254085 ' 254085 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL61lK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL "� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE , ATF Ma�v 14s �g7� WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paal is infor�ned by the Comnissioner of Public Safety that a nuisance exists on the property located at 1325 Selby Avenue (Subject to Selby Avenue: East two (2) feet of lot 17 and all of lot 18, Block 5, Arina E. Ramsey's Addition) in the City of Saint Paul, which nuisance constitutes a hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, Such nuisance more particularly consists of large piles of tree leaves and limbs, boards, tin cans, paper, etc. , which harbors rodents, vermin and other noxious animals and things; and WHEREAS, Persuant to Section 374 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, and Section 265.52 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (24 hours' notice has been given to the owner, occupant, or agent of such property demanding that such nuisance. be removed); now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Comnissioner of Public � $,,.��; ���.�.�� . X'_ , y''�..'. . , Safety, the Comnissioner of Public Works is hereby 'directed to summarily and forthwith remove the said nuisances, the cost of such removal to be charged against Fund No. 0979; and be it ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Coamissione:�..;�f �t,�kli� Safety is d�irected to ascertain the cost of such removal and to forwa�rd the ,,sa� ��� County - Auditor on or before October 1 of the year ia which ascertained fc� collection ... , : ...,__.. . . . ...:.Y"6.�:"- in the same manner as taxes against said property. MAY 1818J� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Ivaya NIAY 1 � 197� Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine n Favor Meredith or Sprafka �A �� gainat Tedesco A � � Mr. Preaident, McCarty � PUBj,y��D_ MAY 2 2 1971 As,t. Ccrp ration Couns �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, , � BUREAU OF HEALTH ��� O i'�°�ay 1�, 19 71 i3aniel Klas City Attorney 31G City iiall � Court tlouse Sai nt Paul , '�1i nneso�a �5102 i�ear i�tr. �las : Lncloseci is th� sunmwr;� a�aten�nt resolution on 132� Selby �venu2, ���i t{7 a cop,� of our fi�e for your cansi deration far s uf�rri ss i on to tne (;i ty Counci 1 . D Tt is our unaerstanding that yc�u �rill �aroce�s t3ie disposition of this resoiutiori. Yaurs truly, Frank A. Staffenson Supervisor-Housing Co�e S�ction FP►S/1 h Enclosures cc: Commissioner �ean �+leredit�