254072 o�a e�cia c��t � �� � � ORDIIITANCE 254�'72 COUNCIL FILE NO.— PRESENTED BY W� >> �am E. Ca r 1 son � ORDINANCE NO � � AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO ST. LUKES HOSPITAL TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN AIR CONDITIONING WELL WATER DISCHARGE CONNECTION IN PLEASANT AVENUE BETWEEN SHERMAN STREET AND WALNUT STREET. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to St. Lukes Hospital to construct, operate and maintain an air conditioning well water discharge connection (maximum discharge of 1400 gallons per minute) in Pleasant Avenue between Sherman Street and Walnut Street in an area approximately 240 feet east fro�rn the east property line of Sherman Street and outletting into the State of Minnesota's 6 foot circular storm drain tunnel designated as State Project No. 6280-123 (T.H. 35E=390) as per the Minnesota Highway Department Cooperative Construetion Agreement No. 56784 with the City of St. Paul . Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to St. Lukes Hospital for the construction, operation and maintenance of said discharge connection upon and subject to the fotlowing terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering, and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this under- taking. It is estimated that said costs will be the sum of $300.00. Said permittee shall also pay in full the costs of cunstruction, engineering, a�d inspection incurred by the City of St. Paul for that part of said discharge cQn- nection herein called an 8 - inch cast iron pipe, 66 feet long drain hole connected to the aforesaid 6 foot cirEUlar storm drain �tannel as per the Minnesota Hlghway Department Cooperative Construction Agreement No. 56784 between the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways and the City of St. Paul , Minnesota. Said costs estimated to be the sum of $1324.54. The total estimated sum of $1624.54 shall be adjusted to the actual amount due upon corr�letion of the construction of said drain hole. Said costs to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. E-1087. b. That said permittee shall forthwith furnish and deliver unto the City of St. Paul a surety bond in the sum of $5,000.00 made and executed by said permittee as Principal and a Corporate Surety Company duly authorized to transact ' business in the State of Minnesota, as surety to and in favor of the City of St. Paul as obligee, conditioned upon the permittee complying with all the terms and conditions of this ordinance, and that said permittee shall indemnify and hoid harmless said City of St. Paul against all expenses and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or connected with the construction, maintenance, removal and/or operation by said permittee and/or its swccessor in interest of the aforementioned discharge connection, which surety bond shalt be in such form as shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel , and shali have such surety as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Finance and said surety bond shall remainin force and effect so long as the discharge connection or any part thereof remains on said Pleasant Avenue; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk May �� �'orm approved Corpor�,t;ion CouMael By oe�s�a s�cn�ci�t � � � � ORDINANCE 2540'72 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO U PAGE 3 m. That said permittee shail remove the discharge connection or part thereof in such manner as is satisfactory to the Cominissioner of Public Works whenever the City Council shall so order; n. That the said pe rn►ittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordina�ce, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its-.passage, approval and publication. ,�,�I 2197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc� � �Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith� � A gainat Sprafka T���° JU N 7181,� Mr. President (Mc y) Approv tea • � ��/L..— Ci Clerk Maqor �� .-�orm a�proved JUrpO1�{io���unsel By �'UBLISHED N .L _a�.a r,�.ar � . , �, � ' y �JI� DINANCE ���� :� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY Wi 11 i� E. Carlson ORDtNANCE NO AM ORD 1 NAMCE 6RANT 1 NC �ERlIt SS If�f TO ST. LUKES HOSPtTAI TO CONSTlU1CT, W►ERA'fE AND MAINTAIN AN AIR CAN81TlOMIMP. 1�lELL VATER DISCHAR6E CONilECT10N IN PLEASANT AVENliE BETMEEN SNERMAN STREET INiD YALMt{T STREET. THE COUNC�L 0� '�HE CITY OF SAINT �IWL DOES ORDAtMs Ssctiop 1. That pe�ission aad sut�oritr an berebp g�a�ted to St, tukss Nospital to oonstract, op��ats sad w�i�tatn � air coaditioaing wall wat�r discharq�e coemection �wax�ww disaharga of 1yG0 gaitoefs p�� •tA�rt�) i� Plasant Av�nw bstween She� Stt�et ae�d HalAwt Stnat iA aa ana aPprouiwat�ir 2�f3 fa�t east f� ttia ust p�opartr 11ne of Sherwan Str�et �d ortl�ttiag i�to ttis Stata of Minnasota's 6 foot ciFwlar stc�a drain tuansl desi�t�d as Stat� ProJ�ct No. 62$0-123 (T.H. 35E•390) as per tt�e Min�esota HighwsY Oeputw�st Cooparativs Coa:tn�ctica Agre�at t�b. 56784 with tha Cit�r of St. �a�i. Sact t cn 2. That ths C�ai ss ta�e� of Pe�b 1 i c Morks 1 s bersby a�tbor i� to i ssw a parwit to St. Lukes Hospital fo� the coastr�ction, opa�atfar� an� wt�taaa�os of said discharge ooasection upoa aAd- snb�ect to tbs foilar�ag t�rws and oonditi�s: a. That satd p��tttee s�all pay thm costs of a�lnistration, �iMaria9, and i e�spect toe� i ncurrad br tha Daps�taent of Pub 1 i c Yorics because of th f s �a�der- taking. It Is estiaated that sald costs will be t�a su� of �3�•00. Said peniittee shail also psy in fu11 tbe costs of c�nsttuctioa, sngi�sari�y, aRd inspection incu�rad by the Cit�r of St. Paul for thst part of sald dtscbi�s ce�- nection h�roia call�d aa 8 - lncb cast i�on pipa, 66 tett loa� draln hole coAaected to th� afw^esaid 6 foot ci�cula� storm drain t�ael ss p�r the Mtnnesota Highwsy Ds'a��aent Coo�srattve Constructloa A�rsais�t No. 567� b�taesn th� State of Minnesot�, Depsrt�nent of Hig�+a�rs �nd tha City of St. !'a�l. Mim�asota. Said oosts estiwted to be the sw� of �13ak.s4. The totsl �ttw�t�d suw of $162�.5y shatl be adjnsted to the actual awo�t dws mpon oo�ptatla+ of , the construction of said d�ata hola. Ssid costs to b� uo�n�te� for w�der Departwent of Pnblic Yorks ProJect No. E-108�. _ b. Thst said peniittee shall fortM�+ith fu�nish �nd dellvar �nte tbt City of St. Paul a suritr bond in the sw� of $S,A�.00 awds a�d s�osc�tsd br said ps�ittea as Pri�ipal �d a Corporate Surety CaNpaAy duly a�t�+orized tv t�an�att bnsin�ss ie� tha State of Minaasots, as suret�r to and 1n favor of tbe Citp of St. Paui as obllyee, oonditioned upon the penittee ce�wpt�►ing with s11 tla t�n�s �d oondittoas of this ordinance, aad tbat said pen�ittee s�slt ind�ni�r aad hold han�less said City of St. P�1 agai�st si1 expenses a�d lisbility oa acoomrR of ali clai�, suits and Jedgaisnts a�isiag o�t of ar ca�ct�d witb ths ao�sttvctloa, •atnt�oe, �emo�vsl snd/or op�ration bp said peroittes and/o� its stitosssK iA 1 ntsns t of the afora�sat i onad d i scha�qs conaect i ea, w!�i d� serot�r bo�d shs 11 b� tn su�h fos�n as sha11 be �p�oved by the Corporatiou Co�sat, a�d shail haw such surety as shsi i t» sppnwa! by the Co�wtssio�ar of Fisaaae �d said s�ntr be�nd shal l r�aaip in foros snd effact so laag ss tiM discbargs conne�utie�r aa� a�r part th�reof r�i� on said Pteasant Awaue; Y�ae Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�;t Butler , Carlson ��e t++ Favor �@P�� ' A paai� sp� Teaesco Mr. President (McCarty) AAProved: Atteet: City Cierk Mayor �� Form ap�roved Cor}�or�ion Couneel By awu..�.a sa�.r � + �� .o . �� � � RDIIITANCE . � COUNCIL FlLE NO._ ENTED BY RDINANC NO �C� PRES • E ��E 3 �, TM� sai� �wttt�r siwti ra�rw tMs �istMr�s es�etia� �r �srt t�1 �• s� �� rs is s�tlsfac� t+� tM Gi■�1ssla�r �! !�►�ic ii�rrler �e' tl�r Cityr C�li sM�� so �r; _ w. Tlrt tM sai� �sili� sAsit, �t�M#� tAitt� �0} �r�s af� tN� � �rf �t: eN���, rttli i �itt�rr ae�o�ta�� tl�wf ri#� tM CitY C��i 3�cttv� 3. TAts �t��a �sit aie� �f��st a�i 1� t• fi�+w► t�i�r �) �rs #�w a�i �ft�r its�pa�s�t. aMn�rs# a�/ #�illcstlM. �uH a �s� Yeas Councilmen Irlays Paeeed by the Coun�;t .�— � ��OII Tn Favor Levine Sp�� O A o�.ingt �. �t c��c�� �pp��: J u a ? 19?1 Attest: City Clerk Mt►yor �� �orm s�proved Ciar�or�ion �ouneel By _ � .x.;;;�.. . :,;yQ�;�t;. ,a; �� � `}� � .. ,� s:. � � . " . . �� ��:�.a .. ��� .� .. � a+: _. 'm :r��.. ��: a�+ss'.t �. � � . . . . �;�...,. �. ., . 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K?�: }:?'2`: 37:9�1.r 9i�=>7 i ��„�a '.��!1Fd3�D'Ifs 'c'�CY . �, ,'2t�fi�9? , Y. ii« ..:1 � ;�3r ':rl6 �r,aV;'s'i ri�> ;;)'�1fzfi26!?�2f{ "59��!� �`i?�f'rtt�}'13 i,)tSfl{ "��.,1 V�i i,i_ ~ ' , s�,; ,..�i '.'- Y�! :.�1a�.i�` . .... . . �uY � . . . .. -� . � � ..' , « ". _ . .. .......... . . . . ..•'..:.Y.�:t�. . . . ::l�J�i. �..__ . . . .�'... ...�...... . _.. ...._........ ..... . ... . �.. . . .. . � i-•7A.!. iy��,a . J . . � .. . . . . 4;;'ji''.!�i... � . � . �,� �t. . � . . . . -' ., . . i�,i.., �'a e,��� - ta . ..ti�sJ �. jn �G,i:'... �'._ -. , ,,�,t;T l, '� v =-, :.: . . ... �•. � .. .... _.. . ,.. _. . . . .. . __. . _ ._ _. . �., f ..T ... . _ . „�.,� .��i�J I. __. . . . _.. ..r.. ..__ ... . ..._..- -------- _. ... �. _...______... ---_. __. _.__ � . _. "ir�`x.i� .{rA�`� " �1 G , � �.... . 1 :T��.,::S�lY� _,.,�� ��ri.:.-t.1��.�. it.K.- . ., � .. .. .� �..:' . � , _ June 14, 1971 St. Paul, Minnesota To the Honorable� the City Co�cil Saint Pa.ul� Minnesota. Gentlemen and Mrs. Butler: We� the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by a11 the terms and conditions of CoLmcil File No. 254072� being Ordinance No. 1�+808, adopted by the Council on June 2� 1971. S 'S HDS . �_:��'��� �� , June 1�, 1;�'Tl ;�c. Lu1te's Iic,spitF�l ;3�0 Pleasan�; Il�re. ti�'k�,. i'�u1, i��inr�iesota �.entlEmen: t�1e c-nclose a copJ o:f' U�•din�.�nce No. 1�+303, �rantinU ,-ou. perr.►ission to construc�, oper�.te anc3 rnaintain. a.n ai.r cUnd.iti.onin�; ��rell ;rater dischar�e coruzect:i,on in Pleas�.rzt Av�e. bett�:eer� ;;herman and �drilnut �ts.; also bill in the sum of �36.g0 to covex• the cost o� publzcatzt�n c�f tri.is orainance. tiae call your special. attention to Para�ra,phs b and n of Section 2� which require tl�e :Calin� of A bond in the zunount speciPied and the fili.t� o�w an ac�eptance af the ter�s of this ordinance. �'he Acceptance mu�t be ii1�d in this office, Rooru 33�i, City I3�a.11, within thi-rty (30) c�ays. I� not so filec�, the ordinance becomes void. Very tz'ul f �i ours� Ci�y Clerk ng �+� PAGE 2 c. That said p�rmitt�e sha11 construct that part of said discharge conn�etion e�xcluding the aforesald 8-ineh cast iron plpe draln hole entirely at its +own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfactlon o� the Ccxrwnissio�ar of Pub11� Workt �nd tn aer.ordance with the approv�d plans and �pecificattons of St. Luk�s HaspT�al on ftte ir� the Department of Public Works aend In aGCOrdance with all Local , State and Federal Codes r�nd Ordinances including th� City of St. P�ui Legislative Code, Section 2�l0, S�wers and Dratns; d. That said permTttae ghall pay the ccs�t of publicatton of this ordinance and all resolutions passed tn relation to said ordi�ance; a. That satd pernoittea expressly agreea and undertakes te fuily tnd�nnify, hold harmlasa and de�fend the City of Safnt Psul, tt� �gents� officers and empl�yees f rom any and all damages, elaims� lo3ses, ,udgmertt�, suit� or �xpetnsss arising out of or occasionEd by the eonstruettan, operatton and maTntenanc� o� satd discharge connection and by the permi�ston �nd authority granted herein; f. That sald hern+ittee expressly �grees ta compty with Ordina�rtce No. 1456$, Chapter 216 of the St. Paul Legtsiative Code perts6ning to street obstructtons; g. 7hat said permltt�e �hall submit bond and/or insurance clocun+ents to th� Offica Enginee� of the DeQart�ent of Publ�c I�orks; h. That said peo�n+ittee ahall properly protect all excava�tions made tn thea streets, sidawalks and boulevards bc�th day and night so as to avoid all d�mag� or in,�ury to persons or property; shail properly fill �nd tamp saTd streets� stdewelks �nd boulevards to avoid settling and sha11 restore said stre�ts, �ldawalks and boeilevards to their original eonditlon; i. That sald pee�mdtteea ffihall not outlet dTscharga or dr�lnag� from any othe� scsurce into ssid storm d�atn tunnel facilities other than the aforessid dlscharge Af air-condit�oning we11 wster fran St. Lwk�s Hospital; J. That said permittee shall agree to properly met�tsi� and keep in good r�pair said $ ir�ch cast iron pipe drain hole upon its�caapletton without cost or expenae to the City of St. Paul ; k. That aatd pe nnittee shall , during the tana of thl� peirmit, resto�e and repai� �11 praperty� whethe�° pubitc or private, dar�+ag�sd or whi�h may be damaged due to the const�uctlon, op�eraticn and maintanane� or p�asence of thn di�charge connection provided for heretn; 1. That satd permittee shall notlfy the T�sfflc eu�eau of the Depa�ta�ent of Publte Works tf the const�uction, operat(on and malntenance of aaid discharge co�nection ahalt make necessary the closing of Pl�aaant Avenue part of, all expenses incu�red by the 7raff�c �a�raau in furnishing, i�stallin� and raen�owving of b��rtcades. signs and other cont�ol devices� �hall b� pafd by the pet�aaltte�e; ��"��.�'tl li! PAGE 2 c. TMat said permittee shall co�stru�t that part of said dis�harge connectio� exclud�ng the afaresaid 8-inc1� cast iron pipe dratn #��le Gnttrely at its own expense, under the supervisior► and Eo the sz�tisfaction pf the C«nmissioner of Pub�ic Wvrlcs and in accor��nce with the apprawed pians and specifications of St. Lukes Hosp�itai �rn fite in the Depa�tment af Pubiic Works and in accordance witM a1T Local , State and �',�der�l Codes and ardinances including the City of St. P�ui Lagisfative Code, Secti�n 23t?, Sewe�s and Drains; d. That said permitiee shail pay tMe cost af publi�ation of this drdinance and all resolutians passed in relation to said ordZnance; e. That sa i d pern�i ttee express�y agrees anc! und�rtal�es to fw i ly i ndemn i fy� hold harmiess ar►d defend the City of Saint Pasrl , its agtnts, afficers and empioyees from any and al1 d�rnages, cfaims, lasses, ��wtlgments, suits or expenses artsing out of or occasioned by th� cc�nstruction, operation and maintenance of said discherge cc�r��ection and t�y ttte perrnission and autfitor�ty granted h+�rein; f. Th�t said permittee expr�ssl�r agrees to comply with Ordi�ance No. 145E8, Chapter 2�6 �f the St. Paul L�gislattve Ccti�fe pertatning to stree�t abstructions; g. That said permittte shalt submit btand and�or insurance documents to the 4ffice Engineer vf the i�epartment of Public Works; h. That said permittee shali proper}y protect all excava�tians made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards bath day and night sa as to avoid ail damage or in,jury ta persons or property; shall properly fill and t�mp s�id str�ets, sidewalks and bouievards to avoid settiing and sha�l restore said streets, si�dewalks and boulevards ta their ariginal candition; i . i'hat said permittee shail nc�t outlet disc�►�rge or dr�inage from any other source into said storr� drain tunnei fatilities 4ther than t�+e �fc�resaid disGharge of air-conditianing well water from St. Lukes Wospital; j. That said per�n�ttee shall agree to prc�perly mai�tai� and keep tn good repair sald $ inch cast iran pipe d�ain h�►ie upon itss�ampletion v�ithnut eost or expense ta the City of St. Paul ; k. That said permittee shaifi � during the term of .tt�ts permit, restore and repair a11 prope�ty, whether public or �arivate, dantaged or whit� map be damaged due to the const�uction, c>peratior� and maintenance or �rtsence af the discharge connection provided for herein; 1 . That aaid permittee shail notify the Traffic �ureau qf tha [?zpartment a# Public Works if the construction, operatian and maintenanee af said distharge connectian shaii make necessary the ciQSing of Pleasant �Rvenue pa�t of, all expenses inwrred by the T�affic Bureau ir� furnishing, ingtailing and removing of barricades, signs and other contrai devices, shall bc pa�c# by� the permittee; \.� ' Z � �� I st �: , 2nd �? Laid over to 3rd and app���_Adopted Yeas Nays Y as Nays Butler .�\�='o�r: Carlson `6arlson � Levine O Levine �' vMeredith �'�V� �Meredith Sprafka �Sprafka ,� Tedesco � ?edesco � Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarFy �O