253924 OAIG1NAt,i TO CITY CL[RK ��3J�(,j • � . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. � •R �{ , " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F`� CO I R UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �� �ATF In the Matter of hazardous buildings beinq that two-story br�ck commercial building and shed known and descrfibed as 896 Mississippi in the City of Saint Paui and situated upon those premtses legatty descrtbed as Lot 18, B1ock 4, Edmund Rice`s Fourth Addition, ac- co'rding to the piat on fiie and of record in the offtce of the Register of needs in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Mfinnesnta. �� �r;,�-:�� ,; - ,�- +, n �;±� f x 251687 , „� ti� . l ..�..=i..y ! 11'�:.i',l<<�?f, ..�.) Y' SC1� i i111 r �,f i" o �RO� u"! L 1:?C� December 24 1970 ; a nu;lic ;»ari:�� ,.;�� �'u�i;� i�4 `�"";��`" �__�._.�...�. __ �-_.�'�,� , t Wednesda y Januar..�.�6�► ..197� s !���ore t"e C:o��?�c�i of ���i�- �,�z�� {}t �:��i� �;�t:�� � �.,. "'_. 1 � ' ' x'I � ; � % n .`-r � �^no ra n� ;:���± ti���,°;�,, r�cr�,�';��i;ii� ;;o �L�t�� �.�:��;ii � t rt .�r i;.�_ s�.�t r�;i�� � ia.. i,_,1 a�t __.896 Mississi,��t _. ,_�_, Saint f��:ui ; .'iz�neso�a; -,nc+ },. + �r,^,cy I;i�GC? ��l . i�1Cfi.5 '"!T'C';!'�1w!?:� c�� :� a �� 1C1 i `c�.��'i(l :";', i ` :.'� �i�ic. . .r�. P _ ?. .t. ..i 7r. rt ,`;a ti. .��iri.ii,_i�,itl,il5p iC;cnuG"L`IGiI T"E'�C)t'L;> F<i�:: �:r°_' t'tC`v''',. ��'t?��.��1C:i1". ";� 't, ,cn (. � t.�.1 �����ri�7�,���.�1 y, i{. I.ri iO..:��:� <'1r,J Q���ti'�lli;'z:� �-��.r �1-i-1�: r I t'>�� �.�'Ui�it.'f� !�.`? :l. ...��i.l 1 . I il�, L`:? ti1!� I ,.r�i.:!'C�S :il1;'. �;'1 ��:i li1 l"li' Ciir1C"✓ � �y�: ,VR �+ pn �+ �- r�� �tiN� ' ,�( � � . Il.. t.0 { � �1Lt'l� � �/t ,r.s y'�r ���ii ���.CUi�il �!'�1���/ ��.It�C'-l�:a ��� �bi��: G..�4��4�� �L:,�'�rY'j.'('il ri :i:�i�g�L�r './e-�/Ji:l�:.,.' yl•]r August Mueller and Nerra Muetler; and Alex Battisto has an unknown �nterest; !:I{!['�;C..! c ;�- .• f + l ,, ..f. , � . .:� ,t„ , i. 1 a � Ul°�fl{-`.i" C{�'�t:i.'1 Yit`.... �;}1�;�. �;il� c:�.1)t�V�,• ��C`.iC1"I i�ti":', _ buildin�c and $h� l,{.'+1�iZ.11.l;�.� , '1?:� r Jl%:, i.)!e I 1.. ,��, ` ,�f �l�i� �ii� ��'::�(�1 �..;.a _. .__.., � r.._..._ . . , . , r.r� or . . . ��{� 7 � �� I�'�I��.riL,t�.-.:7, S�C��i.�i �jC �r....h �} r��y<y � -ll'. t� rfi. 1 5 r�s 1 �li� . � ,. � t .., ., :�. . . .. ,t .. , . ... i 10�. , ., ,. . � . A V � Asst. C�rp ration Coun COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson � Approve� 19— Levine __jn Favor Meredith Sprafka � � Mayor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty �� . � `� - �5��2� Page 2. a. The buildin� and shed are standing vacant, abandoned and are subject to being entered by unauthorized nersons; b. The exterior condition of the building is as follows: the brick veneer and composition siding are very dilapidated with bricks falling; the windows and doors are smashed and broken and the foundation is deterioratin�; c. The interior condition of the building is as follot�s: the basement floor joists are rotted; plaster on the ceilings and walls is falling on the first and second floors; the flaors are sagging badly; the stairways have split treads and the plumbing, heatinc� and electrical systems have been removed or vandalized; d. The building in the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; e. The building is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; f. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dila�aidation and inadequate maintenance; g. There is a 33 x 48 foot shed on the premises which is in a deteriorated and shabby condition with structural meribers failinq; OR�761NA4.TO CITY CLHRK �q f ' � - CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. �� ��t � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE no;��, therer"or�, be i t RESOL!'E[), T��at in accorda�,ce :��ith ''irn�sota Stat�tes S�ctions 463.15 t��rou�h �G3.26, anci ba�;�d urar, th^ Forer,oin�� findinrts nf the Cit�� Counci1 , the Courcil of t"� Citv of `.;«int ^aul does h�reb� f,�ake the fol l o,ai na (}�°der: � � JRDER � 1 . i��e ��1��!o�:;r�ers o� ��'�_� a`�ovc-�escri�ec,' buitding and 5hed shal l r�a�:e ti1P. ,ame safe and s�et detri^�ental t:, t�;e rub�ic neace, }�ealt`�, safet�r anu i�e1farr, by !;;�vin� the said bu�ldin and shed razed an� th� r:l;terial s �heref�^o� ��e�oved froi7 t, n nre��i ses ��ri thY i n � thi�•ty (3�J) da��; fror� the date of th� servic� cf t��is Qrder; 2. Jnl cs; such correcti ve acti on i s taE;en to c��nl v :�!i t'� t��i s OrcPr or an zns��;ur serv�ci t�;�on the Citv of Saint raul anc� f�led in tiie O�fice of th� C1 er�: of t�e i)i stri ct Cour�; of ?a�� sev Countv, '°!i nrPsot�, v,�i thi n t+.�,ent�.� (?_U) da�,�s fra,7 �hr_ d��e of tF�e service ar t`�is Order, a ''otion fcr .�iG�itf?c11'V Cnforce47C11� Oi t'11S �11"C�°1^ t0 1"dZ�' r111i� 1"L'C:10`✓E' t�ie said _build�nq and shed _ vri 11 bt� �lade to t'�e f;�r�sev Ccunty Di stri ct Court; 3 rt; ±+,� �„�n± t�1z� t;,� butlding and shed �re to be ,r.t�z.�d h�, the Ci�tv of S�int !'aul !�ur�E�aiit to ,7UGGi;!�nt of the `)�strict C�ur�t, all nersora.l rro�ert�� oi° f i;:tures �:�hi cii r;�av ;anreasonaLl�.� i nter��re ;�i th the razirc� ai�d r�rloval ar t;iis buildin and shed shall be r�,���vc��-� �•!;r'��n tC�"? ��J� G<t�lS �1^Q!;1 t�1C' Ciltl"�! G�" �11C�!":l('tl�: c?tl lr f10� S7 t"(?"?OVeCi� tSl�? rl�`� �f Saint "aui shall re�7ovn a�d �;snose of sucn nc�rsanal nr�ner+v «nu fixtu�°es as n.rov�ded l��� 1a���, 4. If th;� Cii;�r of Suint i'aul is co��ipel?ed to talce inv c�rrectiv� actio!�r h!?1'°ln9 dl� necns�ary CrySts ex^en�ed f�!' ��1� �lty `rJ'1�� a£' dSS�SS�t� aqairzst t�e above-describ�d r�al estate ard col3ected as ot��er ��xe�; and be i t r.���,•rt_�rn nCC(1! 11[y"tl 't'a,.R. ..�...} .f';.zr7 /�r��.v /� v' r �n�� � t�r,!� �y� li.a . {.i 1 \�i.. ..A.� •.�Sy � ��..1J � �.l.. � i . . _ L'.� � l.'� :1�� � C._.t/ �4{ :�4 S 1{� 1t1CQi'"?v!"Z��C� :12"C�n�' I;f-.'1"^iil b� S:,'1"VG� U!'i011 tnf? �c St record gt����/�0��ftle!"S Of �C?E? d.'.7p`JL-'.'��SCY"I�J(?C� nroncr�;.v lrl t�l� ^�ann�r hY'OV1:�°(� �V �d1�l. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� MAY 5 197119_ Yeas Nays �-$ut�er Caxlson A Y 5 i�� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � y� Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED M�Y � 5 �sn �� � Area Code 612 . ' 223-5t2t �c �` � ``/1 � d t �r�� � . ��'> fHONAS J.STEAqNS fa �i � w�/',ti��r` ��' ��� ARTHUR M.NE�SON <.o- f �,�� THOMAS M.MOCiNEY � PAUL F.McC�OS1:EV,JR. °�'' '�(�� '�"�j [�� 2 ���r�7 °°{��-�,, 'g��p'g� �R,SCOTT DAVIES KENNETH J,FITZPATRICK � �G� "L"r � 0°ti' �.f,��R �!1• N • C-���{ E ` , DAM[LtL..FECKE�RR First Assistant �•�+ ��d• � .�:� �y ��7 ,g, JL ���� JEROMEJ.SEGAL lE,�y7�� �l���������. OHNCTMcLAUGHLrIN Special Assistant 316 Ctfy i4mgP, ��. ��ol, Rql�ese�atm 5b102 ROBEAuitanUENE OANIEL A. KLAS TERRY F.SULLIVAN CofporetiOn Counsei I nvestigator April 29, 1971 � P9re Albert Q, Qlson Co�ncil Recorder City C1erk's Office Buildinc� Re: File No. 2010 896 Mississippi Dear F•�r. 01 son: Attached hereto is resolution/o�der pertaining to the abov� f�azardous building. Upnn passage of �he same by the City Council , please forward six (6) certified capies to me. Yours very truly, � AUI. F. McCLQS Y, JR. Assistant Gornoration Counsel PFh1/klm Enc. 5-11-71 6 Cert. Copies 'tc> I�ir. MeA.oskey I �� I I . � � � ; � �`��� �.: ���- � 1 T lf `�:� �aAc�-l��"� ��PA U ! ��� _ . �°�< �� � _ : �� � �� * _ Ce 'tet of Minnesote '�:A �'�� ' > , ,..• ..� ;� � � - � .� � � a �. 1 � .� � ;. 4._-�, � °.� � �, � 'fi : ,,��,�� ���='�".►'* - _. � _� �:;. �,' �;, b; "-,n,�,._� _: _ _ � �' , , ._ . ,xu'"'! � .� -.. .H.._..�..., . � : ..+ .. - . ;; ` � � _ o � �'s 'k."f'3:^ ',/�C �• �, � '�i* . 1'Ta � �„ � � � ' ; �, ���;;�.��`, �:..4 oUREAU OF PUBUC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, Cify Architect 445 City HaA, b5102 223-4212 . January 6, 1971 i -b � � Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2010--896 Mississippi Gentlemen: �; The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition •"' of the structures at the above location. The owner bf record is August Mueller and the legal description of the property is Lot 18, Block 4, Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition. A recent inspection indicates the following: � Building Classification: 2-story brick commercial. Exterior: Brick veneer and composition siding. Very dilapidated, bricks falling, windows and door trims very bad. Eyesore, unreasonable to rehabilitate. Basement: Foundation is deteriorated. Floor joists rotted. First Floor: Plaster on ceiling and walls falling. Floors badly sagged. Second Floor: 5ame as first floor. 5tairways have split treads. Dangerous. � Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Systems: All systems removed or vandalized. Accessory Buildings: A 33' x 48' shed at rear, frame construction,is in a deteriorated and shabby condition. Structural members failing. Although the owner boarded up the first floor windows last August, the.:. ,main building and the shed are both open at present. � , � . ' .� Hon. Charles, McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council -2- January 6, 1971 It is the opinion of our inspector that the above buildings constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, Therefore, it is our recommendation that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. V r7� uly your ; Robert L. es City Archit ct R LA/mfs cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal D. Norrgran F. Staffenson �����'�•�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL � couNC�� No 251�.��7 ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� COUNCiI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR85ENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE VITHEREAS the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings, said structures having been reported to constitute a public liazard: Address Legal Description Type of Structure 896 1�ti�aissippi Lot 18. Block 4, Edmvnd Rice'e Tavera-apt. bldg. snd Fourth Addition 3 sheds WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: � Alex N. Bsttisto and August snd Neva Mueller THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of 5aint Paul in the Council Charnber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a. m. on Wednesdsy, Jsnusry 6, 1971 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described praperty inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council. notify by mail the record owners of th.e property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record , of the date and time of the hearing. DEC 2 4 1970 COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeaa Nays .�uut�er- � 4 ly I 0 Carlson Approverl �EC 18� Levine T*+ Favor ..D�e�e�- O Mayor -�"�- A gBjAgt Tedeaco �.�.,, �-.a.��,� � Mr. Vice Prestdzn4 hleredith � � �� Jan. 6, 1971 M�. Daniel A. Klas Corpnratian Coun�el Buildin�, Dear Sir: The Gity Counci]. tod�ey r�que�ted that yvu prepare a resalutica� ordering the correc�3on ar �rrecking and re�v�.l. oP t,he coAd��d taverzi��partmerit buildinkg and 3 aheds at 896 M�.ss3�sippi 5t. Very trul,y yawrei City C7.�rk ng