253954 o�sm��cxs cie�t ,. �� � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 253954 PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO-��7�O AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE DAYTON EiUpSON CORR� , TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A CAiSSON BELOW TNE NORTH SIDE OF SIXTH STREET APPROXIMATELY 133 FEET EAST OF THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF WABASHA S7REET IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER SIXTH STREET BETWEEN THE INTERSECTIONS THEREWITH OF WABASHA STREET AND CEDAR STREET. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority hereby are granted to the Dayton-Nudson Cofi�p„ to construct and maintain a caisson below the north side o� Sixth Street approximately 133 feet east of the east property line of Wabasha Street in connection with the construction of the proposed pedestrian bridge over Sixth Street between the intersection therewith of Wabasha Street and Cedar Street. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized and directed to issue a permit to the Dayton Company, et al , for the co�struction and maintenance of said caisson upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said Permittee shall construct said caisson at its own cost and expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the approved plans and specifications of the Dayton Company on file in the Department of Public Works; b. That said permittee shalT pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resotutions passed in relation to said ordinance; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineer- ing, and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking, said costs are estimated as a sum of $500.00 to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Pro,ject Number B-1024; d. That said permittee shall properly protect atl excavations made in the streets, sidewalks, and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to avoid settling and shall restore said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to their original condition; e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indem- nify, hold harmless and defend the City of St. Paul , its agents, officers, and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction or maintenance of said caisson and by the permission and authority granted herein; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of one thousand dolla�s ($1000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk or �� Form a��roved Corpor��ion Counsel By Orlsin��l to Cits Qert . � ;--�� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO�___��cltY PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO -2- City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expenses that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; g. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the contract or incidentat to its execution including but not limited to addendums, award of contract, "as built" plans and tracings; h. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works when the construction starts and notify the same said Construction Engineer when project has been completed to allow for a final inspection; i . That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation and maintenance or presence of the caisson provided for herein; j. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Depart- ment of Public Works if the construction, or maintenance of said caisson shall make necessary the ciosing of Sixth Street or part of; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing, and removing of barricades, signs, and other control devices, shall be paid by the permittee; k. That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee sha�l have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction, dated Aprit 1 , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications, number 1 .44, as amended, shali be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor", wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1 .44, as amended, said Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shall , after submission to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ; m. That the said permittee shall submit bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Pubtic Works; n. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, fite a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council MAY 21 1971 Butler Carlson " Levine n Favor Meredith � � Againat ` sprafk� MAY 21 197J Tedesco r. Preaiden c y) A A st: ity Clerk a �� Form approved Corpor�,�fon Counsel By . ���� �'.�� , Saint Paul, Minnesota, June l, 1g71 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saa.nt Paul, Minn�sota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all. the terms and cond3tions of Council bein Ordinance No. 14798, File No. 25395�+,�a.dopted by the Council on May 21, 1971. DAYTON-HUDSON CO ti �'r % ! I �Y ►���-�t.-^.-�---�---�-:-�.-�� `',,.:k; 6� ,.~n , � � � �� �" s _ `� Dayton's 700 On The Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 June 9, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your letter of June lst, enclosing a copy of the Ordinance granting us permission to construct a caisson on the North Side of 6th Street to support the new Skyway Bridge on the Dayton side of 6th Street. Our check is enclosed in the amount of $34.20 to cover the cost of publication of this Ordinance. The letter accepting the terms of the Ordinance has been signed by Mr. Erickson, our president, and is enclosed. The Bond, as outlined in Paragraph F of Section II, has been filed with Mr. Hawkins of the Public Works Department. Thank you for assisting us in this matter. Yours very truly, � __. �� . Fred H. Koch Building Superintendent FHK:vs Encl: . _ . . .., .�, . -, ,, . - � . o�.�,�,�,��,� 253g55 CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMMI�SSIONER W���i�l) £. Carlson DATE WHEREA=. An Ordinancs, C.R. !b. 2539�4r g���ting psnaissioa to tta Dayeon-Il�i�oc�,�-�, to construct ��i "wsT'ntata a e.�isso� �alow tM north sida ot Sixth Strset approxi�talr 133 f+at �ast of ths ast proparty i tn� of Itibasha Str�at in oonn�ction Nith th� cemstnutlon of th� propo:a� p�dest�laa brtdg� avsr tixth Strsat bst�a ths i�t�erseettons therowith of Wabasha Stnat aad Cedar Strast has ban pnp�rod and intro- duc�d to he C�cil of the City o! St. Psul, ana Nfll ba adopt�d on lyll , to ba sffineti�re ewnt�ally on JUN 2 8 1971 ; e�ow t n or�';�6—'TL RESOLYED� That pen�in� tta satd Ordfnan� bsoomi� sftactiw. th� Co�nisstoner of h�btia ibrks ts hanby suthoriz�l an� dtrsetaa to Issw s psrelt to tM Oaytou Ca�any for th� ca�stre�ottoq and �1nt�a�� of sai� cafsson sub��at to �t c �ndttlons and ��qalr�nts as set out in Ordinanc� C.F. !b. , paadln9 �for� ths Counatl ot ti» Citr of St. Psul, tnfon� approva of�thi sat, cex�struetion a�d �inttR- a�c� of th� sal� calsson tieln� har�by yiwn tn antictpatloa of th� fin�l adoptTon and spproval of said 4rdlnsnc�. COUNCII,MEN Adopt�i by the Co»rc� ����� 19_ Yeas Naya .� �' Butler , Carlson l Approv� 19_ �°� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �r t Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, A�cCarty �� ���" ,,,a r,. 1 , '' � a ;;;^ ; ✓' �� �, .�vne 1 s l�'�. ��rton•Hud�on Corp., 740 �Ticoll.et Mal�.' IKp3.s. M�� Attn: �r. Fred Koch � Desx Sirt We encic�e a ca�ry o�' Ordi�+�uaee Ns. 1�798, gac'�ntiang Yv�u� �rmiasiarz tc cea�atruct a�d msl�ta3n a c�ascn 'belo�rr • � nortl� �ide of Six�th Street aa �h+er de�cribed t,h�a�in; �l.so bf11 �.n t�as � e�' $34.2� to caver t� �cs�t ai' pu�blicaticra c� this ox+din�ua,c�. t�a� ca�1.]. jraur s,ge�i�l atter�tic� to Parag�cap�a t cf S�c��on 2 which rec�uireE� tlt� f'iling ef` ,a bc�nd in the �t �pe�ititd. Wt a�].SO c�Ll. ycrt�' �ttentian to Pas�h n whic�► requ3rea fi�e tili�ng ot e�n +�+cceptancea o�' the tecrms oi' thia ordinm�nce in t2�.a at 1'ic+�, Roc�m 386 r City I3a11, �.thin 30 day�s. It' nat ao t'37.ed, tla�ee c�x�c�.na�nce lbecc�a vaid. YeY"JI 'ts�il�► y'o�'B s �ity Clerk � . �� � I st 2nd Laid over to � � �� 3rd and app. —Adopted Yeas Nays Xeas Nays Butler �utler Carlson �arlson Levine ������ �evine Meredith �eredith � Sprafke ��'�Sprafka ; / l/ Tedesco edesco ,�� Mr. President McCariy �Ir. Presiden+ McCerty O