253863 Oritinal to Clty Clerk .. ,� ORDINANCE �����3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �? C� An ordina.nce amending Chapter 308 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to intoxicating liquor and permitting the sale thereof on local election days and Memorial Day. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 308.20, Paragraph A, of the Legislative Code as amended by Ordinance No. 13755� adopted November 10� 1967� is hereby further amended to read as follows: 308.20 A. Hours of Sale. No sale of intoxicating liquor sha.11 be made after one a.m. on Sunday, nor until eight a.m. on Monday, nor between the hours of one a.m. and eight o'clock p.m. on the day of any stat�wide election. No "on sale" shall be made between the hours of one a.m. and eight o'clock a.m. on any weekday. No "off sale" shall be made before eight o'clock a.m. or after eight o'clock p.m. of any day, except "off sale" sha.11 be permitted on Saturday until ten o'clock p.m. No "off sale" sha.11 be made on New Year' s Day, Janua.ry l; Independence Day, July 4; Tha.nksgiving Day; or Christmas Day, December 25; but on the evenings preceding such days, if the sale of liquor is not otherwise prohibited on such �veni.ngsl "off sale" ma.y be ma.de until ten o'clock p.m. , except that no "off sale" shall be made on December 24 after eight o'clock p.m. Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pa.ssage, approval and publication. � 0 J k�i � ��V/ + i� _ � � 1...� Y n � I�pY l 8' t971: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor � Meredith �� � A gainat / Sprafka Teaesco MAY 18197`1 r President Mc arty) Approved• Atte t: � ' y Cl rk Mayor �� Form approved Corpora�ion Counsel By pUBLISHED MA ist �O ' 3 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � _�dopted � �— Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler ��tler � Carison �.. Carison ����,�.�. Levine Levine Meredith �eredith Sprafka �'Sprafka Tedesco �desco Mr. President McCarty , President McCarty O