253883 Orlslnsl to Cit7 Clerk , . � � Q�vr��r� �'�oZ J�� i �'�,,�,,-�+�.CJ.�
That Chapter 320 of the Saiut Paul Legislative Code pertaining to
garbage collection is hereby r�pealed in its entirety.
This ordinar��e shal� take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
�tlH 9 t971
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
� Carlson �
Levine /�` n Favor
Meredith C�
Sprafka � Againat
Tedesco ,�V N 91971
Mr. President (McCarty)
A t: ��. ,� AP
C' Cle �
Form approved Corpora,tion Counsel By
PUBLI��7 �gl�
Od�inal to City Clerk , � �
� 1 s � .d'- � ; , . . ... x
That Chapter 3?0 of the S Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its
entirety and the following 'nserted in lieu and in place thereof.
320.01 Collection SYstem
The Department of Public Wor s sha11 be responsible for the collection,
removal , and disposal of aii olid waste from one through four family
dwellings utilizing city force or a combination of city forces and
private contractors as determin d by the Commissioner of Public Works
and approved by the City Council .
320.02 Collection Re uired
Except as otherwise provided herein, very owner, occupant, or tessee
of one through four famity dwellings s all have all solid waste col-
lected and disposed of by the city oper ted collection system as pro-
vided herein. Coltections shall be made on a weekly, day-certain basis,
and all cotlections shalt be made between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
320.03 Solid Waste Storaqe and Collection
a. Containers
Containers shatl meet the requirements of Se . 319.d5-b and 319.06-d.
On the day of collection, ail solid waste con iners shall be placed
et the alley line or in close proximity to it. On premises where no
alley exists, the container for solid wastes sh 1 be placed near
the curb on the front boutevard line on the day coilection. -Where
garbage is included as a part of the solid waste s ored In the con-
tainer, it shall be thoroughly drained and securely wrapped or
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci
Levine Tn vor
Sprafka Again t
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
OriQinal to City Clert , , �
� atherwise contained. All solid waste shall be stored in proper
containers except for objects too large for the container or
otherwise unsuitable for storage in the container. Leaves, grass,
d simitar rubbish may be stored in plastic bags. Plastic bags
ma�r be used to contain all solid waste for coilection on the day
of ickup.
b. Solid aste Not SuiCable for Stora e in Containers - Trees and tree
limbs n t more than four inches in diameter and three feet in tength,
cardboardy scraps af wood, magazines, paper and other rubbish may be
tied in b dles af a reasonable size; such bundles shoutd not weigh
more than 5 pounds.
c. Lar e Bulk r Heav Items
Large, buiky, or eavy items, such as appliances, discarded fur-
niture, etc., may e picked up by special appointment with the
Pubiic Works Depart nt.
320.04 Rates for Solid Waste Col ction
For the purpose of paying th cost of removat, collection, and dispasai
of sotid waste for one throug four family dweliings a solid waste
coilection charge shall be est lished to cover the cost of operation,
including material and equipment inspection and supervision of such
solid waste r�noval , collection, nd disposal as provided herein. The
amount and basis of such solid was e collection charge shall be deter-
mined by the Public Works Departmen and approved by the City Council
by ordinance after a public hearing such charges. The pubtic hear-
ing shall be held thirty days after a ublished notice of such hearing
in accordance with the provisions of Mi nesota Statutes 443. Rates
for large, bulky, or heavy items shall b as provided in such rate
schedules or as established by the Pubiic orks Department for specific
items not listed in the scheduie.
320.05 Coliection of Solid Waste Coliection Charqe
Where the premises served is suppiied with wate by the City of St. Paul
through its Board of Water Commissioners, the so 'd waste collection
charge herein provided may be added to the water b 11 rendered to the
owner, lessee, or occupants of such property, and s aii be paid at the
time the water bill is payable at the office of the oard of Water
Commissioners, and shall be collected with an additio to the water
charge for water service. In cases where the premises is not supplied
water by the city water department, and if the City Cou cil should
choose not to bill through the Water Board, biiling shal be made on
a quarterly basis. In the event that said bill for solid aste collec-
tion service rendered for pr�nises are not paid within 30 ys affier
the rendering thereof, the Public Works Department shall ce ify the
same to the County Auditor of Ramsey County and the same sha be
collected and the coltection thereof enforced in the same man r in
ail respects as the county and state taxes subject to like pena ties,
costs, and interest charges.
Yeas Councilmen Nays _2_ Passed by the Counci
Levine In Favor
Meredith Against
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: \
Attest: �
City Clerk Maqor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
OrlQinal to City Clerk , , , ,
320.06 olid Waste Coilection Fund
The unds received from the collection of the Solid Waste Callection
charg provided in this chapter shall be deposited with the Camnissioner
of Fina ce and shall be kept by him and the Ctty Comptraller as a sepa-
rate and istinct fund and there is hereby established a fund to be
known as t "Soiid Waste Collection Fund" (Rubbish Disposal Fund) .
Such funds a e to be used for the purposes set forth in Section 320.04
and shall be ed for no other purpose.
320.07 Insaection
The Department af Pu lic Works shall p�ovide adequate supervision
and inspection to ins e that all of the provisions set forth in
Chapters 31� and 320 re rding Solid Waste are complied with. In
addition, the Public Wor Department shall cooperate with the
Bureau of Health, the Uepa tment of Public Utilities, the Bureau
of Pubiic Buildings, the Po ce Department, and the Fire Marshall 's
office to insure that solid w te is stored, coilected, transferred,
transported, and disposed of i accordance with the rules and regu-
lations of the Minnesota Polluti n Control Agency and the St. Paul
Legislative Code.
Pickup crews shall report any contai rs not properly placed for
collection at the end of each day. Th inspector shail check such
complaints and, if the reported infract on is correct, the owner
shatl be notified to properly handte sol waste. if this is not
done, a speciai crew shali be sent out to emove the refuse and
the cost of such special pickup shall be as essed against such
owner or accupant.
320.08 Solid Waste Review Board
There is hereby created a Solid Waste Review Boar made up of five
citizens of the City of St. Paul appointed by the M yor and approved
by the City Council . Such Board shalt serve for a p riod of two
years except for the first Board when two members sha be appoinfied
for a one year term a�d three members for a two year te . There-
after, new members shall be appointed as terms expire. he chairman
of such Board shall be appointed by the Mayor.
A special budget account sha11 be provided which shall be c led the
"Solid Waste Collection Charge Abatement Fund". Such fund sh 11 be
under the direction of the City Council and shall be administe ed by
the Solid Waste Review Board.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci
Levine Tn Favor �
Sprafka Against �5
Tedesco `
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Cor�oration Counsel By _
OriQinal to City Clerk , , � ,
The Ci Council shall establish the guidelines and procedures for
the Revi Board by which citizens, such as senior citizens on fixed
incvmes, a�,d others in need may receive abafiement of the charges �For
solid waste ollection. In addition, the Board shall consider cases
where the Cit finds it difficult or impossible to comply with any
of the requirem ts of this chapter such as placement of sotid waste
for collection, ekly pickup service, ete.
This Ordinance shall take effe and be in force fihirty (30) days from and
after its passage, approval , and ublieation.
-4- \
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council '�.t
Butler �'�,
Levine In Favor `:.
Meredith Against �
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
c. � 3r ' - , ; r
., ,
� • k � . ' i �..�� .
• ` h �
� , Larg��, b�r?":Y. �r h����}� i tcros� s�e.f�� �s a��l i anc��s, „i searded fur-
ni t!�re, etc, , m�y� i:�e �,i c:�d up t?}, spec.i a? appc�i ntment wi �h the
. PubP ic 1•l�rks DeQart��;�t. c�}z.-�,3__..._._,���--��e�+-�3es��c�-e�:
32000�� �ees itates for SUlid 1�'�s�� Coilectior
For thP p:,�r�:ose or" p�yi ny �he co�t ef es;�e����r�r-��-a rerrtioval� col 3 ect i.ar�.,
and d i s�Zasal of sol i ci waste ea��ee��aQ�,-s��te�s for ane tF-�°ou�gfi^f-our �arnil Y
�wE�lii^ri�s a so'(id vra�te collc�ctian c�rarge snat 1 be estaF 1 isned to caver �he
ccst Gf op�rat i on, i nc�ud i ng mater i�1 and ec;u F�±ment, i ns�e�t i c�n anc� su�a�:r-
- v i s i on o� such sai i d �.aste remcv�zl_, col 1 ect i on, �:ri�+ d i s�r_.csal ��s�vt�e as
provided iierein,���i��mount 'arici�5asis of such sal�i� �vest�: collection ch�rc�e
shalt be detErminec? by ti�e Pubiic bJorE:s Departrnent �nd ap�ra��ed by the C� +�y
Coa�ncil �y nr�i �ance after � public hearing on such cha�ges. The pV�lic
hearing sha"(�(!6e`�1zeTd ��dew �hirty days after a published notice of sucfr
heari i�g _i n �ecorct�-�n�e ���i th th�. �oyi s icns�af _Ifii nr�es�ta Statutes t+43. P,�te.s
� .� _ .� _ �_—��._._.�— ��. - __..r� :�=- -r-
for l ar e t,:;4 � F__c� Fc��-�v�, i teris st�a1 �re �,s irav�E r�'i n sur�� t�tc sr. z�,z�u�es
_ _ � ___9, s__ . .Y ,__.__ �_._ __._ ___.____._._ ��.�__.�._ ____ __ ..�._�_ ___ _. ___ . _�
.� � ._.__ ._,� � �__.�__._ _ __.�..___._.;_ ___�.____� _.._____
or as es� ��i t �rf� a b�� �.li� f uu 1 i c �;�::rks Departrn�=nt i ar� spec e �i c, i iems not
._.__.____---_____ _..__�.�.,^ _�.__ ____ _ _ � ._._`_ ._____ ___ __ _.___.__
T i�e� _;r� t h e s c Fi ed'u�e; -°-�.- __...�- ---- -
;20.05 Col 1 Ect i c�n of Sol i d k�aste Col 1 ect_i�n Char�c e
Where the �rernises served is suppiied with �.��ater by the City af St. Paul
through its E3oard of 1�later Commissioners, the solid waste cotlection
charge herein provid�ci may be added to the wate� bitl render�d ta the
owner, lesseen or occupants of sucli property, and shall �e �:Uid at Lhe
t�me the water bitl is payable at the office o� the Board of IJatcr
Com�nissioners, and shali be collected 4�ith an addition ta the water
charge for water service, in cases where the premises is r�t suppl �e�
w�ter by the city water department, and if the City Cauncil st�o«ld
chaas� rzat to bi11 through the �later Baard, b'stling shail be m��de on
a r��n���•p uarcerlx ba�is. En th� ev�nt that said bill for soiid k�aste
catlectian serv�ce rendered for premises are nat paid within 3Q days
after the rendering thereof¢ the Public t��orks Qep�rtment shall certiFy
the same to tt�e County rludi tar cf P.arn�ey Caun�y and �he s�m� sf�al l ►�e
c�il�cted and the co? iect�on thereoT er�forced in the same maci�i�r in a' 1
res;�ects as the c.ounty ��sd �tate t�xes sub j ect to 1 i ke penal t i�:s, cost�f
and interest charges.
320,0:� Sol i d lJaste Col 1 ect i c�n F��n�i
The funds received from the callection of the Solid 4laste ;ollection
charge pravi ded i n �h i s cFi�,p�er shai i bn der�os i t�.n �ai th the Gc�mmi ss i oner
of Finance and sha' t be ke}�t by hin� ar�c! the City Cc?m�ti°oller as a sep�-
rate and distincf. fund and there is hereby estGblishcd a func� to be
known as the "'Sa1 i d 1�laste Col 1 ect i an Fund" (R��l�b i s��D i�nasa i Fu��d) ,
Such funds are �o be used ror the purp�ses set �ort� in Sectiori 3�Q.04
and shaTi be usec! for no other purpo�e.
. ?20.07 Ins _ectian
The Department of Pub1 ic 1•lorks shall provide aciequate su�er��ision
. and ins�aection to insure ihat a} i of the pravisions set for�h irz
Chapters 319 and 320 regarding Sclid W�st� are cornplied INlth, In
addi tior�, the Pubt ic k�4rks De�arfr��ent st7ai 1 coo�era�e wi th �t�e
Bureau of He�lth, tl�e Department of Pu�lic Utiti �:��s, the B�reau
of Public Buituings, the Po� ice Department, anci the Fir-e Marshail 's
off i ce to i nsu��e that sol i � waste ; s �torecis co1 tec.ted, tran�ferrecl,
transported, Und disposed ef in ac�crd�nce �lith the ruies �nd regr�-
lat'sora of the Minnesota f'ol �ution Cor.`rol Ftaency and the Stm Ra�l
Le�islatQVe C�de.
Pickup crews shai � report any containers not �aroperly pl�ced for
col 1 ect i c�n at tk-,e end of each day. The i nspector shai 1 cfier� such
comp;aints and� I � the re��rY�a infractian is r-orrect, tne c,r•=r��er
shal i F�e not i f i ed to' pr-operl y handi e sol i d wasfie, f f th�i s i s ���t
cione9 a speciai cre:t•,� shal � la� senL- aut �c� rernove tf,a re��se ��nd
the cc�st af s��ch sp�ci�i picl:u�� s!��i1 !,e ���essc.d �-�g�inst such
c���n���° c>C o�cup�nt,
n ,.J !� •
� � � �R��/'4�(1�.,i C�.�I� f L.; �#c'r t ti,., I�l 'V�� l.�'._� ��_...._til
4� U ..�.-_._.___,........- ---•--
. Ti�ere i s F1vCe!�}r Cf"i��G�� c3 SC�� I d �'�c^xSt:C �ieVl�W �O�fCf made lJp O� f i ve .
citiz�ns cat� ti�e Cit�� a� S�. Paui �p�>uir.ted by Che I�ay�r and approveu
by the Ci ty Co��nci ; . Sc;cl-� Board �>�7ai � serve for a period of tvro
years ex���t ��r �.hc: i e rst. ���rd �::�hen t1�,�� m�rr�bers shal I be appoi nted
fCIE" a Ofi� )/F:�C' �Go,:� :�nr-: �?'1�G� i��E:`�g�E:t°� fGt' a tt�lCY year term. There-
after, nei� �t�eribers sh�i 1 be ap�oi r,ted us t�rms expi re. The ehai rman
of su�!i boarc� sha'I 1 be appoi nted by �he Mayor.
A speci�3� budgct ac.�ount shail b� provideci w�ich shall �e calted the
"Solid ��'as�e Ca� i�c�ics� Charge Abatement Fund", Such fund shall be
under the direcYian of �i�e Gity C�uncil and shaii be administered �y
�he Sot id Was�� l�e.=EC.vd 3oard.
Sa�#�--Re�+eva-���a�d i he C� ty_Counci_1 shai t establ i sh the gui del i nes
and pr°ocedures fcr�`�I�e�sevie4v E�oai=d by which ci �izens, such as senior
citizen� or fixea sncr�;r�c, and�th::rs in ne�d, may receiv� abatement
of the charges foi- sct �ci waste co� iectian. ��-t9-n��-tn�ende�-�he�
In a�d�ition, the Coard sh�; i consider cases whEre �he City finds it
diffi �ult or �m�ossi�ai� to comply wifih any �f the requirements of
th i s chapt:r- such as pi acement of sol i�i ��aste for col l ect i o;�, weeki y
pickup service, ete.
SECT I 0`! 2,
This Ord`snance shail ta{ce effect and be tn force �hirty (�0) days from and
after its �assage, appr°ovai , a�id pubi icatEon.
� _3_
z- r
�Ort�tnsl to cit�ctert , ,
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�n;:t C���.�:�-�� 3�0 c� �h� Sc. P�:u1 L�g�_s7_ative Cade is here��;� r�w
.��alea i.n its eni:iiety,�'�,and t��ie i.ollewing insert;:d in Li cu. a.:�ri ir,
���.ce t�,`re:��.
?;rt*� SJL�� 4-f;S�'E COI.!_��i IC�h4 �`�°Oi� fl;!: T'i�iZ�:IG!� F(�(�iff� �1`��'�6L�`�'`�LLitiGS.
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tor��cd �as �:€nv��ed �n S�c. ?l�eC��-�. G� �he '�r.y �; ��� i�.�Zt�.:��;, a► I
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'�'Ck�' S�OYcICJ� !CE i.;':r,.• :^S1�8106E:,2"�, ��c^,�"i..`"xy Cr,'c.ei�:a fr+,iCf `i6�Fio��c F;.'i:;'16:`.�sl �t':�i�' Gy
�tc,��� �t� �t���a� ��y�. • � �
Yeas Councilmen Nays " Passed by the Council
Levine Tn Favor
Sprafka • • • Against
Tedeaco �
Mr. President (McCarty) �
Attest: . OpAroved:
City Clerk - M r
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
; ,
�' 25���3
b. SoiTd �laste t!ot �ui�ab',� fcr S�arra?e in Ce:�t� s��rs - Trces and t�ee '
1 imbs no� more than 3�o;ae• inc'rae� tn Gia.:.��e� �.;�d three fcet 1: lerr,thD
cardboard, sc�aps of t,r��ad� magazine�, paper and other rt�bbish m:�y t�e
�`•. tied in bundies �f . r��:san��?e size; �,e�ch bundles shauid not wetgh
��,. cr.ore than 50 pound,.
�r l.a�qe, bu 1 k� o r heavy i te:ns
`'.Large, •bulky, ar he�vy 3te�ns, such as ap;�1 iances. discas-ded furr�iture,
�te. may be j7FG�CG.�i up by speciai ap�aintrreng with thc Pc�b11c ldorks
, Repa�tment. C�11 223- for such ses�vico.
320.04 Fees for'`�Solid Waste Collectio:�
For the pur ose of paytng the cost of o;�eration of a aolid a�aste collection
system for a through four famtly dwellsngs a solid vraste coliection charge
shalt be estab ished to eove� the cost of operatien, inetuding material and
equipmcnte lnsp ction and superviston of such waste collection service as
p rovideci herein. ' The �moun� and 3a�;ds of such soiid waste collec�ion chaE-ge
sha11 be detee�min� by the Pub13c k�s;�k� Depadtm�nt and ap;�roved by �he City
Council by resoluti n �fter a public hearFr,� on such charg��� The rub� ic
hearing sh�l t be �el�seven day� after a puUi dshe� c�otice of suc.4t ��ari�rg.
j2Q.Q5 Collection o� Sol id tJa\ e Collectior. Charae
Wnere the pe'emises serve , is suppiicd with �rater by the Cjty of Ste Paul
througi� tts Board of 4later�. Co;:�issia�ers, the sol ic� �•raste co1 iectio� c�a�ge �
heretn provided may bc adde�t to the raater bill renderec� ta the o�rne�, lessee�
or oceupac�ts of sueh pe�ope�t'�. a�+d s�al i be pa i d at tha t irs the ►��4er° b i l 1
is payable at the offic� of �e Qoard of 1da�er Co.,�-�ds�ioners� and w�i-tall b�
caileeted ��rt�h a� add��ion to\the water cip:�rre fa; v;�tes- service. (n ea�es
afiere the prcmises is not sup��iec� v.�ter by �he city �-:�tcr �eparcrr,ent, an,d
i f the C i ty Counc t i shou 1 d choo�,e not to �i 1 1 th rou,;� the 1•fa te r �oa rci,
b1111ng shall be made on a n�nth basis. in the evcnt �ha� satd bill fo�
sol id �•�astcs col lection servlce re dered fior p:-e;:�ises are not �aid wtthin
30 days afte� tt�e rende�'inc� thsreo , the Pub1 ic 1•,orks Oepartment s5ai 1
eePt t fy the sarr� to tha Coanty Aud i�r of P.um�ey County and the same st�a 1 1
be coliected ac�d tf�e collection ther of �fo�eed i� tt;e s�.,,a ma;�ner in all
c�espects as the county and s�at� �ax�� sur�,,,:ct �o iike penaitiey� costs.
and inter-est cMargas. `
32�.b6 Sol �d 1�aste Collection Fund � -
The funds recetved f rom tf�� callection of\ �he Soiid Waste CallectTon char�;e
provtded ln thBs chapter shaii bc dcposite wi��i t►ze Cornissioner of Fir�unc�
t�c►d shati b@ kept by him and the Csty Con�t allef as a separate �nd c;istinct
¢und and thera 1s h�reby es�abi isi�ed a fund o be k�ati�m as the "Soi id ,•;�st�:
Collection Fur�d". Such funds ar� to b� used �or the purpose� set r'c�rth in
Section 32Q.04 ancf shal l be us�d t�or no QtF�e� �urpose.
320.07 Insgection `;. -
Tttie Oepa�-tment of Publ (e f�'�rF:� si�al l pravtd� adcc���ate supe�-vI$tor� a�d
inspection tQ insur� that a11 0� �he ps-ovisi�:r:, se�, ferth in Ct�a�aers 319
and 320 rega�dirg Sol id t�fas�c �a�^ r,o°^;si ieci tvith. l��dditionF fi�te Pu,�l tc
� Works De}�artmen� sh�l l cQO}�eratr� 4vi`€� €:hc (iu�°caca of eal t►i, *�e Depa�°i:�:,n�
of Pub1 ic Util i�€e�, the �3u�°eG�a ai' Pubi +c �uildings6 �t�n r•a� icc Ocpae�t�rcn�e
�nd the Fis� �'arshall as afFiee tc insua-e fii�at ,ai �c1 ��ra�� os �to�°ed, cal tc�tede
tfansferredo trans��t�ted and discaosec� �P� t� ?ccordari�.e iti� ti�e �ule.: �nd
Peaulatinns of th� f.�9e�rte�ota FaIIEa�ic�n Ccntrai t�gency a►�� �h� St. ra�,i
Leg`isiat3v� CoJc�. ;
z.3 ""'
Orisinsl to Cit7 Clerk '� ; ,
. .
� � ' � ORDINANCE 2����3
Pick-a�p cree,r� shal i repart any eer�ta in�r•s na� properly piaced gar cc1 t.�::iiQ�
at the ena of each da�, The �nspec�or shall Chec!c such co„��taints a�d� �f
, �hQ rcp�rted infiracL�ora i s cQ�•t�ec�, th� c�wr�er sha 11 be not i f i cd to pc°c,xrer�:yD
'`'.. hansfie sc�9 dci wast�. Sf thds is n�t done, a spec�ai erew shal l be sF.�:at c,�r�
*�o �e�ove ehe refuse �nd the Gost of sueh sQecial pick-up shal � bc ass�f��;:r�
a�inst s«ch cx�rnzr or occupant. �
�'� � `R.��k!•�P Q� sol ici waste �ras �roperly piaced bvt was missed on t� ai�� a�r�
collec��:lan� the �,vnA� or occupan� at such tocatton s3�a11 eail ��ie Pu�iik�
Work� f�epat�t:nrnt ana such piGk-u� shatl be r^ade witl�in 24 h�ur�. 3f �c�t
pick-up Ts,, re�uest�c} a;�u the soi fd w�ste �vas not properly pl�ccd fo�
call�ction@'-��tt�e cost of such act�a ptck-�jp shaii be charged agatns� ti;z�
a�rnee� �r o�cuparyt.
�2�a.,,��� Sol_id 4��stc �cev�w Boar°d
7here �s h�reby Ct°ba�ed a Saljd ;tasi•� Revlcio Soard madc s�p csf f�v� cmtize»s
of Zh�: Ct�ty of St. �ut appoint�d by the A'{ayac° and approved by th� Ca�y
�ounc�� . S�ch ac�atd s'�iap 1 servc far a peri�d o¢ tti,o years excep� i'or tne
f i rst ��t�a rci a.�hes� t+•ro m^h�be¢-s sha 1 1 be a�pa i n�ec! for a one-yca: terr.: and
threc mernbers for � �atiro-y��ar te��m. Therea�t�e�, new m�rnber� shai 1 be
appointed as terme expire:.ti Tha c�:airr;zan ef such Board shail 6Q appoFnt�d
by the F�.ayor, '
A speciai hudget �ccc►�nt sha11�:.be p�ovidsd vsnich shal ; t�e cat led the
"5oi td i�t�ste Cal !ei.tion Charge y�lbat�,n�nt Fund". S�rch fund 5�t�al 1 ��� �:�de�
�h� directtn� n� �h� CtC;� Counctl�., and st�al l be admintsterEd by Lhe Soi id
lSa4te Re�F�r� Gn�rd,
Suc;� Revte� Eloard st�a11 estahi es'� th� �1Jic4�t Ires and proc����;es ;�y Es;,f�.;;
G 1�ix�n�, such a s sen�at° c i�i zc^�. on '�,ixed i ncc�;�e. and othe�s �rt r::;.�,
r�ay r�c�ive aba�ecnent oi �he eha,ges f�r, sol id wa,te coi lectic.^.. I� i�
Ro:: intnnded that thts procedu�°e be usec�, far individual, and �u^Ti2l� {G:i on
pv�ii tc �relfar�e In ac�difit�r�� tne [�oa�-d s'�al � cons�der cases urhere t�ze
Cf�y finds tt diFflcult or itnpo��ible t� cb�;;,ply with any c�; ths rec�uirez�ents
of thas ci-€a�t�e�° such �s ptaeement o� soi td ��te for coi lecttol, :ir�:e6,iy
pick-�,p s0a��icep �tC«
� �� .
SECT:C ON 2 . �
�`��is Ordin�nce s'nall tak� effect a�d be in forc thiri.y (3�) days
{�-�m and a.fter its pa�sage, �.pproval and r:�b:tica ion.
' \
. �
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��
Butler t
Levine Tn �'avor
Meredith `
Sprafka - Against
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved:
City Clerk or
Form a�proved Corpora�ion Counsel By
. . . , ��z
May 12, 1971
Mandatory collectfon of solid waste in St. Paul as called for in the proposed Chapter
320 of the Legislative Code is not needed and is an extremely expensive addition to
the expenses of St. Paul's already over burdened residents.
Mandatory collection does not take into account the many dwellings with clisposal
devices. Just fn the last 12 months 390 incinerators are l�own to have been install-
ed in St. Paul homesm It fs significant that in the first four months of 1971, 233 were
reported installed. These ffgures represent substantial investments by our residents
to avoid having to depend on a weekly collection service. Also, these figures do not
include sink disposal units and compactors which are just as popular as incinerators.
A voluntary system usingthe private collectors will not cause this problem.
Mandatory collection for St. Paul will put an adclitional burden on the retired members
of our �ity and tend to push even more of these senior citizens out of their homes. 16%
of our population is over 62 years of age and 2/3 of them are women. Can this Council
in good conscience force these elderly residents to carry their refuse to the curb once
a week when many of them find weekly service in unnecessary.
We feel the free enterprise system would allow the degree of service these folks need
and can afford.
Mandatory pick-up is based on the premise that the people of St. Paul if not forced by
law to have their rubbish hauled away will let it pill up in their homes and yards.
However, 82% of all three plexes, duplex, and single family homes in St. Paul are
homesteaded. Certainly the pride of home ownership in this community proves tlus
premise to be false.
Homeownership is causing a real pinch in the lives of many of our cftizens today.
We should not add to this financial strain with unnecessary services.
In consideratfon of the homeowners, the elderly and those who have invested fn other
means of clisposal, we ask that tlus Council not force mandatory refuse collection
service on 60% of the dwellings in St. Paul. The free enterprise system is cheaper
and can continue to do the j ob for 100% of the dwellings in St. Paul.
� • • � ' SJ�.ID WASTE PERSPEC7IVE s -:,, . "�� ' �' < '"
, 4 �- �-
� . . . . . . . . , . . . .
�� 3� � ,3 - -
The Sureau of Health endorses the City Council 's decision to institut� a combination
garbag� and rubbish pick up servicE. The Bureau has been of this oninion for manv .
years. A satisfactory progr«m requires that solid waste be handled in a systematic .
manner that is efficient, economical , noninjurious to health, and aesthetically
However,'� if there is no� a good system dev�loped and implemented many of our re�Fuse
problems existing today will continue to plague the city.
1 . The Housing Code Section conducted 9,642 inspections in 1970. Over 50% of
these calls were for exterior complaints. There were 4,916 c an�laint
inspections conducted. "
. �
In 1970 these complaints resulted in the following violations:
691 initial garbage violations, a 42p increase over 1969
1 ,264 initial rubbish violations, a 32q increase over 1969
227 initial rodent violations, a 19% increase over 1969
Garbage, rubbish and rodent violations accounted for 75% of all reported
exterior violations. The normal procedure for abating these types of
nuisances is to issue abatement orders to the responsible party to remove
nuisances with-in seven (7) darys. Nowever, 67� of the time the nuisances
have not been abated upon reinspection necessitating a third call . At
$19.00 a call this amounts to $57.00 eacfi to abate 67q of these nuisances.
There were 370 garbage and ru�bish vio]ations on vacant �property in 1970.
The Housing Code Section is presently staffed with nine (9) field oersonnel ;
seven (7) of whom are assigned to co►�olaint investigation. On "�tarch a, 1971
� we began to tabulate ali complaints by Garbage-Rubbish and �thers. At the
� • � • -2-
. . . _ _ _ . _ _.
end of 10 weeks we received i ,401 camplaints o� which 815 were Garbage or
Rubbish. This averages to i40 complaints a week pf which 81 are Garbage
and Rubbish, or 58q of the com�laints were either Garbage and Rubbish.
In 1970 it cost the city �74,917 to investigate garbage, rubbish and
rodent complaints, or 50% of the Housing Code Budget.
2. �,n enforced "No Burning �rdinance" will in our opinion increase s�are�
rubbish by approximately a0q. This situation cannot avoid precipitating
more complaints by the citizens.
3. If there is not mandatory periodic refuse pick up for all one-through-four
family dwellings; our experience indicates people will allow refuse tn
accumulate providing excellent rodent harborages and food sources. Since
1967 we have issued 570 violation tags, 319 were for refuse violat3ons, or
56� of all tags issued. ' '
4. If plastic bags alone are utilized to store refuse prior to nick up, either
on the boulevard or in the alley, the increasing problem of dogs runnjng at
large and rodents wi11 contribute to the disnersal of the waste materiat
throughout the generai area. Complaints on dogs running at. large have
increased 52� since 1962. - _ -
5. We anticipate an increase in the illegal dumping of refuse on vacant 1ots,
parks and roadways if there is not a system of mandatory periodic refuse
� pick up.
Every program ac��pted by a �gency should have some basic measurement of the effective-
ness of the program. Our present method of rubbish and garbage disposal is producing
an alarming yearly increase in complaints fCom citizens.
' . - � -3-
- � If we demonstrate a drastic reduction in the number of complaints and� a reduction - -
in actual numbers o}= recor�ed violations, we sha�l have one important evaivation
yardstick which would indicate the program i� functioning properly.
1 . Require a metal container of adequate siz� with a tight fitting cover so
as to be rodent and other animal proof. Plastic liners are acceptable.
2. Plastic bags as a sole container for rubbish and garbage should be
3. Mandatory periodic collection must be provided by the City of Saint Paul to
insure the proper removal of refuse and garbage throughout th� city. The
interval of collection may not nECessarily be the same for all dwelling
• 4. Require that all refuse, such as cans, milk cartons, T. V. dinner plates,
be stored in a covered metal contain�r:
The Bureau of Health feels that the adoption of the uroposed So1id Waste Ordinances,
Chapter 319,320, and 321 will satisfactorily help to correct the present garbage and
rubbish problem.
5-11-71 . .
----- .:= 2'he comrnensal (eat tage.�her}�a�s--�.--�nc�s•m,_.soer�e-�£--t��.:-3�a�-be��e--di-seases;--- _ _
and thrives wherever carelessness in food waste tiandling and refuse disposal
and storage is found. Because of th2 rat's 'r.abits and ciose associ�ation witl�
man, it exposes man to various disea;e agents which are transierred by direct
contact, ectoparasities of the rat, or by con:.amination of the huma.n environ-
ment. _ _ .
DISEASES TRANSMITTED BY RAT�: (Nozway rat, bro�an. rat, Rattus .norvegicus)
1) Plague
2) Murine Typhus
3) Richettsialpox.
_ __ _ _ . _ _
4) Rat-Bite Fever
S) Tetanus
6)` Trichinosis
7) Leptospirosis �
8) Lymphocyti� Cnori�meningit?s
9) Listeriosis
10) Rat-Mite Dermatitis
11) Rat TapEworm Infection
12) Salmonellosis -
1) TYPhoid _ �
Z) Bacillary and Amebic Dysentery
3) Diarrhea • ,
4) Asiatic Cholera ; _
5) Helminth Infections
6) Myiasis
7) Tularemia
• 8) Anthrax
9) Protozoal Infestation
10) Trachoma
11) Poliomyelitis
12) Tuberculosis
13) Hepatitis
If a co�cnunity does not accept its responsibility for providing refuse collection
and disposal, the householder will find it necessary either to haul and dispose
of his own arefuse, and usually this is done in an unsatisfactory manner, or to
contract with a private hauler to ma.ke the collection.
.__ _
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May 18r I971
Toz Mayar Charles P. afcCarty and �he: St.. Paul �ity Councir
R�r Solid Waete Col2ectiom
I am �ira. �lvin Weber' past preaident of the St. Paul i,eagu.e of
Women voters. I have aerved �,s t he representative �Y the League on
the Citizens Adaisory Committee on Solid }�Yaate Collection appointed
by Cor�nmisaioner Carlson�.
I have bee� authorized b.y the members at the League's annual meetin�
to� speak in support oY the proposed ordin�nces a.mending chaptera
318,, 320 and 321 of the St. Pa,ul Legisla.tiRe Code�
I�n September 1866, the St. Paul I�eague stated to the city council
that it supported user cha,rges for g�.rba�e t�nd rubbiah collection.
We stated further that "gaa�b�,ge a.nd rubbish collection on� a Yee
basie cannat be optional, but muat service every houaehold if the
public health is to be protected." 1Ye repeated t his statenent
in 1!iarch 1967« Today we a.ffirm it aga.in: thati the city un�st iurnieh
a t_otal progra.m o:f solid waste collection: to protect the health�
safety and R�slYare of all the city's residente. We ar�ue that a
tiotal program of aolid waste collection is as much a municip8l.
reeponsibility as i$ the provision of Yire and palice protection•
Another factor of importance to trhe League in its consideration oY
the proposed system ia the efficiency of the operation. We believe
that t he a.mendment to chapter 320 willfa3d eYficiency. a.11 aolid
waste will be picked ug without quibbling as t� whether a householder
ie eiititled ta have x number oY cAna removed. The collection tirill
be ma,de automatically — that is to say the city will have the reaponr
eibility to see that it ia collected. Thua all citizena will be
. -s.�,�rn„erp+„�.,...-.�,-.--._rn..�....,--�.-�,,f,-----..._.. ...... . ,.,.. . ,,.... . .—. . .. ._. .._. . .. __. . _ ..._ �...,�_-.._...�..,....�.-�+.,..�e�e......
, •
y , r
e�couraged �o a�iey the ordi�a,nce by p�lacing all solid wastes far
proper collection. This syatem ahould reduce the l:ittering o�f
vacan:t lots, the aidee af the roade,, et.c. with trash. The eyetem
may well reduce the nwnbe�r of complainta �de to the Bureau aY
Health abaut uncollected solid wuste, cog�laints which lead ta expense
for the city when a,n inspecto�r must go to. a property, issue tags, and,
if there is failure to comply with his directives, ini�,iate m
formal proceding agains� the householder.. It will be efYicient
for the householder who will no longer have to� aeparate putresci�xle
froiu non-jputrescible materia2.� Cvneiderations af efficienep �re
a18o evident in the proposed uae of �n exis�Ftng method aY billin;�,
the water bi1.P� ae a, means of collectin� the Pee. ��1e bel�ieve t_ha�
ePfieiency and economy are promoted thro.ugh the provisiontJ.;h�,t: one
truck will seruice each raute of one throu�h four family dwellinge�
e�li;min�,ting the preaent dupl;icatio� af trucke gaing through a
In auuunaxy t�hen, we believe the proposect a:c�endment to chapter 320
wilY protect the he�,lth and welfi�re o�f city residente e:nd be a;n:
efficient. system. ltte urge yo;u to vote for i�..
� � , �s • .� , `.5
I st 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app � —Adopted �/� � � G /
Yeas � �SNays � as Nays
Butler �utler
�-������, Carlson � �arlson
; � ,
-' ' 2 < Levine �,Levme
Meredith 25��(7 eredith \
Cjt� CJ
Sprafka � prafka
Tedesco ` Tedesco
Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarty