253951 . ` ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL �o�N��� � 2539�1 r.�c�r:s� c���tz���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF ��fi�� �� ��71 I�.ESOLVF.D: Traat ap�lication �or Re:�twura;at� On ancd Of�' �wle hia��: veverage aizc� Cigarei;�;e licenses appliec� �or �y tlf�er Thonas at v14 Concordia �°�venue are �aereby �ranted on the condition that i�ii;hin �J� days o� this date said Affer Thomas shall compl3r �:ith all re�gca:i.�ements of the s�ureaus of Fire, Ifea��Y� and Pol ice, and the License Inspector �ursuant to the St. �'aul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. Mp'� 61971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye But�er NAAY 61�7�a Carlson e 19� Levine n Favor Meredith j Sprafka ✓ yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ' p�,��D �MAY 151971 ��O ^ .� L � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �eart�nevct o ub�c'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION Po[.�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH AALPH G.MEBRILL,Dayaty Commieaiw�et DANIEL P.McLAUGHLiN,Licenes Inspector t,- ,,;�,^' ��� �:::��i �'7 L" -` � �� ...J'i'llT'��_SJ.��: i,i:'.�`id':t' �!�_11F.,t �.��' �r � n _ y.,y �C': l,1-`- 'Je,. ., .. :c-:i_�� . 1 'T"n"..�NJ u,�,.. ::ex:':;T�:,_e:. t:�a,ci i:ac�k;,�: ar . „ �.}��ic:.���.a� "' C�.t G'�Y� �,jcr•il ���.�t�3 _A'tpc c�� '_:eaxi:=CS u � `�L � � '.iOY' :E'�Y;r'�.L&3'F1T1�;� 1�}T7 i a�= ^�.e �:��.t T',e�erage alld Cibare��e Tic�nue� �,.t �14 Concordi2� r�ve��ue� ��ibicEl is located on tfie sou'i�ie�.��:, corn�� oi �a�e �.nd Con- corc�ia. T��is location has �een a �.2 eU�;�.b�i�;<rlen� .�ince 19�9. �.'Y3G' �73'@u@I:�'i �1�'(?I�SEC� ::�iCI1S0 i�. 7"'+'13.��T1 ''sii]� i1�iC� Nl.r'i�1c1Y` ?1CCi1��Q.:s �i:�ce Gc�a�aer 2i;� ��7v. ���ere are no o�_3.er �.� y�1.a.ce� ��:�.��.in :;.���o �a?oc:�s. �21e C'�OSG-'Sl` Ct.a +:i^1.0 �3.Citd03' ��'t�';.�4' I�:� e1P3dF7"�; SC'VC'31 IJ�_OCi�,:� it:':1�.�% u.?1Ci LP"iG' C�OSGtiii; �1i s`�72�L' i�3igL1pY' �Jie'IC:C I,a Y3L'�:e; t�00Y'. li?C.' I�CuY'eu� C911..II'Cl2 3S OI1G' F.'��OC:i c^t'.°.TC�r c.F:S�x :�:'?L' Pl@�iZ^L':� �iCl?�OI Iu �4...�QLF'�.: ��1TCP. iJ�.00i'iu u^.�e2,.T. - . _,si�Y' 3r'.�10'e�tc',::i 1� CLFY"3^`V'P3'•:..'..� @;�:a,�O�L'G �iu 2�II aLl'��OTilO��1�C n;ec.�an�.c �y �ear�e �'2ao�;1�� �_i, �i'' Cai�ier ur�c� y:,Y io� to t�.��-t ti�;3� ��:or'��ed ial ca:iui;ruc�;�.on fom t��e �l�eai.;,r <'ric��c Co.� fmor:� ���s? to I{-JG�J. �Tery ',;ru?�yr ;�ots�N, .�G�•� /�h�-`p� ` . �icense I�i;��ee�,�,or � ^ • C ITY � SATNT PAUL DEPARTBSENT (7F PUBLTC S�FETY LICENSE rD1�lTSIpN Da te �=�.i i 19� _._,..�_ 1, �,pplica�ion for iffer Thom�s 3.2 Sele Beer L3cenee � 2, Nams of applieant 3, Businesa addre�a 715 M�rahall �i►e. 61 Res idenoe 4. �rade naxne, if �n�y 3qner� Dsal Bar 5. Retail Beer Federsl Tax Stamp �tail Z,iquor Federal Ta� Stamp�110T�vrrill be tzsed. 6. i�i what f].00r l�eated_ �Zx Number of.rooms used OIIE . _r_._......,. 7. Between what oross straeta �� a� ConcordiiNhich aide of etreet South ?�ae'� 8. Are preanises `n.ow oQOUpied�rYlhat business Hov�r long 9. Are premises x�ow unocscupied�io�r long vacant p� Weak Frevi,oue Uee 3.2 H�er on $ale e ,.� .� . � , . . . . .. - � � . 10. Are you a new o�mer_ _ 7i�Have you been in a aimilar business before 1�0 V7here �Ihen 11. Are you �o�.ng �o opera�e this busineas peraona],l�r y�Q1 If not, v�o wi11 operate it 12. Are you in any o�her business a-� the preaent tigaa pQ 13. Have there been any oomplaints againat your operation of �hia type oP place 1rp .--..-,,,,.�..... �lihea 11Phere � 14. �ia�ve you ever had any license revoked�yPhat reason. and date 15. Are you a ai�izen of the United Statss �gNative yj$ 1Jaturalized _.,.._.__,. __.__,._.._..., 16. VYhere �re you borr� ��e�.i;`��-��`I�te of birth � �, 19 33 �,,,,,,,,,�,�, 17, I, am married. �dy (wife 's) (huaband's� name and address is 1htt,h ?hoasr 18, (If married female) my msiden name is �tb ��� � 19. How 1on� have you l�ved iu S`t. Paul 25 �ara .- 20. Have ydn ewer bean arres�ed��Xi�3.ati,cra of' �rhat or�ninal ].a� or ordix�ao� �� 21. Are ypu a registered voter in the City of S�. P�ul z Yea Net„ (An.awer full and aom 1e��1. , These a lica�iona are thorou hl aheaked and an lsif'i.cation wi1,1 be cause for eni.a . (OVFR) , . , 22. Number of 3.2 places within two bloaks 23, Closest intoxicating liquor place. t)n Sale � BLOCKS i�'P Sale 24, Nea re s t Church One B1ock Nea res t Saho ol 7 Elocks 25. Number of booths 6 Tables �p C��,�� 12 Stools (� 26, Whxt occupation have uou followed f ar �he pe:st five years. (Give natt�.es of ern�ployers and dates so employe�.� Automobile Mechanic -- �•e . � � 7 � ,,., S(� p "' �' Ji' -- � � 27. Give names and addresses of two �raor�s, residents of St. Paul, l�a,nn., �rho a�z� giv�a inform�ta.on concerning you. A1ame l�arion Stone Address 373 Idaho A'�re. St„�,_Pa�l,,,,,, M,�,nn. , Name Peter Scarver Addreas _ 682 l�urora Ave. St. Paul,� MInnR,_, _ -� i� ure App can S-�a�e of &��.nnes ota� Affer Thomas ss co�.ty� of ��e j e �' �J �—rr��� bel.ng fi7t'st dtzly' swo�., deposes and says upon �hat he has rea t e foregoing statement bearixi� his si�nature and kb.ows the con�ents thereof, and t?�at the sam� is true oP his own knowledge eacept �s to those m�tters therain sta�ed upon information and belief and as to those matters he bel�i_s-�es them to b� lix°���. � Si�nature ppl,iQant �'ffer Thomas Subscribed and sworx�. to bsfore me this � 7� day of April 71 Y9 ° � ` ��1.��� . . Notary Pub , ey County, M' sota DOROT MUNP:Et��o�{iZ My COnIInlsSlo eXpi2°9S Notary Public, Ramsey Co!.;�:`y, ,...^a. My Commission Expires, Ja�. 2_7, 1978 (No�et Th.ese statement forms are is� duplzeate. Both copisa must be fu11y filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Divisio�.,� . dFFIDAV�T HY APPLICq,NT � FOR R�TAIL BEER �7R LI�IIflR LTGENSE Re: Qp Sale-��� License ___.__� ._._ Name of applicant rPfmr Tho�s Business address 614 Conaordia �ve . 8t. Prul, Minn�eota Are you the sola ownar of' thia business'�se . If not, is it a p�rtnership? carporation? � , other? Individual �thers intexested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwiaes Name ��� Address How - _ __ - _ __ _ _-i If a corporation, give its name. 9re you interested in any way in any othsr retail beer or liquor business? � As sola �na.er? Partner? Stockholder? Qthsrwise? (Through loan of mon.ey, e�Ec. Expl,ain) Address of such business and nature of interest in same `�/�I�-�1� Signa���cant State of B�Iinne s ota� �ss Goun.ty of Ramsey ) lffer Thotae being first duly sw�rn, dep�ses and says upon oath that he has read the fnregoin� affidavit bearin�; his sxgna�ture and l�.ows the eontents thereof; that the same is true of his ovrn ]�ovrledge, excspt as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoss mattera he be7.ieves them to be true. ��r��� • ' pp �,�� Sz ure a lieant �ffer ?hoaas Subscribed� and sworn �� befare me this '7�� day of (,��:�- 19 '� / � ��i���,�. o ary ub ' s ey County� i s ta DOROTHY :1. MUNKELWITZ �'Isf C0�11931 Ori expires Notary,Pu6G�_ ��Ceunty, Minnw My Commission Expires, Jan. 27, 7.g7g • r � a - STATE OF MINNESOTA) 3SS C�3UNfiY �F RAMSEY •ffer Thomas being firat duly sworn, doth depoae and say that he mskes thia affidavit in csonnection with application Por " 0 � Sale" ]����be (" 3� �le" mslt beverage license� in the City of Saint Pau],, I�irine�o�ta; that your affiant is a resident of �he State uf , Ddinnesota and has resided therein for 25 years, mon�h�, and is nanv and has been for the �ime ab4ve men�ioned a bona Pide resident of said State ax�d �hat he nc�r residea at � drsas 8eint Pavl , �innesota. <.; City or ov� � � ^ Subscribed and sworn to before m� tn;.� a��' day of ip�il 19 �� - � . � �� �� O'�AP� b a @Y CO�'�'�dRO •H J MUNKELWITZ r M�' Gt72TIInls3i @xpi2'98 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. , . 27,, 1978