253945 Orislnal to City Clezk � ORDINANCE 25�945 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, I3eight Di�tricts and Rezoning of crert�in properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCI� OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAiTL DOES DIt�ASN: 3ection 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 6� to 64, inelusive, of the 3aint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Hei�ht Districts and Rezoning of certain prop- ertie� in the City of Saint Paul, as ataended, be and the same ia hereby further amend�d so as to r�zone the following described property from "C" Residence nis�trict to Commercial Diatrict, to-wit: � Pa�1. Lot 2, Bloek 76, West St.�properp situate on property located on the east side of Humboldt Avenue between East Winifred and Ea�t Robie Streets in the City of Sai�t Paul. Section 2. Thi� ordinance shall take effect and be in �orce thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval � and publieation. . ' . -� .= i ���� � ��� � ��� �� �,�,z .� , ,�.; # � � .�� _ �� � . � . , ��: ��: _ ��; , a, ���� � . � - �+m �: � ��� f�:1� �;�rf.,�.�.,� . ...v•.�4: � ���.ao'�� -: " �; ; � ' i ' ����` . ���,, ;r�s�w�u � �> Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council MAY 21 1971 Butler Carlson Levine n Favor Meredith C� � Against Sprafka Tecles�° MpY 21 1911 Mr. President (McCarty) Approv • test: ity Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corpor�tion Counsel By ��tisr��n MAY 2 �19� a+�.a r� � ORDINAN � E r ���� � No 25�9�5 '�, PRESENTFA BY `ORDINANCE NO , 1 �lu ordinance a�eaedi.aq the Zoninq Code. ` Chagt.�rs 60 to 64, inclusive, of the ,'i Saiat Panl Legialative Code. pertaiainq to t�s� Districts, Hefght �istric�ts a�d � &ezouinq of eertair� properties ia ths Cit�► og Saint Paul� aa aa�endocl. 'P8t QOi�IS. QF '1� CITY t}F' SAI�iT F1tA'. Dt3FS oli�I�t: 8sctioa 1. T2ut the �o�a� Coc't�, Chaptsts 60 to 64, incluacive� of the Saint Paul I.eqislativQ Cod�, p�rtainisq to II�e �iatriata, �eight Districts an�d xszaniaq of certs�t p�tp- �rt�� iu the C�ty of Saiat Paul, as a�ad�d, be aad th� sa�e ia hereby fnrth�er aaead�d so ase to r�son� ths fQllt�tiag �irarib�d �ape=ty fsbm "C" Reaidencs Di.etrict to Com�rcial Dfst�cict,� to-�rit: l�tl Lo� 3, slvck 76, 1�Ttat 8t.�psoger= sitaato oa:proparty located on tha �t side of Hn�boltlt �►w6aue b4t�sep 8ast W3;nifred and �iast �obie StreQta ia t&� City o! ! Sai�t Pan].. , Soction 2« �his ordinaa�e ahall take effact aad be in l5or� thfrty {30) days fro�u aad aftar its pass�qs, appzorral an�t pnbli�ation. MpY Z 1 1911 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Pa�eed by► the Council Butler ��OII n Favor Levine ��i� � Aoainu�: �. T��t a� MI1Y �� 1�i1 � ���') APProved: Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� Form ap�ro�d Co�qars�ian Couneel BY _ ._� ✓�� > � �//a � � � ` ° � -��- � • •� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . ` PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: �,� / l� l�/ 7 i TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 af the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%a or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) �t 2 Block 76 West St. Proper ' from C residential District to Commercial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Constructin� an addition to present fUneral home located on Lot 1 Block 76 West St. Pa3t1 Proper (I�Sg Humboldt Ave) RECORD OWNER 5IGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: _ M ,� � ` � " "- �e Ts3 - !o � .�T �f/ L �,� m/►ws� !� la �I eY �-'� 3 0. t a,��s-� J � S'a�o — G ��� ,,c o.+�a �t�T� � � <o — V�'�.-°St.s/ !s r ��t�`,�.. Br� ��-- a e ..� > � ( cs7��Pg/�'L ,o �e � -7-8 (� . /'1�tt -�a ld T L �� -T" �l'� � �}' l� L-�. tr�� �� �� �Q�'6' ,�_z-°� _a- � � `- � .� u7 � �� � .�,r '. ..,-� TY1 �y,^,; O �-^ S! ^ . � � � � - I J . 2, t7 _ � ., {. � State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss � � � �r�'D Nd r o� �: .L d iY'q being f irst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of �' pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me � this j�j day of , � q 7/ � • ddress: ��� �, �(��� ,[,�C� Telephone No. � yZ_���3 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 ERIC G. DULKA - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn� My Commission Expires May 28, 1977. � . � City Clerk 386 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 April 9, 1971 File R1019, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Rall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on April 22, 1971 on Che petition of Devlia, Bradshaw and Hauge, Iac. to re�one from a "C" Residential District to a d1Caaimercial" District the property described as folloas: Lot 2, Block 76, West St. Paul. The property is located on the $aet side of �iutnboldt Ave. betweea Robie Street and vacated Winifred S tree t. l�or further infonmstion, contact the Plaaning Board, 8oan 1010 Ccmmerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. To co�ly with the City Charter, the Department of Finaace ie charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions. it ia reco�mnended that you attend thia public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make yaur vie�s, both pro and cou, known to the City Council. ROSALIS L. BUTLBR Comaiesicmer of Pinance O � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 April 20, 1971 2���45 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Leonard G. Lang to rezone from "C" Residence to Commercial to construct an addition to the present funeral home, property located on the east side of Humboldt Avenue between East Winifred and East Robie Streets. This property is further described as: Lot 2, Block 76, West St. Paul Proper. This matter was heard at the April 1, 1971, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff summarized the staff report noting the lot dimensions and area zoning. The staff inentioned considerations both in favor and opposed to the rezoning. In favor is the fact that it would be simply an extension of the Commercial district immediately adjacent to this site, and could definitely not be termed spot zoning. A possible consideration opposing the proposed amendment is the fact that residential structures closely adjoin the site. Mr. Lang, the petitioner, noted that in the immediate block there is only one "B" Residential lot. He said his funeral home adjoining this site was built in 1929. As the Board considered this matter, it was noted that the existing funeral home has been there for some time. There was an expression of concern that any parking lot built there would meet design standards. With a motion to recommend approval, the feeling was expressed that this proposal would not be a detriment to the Wilder Residences or to St. Matthew's School which is across the street. The motion was seconded and carried by a 5-0 vote. Very truly yours / � L%�iC����� � ✓��L'�;/�-�C . � PETER J. IET A Secretary, Board of Zoning �' �'��� PJM:ga f °"�. �°'J� PLR (J (� � V Z. F. ��7131 Cj � ' Harry E. Ma�shaQ ��'''' ��F� Albert E. Olson ' City Clerk and °� R %� Counci,l Recorder Commissioner of Repistration � �� ^ � �e � �S% h' OFFICE OF TNE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 �'. 5, 19'Tl �ning Board Commerce Bld�. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Oauncil today ref�rred to yau for recommendation the attached petition to rezone Lot 2� Block 76� West St. Pa.ul� located between Huarboldt and Gorms,n Aves. and south of vacated Winifred St.� to Commercial District. V�ry truly yours� � 'C�ty erk n� G ��_..s,_r.�,� `' .... ..,.Y a � -. . = .. �..I��� •- I : � �_' ,... .,� . .....-..e... , ........ .. _ .�# �......_; ... � � {� ��"( E�.� ��I�"Y E'L��� �y ,?;n} �2�t �.�.�'k [.1�,',j���ii : ''�c -� /�'��` � � S � . � y � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I13 Court House,Sb102 ROSAUE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-�4646 March 5, 1971 Ta the Co�acil City of St. Paul 6entlese�: I have check�d the attached petition of Devli�, Brads�iaw � Hagae, Iac. , filed ia the matter of rezAaing, Lot 2, Block 76, West St. Panl. The propertq i� located betWeen $�boldt aad Gc�rsaa Avenues and sontli of vacated iiinifred Street, fro�a a Class "C" gesidestial District to a "Co�ercial" District, sud fiad that said petiti0a is sufficient. Yoars rery traly, � Q�''Z�""`'`� � �CG ���� Roaslie L. Bntler Cc�eissiomer af Finance Re: X-1019 c.c. Hr. Axes p. �. Seidea �!!ra. B�Cler Froatage: 100�: Parcels l�ligible - 15 ; � Parcels Sigaed - 15 or 100Z I r �+�.......�. M Needed - 10 er 66-2/3� - . - � v - �/ �� � ; ,`- ` . _-�,..f �. �� if :i �r�:. � �� � �f � 1� , .''` �- ���1 �/5,��,}��'"�'tii�i;ti': ° :�;.. � ' _ `�. �"-'����ij� � ^�O BGARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION April 1, 1971 - - "Lat '-1aP ��45 - Actin� under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 �� ��^_,__��+ passed Au�ust 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. I 7131 __ - � , . . . _ "!A'���,;. . Leonard G. Lang _:.r.,;,'�;; '� ",'':a ; �';;; , �._X� Amendment � APpeal ❑ Pe�mit � Other � X-1019 I ,�� , Rezone from "C" Residence to Commercial to ,i-: �=�i: , construct an addition to present funeral home � ' j"`i` ` i*' East side of Humboldt Avenue between /1 East Winifred and East Robie Streets � �. A.Fa�,A.,, U1,��.,�,..i fy��i-J.r . Lot 2, Block 76, West St. Paul Proper r "C" Residence . ��.L,l,:. 1 . e��r1..AV11, � ''.i:''> ,,'� ,''' ','onin� i�ode r:hapter: 64 Section: .06 Parat?raph: ���I'�: ;�` 7�;�'�;";"I�:,A'II�tJ & RE�'ORT; Date; 3/23/71 3y; ATB A. SUFFICIENCY: The petition was declared sufficient by the Commissioner of Finance on March 5, 1971, with the owners of 15 of a possible 15 (100%) tracts having signed the petition. i3. HISTORY: None for this property. C. YROPOSF.D USE: The petitioner proposes to construct an addition to an exi5ting funeral home. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property has a frontage of 50 feet alon�; Htimboldt Avenue with a depth of 150 feet, resulting in an area of 7,500 square feet. �. AREA ZONING: The area north on Wabasha and Humboldt is zoned Commercial. The area to the east is zoned "C" Residence. "B" Residence is the predominant zoning in the rest of the area. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan recommended that the Wilder Homes site be expanded to include the adjoining properties. G. SITE CONDITIONS : The site is vacant and level, terraced S-8 feet above the sloping grade of Humboldt Avenue. H. AREA CONDITIONS : Humboldt Avenue in the vicinity has approximately a 5% grade sloping down from the south to the north. East of the site is the Wi.lder Homes, and west across Humboldt Avenue is St. Matthew's Church and School. Nortli alon� liumholdt Avenue and Wabasha Street is commercial development. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend X� Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated : Moved by . Mansur Yeas Nays 4/20/71 X Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Mrs . Cochrane x Cochrane Hearing: X McPex'tlin Secretary's remarks: Maietta 4/22/71 x Mansur Council Action: X Benshoof llooley Date: Prifrel � Y �' � ==-�- - — =f; � � � � � Q O m � '� � � 0 � � _— -- v I � �] a � ..a i � o u � , O � � ----- l 1 `V ' � O1 � � �� Q -C - o . � , o o ��� � o � ,�o � do o , c.� .F ,:: co,vsRE�s�' ,�Q' � ' C 0 N G R � ' � � - � � � ¢ -- T �`' � �'" � _ ° � , � � P� �, • 'c - , � , y� . � � — , -�- .��c' i � -� -�-� � ¢ � � . � b � o - oo � � a • a� � � . r �t aO • �dM�+��e�►4� � �! i ` vJ� /FRE,4 ;� vV � � ~ a �C • � - _ _ O , . �, � _ � � v — 'q , ' � � lDE __� � • i �I G � � O � 'P.S. � � � �. . � 1 �Si � � w� � rr w .� � �� t 1� �_ _----o- .�_ e _p _ 10 �-. � � -_ - - o- .o.._ � ' � �_�,._ _ 5 t c�, - _ � � �� -- _ � O ° Q � � - , � � t� .;� � � � �;, ;v � - - � - -6 t � . :F ��`. �o,� E � � . GEOR G E-. 0 - - - - o�.�' � '� O e p p �_ -9 O - - � � 0 9 � � ; — 9- � v - — u W � W W W v - � - • �— -o- > ..�,- � p.s.q � �� > � - .R cn � � _, ��t o � � o � � a -` -; .. _ _ _ � ° sT���'�s � . E, STEVEN� e� �. � � � � ' t � AP�����N� Leonard G. Lang L�� °��� P������ Commercialmto�c��nstructcant� L�-"ed�iLJ �a��1�� addition to Pre ent funeral home C) 0(UE-��N91LY P�ESEfVT ZO�BfUG "�'" xe�iden��e -��- Tti^JO-�A��ILY � THRE';- F,��r�lLY PETITIOf�J SIG(VERS �' �f a possible 1.5 (100%) -� - FOl3R-FQlUfiLY � AiiULT B- P°A��I L�' FILE No. �1"31 _ niaRr�� � �nCO�"�Ifl��RCIAL ' � n INDUSTR6,4L � , l,eA�:F�����1T � St. Paul Plann�ng �oard, Date� 3/z���l � Pro��rtu �Rr,�ar ,.,,.,��a�..,..:,... MII�PU°rES OF THE PUBLIC HEARIAiG BEF'ORE TfIE BQARA OF ZONING on Thursday, April 1, 1971, at 2:00 P�M� PRESEN°f: Mrso Cochrane, Messrso Ames, Benshoof, McPartlin, and Ma�sur of the Bo�ard; and Messrs. Brown and Rosetter, and Mrs, Frantzen of the staff. LEONARD G� LANG: A petition to rezone from "C" Residence to Cvmmercial to construct an addition to the pxesent funeral home, property Located on the east side of Humboldt Avenue between East Winifred �nd Test Robi.e 5treets. Mr, Rosetter summarized the staff report, a part of the file, stating Chat the property has � frontage of 50 feet along Iiumboldt Avenue with a depth of 150 feet, resulting in an area of 7,500 square feete The area north on Wabasha and �iumboldt is zoned Coa�ercfal, and the area ta the east is zoned "�" Residence. ":i" Res�dence is the predorninant zoning in the rest of ehe area. Mr, Rosetter presented pictures to the Board. iie �.c�ted that �h�e Wilde� Residences is shown in the background. In conclusion, Mr. Rosetter stated that ia favor of the proposal is the fact ttaat i.t is an �xtenaion of the zaning i�ediately to the north of the site and would �.ot be termecl "spor zoning"� Against the propos8l, it could be s�id th�t � single-fsmily home zoned "B" �esidence adjoins the subject property on the §auth. Also, some units of the Wilder Reaidences would face �he rPar of the subject site. The petitioner, Mr. Leon�rd G, T„sng, asked how large an area was Caken fnto consideration when the sraff noted the predominant zoning w�s "B" Reaidence. Mr, Rosetter said he meant several blocks west of the site� Mr. Lang replied that in tne ic�edi.ate surrounding bloc�C there is only one "'B" Residential lot. Mr� A�iansur noted that the Devlin Funeral Home has been at that location for abouC 40 years. Mro I,�ng confirmed that the structure was b�ilt �.n 1929. Mr. Mansur sa�.d he �eels this extension is needed and wa�1d not be a det:riment to the Wilder Resid�nces or to Sto Matthew°s Schoal� 2herefore, he moved for approval of the peti�ian to r���neo As a matter o� info�mati.on, Mrs, Cochrane asked if this wou�.d ctrtaform to �auffer requirements, s�Lnce there is a single-fami�.y house d�.rectly s�c�tho Mr. Ames r�eplied that sideyarcl requirements would have t� bp me�. .A repres�ntative of the peti�ior� s�td there would be a d�iveway ax�c3 � buffer strxp. At this poir�t, Mrse Cochr�ne seconded the motion for approvaL, Tt�� motion cA�ried unsnimouslye -5- f ♦ LEONARD Go LANG (4/1/71) (Continued): Mr� Ames noted that i� this sddition will eveatually need a parking lot, plaas would have to be submitted; however, if the proposal is merely for a building, he said that building plans could be presented at a later Cime. When the representative said it would have about e 15-car parking lot, Mr., Ames suggested that the petitioner meet with the zoning staff to facilitate an administrative parking Lot pextnit. Submitted by: Paul L, Rosetter Robert La Ames, Chairman -6- ��� 5 Is� 2nd -� Laid over to 3rd and app �' —Adopted � �j Yeas Nays as Nays Butler utler Carlson 2��94� arlson Levine �evine Meredi+h � ��eredith Sprafka � ,T*5prafka / ) �J Tedesco desco Mr. President McCarFy �r. President McCarty O