253887 o�.i e�c+c,ci�rr Y � � ORDINANCE ������ � COUNCIL FILE NO - �RESENTED QY ' ORDINANCE NO I `'� An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Resident Groundsman ��� � ��: �' �;' �= 4 ��: �:: � , � ti �,. -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporatior� �ounsel By , Oriainal to City Cledc • ' � � ORDINANCE �+ COUNCIL FILE NO �`���"� PRESENTED BY . __ , , ORDINANCE NO. � � 7 y�� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- IAAY 21 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Carlson Levine � n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Againat Tedesco M AY 21 1971 Mr. Presiden�cC ) A ro At Ci Cler r �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Qusus� MAY`2� : ` . . ��.a m r�ar �"� � � �, ORDINANCE 253�8'7 , COUNGL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NQ- � � 7 �'� Aa ordiaance sm�ding Ordinsace Pio. T607, e�ti#led: "An ord3.naaee fisisg tbe d�er sad r�spoasibiliti�s si►d the snisimum qoaliSEStions fr�r th� vsrians classes �t poaitions is th,e Clasaiti�d Ser�iee o!' tke City, " spproved Febrssry Z3, 1935, ss ime��ed. THE COUNGIL OF THE CI?Y �F SAI1�1T �AQL DC)L3 O�i�IIN: Sectia� 1. ?hst Or�iasaee I�io. 7'60?, sppro�►ed Fabsasr� 13, I g3s, ss ama�d�d, b� aad the �sme ia her�br turther smemd�i b� in��stiag is its Psop�r slplisb�tical osder ths follow#a� t#tts, and specificitit�as �tor ' Ras�d�nt Grot�dama�t �� : \ _1_ Yeas Councilxnen DTays Paseed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith ro�� Sprafka � Tedeeco Mr. Preeident (McCarty�) Apprnved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor f� - ' �orm approved Corporatioa �ounsel By ._. . __.�: _ . �r:.�. . . '�a a r�.ar ` � ' ORDI �11' ANCE � . �3�8'7 COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO-_����� Sectfoa t. TMr ardia�►c� sl�ll ta3c+e ief:Ee�tt s�i 1� fs fores thirt� ds�a s�tss i!s pssss�e, sp�roval, aad p�abl#esti�. M�Y � i i9wT/ -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Paaeed by the Counci� Butler Carlson ' ��e n Favor s� a �►gR�net Tede�co Mr. President (McCarty) APProv�l: �A� � 1 �� Attest: City Clerk �ayor �� Form a�proved Corporation �ounsel Bq _ . � • , 25���'7 Ta�1� �£ cZass� R ES�D E?ti�` �R��';;NIaS��AN Di;��i�� �nc3 responsibilities : �7r��der s�ap�rvi�ion, to Fic.�rform maz�tz�l labor in a parlc; and to perform reLatt:;d worlc as a��igned. T�ze cmployees �r�orking u��d�r this �i�Ie must live in tt�� qelarters pravided by the Parl.cs Z?�partrnen�� (Rent is reqa�ired for these quart�rs 1ay Xhe Parks D�parrrra�nt:. ; Examples af wark perform�d: To ap�ra`�e selfwprapell�d and mana,lally operat�d mowing eq�aipm�n�. To see �`ha� gro�ncl� ar� kepi n�ax and orderly. 'I'o assis°k forestry crews i,n cleanup after �rimming operations and in o�h�r fos est�ry r�latcd work performed on �hc; grof�.nd, To c�'� grass, sprinkle law�s, �rim hedg�s, rake leaves, pick up brushx and branch�s. To cut and tay sod.. To cu� and spray weeds, To mulch l�;aves, To care far playin�; fiel�]s, To �c� as crew lead�r ��I�en workin� ��i�h P�rtc .Aides. 'S"o rnak� minor repair5 to b�:ilc�inge �.nd pYaygr�c:n� e��.ipmente To make= mi.nor repairs on mo�vers and a�her eqeziprnent, To se� t�p and x�pair fences including snow fen�es,. To shov�t snaw, To ap'ra�e a snow�-i�iou•in� machxne, ?o opc-ra�e chain saws to c�� kp d�bris and branches. To fell �re�s with pow�� antl man�,ally operated er��ipmen�. To aper�.'.r� �ra�tor� �or �;ro�nci maiz�sk�nance and snow �°�mo�ral, 'ro drivc vans, }�ickups anc� a�h�r smaller vehiclns in c:onnecLion �r�i7h 2h�ir wark, Minim;am ��al'zfisations: _ Eigh�h-grade �ducation N�us� t�� a� least 21 years o� agz. -z- . . 253�� '7 Tz�1i� ��� sle5s; R ESiD E:"��:� �.dP����:N3���,�AN ����i�s az�d x��sp:�nsibiliti.�s ; �'n�3�r. sup�rvi�ian, t� }��rfo�m m:,ztaal labor i�x a pdric; az��i to �scrform rei�t�d vrork a� a�si;n�d. Th�; �:mplayees workin� t;��zdtr �his �i�i� rs��st IivL a,�1 �P-:e qz�.ar�ers provid�d by t.he Parl.cs �epar�m�n�. (R�nt i� .��c�a:�ired £oa thr°;s� c�uarter5 }�y th� P�rks De��ari:m�nt> ` Exampl`s a� worl` pexformcdo To p�s�:ra�� seLf��rop�ll�d and m�n�:�a31gr operatc;�] mawing eq�.�pmen`c. Tc �ee Lha� �rot.�nds ar� Icep3- neat and ord�rly, '£o assis� �c�xe�txy crews in �l�an�p �f��Y `;.rimrn�n�; o��rations a:�� in viher for�s':ry r�3.dfi�;c� wcarl. �crformc.d on �h� gro�and> To ��`k gras�, s�arinkle �aw�s, �rim h�:ri��s, r�k� l�:av�=�, pi�k i.�p brt,sh antl branch�:s. To cu'� and l�,y sod.. To cu� and spa.ay zv��ds, 'I'o mtzl�h l�av�s. `i`o car� far playin� fi�l�5> `�o a�� as cr�w lead�r c�hez� warking wi�h Parlc r'�ades. '�o m�.k� minas� r�pairs �o b�il;li:�gu and playgrat�nd eq��ip�rn�ne� 'To ma�C� minax repaixs on mow�rs and oth�:r e��:i��men�, � To s�Y up ancl �°�pair fer.�c�s in�l�,di,ng snotiv i�n�es.. `To sho�rei �nvv�r, �lo ap�ra;� �. snow�-L:ow?ng ma�I�.irs�, 'To t�pex��c �hair� sav��s to Ct�.t up cl�;'�ri� and branchc�s, 'To f�ll. kre�s �vith powe� and ma��,�11� op�ya44Ed cr��zi�m�n�. `�a ap�ra'�� a x�,rt�rs for gr:�.��nd mai�t��nanc� arzd �no,�a -��moval, To driv� �raaas, }�i�kups anc] o�.z�r sm�ller v�hicic:� in c:c�nn��c�Cion u�i�h �heir wark. .Mi.nim�.m ��ali£a��,tions: �i�h�:h-�rac�� �d,:�ati�n. °vlus� b� a& Ic�st 2I ycar� �f :a��, oZ� Is+ �_ 2nd �� Laid over to 3rd and app.\S�—Adopted -'�j Yeas '� ( I Nays �eas ' Nays � � Butler �.�utler ('.��] ��_, Carlson ��.,�arlson Levine � Levine Meredith ����C�+'`j �Vleredith � VI Sprafka -�Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco ,� Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarly O