253877 ' ;F.,..,.- w . .. . . .. . .__,_ ..., , ...rr .... :..... , . . . .s.. , >.y'. '�'i„�:'�'`�,ti.,:.,T�'; . '�t.9:-. _�i� . . . . . , �•-.. , . ' �. ::� . �� . . . � . � . � . , . � %� ► • ' ' . . . . .. '� . , .. . . . ' 'f° FII��L ORDER courrcu. �� No* . , By File No. 2?S72 In the Matter of �cai� Ari aetaaf� rritt� �it��s r�l d�t �t�j is 3Z�dlt 2Z� t+r�'• Owr lrtclt iM�Li�wt !�'ao� tra�i�t ltsrrrt t� lair lla� (li-t�tj. under Preliminary Order �� approv� � �• �� Intermediary Order approv� , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is t� � aid � �ritl� �it�ta�wnt �rt�sisi dr a11a�r in �Le�c 22, �cavu�o�'s l7�r lrslc 1Wf.ti�s !!r� Tra�iuw it�n�t t� �ais !'tae.� (�-Il�2), and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for sa,id improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN 4 �97� Adopted by the Councii �A� Y� ��� x$�� AY 4197y Cc.p!SJN Approve LEVi��ic � Po�_ Tn Favor SNRr;FKA � TE��:sco MAY 8197! Am�.inat :�..:�:,,;�;�,;�:;;:::;;�� PUBLISHED Mr� Vice Pres9de�rt.�1,?ereu��"; _ . � � � - , � �S 7 Z.. � r�c�s'�'� OFF ICE OF THE COMM 1 SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS �4����� REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � ; �.. ° _ ',� � ;,:� � � � �' March 22, �y 71 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, havi�g had under consideration the preliminary orde� of the Council known as Council File No. 253038 approved March 16, 1971 �g relative to 9rading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 22, FRANKSON'S COMO PARK ADDITION from Frankson St. to Fair P1 . (G-1982) and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2�492•54 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X ' ,# 6 �� MAR 19T1 U�11�'1 � � REC���,j�:� Commissioner of Pubi ic Worlcs e DEPT. OF � FINANCE wti Ol g 9 � • �,t. ,, • �• + � : : ► y O +.��:�y^j ♦ RICHARD A. SCHNARR CI TY O F SA I N T PA U L ROGER M. CONWAY Chief Enginee► Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENTOf PUBLIG WORKS 234 Ciry Hall & Court House 55102 WILLIAM E. CARLSON Commissioner Ma�ch 22, 1971 Honorable Mrs. Rosalie Butler Commissioner of Finance � City of Saint Paul Re: G-1982 Dear Mrs. Butler: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in BLK. 22, FRANKSON'S COMO PARK AODITION from Frankson St. to Fair P1 . , under Preliminary Order 253�38� approved March 16, 1971 . Estimated Construction Cost $2,176.90 Engineering 2�2, � ) _ Inspection 43•53 Total Estimated Cost $2,4g2.54 Yours truly, ,�o�2 2q?s�,�, � ��� � �� �� ^ MAR 1971 � Wj l � iam E. Carlson �° RECEIVED w Commissioner of Publ ic Works ("„� � �■�v WEC/WN/bp �EPT. OF r Attach: � FINANCE � Q� �;'�� � cc: Richard Sch �� Ken Newcomb � Lou McKenna �.�� � ,�..� �" - a ��� , " April 5, 19'Tl Mr. Wal.ter Hux't.ley Loce�l I�npravewtents �ngineer Department o� Public Work� BUILDIl� Deear I�. Hurtlty: S�t lorth herein i� iz�fore�ation pertinent to the propert� a�sessmen� for the propaaed public improve.ment d�ecrib�d as: (�re,de �nd eurfece the a11�yy in B1xk 22, �'�cankson's Ce�aao Park Ac�dition, under P.O. 253038, approv�d Msrch 16, 1971. The tatal eetimated aatot�nt �cecover�ble by assessat�nt is �2,617.99 based on thd PAlla�oing: Eetia�sted grading cost (per P.i�. report 3/�/?l) $2,492•54 Valuat3on and Assessments Services �+9•�5 �st. publ., Cc�urt, po�tage 8o raiac. coets 75.6� Estima�ed Tot�l Amaunt to be A�e�ssed �2� Estimated Rat� ner �1��es�able Foo� ��.24 The eemount o�' City ,Aid has been verified Hith your offiee. Bssed on thP abave, the heax�ing on the advisability wiLZ be scheduled tar the eerl�v � of �v, z971. Vcry tru]„y youra, Roy E. Breda,h7., Jr. Ass't. Vslustion Sngfn�er RLB s�g File I�o. 17572 cc: R. Whe�ler � P. Desch �- i i - ; ; ; f� �n . . � . � �" _ { , � . � � ;� � i '3ny - - 3N11WdH � -'A-,�-- � � �,� � ���� . .�_..._.� . ... . , �_ W � _,? `C 1S �o01�hS _ � • � , �' > , � � ���� M ,! � • 1S .L?!3A 1b� � cl y d� �`� oYi � ' ���� �' � 1-= �� " � 1 `' 1 t� _ , � � . o . �i � � W "' � � 1 S 1V78dd � ` Z� N O ` � � • �. � � � � ` ,� ZS A10�'irdlNl$ ' � � . F°- o � • ,� � Z �c,� o _ � J � � � cY -�S w V N O't�b � % � � , v �` � � � , Q ► ' � � { lS A�lf18Sy � ] � i t"1 Q . , , . � •�I�N- - • 9N11'I�1J� _ �_ � � i , i � ^ ; ; � - �``� � ��'l� � 1� � // April 17, 1971 We the undersigned are completely opposed to Preliminary Order 253038 and Preliminary Order 253039 �d feel no further i.mprovement is neceesary on the alley in Block 22� FRANKSON'S COMO PARK ADDITION from Frankson Street to Fair Place (G-1982). We append our na,mes below, indicatir� in each case the amount of frontage owned abuttin� bn this alley. j � �� �� � l'� .c� �,�,�� ,/.����;;��� C�� �/�� /,�%�7� � � � � � � �/ l ,� �� , � _ ; � �r,,�� � ��.��.�`_ /,3 � �i--Cj,��`"� � �-"v- �� ���'� ` �� � _ ��--,�- �'� ,�.� c: �� ��s a���� _ c�,`� �-�-�-- � ��� � �L�-�..��. . __ , .� � -���- �, - ._ c:���r�=-� � q . �-� `�-._.. �3 � � �t�� o�!�`y I"►, L"y).t � � O � ���-�.Y..z v� �- i*'_?''Lt � `�� R%) /�-• C l.. ' `\t� � � it, ,� �� -�q f � �.T ! _ ; ,� �, n�/}� � /�1� � /� �! �! �!['�/J �'�1���,/'/;:� /t� � �J�/ V�/��K � �. �����v� 7 � � �` � ,`,,'�`---� �� _ .._ � G�.,.0 =�- ....;`'> -T1 . r,��;1`� N % .,..C.r'� 4) -t"'i — '.,� � . y G7 s ..., � ,�.,�.