255899 OR16iNAL TO CITY CL6RK ��'13���� ' � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO vv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF W�EAS� Ot�di.nance No. 3250 authorizes and provides for paymerrt for overtin�e work, and Wf�EtEAS� the Ci,ty Comptroller has authorized overti�e �ork in the Civil Service Bureau during the period from Sept,e�aber 18, 1971 to October l, 197i; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereb� authori.zed to pay the employ�ees who perPormed sueh overti�e �rork in accordance with the provisians of Ordir�a,nces No. 6J�1,G6 �a xo. 3250. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �C� 1 191�_ Yeas �_ Naya QCj 119�� Ca��se�. N,�-�-�t�.�� �--� ove� 19— Levine ,lj Tn FAVOr �• Sprafka � yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty 9 �c�7� pCS ��u � �� .� 255889 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNG'�L FILE NO. Rea�olution Appr�oving Assessment By- and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No 1i37b In the matter of the assessment of beneEits, cost and expenses for constructing a public eterm sever in I�1�arion Street from Fdm�nd Avenne to Fu11er Avenue, � �r under Preliminary Order 24174� ,approved Jaaua� 15. 1969 � , Intermediary Order— 24279i ,approved Alarch 2S, 1�9 � Final Order 243420 ,approved Anril 24, 1969 , The assessment af benefits, coat �nd ea�enses for and in connection with �-�� the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved �tESOLVE�D FURTHER, That a public hearing be had an said assessment on the 27th day of October, 1971 , , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statin� in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular - owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN SEP 3 O �A� ti� Ye� G U T L E R Nay� Adopted by the Gouncil ��;^��':^.'AY ' ':'.'`�;?E � ���� ��-_.-. . - � 5EP 3 019� � :- ,;a .. � ,. , . Approve T�:' � �c�;, '�/ , In Favor or �—Against PUBLISHED 0C . � 9�� Form R-2 2M 10-65 Sa�. � 2��89� � i • CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU St. Paul, Minuesota Overtime work xas required to expedite the rating of examinations and establishing of eligible lists. Backlog developed because of st�a.�f shortage and eatsa work involved in the Pnblic Fmployment Program. �srs. G�sa�ys g. Blanchard 6 nrs. �4.0�25 �24.08 Mrs. Eileen B. l�oehle 9 p �6.7782 61.00 Patricia J. Gallagan 6� " �lt.1907 27.2l� Mrs. Angela F. Jasinski 9 " �.2782 lt7.50 Mrs. I�rieda greuthmeier 6 " �.9f�07 29.6l� TOTAL $189.1t6