255887 � ` �L
RESOL , That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the
estimate of expenses of the �ity of Sai.nt Pau1 for the f':iscal yeax o� 1972
and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the
Council by the Comptroller, to be published in the official paper of
said City, on October 6, s.g71.
RESOLVED FURTI�R, That the Council hold public hearin�s, £rom
clay to d.a,y in the regulax place of ineeting of said Council (the Council
Chamber) 3.n the Caurt House and City Ha11 at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon for not less than ten days, beginning October 7, 1971., at which
� time and place all resicl,ents of the City of Saint Paul desiri.ng to be
heard may be heard i.n reference to any of saa.d estimates or any item
, RESOLVED FURTI�R, That the City Clerk prepaxe and cause to
be published in the of'ficial. paper of the City at the same time said
estimates of expenditvres are published a notice of said times and
places of public hearings, which published notice shatl. imm�ediately
precede said published estima.tes of expenditures in said official
paper, and ahall expressly call attention and refer thereto.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19�
Butler SEP `i 0 �97�
� Conway •ove _ 19—
Levine � �
Tn Favor
wf'___ 1!LL .
Sprafka a
-_- _U
Tedesco ASainst
Mr. President, McCarty
. -
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci � � `` 19�.
Yeas Nays
Butler _
� f��1� APPr°o w � 197�.
Levine _jn Favor �
..�—� �.
Sprafka � Ag��t
Mr. President, McCarty
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- - CITY OF ST. PAUL �,r�� N�
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SEP 3 0191�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun� 19_
Yeas Nays �
sut�� SEP 3 01971 � 19_
� Q��q Approv�
�°� r++ Favor
�� b Mayor
Sprafka .
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Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold public heaxings
from day to da.y in the regu7.ax place of ineeting of said Council (the Council
Chamber) in the Court House and City Hall Build.ing at 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon, for not less than ten da.ys beginning October 7th., 1971, in
reference to the estimates for the expenses of the City for the fiscal
yeax of 1q72 and of the revenues necessary to meet said expenses, sub-
mitted to the Council by the City Comptroller, and whieh im¢n�ediately
fo7low this notice.
At said �imes and place, all residents of the City of Saint Paul
desiring to be heard may be heaxd in reference to any of said estimates
or any item thereof.
October lst. 1971.
City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
(October 6, 1971)
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Ci�� C��s�c a�' �s3at P�nl., 1t�ane�a►t�t.
(o�+�r 6, 197�)
' '� September 30, 1971
' . Honorable Mayor - President
and Members of the City Council
' I submit to you, the "Budget Estimates" for the City of Saint Paul for the year
1972, These estimates of revenues and appropriations have been prepared in accordance
with applicable Charter and Statutory provisions together with legal opinions and
interpretations made available to me at this time.
' Effective June 6, 1972, Saint Paul will begin operating under a new City Charter.
As no administrative code has been adopted at this time, I had no choice but to prepare
, this budget for the full year 1972 under the present organizational structure.
' Operation and Maintenance - Within Limitations
' Salaries have been included at the present rate of pay and are fully funded. Step
increases and longevity payments have also been included; these payments can only be
made at such time as the Federal "Freeze" regulations permits. Since there has been
' no Council action on 1972 salary rates, the department budgets do not include any
anticipated salary adjustments for 1972.
' City Officers' Salaries. Salaries at the existing rate of pay have been provided
for the Mayor and six Councilmen for a fu11 year, and as provided in the, new charter, an
additional councilman for seven months.
' Corporation Counsel. Additional staff was necessitated because of state law
authorizing an additional municipal judge and changes in the procedure for acquisition
of property and easements.
, Codification of Ordinances. Provision has been made in this fund for the
codification and printing of the Administrative and Legislative codes.
' Civil Service. In accordance with Chapter 12 of the Charter that becomes
effective June 6, 1972, the merit system for city personnel is to come under the
jurisdiction of a Civil Service Commission consisting of three (3) members; appropriations
' have been provided for compensation and expense of the Commission.
City of Saint Paul local legislation (Bill �k19) presented to the Ramsey County
' Legislative Delegation provided for Joint City-County Civil Service. This legislation,
Chapter 718, has not been approved by you, therefore no provision for consolidation
has been provided in this budget.
' The appropriation provides for the existing staff in this bureau.
Municipal Court, Increased salaries of the judges of Municipal Court and the
'I ' salary of the additional judge authorized by the State Legislature together with an
additional reporter and clerk for the judge have been provided in this budget.
Elections. 1972 is an election year. Appropriations in the amount of
' $190,909.00 ha"ve been provided for the cost of four elections including the presidential
election in November of 1972. Provision has been made for some voter registration
at the branch libraries. No provision has been made for a special election as there
' are four elections scheduled for 1972, r
�_ .
'� Honorable Ma.yor - President
and Members of the City Council - 2 - September 30, 1971
Police and Fire. Police and Fire Salaries have been provided at existing rates
' � of pay for the same number of authorized personnel as was provided in the 1971 adopted
budget. As you know, fifty (50) additional police officers were added by you at the time
you adopted the 1971 budget. The salary of these men was provided in two stages, one
, group, approximately half of the additional authorized personnel, for appointment in
spring and the balance to be appointed in late fall. This budget (1972) must now provide
appropriations for these fifty (50) men for the full year 1972, This additional cost is
estimated at $252,408.00. Squad car maintenance and motor fuel in the police bureau
' have been increased $66,000.00 over the 1971 appropriation. A substantial portion of
this cost is attributable to the operation of the "take home" squad program.
' Bureau of Health. The Bureau of Health budget also provides the same number
of authorized personnel as provided in 1971. The management committee has recommended
that the activity "Housing Inspection" should be under the jurisdiction of the Bureau
' of Public Buildings, No request for this activity was received from the Buresu of Public
Buildings, and as a request for this activity has been received from the Bureau of Health,
I have again included this activity in the Bureau of Health,
' Chapter 579 of the Laws of Minnesota provides for the creation of a County
Health Department of Ramsey County and the local governmental units therein contained.
This bill has been approved by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners; however, it
' does not become effective within any governmental unit unless positive action is taken
by the government unit. As no Council action has been taken on Chapter 579, I have no
alternative but to fund the Bureau of Health activities under the existing structure.
' The appropriation for the Bureau of Health proposed in this budget is $1,205,753.00;
estimated receipts from the Bureau of Health are $97,000.00. As this bureau is fully
funded within our available revenues, the adoption of this legislation could make additional
appropriations available for other activities. The exact amount cannot be determined
' until a decision is made as to which activities in the Bureau of Health will be considered
county health programs. It should be remembered that the adoption of this law although
freeing up appropriations in theCity Budget places an additional item on the County
, Tax levy within Saint Paul,
Department of Public Works. No funds have been provided in this budget for
' Garbage Collection as this service is now a part of the collection of solid waste and
is financed by service charges. Funds for Winter Street Maintenance have been provided
in the amount of $1,002,666.00. This appropriation recognizes cost increases, thus
keeping the appropriation consistant with other year's appropriation.
' Other Departments. Appropriations for Finance, Libraries, Public Utilities,
Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings include salaries at the existing rates of
' pay for the same number of authorized personnel.
General Fund - Charter Fund 35. Some of the appropriations in this Charter
' Fund require comment. _
Federal Programs In many Federal Programs, "in kind" services are allocated
as the city contribution. There are, however, some programs that require additional
' funding, The following appropriations for this purpose are included in this fund.
Urban Corp. $ 8,000.00
Model Cities 114,000.00
' Criminal Justice 90,000.00
Census Tracts 9 and 10 85,139.00
Municipal Information System 25,050.00
I $322,189.00
Federal Program Administration 73,479.00
Federal Program Accounting 15,889.00
$ 89,368.00
Total Appropriations $411,557.00
' Honorable Mayor - President
.and Members of the City Council - 3 - September 30, 1971
' Joint City-County Services - The City's share of the appropriations for
these four activities (Administration, Messenger Service, Microfilming and Duplicating)
for 1972 is $40,596.00. This is an increase of $6,349.00. Included in this increase
is the 1972 salary adjustment for County employees.
' Auditorium Deficit - During the course of their annual audit, the State
Public Examiner was critical of the deficit in the Auditorium Fund. As the Auditorium
' management is now by law, under the jurisdiction of the Civic Center Authority, it is
the recommendation of the Examiner that action be taken to fund this deficit. In
accordance with his recommendation, I have included in this budget the sum of $64,258.00.
' This is the cost for the use authorized by theCity Council for 1967 but never paid.
This will still leave a deficit of approximately $400,000.00 to be funded in future years.
Contingent Reserve - It is anticipated that city government reorganization
' will necessitate some additional expenses. No definite amounts are known at this time.
The same situation exists in relation to salary rates for 1972. This appropriation
includes the amount available under existing sources of financing, As has been previously
' indicated, a substantial additional amount could be added to this reserve if the Bureau
of Health funding were assumed by theCounty under theCounty Health bill.
' Other Appropriations, Deputy Commissioners are included in this budget through
June 5, 1972. Travel expense has been provided in a minimum amount for substantially
all bureaus. Capital Outlay, as provided, meets the Charter requirements.
, Although rate hearings are now being held on gas, electric and telephone rates;
no additional funds have been provided in the departments as neither the rate or the
date on which the adjusted rates are to become effective has been determined. Salaries
' for the City Hall and Court House have been provided at the rate recommended by County
Civil Service,
' Operation and Maintenance - Outside Limiation
Those activities financed outside tax levy limitations over which the City has
' some control have either been reduced or maintained at their existing level.
There are other appropriations over which the City has little or no control.
' Health and Welfare. Notice has been received by the City of a substantial in-
crease in premiums on employee insurance coverage for 1972. It was the decision of the
' Health and Welfare Committee that bids should be taken for this insurance for 1972.
No definite cost figures will be available by the time this budget must be adopted,
An estimated increase cost figure has been included in this appropriation.
' Police and Fire Pensions. Chapters 442 and 443 of the Laws of Minnesota for
1969 in effect places these two pension funds under the Police and Firemen's Relief
Association Guidelines Act of 1969, The aim of this act is to have all pension funds
' under it fully funded. by the year 2007.
Health Relief Association. Chapter 578 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1971
, increased the tax levy for this fund from one-tenth mill to four-tenth mill. Effective
January 1, 1970 all new employees of the Bureau of Health must join the P.E.R.A.
co ordinated pension plan. As no new members will come under the Health Reliet
Association, it will eventually be liquidated.
, Honorable Mayor - President
,and Members of the City Council - 4 - September 30, 1971
' Public Employees Retirement Fund, The scheduled increase in the rate of
contribution for Social Security and the maximum amount on which deductions will be
made necessitated additional appropriations for this fund.
, Comparative statement of major increases in the above Employee Benefits:
1971 1972 Increase
, Police Relief Association $1,258,295.00 $1,574,481.00 $ 316,186.00
Firemen's Relief Association 1,384,124.00 1,696,452.00 312,328.00
Health Relief Association 25,166.00 104,398.00 79,232.00
, Public Employees Retirement Assn. 1�400,000.00 1,572,000.00 172,000.00
Totals $4 067,585.00 $4,947,331.00 $ 879,746.00
Health and Welfare 872,298.00 1,169,039.00 296,741.00
' Totals $4 939.883.00 $6,116,370.00 $1,176,487.00
' General City Debt
Interest. Provision has been made in this budget to meet outstanding interest
coupons as they come due. Based on projected bond sales during 1972, one interest
' coupon has been provided as follows:
Urban Renewal Bonds $151,200.00
' Pollution Abatement Bonds 54,000.00
Capital Improvement Bonds None
- $205.200.00
' You will-note that no interest for a 1972 Capital Improvem�nt Bond issue is
being provided. This action is in accordance with your committment to the Ramsey
County Legislative Delegation that "no Capital Improvement Bonds will be sold unless
, a source other than property taxes is available to meet the debt service costs".
Bond Maturities. Provision is made in this appropriation to pay the principal
' of all city bonds maturing during 1972.
' Ramsey County Welfare Department
The City's 27�% share of the cost of the Welfare Department is included in
this budget in the amount jointly approved by you and the County as required by law.
Detention Authority
, Chapter 482 of the laws of Minnesota for 1971 permits the County of Ramsey to
assume full responsibility for the financing of the Detention and Corrections Authority.
This law requires and has received the approval of the County Board and the City Council.
, The Council indicated its intention to adopt this law on December 30, 1971, (C.F. 255620)
therefore, I have not included any appropriation for the Authority in this budget.
, Water Department
' The Water Department budget for operations, maintenance and fixed charges is
included in this budget at $5,943,375.00 with anticipated revenues offsetting these
expenses consistent with past practicfes.
' Honorable Mayor - President
,and Members of the City Council - 5 - September 30, 1971
Operation and Maintenance
� Property Tax Within Limitation. Chapter 762 of the laws of Minnesota for 1971
establishes a mill levy limit within charter limitations of 55 mills for 1972; this mill
' limit is comparable to the 1971 limitation. As of this date, the estimated increase in
valuations for 1972 is minimal. The Ramsey County Assessor has been keeping us currently
advised of any changes in valuations. I am confident if any further increases materialize
' he will inform you of such change.
In accordance with Charter and State law we have added to this levy the estimated
amount to be received from the State for Business personal property relief.
, Should any changes occur through action of the State Legislature, which is
scheduled to reconvene during your budget hearings, changes in this levy may be necessary.
' Property Tax Outside Limitations. This tax appropriation for 1972 is estimated
at $6,924,853.00. We have applied $543,000.00 of dedicated fund balances reducing the
' tax appropriation to $6,381,853000.
Miscellaneous Revenues. Projections of these sources of revenue have been made
in consultation with the collecting departments or bureaus, correspondence with outside
' agencies and the "Aide to Revenue Projection" prepared by the League of Minnesota Munici-
' Sales and Use Taxes (Per Capita Aid) - Although the estimate of the current
payment of this source of revenue is increased, the estimate of the additional payment
from prior years is minimal. As a consequence, there is only a minor increase in the
' overall revenue estimate from this source.
Gross earnings tax computed by N.S.P, , in response to our request, is based on
existing consumer rates and on an 8% gross earnings tax hased on their estimate of gross
' earnings for 1972. Should there be a rate adjustment, it may be advisable to review
this computation.
' Miscellaneous Revenue - Dedicated. This revenue item comes from the Library
operation and is applied to finance the Library budget; the revenue is estimated at
' General City Debt
, Debt costs may be levied outside any Charter or Statutory Limitation. Certain
identifiable revenue sources may be used to reduce the levy for debt; we estimate these
sources at $900,000.00. The balance will be c.ertified to the County Auditor to spread
, on the tax rolls.
In lieu of the mandatory 5% excess levy to be certified under law, we have
maintained a reserve in our debt fund accounts. This reserve is reviewed annually and
' adjusted when necessary.
. V
, Honorable Mayor - President
and Members of the City Council - 6 - September 30, 1971
, Ramsey County Welfare Department
By Charter and by State Law, Welfare needs are outside any and all limitations.
Water Department
, In accordance with Charter provisions, this department operates from its receipts.
Rates are maintained at the level required to meet expenses.
, This budget, the last budget to be presented to you by the Comptroller, is
fully funded. Appropriations may be summarized and compared with the 1971 budget as
, 1971 1972 Increase
Budget Budget or
as Adopted Estimates (Decrease)
' Operation and Maintenance $37,004,008.00 $38,888,186.00 $1,884,178.00
Debt 6,961,755.00 7,597,993.00 636,238.00
Welfare Department 5,349,256.00 5,810,658.00 461,402.00
' Detention Authority 816,882.00 - 0 - (816,882,00)
Water Department 5,513,511.00 5,943,375.00 429,864.00
' Total - $55,645,412.00 $58.240,212.OA $2,594,800.00
Of the total budget for Operation and Maintenance in the amount of $38,888,186.00,
' $24,215,857.00 or 62.3% is for direct salary appropriations. These salaries provide
herein a total FTE (Full Time Equivalent) of 2,129 employees. Department budgets
proposed here do not include any anticipated salary adiustments for 1972.
' Financing may be summarized and compared with the 1971 budget as follows:
1971 1972 Increase
' Budget Budget or
as Adopted Estimates (Decrease)
' Tax Levy = Within Limit -
Operation and Maintenance $15,536,533.00 $16,316,758.00 $ 780,225.00
Tax Levy Outside Limit -
Operation and Maintenance 5,661,822.00 6,381,853.00 720,031.00
, Tax Levy - Debt 6;332,355.00 6,697,993.00 365,638.00
Tax Levy - Welfare 5,349,256.00 5,810,658.00 461,402,00
Tax Levy - Detention Authority 736,882.00 - 0 - (736,882,00)
, Total Tax Levy $33,616,848.00 $35,207,262.00 $1,590,414.00
Other Financing -
' Operation and M,aintenance 15,805,653.00 16,189,575.00 383,922.00
Other Financing - Debt 629,400.00 900,000.00 270,600.00
Other Financing - Detention
' Authority 80,000,00 - 0 - (80,000.00)
Other Financing - Water Dept, 5,513,511.00 5,943,375.00 429,864.00
Total Other Financing $22,028,564.00 $23,032,950.00 $1,004,386.00
� Total $55.645,412.00 , $58.240,212.00 $2,594.800.00
' Honorable Mayor - President
and Members of the City Council - 7 - Septembe� 30, 1971
' The County Assessor has provided me with an estimated assessed valuation to
be used in 1972 of $266,983,699.00. Based on the above estimated assessed valuation
and taking into consideration the business personal property replacement paid by the
, State, I estimate the mill rate required on the proposed tax levy supporting this
budget at 120.05 mills.
, Based on these estimates, there will be no increase in the current mill rate
to finance this budget.
Legislative action affec.ting property taxes and other sources of financing, such
, as per capita aid, bank excise, cigarette and liquor, should be carefully watched,
as any change would affect the proposed estimates.
' In order to assist you and your staffs during your review of these budget
estimates I have made available the "Personnel Allocation" for 1972, This document
shows for each activity the number of personnel by title and estimated annual salary.
� Except for this "Budget Message" and policy decisions incumbent upon me, this
budget was prepared under the immediate direction and supervision of Mr. Robert W. Trudeau,
Assistant Chief Accountant - Deputy Comptroller. He was assisted by the capable and
' dedicated service of these accountants in my office: Mr. Robert G. Lang, Mr. Arnold G.
Mickelsen and Mr. Robert A, Horrisberger. The young ladies in the typing and clerical
pool are to be commended for the hard work in typing and assembling this document.
' The remainder of my staff did double duty keeping things going while we were deeply
immersed in F.T.E. 's (Full Time Equivalents) and these millions of dollars. To each
and everyone my sincere "Thanks" and deep appreciation.
' I will be available during your budget hearings to assist you in your deliber-
ations and answer any questions you might have.
Respectfully submitted,
i �
' Clemens J. S eck
Chief Accountant - Comptroller
ii '
Code '
Operation and Maintenance
General Government Offices '
1.00 City Officers ' Salaries 107,208.00
2.00 Mayor's Office Administration 86,888.00
2.01 City Planning 260,614.00 '
2.02 Civil Defense 74,660.00
`-' 2.03 Department of Human Rights 136,174.00
2.04 Publicity Bureau 21,000.00 '
3.00 Corporation Counsel 656,434.00
4.00 City Clerk - Records 184,275.00
4.01 " " - Registration 53,429.00
5.00 Commissioner of Finance 429,916.00 ,
13.00 City Comptroller 271,152.00
13.01 Civil Service 249 ,533.00
14.00 Municipal Court 624,651.00 ,
15.00 Purchasing Agent 238,828.00
16.00 Council Investigation and Research 39,040.00
19.00 Elections 190,909.00 '
21.00 City Hall and Court House 394,703.00 4,019,414.00
Department of Public Safety
6.00 Commissioner of Public Safety 224,529.00 '
6.01 Police 7 ,356,729.00
6.02 Fire 6,174,655.00
6.04 Health 1,205,753.00 14,961,666.00 ,
Department of Public Works
7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 1,317,291.00 '
7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 776,682.00
7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning 1,600,244.00
7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 168,349.00 3,862,566.00
Department of Libraries and Civic Bldgs. '
9.00 Comm. of Libraries and Civic Bldgs. 25,366.00
9.01 Public Libraries 1,663,412.00 '
9.03 Stadia 15,000.00
9.04 Civic Educational Center 258,578.00 1,962,356.00
Department of Public Utilities ,
��11.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities 239,809.00
11.01 Public Lighting 895,827.00 1,135,636.00
�> ,
' iii
' Charter
C ode
� Dept. of Parks & Rec. & Public Buildings
18.00 Comm. of Parks & Rec. & P.B. 110,416.00
18.01 Parks and Recreation 2,399,284.00
' 18.02 Public Buildings 1,023,753.00 3,533,453.00
General Government Accounts
' 25.00 Employee Benefits 6,326,634.00
26.00 Judgment and Compromise 5,000.00
27.00 Local Improvement Aid 1,011,437.00
� 35.00 General Fund 2,070,024.00 9 ,413,095.00
Total Operation and Maintenance 38.888,186.00
General City Debt
' 28.00 Bond and Note Interest 3,747,243.00
130.00 Bond and Note Redemptions 3,850,750.00
Total - General City Debt ' 7,597 ,993.00
' - Ramsey County Welfare Department
20.00 Board of Public Welfare 5,810,658.00
Water Department
12.00 City Utility 5,943,375.00
' Summary
Operation and Maintenance 38,888,186.00
' General City Debt 7 ,597,993.00
--Ramsey County Welfare Department 5,810,658.00
Water Department - City Utility 5,943,375.00
' Detail Amount Sub Totals Totals '
/. TAX LEVY - Schedule A 22,698,b11.00
Penalties Property Taxes 35,000.00
Forfeited Property Tax Sale Apportionment 5,000.00 '
Special Taxes - State Collec.ted
Bank Excise 300,000.00
��Cigarette Tax 579 380.00
� Liquor Tax 539�100.00 '
Sales and Use Tax A �
Under Payment 40,000.00
Current Payment 3,218,080.00 3,258,080.00 4,676,560.00 '
Special Taxes - County Collected
Coal Dock Operator 200.00
Grain Tax 5,000.00 t
Mortgage Registry 55,000.00 60,200.00
Special Taxes - City Collected '
Drug Store and Mortuary 4,500.00
Gross Earnings 5,125,000.00
Electric Energy 14,000.00 ,
Hotel-Motel Tax 130,000.00 5,273,500.00
Payments in Lieu of Taxes 80,000.00
L icenses and Permits
Business Licenses 850,000.00 '
Cigarette Licenses 18,000.00
Dog Licenses 12,000.00
Permits - Public Buildings 440,000.00 '
" - Finance - Vacation -
Streets and Alleys 60,000.00
" - " - Other 13,000.00 '
�' " - Public Works - Use of
Streets 7,000.00 520,000.00
Trade and Occupational Licenses '
City Clerk 22,000.00
Public Buildings 25,000.00 47,000.00 1,447,000.00
Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits
�<Fees - City Clerk-Application to '
Vacate 3,500.00
-�" " - " " -Other 15,000.00
" - Finance - Parking Meters 375,000.00 ,
" - Conciliation Court 14,000.00
" - Municipal Court 24,000.00
� " - Public Safety-Parking Lot 2,800.00
" - Health - Birth and Death '
Certificates 70,000.00
" - " - Milk Inspection 27,000.00
" - Public Buildings - Cert, of '
Occupancy 60,000.00
" - Public Buildings - Other 28,000.00 619,300.00
Fines and Bail Forfeits 1,402,000.00 2,021,300.00 '
� .
' v
Detail Amount Sub Totals Totals
' MI CELLANEOUS REVENUE - Not Dedicated (cont. )
Aids and Grants
State Highway Maintenance 248,500.00
'' Municipal State Aid 700,000.00
County Aid 35,000.00 983,500.00
Charges for Servic.es
' Corporation Counsel 45,350.00
City Clerk - Official Publications 9,000.00
Finance 62,000.00
City Comptroller 5,000.00
, Civ.il Service 4,000.00
Purchasing. 95,000.00
Public Safety - Administration 37,000.00
' " " - Police 35,000.00
Public Utilities - Testing Laboratory 11,000.00
Parks and Recreation - Ground Maint. 6,000.00
t " " " - Bldg, " 20,000.00
" " " - Vehicle and
Equip. Maint.20,000.00 46,000.00
Public Buildings - Design and
' Engineering 30,000.00
" " - Inspection
H & R A 33,530.00 63,530.00
' General Government - I.S.D. 625 207,385.00
" " - Water Dept. 45,000.00 665,265.00
Damage Claim Recoveries
� Public Safety - Police 7,500.00
- Fire 1,000.00 8,500.00
Public Works - Traffic Control and -
Parking Meters 1,000.00
' " " - Signgl Maintenance 15,000.00
" " - Brid es 2,000.00 18,000.00
Public Lighting 18,`000.00 44,500.00
' Use of Money and Property
Rents - Public Works - Bridges 1,000.00
" - Public Utilities 3,000.00
" - Water Department 9,750.00
' Rents and Commissions - Parks and
Recreation 2,500.00 16,250.00
Interest-Bank Balances 200,000.00 216,250.00
' City's Share County Receipts 8,500.00
Miscellaneous 60,000.00
Total Miscellaneous Revenue - Not Dedicated 15,576,575.00
Charges for Services - Library 70,000.00
Total Miscellaneous Revenue - Dedicated 70,000.00
Publicity Bureau 5,000.00
' Tort Liability 116,000,00
Health and Welfare 56,000.00
Retiree Insurance 8,000.00
' Unemployment Compensation 93,000.00
Public Employees Retirement Assn. 256,000.00
Charter Commission 9,000.00
Total General Revenue Fund Balances - Dedicated 543,000.00
Vl v
Detail Amount Sub Totals Totals '
TAX LEVY - Schedule A 6,697,993.00
x GENERAL. REVENUE FUND BALANCE - Dedicated 900,000.00 '
TAX LEVY - Schedule A 5,810,658.00
�TOTAL FINANCING 58.240,212.00 '
Miscellaneous '
Tax Revenue and
SUMMARY Levy Fund Balances Total ,
Operation and Maintenance 22,698,611.00 16,189,575.00 38,888,186.00
General City Debt 6,697,993.00 900,000.00 7,597,993.00 '
�amsey County Welfare Department 5,810,658.00 - 0 - 5,810,658.00
Water Department (Self-Sustaining) - 0 - 5,943,375.00 5,943,375.00 '
,.. TOTAL FINANCING 23.032,950.00 58.240,212.00 '
� _
' vii
Collectible during 1972 Schedule A
' -- Tax Net Tax
Appropriation Shrinkaf�e Levy
Operation and Maintenance
' Within Limitation
Chapter 762 - Laws 1971
55 Mills x $266,983,699 (89.994%) 14,684,103.00
, Business Personal Property
, Replacement (10.006%) 1,632,655.00
� Total Within Limitation (100.000%) 16,316,758.00 244,752.00 16,561,510.00
Tax Levies Outside Limitations
' Tax Levy (In Lieu of Monies and
Credits) 182,000.00 2,730.00 184,730.00
Civil Def.ense M.S. 12.26, Subd. 2 74,660.00 1,120.00 75,780.00
, I Publicity Bureau M.S. 465.55 16,000.00 240.00 16,240.00
-- Tort Liability 1K.S. 466 & Chap. 693,
Laws 1965 100,710.00 1,511.00 102,221.00
Health and Welfare - City 1,113,039.00 16,695.00 1,129,734.00
' " " " - C.H. & C.H. 10,500.00 158.00 10,658.00
" " " - RetiYees 53,000.00 795.00 53,795.00
_ Severance Pay - Chapter 599, Laws 1971 54,273.00 815.00 55,088.00
, Unemployment Compensation 2,000.00 30.00 2,030.00
Police Relief Association 1,574,481.00 23,618.00 1,598,099.00
Firemen's Relief Association 1,696,452.00 25,447.00 1,721,899.00
Health Relief Association 104,389.00 1,566.00 105,955.00
' Public Employees Retirement Assn. 1,316,000.00 -- 1,316,000.00
,�-�- Public Examiner - City 45,000.00 675.00 45,675.00
" " - C.H. & C.H: 200.00 3.00 203.00
' Port Authority - Administration 39,149.00 _588.00 39,737.00
Charter Commission
,--- Total Outside Limitations 6,381,853.00 � 75,991.00 6,457,844.00
, Total Operation and Maintenance 22,698,611.00 320.743.00 23,019,354.00
General City Debt
,:..-•- Bond Interest and Redemptions 6,697.993.00 (11 -- 6,697 .993.00
:� ,�- Ramsey County Welfare Department
Board of Public Welfare '
City's 2727o Sliare 5,810,658.00 87,160.00 5.897.818.00
1 Total Tax Levy 35,207.262.00 .407 .903.00 35,615.165.00
Operation and Maintenance 22,698,611.00 320,743.00 23,019,354.00
General City Debt 6,697,993.00 -- 6,697 ,993.00
, Ramsey County Welfare Department 5,810,658.00 87,160.00 5,897,818.00
35,207,262.00 407.903.00 35,615.165.00
(1) Dedicated Reserve in lieu of mandatory 5%
J;M1' as required by M.S. 475.61.
' viii
Charter Section 201*
' Code
Charter Classification Sub Totals Totals
2.00 0020 Mayor's Office Administration 500.00
' 2.01 0022 City Planning 400.00
2.03 0027 Department of Human Rights 620.00
3.00 0030 Corporation Counsel 620,00
� 4.00 0040 City Clerk - Records 700.00
5,00 0050 Commissioner of Finance 850.00
1 3.0 0 0 6 0 0 Ci ty Comp tro l ler 5 0 0.0 0
13.01 0610 Civil Service 500.00
, 0612 " " - Orientation Program 920.00 1,420.00
15.00 0650 Purchasing Agent 1,175.00
6,00 0101 Comm, of Public Safety - Building Maintenance 275.00
� 6.01 0110 Police - Administration 400.00
0112 - Uniformed Division 600.00
0113 - Detec.tive Division 600.00
� 0114 - Services Division 69,500.00 71,100.00
6.02 0142 Fire - Fire Fighting 64,000.00
0143 - Station Maintenance 900.00
0144 - Radio Division 2,700.00 67,600.00
' 6.04. 0182 Health - Promotion of Health - Schools 5,625.00
0186 - Building Maintenance 800.00
0189 - Housing Inspection 360.00
, ' 0191 - Occupational Health and Safety 450.00 7,235,00
7.00 0203 Comm, of Public Works - Traffic Control and
Parking Meter Service 14,500.00
0204 - Signal Maintenance 18,000.00 32,500.00
, 7.01 0220 Street Maintenance and Repair - Paved Street
Repairs 7,100.00
0221 - Graded Street
� Repairs 3,900.00 11,000,00
7.03 0251 Street and Sewer Cleaning - Cleaning Graded
Streets 15,000.00
, 0252 - Cleaning Paved
Streets 8,000.00
0258 - Winter Street
Maintenance Equip. 37,000.00
' ` 0270 _ - Weed Cutting 3,500.00 63,500.00
7.04 0291 �ridge Building and Repair - Maintenance -
- Bridges 2,000.00
_ ' 0292 - Fences and Stairways 750.00 2,750.00
9.01 0410 Public Library - Library Service 6,000.00
11.01 0550 Public Lighting - Lighting Maintenance 17,000.00
' 18.01 0710 Parks and Recreation - Administration 500.00
0730 - Grounds Maintenance 5,000.00
0731 - Building Maintenance 3,000.00
0732 - Vehicles and Equipment
� Maintenance 20,000.00 28,500.00
' *"Out of the amounts appropriated each year for the cost of the City government and
departments other than schools, at least $250,000 shall be reserved each year and
' may be expended for new, replacement or renewal of c�epartmental equipment. Any
part thereof not expended in any year shall be accumulated and reserved for such
use in future years."
' -
� � Code Appropriations 1
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, 0010 Charter or Statutory Salaries
131 Salaries - Elected Officials--
� Mayor 15,200.00
Councilmen (6) 84,000.00
Co�ncilman - (Additional Position
, - from June 6, 1972) 8,008.00 ' 107,208.00
� 0020 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 18,005.00
� 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 25,008.00 43,013.00
202 Telephone 2,000.00
203 Postage 530.00
- 223 Maintenance and Repair -
� Office Equipment 200.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 750.00
275 Duplicating Services 350.00 3,830.00
' 340 Office Supplies 1,100.00
475 Mayor's Contingent Account 6,000.00
476 Council and Legislative Expense 200.00 6,200.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00 54,643.00
0021 Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity
, ..-�— 116 Salaries - Professional 10,070.00
201 Automobile Allowance 875.00
,�--•- 202 Telephone 400.00
203 Postage 100.00 •
i �-- 204 Travel 500.00
.� 275 Duplicating 100.00 1,975.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00 12,245.00
0028 Council Educational Research and Travel
� 204 Travel 20,OOOo00
' 2.01 0022 City,zPlanning
112 Salaries - Clerical 36,420.00
116 " - Professional 124,150.00
� 117 " - Subprofessional 55,807.00 216,377.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00
202 Telephone 1,900.00
� 203 Postage 670.00
204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 7,500.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 900.00
' 2 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 223 Maintenance and Repair -
Office Equipment 400.00
241 Rentals - Buildings and Office Space 14,000.00
' 250 Blueprinting 600.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 250.00
275 Duplicating Services 700.00 28,620.00
340 Office Supplies 1,100.00
' 342 Drafting, Blueprinting and
Survey Supplies 1,000,00
' 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00
, 370 Photo Supplies 100.00 2,300.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 400.00 247,697,00
' � . 0024 Capital Long Range Planning
116 Salaries Professional 12,367.00
203 Postage 300.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 150.00 450.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00 12,917.00
• 260,614.00
' 2.02 0025 Civil Defense
— Salaries - Ungraded (Spec. Empl. ) 4,113.00
' " - Clerical 29,719.00
" - Professional 56,347.00
" - Exempt-Professional 21,196.00
, Fees - Educational 704.00 112,079.00
Automobile Allowance 480.00
Telephone 5,068.00
Postage 1,512.00
' Travel 1 ,525.00
.r--- Shipping and Moving 1,300.00
Printing and Binding 2,250.00
' Gas, Electricity and Steam 425.00
,,,--- Maintenance and Repair -
Office Equipment 360.00
' � Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 500.00
Maintenance and Repair -
Machinery and Equipment 4,125.00
t Laundry ' 60.00
Rentals - Buildings and Office Space 9,625.00
" - Motor Vehicle 1,800.00
, " - Office Equipment 1,575.00
�' " - Miscellaneous 2,420.00
Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 68.00
-�---° Tabulating Services 500.00
' Authorized Meetings 150.00
Misc, Contractual Services 300.00 34,043.00
Motor Fuel 700.00
, Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 650.00
Office Supplies 1,400.00
' Code Appropriations 3
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Clothing (wearing apparel) 1,835.00
Instruction Supplies 900.00
Books and Periodicals 185.00
' Misc. Materials (N.O,C.) 350.00
Photo Supplies 550.00 6,570.00
� Capital Outlay - Buildings -
Architects and Engineers 1,000.00
' Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 200.00
Capital Outlay - Radio 6,925.00
' .d.. Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 470.00 7,595.00
Less: Federal Share 76,327.00
' Carryover from 1971 Special
� Revenue Fund 10,300.00 86,627.00
461 City Contribution 7/�.660.00
' 2.03 0027 Department of Human Rights
112 Salaxies - Clerical 27,636.00
' 116 " - Professional 37,367.00
117 " - Subprofessional 19,355.00
126 " - Exempt-Professional 34,821.00
' 141 Fees - Legal 4,000.00
' 159 " - Other 1,000.00 124,179.00
201 Automobile Allowance 4,200.00
202 Telephone 1 ,500.00
' 203 Postage 900.00 _
204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 800.00
' �.-223 Maintenance and Repair -
Office Equipment 200.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00
265 Authorized Meetings 75.00 .
' 269 Misc, Contractual Serv,ices 700.00
275 Dupli�ating Services 1,000.00 10,175.00
340 Office Supplies 900.00
' 348 Instruction Supplies 100.00
349 Books and Periodicals 100.00
370 Photo Supplies 100.00 1,200.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00
, 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
Appliances 120.00 620.00 136.174.00
' :
' 4 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 2.04 0029 Municipal Publicity Bureau
j 112 Salaries - Clerical � 6,485.00
203 Postage 600.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 250.00 850.00
' 340 Office Supplies 2,150.00
370 Photo Supplies 375.00 2,525.00
410 Special Appropriation 11,140.00 21,000.00
2 Administration 86,888.00
2.01 City Planning 260,614.00
' 2.02 Civil Defense 74,660.00
2.03 Department of Human Rights 136,174.00
2.04 Municipal Publicity Bureau 21,000.00
' Code Appropriations 5
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0030 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 88,809.00
, 126 " - Exempt-Professional 270,875.00
141 Fees - Legal 5,000.00 364,684.00
202 Telephone 5,120.00
t 203 Postage 1,300.00
204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 800.00
� 223 Maintenance and Repair - �
Office Equipment 500.00
247 Rentals - Office Equipment 12,500,00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. . 1,000.00
' 271 Lectures and Workshops 500.00
--�'' 275 Duplicating Services 200.00 22,420.00
340 Office Supplies 3,500.00
' 349 Books and Periodicals 8,500.00 12,000.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 400.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 220.00 620.00 399,724.00
0031 Codification of Ordinances ;
' 206 Printing and Binding 40,000.00
' 0035 Tort Liability
li2 Salaries - Clerical 6,361.00
126 " - Exempt-Professional 21,899.00
� 141 Fees = Legal 2,500.00
160 " - Medical 500.00
171 " Investigation 10,000.00 41,260.00
,5� 201 Automobile Allowance 450.00
' 421 Judgments and Claims 175,000.00 216,710.00
6 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0040 Records
112 Salaries - Clerical 82,617000
, 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 16,258e00 98,875,00
202 Telephone 800.00
. 203 Postage � 700,00
' 206 Printing and Binding 800.00
223 Maintenance and Repair -
Office Equipment 300.00
' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100a00
_. 255 Microfilming 300.00
275 Duplicating Services 1,500a00 4,500,00
340 Office Supplies 1,000,00
' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 700.00 105,075000
, 0041 Official Publications
208 Official Publications 79,200e00
• 184.275,00
' 4,01 0045 Registration �
112 Salaries - Clerical 50,579a00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00
202 Telephone 800e00
204 Travel 350,00 2,650,00
' 340 Office Supplies 200,00 53.429e00
' 4 Records 184,275s00
� 4,OI Registrations 53�429e00
' ,
' Code Appropriations 7
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0050 Commissioner of Finance
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 148,892.00
116 " - Professional 47,134.00
117 " - Subprofessional 129,172.00
' 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 6,482.00 331,680.00
201 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00
202 Telephone 3,200.00
203 Postage 7,500.00
, 204 Travel 500a00
206 Printing and Binding 2,300.00
� 219 Misc. Communication and Tx'ans. 274,00
, 223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 1,000.00
.� 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 900.00
247 " - Office Equipment 1,700.00
' 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 400.00
260 Tabulating Services 75.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 600.00
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00
275 Duplicating Services 1,700.00 23,649.00
340 Office Supplies 2,600.00
' 370 Photo Supplies 400.00 3,00(J.00
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip< 850,00 359 ,179e00
' 0051 Parking Meter .Service
111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 26,091.00
, 201 Automobile Allowance 480e00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
�Z,�►,-1�`'1 Machinery and Equipment 150.00 630.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 350.00 27,071000
0052 Parking Meter Monitors
' 111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 40,166,00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Motor Vehicles 800e00
322 Motor Fuel 300v00
341 Clothing (Wearipg Apparel) 2,400.00 2,700000 43,666.00
429 ,916,00
1 '
' 8 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0600 Comptroller
, 112 Salaries - Clerical 83,041.00
116 " - Professional 134,411.00 217,452e00
202 Telephone 2,250.00
203 Postage 400.00
' 204 Travel SOOe00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 1,400.00
' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200a00 "
255 Microfilming 300.00
260 Tabulating Services 45,800000
' 274 Education and Training 100a00
275 Duplicating Services 750000 51,700.00
340 Office Supplies 1,200.00
349 'Books and Periodicals 300.00 1,500.00
, 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 '� 271,152,00
13.01 0610 Civil Service
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 96,176,00
116 " - Professional 114,395.00
145 Fees - Personnel 2 ,000.00 212,571.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 50,00 �--�.,u._ ,
202 Telephone 2,200.00 '"�?,
203 Postage 2,500.00
' 204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 4,OOOs00
207 Advertising 2,000.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
� Office Equipment 300,00
241'Rentals - Bldgs, and Office Space 900v00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip< 550e00
' 255 Microfilming 100000
260 Tabulating Services 800v00
271 Lectures and Workshops 100.00
' 274 Education and Training 100000
275 Duplicating Services 300000 14,400.00
340 Office Supplies 4,000.00 'R'�
801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500,00 �^31,471.00
� ';
0612 Orientation Program �*'
� .,.---° 112 Salaries - Clerical 12,097.00
202 Telephone 150.00
.-�-�� 206 Printing and Binding 50000
+� 251 Dues, Memberships , and Subscrip, 75.00 '
�/ 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 375000
t 340 Office Supplies 100.00
�' � 348 Instruction Supplies 500.00
:' . 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 800.00
' �801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 920000 14,192000
, �'
, �
' Code Appropriations 9
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, �. 0613 Civil Service Commission
174 Fees - Board Members 3,570,00
' 204 Travel 300.00 3,870.00
�_w, 249 ,533.00
' 13.00 Comptroller 271,152>00
13.01 Civil Service 249 ,533.00
, 520,685,00
' 0630 Municipal Court
109 Salaries - Ungraded (Spec. Empl.) 5,460.00
' 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 410,047s00
132 " - Judges and Clerk
of Municipal Court 174,694.00 .
144 Fees - Psychiatrist 7,500.00 597,701.00
' 202 Telephone ----- - 4,OOOo00 ->
203 Postage 6,000.00
204 Travel 3,000.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 5,000.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 700.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 250.00
' 261 Insurance and Bonds 300.00
275 Duplicating Services 800.00 20,OSOs00
340 Office Supplies 2,500.00
' 341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 400.00
346 Food (Jury Meals) 1,000.00
349 Books and Pexiodicals 3,000°00 6,900.00 624,651.00
' .
� 10 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0650 Purchasing Agent
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 183,541.00
122 " - Exempt-Clerical 36,812,00 220,353.00
202 Telephone 2,700.00
203 Postage 5,200.00
' --- 204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 5,000.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
_ ' Office Equipment 1,OOOv00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00
275 Duplicating Services 100.00 14,800.00
' 340 Office Supplies -_ 2,500.00
801 Capftal Outlay - Office Equip. 1,175.00 238,828.00
0670 Council Investigatfon and Research
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,802>00
116 " - Professional 30,038.00 36,840.00
201 Automobile Allowance 600.00
202 Telephone 450,00
' 203 Postage 50.00 �._
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 100.00
, 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 200000
275 Duplicating Services 200,00 1,600.00
340 Office Supplies 300,00
349 Books and Periodicals 300.00 600.00 39.040e00
' 0800 Elections
112 Salaries - Glerical 67 ,609000
, 146 Fees - Judges - Elections 69 ,250000 136,859,00
203 Postage 2,000.00
205 Shipping and Moving 28,500.00
206 Printing and Binding 8,500.00
' 207 Advertising 300.00
208 Official Publications 500.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
, Office Equipment 200.00
243 Rentals - Elections Booths 10,000.00
255 Microfilming 250.00
_ - 260 Tabulating Services 600s00
' 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,500.00 52,350.00
, Code Approprfations 11
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
, _. 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 200.00
340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 1,700.00 190,909<00
' 21 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE (Includes County's Share)
' 0850 Building Maintenance
Salaries - Coo Civ. Serv. 492,859.00
Contingent Salary Reserve 24,591.00
' Fees - Public Examiner 400.00 '
" - Other 12,000.00 529 ,850°00
'��Telephone 5 ,000.00
� Printing and Binding 600.00 ,
Gas, Electricity and Steam 92,000.00
Water and Sewer Rental 16,000.00
Sanitary Services 1,800000
� Maintenance and Repafrs -
Office Equipment 150.00
Maintenance and Repairs -
- ' Buildings and Structures 15,OOOv00
Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 500.00
Laundry 4,500,00
' Maintenance of _Grounds 300,00
Maintenance and Repairs -
Air Conditioning 3,000.00
' Maintenance and Repairs -
Elevators 34,500000
Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500s00
�� Oiling and Flushing Assessments 316.00
, Insurance and Bonds 9,000.00
Misc, Contractual Services 3,000,00 186,166.00
Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 3,500.00
� Plumbing Supplies 800000
Paint 2,000.00
Elec< Supplies (Light Bulbs and
' Giobes) 3,000.00
Carpentry Materials 300,00
Misca Maintenance Supplies 2,OOOa00
' Motor Fuels 30,00
Misco Machinery and Equipment
� Parts and Supplies 600s00
Office Supplies 200v00
� Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 500v00
Misc. Materials (N,b.C.) 500000 13,430e00
Health and Welfare Premiums 21,000.00
' Severance Pay 6,500,00
Reimb. to Purchasing 1,125.00 28,625.00
� •- permanent Improvements 3,341<00
Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equipo 1,500.00
' 762,912.00
' 12 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0851 Veterans Quarters
Salaries - Co, Civ. Serva 16,400.00
Contingent Salary Reserve 804.00 17,204.00
' Gas , Electricity and Steam 40.00
Rentals - Bld. & Office Space
(Vets Hall) 9,000.00 9,040.00
Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 250.00
' 26,494.00
Total Appropriation 789,406,00
Less County's 50% Share 394,703.00
' 461 City Contribution 394,703000
/ Code Appropriations 13
� Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0100 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 33,257.00
116 " - Professional 17,842.00
' 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 6,856.00 57,955.00
201 Automobile Allowance 825.00
202 Telephone 1,550.00
' 203 Postage 600.00
204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 300.00
' 223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equfpment 25.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 25.00
274 Education and Training 25.00 3,850.00
' 340 Office Supplies 150.00 61,955.00
' 0101 Building Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Sp. Empl.) 133,899.00
_� 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 17,500.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,400.00
' 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 600.00
227 Laundry 2,300.00
' 229 Maintenance and Repairs -
Air Conditioning 150.00
232 Maintenance and Repairs -
' _! Elevator 700.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 150.00 23,800.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,000.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 200.00
' 303 Paint 200.00
304 Electrical Supplies 400.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 2,000.00
' 313 Carpentry Materials 100.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00
324 Small Tools 100.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00 4,600.00
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 275,00 162,574°00
' 0110 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 22,426.00
115 11 - Police 209,222.00
' 125 " - Exempt-Police 23,894.00 255,542.00
' .
' 14 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 202 Telephone 27,000.00
203 Postage 2,500.00
204 Travel 500.00
207 Advertising 100.00
' 223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 1,000.00
- 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
, Machinery and Equipment 1,200.00
y,,.-� 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 500.00
_ 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 200.00
' 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 800.00
265 Authorized Meetings 200.00
273 Criminal Investigation 2,000.00 36,000.00
' . 340 Office Supplies 100.00
343 Household Supplies 250.00
349 Books and Periodicals 1,000.00 1,350.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and - -- —
' Appliances _ 4Q0.00 293,292.00
' 0111 License Division
112 Salaries - Clerical 24,757.00
115 " - Police 48,680.00
125 °' - Exempt-Police 17,200.00 90,637.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 3,900.00 94,537.00
0112 Uniformed Division `-
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 23,480.00
"115 " - Police 4,027,164.00 4,050,644.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 500.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 54,840.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,300.00
' 348 Instruction Supplies 300.00
352 Law Enforcement Supplies 10,000.00 66,640.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 6p0.00 4,118,384.00
0113 Detective Division
, 112 Salaries - Clerical 15,550.00
115 " - Police 1,084,351.00 1,099,901.00
273 Criminal Investigation 2,000.00
' 340 Office Supplies 100.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 9,600.00 9,700.00
805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 600.00 1,112,201.s00
' 0114 Services Division
112 Salaries - Clerical 306,719.00
115 " - Police 911,415.00
116 " - Professional 39,903.00
' „.»�' l17 " - Subprofessional 68,578.00 1,326,615.00
' Code Appropriations 15
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totala
' 204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 700.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 300.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Office Equipment 1,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
Motor Vehicles 175,000.00
' 227 Laundry _ 300.00
241 Rentals - Bldgs. and Office Space 1,500.00
242 Rentals - Data Processing Equip. 8,300.00
' 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 28,750.00
247 Rentals - Office Equipment 8,000.00
264 Police Training School 6,000.00 230,350.00
322 Motor Fuels 80,000.00
' 326 Radio Maintenance 4,850.00
340 Office Supplies 13,200.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 4,800.00
' 348 Instruction Supplies . 500.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.Q.C,) " .+..' S00.00
370 Photo Supplies 8,000.00 111,850.00
' 801 Capital Outlay = Office Equipment 6,500.00
803 " " - Automotive Equip. 60,000.00
�,,,� 807 01 " Radio Equipment 3_,000.00 69,500.00 1,738,315.00
' 6.02 FI
' 0140 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 8,489.00
113 " - Fire 246,192.00
' 123 " - Exempt-Fire 43,570.00 298,251.00
204 Travel 500.00
206 Printing and Binding 500.00
' 223 Maintenarice and Repairs -
Office Equipment 50.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00 1,350.00
340 Office Supplies 400.00
' 349 Books and Periodicals 150.00 550.00 300,151.00
, 0141 Fire Prevention
112 Salaries - Clerical 13,153.00
113 " - Fire 175,311.00 188,464.00
' 201 Automobile Allowances 10,000.00
204 Travel 250.00
206 Printing and Binding 500.00
,,.�w' 274 Education and Training 250.00 11,Q00.00
' 340 Office Supplies 300.00 199,764.00
' 0142 Fire Fighting
113 Salaries - Fire 5,082,556.00
' '/
16 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 225 Maintenance and Repairs -
Motor Vehicles 120,000.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,000.00
304 Electrical Supplies 100.00
' 322 Motor Fuels 15,000.00
340 Office Supplies 300.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) �' 27,480.00
' 343 Household Supplies 3,000.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 500.00
356 Fire Fighting Supplies 3,500.00 50,880.00
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 50,000.00
821 " " - Fire Equip. and
New Hose 14,000.00 64,000.00 5,317,436.00
' 0143 Station Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except
, Spec. Empl.) 91,239.00 --
114 " - Manual and Maint. 10,179.00 101,418.00
202 Telephone 3,000.00
' 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 40,OOOo00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 3,500.00
222 Sanitary Services 100.00 46,600.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 200.00 .
, 302 Plumbing Supplies 1,000.00
303 Paint 1,000.00
304 Electrical Supplies 1,200.00
' ' 313 Carpentry Materials 2,500.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2,000.00
340 Offfce Supplies 100.00
' 343 Household Supplies 500.00 8,500.00 •
802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 500.00
805 " " - Furniture and
Appliances 400.00 900.00 157,418.00
0144 Radio Division
, 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 6,000.00
807 Gapital Outlay - Radio 2,700.00 8,700.00
, 0145 Fire Hydrants
--- 221 Water and Sewer Rental_ 13,000,00
0146 Fire Plans and Training School
113 Salaries - Fire 42,353.00
, 204 T�'avel 300.00
206 Printing and Binding, 100.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 100.00
' 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscripo 50.00
274 Education and Training 1,500.00 2,050.00
340 Office Supplies 500.00
' 348 Instruction Supplies 400.00 ,
349 Books and Periodicals 400.00
370 Photo Supplies 400.00 1,700.00 46,103,00
, ..
,! .
' Code Appropriations 17
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0148 Fire Communications
113 Salaries - Fire 131,683.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
, Machinery and Equipment 100.00
340 Office Supplies 300.00 132;083.00
' 6.04 HEALTH
' 0180 Administration Y'`
112 Salaries - Clerical 61,639..00
116 " - Professional 37,227.00
126 " - Exempt-Professional 30.012.00 128,878.00
, 201 Automobile Allowance 2,100.00
203 Postage 3,600.00
204 Travel 500.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 500.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 400.00
226 Maintenence and Repairs -
' Machinery and Equipment 200.00
227 Laundry 100.00
247 Rentals - Office Equipment 2,000.00
' 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 150.00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 150.00 9,700.00
329 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 100.00
, 340 Office Supplies 5,000.00
349 Books and Periodicals 500.00 5,600.00 144,178.00
' 0181 Vital Statistics
112 Salazies - Clerical 67,977.00
201 Automobile Allowance 200.00
' 206 Printing and Binding � 100.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 50.00 �
' - .,,,�-�� 247 Rentals - Office Equipment 900.00
255 Microfilming 250.00
260 Tabulating Services 240.00 1,740.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
, Parts and Supplies 100.00
340 Office Supplies 350.00
360 Microfilm Supplies 250.00 700.00 7-0,417.00
0182 Promotion of Health - Schools
112 Salaries - Clerical 17,227.00
' 116 " - Professional 185,652.00
117 " - Subprofessional 75,502.00 278,381.00
201 Automobile Allowance 8,000.00
' 202 Telephone 350.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
� 18 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 200.00
227 Laundry 700.00
' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. � 50.00 9,400.00
340 Office Supplies 300.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,000.00
348 Instruction Supplies 200.00
, 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00
_,,.,.. 377 Dental Supplies 1,500.00
378 Biological Supplies 2,000.00 5,050.00
, ,��� 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 5,625.00 298,456.00
' 0183 Food Regu-lation
112 Salaries - Clerical 13,865.00
116 " - Professional 87 ,274.00
o..�•�° 117 " - Subprofessional 16,228.00 117,367.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 4,000.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
, Motor Vehicles 500.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50.00
� 274 Education and Training 100.00 4,750,00
' 322 Motor Fuels 1,200.00
' 340 Office Supplies 100.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 200.00
349 Books and Periodicals 50.00
' � 370 Photo Supplies 50.00 1,600.00 123,717.00
, 0184 Medical and Inspectional
112 Salaries - Clerical 20,985.00
116 " - Professional 34,938.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 9 ,210.00 65,133.00
201 Automobile Allowance 400.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
227 Laundry 70.00 570.00
' 340 Office Supplies 300.00
344 Medical and Dental Supplies 300.00
370 Photo Supplies 100.00 700.00 66,403.00
0185 Tuberculosis
, 112 Salaries = Clerical 20,251.00
116 " - Professional 72,045.00
117 " Subprofessional 19,074.00 111,370.00
201 Automobile Allowance 3,850.00
, 206 Printing and Binding 100.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 50.00
' 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 50.00
227 Laundry 600.00
,y,.�-� 269 Misc. Contractual Services (N.O.C.) 12,000.00 16,650.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
, 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,D00.00 1,200.00 129 ,220.00
' Code Appropriations 19
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0186 Building Maintenance
202 Telephone 10,000.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 11,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,200.00
' 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 100.00
227 Laundry 350.00
' 229 Maintenance and Repairs -
Air Conditioning 300.00
232 Maintenance and Repairs -
' ,,�.-- Elevator ' 100.00
236 Maintenance and Repairs -
Custodial Service 37,000.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 300.00 60,350.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 400.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 250.00
303 Paint 50.00
� 304 Electrical Supplies 150.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 750.00
324 Small Tools 50.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
' Parts and Supplies 100.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) � 650.00 2,400.00 '
_ 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and
' Appliances 800,00 63,550.00
' 0187 Health Laboratory
112 Salaries - Clerical 6,445.00
116 " - Professional 28,113.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 7 ,519-.00 42,077.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 300.00
227 Laundry 250.00
' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 100.00 650.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
' 340 Office Supplies 25.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 1,400.00 1,525.00 44,252.00
� 0188 Dog License Enforcement
111 Salaries - Attendance and
Inspectional 39 ,167.00
' 202 Telephone 225.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 500.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 60.00
' 222 Sanitary Services 100.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
.� � Motor Vehicles 1,500.00
, 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 100.00
227 Laundry 50.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 25.00 2,560.00
� 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
322 Motor Fuel 1,000.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
' 20 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification _ Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 50.00
346 Food (Human and Animal Consumption) 200.00
�.9..- 369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 50.00 1,500.00 43,227.00
� 0189 Housin Ins ection
g P
112 Salaries - Clerical 17,625.00
, 116 " - Professional 162,646.00 180,271.00
201 Automobile Allowance 9,$00.00
206 Printing and Binding 1,000.00
' 223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 25.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 25.00
' 274 Education and Training 300.00 10,850.00
324 Small Tools 50.00
340 Office Supplies 1,000.00
349 Books and Periodicals 25.00
� 370 Photo Supplies 400.00 1,475.00
_�: 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 360.00 192,956.00
' ' 0191 Occupational Health and Safety
116 Salaries - Professional 26,152.00
, 201 Automobile Allowance 1,650.00
� 203 Postage 25.00
204 Travel 300.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 600.00 2,575.00 "
� 340 Office Supplies 100.00
349 Books and Periodicals 50.00
370 Photo Supplies 50.00 200.00
808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 450.00 29 377.00
' 1,205.753.00
6 Commissioner;.of Public Safety 224,529.00
' 6.01 Police 7,356,729.00
6.02 Fire 6,174,655.00
6.04 Health 1,205,753.00
' _
' � -
' Code Appropriations 21
C rter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0200 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 38,724.00
116 " - Professional 41,128.00
' 122 " - Exempt-Clerical 6,663.00 86,515.00
201 Automobile Allowance 750.00
202 Telephone 10,500.00
' 203 Postage 500.00
204 Travel 400.00
206 Printing and Binding 400.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Office Equipment 400.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 400.00
260 Tabulating Services 2,000.00
' 261 Insurance and Bonds 3,000.00
275 Duplicating Services 8,000.00 26,350.00
340 Office Supplies 500.00 113,365,00
' 0203 Traffic Control and
Parking Meter Service
' 101 Salaries - Ungraded Exc. Spec. Empl. 89,254,00
112 " - Clerical 31,276.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 105,919.00
' 116 " - Professional 46,549.00
117 " - Subprofessional 72,415.00
- 170 Fees - Engineers 12,500.00 357,913.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 2,500.00
202 Telephone 800.00
204 Travel 300.00
219 Misc, Communications and Trans. 900.00
' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 2,800.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 100.00
223 Maintenance and Repair -
' Office Equipment 300.00
224 Maintenance and Repair -
- Buildings and Structures 100.00
' 225 Maintenance and Repair =
Motor Vehicles 6,000.00
226 Maintenance and Repair
Machinery and Equipment 300.00
' 236 Custodial Service 800.00
,,,,,.,.�._-°-• 237 Tool s 400.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00
' 241 Rentals - Building and Office Space 6,200.00
246 " - Machinery and Equip. 800.00
247 " - Office Equipment 200.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50.00
' 261 Insurance and Bonds 250.00
271 Lectures and Workshops 300.00
275 Duplicating Services 600.00 23,900.00
2 Code Appropriations
' Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 100.00
303 Paint 22,000,00
307 Traffic Signs �and Parts 35,000.00
� 322 Motor Fuels 1,500.00
' 324 Small Tools 300000
327 Traffic Meter Parts 300.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
, Parts and Supplies 1,200.00
340 Office Supplies 400.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 200.00
, 342 Drafting and Survey Supplies 400.00
357 Bottle Gas 100.00
369 Misce Materials (N.O,C.) 1,000.00 62,500.00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 14,500.00 458,813.00
0204 Signal Maintenance
' 101 Salaries - Ungraded Exc. Spec. Empl. 250,410,00
112 " - Clerical 7,060.00 257,470.00
202 Telephone 10,400.00
' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 49,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 4,500.00
249 Miscellaneous Rentals 100.00 64,000.00
' 303 Paint 200.00
304 Electrical 4,000.00
306 Traffic Signal Parts 25,OOOv00
' 316 Fire Alarm Repair Material 1,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00
322 Motor Fuels 2,000.00
' 324 Small Tools 1,000.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00 33,500.00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 18,000.00 372,970,00
' 0210 Engineers - Administration
. 112 Salaries - Clerical 14,313.00
' 116 " - Professional 12,499.00 .
126 " - Exempt-Professional 17,160,00 43,972.00
201 Automobile Allowance "1,400.00 45,372.00
' 0211 Office Engineer
112 Salaries - Clerical 38,820,00
' 116 " - Professional 46,082.00
117 " - Subprofessional 57,493.00 142,395.00
. 203 Postage 150.00
204 Travel 300,00
' 206 Printing and Binding 500.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 200.00
, 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 200.00
250 Blueprinting 2,000.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip, 100.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 500.00 3,950.00
' Code Appropriations 23
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 340 Office Supplies 2,500.00
342 Drafting and Survey Supplies 2,000,00
349 Books and Periodicals 300.00
370 Photo Supplies 500.00 5,300.00 151,645.00
0212 Survey Unit
, 116 Salaries - Professional 18,773.00
117 " - Subprofessional 23,095.00 41,868.00
201 Automobile Allowance 300,00 42,168.00
, 0213 Paving Design
116 Salaries - Professional 2,721.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 21,030.00 23,751,00
274 Education and Training 100.00 23,851,00
' 0214 Sewer Design
116 Salaries - Professional 25,839.00
117 " - Subprofessional 19,723.00 45,562.00
' 274 Education and Training 200.00 45,762.00
' 0215 Local Improvement
112 Salaries - Clerical 9,301,00
116 " - Professional 19,411.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 2,807.00 31,519.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 32,519.00
' 0216 Construction - Inspection
112 Salaries - Clerical 3,531.00
116 " - Professional 6,862.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 3,456.00 13,849,00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 14,849,00
, 0217 Bridge Design and Construction
116 Salaries - Professional 11,847<00
' 117. " - Subprofessional 3,830.00 15,677.00
201 Automobile Allowance 300,00 15,977.00
0220 Paved Street Repair
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 26,021.00
114 " - Manual and Ma.int. 22,596.00 48,617.00
201 Automobile Allowance 300,00
' --- 225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 500.00
272 Paving Plant Services 420,000,00 420,800.00
24 Code Appropriations
' Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 2,700v00
804 Capital Outlay - Construction Equip. 4,400.00 7,100.00 476,517.00
' 0221 Graded Street Repair •
101 Salaries - Ungraded Exc. ,Spec. ,Empl. : 182,439.00
112 " - Clerical 7,050,00
' 114 " - Manual and Maint.� 15,876,00 205,365.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repair - '
' Motor Vehicles 12,000.00
,r-�" 237 Tools 500.00
245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 6,OOOo00
246 Rentals - Machinery and Equipme�it 1,000.00
, 269 Misc. Contractual Services 400.00
272 Paving Plant Services �20,000.00 40,900.00
308 Street Repair Material 25,000.00
' 804 Capital Outlay - Construction Equip. 3,900.00 2759165000
' 0222 Sidewalk Repair
272 Paving Plant Services 25,000,00
0250 Administration
� 112 Salaries - Clerical 10,263.00
116 " - Professional 29,650.00 39,913.00
201 Automobile Allowance SOOo00
' 202 Telephone 500.00
223 Maintenance and Repair -
Office Equipment 300,00
' 225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 300.00
269 Misc, Contractual Services 21,000<00 22,600<00
�-�-�'"'' 319 Misc> Maintenance Supplies 100.00
' 324 Small Tools 100.00
340 Office Supplies 200<00
y .-- 369 Misc, Materials (N,O.C. ) 100,00 500.00 63,013,00
0251 Cleaning Graded Streets
101 Salaries - Ungraded - Exc, Spec. Empl. 76,809,00
' 111 " - Attendance and
Inspectional 8,220.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 10,488,00 95,517.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 2,000,00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 3,000.00
' 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 3,000,00 8,000.00
804 Capital Outlay - Construction Equip. 15,000.00 1189517,00
' � Code Appropriations 25
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0252 Cleaning Paved Streets
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc. Spec. Empl. 226,426.00
111 " - Attendance and
Inspectional 7,047.00
' 112 " - Clerc.�' 1 31,183.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 24,036.00 288,692.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00
� 202 Telephon� 1,000.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 2,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 200.00
� 225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 45,000.00
245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 10,000.00 59,200,00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
' CUt�t324 Small Tools 200.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
375 Brooms and Broom Fiber 5,000.00 5,400.00
, 803 Capital Outlay - Automotine Equip. 8,000.00 361,292.00
' 0253 Refuse Removal
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc: Spec. Empl. 24,523.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 3,500.00 28,023.00
0254 Snow Plowing
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc. Spec. Empl. 166,560.00
'. 114 " - Ma.nual and Maint. 43,824.00 210,384.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
Motor Vehicles 45,000.00
� 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 25,000<00
272 Paving Plant Services 10,000.00 80,000.00
369 Misc. Materials (N,O.C. ) 1,000.00 291,384.00*
0255 Snow Removal
, ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc, Spec. Emple 125,304.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 7,553.00 132,857.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 5,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
' Motor Vehicles 10,000.00
245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 39,000.00
272 Paving Plant Services 4,000.00 58,000,00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 200.00
324 Small Tools 200.00 400.00 191,257.00*
, 0256 Icy Street Control
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc. Spec. Empl. 144,864.00
111 " - Attendance and
' Inspectional 3,429.00
112 " - Clerical 18,930.00 167,223.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
' Motor Vehicles 28,000.00
245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 2,000.00 30,000.00
372 Sand and Salt 192,000,00 389,223.00*
' 26 Code Appropriations
Charter Classificatfon Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
_. � 0257 Emergency Temporary Street Repairs
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exca Spec. Empl, 62,$60<00
114 a' - Manual and Maint, 1,942.00 64,802.00
, 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 4,000.00
272 Paving Plant Services 25,000.00 29,000.00 93,802.00*
� 0258 Winter Street Maintenance Equipment
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. . 20,000.00
804 Capital Oixtlay - Construc�ion Equipe 17,000.00 37,OOOv00 37,OOOo00*
' Recap, of Winter ,Street Maintenance*
0254 Snow Plowing 291,384.00
0255 Snow Removal 191,257.00
' 0256 Icy Street Control 389,223.00
0257 Emergency Temporary Street Repair 93,802000
0258 Winter Street Ma.intenance Equipment 37,000.00
, 1.002.666.00*
0270 Weed Cutting "
, 101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc, Spece Empl. 11,232>00
111 " - Attendance and
Inspectional 8s001.00 199233.00
225 Maintenance and Repair -
' Motor Vehicles 1�000.00
272 Paving Plant Services 1,000.00 2,0OO.Ob
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 2,000.00
, _ -_ 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 3,500v00 26.733a00
, 0290 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 7,060.00
, 116 " - Professional 20,593,00 279653,00
269 Misc, Contractual Services 250.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O,C. ) 150.00 28,053000
' 0291 Maintenance m Brid es
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exca Speco Empl. 92,225,00
' 114 " - Manual and Maint, 8,440,00 100,665.00
202 Telephone 200.00
220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 1,000.00
, .._.- 224 Maintenance and Repair -
Buildings and Structures 300000
225 Maintenance and Repair -
, Motor Vehicles 2,OOOo00
_,---- 226 Maintenance and Repair -
Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00
,. - 269 Misc, Contractual Services 1,000.00
272 Paving Plant Services 1,000.00 6,500.00
' Code Appropriations 2�
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
308 Street Repair Ma.terial 300.00
311 Bridge Repair Material 4,000.00
324 Small Tools 1�000.00 5,400.00
' - " 804 Capital Outlay - Construction Equip. 2,000.00 114,565.00
' 0292 Maintenance - Fences and Stairways
101 Salaries - Ungraded-Exc. Spec. Empl. 19,644.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 2,637.00 22,281.00
311 Bridge Repair Material 2,500.00
� 324 Small �ools 200.00 2,700.00
..� 808 Capital Outlay -Mechanical Equip. 750,00 25,731.00
, 7 Commissioner of Public Works 1,317,291v00
7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 776,682e00
7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning 1,600,244.00
7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 168,349e00
, 3.862.566.00
' J 28 Code �ppropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0400 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 15,640.00
122 " - Exempt-Clerical 6,476.00 22,116.00 29
' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,350.00 �S
202 Telephone 1,000.00
203 Postage 300.00
' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ,
Office Equipment 100.00
251 Dues , NFemberships and Subscrip. 150.00
275 Duplicating Services 50.00 2,950.00
� 340 Office Supplies 300.00 25,366.00
0410 Library Service
109 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
� , Empl.) 85,936.00
i 112 " - Clerical 272,883.00
116 " - Professional 452,802.00
i 117 " - Subprofessional 319 ,726.00
' 126 " - Exempt-Professional 26,685.00 1,158,032.00
203 Postage 6,000.00
I 204 Travel 500.00
205 Shipping and Moving 200.00
206 Printing and Binding 5,000.00
' 223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 1,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
� Motor Vehicle 2,500.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00
227 Laundry 500.00
� 242 Rentals - Data Processing Equip. 12,000.00
247 " - Office Equipment 3,000.00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 800.00
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 33,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 50.00
340 Office Supplies 100,00
' 349 Books and Periodicals 150,000.00
358 Library Supplies 22,000.00
360 Microfilm Supplies 4,000.00
370 Photo Supplies 300.00 176,450.00
1 482 Refunds 500.00
801 Capital Outlay - �ffice Equipment 1,000.00
805 " " - Furniture and
' Appliances 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,373,982.00
' �30
Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0460 Civic Educational Center
' 461 City Contribution 258,578.00
9 Administration 25,366.00
' 9.01 Public Library � 1,663,412.00
9.03 Stadia 15,000.00
9.04 Civic Educational Center 258,578.00
' 1,962,356.00
' � Code Appropriations 31
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
_ 0500 Administration '
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 24,801.00
116 " - Professional 10,600.00
122 " - Exempt-Clerical 6,642.00 42,043.00
, 201 Automobile Allowance �w 800.00
202 Telephone 700.00
203 Postage 200.00
206 Printing and Binding 200.00
' 223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 100.00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00
' 275 Duplicating Services � 200.00
279 Water Dept. Services (Other than
Water Furnished) 100.00 2,500.00
' �,r--- 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 50.00
340 Office Supplies 400.00
._ _ 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 650.00 45,193.00
' 0510 Testing Laboratories
116 Salaries - Professional 30,337.00
' 117 " - Subprofessional 37,606.00 67,943.00
202 Telephone 500.00
222 Sanitary Services 100.00 `
' 225 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Motor Vehicles 500.00 -
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 75.00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00
, 261 Insurance and Bonds 75.00 1,350.00
�/�-- 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 60.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
, 345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 600.00
349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 960.00 70,253.00
' 0525 Air Pollution Control
. � Salaries - C�erical 5,904.00
� " - Professional 13 ,078.00
' " - Subprofessional 106,866.00
Fees ` - Other 1,200.00 127,048.00
Automobile Allowance 8,200.00
' Telephone 2,000.00
Postage 300.00
Travel 900.00
Shipping and Moving 50.00
' Printing and Binding 450.00
Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 300.00
, Maintenance and Repairs -
Motor Vehicles 500.00
Maintenance and Repairs -
' Machinery and Equipment 1,500.00
— Maintenance and Repairs -
__ Custodial Service 1,200.00
32 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' Maintenance and Repairs -
Tools 200.00
Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 100.00
' Rentals - Building and Office Space 6,000.00
Rentals - Office Equipment 1,200.00
Blueprinting 100.00
' Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00
Testing Services 10,000.00
Insurance and Bonds 600.00
Authorized Meetings 300.00
, Misc. Contractual Services 1,400.00
Education and Training 500.00 36,000.00
Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 200.00
' Motor Vehicle - Parts and Supplies 1,000.00
Tires and Tubes 200.00
Motor Fuel 1,000.00
' Oils and Lubricants 100.00
Small Tools 150.00
Radio Maintenance 400.00
Misc. Machinery and Equipment -
' Parts and Supplies 2,950.00
Office Supplies 1,500.00
.,.,.--�� Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 1,800.00
' ' Drafting, Blueprinting and
Survey Supplies 300.00
Medical and Dental Supplies 50.00
' Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 1,000.00
Books and Periodicals 300.00
Fire Fighting Supplies 50.00
Bottle Gas 1,000.00
' Photo Supplies 400.00 12,400.00
Office Remodeling 2,500.00
Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 4,050.00
" " - Furniture and
' Appliances 1,900.00
� " " - Radio Equip. 5,000.00 10,950.00
, Less: Federal's Share 86,688.00
461 City Contribution 102 ,210.00
' 0530 Utilities Building Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
' Empl.) 9,653.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 5,000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 400.00
224 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Buildings and Structures 600.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 2,000.00
' 232 Maintenance and Repairs -
Elevator 500.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00
' 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,200.00 9,900.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 300.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 2,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 300.00 2,600.00 22,253.00
' 239,809.00
' Code Appropriations 33
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0540 Administration
, 112 Salaries - Clerical 25,595.00
116 " - Professional 19 ,087.00 44,682.00
201 Automobile Allowance � 1,600.00
202 Telephone 700.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 150.00
274 Education and Training 50.00
275 Duplicating Services 100.00 2,600.00
' 340 Office Supplies 50.00
349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 100.00 47,382.00
' 0550 Lighting Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
, _ Empl.) 364,963.00
109 " - Ungraded (Spec. Empl.) 3,144.00
112 " Clerical 8,563.00 376,670.00
202 Telephone 600.00
, 206 Printing and Binding 200.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 360,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
Motor Vehicles 14,000.00
' 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 6,000.00
237 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Tools 100.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 125.00
' 275 Duplicating Services 300.00 381,825.00
312 Street Lighting Material 70,000.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2,000.00
' 322 Motor Fuel 600.00
324 Small Tools 200.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 72,950.00
' ` 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 17,000.00 848,445.00
11 Commissioner of Public Utilties 239,809.00
' 11.01 Public Lighting 895,827.00
� .
' 34 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0700 Administration
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 56,971.00
116 " - Professional 13,807.00
122 " - Exempt-Clerical 6,476.00
t 126 " - Exempt-Professional 15,812.00 93,066.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,400.00
202 Telephone 2,000.00
' 203 Postage 600.00
204 Travel 250.00
206 Printing and Binding 200.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Office Equipment 300.00 '
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 250.00
247 Rentals - Office Equipment 900.00
' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00
261 Insurance and Bonds 8,000.00 15,200.00
340 Office Supplies 2,000.00
, 349 Books and Periodicals 150.00 ,2,150.00 110,416.00
1 - -
, 0710 Administration
112 Salaries - Clerical 25,579.00
, 116 " - Professional 71,160.00 96,739.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,550.00
202 Telephone 1,200.00
203 Postage 1,000.00
, - 204 Travel 300.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 100.00
� 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 150.00 5,300.00
340 Office Supplies 2,000.00
� - 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00 104,539.00
, 0713 Conservatory
114 Salaries - Manual and Maint. 84,679.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 �
202 Telephone 300.00
204 Travel 200.00
, 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 2,800.00
224 Maintenance and Repairs -
Buildings and Structures 2,500.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Motor Vehicles 100.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 100.00
' 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50.00 6,350.00
, Code _ Appropriations 35
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 50.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 200.00
303 Paint 200.00
304 Electrical Supplies 100.00
' 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 300.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
' 341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 480.00
347 Agricultural and Horte Supplies 1,000.00 2,430.00 93,459.00
, 0714 Zoo
114 Salaries - Manual and Maint. 107,053.00
116 " - Professional 15,471.00
' 160 Fees - Medical 1,600.00 124,124.00
201 Automobile Allowance 350.00
202 Telephone 650°00
' 203 Postage 50.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 6,000.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Office Equipment 50.00
224 Maintenance and Repairs -
Buildings and Structures 4,000.00
225 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Motor Vehicles 300.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 50.00
, 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 150.00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 11,800.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 750.00
' 302 Plumbing Supplies 200.00
303 Paint 200.00
304 Electrical Supplies 200.00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 100.00
313 Carpentry Materials 400.00
319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 800.00
320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 50.00
, 322 Motor Fuel 100.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 100.00
, 340 Office Supplies 150.00
341 Clothing (Wearing Apparel) 800.00
343 Household Supplies 100.00
' 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 100.00
345 Chemical and Laboratory Supplies 100.00
346 Food (Human and Animal Consumption) 22,000.00
, 347 Agricultural and Hort. Supplies 100.00
349 Books and Periodicals 50.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 250.00 26,550.00 162,474.0o
' 0715 Heating Zoo and Conservatory
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
' Empl.) 37,007.00
' 36 Code Appropriations
���rter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 10,000.00
224 Maintenance and Repairs -
Buildings and Structures 100.00
, 226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 100.00 10,200.00
302 Plumbing Supplies 100.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 4,500.00
, 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00 4,700.00 51,907.00
' 0716 Park Concerts
258 Entertainment 6,000.00
� 0717 Upkeep of Lake Como
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam (Pump House) 3,000.00
' 0718 Recreation Centers
109 Salaries - Ungraded (Spe�c. Empl.) 242,945.00
' 116 1° - Professional 197,222.00
117 " - Subprofessional 213,674.00 653,841.00
201 Automobile Allowance 2,900.0�0
' 204 Travel 200.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 45;000.00
221 Water and Sewer Rental 12 ,000.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Machinery and Equipment 200.00 ,
� 227 Laundry 50.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 300.00
' .�,,,,...�-- 258 Entertainment 1,750.00 62,400.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 400.00
304 Electrical Supplies 1,000.00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 4,800.00 .
313 Carpentry Materials 750.00
319 Misc. Maintenance and Supplies 1,000.00
322 Motor Fuel 100.00
' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 500.00
340 Office Supplies 150.00
, 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 750,00
350 Athletic Supplies 9,000.00
351 Recreation Supplies 11,000.00
, 370 Photo Supplies 300.00 29,750.00 745,991.00
0719 Athletics and Sports
, 109 Salaries - Ungraded (Spec. Empl.) 9,000.00
116 " - Professional 26,663.00 35,663.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,700.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00
241 Rentals - Bldgs. and Office Space 9 ,000.00 10,900.00
350 Athletic Supplies 1,000.00 47,563.00
' Code Appropriations 37
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0720 Special Activities
116 Salaries - Professional 10,873.00
117 " - Subprofessional 16,166.00 27,039.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 450.00
351 Recreation Supplies 100.00 27,589.00
, 0721 Custodial and Maintenance
of Recreation Facilities
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec. ,
' ' , Empl.) 37,183.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 261,843.00 299,026.00
239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 200.00
' 246 Rentals - Machinery and Equipment 300.00 500.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,200.00
303 Paint 200.00
313 Carpentry Materials 200.00
� 319 Misc> Maintenance Supplies 1,500.00
324 Small Tools 1,000.00
329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
' Parts and Supplies 400.00
350 Athletic Supplies 4,000.00
351 Recreation Supplies 1,000.00
369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 500.00 10,000.00 309,526.00
0723 Watchmen
' :, -- 111 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 8,476.00 ._
, 269 Misc. Contr,actual Services 4�0.00
369 Misc> Materials (N.O,C.) 150.00 9 ,076.00
' 0730 Park and Recreation Grounds Maintenance
� 101 Salaries = Ungraded (Except Spec.
Empl.) 47 ,784.00
109 " " (Spec. Empl.) 5,200.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 231,307.00 284,291.00
� 202 Telephone 1,500.00
204 Travel 250.00
�,�.- 206 Printing and Bincling 250.00
220 Gas , Electricity and Steam 10,000.00
' 221 Water and Sewer Rental 16,000.00
,- 224 Maintenance and Repairs -
-�- Buildings and Structures 500.00
' __...- 225 Maintenance and Repairs -
Motor Vehicles 450.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Machinery and Equipment 100.00
246 Rentals - Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscriptions 100.00
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 2,500.00 32,650.00
301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 500.00
�� 302 Plumbing Supplies 750.00
303 Paint 500.00
' �.-- 304 Electrical Supplies 200.00
305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 2,000.00
308 Street Repair Material 300.00
' y 38
Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 313 Carpentry Materials 750.00
319 Misce Maintenance Supplies 2,500s00
322 Motor Fuel 150.00
' 324 Small Tools 50.00
329 Misce Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 50.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00
, 347 Agricultural and Hort. Supplies 750.00
369 Misc. Materials (N,O.C.) 100.00
„ _ 372 Sand and Salt 300.00 9 ,000.00
' 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 5,000.00 330,941.00
' 0731 park and Recreation Buiiding Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec>
Empl.) 122,784.00
114 " - Manual and Maint. 16,912.00 139,696.00
' 224 Maintenance and Repairs -
Buildings and Structures 3,600.00
r,r...�-�•-- 225 Maintenance and Repairs -
' Motor Vehicle 300.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 500.00
' 239 Misce Maintenance and Repair 500.00
246 Rentals - Machinery and Equipment 200.00 5,100.00
`�y�j 302 Plumbing Supplies 3,500.00
303 Paint 1,500.00
, 304 Electrical Supplies 2,000.00
313 Carpentry Materials 3,000.00
3.19 Misco Maintenance Supplies 6,OOOv00
' 322 Motor Fuel 300.00
324 Small Tools 500.00
329 Misc, Machinery and Equipment
' Parts and Supplies 300.00 17,100.00
808 Gapital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 3,000.00 164,896.00
' 0732 Park and Recreation Vehicles
and �quipment Maintenance
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec.
' Empl.) 37,456,00
112 " - Clerical 10,939.00
114 " - Manual and Maint, 49,807.00 98,202.00
' 225 Maintenance and Repairs -
Motor Vehicle 10,000.00
226 Maintenance and Repairs -
Machinery and Equipment 500.00 10,500.00
' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00
,,,.�°°' 303 Paint 50.00
304 Electrical Supplies 250.00
' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 100.00
313 Carpentry Materials 50.G0
,.,,,� � 319 Misca Materials and Supplies 4,000.00
' 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 5,500.00
322 Motor Fuel 7 ,500.00
323 Oil and Lubricants 200.00
324 Small Tools 200.00
' � Code Appropriations 39
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
t 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment
Parts and Supplies 4,800.00
340 Office Supplies 200.00 22,950.00
803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 20,000.00 151,652.00
0736 City's Share of Tree Trimming
' 451 City's 1/2 Share of Tree�Trimming 190,671.00
0750 Administration
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 98,445.00
116 " - Professional 21,195.00
126 " - Exempt-Professional 26,737.00 146,377.00
' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,500.00
202 Telephone 5,600.00
203 Postage 1,200.00
204 Travel 500.00
' 206 Printing and Binding 250.00
223 Maintenance and Repairs -
Office Equipment 500.00
, 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 450.00
250 Blueprinting 50.00
251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 500.00
, � 274 Education and Training 200.00
...,�--- 275 Duplicating Services 50.00 10,800.00
340 Office Supplies 5,000.00
349 Books and Periodicals 250.00
' 369 Misc. Materials (N.O.C.) 200.00
370 Photo Supplies 200.00 5,650.00 162,827.00
, 0751 Building Inspection
101 Salaries - Ungraded (Except Spec. :;
Empl.) 664,338.00
' 114 " - Manual and Maint. 18,903.00 683,241.00
201 Automobile Allowance 34,000.00
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 34,200.00
, 340 Office Supplies 300.00
370 Photo Supplies 100.00 400.00 717,841.00
0752 Design and Engineering
' 116 Salaries - Professional 61,096.00
117 " - Subprofessional 19,641.00 80,737.00
340 Office Supplies 150.00
342 Drafting, Blueprinting and
' Survey Supplies 150.00 300.00 81,037.00
, 40 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0753 Plan Examination
116 Salaries - Professional 34,267.00
117 " - Subprofessional 27,531.00 61,798.00
201 Automobile Allowance 250.00 62,048.00
' 1,023,753.00
18 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation
' ' and Public Buildings 110,416.00
18.01 Parks and Recreation 2,399,284.00
18.02 Public Buildings 1,023,753.00
, 3,533,453.00
' Code Appropriations 41
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0900 Health and Welfare
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 18,314.00
202 Telephone 300.00
203 Postage 100.00
206 Printing and Binding 100.00
t 269 Misc. Contractual Services 5,000.00
275 Duplicating Services 175.00 5,675.00
340 Office Supplies 50.00
' 431 Health and Welfare Premiums 1,145,000.00 1,169,039.00
0901 Severance Pay
� 434 Severance Pay 54,273.00
� 0902 Unemployment Compensation
432 Unemployment Compensation Costs 95,000.00
' 0903 Police Relief Association
435 Pension Contributions 1,574,481.00
' 0904 Fir�emen's Relief Association
435 Pension Contributions 1,696,452.00
' 0905 Health Relief Association
435 Pension Contributions 104,389.00
' 0906 Public Employees Retirement Assn.
435 Pension Contributions 1,572,000.00
, 0907 Retiree Insurance
431 Health and Welfare Premiums 61,000.00
' 0910 Judgment and Compromise
421 Judgments and Claims 5,000.00
0920 Local Improvement Aid
' 461 City Contribution 900,000.00
' 42 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0921 Exempt Properties
253 Sprinkling Assessments 38,944.00
254 Forestry Assessments 6,510.00 45,454.00
, 461 City Contribution 61,840.00 107 ,294.00
, 0922 Forfeited Properties
253 Sprinkling Assessments 2,777.00
254 Forestry Assessments 819.00 3,596.00
461 City Contribution 547.00 4,143.00
' 1,011,437.00
' Code Appropriations 43
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0950 Workmen's Compensation
425 In Lieu of Salary 195,000.00
426 Doctor's Fees 55,000.00
' 427 Hospitals and Nurses 100,000.00
428 Miscellaneous 40,000.00 390,000,00
0951 Debt Service
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 11,240.00
141 Fees - Legal 7 ,500.00 18,740.00
202 Telephone 100.00
' 203 Postage 150.00
206 Printing and Binding 4,100.00
208 Official Publications 400.00
' 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 60.00
259 Bank Service Charges 7,000.00
268 Bond Sale Expense 2,500000
' 275 Duplicating Services 50.00 14,360.00
340 Office Supplies 100.00 33,200,00
0952 Financial Forms
' 206 Printing and Binding 35,000.00
_.,�.-- 0953 Surety Bond Premiums
' ��. 261 Surety Bond Premiums 1,000.00
0954 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen
' 269 Misc. Contractual Services 7,OOOs00
0956 Urban Corps Program
269 Misc. Contractual Services 8,000.00
' 0957 Wilder Baths
221 Water and Sewer Rental 3,500000
' _ _-_. 0958 Auditorium Fund - Defic.it
465 Contribution to Special Fund 649258,00
' 0959 Legal Aid - Misdemeanants
141 Fees - Legal 21,792a00
, 0962 Model Cities
461 City Contribution 114,000,00
, 0964 Code Appeals Board
141 Fees - Legal 200.00
174 " - Board Members 5,000.00 5,200.00
203 Postage 250,00
� 275 Duplicating Services 400.00 650,00
340 Office Supplies 400.00 6,250,00
' 0965 Payroll Processing
260 Tabulating Services 30,300.00
' 44 Code Appropriations
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0968 Federal Programs Administration
' 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,889.00
116 " - Professional 25,999.00
122 " - Exempt-Cleric.al 14,921.00
' _. - 126 " - " -Professional 20,620.00 68,429.00
201 Automobile Allowance 1,700.00
202 Telephone 750e00
, 203 Postage 100.00
204 Travel 1,500.00
206 Printing and Binding 200.00
275 Duplicating Services 300.00 4,550.00
' 340 Office Supplies 500.00 73,479<00
0969 Federal Fund Accou.nting `
� 116 Salaries - Professional 15,039.00
202 Telephone 100:00
269 Misc. Contractual Services 200.00
� 275 Duplicating Services 50.00 350.00
340 Office Supplies 250.00
369 Misc. Materials (N,O.C.) 250,00 500.00 15,889000
' 0970 National League of Cities
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 1,200.00
' 0971 League of Minnesota Municipalities
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 5,083000
' 0972 Ramsey County League of Municipalities
251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 900.00
0973 League of Minn. Municip.-Metro Section
� 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 2,542,00
0974 Criminal Justice
' 461 City Contribution 90,000,00
0975 Public Examiner
' 151 Fees - Public Examiner 44,900.00
202 Telephone 100,00 45,OOOo00
0976 Wrecking and Boarding of Buildings
' � 256 Demolition 15,000.00
460 Reimburse P.I.R. (Boarding) 17,500000 32,500<00
, 0977 Port Authority
461 City Contribution 39,149e00
, 0978 Easements
203 Postage 100.00
208 Official Publications 800.00 900.00
.--- 422 Compensation for Easements 4,600v00 5,500e00
' 0979 Summary Abatement
272 Paving Plant Service 7,000.00
'� Code Appropriations 45
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 0981 Memorial Day Observance
461 City Contribution 1�000,00
0982 Humane Society
' 461 City Contribution 3,600,00
0983 International Institute
, 461 City Contribution 11,000�00
0984 Human Relations
' 461 City Contribution 5,000,00
0985 Code Enforcement - Census Tracts 9 & 10 Operating
461 City Contribution 85,139000
, 0988 City-County Servic.es Administration (City's 50% Share)
461 City Contribution 6,814,00
' 0989 Messenger Service (City's 50%o Share)
461 City Contri"bution . 6,017,00
' 0990 Microfilming (City's 50% Share)
461 City Contribution 13,814e00
� 0992 Duplicating (City's 50% Share)
461 City Contribution 13,951000
' 0994 Municipal Information System
461 City Contribution 25,050a00
' 0997 Charter Commission
269 Misco Contractual Services 9,000,00
0998 Contingent Reserve
' 410 Spec.ial Appropriation 857,097,00
' Code Appropriations 47
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
0930 General Debt Interest
401 Interest Expense 4,331,607.00
' Less:
Sewage Disposal System to be paid
by Metro Sewer Board 584,364.00
' 3.747.243.00
' 0940 General Debt Maturities
402 Maturities 4,639,000.00
' Less:
Paid from Trunk Hwy. Trust Fund 390,000.00
Sewage Disposal System to be paid
' by Metro Sewer Board 425,000.00 815,000.00
' 0944 Armory Maturities
402 Maturities 26,750.00
' 3.850.750.00
' �
' Code Appropriations 49
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Tota�s Totals
0820 City's 27'�% Share
461 City Contribution 5,810.658.00
� ___-,
, ��
_ > > z
' Total City-County
Appropriation Receipts Share
� Salaries 5,335,930.00 3,646,880.00 1,689,050.00
i�'�,,,,�...- Special Services & Cost 2,198,640.00 1,735,930.00 462,710.00
Other Expense 1,476,220.00 ---- 1,476,220.00
' Total Administration 9,010,790.00 5,382,810.00 3,627�980.00
Social Services
Old Age Assistance 2,641,180.00 2,080,986.00 560,194.00
' Aid to Families with
Dependent Children 22,480,270.00 18,410,056.00 4,070,214.00
Aid to the Blind 210,920.00 166,372.00 44,548.00
Aid to the Disabled 5,246,870.00 4,318,670.00 928,200.00
� General Relief 2,645,250.00 170,590.00` 2;474,660.00
Child Welfare 1,171,100.00 576,200.00 594,900.00 ,
Medical Assistance 25,525,250.00 20,511,100.00 5,014,150.00
� Medical General Relief 3,679,520.00 20,000.00 3,659,520.00
Food Stamps 29,800.00 29,800.00
Work and Training 116,500.00 ---- 116,500.00
Disabled Veterans 9,000.00 ---- 9,000.00
� � Aid to the Disabled ---_
Mentally Deficient 1,810,400.00 1,810,400.00
Total Social Services 65,566,060.00 48,064,374.00 17,501,686.00
' Ramsey Nursing Home _---
Salaries 881,097.00 881,097.00
Other Expense 373,881.00 373,881.00 ----
' Total Ramsey Nursing Home 1,254,978,00 1,254,978,00 ----
75,831,828.00 54,702,162.00 21,129,666.00
� Less County Share 72.5% 15,319,008.00
City Contribution 27.5% 5.810,658.00
, Code Appropriations 51
Charter Classification Titles Amount Sub Totals Totals
' 12.00 WATER DEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts�
8000 Water Department Operations 5,943�375.00