254000 ° • COUNCIL FILE N0. �����
File No. � 17 5 7 9
In the Matter of
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Condemning and taking a pe.rmanent e�3r;Fment for utility purposes on, over and across
those parcels of lanci in the Norr_t�w� :=,r. =* of. the Northeast � of Section 32., Township
29 North, I�ange 1'1_ West, descri.bcd r�s fol.lows: �
All of Lot 1/+, I;lock 2, Crvinc 's Second Addition to Saint Paul and that part of.
Lot 13, Block 2, ot said additis.�r:; 7vin�; Last of a line run from a point on the South
line of Lot 13, 70 foot distant� i;�st from the Southwest corner of said lot to a point
�n the Nor�h line of said Lot 1.3, 1.�0 foot distant East from the Northwest corner of
said Lot. Also a 40 l:oot st�r�.p ��f ].anci on, over and across the �urlington Northern '
Inc. rigllt-of.-caay in the North�•re:;t '� ef the Nor.theast '� of Section 32, Township 29
North, Rauge 22 West, lyin� tic,rLh��ast�rly of �nd adjacent to a line running across
said right-of-way in a Sour_hE�<:��,,:<�r?y dir.ect.ion beginning at the South corner of Lot
14, Block 2, Irvine 's Second Addir.i.an t..o Saint Paul having an angle of �+2 degrees,
5� minutes, wi.th the Soiitheriy e�:tensian of the West line of Block 2, Irvine's
Second Addition to Sainr 1'�ul, nr.;, �ver and across the &urlington No�thern, Inc.
right-of-way in the Nortl,t,Tesc� ',-; ci: 1:he I�ortheast 4 of Section 32, Tawnship 29 North,
Range ?_2 West, lying between the Ncrr_heaster.ly line of the above described 40 foot
wi�3e strip af land and t11e Nor.Lh line of the Northwest ?� of the Northeast 4 of
Section 32, Totanshi.p �9Nt�rth, Kat:;e 22 4Jest, and lying Southeasterly of and adjacent
ta the Southeasterly line c;� 'U1_nc;k 2, Ir.vine's Second Adclition tn Saint Paul. This
easement is necessary fflr the c�nstr.uct-ion of the :�?halen Creek relief and clearwater
`_� .�;X being built urcder Pul�1i_c t�ior.ks Proje+ct S-1.359F3 from North Street ta WeidP Street
� ,.
ti.11 l)1 LVL 1�-}�.. D1VC:K L j .LL V 1111. ���.)CC�'vn.. ...�-»��__„' _.' '_"_ .. .
Lot 13, Block 2, of said acidition l.yinfi I?ast of a line run from a point on the South
line of I.ot 13, 70 foot distani� East frnm the Sourhwest corner of �aid lot to a point
on the North line or said L�t- 13, 100 t:e>ot: distant East from the Northwes� corner of
said La�. Alsa a !�0 fooL str.ip of lan� nn, over and acrass the T3urlington Northern
Inc. riglzt-o£-�-ay in the Nor.thwesr_ ',; o� ri�e Northeast � of Section 32, Township 29
North, Range 22 West, lyi.n� i�or•L}��alsterly af and adjacent to a line running across
said right-of-way in a. Soixtheast:erl.y direction beginning at the South corner of Lot
14, B1ock 2, Zrvine's Second Additi.on to 5aint Paul having an angle of 42 degrees,
50 minutes, with the Sou�her3,� ex.tensioxz of the West line of Block 2, Irvine's
Second Addition *_o Saint P�ul, �>n, over and across the Burlington Nor.thern, Ync.
ri�ht-of-way in the Norttizaest '-; of. the �ortheast '; of Section 32, Township 29 North, _
Range 22 West, lying between tlie Northeasterly line of the above described 4Q foot `
wide strip of land and the Narth lin.e of t::ie Northwest '� of the Northeast '� of
5ection 32, TownshiP 29North, Range `L2 SJest, and lying Southeasterly of and adjacent
xo thP Southeasr�rly line of. v1.o�.k 2, Irvine`s Second Addition rn Sain't Paul. This
easement i.s necessary for. the ,^canstr.ucti..on nf the Ptialen Creek relief and clearwater
se�aer being �tziit �zrn�ier Publi.c t•Ior.ks Pre�ect 5-1359B from North Street to t�'eic�e Street
COUNCILMEN - _ nrr�, = 4 --- -
Adopted by the Council
Yeas gUTLER Nays
CAR�SON App MAY 1 2 1971
LEVi�vE � �
S�t�,\FKA 'Tn Favor
���::� , ayo
nn�ca� r� �' �g�nst MAY 151971 �
�1 PUBLISF�r —