253985 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �j��J/`� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER�K FILE NO. COUNCJkjR LUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` / COMMISSIONE ATF Northwes ern B�1�1 Telephone Company Suburb Dist '�ct Phgineer 2000 We t Co ty Road B2 St. Pa , esot� 55u.3 R�solved that pernussion be and is hereby granted to the Northwests� �,•-� Bell Telephone Ca�npany to make necessary excavations for arul to place a�l �o�� hereaf'ter ma.intain a lateral conduit. �� Zhe proposed three inch lateral conduit is planned in Dunlap Street frcan the existing conduit loca,ted 17 feet west of the east property line of Dunlap. 7he lateral is planned to intersect at a point ten feet south of the south property li.ne of University Avenue and extend at right angle to the weet property line of Dunlap Street. �' All work to be in accordance �rith tYbe attached plans as approved. ` Zh� Telephone Company to pay ccast of publ.ication incident hereto. F_ORM PPROVE Ass rporatio C un� MAY 11197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays �1�1Y 1 1 �97� Butler Carlson Appr 19� Levine v�n Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayo A gainst �e�e�se� Mr. President, McCarty �cr��s�n�.. MaY 15 �s7� �