ROJECT MUMSEN Minn. �1-1-7 YI. SiZE ANO 8EOQ00�1 REQUIREMEMTS. BY IMC016E, OF FANILIE! tb BE DiS*LACED FQOM 1ROJECT A1tEA—CoeYlnu�d (Iwsl�d• �ll Iisted ded�r II, Ill, a�d IY) C. SIZE. B7 INCC�. OF N�t1�HITE FAIIILIES TO BE DISP'LACID FttUl PROJDCT ARFA NONTHIY FAMILY INCOME TOTAL �NUMBER NUM6ER 8F FAMiLlES EY fA.MILY SIIE i � OF fAMiIIES 2 x 5 6 7 9 9 OR MORE T�'w S ' 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-199 1 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 - p 0 0 0 0 0 0 250-299 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 350-399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400-449 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 � �0 450-499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500-549 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 550-599 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600-649 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 650-699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 700-749 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750-or.more 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 n. BmAOa� t�vui�xrs. sY nico�. oF Nor�r�+ne FAxu.gs ro � ais�►cc� MONTHLY fAMILY INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BE�ROOM RE IREMENTS OF FAMILIES 1 BEdR00Y 2 BEOROOMS 9 BE�ROOMS Y BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE T�'w 5 0 4 0 1 0 0-199 1 0 1 0 0 0 ' 2 0 2 0 � 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 350-399 p 0 0 0 0 0 440-449 1 0 1 0 �0, 0 � 450-499 p 0 0 0 0 ' 0 500-549 � 0 0 0 0 0 550-599 . p 0 0 0 0 0 600-649 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 650-699 p 0 0 0 0 0 700-749 p 0 0 0 0 0 750 or more 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Draw a si`saQ liae differeatiatinQ eliQi0le irom iaelielEle familiea� DT lamil� sice, !or aAmissioa to paDlic lousi�`. �.^�^.*,_-.�>._-�___..�. .. {--_ . .. r � � • � ; ' �� „� ' - FAMILIES HUD-6122 Pae4of5 1 - 66 ' VNI)JFCT N�w1 � - PROJECT NUMBER � , West Seventh Street_ NDP Minn. A-1-7 ; Ylt. ESTIMATED REMOUSING REQUIREIEMT3 AND AYA1lABILITY A. Number of Units Required and Expected to be Available During Displacement Period. • f BEOROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BE�ROOMS • BEDROOMS S OR MORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO BE TO BE' TO BE TYPE OF HOUSINC RE_ AYAILABIE RE_ AVAILABIE pE_ AVAILA9lE RE_ AYAILADIE RE_ AYAILABLE QUINE QUIRED OUIREO UIREO UIREO EXIST— XIST— E7cIST EXIST— EXIST ING NEw IN6 NEN ING NE� ING NEw (NG NEN 1. PUBLIC HOUSIM6 1 9 1 I 1 2 U a. Federally Aided Rental2 1 0 1 0 0 T 0 T A L 10 11 2 2 � 2. STANOARD PRIYATE 3 RDITAL HOUSINC TOTAL RENTALS 5 6 0 0 0 Under $90 � 1 0 0 0 N 9�-99 0 0 0 0 0 z w s 100-109 p 0 0 0 0 �. a � 110-119 p 0 0 0 0 : v� 12(1-129 2 p 0 0 0 0 c ° 130-139 2 p 0 0 0 140 and over � p 0 0 TOTAL SALES HSG, 0 5 3 5 0 FHA 235 Sales 0 1 0 4 0 Privste Sales H sg. 0 4 3 1 0 Under $14,000 0 0 0 0 �� 0 l 4,000-14,999 p 0 0 0 �0 � ] 5,00�-15 ,999 � 0 0 0 0 g 16,0(?0-16,999 0 0 0 0 0 � 17,000-17, 999 p 0 0 0 0 a 18,000-18,9�9 � 0 0 0 0 19,000-19,999 � 0 0 0 0 20,000 & over p 4 3 1 � 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Existing standard private housing available at any one time during the period. _...__---- .. _ �. ., . . . i . � • r __.__ _�_.__ __ � I......w , ` ' ' � . Pa�• 1 ot i BodQ�t BoreaopNa�63-R926.6 INDIVIDUALS �(�666) . �AOJECT LOCAUT� DEPARTMFNT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DE'VEIAPM�IT Saint Paul, Minnesota UABAN RENEIIAL PROGRAY PpOJEtT NAME West Seventh Street NDP III ESTIMATED HOUS I NG REQU I REMEMTS AI�O PAOJECT NUMBER RESOURCES FOR DISPUCED IIQDIVIDUALS Minn. A-1-7 EST1MATf0 LENGTN DATE OF SUBMISSION INSTMI�CTIONS: Pl�er ori�iw�l �w♦ ow• eepy i� Aiwd�r No. !, pf DISPIACEMENT •wI •�• ceoy •�eA �e etA�r �iwl�r�. FER100: 12 MOS. January 15, 1971 1. IIIMER Of INDIV. IN rROJECT AREA A110 MIMdER TO 8f DISPLACEO jj��IDII/�,S TOTAI. MHITE NONWHITE a. Estlsat�d nu�b�r oI Indiv. in proj�ct arra b. E�ti�at�d nwb�r to b� dlsplaa�d fro� prop�rty �, b. o��,s�.a �, t�� 33 32 1 . e. E�ti�at�d nu�ber to b� dl�plae�d lro� psop�rty to b• aequir�d b�r oth�r publlc bodi�� O O 0 d. E�tl�at�d ov�b�r to D� di�plapd by r�Aabilitation, con����atiou. or cods eoforeMeat aeti�iti N,froa prop�rty not to b� aoquir�d � � � 11. CNMACTEItlSTICS OF INDIV. TO tE DISPLACED fROM PROPERTY TO BE A�CQUiRED BY LPA ESTIMATED NUMBER OF jAID NIDUALS ��TE NONMNITE TOTAI TENANTS OwNERS TOTAI 7ENANTS OMNERS °• ��� 32 29 3 1 1 0 S. Eliqlbl• (or f�d�rall�.ald�d publle hou�ioq 1 2 11 1 1 1 � e. E1lqibl• for Stat• or lxallr aid�d publlc Aousieq a 0 O O O O d. Ie�ltqibl• fos publie hou�laq 2� 1$ 2 � � � 111. •CNMA�C'TERf_STiq OF II�DIy�TO eE D13flACED FROM 1RGIERTY TO SE ACpJI_RfD sY OTHER PU9lIC 90DIE3 wHITE NONMMITE ESTIMATE� NUMBER OF ��IDUALS TOTAI TENANTS OMINERS TOTAL TENANTS OMN'ERS o. To7'AL NA NA NA NA NA NA b. E1!qi�l• (or l�d�rallr aid�d pnblic hou�ioq c. Eliqibl• for Stat• or looally aid�d public housinq d. Ia�llqible for publie hor�lnq IY. CNAifACTERiSTIC3 OF IND IV TO eE OISfLACED !Y REHABILITATION, CON3ERYATIOM, OR COCE QIFORCEfEMT ACTIYITIES. fRpl PROPERTY MOT TO CE ACa4tIRED ' ESTIMATEO MUMBER OF j�NIDIIALS MHITE NOMwHtTE TOT�I TENANTS ONNFRS TOTAI TENANTS OwNERS Q. ��, - N NA NA NA NA NA b. F11qib1• for f�d�rall� afd�d publie hou�inq e. Ellgibl• for Stat• or locall� ald�d publle housiaq d. Ia�liqlbl• [or puElfc hou�laq V. ►ROrOSFO RE110U31NC OF INDIV� iNCLUDED IM BlOCK3 II, 111, and IY AaOVE WHITE NONMMtTE PROPOSED REMOUSING TOTAL XISTING UNITS NEM UNITS TOTAL EXISTING uM1TS NEw uNIT1 a. TO[AL II�IDIVIDUALS 32 j b. Pri�at• r�ntal 6on�ioq 1 9 • � e. Pri�at• •al�• Aou�toy 1 O d. F�d�rallr aid�d publia 1 Aou�lnq 1 2 •. Ot��r publie hou�iaq � 0 ____—--__ _ ______ _ �._.v. .. i F • • , � � i � 1 . . �.._.� . .� . � � ��nuu-eizz P��e Y ot 6 �NID��+S ( 1-66) /ROJECT NANE West Seventh Street NDP /ROJECT NUMDER Minn. A-1-7 V1. SIZE AM� 6ECAOOM REQUIREIIEMTS. S1/ iNCOME, OF IND N. TO dE DISPLACED FROM�PROJECT AREA (/nelydt elt I�ated u�der II, III, and IY) � A. SI2E, BY INC01E. OF tNI'TE IND�� TO BE DISPiJI((�D FROM F'fiOJECf AAF'Jl TOTA� NUMBER MOMTHLr INCOME Of IND N. 2 j � 5 6 7 6 9 OR MORE �ratu' 3 2 0-199 11 _ 2 2 - 3 300-349 2 350-399 2 . • 400-449 1 450-499 4 500-549 4 550-599 2 6U0-649 � 650-699 1 700-749 � 750 or more � B. BFDE100M RE7fX1I1�lE'XfS, 87 ItlCOIE, CF l7iI7E jIQDjV. TO � DI3P[Af£D MONTHLY INCOME TOTAL MUMBER BEOROOM REQUIREMENTS OF IND N� 1 SEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEOROOMS n BEDROOMS 5 OR MORE i°rN' 32 32 � 0-1 99 2 0-2 2 2 250-299 35Q-399 2 2 400-449 1 1 45Q-499 4 4 500-549 4 4 550-599 2 2 600-649 0 0 650-699 1 1 700-749 0 0 750 or more p 0 � �rar a si�sy lii• diff�r��ti�ti�� �li�ibl� fro� ii�li�fpl• f�s�li��. p� l�eil� �is�. for adsi��loa to p�blie �o��ia�. _ _._ . _ �__.._ :' ; � � • � '. ,' ; ' . �' � � :, ..:3.... �. _ . __ . �..__ • » • ' . ' MUo--612T ���• � of 6 4 INDI�IIDUAL$ ( 1-66) ,ao�ccr NAM( West Seventh_Street NDP , �RCacc� NUMDEp Minn. A-1-7 r�,—�IZE ANC OEOAOOM REpU1RE11ENT3. BY IMCOIIE. OF INDIV,10 BE OIS�LACED FNOM PROJECf ARE�--�ontleub (/wef�d� •1! I��t�d rel�► ll, III, •w/ JY) . c, stze, eY ttioc�, aF' NOtQHIl'E II�TDIV. ro se nispucID Fnaw �►oJ�r �n�t _____ TOTAL �NUMBER MItMTkLY INCOME OF jj�jV� 2 • 5 6 7 9 9 OR MORE T�!'AL 1 0-199 250-299 0 350-399 p � 400-449 p 450-499 p � 500-549 0 � 550-599 0 600-649 � �� 650-699 � � 700-749 � 750-ar. more � . D. BIDfl00M RE:QUIRF]�21I'S. BY INC01E. OF NON�FiT1E INDIV.'1'O � DISPLACID M0IITHLT INCOME TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOM RE IREMENTS _ Of IND IV� 1 BEdR00M 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEQNOOMS M BEOROOMS 5 OR YORE �u" 1 1 0-199 1 1 - 0 0 - 0 0 's50-399 � 0 400-449 0 0 - 450-499 � 0 500-549 0 0 � 550-599 . 0 0 I h�p_649 650-699 � b � 700-749 � 0 � ;" 1;0 or more � �-: 0 � , =!��,.��,,�..,v. ,_._ __ ..____ .. .:. � . • � d � �.... __. __ . ..... . , . ..� � .4- r f � , • INDIVIDUALS HUD-6122 � pa e 4 of 5 1 - 66 � YNI1JfC� N��f . PROJEtT NUMBER West Seventh Street NDP Minn. A-1-7 V11. ESTIMATEO REMOUSIMG REQUIREIENT3 AND AYAILASILITY � A. Number of Units Required and ExpecCed to be Available During Displacement Period. 1 BEDROOM 2 BEOROOMS 3 BEOROOMS �1 BEDROOMS 5 OR NORE BEOROOMS TO BE TO BE TO 8E TO BE TO BE TYVE OF HOUSING RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AYA1lA8LE RE_ AVAILABIE RE_ AYAILABIE RE_ AYAILADIE OUIRE pU1RED OUIRED UIREO UIREO EXIST- XIST- EE137 EXIST- E1(IST ING NEN ING NE� ING NE� ING NEw ING NEM 1. PUBIIC HWSIN61 13 0 0 0 0 a. Federally Aided Rental2 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 T A L 13 0 0 0 0 I. STANDARO VRIVATE 3 RDITAI HOUSING TOTAL RENTALS 19 • U�dez $90 � � 9(1-99 0 ' w � 100-109 2 � a � 110-119 2 : � 12(1-129 4 0 � ° 130-139 3 140 and over 1 TOTAL SALES HSGo 0 FHA 235 Sales Private SalesHsg. 1 Under $14,000 0 14,000-14,999 p � 15,0��-15 ,999 � .. g 16,O(?0-16,999 p � 17,000-17, 999 � a 18,000-18,999 1 19,000-19,994 p 20,000 & over p 1. Including Section 23 leased units in FHA Moderate Rental and other private rental. 2. FHA 236 Housing - Not including units presently leased by LPA under Section 23 Program. 3. Existing standard private housing available at any one time during the period. .�_.._.....�.__. . 1- � � � � ND 507 EXHIBIT "G" ANTICIPATID DISPLACEMENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF �v�in��ss coNc�F2r�lS FOR ALL NDP ARFAS . � �~. _ .t . �;R._.., ... _ ' . ,__._ � a • �; ci ti .o -^ •b � � ni � - s: � � . • o o n c n r� � w r. :� 'r �e � �� ' < :.7 o n �t b �� n a :: o rr � fJ �-h fD n m r• t�• H� f.: r-� W • Q C) �'{ '(i (D r G r+ � � � �-*� N 1+ U • � rt �s :s H tD U'f 00 p �n r+ .� Q�+ W ui n G: . � �J ryi N� ►-� tI) � �?+ Q+ n r+ � • � �� rt rt '.�7 'U tn rt tn � (� ►�t � �: O 1"� • (�D H tj+ ►-� ►t r; W H N• � � - ►t � ._ _�. . A � ;3 !1� QO _ - . � IY . � :� h'- (D ►'� i•.' t7 . . . �"'' fJ. fD f) n t� ►t c� . . r 7 � �D � C -._ � P:. o' � ►n�. � �.. y . • �� � � � �..i - M, , . (/� � � � GO H . �U�i • . . . 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K f�D wM ~ r�n n � � M � � . O r« tCD Oo p � l�D p O r+� fCD v' v' � � O ri � � � rw+ (�D ri � f�D rr a t�+• M � rµt w � � rt vi rt ►"'' � � � z � �ro ° m � �� � � w w t7 �-' o r� r� r. � o R •� o �r ro N � � � a � a � � a . �r � 0 0 � � -4- ND 507 • � ro r y H � a ►� y m � � � y w m � �9 w � o. �C r r ►t E"' ►� ►t t�J twD �C N �C � � � - O H � z � � H � t'' � C � H .� � I 00 0� 00 +N O� O 9 d G] d � N N I►-+ I 7a H W 00 .P � l�n W N N � � � `° x o ' � C.� � C� � � 1-+ �-+ W � C,�. H F+ V IIJ� N � � O � � � `�i 4� a o � � Q V � N � �� � � N O � r+ �O �C O N N O . � � � � 1 N N �N I � � � W W W O O O O O � � H C/) H Z H ~ p G) . O V �ll� N N �N h+ t't � N W � � �O � O� r� , r � � v �-+ �S� � S�7 • � ►+, x �°v x � � r � � c�na �w 0 o r{ o � a m a s� � � r H H ►t � ,-� c a, • su • o- a • �-+ � R t.., � �1 w r�r r� m r ai ►�t rr n �'• � � � ao n c:� °' � ��e r-� o �r ro r+ � a. 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W � � , � W � O v �'`) (D � K x O [ M VJ � H w r.� tNn � p. � n � 0 -- � � � � � -I- � � ►C H � � � I I rw-� I lVn (O O ln V~i V~i � I t~i� V lWi+ N H � � � O'U O'O O r�t a a aµ. a�rK xK n �+ � r�r � ►Ei vwi ►£t cµn �v � W Y• t+� F+ P1 ►+� M � O ~ N W W � ~ � ~ � � \ � a a a . � �q a �('� a K \ v 'C 3 'G 3 " O ~' cn 'v '� � r� � w m O fD p (D t,n A ",3' rt R rt fD 'C fD W w K a � 0 � b m ►t � ' m o � � m � � -7- ND 507 � � z N m w rC E v� � l'� � H � cn (� � H E � cn t a�i p � �' � � o cD �' tD � r� rt n ri � N � � R � r"t H 00 H p �; ►t � vi H rt ri � uwi Vi ~ N GZ] t 7 a �'' e d � �'' a e e ,� ►� � � E H � w p H E m �o c� w su N ¢ r w N Ps r-• p Sb � 'xi r `� n a `D � n �e '° � � "r� � � y W Hp ►t 0+ �C `C H9 y � 9 rt � C O � t" r . 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C 00 O co a a w m ►-� m � a co m r� a � � cr� �c � ��-r � r�» w a' a: cn F� t� a w a a m �v M M r7 r-�OQ N UD ►'S 1+ W W fA 'C F�'� a a � c°n o�o W � � � ND 507 -8- � � n c�o � w p. � � R �� ro � � w � r � ' y r+ � :d �~1 H Z fwi O• ►-+ � � ta C N � 7�' W p E O W � H rp o' O C �+ O � C w w w Z w co N• � v, � rt d fs. rr � a c� .. r. a .�, ►., a � cO H t� H � w t�J H r-WJ H E � � � � � � . � o c � � � n � � . � � � �., r �. rt '� � � � v � � H r� � � H � t7 v r e-� in w r � r � O v�i � � w � O � '� x 0 c . � � z c� r � O� W l!� 00 Vt � (d,� N tA W O O W W N W � A Cj7 , � 1 �O 00 �O N O� t0 p� W � O� tn O ►-+ r� r' tp � 7.. H � H . �. H N ri W N ►-' W V r-� .� ln 00 �-+ \ � O t-+ • ln O rn ►� F-� � � M � W � � a n 0 � _.� O N 1 OD N O� l!� � W O W W O .� r w ►-� ►.+ H .. p W N � oo �� N r O � y H �D ln N W � lJi lf� A O� N 9 V l.n O l!� N � O N V � ['" z d � ° -9- --� uu u i� uu �� u� ��--� � -�� ���- � � � ; ,� � I {� � ' . 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He(felcl, executive director. phone 223 52 18 - � . � `- _ �� � �� Q�TC February 12, 197I , � ( HOUSING AP�D REDEVELOP�4�E�!T �UTHQFiTY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA TD The Honorable I�a}*or Charles Pa McCarty and City Council � ��0�1 Housing and RedevElopment Authority SUQ�ECT INFORAtATIOI�AL STATEr1EtIT P.EGAP,DI2vG PEVI5�D ACTZO� YEAR III PROGRAri CENTRAL CORE NETGHBOF�HOOD DEVLLO£'�fENT PitOGRAPI AfiEA, A-1-S At the City Council`s January hearing, i.n �ahich proposa].s for I1DP Year III were � autlined, actions su�gested by 13RA, �ahich includc3the acquisition and redevelop- . ment of }31ock 7 in the Cer:tral Core NDP area, taere suspended. The City Council oruered the retcntion of the proper.ties there, includin� the New York Tea Conpany, and directed tre H?2A staff to cievelop an alternative proposal, This submission ther.efore reflects the directive cited above. Acquksition af Rlock 7 has been delered; the south half of filock 36 (bounded by � �ast Seventh, Jackson, East Si.xth and Sibley Streets) and one parcel on Blocl: <<0 (ir.i.^.�ediately adjacent to the south) have no�v been identified. ��lsa to be included is the general up�,rading of public improvements in the S:aith Park Area. The ration�3le regardir.g Lhi.s revised proposal is presented as follocas : . 1. The block identi�ied in this proposal. (Bl.ock 36) contains the highest incidence of substandard bvildings *.�ithin the entire project area. Of � • Lhe ten properties designated for acquisitzon in this proposal, eigtit have been identified as substandard. 2, The proposed public action for Year III is considered a first step and is intended to provide the necessary catal}-st for inducing private in- vestm�nt in the Fast CSD. Future Action 1'ear proposais o�ill include other public actions tahich wi_11 continue this prooram. 3. Concern articulated by public groups and interested citizens regarding � preservation and re-est�blistzment of architectural ��.ntegrity for the Smith Park area is also reflected in these proposals. It is antici- . pated that future activities instituted jointly by public and private ~groups will effectuate .a much needed program of preservation and up- � grading of these buildings, recognizin� their architectural integrity while converting funceions to meet contemporary needs, � � r�l -., r-, �-,� ;�- . � T�_ �'; .I , � �( 1� i�i� l=�J�l�+�r U ,�� . � � ,IT'FOP.MATTOl�iAT. STATEIIEI�T -2- � February 2, 1971 . ` _ ���-�a�y � , � 4. The proposed reuses and functions in this area are intended to comple�ent ', - those of the Capi.lal Centrc Urban Renewal Project. It is anticipated � that establishments oftering retail goods and services, restaurants, small start-up indtistries, and highly specialized shaps serving the , r.ietropolitan area population but able to pay relativel� modest rental, would be located in the rehabili.tated structures to remain and in newl.y constructed facilities. 5. It is anticipated also that the public action and private redevelopment proposed on this block anci in this area will. enhance the environment and desirability for the reuse of the adjacent Block C in the Capital Centre Project, � 6. The principal sharehalder of a major firm located in the East CBD has already instituted a real est3te ptirchasing program in this general area, � Certain buildings have either been purchased ar placed under nptzon, Recogniz.in� the need for modes�ly price.d rental space for the small specialized services and retail outlets, and wishi.ng to assist in upgrad- ing tlie area, thys developer has also made a £irm propasal to develop for commercial use the Iand cleared in Block 36. Therefore, in order to respond ta encourage f.uture private action, Hr.A i_s proposing a series of tandcrn actfvities with L-hose corLmitted private developers who wish ta xnvest in the Smith Parlc area, - Yn review, these acL•ions �aould eliminate the worst structures in tlle CFSll, assi�C in retaining small mer.chants, complement the functi.ans of the Cent.ral Core, genexally , upgrade the en��irozi:::ent, induce fu•rtlier private investr.�e�it in the East C}3ll, and assisr in rest:or.ing �he ori�;i.nal physical ctiaracter of the Smith Park Area. Further public action thi.s year will include tlie design and engineering of improve4 ments, the placement of streeG turni�ure, lighting and p2antings in the general • area under discussion. • � �-� � � � . . �� �l � ��� ��'�,���� �