253816 oriruay to cter cterk " �=� ORDINANCE 25�8�.s �• COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY + ORDINANCE NO � U An ordina.nce amending Cha.pter 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code providing for Enclosure of Stairways� Sprinkler Systems and other Safety to Life Requirements for School Buildings and other Educational Occupancies. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Cha.pter 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended by adding Section 13.07 to read as follows: 13.07 - EDUCATIONAL OCCUPANCIES. - Educationa.l occupancies sha.11 include all buildings used for the gathering of groups of six or more persons for purposes of instruction such as schools, universities, colleges, �.nd academ- ies. Educationa.l occupancy includes part-day, nursery schools� kindergartens, and other schools whose purpose is primarily educational even though the children are of preschool age. Other occupancies associated with educationa.l institutions shall be in accordance with the appropriate parts of this Code. In cases where instruction is incidental to some other occupa.ncy, the section of this Code governing such other occupancy sha.11 apply. Notwiths�.nding any other provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to the contrary, heretofore erected buildings for Educational Occupan�ies as herein defined sha.11 conform to the following additiona.l Safety to Life Requirements: 1. From and after September l� 1976� except for one-story � basezn.entless buildings with all classrooms provided with doors leading directly to the outside� all existing buildings of other tha.n fire-resistant construction sha.11 be equipped with a complete automatic sprinkler system complying with the requirements of Cha.pter 14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 2. From and after September 1, 1971� in buildings of non- fire resistant construction, and from and after September 1� 1976, in buildings of fire-resistant construction� any required inter- ior exit stairway sha.11 be enclosed and protected with construc- tion ha.ving a fire-resistance rating of not less tha.n one (1) hour. All o�her vertical openings sha.11 be provided with at least one hour floor-to-floor separation. 3. From and after September l, 1971, in buildings of non- - fire resistant construction� and from and after September 1� 1976� in buildings of fire:-resistant construction, the following sha.11 �be done: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk May �� Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel By o�i so citr ci.� . , � � � "' �`� - ORDINANCE . �5�8�.s COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � Page 2. a. Combustible interior finish sha.11 be coated with an approved fire-retardant coating to obtain a flamespread rating of 25 - 75 (Class B) in classrooms and 0 - 25 (Class A) in corridors� stairs or other means of egress. Com- bustible finish on floors or floor coverings in a means of egress shall have a ma.ximum flamespread rating of 75. b. Ordinary glass windows in classroom doors and transoms between corridors in classrooms sha.11 be replaced with 1/4 inch wire glass or with other non-combustible material, and transoms shall be fixed in a closed position. c. Ventilating fans sha.11 be arranged to shut down automatically upon actua.tion of either the automatic fire alarm system and/or automa.tic sprinkler system. d. The ma.ximum length of travel to exits shall be as required in Cha.pter 6 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 4. From and after September l, 1976, all buildings for edu- cational occupancies sha.11 be equipped with an automatic fire protective signaling system with both the ma.nua.l alarm and central station system features complying with the Standard for Installa- tion Ma.intena.nce and Use of �entral Station Protective Signa.ling Systems, �VFPA. ��7I-1970. Section 2. The various provisions of this ordina.nce sha.11 be severable, and if any part or provision shall be held to be in- valid, it sha.11 not be held to invalidate any other part or provisions thereof. Section 3. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Mp� y 41979 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council �� ��� Tn Favor Levine �j Meredith U , � Againat ✓ Sprafka Tedesco 419�1 r. President �IcCart ) Y 1 � �i Approv At `� C' Clerk yor �� Form a�proved Corpora�ion Counsel By PUBLISHED AY �I #��P� ; � .. � � 1 st 2nd Laid over to - 3rd and app. �� _Adopted `-�. j � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler .�8ot1�F--" Carlson C-arlsan--- Levine - ��Levine 2538�� Meredith eredith Sprafka � �prafka J Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarty �r. President McCarty O