253908 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �5���/1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. O CIL RESO TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DEAN MEREDITH M3y 3� 19�1 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the 46th Annual Saint Paul School Police Parade to be held on Tuesday, Ma.y 18, 1971, at 9:30 a.m. , the route of which will be from the State Capitol down Cedar to Sixth Street, thence west to Wabasha Street, thence to Columbus Avenue; and as an alterna- tive in case of rain, the Council further approves of the Parade to be held on May 19, 1971. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci � 4 ��� 19— Yeas Nays �--- MAY 419�� Caxlson App ov 19— Levine ��n Favor ��ere�it�'— Sprafka ✓ yor Tedesco A 8��t Mr. Vice President Meredith " PUBLISIiED �AY 8 1971 �� ; � ��3 � a� . � � y . ..� I ._.._._._. ��.�.-� ; 3 F�I ��:i` ti �,2cC�-ILL • CONTROLFG��Z.MS �t�'.:.5.�^'_°3, w t°?F � {�* ' ;}�r a(,*�i�t�Rj"j��°"�'t :c�� �w-'c v';3 '�i,.:�.+yx',;;=� Y,�d t i�s m ='.x �. G: �n6+ C y E. e iai� . E:E;6 C=AtF.�VICW AV�. �i. t �/:lWY F�B:ts�. tc�ENN6�t3T'A �s�1�J4 • 6�HQtJi3 C#4�:a-�i$:t April 28, 1971 City Council Court House Sta Pau1, Minn, 55102 Gentlemen: The inembers of the School Police Programy sponsored by the ' 5t. Paul Junior Chamber of Commerce, request approval for the 46th annual Sto Paul School Police Parade, to be held on Tuesday, Ivlay 18, 197 l. at 9:30 A, M. , until approximately 10:30 A� Ma In case of Rain, an alternate date of 1�,'Iay I9th has been selectedo The parade route begins at the State Capitol as usualo Y�ur approval • of this event will be appreciated Uy all, and issuance of the parade permit is her. eby requestedo If an.y questions or problems arise please contact me at: McGill - Controlforms 655 N. Fairview Aveo Sto Paul9 Minnesota 55104 645-0751 Sincerely, ,- `� i :'� �/ 1 � �'A �. f ! � _ , �.._. . � 4ii��77.4�� 1 '/�,L...` ..'`�,._.L����' Sam Preese Parade & TranSportation Chairman Ps 3 -� �. . . � � � {;� . � ' ti�� �` . Apri1 29, 19'T�. Richard Rcr�r�n, Ch�.eP of Police, 1C?l. �. l.(1th. St. , Cit�*. P,p�.r 41r: Th� Cit�* �rnuz��.l refer�ect to �c� t�� attache�. �.e�uer of the Saint Paul Junior CY��r o�' Cc�erce requesting approv�l o�' t�� ��t��. ann�.t. :'�� Pau1. Schoc�l �ol�.c� P�r�,�, to b� held or, Tuesday, 3�a„u 18, l�'t�- �'� �:30 ��• �,•, a� � e�.tern.e�te dat� ��' �.atij ?�tha �lery truly �c�s's, Ci��* Cl�;.rk AC�,�h�+