253991 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � ���JJ� , LIC�i1SE COl+'�iz�r� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. CO�JNCIL RES L��L .GENERAL FORM coMM SS ONER �l'd � �ATE h1a�r 6, 1971 R�SOLVE�: Th�.t a���lication �'or Restaurant, On and Off SL lc :�ialt I�everage and Cigaret�e .�- J' � license: a�g�liecl for by Charles Sl. Johnson at �? S. kIar,:line ?�venue are hereby granted on the condition that :rithin �_days of this date said Charles ��. Jolanson shall comply .�rit-h ali requirements of the I3ureaus of Fire� fIealth and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Le�islative Code and all other applicable ordinances and la��*s. MAy i l �9�a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �Y � � �97� Butler Carlson � ve 19` Levine Tn FavOT Meredith Sprafka (� Mayor A gainst Te�esee-- Mr. President, McCarty MAY i 51971 PUBLISHED� � .- . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ������ elJe artn�tev�t o u��`'c �a et p � wnnsirns'ras�ox Tenth and Minnesota, Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEBRILL,DeDaty Commissianer DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenss lnspector r'ic`1�j �� ���� tionoraiale I-:a3�or ai�cl Ci-�y Cov.ncil Sair� l�aul, I:inneso�,� �en�;Iemen ancz i•a���ri: Ci:arle� Ft. Jo;:I1S02> riali�N ����3pc�-L-�on ;or Fe�ta�:rant, Oiz und O�f .�'iale i:ait ��evera�e �i�ad Cig�.rette licer.seu ut 57 S. lia9.ti1IZP.2 trVf,'ilUE'� s:��ll���! 3� i�Cc'l�(.'CZ Oi2 '��i(,' ''�(.'St .CS1CiE.' O� �:3i2 S�t.`y'C'l.'� l�etti��een Gr�.�AC� az�� Lincoln �veT�ues. 2'FliS I.00u^.�lOTl iic2�.�.+ FJ'L'{,'21 c°� c7�s�'.. `�,'�5i:2:��1ST;.i:i(,'I3�; S1IiCe b.��7c1• Tiac �revious aicen.ee, �uy�;��e �eyl�ers, deceasec�, '��s ,�elcl sbacl. license� viiacc Jui�e, 1957. m��ere are no o�f:,er ��.?� ��.aces t�:itiiin t:;�o '.a�ocPis. i.�e closest G9n Sale �,ic�uor plt;:ce is ai�ouc tFiree ��locr:s at�ra,r �xnc� �zze clo�eut G�:� Sale i�ir�uor place �s next czoor. ihe ne�?°�st c?zurc,'.� is abou�V �;cro bioci,s a�.�a�r and the ne�reu�t; sc�coo? is ui�au;; iour ��ocz.rl �c-�a�r. C�Y��ie� Jos�nson :r�.� in t,�e U. S. i>iarine �orl�s fror:i (�cto�ier 19�4 to Oc�o��er, i��7. F.e mvas a s�uc�ent �� �?an,.a�o Stai� Coile�e �rora ��;.nuary, I�G�3 i,o :`Yu�;us�;� 3��'7()� c�uri�g :,I:icii �i�e ��e :�,�as er:�playeci by �. S. ?:o�rerf;�on� P:aru,a�o, P•linne�o��a as � E�areiaause r�ana�;er an� i;� currer�tly e�.�}�loyed �.s an accoun�tart by �rair� �3el�t �'r^��.�erac�, Inc.� �.inneapalis, P�i��ne�otu. �er;r tru�.y ;�ours, _ ��� , � i�icense Inspec�or � �- � , CITY OF SATI�'.� PAUL DEPARTA?ENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DNTSI�d D�a te 19� _,._.__._ 1, �,pplicatian for _ •�o�,Q,�� Licez�,ee �— 2. Name of appli,cant µ�-,2 FS �i(J ",U� �o�,�,CSon� 3. Business address �� Jo /�f�'N�N� /fs�Residance ri�`�0 � ,.LaIA�lto � �-r,/�!` 4, Trade nt�me, if any �ji�E�i�1 rni �� �� 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stampj< R8tai1 Ziquor Federal Tax Stamp��ri1,1 b� u�ed. 6. �i �rhat f�oor loeated �� Number of roarna used Z � / -,._.....�,.... 7. Betvueen vphat csrosa streets ��q„ip j �,✓cc�/ Whieh eide of stree�t ���5�� �D� 8. �,re premises nom oQOUpied £s V�Y�at busineas �r�� Ho�av long /5� y/IS 9. Are premises now unooaupied�Ho�,r long vaoant Previou� Use 10. Are yc�u a new owtier�I�ve you been in a aimilar business before �v ... Where �ihen 11. Are you going to operste thia busineas persona411y (��5 r -+ +�+ If not, �io will operate it 12. Are you in any other business a-t the present t3� /Uo 13. Have there been any oomplaints against your operation of thie type oP p1ac��J �hen TNhere 14. I�[ave you ever had any license revoked N� What reason and date 15, Are you a citizen of the United States �5 Native �C Naturalized 16. YYhere w�ere you bo����/-�/ ��f/f�OA I�te of birth '�:/3�`�s 17, I �m y�� �rried. My (wife's� (husband's� name and addresa is —/ / f� / trn.LSO� /��� .L$ d ff f 18. (IP married female� my msiden name is 19. $ow long have you lived in St. Paul �C� ��� , ._.-._,,,_ 20. Have yoa ev�er been arrested � Nialaticm of vvhat oriminal la�r or ordix�noe ..,�,.. 21. Are you a registered voter iu the City �f i�. P�ul X Yes �To. (Ax�.awer fu3.1 and aom letel . These a lications are thorou hl aheoked and e�n lsification v�ri 1 be oause for enia . .. (OVF'R) � � 22, Number of 3.2 places within. two blocka /(Jv,v� , 23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaae. +Un. Sa1s � % ,�,� i3�'P Sale � �.1��lrl�i�c-' �-, 24, Nea re s t Church � �/OC,�S- �1aa res t Soho ol � �c,c�s 25. Number of booths 7 Tables � C�.air�� ��Stools /�- 26. What occupation have v�u followed f or the p�st five Srears. (Give namss of employers and date s s o employed.) ��,9�Aitl �',�.? -S (s/e7 :z� �L°i ��� �.,lGl��<' ��v�U �o(/�yf, ��/ �C��o G. i 70 S—6�ro /� 7b .J �-�X/l `a�! �ro �1 % � � . ��_ "7� �� !l�, /��S /�..G�_ ��.�P�s/s�'Gc:.l� ���-� 27. Give names and addresses of tvro �raons, residents of St. Paul, ]fQ.i.r3xs,, �,rho can gi�re infox�tion cancerning you. � �tame C . �'��.� u�'f-Fitl�SS�> � Address__��7�7 ��1.,f'���n a�- l?jl� � � , �` . , I�ame � � _�_ � �G':v�i Address `7� ���a�g �, �L� `/�1�-0 t� � � C� �v--y� �nature o App ie S�a te of �Iisix�.e s ota� . ss County of Ramsey ' �7�✓- being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath t a he rea t e forego�.ng statement bearin� his si�na�urs and knaws the contents thereof, and �?Zat the sam� is true of his awn knowledge �xaept aa ta �hose matters therein at�ted upox�. informstion and belief and as to those ma�ters he belioves �hem to ba trtz�, . "� '" �, � ' .-G � �.l � / �z--�-�.,;� �' _.�\ ignature of Applicsant � ., � Subscribed and sworn to before me ��� � / this � day • 19� ,. o ry Public, Ramsa County, �!linnesota RICHARD N. PEARSON My Cp�n,ission expi2'es NdteryPublic, RamseyCounty, Minn. r. 2CZ 1975 �Note a 2hese statement"farma are in duplie�te. Both copies must be f1zl7.y filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Division.�"u . A�F�DAVIT BY APPLIC�,RT F4R � RETAIL BEER �R LI�UOR LTCENSE Res �_Sala �License , /. Name of applicant �/��e�S ,��� �� �� t� � Business address ��� �a . �j�-��,�lE 1� ,! Are you �he sole owner of this business? ��. If not, is it a partnership? c orporat ian? , other? Others interested i.n business, in.clude those by loan of money, property or otherwisea N�me Addres s How Zf a corporation, give it� name. Are you interested in any w�y in any other retail beer or liquor business?��Q As sole aRraerY Partner? Stockholder? Cltherwrise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain� Address of such business and nature of interest in sams � ���i✓ �'(j��� ��Z_ ignature of app nt State of A�Iinne s ota� ��s Gounty of Ramsey � ��� �_�J, _ �_ being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath . �Yiat he has read t oregoin��,vit bearing his signature and loa.ows the oontents thereof; that the same is true of his ovm lrn.rnrrledge, except as to those mat-�ers therein stated upon information and belief and as to those mattera he believes �hem to be true. " � 1 Cc:> . �/ ,�- �rr�2ti�_____ ig ture of applican,t ; c.� SubscriberLand sworn �o before me this � day of 19Z� � � � � No a ry ublic, ey Coun y, innesota � c omTnis s i on ex ire s R�CHARD �Ig PEqRSON Y P N��.,.o..�.:- - My Gommission Exp ie��qp n26 Mg�S . . _ STATE OF MINNESOTA SS C�3UNTY �7F RAMSEY being firat duly aworn, doth depoae end $ay that he mskes thia affidavit in oonneation w 3�h appl'ioation Por " Sale" liquor lioensa (" �� Sale" mslt beverage 13.aense� in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that youx� aPfian� is a reaider�t of the State uf ]�dir�nesota and has resided therein for '?� (�y years, montha, and ia now and has been for the tim�e abave bventioried a bon� �`ide resident of said State and that he naw resides at ��� ,t �co ✓. _... / f �� �a'��aT ' ' . �,-�-u , �a.nn.e s ota. C1�'i�i 0I' O{Ipd7: `,�. �, �, /� ��,,1�j� _ LG, � �'�'� "� G T�. `'�-`�� �� Subsexibed and sworn to bef ore � � ,�_.. thi� da 9 j� ' �- otary blic, Ramsey ounty, innesota RICHARD N. PEARSON My ao�n.i.ssion expireallotarypub�ic, Ram-�oun Minn, � s�on Expires Apr.26. 1975