254032 . ORIGINAL TO�CITY�CLERK �����/_ - CITY OF ST. PAUL � �LE NCIL N�. 'r FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL S TION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATE WHEREAS, The Twin Cities Area Metropotitan Transit Commission is involved in a technical studies project to result in perfonnance speciflcations for ffx�d guideway vehicie syst�ns, termed Phase ill-A-2 of the continuing long-range transit development program for the Twin Cities metropolita� area, which will have a substantiai effect on the long range development of the City of St. Paul , and WHEREAS, The various departments of city government will be �equired fio �eview and evaluate the project as it develops in order that the interests of the City of St. Paul are adequately protected, and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul will be required to furnish certain information, such as maps and ptats, and WHEREAS, Th� Twin Cities Area Metropolitan Transit Ccxnmission can utilize the value of such participation as the local share of the cost of such transit proJect and thereby obtain matching funds from the Federal Government in connection with such transit proj ect, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of St�. Paul does hereby agree to participate in such transit project to the extent of $7,800.00 in staff and services. �_ �`1t ' ��' ' � ���:�`�'` � ' MAY 13197i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Butler MAY 13 197� Carlson `� 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � ayo � A gainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty � 1 � �47� _PUBLISHED _i.�i.�. �� . DYrLICATE TQ►¢IN7'BR ��/� - CITY OF ST. PAUL H�uNCa NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMItSIONEe DATE � WILREAi. Th� Tv+i n C i t 1 ss Arw Metropoll t�n Traas i t Caw�i ss i on t s t mwl wd i n a t�m i ca1 ste�i a� proJ�ct to r�su 1 t i n p�rfon�ne.� s�et f t c�t 1 ons for f t x�d �i�Y wh i cl• s�►stw�s. t�rw�d M�as� I 11-A•Z of ths oont i nv t nq l o�•ra�ye trans i t dsv�l o�ant Oro��aw fo� th� Twi n C i t i�s �atropl t ta�+ a r�a. wh i¢h wi i l h�w a subst+�nt i a i eff�et on th� teng r�n� �wlopwnt ot tha Cf ty of st. hul. and MtE1tEAf, Th� wrlous dspart�ents of ci ty �owr�nt wi 11 b� nqut�«I t� nviwr and •wtwt� th� pro,jsct as 1t davetops tn ord�r that tM in��r�rsts of th� Citr of St. hul ar� ad�qwt�ty prot�ctsd. and MHEREAS. Th� City of St. Paui wiil es r�qui n� to fun�ish csrtaln tnfo�tton. such p �s and plats, a�d MNEREAS, Tha Twl n Ct t i a►s Arw M�t ro�oi t tan Trans i t Co�wi ss 1 on can ut 1 i i z, ths wlw of such particip�tio� as ths locsi shar� of th� cat of such transit p%j�et i�d th�r�by obtain aiatchtn9 funds fra� tha F�clsrai 6avsrn�nt In conn�ction wtth such transit ProJ�t. NOM, TNEAEFORE, �E IT RESOLVEO, That tha CitY of tt. ►aul ress h�nby a9ns to p�rtictpat� ta such tra�sit proaact to the extsnt af ��.e00.00 In staff and s�rvic�s. MAY 131� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� 18_ Y� xa� 1971 , Butler �►�' �13 Carlson Approv� �.9— Levine � T*+ Favor Meredith Mayor SprAfka � Avas►inat �e�ie88e-- Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���