255900 f � ��1 t0 Ci�t7�.`lCtk <. , � ORDINANCE 255�� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � >� Mt OttQINANCf SETTLII�t6 THE t�.AIM 0F RUtH AN0 FIER�ERT MATTt�ES A6�lIRST 7HE CITY AE SAINT PAt�... THE' f�WlCIL OF THE CI711 0f SAIt�' PAI�. IXIES OR�AIN: S�tton 1. Tbatt the praper City offtcers ar� bere6y at�tiwrtzad a�d dtract�d t� pay �ut of t.be Tort Ltabtt�ty Ennd Q�35-�42t, to Rnt� � an.d t�bert Ma�tthes, the sw� of �150.�, {a futt seLtl�ent of their clate for �ges and in�ur�es sustatned by reason of a fatl on an �ce covered atdewwa�lk at or near Nbntreal and So. I�ttder ia Saint Pa►�1. S�t�on 2. '[�at said su� shall 6e pald to ttte said claimants upod tt�ir execution and deltvery o� a release tn �°u11 to the City, 1� a fora� to 8�e approvad by t.he Corporatian Co�nsel, for all d�p�ges and in�u�t�s sustat�ed t'n the a�nn� aforesaid. 5ection 3. That this ordinance sha,tl taka effect and be in force thfirt�y days after t�s passnge, appre�val and pabl fcation. FO 0 ED � Asst. Corp tion Counsei . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit ��T 1 9 �� Butler � �,.���n� C) —In Favor Meredith �� Sprafka gainst- ._ T���� OCT 191971 Mr. Preaident McC y App ed: Atteat: tq Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , . _ �oBLis�EQ cT 2 3 �Q?� 'tg . _. ,_ F �t�Peisbr + � A �� � �� � ; oRni � � N � � � CGUN�FL �LE Nb PRESENTED BY ORDfNANCE NQ AN f�IfY�II�E SETTLINf'i TME Cl.AIM �F MRN AIIU #1�EtlT' !lllq��'� AsAINST THE CIi'Y OF SAiltt PAt� TIlE �`AflIICIE t� TNE CITY OF SAIN'! P�ka. OOES ORaA�llt s�t�o��i� �.t � v� ci�► .�t� u. � .��� aAd d�ricted ts pa,�r o�t of � Tort Lfab111tar �wif:t�3S�2'�, �o.Rut� aiM ll�bNrt !l�tti�es, tAt sa� of' =150.00, 1� fnli �ttlwiMt r!' tbe#r ciai� for� duua� a�A i�u�rles sgstai�ad ig► �a�t et a fs11 0u ,s ' 1c� co�ar� sidaMlk at or� �w �i a�d �o. Mit�r iw S�itfi 1�1� - Sactioo Y. Th�t safd su� shal l bt p�f� to th�=safd c1a�t� rps� t�tir �t�i� �nA �t trrarX ot � ralaa�e 4� 1�r11 !� !�e Cit�r, i� - s #or�s ts b� ap�rove� iqt ti� Ca�ration CeMaa1, tar s1i d�ga sali ia��i� sa�#aiMd ta t� �Na�r afo+�s�tid. _ Sacti� 3. ' Tl�tt thts ordl�uc� sh�tl titic�e `s�ff�ct aM be fn = for� tMirl�r d�rs aft�r fts p�ssage. ap�rorai �A �b1ie.�tfo�. OCT i '� 19�� . Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Counci� ; Butler _ � ��� n Favo� Sprafka , c� ��inat .. 1 g 1971 � Mr. Pr�#�t (�cCarty) • APpmv�• , �CT - Atteet: � � `` City Clerk ]y�yqr � __ _ ; �� ; Form spproved Corporat,�on�ouneel By __ .. r--== _ i _ , L �--, ;, � _. _ � �.� , _. �! _ - � _ _ �: _..L� �_ e / �� / � � Is+ l ' ' 2nd Laid over to � 3rd and app. / �—Adopted Q Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bu+ler Carlson fearlserr����-Z.�.� Levine ��e��' ) L/ Meredi����f1 Meredith V Sprafka $prafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarl�y O