254014 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 254�J14 z CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL N�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF �, &dgar 3. and dvanita �teele,�sers of the propert�* d�acri'�ed �,s bots 7, 8, 9, aa�d 10, Bloek 5, �vao Proapect A�itioa, �rhic� la�da are �tarr�atl.� �der cosde�atiun for the propmseal I,oeL Lake lark, (�pen �paae I.an� Pro�ect No. Iiina. ��A-81 (lL}, �are s�l�aitted. a cla3a f�r reiul��r�e- =ent for th� co�t 0f a pritate ap�rsisal ef said laa�ds im a�cor�anee wit.la Cha�ter �378 of tlae St. Paul Le�i�].ative Ccad�; and. T�R$A8, The C�ittee os La�nda haa reec�s�aded p��t im the aao�t of $150.� for aaid c1,a�im as evidenced by the letter 0� �aiat Cc�ittee s�itteel her�rith; smw, therefmre, be it R�:�OLV�D, Tba.t in accorda�nee xith Sectio� 8'�B 0f the St. Paul I�gislative Coald, th� proper City oSficials are hereby at�th0rized to pay to &'l�ar S. and d'�s,sita �teele the s� of $150.t�, s�id s�a to be �aid tre� PIR F�aci Code 6t�6�, t0 bs rei.abnrsed t`r� Fn�� 9769-5t��-�1. ,FORM A KU.�.,_ Asst. pora e� �,�Y � 2197i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays �971 Butler MAY 1 'Z Carlson / Approved 19— Levine 6 Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor ��' A gainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty rt�B� ueY � 51971 � , J WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L a55�f Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS '�����1� 286 Ci+y Hall Seint Paul, Minnesote 55102 �.ss The Honorable lde�yor aad Mea'�ers of t�e City Couneil �entleme� ancl Idada,�; 8dgar S. and ,�t�ita 3teele, 3921 Cl�toa Ave., So., Mi.��polis, I�ir�aesota, cyiraers of tge property described as bots 7, 8, 9, an8 10, Bl�ck 5, Cc►�o Pro�pect A�.dition, xhich lands are currently �nder conde�uation for the prc�poae�l boeb I,a,ke Park, 4�pen Spaee Land Pro�eet lfa. Minn. �1aA-81 (BL), h�.ve sul�nitted � claim to th� City in the amo�t of $154.00 tor rei.�burse- ment for the coat of a private a�prai�al of said lands. This claia i� s�bnitted pnrs�ant to �ection 87B of the St. Pa�.l begislative Code which provides for s�teh reimb�raeffient. We, the Coamsittee oa Laads, d.o reco�mend to the Caancil of tlae City of Saint Pata]., th�t it aathoriz� pay�e�►t in the a�o�nt of $150.00 on sa�id claia�. V�ry truly yot�rs, ]Le� P�.tchasing . � �� Cos�i.�aion f �arks, Aecreation, and Pt�blic Buildimgs � � � Cc�mmissioaer of Finaace Parcel l�o. 33 File 80. 17�+2� bun�cwrs ro nnrRSR �J,M� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N� -zvs.-s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�.,r COMMISSIONE� DA1T� �� �1' $• tl�d �1it���11► $t.ftl���'s Ot tih! p�'Opt�tY d�iC�'ib�d u �• T, 8, 9. aaa 10, B].oalc g, ca.o �ro.peet A�ditie�a, uhsoh lanas er. a�nt],�r unbs acta�a�ioa lc�ar the prapos�d Lo�b Laiu �, 4p�n 8p� I�nd Pro��at lfo. l(inn. t>BA-81 (DL), haw n�b�itted a c]�ai� tor r�ial�t�rae- a�nt !or th� ao�t o! a prinate app�aia,l ot said lands in aaaaar�aaa xith Cbapfi�r 87D ot t�s �. P+�nl. iw,Qi�].ative Cod�; s� �AB, '1'l'N �a�ltt�e oaa Laads haa rfc�■rend�d p�nt in tht eu�ciunt o! �l?i0.00 fos +�sid clais as fvid�erd by tlu lrtter o! �ai� Ca�itt.�t sub■iitt�d lwrsxith; awr, tb�r=or�, bt it R�SOLYaD, Thst in aeaoraanc� �►ith Ssatioa 87B o! th� 8t. A�nl Lt�islitiw Codo, th� psoper City o!'ficials ar� hayby authoriztd �Eo py► to ?d�ar S. aad J1�aatta Steele th� s� o! �150.00� aaid sv� to b� paid i�o� PIIt Futad Cod� 6000, to bf r�i�bv�ss�d iyra� 11�nd 9769-g0'2-001. MAY 1219� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»*�C;� 19_ Y� xa� MAY 121971 Butler Caxlson Appro� 18— Levine Favor Meredith �,y��,, M�por �p1�� � O A vOA1flAt i°� Mr. Preaident, McCarty �8