254083 � � '� Orisinsl to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE 254083 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ����,�,�`I--��� ORDINANCE NO � � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "A.n ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Director of Medical Services � ��� r; -. r° .L � �w � �..r � � -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � CiLy Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By � � r � , ` Orislnsl to Cit�Clerk � � ORDINANCE 2540�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- JUN 2197�1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paaaed by the Council -� �Carlson Levine � Tn Favor Meredith �' � Against Sprafka Tedesco 197� . President cC ) Approv . A tes • - C' lerk 11 ayor �� Form approved Corpq��,ip��o By pUBLISHED �I V IN 1 � +� nyu�.a a r�.a� � � ORDINAI�TCE GOUNCiL FILE NO PRF.SENTEfl BY ORDINANC:� NO �• �r o���a�enii�►� 4r�#aaat� No. T6�?, �i�i: *'Aa orcii�►c+e �� the dntfer s�d raspoaaibi�es sad ttie miatm�aUm �t��sli#3estiaas fos � �rasiaas claas�s of pos�itlaa� fa t�qs C�slfiad �r�rLes oE�aR Gil�.n �ppssrs�i�'si�swrX �3, 1935. sa a�priri. SI#� COL1IdCII. !t�F THE �I�7 OF S�T l��ti�. D�SS 4jtDAI�i: S�ttioa 1. Tl�st+Ot�diasac� �a. ?i07, a�psov�l F�ltssssy 19, 1�35, s� am�rd�, b�► sad t�e ssms is Ler�ih► ta�urs a��d � �asi�#ias � its prc►p�rs sl�irsbetica� erder tl�i &►�Iawi�; !3*�, saud �i�s f�s I�Irec�r of ��cal Sert�c�� , .1_ Yeas Co ' en Nays Pa�eed by the Connc�� Butl Car n � • e Tn Favor M th A�inst sp , Ted�� Mr. Preatdent (�cCartq) Approved: Atteet: ; Cit,� Clerk Mayar �� I�'orm a roved Co � �P rA�'ation Couasel By , � t ' .' DaWe�b to Priwt�r . . � � ' ORDINANCE ��� � COUNCIL FtLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINAiVCE NO � Stct�oa 2.. Thi� osdia�scs sbsil tata effae# a�d �rt �a foree tidst� ds�s a�es fts �si�ga� spprovsl, aad pob2ies#it�. „�_ JUN � 1!� Yeas Councilmen Naya Paseed b�► th Coun�>>� ���---- � ��e , Tn Favor p�� v �►gainat a�. �a�t c��� JU N ? 1971 APPxc►ved: Attest: . � City Clerk Mayor f� �orm approved Corporation �"ounsel By , _, � 254083 t itle of cla�s. D�RECTOR OF ��iEDZ��I� S?�.'P�T��ES Duti�:G and res�onsibiliti�s: €lnder adn��nis�ra�:iv� di�•�c��an, 4o ha�re �harge of a11 medi�cal S�PVi��5 En th� �urcau of �-iealth, arad `co perform relaied ��ork as assign�d. Examples of wcrie perfoxmed: To glan ur�d di.r��� �:he rr�di�ai a�'ta�ari�ac� of the Family Planrzing, �mm�niza;:icn, V�n�r�al T.?is�,ase, Tubercuiosis� azsd Child Ye�lt.b. Clpnics thro�xp;hoa�;� �h� cYiy, 'To �rov�i.dc 1'31CLj1C�.i.1 dircrtion �or ah� sehool nu�'sing prograrn incla:Adircg proc�dt�re� for a e�^znm�.ni+�a.ble diseas� �o�a•��ral xsrogram� To a�•� as a eonsa.:l.��an� for eda��a��ion;zl and pr�vcn�i�r� programs, s;��h ar wht Co3°onary� Car� �'rogr.m. �o advi�� in �h� dt�clap?��en� af h�al`CIl C�,T� j718�Tams wi�h �he 5ta�'f. �f. �hc nc�rsin� �os��e� �� in�u:re adequ.a�e xrca`tmerz�� �or �h� pa•�i�rz`�s, To providr: �e�hnical �dv�iGe in ��h� o�;cratiori of `cne medical labora�vY•y. '�o �5tabli.�h rn�di��.l �riorifiie,s and div�.i.op new r���dical ser�vice prc��zam� for �he I3�r�a�, a£ �Iea�.�11. '�o pr�pare ��lac� ann�;a2 }��.�d��� for the Divi�ion of Nledical S�rvi�ces, To mxk� r•ar�r�� and r�camm�nd�tiAns� �inimum c1uali:fi,.ation>> Gr:�d�.�a�ian from a r��ogniz�d mcdi��l s�hool and �i.�re year�s" prof�ssional e�xp�rience in 41�� field of obs�t�trics and �ynecology, or pedia�ri�s.. :�1u3`t t�� lic�n��d �:o pxactice nz�di�ine ixl �he, ���.�e of Iv�inneso;.a, _�m ? � 254083 Titl� c�f �laas� D?'�'cE�`L'�JR OF I��i�DZ�11?.� S�P��T�"��.5 Duti�G and responsibilzti�s: 17ndur adr���nis�rative dire�'�.��ai, �o taR��r, char�� of al1 m�di�cal ��rv;cc:s �,n 1ch` I3ur�1c� of H�al�b.s <�.:�� �zo p�gform i•ela�ed ���rk c7.S a8ul.uI1E.':a, Exampl�:: �f w��r?: perioz•rracd� To g1�an �i�c� dib e�% �:;ic rn�di��l a���rriV��� of �l�e Family Planning, �mmz�niza1vscn, V��n�r�al LJi��a_�, `�'uberculosis� �.�.d Chi1d He�.I�'n Cl�n�cs ttzrou�u�oa�,; �h� ��_�y., '�o �Y o�ric3� m�dic<i: dir��xion fox �;h� school n�?r�i�g pxogram inc'z:td�,r�g p�o::cuuY•�� for a c�inm�,ni+��.ble �i:�asc ca��:rc�l t�rc,�z•am, 2 o ac�� a� �. �cns#.zlt�n3 for cd�:�a�wi�raal anf� �r�v�.n�i�re prn�rams, s�.�h a� 4�h� Co�o��,ry G�rE Fr��ram. `�e ad�rir� in �.4� d�v�i�pmex:t of ►i�;al�lZ ��r� pr�grams wit�x Yh� s�ax� ��f �hc rzc:r��i.n� hom�:s ��c� inse�rc aaequ�`t� 7r�a•:mvrz� ��or T���� p a,�;,i�n'��, �'o pr�zric:; �e�hnical rtdvi��; in ��h� o��ratiora of �h� m��i�al iahoY•a`��ry�. 'T'o �s�a�1i���h m��d:r.�.l �xiori��i�� an� dcvel.op n�w ;n��3ica1 strvi�e �,rab:Un�� for �:h�� B�af•��� c�f z-I�a��ci-� 'I'o Fr���x•e, `�k:.e: ann�.,al h,�d�,�� fc,a� th�. Di�rision. ox I�✓?��3i�a1 S�rvx�es> '�'o malce: 1��,�..r.�:� and rr;t:omn�cn�a�i�ns, Tviinimt;im c.�a,'�1ifi�aZrcna� Gr��d�,���t�Rr. sr�m � r�eo�niz�d m�di.��l ,��chool and �R�rc ye�r�" professioz��.l ��pc;r•i.c;nc�=. i�i �h� xi�,.1c3 of obs°r�#:i�i�s a�zd gyneCOlcgy, -- or �rd�a.ri�s. �d�u.^`d. ��: 1�:�:�5���.1 4:o pract:ief, m�d��in� �.x� •ihe �'��.`a v a� Tv:�.nn���o i a. �1 � ��� — I st� � � � 2nd �� Laid over +o 3rd and app� �S�_Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler .��erFler� Carlson arison Levine 25�(�p� evine V'�J Meredith '� eredith � $prafka °Sprafka ,� Tedesco �Tedesco `J Mr. President McCarty Nilr. President McCariy O