253992 OR�161(JAL TO CITY CLlRK 253992 y�i � ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITT�, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /� (/1 �c�� M€LY 11 f 1971 COMMISSIONER � � � /� � DATF f� RESOLVED: That Application L�9401 for Pool Hall 12 Tables� and Cigarette L�censes, applied for by Marion N, Stone at 665 Selby Avenue� be and the same are hereby �ranted. -�_. . N�W ``� Info ly approved by Council M�,rch 0� 1971 N�,w Lo ation �� � Y 19T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays MAY � 119�� Butler Carlson � e� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor �Against T,ac�eaee-- Mr. President, McCarty MAY 1 5 1971 pUBLISHED` � ",., � � �� , " CITY OF SAINT PAUL � '-� Capital of Minnesota � c� / /� �399�. eL.Je artrner�t o ub�C'c �a et p � wnxirnsrxwx�ox Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION roi.tC$ DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALPS G.MEHRILL,Dspaty Commissloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lleense Iuspector I�arcn 30, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Marion N. Stone makes application for Pool Hall (Twelve -12- tables), Foodgtuff-Original Container and Cigarette Licenses for 665 Selby Avenue which is located on the ATorth side of the street, between Dale and St. Albans Streets. For the past two yeax�s Mr. Stone has operated a Second Hand Motor Vehicle Dealer busine�s at this address. Prior to this, the location had been a �rocery and buteher busin�:ss for about twenty years. Mr. Stone has been self-employed for the past twenty years in the automobile business and as a bar owner. Very truly yours� �,� p��° License I�spector � . � �'� k � � � � � � � ���� � � �f�� � � � i 0 �.♦ � ' . � i • . �� ' � , ' CITY OF SATNT PAUL : DEP�ART�NT OF PUBLIC SAF��Y LICENSE D NIS ION I�ta � �a,� i 9?� P � 1. �pplioation. for o'� ��rt-���.�; Licenae 2. Nams of applioant f- �� U r � 3. Busiaes� addre�a�_� �, Reaidenae?��� ?� , � `���Q�v��� �`z� 4, Trade �,a�ns, if any 5, Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp'�p l��ai1 Liqu�r �'ederal Tax Stamp�9v:i11 be ueed. 6. (Ai what floor located�'������,,4� Number of �ocans used ('��� �.�..., ?. Between what croas atreets��T,��.bA�S ���E 1�lhioh aide of street �p��� 8. Are premisea naw oaaupied }�\4'f�hat bus3.ness Haw long 9. Are premi,ses now unocscupi:e �SHow long vacsant �O�S Previous Uae-��Q��� 10. Are you a ne�r o�mer��Have you been in a aimilar buai.neas before �E� VPhere �4 � �v �d2�CA{Z n I� 1��� �Vhen_ _ _��.� ��E�,�. ,. , „ 11. Are you going to operste thi� businsss peraonally � � :��.S . , ., If not, vdzo wi11 operate it -� 12. Are you in any other businsss at the present time � �S -.�----- .._._,. 13. Have thera been any oomplaints against youx operation �f this type oP p1ac�_�a____ When �Ihe�— 14. Hav�e you ever had any liQense revoked �(� 1Phat reason and da�te " — 15, Are you a csitizen of the United Statee���Native �"� Naturalized 16. Ylhere w�ere you borx�L������,��Dete of birth ��,�� --�°�. T 1 • T�1 17. I, am��married. My (wife's) {-}ius'bernetss� name and addresa is�R,�, ZQ��},[.p E — 18. (If married feraale)'iny msiden name i.s �^ , 19. Haw long havo �ou l�.ved 3.n St. Paul ARS ,�.L........����. .,� 20. Have yoa ever been arreated`���Tialation of what o�imix7al law� or ardinax�oe __,�..._r, \S E � 0 - 21, are yon a registered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul ��� Yea No• (bnawer fully and csompletely. These a licationa are thorou hl oheoked at� an f'�laification v�111 be cause for enia].. (CVrR) ` � � .. . , 22. N�zmber of 3.2 places within two bloaks O�C � � ` 23. Closest 3.xitoxicating liquor p7,ace, �on sale_��Q"p �oRs �f sale�p�,�,,-C- �N� ,g ,,,e� 24, Nearest Church �� �jL,p�ks Nearest School �q ��?j�,�; �.�� 25. Number of booths _ I�n �E Tables (�6 �� Chairs � �'' ������ /� 26. What eccupation have you followed for 't�'1@ p€�5'� �9.49 y�ears. (Give names o� employers and date s s o employ�a�,.� �-- " �, - �L. N AvE O�P r�Z -- � � �. _ � .. q 27. Give names and addresses of �wo persons, residents of St, Paul, �irui., w}io c�a�, give infor:mation concserning you. l�Tame ��� �p�(�t� Address IvTame �!7 c..�'� �����E�C'—E.�; .Addx�es s L�0 �� �. � �� A\� ��� � � � S gna ture o p iean Sta te of �inne s ota� ss County of Ramsey ) o n, being first duly sworn, deposes ar�d says upon oath that he has rea the fDregoing statement bearing his signa�ure and knows the eontents thereof, and t}�at �he same is true of his ov,m l�.owledge eacept as to those ma�ters therein st�tod upon inf'ormation and beliaf and as to those matters he belio�res �them to be tr��e. �-- i of App i nt Subscx°ibed ana swox�. to before me tnis �o� aay of��✓ �is �/ �- -"�' ' ���� `° Notar Pu�l` y ' � ' y , mse ount efs�a UNKELVVITZ �lotarY Pu5�c, Ramsey Cou,rt�, My Co�nission expires �Vly Com • � Minn. c , 27t 1978 (Note s �heae statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies mu.st be fully filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Divisioz�..�r . � ��, . . ` � �� Z� �� �t �ith: Co�pr. rxt P�1#.� 8al�Y,� 141 E. 10�h. 8t,� �t. Y�ul�, ldlxm� �tta: It�c. li�ri+t►l P, �.� D�aait �iac�: Tb�e Cit�r Cea�rmcil tc� �'r�ntid !�t't'�sax Q�! �.�1! lF�p31.�`�t�'.1d� t3�' M�3Ql� �+r '�,�'� �' P�41 �I�l�pP�� • 12 � t�l,e�� �9od�rlau�fiF�ig� Gor►tal�ac �t C�a�+ett� 1.i�a at �� �.b�r Av+a�s. tdi31 � p1� � � av�t� �+ss�,ntiern'� �'�►' � J�"'�s Ci�� �t �