253864 Ori�insl to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE ��4��� ` COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��7 ��� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 241 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO SANITARY DISPOSAL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Section 241.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code� as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by delet- ing Subdivision a) therefrom and inserting �he following in lieu and in place thereof: a) The annua.l license fee for each vehicle shall be $150.00 and the license shall expire on June 30. Vehicle licenses sha.11 be obtained from the Department of Public Works. The license fee sha.11 be paid to the City Clerk and payment receipt returned to the Sewer Permit Clerk who will issue the license. Section 2. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect ax�d be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ��1� MaY 1 s 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � 1 Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith j Sprafka �� Against � Teciesco MAY 1 8 1971 Mr President (Mc arty) Ap roved. Att ty C erk ayor �� Form approved Corpor t' ounael By „ � �ti�a�.is�� MAY 2,���1� PRESENTED 3Y— � ;..^.� C ... !'�,,r:�..,�;,,�`�`.'��� / ORDINANCE NO.— '��' .1`�;1 /� - - r C.�-�--� �� - _- - � .--,;__._ --- __ --- AN ORDINAI��E AMENDING CHAPTER 241 OF THE SATN'T PAUL LEGISL4TIV� CODE PERTAINING TO SANITARY DISPOSAL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 241.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by delet� ing Subdivision a) therefrom and inserting the follo�ving in lieu and in place thereof: a) The annual license fee for each vehicle shall be $150.00 and the license shall expire on Ju.ne 30. Vehicle licenses shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works . The license fee shall be paid to the City Clerk and payment receipt returned to the Sewer Permit Clerk wno will issue the license. Section 2. This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) � days from and after its passage, approvai and publication. A • ��� C✓' �µ`'' '`� � ��Y� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butier Carlson Levine — Tn Favor ��Zeredith A ainst Sprafl:a g i�eC�85CC IVlr. President (]1�cCarty) r�j�r1Y�����a: — — �tte�t: - — I st a ' � � 2nd � Laid over +o 3rd and app � � _�4dopted �� Yeas Nays Y s Nays Butler �u+ler `� `'��;')s�,' Carlson ���,��;,�� arlson Levine ,. �evine Meredith �eredith Sprafka O,Sprafka , i l_� Tedesco '`,� Tedesco Mr. President McCarty � Mr. President McCarFy O