255892 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 25��92 • CITY OF ST. PAUL �`E NCIL NO. �ICII�ISE Co1�i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - S@�1'ti@nb@T '�fO! 1911 COMMISSIONE ATF �Ss P80P� notiao hae b�e�a reaeired s to a chan�e in offiatrs in 8a11ivau�s Restaura,nt� Ina. holders of �a Sale Liquor I,icense No. 7848� expir�n� ����'Y 31: 1972, a� 354 Waba�� ��reet� therefore, be it RESOL�EDs That Eobert J. Gallivan� Preeiden�� Seeretary and Treasurer, rel3�iquiahina the off3.ce of SeerQtary� but renainir� as President and �'rea�tirer� with Patriek d. Galli�ats beco�in� the ��eretary w3.th no eba�e ia stoeklaold3.n,�� be and the same is hereby apprav�d. On Sale I,iquor Establishaent Chsng� in Officers Tnfarnally approv�d by ��t�ncil 9-28••71 Appn, 123�4 SEP 3 0197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19— Yeas Nays � Butler S E P 3 0 191� � �p�ay pprove 19— Levine �?_jn Favor � ''"�'A�� Mayor Sprafka J Tedesco A gaiust Mr. President, McCarty PI�BLISHED = � i 0 CT 2 197, ,�� �. r . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �> � Capital of Minnesota ' � �,�,.��j� a1Je artn�tevtt o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION roz.[ca DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RAI,FH G.MEERILI.,Dapaty Commissioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lleense Inspector September 28, 1971 i6onorable hiayor «nd Ci cy Councii Saint Paul� A:inneso�t;a G�ntlemen and P:a�aM: Currently G:I:�ivan's Restaurant, Tnc. n�.re P�olders af (1n Sale Lir�uor �:.icense Pdo. 784�, anc� C�..�:��� C2-Idestr:urunt, T4vern, Ci�aret��, Ci�aret�;e Vending Pi�chine aper�.tor (2 Iy.wchin�s) License No. 9374, �l� expiring Junu�ry 31, I972, �oca..tec� a.t 354 lraba�ha Street. �.icense record. �ho!:� that Robert J. Galliv�n is tl�e �ole officer holdin�; the offices of i"re�,ident� aecretar�� and Treasurer of the corpor�tion. Iie also is the :ole Ntocl.- holc�er. t.�plication ha.� benn made by Cal�ivun's Re...�t�urant, Inc. to add Y�trick J. Gallivan a� an officer, a�,�uuming the ti-tle of Secretary and � �irector of the corporation. P�tricl�: J. Gallivan �lso becor:�e� a stoc��holder, irith Pobert J. G��_liv�n holding more tla�n 51io of ihe stoc�i. :'.ttacl�ed are the copies of the ag�lic�.tion �.nd thc lettcr of rec;ueUt. Very truly yours� �����` �icense Inspector T� �� al ? ��; "��;� ✓ /` � � � ' ,� . DUDLEY, SMITH, COPELAND & BELISLE • ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ATLAW W, 1280 i1R57 NATIONAL BANK BUIIDING JOSEPH J. DUDLEY ST..PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIOI G.WILLIAM SMITH � RICHARD W. COPELAND 224-4871 WAYNE T. BELISLE JAMES C. COTTINGHAM STEPHEN C. LAPADAT . Septe�T�ber 21, 1971 License Inspector Public Safety Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin Dear Sir: � Enclosed please find applications of Patrick J. Gallivan. If the council appr�ves these applications, it is anticipated by Robert J. Gallivan, the sole owner of the st�ck in Gallivans Restaurant, Inc., that Patrick J. Gallivan becoxr�e secretary and a director of the corp�ration and rrlay hold s�rr�e stock in the corporation, but less than control. . Should there be any questions, kindly get in t�uch with rrle. Best regard�. • ' Very truly yours, DUDLEY, SMITH, CCPELAI�7D & BELISLE � � � �� ;� � � �;� . � , ,: , � �., ; . , � , :, �,._..-.__ _ - ; :. --� � \ �,r t. _ - �"�seph,J. Dudley � JJD:kc �' : : ' ��j ;� �, , . encl�sures ��-��`" � �% .�` � �, . _ �`�,` . �, �..<- ,�- `:�'I � � a�ti. t= . . ... _ .. Y�� �;i `\t..�} . . . /r' - - �f��' a =. •r ' • • C ITY OF �SA INT PAUL ' DEPARTB�tTT OF PUBLIC SAFETy � , LICENSE DIVISI�T . Date�U � Z9� � � , � . x 1. Appliaatian Por � Z `� .�-�. _ '��+� /`° �,,.�t- License 2. Alaame oP applioant � 7`�iP/r/'C t/O ���f� C�"F� l.{_ � �!�/�,/ � /� 3. Busines� +�ddrass �.� ���:�� /7 Residence �� f� �� � �� C �(Z� �( 4, Trade na�s� if an�t < � � � 5. Retail Besr Federal Tax Stamp '� Re�tail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp ' ' will be used. �� 6. (}n what floor looated / y��� N�er of' rooms used �,�---.� '�(' ?, Between 4rhat csrosa strests `�' � �t �j�� � TRhioh side of stre�t t'� '�:� 8. Are premises naev ocoupied�lfPha,t business .� �.t Hoar long ,S✓� , `�;�9. Are �remiaes na�v unoaoupied�Ho�r long vaean� Previous usa x10. .Are you a ri.ew cywner �'Lr,;, Have you been in a similar buainess before__�`�� 1�'here 1Nhen . ;`�" ,,�,« ��1t!L��.�..� %� II. Are you going to operate this buaine�s persanaily — �U/��- «„�,�v If not, who �rill operate it 12, Are you in any other busi.ness at the preaent time �'Z-L' ,�� 13, Ea�ve there been any camplain.ts against your operation of this �ype of plaoa �� �nen qiha re 14. Have you ever had any license revol�d � �IThat rea�on and date `—" 15. Are you a oitizen oP tY� United Statea �a Native �C Naturalized �� 16. �here �xe yuu bor�n��'�� Date of birth I �� v 17. I am� rried, My (wife's) (husband's} n�me d addresa is � �� � -� ��v�-�7 ����� � � ����dn� 18. (If s�,rried fernals) my maiden name is 19. Ha9r long l�sve you lived in St. Paul .� / 20. I�ve you ever been arrested_�Violation of �hat ariminal law or ordinance – 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. Paul Yes No. (Anse�er t'u1.1y and cc�m,pletely. These a "lications are thorou hl cheol�sd aad ans falaifiaation �vill be cause for degial. 'k23.o Number of 3,2 places within two blocks -'� 22. Cloesat intwcicating liquor plaoe. On S'ale OfP Sale ��'23a Neareat Churoh Idearest Sohool l( 24o Number of booths Tables Chaira Stoola 25. 1�►t 000upation ha�e you follorved for the past five yeara. (Give nam�as of employ�era and datea so employed.) ��i��L�,�.v--�..v /��►-z. �'� - '_� �-y, w�-..�1�.�. �.�`. , - - � �--1,� . �i �.�/`�• 26o Give natt�s and addresses of t�ro persona, residents oF $t. Paul, Minn., who can give inPor�tion conoerning you. ��e / "� . �,�K. Addreea u��%L-�� �/' l/�L� ����r�. r � l � Addrea � , Si�nature o pli ant Sta te of �inne s ota as Coun�y of Ramsey � y � ,, �� .being firat duly sworn, depoaes and says pon as rea �e oregoing statement bearin� hie sign�ture and l�avs ' the csur�tenta thereoP, and that the sam�a is true of his own lrnorovledge excsept as to thoae �tters therein atatad upan informa on d belief a aa to those mattera he belie�es them to be true. � � Signature o pliaant gubscribed and sx�orn to before ime thia 2 �, day of�� ` 19� Y--`�- ...�.-...C.QQ o , � ey oun y, M eso a ��{ _I_�UDLEY (`,OII�L18$1011� 3�I'8 Minn� �f9 P.ublf , KamsWr.GG�Y �pp Expires Nov.16, 1� (Note3. ��e s�atement f orma are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully Filled out, notarized, and returned to tl�e License Divisl�on,) . - . . STATL OF MIP"P�ESOTA ) � ) as ^OL'�?T Y �F �t�':?�'.SE Y ) Patrick J. G3ll1Va11 bPin� first dul�:� svrorn, doth depose and say that he makes this aifidavit in coruzection �vitn application for " Cn Sale" liquor license (" �Sale" malt bevera�e licerise ) in the City of Saint Paul, P.Rinneso�a; that your affiant is a resident of the Cit,y of Sairit Paul and has resided therein for 31 � years, mor.ths, and is nrnrr and has been frr the tir,le above mentionad a bona fide resident of said City and that 11e now resides ab �vp, 300? Glen Raad Saint Paul, h4innesota. Subscr.ibed and sworn to hefor� me this ��da,y ef ��19,/ l ;° � '�,,..-�c.�� l�o ar PU ic amsey Coun y ;:inr.esc a ;;�, coaunission expires JOSEPH J. DUDLEY . Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn: • My Commission Expires Nov. 16, 1974: � Y � AFF ID.�,V I'P B Y APPL ICANT FOR � RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Res ��Sa1e �/ �volp Lioense Name of appiicant Patrick J. Gallivan Business address 354 Vilabash3 Are you the sole a�rn.er of this business?��. If not, is it a par�tnerahip? corporation? yec , o:�her? 4thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name g�bPrt 1- G3�1'LU��t'1. Address �54 ��aha_�ha �� �wner O�rr org�h3n 51 i� �f st ack If a corporation, give its nama Gallivans Re�taux'St1t� It1C. Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor bueiness? �7� As sole o�mer� Partner? Stoekholder? Othero�ise? (Through loan. of money, etc. Explain) Addresa of' such buainess and nature of interest in sama � ignature o pplicant _ State of Minnesota 9S , County of l�msey bei.ng first duly a,�orn, deposes and says upon oath that he has rea t e oregoing affidavit bearing his signature and l�aws the contents thereof; that ths same is true of his oum ]�.ov+rrledge, sxcept as to thoae matters therein stated upon information and belief and as t se matters he lie�as them to be true. � �:.���C_ , igna�ture of a 'cant Subsoribed and sworn. to before me this day of _���i � 19� i i No ubli9es g�(u&.��Ya Mi esota No#ary Publics �amsey Countj7,N11tt11 ° M a om�.'Sf's i o�i-'�x�e�s Nov. 16, 19744 19 . SePt. 28, 19`71 Hon. Dean Meredith Co�sr. of Public Safety Public Safety Bldg. Dear Sir; Attention: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin The City Council today informally approved the application of G1�a11.iTan•� Restauraqt, Inc., twlder� of Oa Sale Liquor Lic. �o. T848� CLaia C2-Restwr�nty Tavern, Cigarette, Ciga3�e ��6 � �a!►or (2 Machiaer} Lic. No. 3974, �►13, p�iri,pg J�et. 31� 1q72s st 3� WiNbt►stu� St.f for chsaga in offic��1 a�ttl i���dl�'�. 1�I�.11 i/d�i � p7!`�iC'1t "�"r�'!I! 1NI@l�itRy r!l�011ilr10i'11� Q0�"� L6ii aa'f�t�? Ye�`Y �S ��'�s Cxt�+ Qtrlt �i