253840 r
� 25384�
Res�olution App�oving Asssessment By— �
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coat aad expeaaes fer construction ar re-
coastruction ot sid�walks aad work incideatal thereto: Cantract 7�•M•05�3, Levy No. 1,
DistricC No. 4,
F.O. #248099 - University Ave., sauth side froa Frior Ave. to Lynuh�arst Ave.
F.�. �248100 - 3aellig Ave., east aide fro� Hague Ave. to Selby Av�. and on the
West side af Suelliag Ave, frc� Sasue Ave, te Dsyton Ave.
F.O. #248�99 - University Ave., south side fron Prior Ave. to Lync�hnrst Ave.
F.O. #248100 - -Snelling Ave., east side fran flagne Are. to Selby Ave. and oa the
west aide of Snelling Ave. from Sagne A�re. Co Baytoa Ave.
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The assessment o� 1�enefits, eest and e eases or and in connection with
the above improvement having been submitte�d ta the Council, and the Council having considered saxne
and found the said assesament satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
R�S(}LVE�D FURTHER., That a public hearing be had an said assessment on the 27th
day of �y� 1971 , , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Caurt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give no�tice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Ye� BUTLER Nays ,
CARLSON Adopted by the Council
LEVINE �R �91971
SP R�".i=rCA Approv
TED�:;�O ,
hf c;:F,�l T Y �In Favor
� MAY 1 1971
Fo� x-z zn� io-sa s� ASainst piJgLISHED