254078 ORIGINAI*TO CITY CL6RK ��O�V CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��� � < ^��sE ccr�:�.�T.�,E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO. L�c� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , COMMI99�IONE DATF �.a:� l u� ��l� RESt�LV�D: �.'h�t licen�e. a�a�Tied ior by �,;.ie �'o�.'�.o.��.��� r�ersons at t;�e wactrc:�es sta�e� T�e �.�3d �I�e �a�e ure I:erel�� �r�.P��ec�. Etl:el Strauss �J6: iY:. Le,�ingi;Qn Ldy/DC I'I�;; App.°499�ene;.•�� Superior 't�-C�C;��� I�.c. 2^� i°W. 3''t. Dou�luu 3��. �uu �-��t. �n 1e �73�J�r r, rr Groc2ry �`=-1 n n rr �i 11 C].�y2��e��e r� n �i �onS�nde:�isV I�2fl Rice :�N�. C-� " �98�'� �rea?�s�,one Su�;aa� Cre��i: ,�ooe:� D�vn. �.2�� '�err:.�or�u? ic�s i�:1?�u 'r 777�-rr Dat�i� �,. V�ui-�ui� ?��� i'aci�ic �a; S:,a. �:.�' " S3c�Sn �� �r 7� ,. r��t ii n �'zCll._tC�:.Ci.^.3'. ;y'::l�;e� J. Graci.o �;?,i 2��'T ;:�a���c�:. �:c... " :e�;;T C �� �J3�" .� ��e�';,er i�:a�:cie,� l��I ?��erce "�u�3er �d. �er..�er.,.��,r. �' ��e�,�r, Yfl�'S.l^u'.: �. i't:E.'i�. i'��Y`i� ���1• i';.�Y: �.�• 'iiG�i:1�.Y� tl Jv�r.•"�.i'It , , .. , -n 1>.il'_:: i' i09:.c1 i:@i::l'a::;:.Ii L. c.T@iilCuT F,'i?Y'TJ ���.�T1iidTY �Y'i_u�'. _i71. i�. w�7i1@��ii:5�'.' C/'T'1�.�'0.1L.�E'2�31r.n ��.�C_. ir n �'T oY'?��v/i•'Ltrsrr n �r rt ►� �1 A .. p L.Li?!� Gw'..'Y�• �U��..J ILI.tiC�L:'tA. t1 �t f} �r n.ai � /1y 1! tt Clti—�Jc�. C; i!i.�.6. " " Ci�are�t�c rj n r� �Olic:� � n�... ^-f" ^�r.ii.�. � � • �..a- ra t9 !?^�L911 Id �oe�e ,��<:;,e O���c� ��r�. C y ..a� �.�,ro��c�: Re��,. C-� l�.�v� �� + Ci�are'c'cL �r i� rr Ir?ter�sa�;'i ��kives-cer Co. 775 Rice i�ic�.� �N 3}lr " �.C>:3.i3r' it t1 !�13� yi� �;a� ��y. II t9 tI �i n �lr �e��. C�:,..�. rt �C;v39►� n ii �- r� n n Ci�;are:,te ;iennetl� �:. I:ee�a;: �-�35 ti. a'��� Pe�'r;. C-� " ��:,�^�C'an n tt C1v"��,�a�-iC n n tt a ' T L R� -_ ., v:� ��v�? :i.i.?_l,.C��:�.. l;ee...liV�y: .;.c_a. fi 'r�. ^(�.11 �III�t�.,;l ai• f.t27� c:� • • .__�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ABainat Mr. President, McCarty � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �540'78 � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�E NC�� NO. � ���L=':�v ����"y="'i'=� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .,,, COMMISSIONER DA� „ T��. ��r" n .,e�.:,G. � "e � ' ..., , ,, _ ,-_ ��� ,_, r ." .�:.�, cnc.:�I �.�<.Gii� ilJO'u., :.i1C• .�Jc.v . • E,'` ..�_,,.0 N:.c,W• .. yJl iy"+.'D 11 `' tt S�.'�� :)iil� fP �t�'vC'�':��" l�—.J �, r� t� i�;;:�.C.. :C�Uit; �r rr �i i� rr G.;�."-��..'�� i':��i ., rr r� r� �r tr Ci1�2..I'a3i�`i.�' 1} tl it i'':;ti.°�::!T'C� �• i'i:;ir.COi;i(J ��.��v �• '.�.7Ii@�_i3IlA'�y lr'tit� u"Gu =�i il �.�;��`efl /f t� V::E,'i3.1�f;r.�ii'.1. Il 1/ If fi ry Ci2tf',�'&Z����.�.� t� tt tt �� t� C��.VI'�: Gi�er 2P�; �� " n Pober� �. �IeYf�7u�a�i �72 �r�r7ci �roc�r;� E'.-�. " s�3�G7n �i �+ Cff-S��e ��'�.�-;. �i n �v �� " Ci�aret�e r� " " Eu�er�ac��s�rartz �C�� E. I'�.ia�ize'�k:��a :rocer�- �,-� " ���;�;�5rr ►t tt Y'Y'OZ�T2 �OCt.� n tt tI �e rr ,. � I 1"�';��I�; n �r tt c��-�� � 11 �� l,i��.Y'CLI,G tt ft 11 i':.::E:ti�@E12 u''e�iic:: �u� :T. I�';1 �L'c:'�:Y�`.�' �..�`5i10�) �� 3_CJ�ivii e�0� �iac�erso:� �'iC�.i?L'Y'u gIlC. .�.�i�1 F''.'�• tn�Y'y?c�.IPC� �Cl�rjr�C i U a�c:• �, .'!.v''��`vll I�it�L�r C?over Ce. I��,�� �Qa�.� Ci�;�re��e " ?C�s:r�-" �ene CP��.Z�ii����c?� Dez��er� �� r��ore��ce �:ec:<i; �5:; ���. u�i�l�i�� Cibare�ite " l�'�98n MAY 181� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Butler MAY 1 81971 Carlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty P�LIS�D MAY 2 21971 �