253978 Counoil PYIe No._.......25�9'�8
I�� Tbeundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefolYowingpublicimpmvement by the Citp ot 8sint Paul.vi,_�
OondZ�ag and taking a 20 foot permanent sewer easement for utility
� purposes on, over, across and through that part of lots 1 , 2 and 3, Block 27
Brown and Jackson's Addition to West St. Pau) located in the SE�, NE�, Sec.
.r.., 8-T28N-R22W, the centerline of said easement being a0 feet N' ly of and
parallel to the E-W � line of said Section 8, extending from a line 14 feet
---� NE' ly of and parailel to the SW' ly line of said lot 3, to a line in said
lot 1 , 100 feet SW' ly of and paraliel to the N line of said Blk. 27.
Also, temporary construction easements on a strip of land 10 feet wide on
each slde of the above descrlbed 20 foot permanent easement, said temporary
easements to terminate on Ja�uary l , 1972. These easements being necessary
for the constructlon of the Mt. Hope-Baker Relief System .(S-1417). �
�'KL'L1MA1�t1A E VA1J�A. -
WHEREA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vist:
""' Cond� and taking a 20 foot permanenet. sewer:.easement for uti 1 i ty
�, purposes on� over, across and through that part`�of lots l , 2 and 3, Block 2
Brown and Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul located in the SE�, ME�, Sec7
-.-• 8-T2afJ-R22W, the center) ine of said easement being BO feet N' ly of and
parallel to the E-lJ � line of said Section 8, extending from a line 14 feet
""' NE' ly of and parallei to the SW' 1y line of said lot 3� to a line in said
6s� 1ot l , 100 feet SW' ly of and paraliel to the N line of said Bik. 27,
the q�so, temporary construction easements on a strip of land 10 feet wide on
each side of the above described 20 foot permanent easement, said temporary
easements to terminate on January i , 1912. These easements being necessary
for the construction of the Mt. Hope-Baker Relief System (S-141�7) ,
� ... ......a.,,uas .. f,.o../ r-"----�-- ----- - � _ �
4. To state whether or no�t eaid improvement ie aeked ifor on Y�he petition o��hrea ar more �wne�.
b. � To report upon all of the foregoing nnattere to the �mmieeioner of Fin . �` -
Adopted by the �:ouaail..._................................ .......MAY..1..1..�97�" �
, 9 :
Ysse �
Councilman Butler MAY 1 1 197� .
Car i son �►PProvec�..........................�.----•-•--.........._.....---.._.._.._._..._.__
S praf ka�
T-e�e�se- ....._ ...... . ._....-------�-
Mr. President McCarty syor.
�000 �.s�
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PUBLIS�AY 1 5 f 97�