03-1043 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 38041 O� l � , Councilmember Chris Co�eman 11117J03 , . � INTTIAI./DATE INITIAL/DATE , _DEPAR7'MEN1' DIl2. C1TY COUNCII, ASSIGN _CTl'YA170RNEY C1IYCLERK M[TST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) NpMgER _FINANCIAL SERV DIlL FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FOR MA1 OR (OR ASST.) _ C1VII. SERVICE COM�IISSION ' ROUI7NG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'URE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) aczioN �QUFS�n: Approve resolution honoring the Listening House on its Twentieth Aiuuversary RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) oc Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S MI1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING ...._... . _ . . . , .. . QIIESTIONS: . . , . PI.ANNING COM�IISSION 1. Has this person/fim� ever worked under a coNract fir this deparnnent? CTB COMIvIlTTEE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMNIlSSION 2. Has this person/fimi everbeen a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM, LSSIJE, OPPOR'i'ONI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): :, Saint Paul's Listening House is celebrating its twenty years of service to the connmunity's homeless. A fund- raising event is scheduled for December 17, 2003 at which the Council's resolution may be read. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOT18 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: NORC TOTAL AMOUNT OF'I'RANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: � a,,, � g � ' Ol.P'd�it� 3 i�`�`�`',.��v.#'f �',C,.{'t}pr FUNDINGSOURCE: � AC°CIVI1'YNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� �Uv 1 � L!B!W G \Users�F[OMANSbbmorzes.gsc.wpd Council File # � 3 ' � � � °� Presented By Referred'�o Green Sheet # 3007856 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 Coxnmittee: Date RESOLVED, that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of St. Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000 to Desmond Cornelious, and his attomey Robert Bennett, the suxn of $60,000 in full settlement of his claims for damages arising from his arrest and encounter with St. Paul Police Officer Jason Brubaker on July 23, 2000. This settlement amount shall be paid by two checks, each in the amount of $3Q000. One check shall be made payable to Desmond Comelious; and the other shall be made payable to his attomey Robert Bennett. Requested by Department of: By: Form p roved by Ci y Attorney BY: BY: Appr BY: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green p3 - lo�f � Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C e�partC Mlo ��o���,�: � D¢NOVt03 ' Green Sheet NO: 3007856 Corriact Person & Phone: Portia F{ampton-Flowers zss-sna Must ee on Council Agen 2GNOV-03 Total # of Signature Pages � i Department Sent To Person 0 'Citv Attorcev Assign 1 Citv Attornev � Ciri Attornev Number z pNavor•s Oflice Mavor's O�ce For Routing 3 �ouncii � Council Order 4 G'tv Clerk Ciri Clerk 5 (Clip All LocaGo�s for Signature) Action Requested: The CAO recommends approval ofa Resolurion authorizing settlement of Comelious v. Brubaker in the amount of $60,000. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission PefSOila1 ServiGe Gon[f3GL5 MUSt Answer tile tollowing (.�UeS[lons: �. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes PJo 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet ; Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Wby): , Desmond Cornelious brought an action in U.S. District Gourt against the City of St. Paul and St. Paul Police Officer Jason Brubaker • � alleging violarions of his constitutional rights. Plaintiff is alleging certain facts which, if believed by a jury, would result in a jury � i detemunation that Officer Brubaker vioiated Comelious' consritutional rights. This would require the City to co�ensate Cornelious I i for damages and pay his attomey's fees. The court also could award punitive damages. �� Advantaqes If Approved: The City would avoid the costs and risks of trial as well as the exposure to a punirive damage awazd. DisadvanWpes If Approved: None. Disadvantaqes If Not Approved: The jury could deternrine that a consflturional violation occuned, award compensatory damages, attorney's fees and punitive damages. Transadion: 60000 Funainq source: Tort Liability CosURevenue Budgeted: Y Activitv Number: 0907Q Financial Information: (Explain) Council File # ��J '�0�3 RESOLUTION AIN�T PAUL, M Presented by Refened To Green Sheet # �LbO /� Committee Date 1 WFIEREAS, Dan O'Gara, owner of O'Gaza's Bar and Crrill, and Pat Fleury, owner of Shamrock's Grill and 2 Pub, have formed the company Capital City Productions; and 4 WHEREAS, appro�mately three years ago Capital City Productions began operaring a bus, known to many in 5 Saint Paul as the famed Shasnrock Shuttle, that has since safely transported numerous patrons to and from 6 Minnesota Wild hockey games; and 7 WHEREAS, upon the purchase of a new bus, Dan O'Gara and Pat Fleury haue decided to retire the original 8 Shamrock Shuttle and donate it to the Department of Fire and Safety Services to be used for training for bus 9 extractions, evacuations, and other bus emergencies; now, therefore be it 10 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts the gift of the Shaxnrock Shuttle 11 from Capital City Productions on behalf the Department of Fire and Safety Services to be used far training for 12 bus extractions, evacuations, and other bus emergencies. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ,/ Blakey ,, Bostrom ,� Coleman ,/ Harris � Helgen � Lantry � Adopted by Council: Date /ypr/, �G, �/JlJ� Requested by Department of. � Fomi Appxoved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � I .. � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � fAC7 PFRSIXi & PI10NE Cou Pat Harris 6-8630 f BE ON �UNqI AGENDA BY (OATq DATE INISNTED November 18. 2003 NUMBERFOR ROUTING ORDFJt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PACaES GREEN SHEET D3-1o�3 No 2�08� a � �,,,� ��.� � �„�.. _ ❑ a�r�ttawait ❑ �ttacwc ` ❑puxae�aEav�cFSdn. ❑wilxfLllaEm��ccra ❑IIAVORI�AfltfTAll1) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolufion accepting a gift from Capital City Producrions ofthe Shamrock Shuttle on behalf the Department of Fire and Safety Services to be used in training exercises foz bus e�izactions, evacuations, and other bus emergencies. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE GVIL SERVtCE COMM{SSION 1F APPRQVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Has fhis perso�rm ever xorked unUer a rontrae[ tw thic deperfineM'7 YES NO Has mie µvsonfirm ever Ceen a city empbyee7 YES NO Do� this peisoNfirm paasess a sldll rrot normallypossesced by any wneM ody emDbyee? VES NO Is this perso�nn a farpetetl ventloY! VES NO COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ON� AGTNITY NUMBER VES NO INFORMATON (IXPWN)