253922 "'K��rl4..�a+�4t�s� -�� ��� j�.�:�,3 '..F�.�.�a..:.,�s°'�— �S'k`x..� . :, ����' . 2�3�2� co�►o� � xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPRUYEMENT and ` PRELIMYNARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingofthefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Baint Psul�vi:.: ,,,,�,reconstru��._��}g.��,��1d���...FR]Gkif2laS..A.f..idh�h..�.i.1.1..t��..iA.X�g��1...�i]��1�..�sl...��a�lall�....on both�sides_of.E'_�7th. _St. _from_Atlantic.St:..and_Duluth_St._.and.b�.doin� all other work.which,_is_necessarX„and_.incidenta�.,to_,�on.ple�e„said„impro,v„ement:..........................._ . Dsted thie.........5.th.......day og..................May................. . .......... � �B Zl. ........... . . ...�' " .. ..... ..... . ..........._.. ... ... ..._.. COUno�lmsn. PRELIMINARY OItDEIt. WHEAEA$� A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: .reconstruct_the...sidgw�l�,..$52�:��.Oxt�..C�_�11�,�.h..JeL��]...b�..�J0.L�gX�,1...�11Xb...�A14�..5.�4�����::..4n __ both„sides of E. 7th,_,_5,�._ from,��1�a���,�.5�,_.�,d_,��,�u��_,5�,..��a.�x.ao��.,aii„other„ ..... ...-• ---.. work which is necessary„and_ incidental to compl�te.said i.mP�ovement;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ............................................. ..--• --... ......... ......_...--•----••----•-•-•...............................................___...----...----.............................................-•---.....----.._......---....•--.........---............. 6sving besn preeented to the Council of the City of 3aint Paul.................•--........--••---------.....-•---•--------.._.....------••---....... t6erefore, be it RE$OLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eetimated coet of eaid improvement, and the totsl coet thereof. 3. To furnieb a plan� profile or sketch of said improvement. • 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked �'or on�the petition of three �r more� ownere. 5. To report upon alD of Bhe foregoing mattere to the �amm�eeioner of Finanoe. �aop�a by the ��Qa...........-•.........................MAY.._...5..19��........ Yra►s Counc i lman -$t�tfi�T� MAY 5 �9� Car 1 son �PPmvec�.......................•----------..............._...---........---------- Levine Meredith Sprafka . Tedes co ...... ....._ ....._._... .. ._ Mr. President McCarty or. �000 t-sq _ � � C� PvB�sxr:v MAY � 5197�