253962 Orlsinal to Cfty Clerk , �
�� .- t 2���62
An Ordina.nce Granting Permission and
Authority to Virgil Doerfler to Construct
��,��. and Maintain a Private Sewer in City of
;v ;" Saint Paul Property.
Section 1.
That permission and authority is hereby granted to Virgil
- Doerfler to construct and ntain a private sewer to serve his
property located at Y`348 ��� Avenue in and across City of Saint
, Paul property, located within the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey
County� and described as follows:
A strip of land 20 feet in width lying partly in the
Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 27, T. 29,
R. 22 and partly in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest
1/4 of Section 27� T. 29, R. 22� being 10 feet on each
side of a center line described as follows: Commencing
at the point of intersection of the southerly line of
Ames Avenue and the easterly line of Johnson Parkway;
thence Southwesterly along said ea`sterly line of
Johnson Parkway 275.3 feet to the point of beginning of
the center line to be described; thence deflecting to
the right 90° 00' a distance of 4 feet; thence deflecting
to the left 46° 30' a distance of 180 feet; thence de-
flecting to the left 47° 30' more or less a distance of
80 feet more or less to the easterly end of a stub sewer
connection now in place in Johnson Parkway, and there -�
Section 2. -
Tha.t the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to
issue a permit to Virgil Doerfler to construct and maintain a
private sewer in the City property described above, subject to the
following terms and conditions: "
1. That said permittee sha.11 construct, maintain
and operate said private sewer entirely at his own ex-
pense and to the satisfaction of the City of Saint Paul,
and in strict accord with plans and specifications
approved by the Commissioner of Public Works .
Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Caxlson Tn Favor
Sprafka A gainst
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayo
Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By _.
• � •. , ,�-� ^."� ! s
( �_� J
2 . That said permittee sha.11 pay the cost of
engineering and inspection of said work incurred by
the City of Saint Paul and for the publication of
this ordina.nce.
3. That said permittee shall restore and continue
to ma.intain the property to the satisfaction of the
Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings.
4. That said permittee expressly agrees and un-
dertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City
of Saint Paul, its agents and officers from any and
all claims for dama.ges, losses, judgments, suits or
expenses arising out of the permission and authority
granted herein, and out of the presence and use of the
City property for the private sewer constructed pursu-
ant to this authority.
5. Tha.t said permittee shall furnish a bond to
the City of Saint Faul in the s�um of Ten Thousand
Dollars conditioned to comply with all the terms and
conditions of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save
harmless the City of all liability, loss, judgments,
suits, costs, charges and expenses that ma.y accrue to
persons or property occasioned by the constructing and
ma.intaining of the private sewer permitted herein.
6. Tha.t said permittee sha.11 not proceed to con-
struct, operate and maintain said private sewer unless
and until said permittee shall have fully complied with
the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification
contained in the City of Saint Paul Department of Public
Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction
dated April 1, 1959, as amended, Section 1.44. For the
purposes of this ordinax�.ce, the aforesaid section of said
specifications, nu.mbered 1.44, as amended, shall be read
as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the
word "contractor", wherever the same appears in the afore-
said Section 1.44, as amended. Said Section 1.44, as
amended, is hereby incorporated herein by reference as
fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim.
Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid
section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel
of the City of Saint Paul ma.y direct, and the documents
required by the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended, shall,
after submission to the Corporation Counsel, be filed in
the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Pa-ul.
Orlslnal to City Clsrk . �
- _ � � - : � ORDINANCE ����62
7. Where the public interests and necessity dictate,
the Council of the City of Saint Paul reserves the right
to order the removal of the private sewer and restoration
of the premises by the permittee� and at the sole cost
and expense of the permi.ttee, and the permittee sha.11
voluntarily comply with said Council order.
8. Tha.t said permi.ttee sha.11, within thirty (30)
days after the passage of this ordina.nce, file a written
acceptance to all the terms and conditions hereof with
the City Clerk.
Section 3.
This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
MAY 2 5 1971
Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the uncil
Caxlson `
� Levine n Favor
Meredith �
Sgrafka Against
M Preside ( rty) Approved:
1 Mayor
Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By
�a w�•�e •
� � - " � ORDINANCE 25�9b2
11a `�r�ia�ar� " " �c�ti �f� a�d
1�t�t�Ci� to �fr�.l�rf�rac to C�s�saet
a�d �l�i� � ��at� Sw�:r in C�.t�► e�f
Saint ��onY 1�►�est�r.
T� �L t� T8E CI�Y t� S� P�. B@8S ��
;; I Sec�iaa l.
' � 1"1�t pt�lssio�t aa�d �r�ity ia �ir�' �c'a�, � 1F�s��
Do��rfle�c t�o c+o�rr� a �t�t �rr � � ,
�r�r �oca�d at, �34�/ �►�we �n a�t �.sr�ts i�. +o� �s�t
p�+e��r', �a���e+d �tta�n t�s C�3L�► a� S� 'P�'.,��
�'�►'� a�d �1�ribrd as ;�s�lvrs�r
° � �lp �# �rd 2R? fira►t f.� Yidt� 1Jri� 'psact2� is` t�
�t�1s�e� �./'4 +�f t� �krrt�st 1/4 of �etida Z7'�,. ��. ��
. � �� � +�d. 1 �.as t1r �lortl�st �,f�4 c�f ti�s �s�t
- : �► +s�` ��� �i T. �9, �, 3?M, b�s ltt f� e�► +Mrr�t
- �°�r '�� :.l�� �i�t d�r#.L�rd � f�l�+��rs.: t��i�
` .s�� �r- . . iaf� io�r�t,tan af t�e �v�er�.� ti�r �f
��a: . ';�1md t�e s�s�arl� 3�.� �f � i��;
T��"'� �.�. t.�l-��r �aid �ast�rl� � af �
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. , �'<�_�y,,t �r�r �a�ne� � �r ��r� �►
� � °�r�t �i �0 a ��� !� !P� �r�t �s�
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_-- �. � .__�-� �. s�e''��- _�ts�c�a�-a a#�b ��- �-- - ;
a�t�+aa �aw�r ia ��t ii�e 1� ,� �-���� ..�
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,, #� a p�� t�a ois;�.fl ���r �► +�t=�ct � r��:�i �
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�S a�pd ca�►�
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� I. '!l�at a�d �wt �ell � tMa��is
�d ap�es+tte �af�d p�r� sa�er �1 a�� e�t �
p�lra aa�d to t� +af � � +a� �t 1'���, .��r
+� �:�t its�ei� i�cv�nd �rlti �►laa�s �d .
s�d �r t�e �ss�a�rr a►f !�� t�s. � k�.�
. � �
Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeeed �y the Coun��
Butler �- ._ n.:
Carlson ��=t . ` � Tn Fsva�r
Levine �
Meredith ao��*,•t
Tedeeco � �
Mr. Fresident (McCart�) �= A#���: �
, k
City Clerk " • Mayor
�� +.: .
Form a�►�roved Corpor�l3on Couneel B� .°�'_ ,.
� a ;x.�� ,�, - y ..
�. � � � : �:�- �
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� �5��62
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2. .
2 . That saic� permittee sl.zall pay the cost of
engineering and inspection of said work incurred by
the City of Saint Pau1 and for the publication of
this ordinance.
3. 'That said permittee shall restore and continue
to maintain the property to the satisfactio� of the
Department oi Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings.
4. That said permittee expressly agrees and un-
dertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City
o� Saint Paul, its agents and officers from any and
, all claims for damages, losses, judgments, suits or
expenses arising out of the permission and authority
granted herein, a�zd out of the presence and use of the
� City property for the private sewer constructed pursu-
ant to this authority.
5. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to
the City of Saint Pau1 in the su.m of Ten Thousand
Dollars conditioned to comply with all the terms and
conditions of this ordina.nce, and to ini-lemnify and save
harmless the City of all liability, loss, judgments, .
s�u.its, costs, char�es and expenses that may a�crue to
persons or proper�y occasioned by the corLstructing and
mainta�ning of the private sew�r permitted hexein.'
6. Tha.t said permit�ee s'_nall not proceed tc� con-
struct, operate and maintain said private setaer unless
and until said permittee shall have fully complied with
the provisions regaxding insura:�ce and indemnification
contained in the City of.. Saint Pau1 Department of Public
Works S�ecifications for Street and Sewer �onstruction
dated April 1, 1959, as amended, Section 1.44. For the
purposes of this ordina;�ce, the aforesaid section of said
specif_ications� nta.m�4red i.44 f as air�ended, shall be read
as though the word °'permittee" was substituted for the
word "coiztractor", whereve.r the same appears in the afore�
said Sectio� 1.44, as am�-nded. Said Sectio:� 1.44, as
amended, is hereby incorporated herein by reference as
fully a�d as corn�letely as if set for�h herein verbatim.
Proof of compli,a�zce with provisions of the aforesaid
section sha11 be in. such for�n as the CorPoration Counsel '
of the City of Sair�t Pau.l may direct� and the docume��.ts
required by the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended� shall,
att�er su�mission Lo the �or�oration Coansel, be filed in
the office of the Co:nptroller of the Citv of Saint Pa:�zl.
D�Ss.se�rt.+.e , ' `
1 � - y � ' C� RDINANCE
� 25�c�2
7. i�ie �e ��.3,+c i�n:ea�'�s ,�od e��j► �t.e�c,
� C�.�,2 af ttir ��► v.f Ss�t �, r�o� ��t
t+� �ar t�e x�t a� t�tp �a� s�
q!` t�e �.s�s is�r t�we t ie�, as�d �tt ���re�l�t�c1�
amr� �t +oc� �+a t�t, �t1 -t'I� paa�lr�s ��'#:1
w►1��mtarf.l� �3�y �:t�t �d Cv�a31 �s�.
8« ?l�a� ta�� �t�e a�all, rd.t��t �ts�! ���
d� �ft+�r tl�s af th3.s v�sd3.�nc�� filt a ra�.tt�o ,
��e �o :�teaa emd �e�ad3t�.a� 1�s�ro�f �ittt
t� Cl�rs�.
S�t.�+� 3.
��fs �a►s�t�cwe a�U. ta`�e �'�t � b+e f.m � t,i�art�r ���
� � ae�td a�`�r i�.s ��, a�� �md pa�►�3,�tt#�a�t.
-���,.�_. . _ _ _ _
. ,�'y t '..` .
2 5191�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc;� �Ay
��On �__.In Favor
Levine n ,
Meredith (f _�n Ag,�inat
�. �a�t (n��c�►> . - MAY 2 8 1971
C'' , , �
� ��� �gor �.
� p� ���
F�a � '��� cou�i sy v .
� r
Saint Paul, Minnesota
June 7, 1971
To the Honorable, the City Council
• Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlem�n and Mrs. Butler:
I, the under�igned� do hereby accept and agree to abide
by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 253962�
being Ordinan�e No. 1�799, �opted by the Council on
• Ma�Y 2�� 1971.
Virgil DoerPler
June 'j, 1971
l�ir. Virgil Doerfler
Sl� Univexsity Ave.
�t. �aul� PAi�nesota
Dear :�ir:
tJe 4nclose � copy of Ordinance Nc�. 147,�;;, �i a,ntin�; ;��ou ;?ermission
to construct and m�.int�in a private sew�r in Cit;* o�' Saint Paul
�'-rop`rty �s deseribec� in �,he ordinance; also bi11 in �:he sura o�'
�28,$(} �� cover t'tie cost �f pubiication o� this o-rdin�nce.
;vc ca,.11 yaur speeial attention �o i'�.r.•a�ra�l�s 5 �ri:3 �5 0.�' 3ection 2�
wizich r�equirc the �'iling oi' a bonc7 in t.i�_ r�uaunt specified an�1 th�:
filin� o�' an r�cceptanc� of the terns of this ordinan.cc. rhe accep-
tance rnust be filed izi this office, �toom 33�, City HaII, within
i;��irt�r (30� days. II' not so filec3, Ll� ardina.zzce becarnes troj.d.
Ver;.; t�ul,y ;rours,
Ci�y C].erk
I st , � ` 2nd `
Laid over to
r ���
3rd and app� —Adopted �
Yeas Nays 1(�eas Nays
Bu+ler \Butler
Carison �Carlson
Levine /aV���� \,Levine
Meredith �Meredith
Sprafka � Sprafka
Tedesco `Tedesco �
Mr. President McCarfy �` Mr. Presiden+ McCarFy