03-1055Council File # — l�
Green Sheet # 3pU$�3a
Presented By
Refened To
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments made
by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Workforce Investment Board.
Committee: Date
Hyon Kim
William Lowe
Willie Nesbit
Teresa Tschida
Community-Based Organization
Expiration Date
July 31, 2006
July 31, 2006
July 31, 2005
July 31, 2005
�■► °���
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartmeM/offiee/eouneil: Da[e Initiated:
Mo �y�s�� Z�NO„-� Green Sheet NO: 3008434
Contact Person 8 Phone: �oartmerrt Serrt To Person Initial/Date
Kurt Schul� � 0 r'
Z�� ASSign 1 a or's Office De rtment Director
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z m
Routing 3 a or's Office Ma orlAssistant
Order 4 uncit
5 C7erk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loeations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of appointments, made by the Mayor, of Hyon Kim, William I.owe, Willie Nesbit and Teresa Tscluda to serve on the Ramsey
County Workforce Inveshnent Boazd.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenl?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not normally pwsessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): (a ,•�y�^, rdav�.s�i��' �F�`t`��
��V 2 5 2�03
AdvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of CosURevenue Butlgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financial Information:
�3 1055
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
390 Ciry Hall
I S West Ketlogg BouZevard
Saiat Paut. MN 55102
Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers
Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilxnember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
From: Kurt Schultz
November 25, 2003
Telephone: 651-266-8510
Facsimile: 651-266-8513
�r�� R���a�rTh �,,°�?;°m�"
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Ramsey County Warkforce Investment Board
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Hyon Kim, William
Lowe, Willie Nesbit and Teresa Tschida to the Ramsey County Workforce
Investment Board. The terms of Mr. Nesbit and Ms. Tschida shall expire
on July 31, 2005. The terms of Ms. Kim and Mr. Lowe shall expire on
July 31, 2006.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominafing these individuals as well
as applications for their appointment. Please remember that certain
information on the applications is classified as private and should not be
released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding
these appoinhnents
cc. Kitty Gogins
Robert Schng
03- 1055
Private Information: (The data in this box is private.)
«� ��laRO a���rY12
are your reasons for�tin� to serve ou the
In r h�t citi�cozu �nunities do�you providc services? Whaj �ervices aze
Ramsey Counry Workforce Investment Board 03 ���
Membership Ap lication
Public Information: (2'he dara in this box is public and, therefore, available to the public
Itamsey County is recru3ting individuals to represent various categories_ Applications wi11 conrimue to be aa
for f,uture vacancies as well. Please indieate below the category or categories you can represent on the WIB.
note: gusiness, Education or Labor poslHons xeqvjre a nomina8on letter as described below:
�. Busiaess, def ned as for-pro�it (Nomrxnred 6y loca! buriness orge andior brrsiness o-adz arsociation
ntlach yaur noxdnallan fetter.)
-� Picase indicate if you represent a large or small ( fcwer thaa 5pp employees) bsssiness: �gC g���
• Busincss ownex, chief executive or opereti.ug pfficer, . Repteycnc business with cmploymcnt opport
and onc�r atiecutive or employzr with optimum thst reflect the �ocal azea
policymalcia� or hiring authoriry.
• Rcpresen,t a eham6er of commerce • Repmscnt the heolth carc indusery�
❑ Community-Hased Organization, detIned as nonprofit organizations
• Represen[ative of communitics or signifieant
segmonts of communities providingjob haining
• Agency scrving yauUt
• Agcncy serving displaced hOmemakcrs
� Ozher:
❑ Economic Developmeut p�gency
• Privste Sector
• Organization scrving non-rescrvation Indiao
tri.bal government
• Agency representing veterpns
• Agencyrepresen�ingindividualswichdisabil
� .Public uctor
��dueadOn (Nominated by regionaf or loea! eduea$on agenc!¢s, Tnsfih.tions, or organ(zations>epnsenttrsg n�ch
edueational entities — aaaeh your nominaNnn [df�)
• Local educationnl cntitics (including K-12)
• .l,ocal school boatd
• Entities providing adult education and literaey
� Postsecondazy cducational ins[itutions
• Other:
❑ LaboT (Nominaledby�ecagnizedstateand/orlxal/aborfederations—attachyonrno»dna[roetelte�.J
❑ One-Stop Workforee Ceniex partners, defined as iho psrmers that catry out the following activitics /
(ptoasc check those that apply):
Adutt, Dislocate8 W or�cc, Youth, )ob Corps, Native
Americun and Veteran's Workforce (W1A, Title I)
Way+ter-Peyser Act
❑ I.ocal Veterans' Employ7nent Represe�.
Disabled Veterans Outrcach (Titte 38,
� Trade Adjustment.pssistance (TAA) and Nt1FTA
TAA (Tradc Act of 1974 I'itic II)
❑ Vocaiiona7 Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tide I)
❑ Welfere-to-WorkPr¢grarns (Social Security Aet)
❑ Senior Community Servicc Bmp(oymrnt (Tit1e V of
the Older Amerieuny q��)
� Adult Education and Litcracy (W1A 7'itlz IE} �
❑ Stste Unctnployment Compcnsation Laws (in j
accOrdanec with spplicable pedcral(aws) j
O Communiry Serviccs Block Grant �
� Depertmcnt of Housing and Urbnn Dcvcfopmync
1609 Pleasant Street, #2�2, St. Paul, MN 55108
1'hone: 651-64�-0172 ksnxx122�a1tc.umn.eda
• Establlshed and managed interrtatiouat trade bio-medical compnny, raised 1.5 miltion dolfafs to
established an FI3A approveQ contract uianufacturing company �
• S[zteen years of experience ia managing internatianal dietribut�on networks, contract
manufactvring and bus3ness parfnerabips (ncluding 3M, Pharmacin, SFMS, Strohs, Eastma�
Kodak and ]oeal medfeal compsnies wjth Korean eompanies� most�y medicul an@ pharmace�tical
• �ive years as a member oPBoard o�Directors oPMinnesota Wor1d Trade Center Corporat[oh•
Worked with paticy promotfng international trade activitfes. Vislted Hong Konq, Chlna an�
Korea World Trade Center Corporation
• As first ASIan A merican Regent for the Universlty of 1t�innesota, facilliated meeting for
Universfty of Mlnaesota President with President otSouth Koreu to support iuternational
activ(ties in the system
• Created Minnesota Asian American Chamber of CommerCe when serving as Cha(r oCState
Council on Asian Paci�e Minnesotans. Established 1Kinnesota Amertean-Asian Project aad
worked oa federal legi5l&tion.
• Attended a 2 World Conference on Economic xnequality Based on Race in Australia and N$w
Zealand as a Itoy Wi]kins Forum member of the HumphTey Institute, Uufversity of Minnesot�
• Contributed s(gni�cant leadershlp roles in local, nationa3 and pnternationul organizations
• Called upon for presentntions ott cultural diversity, community and leadershlp: Keynote st �
YWCA C;rcte of Women, St. Yaul Co., LOTT, University o(Minnesota, Commencement
Address at University of Minnesota, HTC, Quarterly Guest T.ecmrer in Leadership, You und �
Yovs Community at University oiMinnssota
Trnnslator/InterpYef er
Finnnclal Planner
Sr. VicePresident
Geueral Contractor &
Contract with Technical Companies
U.S. Fedexal D(strict Court
1DS/Americep EXpress
Juno Medicai & Trade, Inc.
Kim & Associates, Inc
Tracking �'echnologies, Inc.
Kim & Associates Tnc.
1980.1985 ;
]987-1999 .
B,S. Busipess, Minor, Bast Asian Studies (Chinese Languaye), University of Mennesota
Business Leadership Certi�'icate, Harvard Unlversity
Series Seven Broke�uge L(cense, IDS/American Express
General Contractor License, J�innesata
Realtor's L(cense, �annesota
b3- �055
: Ezecutivelmanagemeni skills deveioped in interaational Yrade and manufacturing f1e[d
Wide ranQc of experience in human services througL employmeut, volvnteer aad managemezt{
• Skilled in negofiating national and inte�national business agreements and forging community ?
and cross-cultural relationships
• Experlenced in network3ng and promo4nY cooperation amony ]ocal community inferesk,
goverament and non-prafit entltfes
• Abitity to deal with bvsiness and ocganizational budgeking aad Cnanclal analysis
• Esfabllshed and maintain uiarket ue�works in Pacific Rim
• Ralsed capltal, implement company start-up, exercise executive management tuuctfons
• Managed bldding, contract manutacturing and technology transfer for medical companies
• ProfacIent in three languages (I{orean, English, Chinese}
• Leadership posltions in local, aational, international business organizataons
S[ate Counctl on As1an.Pacific Minnesotans (1990-1992)
Asian Amer➢can Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota (1989-1992)
$Oard of Directors
XWCA of the USA, Nntional Bourd Member (1997-Z001)
University o(Minnesota Beard of Regentg (1994-1997) �
Theater nqU (1997-2001)
Minnesota Korean Association (2000-2001)
E`amA Norton I2esidence (X998-2000)
Advisory Board, Academy for Film & Television (1999-presept)
Advfsory �oard, Acade[nic Health Center, U ot MN (199&present)
Korean ChamUer of Commerce-Minnesota Baard (1988-89, 2�01)
Minnesota SlotechnotogyAssociation (1995-199'7)
Curandelet Lifecare (�994-1996)
iliinnesota World Trade Center Corporation (199x-1996)
lVational Assoclation of Women Business Owners (1993-1994)
IVntional Federation ofBusiness Professional Women°s Club (1983-198s�
Korean Service Center {1984-1996)
Roy Wilkins Forum Member, �iumphrey InstiEUte of U of MN (199Spresent)
University of Minnesota President°a Advisory CouncIl (1492-94, present)
Fund Distribution Committee, l3nited Way of 1Vxianeapolis (1999-2U01)
Po3icy Roundtable ezecutive councils (1999-present)
Smail Business Procurement Advisory Councit, State ofMN (1991-1994)
State Couucit on Aslan Pacif:c 11Qinaesotans, State of MN (1987-7991)
internationaf Committee oPMedicel AUey AssocIation {3988-1989)
b3- to55
Pri�v lnform (The data in this box is
N,� William J. Lowe
Wo�'iAaaz;s 7OO
Wet.cP:+a-e -
ss�ass asaa
EmvilACErws Wiiliar
Name 1
wakFax Pnor.o -
Ww�c Pnme G�� �� �a) '
r,�� Nancy McKiiiips, Ex
uaro;;100 E. 7 Street
�oc'nue Y
State University
c St. Pau!
Cwn.y KHR7:
MN I 2%G t JS�
M� � z�v 55100
W�xat a:e your zeasons £or wanti� to serve on tFx¢ W iB'?
As a new mcinbcr of thc Twin Citics arca, I am eagcr to laarn about thc corrananiiy a.nd its nccd5 by coatzibvtu�, to
i in way th at ma.tic usc of my cxpericace and txpartist.
In v.•hat citizs ot commnniaes do you provide services? W�t services aze provided? vlct�opoktan State linivc�ity
is �he state university for the zncira area. We Sezve tbe communiry at tluee principal sites, n��o of which are in
Rsmsey coun.ry, 2nd psrmer wich many azea or�ani�arions.
Ramsey County WorkForce Investrnent Board Membership App(icaYion
�1 Whicc(Caac,a:i:ui)
❑ Hispanic
� Male �
� Ditabled
O Veteraa
:mpt to eln [toard repsescmtation �cflec7s the m
� infor/natio� is heloful. Nowevcr, eomaTetion ofth
❑ Black p
❑ Asian or Pacific Islaudcr p
If spe�at accommodations are needed. otease soe
ofour coinmuairy,
or Alaskan
Public Snfor�ation: (2'he datu in rhis box is public and, therefore, uvailuble to the
�3- t�
Ramsey Counry is recnuting individuals to represent varions categoxies. Applications will continue to be acceptzd
for future vacancies as well. Pltase indicaze below tho catcgory oz categories you can rep:rsent on the WFB. Ptease
notc:l3usiness, lducation or Labor positions require a nominalioa lctter as describe'd belo�v:
Q l3usiness, d¢IiII¢d aS Lo1'-pYOftt (Nominafed byloca! bsuirttry� prdcni:ar;onS R�uUpr b:rSirscss lradc assncia[ian.r-
a#ack your nomination lefter.)
_ -"-'---°-------------------""'-"""-""..._..""'....'-"'----'-----' ----------------' _' ----'-"....
-j Ple :te ir.dicate if you reorcxnY s]tugt or y�a]I ( fcwox than $OQ c¢ryloyccs) business: � Large _ Small
• Businc�s owncr, chic, executive or operxring officer, • Reoresent busiracss winc �anploymrnt opponvnicizs
and oeher ezecucive or emgloyer wi�h opcimum lRBC ICIlCCC tI1� IOL�I 3:C1
poticymak�ng or hiring authority.
• Rcpracnc a ch:unbcr of commerce • Rt rosont $c hea]£n caic iadu3
--°--------p . ..............••••- ni'
....... ...................................... .... --•.....•-•----•---�
❑ Community-Sased Orgaai�afion, defined as nonpro6t organizutions
• Represencacive o.`communisiac or significant - Orgsni•r,�cioa serving non-reservation 7ndian �.r:sd
sc�nents of commanirics providingjob trsining tribal governnxnt
• Agcncyscrvingyouch • Agencyrcprescnringvetc*�+n<
• Agcncy scrvSng disptaccd bomemakcrs • n;ency rcpxesenring indiKduals wich disabili�ies
• Other:
� Economic llevelopment Arency
• Privatc sec[or • Publie Sectoz
•.--•---------------------° ...................................""-'....._....._..------------°---------........,..--_
��ducafion (Nominated by rc,;wna! orloca! educatiox cigeneies, insrirurion,r, �r organiuuiorcc represan[ing�z�eh [occ[
eduart�a+al entitics — atsaek your noirsieatioa fener.)
• I,ocal educa[ionai entities (ir.elvding IC-12) • Postseeondary educational instin:tioas
• Locsl schooI bo:ud • pther:
• Entities providing aduli education aad liiZraey _
..... .-°• ...............................•'•-••••••-----------�-•---------°............,
❑ Labor (Nomincted by recognie�l szate and/or locallaborjederationr-� attael: you� nominction le�s;r,) ''
•-•-•••••••••••-•-•• ....................•-..."••'-•-•.......••••-'-----•--°---.......................•-•-'...'••••--•---�
❑ One-Stop'GVorkforce Center ParinCrs defned as the partpecs that cArry out tfic foliowing acrivides / program
(please check those that agply):
❑ Advtc, Disiocaced Worker Xouth, Job Corps, native � Local Veterans' En, p(oymen[ Rcprrsentxd�c� r.r:d
Amcricsn and Vctasn's Workforce (FVtA TYfle n DiSdbled Vettnlas Oucrrlch (Tidc 38, YJ.S.C.)
p Wac„+nu•Peyser Act , O Adult Edacadon and Liceracy (WIA Ti[le II)
� 7rade ABjuStm<nt As;istancc ('X'AA) and N.4F',CA p Satc Unempioymrnc Compensa�ioa Laws (in
?TA (Sradc Ac[ of 1974 TiBe 1� aecotdanee with spplicxble Fedcrst taws)
❑ Vocation�l Rehabititation (RchabiliYation Act Tillc I) ❑ Community Secvzces Elock Graat
❑ urc(zsrMO-Work Prosr�s (Sotiai Sccurity Ac:) ❑ Iltgartmcnt of Fiousing snd T.irban J�cvclopmca[
❑ Scr.ior Communiry Scrvice Employm.ent (Titie V of '
:.hc Olecr Ps.:cr.c:ns Act)
- _ ' __- �-- -- --- --_'_-'__- - __ =i�:�,o
03� 1055
Ramsey County Workforce InvestmenY Board
Membership Application
Pubiic Informafien: (2Txe datcz in this box is public and, therefore, avaitabie to the pubtic.)
�,re William J. Lowe
r,oRa aaarac;
nn� I s°
Wf�at skills, ua If�hO and expericncc do your pos,eess foz WIB membersfiip> Plcase artach a 1 to 2 page rzsumc. �.Ty
caxeer in higher education 1�as substanaally becn sprnc at coileges aud universiaes �crving urban and suburbaa
xz�ions, which B, s given me exp¢zicncc ia asscssin� hwnan resource nez�ls aad forming communiry-based
parmerships to bzing educatioa�l iesouzcas to be bear on arca woilcforce needs.
Tcrms arc nom�ally xwo ycars commamcSn� on tha data o£appoincmcnt and endi� July 31.
"F'hc Workforce Investmcnt Boazd's regulazly-scheduled uxetings azz held thc first'I7zuxsday, every other month
from 2:30 to 4S0 p.m. Mcmbcrs are expected tq also serve on at idast onc standing commircee. S[aadi� cozxur.ittao
mcctin schcdulcs �ary.
The informafion on this application wri11 be used to evaIuate aad selecf inembers of the'SVorl;force Investment
t3oard (WIB)- Appiicants may rcfasc to suppiy ihc rcqucsted information. Ho`vever, esccpt for opfional
votvntary information, the faiture to coCUplete tb.e a,pplieatiou utay resu3t in it beinr discarded.l'lzis daia may
be reviewed and used by ktamsey County and Saint Yaal city staff.
Tha�k you for your interest!
CommiSSioncr Aistrict
For Office USe Only
Planning 1�isirict _^____
CityCouncit Wud�_
- -- -- - __ -- - - ��- _-
03- �c�
William J. Lowe
10774 l� Falling W2ter T.axic Y211
'�%WOOdbury, MIv 551Z9-5247
mailto:�viil iam.loweha.mEtrostate.edu
Dec. 2974
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
University of Dublin,
Trinity College
Dublin 2 Irelsnd
B.A., �Iistory
Nlember, Honors Coilege
Ph.D., lvlodczn FTistory
JuFy 2003- prescnt: Provost & Vice President for Academic A,f�'ait's and 2'rofessor of History,
Metropolitan State UnivexSity, 700 E2St Sevenf}a StYeet, S� Pan[, ?11N 552 OCr5000.
Responsibilitics include providing leadership for the CJniversity's involvement in the Academic
Quality 7mprovement Program of the North Centrai Association Higher T,eaming Commission.
July 1997-JuIy 2Q03: Vice Yresident for Academic Affairs aud Profcssor of Hisiory, The
Coll be of Saint Rose, 432 Wcstern Avenue, AIbany, �iew Xoxk 12203.
Chief acaflemic of�cer for an independent, comprchczxsivc, nonsectarian oolleae of more than
4,6Q0 studenu (2,925 full- and part-time undergraduate [2,656 F'Z'EJ; 1,700 gaduate [3,857 total
F'I'E]), with responsibility for four schools (Arts and �uxzaaxziries, Mathexnatics and Science,
F.ducaaon, Business), Academic Advisemeszt, �ducad.onal Technology Services, Cmduate and
Continuin� �ducation, Tnstitulional I2eseazch, Library and Regisirar. Membe,�r: Capital Campaib
Steering Committee.
Selectcd icadership initiatives:
• Effectivc a@vocacy o£ nev✓ academic resovrces, inctuding more than thirty new f2culty
posrtions, an ancrcasc of more than 20°/a
• Succc;ssfui scrategic plarming processes, ineiuding academic vision to connect Collegc
mission and academio priorities.
• Dcsign, approval, implementation, and continuing xefincment of new undergraduate
general education curriculum and assessment pro�am.
• Approval and implementation of diversity degree requirement.
• Implczncntaiion of assessment of student academic achievcment for all undergraduate and
�raduate degzee pro�ams.
• Establishment of peer-reviewed reassibaed time pro�am for facuIty scholarly, erearive
and gxant-wciting activity and significant inerease in pzofessional publicxtions.
• Coliaborative negotiation o£new FacultyManual(the facuFty con�a.ctual document).
• Planning and decisions to support and itnance ragid faculty adoprion of instzuctional
technolo�y (inetudzxzg wixeless).
• Co-chair, stcering committees for Middie States Association periodic review report and
• S t Million in fundraising pxojects, includir.� S'I50,000 for endowment.
= _ _=- -- - -- - -=<_`-==�-=� '�h. -- '=0==='`-_
03- �c�s
August 1991-June 1997: Dcun, CoIlege of z Arts aad �xofessor of History, ��vcrsity
of Deiroit i4lercy, T?_O. Box i9904, T7etroit, NFachigan 48219-
Acsdemic, administrative and fiscat ieadership within a consolidaTed universiry for Colleoe of
100 faculty azzd staff, 1,400 £ulI- and part-time undcrgradl:ate and gzduatc students; principal
responsibiliry for the liniversiry Core Glzrricutum and provision of University academic s�pport
Selected leadership initiativcs:
� Building a sense community amor� faculiy on two pzeviously-independent canzpuses,
based on coilegial commitments to liberzl lcaxning, the teaching priority a�d scholarship.
• Preparafion of a College academic vision and sisategic plan.
• P�enovatzon of the Briggs Liberal Arts Building.
• Reoraani�.atioa of the LTniversity's academic support proarams.
• Crearion of an active alumni council and advanccment program.
• Tmplementation of assESSment in Core aszd vndergsaduate and graduatc dcgree pro�ams.
��pansion of inforxnation technolooy to faculty desk tops.
�TOVerubcr 1984-Jvne 1991: Aeam of Graduate Studies aad Professor of �istory, Chicaoo
State TJniversitq, Niaefy-Fifth SErect at King Drive, Ckicago, Illinois 50628.
Academic and adnunistrative Ieadership for a graduate prograzu of more than 2,000 sfudents;
chairing Cmduate �aculty and Gxaduate Couttcil; asszstin� Provost with currieulum, progam
development and review, facuIty affairs, �ant writing, and state sqstem/�ovemmcnt relations.
Setecte3 teadership initiatives:
- Increase in graduate enrolimenu.
• Tmplementation of assessment of snzdent acadcmic achievement for ail graduate
pr b�rams.
• Founder and chair, Chicago A.cademic .A113a�ce.
• Project Aizector, 1939-199�: Nationai Endowment for the Humanitics-funded seminar
pro.�gram "E:ctending Yhe Great Conversarion: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ancient Cneece and
fhe Origins of thc Westem Traditiod' (Sponsored by Chicago Acsdemic Alliance for
Chicago PubIic Schools teachers in collaboration wittx Chicaoo State University, The
Univcxszty of Chica�o and Northeastem Iliinois LTniversity).
• Fulbright Scholar, ApzilJbzxe 1990: I�ep� o£Iv�odcxn �Sistory, Trinity Co11egE,17ub1in.
September 14"79-November 1984: l�irector, Continuing and Graduate Education, Sfate
'(3nicersity o�' New Xorl: Co11 be at Cortland, Cortland, New'S� ork X3045.
Academic anc3 administrative leadership for graduate study; Stvs�mec Session programming;
dcvclopment of paxcczezshzps with loca] business and industry; development and supervision of
off-campus graduate ceaters. Teachiva: Modem 7xish Xiistory; xnglish Composition.
SeFected Ieadership initiatives:
• Increase in graduate enrollmenU.
• Development and supervision o£iviohawk Valicy Graduatc Ccater.
• Expansion of Summer Session programs, enrollments and revenue.
• Responsive programrnin� for aduIts and business and industrial commvr.ity.
• �2evision snd suoervision of individnalzzed bachelor's de�ee piogram•
_ - "_=- -- _ : -- _- _ _ ___--=- 'S -_ =!cSO=—
d3- �o�
7uIy 1977-August I979: Assistant Director, rl�teruative and Continuia� �ducation, T,atcc
Erie Colleae, Paines'c'ille, Oluo 44077.
Program devclopmcnt and implementation; suprnision of exte�ion centers, �Veekc�zzd College
and Suznm�7 Scssion, prior leaming assesszxient.
Jvly 1977-August 1979: Assistant Professor of �istox'y, I,ake Erie College.
Teaching courses in Modem �3riesh history since 1484, urbzn soczety and modem Trish his�ry;
academic advisor to libetal azts students.
Au;ust 197G-hiay 197�: Assiseant birector of Admissions, X.ake Erie College.
Supervision of an eYtcnsion of the business administrarion progam in CoSumbus, Ohio.
Cousultant Reviewer, Nortk Central A,ssoc.iatioA Iiigher Lcarning Conaraiasion, 2003 -
�liddfe Statcs Association Commission of ITigher E@ucafion: EvaIuation Team l�ember;
Committee on Substantive Change, 2002-2003
Narional University of Irelau@ - Gahvay FellowsHfp Adjudicating Comuuttcc, Irisfl American
Cultural Institute, 3002 -
Consult:ent-�valuator aud Assessxnient �teviewer, North CcnLral Association of Co3leges and
Schools, 1993-1997
Readcr/Panelist, raYional Endowment for the Fiumanities
Adjunct Member of the Graduate_Faculty, 7Department oY �istory, �ayne State LJnivecsity,
Team T.ea'dar, American Commitments: Diversity and X,iberal T.earning (Curriculum and
Facuity Aeveiopment t'ef`vork), Associafion of American Coi?eges & Universi&es, 1993-f 997
Chair, Chicago Academie Alliance, 1986-1991 (Chicago State Y7niversity, Chicago Pubtic Schools,
The University o£ Chicago, Northeastern Illinois ITnivetsi4y}
Consultant, American Association for Higher Education - vlacArthar Fouadatioa National
Project in Suppoxt of Academic Alliaaces (19S8-f991}
Member, Board of A'uectors, Mimnesota Sfnfonia, 2003 �
Volunteer reader, WMHT-FM, RISP {Radio Tn£o�mstion Service foz thc Yrint llisabi�d), 2000 - 2003
Treasurer, Amexica.n Con£erence for Trish Siudies, 1989-92
Boa*d of Dizectors, Michigau State Univezsity Colle�e of Arts and Letters Alwnni Assoc., 1952-92
Board of Dircctor�, Michigan State University Illinois Alumni Club, 1987-92
Oz�C Pazk, lUinois, School T�isAict No. 97 (Personnel Committee and Community Council, 2985-38)
Judgc, Chicago Vtea�o History Fair, 1985-9G
- _ _=- -- - -_- -= _-�=�� �-'' �_= =�-=---
03- �o�
Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board
Membership Application
Public Information: (The data in this box is public and, therefore, available to the public.)
Ramsey Counry is recnriting individuals to represent various categories. Applications will continue to be accepted
for future vacancies u well. Please indicate below the category or categories you can reptesent on the WIB. Please
no[e: Business, Education or Labor positions require a nomination letter as described below:
Business, defined as for-profit Nominated by lotal busirsess organizationr and/or business trade associations-
attach your ttomination letter.)
❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, ❑ Represent business with employment oppo�tunides
and other executive or employer with optimum that reflect the local area
policymaking or hirin� authority.
❑ Represent a chamber of commerce ❑ Represent the health care industry
-3 Also, please indicate if you represent a lazge or small ( fewer than 500 employees) business: _ Large _ Smalt
Community-Based Organization, defined as nonprofit organizations
❑ Representative of communities or significant
segments of communities providing job training
❑ Agency serving youth
❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers
❑ Union-related organization
❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization (excludes
chamber of commerce)
❑ Organization serving non-reservation Indian and
tribal govemment
❑ Agency representing veterans
❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities
❑ Other:
----------°------------------------------------------------°----° ----------------------
Economic Development Agency
❑ Private sector ❑ Public sector
Education (Nominated by regional or local education agencies, institutions, or organizations representingsuch local
educational entities - attach your nomination lettu.)
❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Postsecondary educarional institutions
❑ Local school boazd ❑ Other:
� Entities providing adult education and literacy
----------'----------------° ------------------°---°------------------------------ --------------°-----`
Labor (Nominatedbyrecognizedstoteand/orlocallaborfederations-attackyournaminationlener.)
�3" ���
❑ Labor
One-Stop `Vorkforce Center Partners, defined as ihe paztners that carry out the following activities / programs:
� Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Na[ive ❑ Postsecondary Education (Cazl D. Perkins Vocafional
� ■
American and Veteran s Workforce (V✓IA Title I)
Wao er-PeyserAct
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAF'I'A
TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In
Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Ac[ Title I)
�Velfare-to-Work Programs (Social Sewrity Act)
Senior Communiry Service Employment (Title V of
the Older Americans Act)
and Applied Technology Educahon Act)
� Adult Fducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) �
❑ Local Veterans' Employcnent Representatives and
Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.)
❑ Community Services Block Grant
❑ Deparhnent of Housing and Urban Development
❑ State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in
accordance with applicable Federal laws)
summAeq o�
wiui� �. n�serr, �R.
1459 Thomas Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
Work: 651-290-4800
Home: 651-644-5875
03- t�55
To obtain an administrative role that will allow me to leverage my decision-maldng,
par�ering, team building, and problem solving skills, as well as my extensive experience.
Proven commitment to education
• Excellent team skills including; team building, teamwork and team development.
• Demonstrated ability to create and foster mutually beneficial partnerships
• Innovator of results oriented strategies and tactics
• Effective communicarion skills, especially capable in diverse settings.
• Broad base of experiences provides solid foundation for continued growth and
1997 — Present -- Ronald M. Hubbs Center for Lifelong Leaming, St. Paul, MN
Assistant Director of Adult Education
• Managed the development, implementation, promotion, and evaluation of Adult
Literacy and Special Needs programs for insritution recognized as a national leader in
the field. Programs included but not limited to; Basic Education, ESL, GED
Prepararion, Diploma Programs, and Education for Special Needs Students.
• Supervise 60 full-time and 60 part-time direct reports
� Supervise 120 volunteers
1995 — 1997 -- Seton Division, Catholic Charities, Minneapolis, MN
Assistant Administrator
• Created annual fiscal budgets, fundraising strategies for the division.
• Functioned as liaison between organization and community.
• Supervised, developed, and evaluated 25 direct reports including program managers,
and fhe staffs of various foundation and state-funded social services, and volunteers.
• On-site supervisor for Minneapolis Stevens Avenue, Seton locarion including day-to-
day operations.
1987 — 1995 -- Century (Lakewood Communiry) College, White Bear Lake, MN
Dean of Students' Services
• Supervised all student services including but not limited to offices o£
o Financial aid
o Studentrecords
o Admissions
o Counseling
o Job placement service
o Services for disabled students
o Recruiting
Directed offices that coordinated student services such as:
o Clubs
o Support organizations
o Intramural Athletics
Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board
p3- toSS
Public Information: (1'he data in this box is public and, therefore, available to the public.)
�i,vn s2
YYI Yt � Ss
What skills, training and experience do your possess for WIB membership? Please attach a 1- to 2-page resume.
Are you a veteran? ,� 1'es ❑ No US /l �w�df f Q65 V� t`I 14G�
Mail or fax your WIB Memberslvp Application to:
Ramsey County Workforce Investment Boazd
Chamber of Commerce Center
401 North Robed Street, Suite 150
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Membership Application
Faz:651-223-5199 - .
Terms are normally rivo yeazs, commencing on the date of appointment and ending July 31.
The Workforce Investment Boazd's regularly-scheduled meetings aze held the first Thursday, every other month
from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m Members are expected to also serve on at least one standing committee. Standing committee
meeting schedules vary.
The information on this application will be used to evaluate and select members of the Workforce Investment
Board (WIB). Applicants may refuse to supply the requested information. However, except for optional_
voluntary information, the failure to complete the application may result in it being discarded. This data may
be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul city statf.
Thank you for your ixterest!
Commissioner District
For Office Use Oniy
Plannin� District _
Ciry Council Ward _
• Significant Accomplishments
o Intensified recruiting efforts by creating parLnerships with high school
counselors that resulted in a significant increased enrollment of area high
school gaduates.
o Created and implemented recruiting strategies that dramatically increased
minority enrollment.
o Established reseazch office for the crearion and maintenance of a college
database used for the development of student proFiles necessary for targering
market segments.
o Created student information center ttiat was a communication hub for the
college accessible by students and staff.
o Oversaw development and implementation of automated student information
system featuring a degree audit program that allowed student access to
individualized degree plans and optimized counselor one-on-one time.
o Combined admissions and records office to maacimize productivity through
the elimination of over-lapping responsibiliries, communicaYions bottlenecks,
and re-work. Results included improved enrollment process and job
enrichment for the staff.
1993 —1994 — St. Paul Community College Partnership, St. Paul, MN
• Responsible for the development and implementation of a groundbreaking cooperative
college educational program designed to leverage resources of all area community
colleges to create a flexibie and unique leaming opportunity for students.
• Supervised the development of the mazketing plan for the program
• Acted as liaison between program, participating institutions, community partners and
• SigniFicant accomplishments:
o Created seamless registration process that allowed student to register for
classes offered by all participating colleges without the inconvenience of
interfacing with each college.
o Developed integrated class schedules and textbook purchasing systems to
further facilitate student participation.
o Partnered with various state agencies to create relevant training curriculum
offered through the parinership.
198I —1985 -- Parkland CoIlege, Champaign, IL
Counselor/Instructor/Assistant Basketball Coach
1979 — 1981 -- Eastern Rlinois University, Charleston, IL
• Criminology
• Social Problems
• Corrections
��uanons nn�
Ph.D. �Vork University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign 1978
Champaign, Dlinois
• Coursework completed
• Dissertarion incomplete
• Sociology with concentrations in Criminology, Community Organization, Applied
M.A. Memphis State University (now University of Memphis)
03 - to5�
Memphis, Tennessee
• Major; Sociology with concentrations in Criminology, Juvenile Delinquency, Deviant
B.A. Memplus State University (nofv University of Memphis)
Nlemphis, Tennessee
• Major; Sociology
A.A. Iowa Western Community College
Clarinda, IA
• Major; Sociology
■ Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
■ Monitors
■ Boy Scouts of America - Explorer post advisor
■ Board Member, YMCA
■ Co-Founder; Save our Sons Academy
e St. Paul Chamber of Commerce
■ Northeast St. Paul Suburban Area Chamber of Commerce
■ St. Paul Mayor's Committee on Safe Streets
■ Deacon and Sunday School Superintendent— Pilgrim Baptist Church; St. Paui, MN
■ Boazd Member; Minority Educators, Recruiters, and Counselors
■ St. Paul African-American Leadership Council
■ Ramsey County Communiry Employment Partnership
■ National Community Educarion Associarion
■ St. Paul Community Literacy Consortium-Execurive Board Member
s National Council on Disability
■ Minnesota Community Education Association
(IIILffARU: 1965 United States Army Ft. Leonard Wood
Basic and Advanced Individualized Training
Construction equipment operator and mechanic
1966 United States Army
Headquarters; Area Command
Engineers and Generator Shop
Ft. Leonard Wood
1967 United States Army
21" S& S Company, TDY
Attained rank of Sergeant E-5
Ft. Leonard Wood
Operations Sergeant and Graves Registration Specialist
0� tD55
${-fERFO(4S: Dr. Thomas J. Horak, President
Normandale Community College
9700 France Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55431
Business phone: 612-830-9300
Dr. Jerry S. Owens, President
Cuyahoga Community College
700 Cameaie Avenue
Cleveland, OA 44115
Mary McKee, VP for Continuing Education and �stomized Training
Century Community and Technical College
3300 Century Avenue
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Business phone: 651-779-3362
Dr. James Meznek, President
Barstow Community Coliege
2700 Barstow Road
Bazstow, CA 92311
Business phone: 760-252-7214
Mary K. Boyd, Area Superintendent D
St. Pau1 Public Schools
360 Colborne Street
St. Paul, MN 55102-3299
Business phone: 651-767-8154
Dr. Mary Phillips, Vice Chair
St. Paul Public Schools
360 Colbome Street
St. Paul, MN 55102-3299
Private Informatiton: (The data in this box is privaie.)
N�ma ���� \`✓llCC1�!' �)��f$
f �v��tT� RvE. SE
WeM Fez Hwrc PMm
tq 2- _ (v-37o� b5t-4�o
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cu �t P-Nr� �A-�c�.u�
WoIaPACnc Wticareara�u) HomaPMUQmJ�c°T.
2' 7 — �Z(�
� naorew
nrc your rcasans For wnnLing to scrvc on thc W�§B7 _ ,
ln �+hat c;ties or communicies do yout provide services? What services aze
�ptiOIIal: !n an artempt tn cnsrme 8aard represenratian reJlec
ollowin in ormalion is he! :eL However, tom !en
White(Caucasian) ❑ Slack
❑ Hispaziic D Asian or Pacific lslandcr
� Male Fcmalc
� Disabled if spedal acrammodations are nceded, ple
�t�—� �/vUl
communiry, lmowledp,e n1
�n is vufun7arv.
indiaa or Aluka*i �}amo
��G..:�n�w:,< Page 1 of 3 i ac-oeaom
ba��o'.� .
03- ��s
Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board
Membership Appiication
Public Information: (The data in this box is puhlie and, therefore, mazlable [o the public.)
k2arosey Counry is xecnutinp individual5 to xeprescnt variovs categories. Applications will continue to bc accepted
for futuie vacu[tcies as welI. Please indicate be(ow the calegory or categories you can repre;ent oo•che �Vii3. Please
note: Business, Education or Labor posifions require a aomiaaiion letter su described bclo�•:
Business� defined aS far-profiE (NomStoted by local business organira[ianr m+d/orbusrness nade ar,aciarions—
anaCflyotr�rsominatinnleKe7.) ' I
❑ Bus'mess owner, eAieFocecutive or operating officer, � Reptcsent business with employmen I opportunitia
and other exee�tvc or employer with optimum that rcflcci the local ama
policymaking or hiring yutho[iry-
❑ Repmsent a cfiamHer of eommvcc ❑ R rnt thc hcafth eaie ine�ua
�g `trY
� Also, please indicate if you rcp[cscnt a[azge or smalI ( fewar than 500 nmployccs) businesy: �Lsrsc _ Small
- '-----°--"...-""-°------".-"---'-'---'-'----'-"_' ..................... . " "--'-'-----`
Community-Bsscd OrnanSzation, defined as nonproIIt or�anSzaGOns
❑ Represcntauve of coaununities or 5ignificant
segmenu ofcommunitics providingjobuaining
❑ Agency serving youYh
❑ ngency ernring disptaccd 6omemakers
❑ Union-rclatcd orga¢ization
❑ Employervrela[ed nonprofit orgaaizaHoa (cacctudes
chamber of commeer,�)
. . .. . ° - ° ° ------------- — -'
F:conomic Development Agency
❑ Privatesectar
0 Orgwization terving noa-reserva'tion Indian and
h'ibu� go��nttlCnt
❑ Agrncy rcprescnting vctcrsns �
❑ Agrnry ccprescaUng individuals wi�h dissbiliiics
❑ 0[her.
❑ Public sector
Edueation (Nomirtatedbyregionalor/oealerfutaliunagwcie.r.incti6uirntqororg��atiorrsreprese+�ti,igsuchloeal
e.ducadonal e�uldes —auach yoni nnmina8an f�fu.)
❑ Locsl educafional entirias (inctudinb K-12)
❑ Localschoolboazd
❑ Entitics pro�iding adult educauon aodlitemcy
------' -' ----------' --- -"' -' .....'-- --'
O Posuccondaryeducarionalinscinrtions
❑ Q�her
LabOr (Nominaled by recognlred smte m,d/orincal fahnr federarions — atlack yaur nominarian letter.)
❑ Labor ,
_ "_' _' _"""""""""""""""' • " """""_"""""_"' _ _""""_' _""""""""' _' _' _' _ " _ "' _ """' _
One Stop W orldoree Center Partners, definrd as the partncrs that cairy out thc following scti�it;�s /�ro�s:
II ndul; Dislocatcd Worka, Youtly Job Corps, Na�ive CJ Pos�econdary L•ducation (Gvl D�� PerLins vocarional
AmcricanandVctecan'sWorkf'arce(WIATiNen andAppliedTeehnolo�Educaliondct)
D W agicr-Pcyser Act ❑ qdult Edueeiion and Literacy f W[A Title II)
D Tzsdc Ad'usm3cnt Asaistance M andNAFTw �
J (T' ) ❑ I.ocal Vererans' Employmenc ReAresentatives and
TAA (Tnde Act of 1974 Tide R} Diaabled Veterans Outreach (Title 33, U.S.CJ
❑ Vocational Rehabiliintion (A�ititsrion ActTitle n ❑
❑ Nelfare-to-Wock Programs (Soci¢i Security Act} ❑
❑ ScniorCommunitygcrviccSmploymeut(TitleYof ❑
the Older Americang Aet)
Community Services Block Grant
Dcpertmerit of Hoasing and lirhan Developmea[
State Uuemployment Compenaa[io¢ Lsws (in
accordsnce with spplicabtc Fcdc[at tsws)
npFw m.v.a�= Page 2 oF 3 q n-eeso e>
b3- �0�5
Ramsey County Worlcforce Inves(ment Boarc!
Membership Application
Public Informafiun: (1'he data in Yhts box rs public and, therefore, available to t3t'e public.)
N - �E2�5A T�t+, � C{y `�-k�'►�-
tameM'�`l`t L�CJ���V171 VN "'�� S �i�� � , 11W ���p
What skills, Iraining and experience do youc possess for �VIB ncmbccship? Please aYtach a 1- to 2 ��page resume.
Are you a veteran? Q Yes
Mail or fax youc Wf& Mamberslvp Applicatian 10:
Ramsey Couaty Workfoice Invesiment Boacd
Chatnber of Commerce Centcr '
401 North Robert Sueet, Suite 150
Saint Pavl, MI�T 55101
Phone: G51-265-2760
Tenns are nornially two years, commencing ott the date of appointment and ending luly 31.
The Workforce Investmenl Boazd's rcgularIy-schcduled meetings azc held fhc fust Th�asday, every ol.�ter monLh
liom 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Members tue expected to also secve on at least onz standing commit[ee. Sra,ndin� comutittee
meetin� schedules vary.
The inFormation on this application will be used to evaluate and seleet members of tfie Work�'orr�e Investment
Board (WIB). Applicants may refuse to supply the requested information. �owever, ezcept for uptional
voluntary informaaon, the failure tn comptete the application may result ia it being aiscnrdeu. Tnis data may
be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counfy and SainEYanl city sfaff.
Thankyou foryour interest!
Commissioner Disvict
For Office Use Onty
Pltmning Di�trict ��
City Council Wsrd
aw,;,,m,.visc.a Paga 3 of 3 p c-nazeca
03- ��
scrs?Stch'd c�wensre�na
Teresa �D, Tschida
9989-Present President(DistricE Manager
Wells Fargo Bank MN NA .
- Fa the iast efeve� years, man�qed reta� banldnc� s�es in it�e i�finneapotis
and Sainf Paul area. CurrenBy respansible for five �n�ing stores.
Responsibilities indude sales and service effnris of em loj�ees i� the
stores, as well as profitab�ity of the sfte, risk manaqement and community
9989 University of Minnesota Ca�ison Schaal of
Managament " '
• 6acheloe of Science in Susiness
= Emphasis in Finance
Current University of St Thomas
Master of 6usiness Administratipn
Project Review Committee for LRT
• Ciry of Minneapolis-46 intersection
New Hope Cemer . • .
� Provide financial education to residents each quarter
HabiNetfor Humanity
1997-2UO2 5t Paul Area Chamber of Commerce
• Leadership Sairtt Paul V'xe-Chair
• Leadership Sairtt PauE Alumni Chair
• Wor{dorce Devetopment, Committee Membef
2Q01 2002 Minnesota Business Academy, Mentor
7995-2002 Neigh6orhood DevetopmentAlilance, Board Member