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R�eadl�ution Ratifping Asse�ament By -
In the matter of the assessment of ���� � � �� � ��,#,� � t�+�►
�wa�r��r► +s�" s��s ari r�dtt t�l+�R�I� ��+rs lw�eate+� il�r�4�1, �rs�y Mr.
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A-� .. '.. . ' . . .. . . . � ,
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t�.�p.��F; r�2 - E. ��ry. Atr�t., both s�.��r �rva Clar�t�cc� St. to Eirsi�hat St.
.,.1�.0. #?44247 • H7acietth Ave„ both aid�s fraa N'hita Bear Ave. to V+ta ltiylce St.
l.0. f244253 - flyacinth Ave., bcth �ides fro� Yan Dylu St. to Hasel St.
l.0. f244299 - flyaciath Ave., bot6 aides frca Huel St. to Lnella St.
F.O. #244302 - H�acinth Ave., bot2r sidas froa LLPtsslla St. to Bnth St.
F.a,_ 42342 � �. Iv7 1ti,, both' i3das fro,r�lust�c! at, t�iirai�ha� $t.
F.O. �244247 - flyacinth Av�., both sid�a fros White Bear Aw. to Ven Dyks St.
' ` T.�1.=#244�` - Hyacinth- An.. both� sii�sr t'rer��Laelis �t. to-�t4 St� . .
P.O. �244253 - flpacinth Aw., both sides 'i�ro� �aa H�jke St. Lo �las�l St.
A public hearing having been had upan the assessment for the above improvement, and aa.id aasess�;,
_ _ .. _ �:
ment having been fur�ther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, �
be it therefore
RESO�LVED, That tlie said asseeament be and the same is hereby in a11 respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I}iatrict Gourt of the County of Ramsey for eanfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RaESOLVF�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
payable in - � equal installments.
Yeas Q1T�R-, Nays
CA R LSO N Adopted by the Council
�EV��vE MAY 61971
S�'R;"�,r�CA Approv
T�CL`:;;;0 �
�1/1Cvf�F(�� Tn Favor
✓ yo
Against ����„ 1�IAX � 5197.#
Form R-Y Zffi 10-68 8 a�O
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Report of Completion of Aas�essm�nt �`
In the matter of the asaeasment of iMMM�l,��,i, M� M �M �t �� �t !�
��MwhMl�'�#i1M +�! �� � �IMIM��AC �M�+h�RaM1 �t 1� ��,� �j MIR.
�* tti�e�i M�w► �s
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t.o. 134Z - s. xvp ar�s., be>t6 .taes fra. clss�c• gc, eo sir�i�. St.
l.0. f?44347 • lt�aciatl► Aw.. botb sidta irwa i�it� ius wirre. to Yut D�ric� St.
l.0. f?44253 • �t�eiot� /�., both •id+ts ito� Yan �rfn 8t. �0 BMS+�1 8t.
l.0. fZ4r299 • H�actath Am.. both sidsa �re� 8�ass1 St. to LwIU St.
a.o. f2�43A2 - �jr.aiar�.h a,n►., boch ssa.. ira. L�.ila ac. co Bua� sr.
r.o.����i� • l�. "I'�ry► Mo., both sidi� lro� Clas�eaa at. It�-�lir�s �
r.o. *s�au� - � se.
H�acist6 Aw.. botb ri�s tra� ilbit� �us l�ih..: to. '��.#�1�i St.
T.O. i�i�i� - 8,�aci� A�r�.. botb si�w lro� Lut1la St. to �iath �t.
�.0. �Z64ZS3 - �a�iath Aw.� tioth •id.s tsa� �a�. l�ic. it. .�0 1t�1 9t,
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparta to the Council the following as a statement o�the ex�
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Total conatruction costs . . . .. . . . .. .. .... .. .. .. . $ 13,992 71
Engineering a�d�.�18E���ion . . . . . . .. .. . � 2,238 83
�qa��a��.on aad,Assessffieat,Seririces.. . $ 279 86
Posta� caxds . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .... ... . . $ 12 90
Public�ationa . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. ... . .. . . . . . .. .... .. . . . $ 129 �0
Gollection coats . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. ...... .... ... $ 258 04
Court coats for canfirn�.ation . . . .. .. .. ... ... .... .. . $ 12 90
Cc�ptroi.ler Costs ��
TOTAL E�XPE�TDZTURES .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . $ 17,�53 20
Charge to . . . .. 0920-7,�1.. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. $ 946 70
. .... . . .. .. . . .. .�,qu•Assessable. .. .... . . . . . .. . . . $ 303 9�
NetAsaesament . .. .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .. .. .. .. . $ 15,802 6�
Said Commisaioner further reparta tha.t he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of $ 15.802.6� upon each and every lot, part or parcel o� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the sa.id asaessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said aesesament as
com�leted by him, and whieh is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated �ril 7, 1971 Commisaioner of Fin�nce,✓
Form R-2 EM 10-68 8�