253888 . � OpGIN�1L TO CITY CL6RK ����J�Q , ,• : " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. C U IL RES TI —G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED� Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul 1971 Signa.l Program Agreement No. 56757 between the City and the State of Minnesota Department of Highways pertaining to cost, mainten- ance and operation of traffic signal work, a copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. FORi FPP D� or a ior Counsel MAy 41911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �Ay 419�,'� .�i#� Carlson A ro 19— � Levine n Favor M�rec�'rtrr- Sprafka l� r Tedesco A Sainst •M�. Vice President Meredith �AY 8 1971 PUBLISHED �� , � DUrLIRAT6T0lRINT�! .•�v��+��,Js . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N4. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�nr COMMISSION� �ATE BBSOLVBD, That the prn�� City off�r�ca as�e I�tz'eb�r u�tbarisad �wd directad to 4xscute on U�half t�f th� Ci�r o! 8sitst Paul 1971 Si8z�a1 Pro�aaao► t�gs�amant No. 56757 bs�► t�u C�,ty t�l h.l�a 6tats of �sota DapaYtam�nt of Higbnraya par�a3.z�.ag to �oati �iate�a+� a�cs �aad oparaticm o# traffi� sigaai �rk. a �opy e� aai,d Agrqmrat bi►in�g att�ach,�d h�z�t�► a�d i��ao�►ratsd �rrin by z�!'+�r�ce. MAY 419i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�� 19_ Yeaa Nays � MAY 41971 Carlson Approv� 19_ �°�e v�n Favor �e�-- Sprafka ��r ' st Tedesco M�. Vice President Meredith �� ' 3 6 � � . ` ' �`"',�e�s''� p��� � �a STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 May 20, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Max�shai� City Clerk St. Paul City Hall 15 W. Kellog� Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Traff3.c Signal Agreement No. 2b757 City of St. Paul 1971 Program Dear Mr. Marsha]1: Enclosed Yor your files are two f''u11y executed copies (one orig3nal) of the referenced agreement between the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways and the City of St. Paul covering the 1971 Traffic Signa1. Program. Sinc erel,y, � ��,r =; �y��� � ���}-�-� R. A. Kurpius Assistant Traffic Engineer, P],ans Enclosures: Agreements (2) � . � ' J �� � � � � � � . � 0 , , . ., � h°Ii'"?E:>OiA HI r�rI�YY D�PARTP'FW'nrr n ���"l.3 � AGR��rTMI' r;0. 56757 INDEX IT� ALLOT. �TR. FUn1D EST. AT•1'T REC�'NABLE A?�OUr�T E�1CUP�tFi�?.ED None �92,750.Oa COOPi.RATIVL A=?�F�..''�"ET'T (Traffic �i�nals) THIS AG.R�t-��1T made and entered into b,y and between the State of �innesot�., Department of Hi�hways, hereina£ter referred to as the "State", and the City of St. Pau,l, hereinafter referred to as the ''City'', Tr3IT�'��•'SSETH: ��;1�iEREAS, it is considered mutnallv desirable to install overhead si�nal indications, ar.d mod3.fy b,y added betterr.:ent certa;n otY:er ��rtia�s �f - existin�, tra.�fic cantrol sipnals, all at certain intersections in �hole ar in part on the State Trunk HiF;hway System within the corporate limi�s of �he Ci+�,r and hereinafter specificall.y set forth; and YlHE3EA5, it is mutuallv a?reeable that �aid work shall be perf�r?ned by the City wi.th the State paying a portion o£ the costs thereof; NO'rt, THE??EFO�, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLO��IS: l. The Cit,y shall prepare the necessar�r pl�,ns, specifications and. proposals and shall perforr.i the en�;ineerinp and inspection re�uired to comnlete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediatelr abnve shall constitute "Fn�:ineering and Insnect�_on" and shall be so referred to hereinafi.er. � 2. The contract cos� of the work or, if the work is not contx�acted, the cost of all labor, r!aterials, and ecui�r.ent rental required to cor�o�ete the work, �xcept the cost of r.rovic�i.nr? fi,he �osrer sunp�v to the sArvi.ce pole, �:fai:�_ ec�nstit���';e i.hc act.��a3. "Co�n���:ruc.¢ion Cost'' ar.�j sha11 be sa ref�z°red t� }1cZ`i-',�T)c9f't,er. . , • • , 3. The State's share c�f the Constructa.on Cost �lus six percen� (6�) of such share as full payment for the State' s share of the cost of En�ineering and Inspection shall hereinafter be referred to as "State' s Share". 1�. Plans and specifications for construction bv the Citv' s Con- tractor of any of the work provided for herein shall be approved bv the State, and no ma3or change in plan shall be made unless first concurred in and con- sented to bv the State' s District En�ineer or his dul,y authorized representa- tive. 5. The Cit}� with its own forces and equi�ent or b,y contraet shall modif�� bs indicated added betterment and related work the existin� traffic control signals at the following intersections: S.P. 6201 - a. T.H. 5 (;7est Seventh) near Nunster Avenue. Install overhead si�nals for T.H. 5. Estimated cost �k,000s State's Share 50 percent ($2,OOQ). b. T.H. 5 (��est Seventh) at West A`a,ynard Dr. Install overhead signals for T.H. 5. Estimated cost $6,000; State's Share 50 percent (�w3,000). c. T.H. (West Seventh) at St. Paul Avenue. Install overhead signals for T.H. 5. Estimated cost Y6,000; State's Share 66 2/3 percent ($4,000), d. T.H. 5 (;'Yest Seventh) at Lexinmton Parkway and I�ontreal Avenue T.H. 51). Install overhead si�nals for T.H. 5 and replace existin� vehicular indications. Estimated cost $7,5�0; State's Share 60 percent ($4,500). e. T.H. 5 (1'�est Seventh) at Otta Avenue. Install overhead si�nals for T.H. 5. Estiriated cost �5,000; State's Share 50 n�rcent (�3,OOO). f. T.H.� S (;'�est Seventh) at Randolph Avenue and OscEO1a AtiTenu�. Install averhead si,e,nals for T.H. 5, replace existin� vehic?zlar indications, revise si�nal syster.� to full actuated operation. Estimated cost $15,000; State� s Share 33 1/3 percent (�S,OC��). g. T.H. 5 (h'est Seventh) at Jefferson Avsnue. Install overhead ' signals for T.H. 5. Estimated cost �6,000; State' s Sha.re � 50 percent (�3,(�00). h. T.Ii. ('+•Test Seventh) at St. Clair. Install overhead si�nal_s ioz• '3.�i. j, �stimated cost �=7,OG0; SiaLe' s Sn��re �0 �e�-ci,ni, � (�3,500). 56757 _ 2 - b 1. T.H. 5 (1{Jest Seventh) near C,00dhue Street. Install overhead si�naa_s foz• T.H. 5. �'stamated. cost �4,000; State's Share 50 percent (�2,000). �. T.H. 5 (<<Yest Seventh) at T.N. 49 (Srli.th Avenue). Install � overhead siPnals for T.H. 5. Estimated cost ��5,000; 5tate� s Share 66 2/3 percent ($6,000). k� T.H. 5 and T.H. 1+9 (�rTes± Seventh) at Ram$e.y Street (T.H. 5}. Install overhead si�nals for iaest Seventh Street and renlace existinp vehicular indications. Estir_mated cost ��3,000; State' s Share 75 percent (�6,000). S.�'. 6221 - 2. T.H. 51 ('�:ounds Blvd. ) at T.H. 212 (Fast Seventh). Install overhead indications for Seventh Street. �stim__ated cost $7,500; State's Share 100 pereent (�7,5C�). m. T.H. 61 (East Seventh) at 2�iaria Avenue. Install overhead indications for T.H, hl. Estima.ted cost �6,000; State's Share 50 percent (�3,000). n. T.H. 61 (East Seventh) at Hope Street. Install overhead signals for T.H. 61, install pedestrian indications and revise signal systert to semi-actuated operation. Esti.r.iated cost �12,000; State� s Share 50 percent (�,000). o. T.H. 61 and T.H. 212 (East Seventh) at Arcade Street (T.H. 61). Install overhead signals for all apbroaches and replace existin� vehicular indications. Estimated c�st $10,000; State's Share ?5 percent (�7,500). _ p. T.H. El (Arcade Street) at Minnehaha Avenue. Install overhead signals for T.H. 61, replace existing vehicular indications anci add �edestria.n indications. Estimated cost $6,000; State's Share 50 percent (�3,000}. S.F'. 6228 - q. T.H,�212 (East Seventh) at Pa,yne Avenue. Install o�rerhead siPnals for T.H. 212, replace existing vehicular indications= install pedestrian indications and revise si�nal svstem to semi-actuated operation. Estimated cost $15,000; Sta,te' s Share 66 2/3 percent (�10,000). r. T.H. 212 (East Seventh) at 2��innehaha Avenue and A°endota Street. Install overhead si�nals for Seventh Street and replace existino vehicular indications. Estir,!ated cost �9,OC10; State�s Share 33 1/3 percent ($3,000). S.P. 6231 — s. T.H• 1�g (ti�iabasha Street} at Twelfth Street. Install overhead signals for both approaches. Estimated cost �5,000; State' s Share 50 percent (�2,500). . S.P. 6233 — . t. T.H. 49 (West Seventh) at Chestnut Street. Install overhea� signals for T.H. 49. Estimated cost $5,000; State' s Share 50 percent (�3,000). �h757 — 3 — ` I 6. Upon completion of the work contemplated herein, the Cit,y shall maintain and keep in repair said installations and shall provide the necessa*�v electrical power for their operation, all at the cost and expense of the City. Zn additian, the City shall provide the power supply to the service poles at its own e,�cpense. 7. In the event the City advertises for bids for all or a portion of the work in paragraph 5 hereof, the Cit,y shall submit to the State' s Assist- ant Commissioner - Construction a certified copy of the low bids received and an abstract of all bids received bv the City, �ogether with the Citv's request for concurrence by the State in the award of a construction contract. Aw�ard of the contract shall not be made unti.l the State advises the Cit,y in writi;�� of its concurrence. S. The State shall make payment to the Cit,y of the State's Share at the end of the construction season for that work which is complete and ap- proved by the State� s District Engineer. A statement in quintuplicate certi- fied bv a resnonsible City official that said signal work has been completed under the terms of this agreement shall be submitted by the Citp to the State. The statem�nt and supp�rtin^ records are subject to audit by the State'� re- presentative at the direction of the State. 9. The City indemnifies, saves and holds harmless the State and all of its agents and eniplovees of and from any and all claims, demands, ac- tions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of, or b,y reason of, the performance of any work by the City provi_ded for herebv, and further a�rees to defend at its sole cost and expense an,y action or pro- ceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever charac- ter arising in connection with or by virtue of the maintenance work to be performed by the City. 10. Any and all p�rsons engaped in the aforesaid maintenance work � to be performed by the Cit,y shall be considered emploS�ees of the City and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worlanen' s Compensation Act 56757 - 4 - � of this State on behalf o£ said er�plovees whi_le so enpaged, and anv and all claims made b,y any third party as a consequence of anv act or omission on the part of said City er.:r�lo,yees while so en�;aped on any of the work contemr.lated herein shall be the sole abligation and res�onsibilitv of the CitS�e 11. All timing of all traffic contr�l signals �rovided for herein sha11 be deter�ined b,y the State, throu�h its Comrnissioner of Highwavs, and r_o chanPes shall be made therein except with the approval of the State. 12. The total estimated amount to be paid to the Citv frnm Trunk Highway I�'unds for work perforr:ed under this Agreernent is $92,750.00. In the event that at anv time it appears that such reimbursement vrill exceed said sum, the City shall promptly notify the State thereof in order that the State r�ay encumber such additional funds as ma,y be necessarv. . � 56757 - 5 - � � � , � , i CITY Q? :�T. "AiTM�, xECOr��r;�ED FOR APFROVAL: ' �V t�"avor B,y Comsrissioner of Public Works (Seal) COUNTERSIGPJED: B�T Clerk By Comptroller APPROVED AS TO FOR2�: � Asst. C rporation� ou sel STr�TE OF �fSA'I?ESOTA RECOi�u�IdD�D FO:� APPROVAL: B,y Deput,y Cor:m��issioner of HighY�ravs . Traffic Engineer Department of Hi�tivaavs Dated: Bistrict ringineer Department of Hi.�hwavs APPROVED: DEPAR'TI��R'T OF AD1-�Ir1ISTRATIOr': APPROVr.D: • BY Assistant Cor�r.�issioner Dated: . Design and Right of ilay AppiQt�FL� AS TO FORM A^JD �YECi?TION: Special Assistant Attorney General 56757 - 6 -