03-1039Councii File # � 3' � Green Sheet # a� ��� C A ID Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION HONORING THE MEMBERS OF THE CESAR CHAVEZ STREET NAMTNG LEGISLATNE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 WHEREAS, on May 7, 2003, the Saint Paul City Council authorized the creation of a legislative advisory committee to make 2 recommendarions to the Council regarding which street in Saint Paul should be named or renamed in honor of Cesar Chavez 3 (Council File 03-430); and 4 WHEREAS, legislative advisory committees perform an invaluable function by providing the City Council with 5 feedback and recommendations regarding important, sometimes controversial issues and provide opportunities for 6 talented and interested individuals to contribute meaningfully to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, this committee is made up ofnine members, four ofwhom were nominated by the Mayor, three by the City Council, one by the Heritage Preservation Commission and one by the Planning Commission; and 9 WHEREAS, this Legislative Advisory Committee has met eight times, two ofwhich have been public hearings, and 10 has examined scores of documents, and listened to members of the general public about the issue of renaming a ll street for Cesar Chavez; and 12 WHEREAS, the participation of committee members has been excellent and their enthusiasm for this project has 13 been unrelenting;and 14 WHEREAS, the Legislative Advisory Committee provided its final report to the Saint Paul City Council, today, 15 November 12, 2003; and 16 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes it is vitally important to recognize the service and contributions 17 made by individuals who serve without financial compensation as members of legislative advisory committees; now 18 therefore be it 19 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council honors the Cesar Chavez Street Naming Legislative Advisory Committee: 20 Committee Chair Sam Verdeja, Peter Palacio, Ramona de Rosales, Madeline Escareno, Juan Cervantes, Vicente Luna, Milissa 21 A. Diaz, 7ulie Shortridge and Michael Byrd. £or their dedicated service and outstanding contributions to the City of Saint Paul 22 through their participation on the Cesar Chavez Street Naming Legislative Advisory Committee. � , . � Benanav Blakey Bostrom Col Hazris I.anhy Helgen ✓ ✓ � Adopted by Commcil: Date /y//� �/, �D�� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . OEPARTMEMJOFFICNCOUNC4L , � oATE1NrtV.Tm CITY COL3NCII. November 19, 2003 . ° � COMACT PERSON 8 PHONE , , . Councilmember Chris Coleinan 266-8620 r, LJ o3-1a3� GREEN SHEET No 20511 l uE.�ulYFllrm�ECrort urnreaMKa T BE ON COUNqL AGENDA BY (DAT� ASSIGx NUMBERFOR GIYATiOR1EY CRYCLiP% . ROIITIIIG � ORDEIt R1GtIfJnl.aFnV�eF9qR RiR�lunLaFRVIKCiC ❑ IWYOR(ORA896f(rM� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ON RE-0UESTE.D - � - . � .. .. _ . � .. Resolution thanldng the members of the Cesaz Chavez Street Nazning Legislarive Advisory Committee for their dedicated service for their pariiciparion on the Cesaz Chavez Sh Nanring Legislarive Advisory Committee. KewmmtrvuAi wrv vyprove (A) w ne�ecc � PLANNWGCOMMISSION qB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVE� AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N IG SOURCE (IXPWN) Has tM1is persorJfirm ever worked under a cantract kr this departmeMT VES NO Has this persoNfirtn.ever been a city empbyee4 YES NO poes this personlfirm pdssess a sldll not nwmalypossessed by any current city emWoyee? YES NO Is ihis pe�soMfirm a tazgeted venaoR YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTNIN NUMBER — . _ _.