255882 OrIalnal to Citp Clerk , , , . - ORDINANCE �5��2 w COUNCIL FILE NO. � �� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��.�. 2 and regulations prescribed and promulgated by govern�aental ageneies having cognizance. 2. That the owner of said real estate, within the period of sixty (60) days next sneceeding the pnblication of this ordinance, shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fnlly executed counterparts, said owner's written acceptance of this ordinance, incorporating, amoag other things, said o�er's grant unto said City of Saint Paul a negative easement affecting said real estate, for the imposition, maintenance and enforce- ment of the aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitations upon the employment and use of the property described herein, approwed as to form and execution by the Corporation Connsel and recordable in the office of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement and restrictive coaveyance shall be drawn to exclnde all uses permitted in "B" Resideace Districts, "C" Residence Districts and "C-1" Residence Distriets. 3. That, in additian to other requiremeats therefor, said owmer's written acceptanee and gragt of negative easement shall iacorporate a certified copy of this ordinance, and imoaaediately npon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall causra one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the offic� of the Register of Deeds in and for Ra�s�y County• Minnesota. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and ptitblication. O CT 14197i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �- � ��--�-z_"-`'-a`-`" � �� In Favor Lo.,,o •�_ �' �) A Sprafka gainst Tedesco �:,,_' . A Att �ice Pre �-^ ~ . ty er M �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLIg]l�;D 19 T1 OriQin81 to City Clerk . , , - ORDINANCE r y COUNCIL FILE NO. ��5��82 if' � �'j �� PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO �- An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclnsive, of the S�int Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain proper- ties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COIINC IL OF �HE C ITY OF SAII�ITT PAtiL DOES ORDAI�: Section l. That the Zoniag Code, Chaptera 60 to 64, iaclnsive, of the Saint Paul Legislativ� Code, pertai:niag to Use Districts, Height Districts and �ezoning of certai.n properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further a�ended so as to rezone the following described property on the terms and conditions �ressed herein from "B� �esidence District to Commereial District, to-wit: _ West 20 fee� of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 1, Spndicate Number 4 Addition; situate oa the south side of West Mianehahs Avenue betv�ees Dale and St. Albans Stre�ts in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The property described above is snbject to the following ter�aas arid conditions: 1. That, subject to any fnrther reclassification of the hereinabove described real estate by virtue of proceedings there- for hereinafter instit�ted, conducted and completed according to the applicable provisions of said Zoniag Code, effective as of the date of said petition for recla�sificatica and the applicable provisions of the statutes of the State of l�iinnesota, hereby, the e�aployment of said real estate hencefortll is restricted and limited to the following specified use, to-wit; Commercial District to provide parking for an on-sale bar by tlie petitioner and property owner, s�abject to all applicable statutes, ordiaaaces, rules Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dqlfesl�b Prlata , . . . ORDI �ITAI�TCE - �o���� �� Na 255882 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.;_��-�� rin vrdi,nanee aaneading th� �:c>ninq Coda. Chaptera 60 to 64, inclusivet of the Saint Panl Legislative Code, pertaininq o Use Dietricta, Heigbt Histria�s arrd Rezoniag of cert.iia p�c - ' tiee in the City of Saint !a , a� amendad. I �s covHCZL o� s�s err�r oa� s�� r�►e�. Doss o��: Saction 1. That the Zoninq Code, gt�rs 64 to 64, iacl��ive. of _tbe Saint Paul Leqislatiw Codar pe ining to �se �istricts, Hefght Di�tricts and Rezoning of certaia p�opestfss 3.8 �hhe City of Ss3nt Htal, as aaended. be atid the same � her�by fnrth�r a�a�d ao as to re�one the follay►ing deacribee� $roparty c� ths ' t�s a�d aondi�icns expre�a�d herein � "B" �rsid��e �1#a�trict R.o Co�r�ial Di�trict, tc�a+it: w�st 20 f�t of Lot 3 and all of Lat 4, Bloak l. 3padic3ate gu�ber 4 Additiont aitnate on tbe south eide of wsst Mianahaha �v�nue b�tw�sea Dal� sad St. l�lbau�la Stre�ts in the City of 8aint Pa�l. Seetion 2. She property describsd abo�e is sdbjsQt to th�r follarfng te�s and conditious: l. That, aubject to any further rselassificatioa �of tbe bereinabave 8escribed real estate by v�uctue of proeeedi�s ther�- for Dereir�after inetitat�d, eondncted and cc�anpletad a�xlordiaq to the spplicable provisioAS of said ZoAinq Cc�de. a��eativt as of the date of said petitior� for reclassificatian aad ths 'applfcable provisians of the statntes of th� 3tat.� of Miaa�e�at�. herebys th� qtploymnnt of s�id raal eatate �isnce�orth is re�t=icte�! asd liaited to t�e follo+�+iag sp0cified ase,� to-�rit: Co�aereial Disttirict te prov�de parkin9 for an oa-aale bar by th� petiti�sYaer aad property awner. snbj�et to all applicable atatntes, ordiaaaaes, rs].�s Yeae Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler " Garl�on ' Tn Favor Levine ffieredith �Qa;,,�t sp� Tedeeoo Mr. Preaideatt (ffic�art�y) Approved: Atteet: � City Clerk Mayor ` �� Form apprbved Corporation �oun$el Bq ,, ,.., . �:�, __ D�D1kst�!�PrLbr , . . ,, , � ORDINANCE �g�� � COUNCiI RLE NO �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 2 a�d re�qulatioaa pre�crfbed aad promulqated by c�ovsrnaental aq�acisa }�aviaq coqaizaace. _ Z. T�at the awner of said real �state. �ithia the period of sisty (60j days next sn�ccesdiaq the pnblicatioa of thia ordiaa�, s�tll ff�.i.e rith tho City CT�rk.� i,t; t�ro (�) fallY e�cat�d coantes-parts, said o�r�neqr's �rsf tteu mecaptanct of thi� ordiaaace, incorporatiag, amo�q otl�r thfaqs. a±aid o�='a � �graat nnto said City-:�f Saint paul � aey�ative s�at �focti�g aa�d real es�ate, �or the im�oait#�, asinteaanc� sad �afos�- �waut of the a�foresaid �cu�ditioaa� reatrietions '�nd li�i�atfo�s npoa ths e+�lloymeat aad uaa of the proparty �e:crib�d h�rsin, appro�rrd as t�.o tvs� and a�c�tioaa bY tl�s Corposatios �sal aa� reeordable in the office af the R�qistsr of �esds and s�i.d noqati�rs sasement a�d re�t�aciei�iw coavsyaa�e� shall be dr�nva �o a�aladae a.tl ys�a poraitted in "�! Ae�ideao� mfstricta, �'C« �side�naa Digtricts aad "C-1" Rssi�cie Dis�=icts. _ 3. Tha�, in a�idit3.aa to other reqvfi.r�ts t'�erefor. �sa3,d o�ae�c•• �+rit�en acceptanae� a►z�d �raot of n+�gative eea+��nt shail � iaeorporate a certif�ed ctapy o� t.bi� vrdin�avs. aad i�i3.ate1= npon the afo�esaid f�linq of th� aa�e tha Cit� Clerk aY,al�. c�we ca�s o� svch c�onateRrparta tbereo€ ta be :�iled � z�eaord 3,n th� o#fi�ee �f the BaqistQr of Dseda i� a�d �o� aamsey Count�, llfan�sota. S�etion .3. �his ordinaacs shali ta&a effea� mad �e in gorce thirty �30) days frv� and after i� pa►��a�as approral akid p�iblic�tic�n. � O�fi 141971 Yeaa Councilmen Naya Paseed by the Counc�� Butler �� �� Tn�'avor Sprafka •� A��inst , OCT 1 �4197i Attest• Mr. Vice President Meredith APP�n�: City Clerk Yagor �� Form a roved Co PP rporation �oungel By ,. . �`�':. '���'y,.,.��fr..;:a'o1jlii,s�-.,.,p�),i..i�'ty`�``�Ir elrN",.'y��yue�4 i k.r,;.i'�i �°" e'!`'�"�p..'pl�,'?*4";<,•;:!p'" s"ro..'MCr�*"q4' "'�?e''9�"� `i,,.,r R e.f ,� .. 4..•��y:�.......�.qy�;.,yax,a,.�r^ w� f ;�,., +�. '! a� r`L.`, � •�. .. :r � ,�r s ��,I � � <� -.��� 1 ti, . . ��-, ��`S� "`9 � N A . �i i 'i. .� � A � : . �` I-. ,; �' ���:- 7�/ . �' ., '=J+c a . y�� '.�'`p�� i^ . '+t', . �R'� �� d'� ,. .t� ¢ "'� �''""�„'«.r � � . � .�. - , ' „� ,� � «� � _,-.,,� � . . ,;:�..,- n. .r� �'., i ,� �� �� a'�p,� . . . _ � '-Rr. ��i .,� . . �,�,I�-'i��i AI., � � � � � � �� H�.����Si.�i CC�t1T�1Z'"�r' ;x�,���TR �'��'T UF rI'ITLE -Report for Zoning Purpoeee as to Lots 3 and 4, BLocic L, Syndicate , Add;_tion Nt���Uer 1�. 3tate of Minnesota Office of - 99 County of Rameey (3ounty Absraot Clerk The Abetraot Clerk of Ramse,y County hereby certifies that the following exhlbits oonaistin� of entries Numbered L to 9 oonstitutee. a true and complete report of the apparent ewnership of eaoh of the deacribed premisee, which include premises in oap�tion and all paraele of land aituate within a radius af L00 Peet of any part of the oa�tioned premieee, all �� wn by th� �eoorde in the Regiater of ����''���'�g��;� � � ` I D eed s and/or Regietrar �b'��I��., ?u�a of eaid County. ' � �' �� '' '� ��i,��� ;� � � � �� � .��J i I Given at St. Patz�., ��.�� � ��t�ei�y ApriL 27 1971 at 8 0' clock A. LI. , , ��" ",'�,�� r��r L � Liability under this ,��.�'� �° �.i�nited to �25.00. Witness my _ - ,����� --- _ � 1 �r.-; hand and seal of Offi;l ` ..-�`"`�..�e �� ;� � � � � � '� � � JUL 1 �9�� C1TY ��iVtrttv� �su.�,tw . . . . � . � w"PS9i4�i�lt�y�>�w.�,�fA4YRN�Q't!�6.: . � Abstract Clerk of Rameey County , ,��' ' c' B y f�s �'�< �,�. ,��7�.� ,.���.�-.r�--�-�.._ Deputy #43 67 � . . i . � ..��. � ���� �'��� , � -�.�... , � � � I�;,�Uf�:ll T�Y�� �"OUNTY A1'S'1'RA(;'C CI.��:KIi 1:>'�' ('(�I'E�'l' HUi_!SE �� � � � � � �T. PA U1,, Ni i.�ti��I�:�U"1'�� i�,.,�,�� .A�t�;-ts;�u � . - �,:� - � _ + �. • -• � „ . � �;�r_ ,.. - . `; M.�� ,�. :��;:: ?� , �.�;,.. , � � �. : � ' ` . . • � s , . � ': ' ' " , } .3 T '�fT�: - . ' . . �. � � �� . . � ' � . i . . . . . ... � � �� . .. l r-• �T�`�t 1 �, T . � , . ; 1�-- F i�.: ��_, ; � . � /�.(\. �� Tr�-���1J i'V ��7 '7, ?1'�"�'+'. �( "i�°�. j�]. r{ 'yi�`; �^�-� i r�i7r����� � I �F }— � ��1..i r r �(.� � Y �. � 1 l ..� .. � b \`_.' l.. � 1 -J � L 1 1.._ 1 �. .. . . . . . � ' I L, ; LuciLLe St. I�I�rie alca Lucil]_e �1.. St. I�larie is the owner of: Taoi�s � )-, 2, 3, 4 and 5, B'�ock I_, ��.�ndicate No. 4 Addition. i �F of: Lots 6 and 7 , Block 1, 2� iLuciLle ri. St. llarie is the awner Syndicate r?o. 4 Addition. 1 3, � Le Roy L. Jackson and u,l<<ia ��. Jacl��s�n, husba��d and wife as joint j � ter.ants, are the oti,?t�ers of: Lot 24, BLoc:�: L, Syndica�e No. 4 j Addi_tion. � I t�. I Lawrence M. Ro11in�;er and CoLLeen K. Rollinger, husband ,and wife ' as join�t tenat�ts, are the owners of: Lot 25, BLock 1, Syndicate ! No. 4 Addition. i i S� I Arthur E. Thom, Inc. is the o�aner of: Lot 26, F31ock 1, Syndicate � Addition No. 4. , � , 6� I � D'anieL �' . �Jenissen and ����' ��{C . Derlissen are the oTaners of. Lot 27, � � j BLock 1, Syndicate N�. �w������tion. � � � � � . `'� " m u ; � � � ; �,,, � �� , 7� � Andrew J. �ichhof and .t���sy'r��• ; Ei:chhof as joint tenants, are the ; owners of: Lc.�i� 28 in Bl:o�tk 'L of'; Syndicate Additicn Nu��iber u� to � ; • St. PauL. � 7 � , , ; ��� f � � l�tt, �� � , � � ! � �'I 1. !'E'�.r� j,4� .�� f . '�` '�..w�'!' .. . � � B� i Leonard Niesen �nd 'C�,��!���:��'�y�`°n are i:Y2e owners of: Lots 29 � and 30, B�_ock L, Syndicate Aciditz.on No. �+. , � DeLaware Corp. is the owner of: Lots 25 t'o 30 � y. i Beatrice Foods Co. , � inclusive, BLock L6, ButterfieLd Syndicate Addition No. 2 , Ra���sey 1 Co. , t�iinn. }.�.: � r � � � � � 1',� � �U� � ' JUL 1 1�i� i l�l"1'X �'LANtrIiVV ��.�►tr�� ; _�_ _ , s:_ .__�.s��a.-�.--�1.��e----W,: , _�-7 � ���,'; �� � �� � �-; � + �`�`�,'� �; e'��'.,4;, � � .�� i ..._.�,._ _ .�_._.,_...- i ! � � � i I � { f , � I;t,;L1:f�"[� 1;Y � ('t_}r?';'i'�` .a1;�T���:."�.t''I' :'�I',!?1�}� �iif`? L'�"�[. ?C'i' fiC1T.'SI?� � '�2'. €'r1IJI,, ;4'(l�ti'1"�'1�;tiO'1`�� � � � � � ,.,.,,..� �,,s��-i:;o �^°t r�'� � � �"��:.�+y.�`f�r-m``��-pr�,"�'�h�►t"'4'p'`'��°�°"'���s+�'�"�,�'�?�����''?�"�"`1�,� '°�'?�"8!�. ° '` . ....G,;r. ,�%.��: "_".� MwJ" y"-�Ia!",I�i.�., r' �` "k "a..J!�'�i�.� . 7:y�, . , :�.+� "? �.. r ,. ..s t. . .-__>,a. . . &Y . ... . Narry E. Mars�a0 ���TY °F Atb�rt !.Olso� Ci�y Clerk and �° '� Counoil Reaorder Comm4saioner of Reqastrmtion �`��` '' a�,�;°; 'rJ. ^C. • � OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL �5�'�82 BUREAU OF RECORDS d88 City AaIZ �� St.Paul,Mi�tnesota 66108 c `��� �I ���' � � a��oR�ri�,^�^'�6�' �pUNsr�, Sept. 9� 1971 Mr. Daniel A. Klas Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council today requested that you prepaxe an ordinance granting the attached petition to rezone the West 20 feet of Lot 3 axid all of Lot �+� Block 1' Syndicate No. 4 Addition� located on the south side of W. Minnehaha Ave, be�ween Dale and St. Albans Sts.� to Commercial District, SUBJECT to the implementation of a ne�ative easement. Very truly yours� �m City C rk r ng {J� �2 e j BOARD� OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL � 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 September 6, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Lucille M. St. Ma.rie to rezone from "B" Residence to Co�nercial, property located on the south side of West Minnehaha Avenue between Dale and St, Aibans Streets, and further described as West 20 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 1, Syndicate Number 4 Addition. TT�is matter was heard at the August 5, 1971 Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff reported that in 1960, and again in 1970, the Board recommended approval of a parking permit for this site subject to the submission of revised plans which met design standards. The staff reported that the Council hearing was awaiting submission of the revised plans and this rezoning of part of the parking lot. The remainder of the staff report concerned the frontage and area of the site, area zoning, the recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan, and site and area conditions. Attorney for the petitioner was Mr. Anthony Danna, who stated that the property has been used as a parking lot for a number of years and said that some neighbors fear the land would be used for samething else once it is rezoned. He said neither the applicant nor the neighbors want to change the existing parking lot by putting .in wheel stops between it and the alley. A neighbor appeared in opposition, noting snaw removal problems and unsight- liness of the lot. He said he does not object to the parking lot but does not want it rezoned, In considering this matter, the Board noted that the fears of the neighbors could be allayed by rezoning the property with a negative easement. They also promised the neighbors that the Traffic Engineer would review the parking lot plans before that permit is approved. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recoamiend approval subject to the implementation of a negative easement. The motion was seconded and carried byavoteof4to0. Very ruly yours, c i��. ET J I TTA Secret , Board of Zoning �' "''� PJM:cf � �� PLR � Z.F. ����9� G 6 v •.Harry B. Ma�s�all 4 �`T'' �F� AIb�� d.Olse� 'L^ity Clerk and ' ° �'�°.L Counoil Reaorder Commiesioner of Re�setira.tion .•;�,,;..�... -� , `ys:. .+�;••hc: ' OPFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS d88 Cit�/Aall St.Paul,Minnesotas 5610� June 30, 1g71 Zoning Boaxd Co�mmerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council today referred to you for recomtnendation the attached petition for rezoning Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Syndicate Addition, located on the s�uth side of Mi.nnehaha Ave. between N. Da1e St. and N. St. Albans St., to Co�nercial District. V truly yours, _ G,.w: �=s��G�+^= City rk � � ZONING FILE .�1.� WI� (� i� L� � l� [� .11Jl_ i 1971 c�rY Pi�r�rti��r�c aaaRU. Saint Pa�: P,�? ;;������� ��� • ' ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Courf Housa,bb102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 June 29, 1971 To the Caaacil City of St. �a�l 6entlen�n: I have ehecked the attaehed petitioa af L�cille �. 3t. Karie, filed ia the matter of rezoaing, Lots 3 aad 4, Black 1, Syndicate Additioa. Z7ie propart� is located o� the sonth side of l�inneha�aa Avenne betwe�n North 3?ale Street and l�orth St. Albaas Aveage, froa a Class "A" Resid�ace District to a ��c�ercial" Histrict, an� find t�at said petition is safficie�t. Y�ra -ery trulq, _ � � � � f�, ..�� ' - .c.. � � � I�J �salie . tler JU� j ��%� er of Finanee � :�� �!�l.ANtv11Vt, 1fUAh,u e: g-1o77 rreacta c.c. l�ir. Ames N. R. Eeideu Z�Irs. �ntler Froatage: 100� Paresls Eligible - 18 Parcels Sigaed - 17 or 94.4Z Needed - 12 mr 66-2/3X ��� ��� ���� '��� �O � . . ' . • DANNA. HENNINGS. G�'ILSDORF C� JOHNSON ATTORNEYB AT LAW b10 NORTIIWESTERN NATIONAL BANH BUII.DIN(� . 5b EAST FI�TH BTREET SAINT PAiTL. �iI11TNEi30TA 55101 sxTaoNY A. DsNNS J11T1@ 3� ],9']], 224-7473 RO(iER O. HENNLNGIB �REA CODE 818 JOHN F. (iILBDORF CAAItLE9 A. JOHN80N or oovxsarw CLINTON g. BENTLE7 � � � � � � � tfr/ JUL 1 1�i 1 O f f i ce o f C i ty C le rk � ��lh1111111(,i �SUAl�w Court House Bui lding Seint Paul. Minnesotu Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Re-Zoning Petition John J. White - Petitioner File No. : 1136 Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith for filing please find the Petition of Mr. John J. White to re-zone Lots 3 and 4 in Block 1 of Syndicate Addition No. 4 in the City of Saint Paul, from A-Residence District to C- Commercial District. Pursuant to the provision of Section 64. 06, our check in the amount of $30.00 is enclosed for the filing fee. The property involved in the Re-zoning Petition is also involved in a request for Special Use Permit for parking lot, the Application for the Special Use Permit having been filed quite some time ago. It is requested that the hearing on the re-zoning and the hearing on the Special Use Permit be scheduled for the same time, if that can possibly be arranged. If there are any problems, or if further information or fee is re- quired, please contact either the undersigned or Mr. Charles Johnson of our office. Very truly yours, DANNA, HENNINGS, GILS ORF & JOHNSON � ,,,�_-t.� Anthony . Danna AAD:se _ - Encl. � � �,: � ��,,�w � . � � { � '� � �n �,, �. �"��.� -rF�--�-�- � ��'�'v�u �`'�`�:� �, � �:' � � � �--� b.��c CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINPIESOTA �� PETITIOiV TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODEr'� � t Note : The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further in- formation about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. Date: .✓us7G � /� �l TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall , City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64. 06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50g or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Syndicate Addition Number 4 Street address - 719 North Dale Street (corner Minnehaha and Dale) Saint Paul, Minnesota from A-Residence District to C-Commercial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: A parking lot in conjunction with portions of Lots 1 and 2 , Block 1, Syndicate Addition No. 4, for serving the On Sale Bar at the corner of Minnehaha and Dale Street. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURES LOT BLOCK ADDITIrJN Subject Property: � 1. Lucille St. Marie aka Lucille M. St. Marie �a /� Lucille O' Connor ���� CJ �'�1-4 1 Syndicate Addition No. 4 (contract purchaser) 2. Lucille St. Marie aka S-7�„ o.l._. c�,„�� --�-_ - - - - Lucille M. St. Marie a�aa T,,..� � � _ - ' - , . � . ' , . ° . . � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,�j � b�G � � �L!j PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODEr� / t Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further in- formation about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. Date: .✓us�e � /9 �/ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50g or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 3 and 4, Block l, Syndicate Addition Number 4 Street address - 719 North Dale Street (corner Minnehaha and Dale) Saint Paul, Minnesota from A-Residence District to C-Commercial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: A parking lot in conjunction with portions of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Syndicate Addition No. 4, for serving the On Sale Bar at the corner of Minnehaha and Dale Street. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURES LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: ° 1. Lucille St. Marie aka Lucille M. St. Marie �,a Lucille O' Connor ������� -4 1 Syndicate Addition No. 4 (contract purchaser) 2. Lucille St. Marie aka 5-7� �1�j d�',yc�ate Addition Lucille M. St. Marie a . 11� � '�►] �i Lucille 0' Connor �U�,�2� � �� �'t t� � JU1. 1 197i CI'�Y i'l.Ahntt�t; �UAIt� (contract purchaser) �int Pw,t, [yint+�oq, 3. LeRoy L. Jackson & 24 1 Syndicate Addition Emma L. Jackson No. 4 C�[�ING FILE -� ' `' (contract purchaser) 4. Lawrence M. Rollinger z�r�t- � 25 1 Syndicate Addition Colleen K. Rollinger � -, , No. 4 (contract purchaser) � • � • � - , � . . • • RE�ORD OWNER SIGNATURES LOT BLOCK ADDITION . . Subject Property: � � 5. Arthur E. Thom, In� � 26 1 Syndicate Addition No. 4 (contract purchaser) 6. Daniel P. Dennissen � ` �.�� zZ�� � ti 27 1 Syndicate Addition� �'�, ' No. 4 ;; , r . Marie C. Dennissen ��ru_-5�e� ��� .�� ���-,���o�� (contract purchaser) 7. Andrew J. Eichhof Cfiy�,�� �����i� 28 1 Syndicate Addition '�r �� �T- No. 4 Mary A. Eichhof _�� � . � (contract purchaser) 8. Leonard Niesen 29-3d 1 Syndicate Addition , ; No. 4 Theresa J. Niesen � `-� �r:�,,� 9. Beatrice Foods Co.� _ 25-30 16 Butterfield Syrndicate (Delaware Corp. ) B Addition No. 2 � � � � � � � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ss JUL 119�� COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) �]'� l+LAM1�tIV� �VA[W S�iat Paul. Mianewt� JOHN J. WHITE, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of two (2) pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signa- tures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ; Subscribed and swo to before me thi � /s�t day f � /9�/ Add ss: 6 West Hoyt Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 � - � ; .��z Te ephone No. Notar Pub ic, Ramsey County, e�r« : A.A . �A"`^' 9 z z y' � � �3 Minn Approved as to form 1/4/65 My mm' sion expires Office of the Corporation Counsel ANTHONY A. DANNI� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minr1. ������ My Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1976 ���� �.. , �,� ��� � �;� � _ - R(�AItD �}�' 'LONiNC RF:P�l�T AND AC7'TON A�if��'�t 5, 1971 " _ yfj� ,�3,� �k � t Actin�;, under Le�islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 4` ` � Y�^ passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. . 7197 -�-6987 �!. Lucille M. St. Marie (,Jol ri J. White) � I460 ' X .. s � 4482 , . . . , �,��en��,_:.,. . . ��.3� . 9 ;�,�.,,,�i, .__3 )tiier I (X-1077) ��-- --- _.___ ` • Rezone from "B" Residence to Commercial to provide parking for an on-sale bar ' '�-'�` � • South side of West Minnel�;:ha Avenue between Dale an.d St. Albans Streets ' � t'� �'-' We�t ?_0 feet of Lot 3 an�! all of Lot 4, Bl o��k 1 , Syndi�•ate Nt�mhc�r 4 Aci<i i i�,n �� "B" Residence � , .,._ , � , ,,. �. �. , . ; �>>; � ti - . �.,,'1 , ,.�n�kn � ��;�� ,�-,3i�Y�'r� 64 - �tlon; P , �� . =� .06 �rac,r�p,,. . .,:1�F.;� :., r_- z�,r,,,,.�.� : Lat.�: July 23 , 1971 �Y PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated June 29, 1971 , the Commissioner of Finance declared this petition sufficient with the owners of 17 of a possible 18 (94.4%) tracts l�avin�; Signed. li. HTS'I'OR1': A used car lot was approved for Lhi ti site (194� thus continuin� this ��rc�pc�rt y as a non-conformi_ng use on "B" Resi�lential land . Tn 1960, the Board of '/.oning recommended approval of a permit I��r this site tiubject to tlte suh- missi<�n of revised plans which met desi��i st :�ndards. Such plan� were never submitied and the present owner submitted an applicat:ion for a parking lot in 1970 wl�ich was approved by the Board of Zoni��g sub�}ect to submission of revised plans �ohich meet design standards . The Council hearing on that matter is pending the rezoning of this property and the submission of those plans . C. PROPOSF.D i?SE: The petition states the proposed use to be a parking lot in con- junctic>n with the bar located on adjoining property. D. FRONTACE AND AREA: The property has a fronta�;e of 60 feet along Minnehaha Avc�nue witti a depth of 124.5 feet for an are:� of 7,470 �quare feet. ►?• /1Rt;�%uNINC: Norih, acrc,sti Mi.nnehnl�a Avf�ntie , te zonEcl I.i�;hl rind Ilc•avy 1nc1��5try. 'I'li� fr��nla�;e alon}; Dale Str�et is� �oned Comm� rc3a1 to a de�>th ul LUO feeC , and the r.est of the area is zoned "B" Residence. F. COMPRFHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan rc�commends Commercial use at the so,�thwest corner of Minnehaha and Dale wi_th ,;edium density west of it. It shows r1innehaha as a collector street and Da !e as an arterial street. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is paved and usedas a parking lot in connection with the bar adjoining this site. 'i. Ai?EA_C(?NDTTTONS: North, east and south are < o�nercial uses . West is developed ��i rii <�i��� and t�ao-family residences . `>. BOARI) A(°1'I(1N: To Recommend � Appraval � Denial Council Letter D:�rc�d : Movc�d hY . McPartlin Yeas NayS Septeml,er 6, 1971 X Ames - Ch. Date uf Secondec� by: Mansur X Cochrane Hearin�;: X N �Partlin Secretary's remarks : Paietta ugust �, 1971 X r'ansur Counci l Action: B��nshoof D�>��ley Da te: Prifrel MINUTFS OF THE PUBLIC HBARING BBFORE THE BOARD OF ZO�TING ' On Thursday, Augast 5, 1971, at 2:00 p,m. PRESENT: Mrs. Cochrane, Messrs. McPartlin, Mansur of the Board; end Mesars. Brown and Rosetter, and K, Kantorowicz of the staff. LUCILLE Me STa MARIE (JOHN J. WHITE): A petition to rezone from "B" Residence to Coma�ercisl to provide parking for an on-sele bar on property located on the south side of West Minnehaha Avenue between Dale and St. Ai�bans Streetse Mr. Rosetter sumanarized the steff report, e part of the file, by stating the hlstory of the site. A used car lot was approved for this site in 1946 thus continuing this property as a non-conforming use on "B" residential land. In 1960, the Board of Zoning reco�nended approval of a permit for fhis aite subject to the aubmission of revised plans which met design st8nd�rds. Such plana were never submitted and the present owc�er aubmitted an application for e parking lot fn 1970 which was approved by the Board of Zoning subject to submission of revised plans wiiich meet design atandards. The Couacil hearing on that matter is pending the re�oning of this property end the sub- missioa of those plans. The property has a frontage of 60 feet along Minnehsha Avenue with a depth of 124.5 feet far an erea of 7.470 square feet. ldorth, across Minnehaha Avenue, ia zoned Light and Heavy Industry. The fronta�e along Dale Street is zoned C�xnerciel to a depth of 100 feet, and the res� of the �rea is zoned "B" Residence. 7�he Comprehensive Plan recommends Co�mercial use at the southwest corner of Minnehsha and Dale with medium density west of ie. It shows Minnehaha as a collector street and Dale as an srterial Street. The site is paved for use as a parking lot in connection with the bar sdjoining this site. North, east and south are Commerciel uses. West ia developed with one and two-family residences. Mr. Rosetter read a iettes dated Auguat 2, 1971 from the Thomss-Dale Development Council which is the PAC group for that NDP area which supports Che petition for rezoning. Representing the applicant was Mro Anthony Danna, attorney, 55 Bast Sth Streeto Mr< Danna stated the property has been used as a parking facility for the bar for a number of years. The matter is before the Boerd at this time because it is an illegal use of L•he property as it is presently zoned, The only reason for the petition to rezone it to Commercial is to provide a parking facility. There are neighbors present at the meeting who are in accord with the existing uae. Mr. Danna noted the neighbors cannot understand wky the property must be zoned Comnercfsl to continue the present use. The fear is that once it is rezoned, some other use might be fntended such as a filling station, etc. Mr. Danns noted he Calked to Mro Rosetter about putting up curb stops mLong the alley. If curb stones are put fn, it would cut out oae entire line o£ parking. The neighbors do not want the curb stones. He noted Mre White would gladly put curb stones in so that the traffic does not turn sharply on Dale SCreet, however. Ttiere has never been a pro�lem with accidents or any coaiplaints. Mr. White plows out the lot and alley in the winteb time and hauls the snow away. Mr. McPartlin asked Mr, Danna if he had discussed the possibility of a negatfve easement with the neighbors. Mr. Danna replied that he had not but would be -I- � LUCILLE M, ST, MARIE (JO�FiN He WHITE) (continuedj August 5, 1971 willing to do so. Appearing in opposition was Mr. Alfred Ro R,oth, 650 Minnehaha, who noted there are problems with snow removale Mr. White does haul some of the snow away but moat of it is piled as high as a mountain. in the spriag of the year there is water ehere all of the time. There are beer cans, boetles and other debris in the lot and it looks like a dwnp in the spring. He is not opposed to the parking lot, but does not want the property to be rezoned to Commercial. Mr. Ames stated the concern over the Commercfal zoning couid be taken care of with 8 negative easement. The property then could anly be used as a parking lot aad once that use is ended, it would xevert back to the "B" Residence zoning. Mr. McPartlin notied the paresent Zoning Ordinance. states that any psrking lot �sst b� zomed the same aa the use to which it is accessory. Uader the new Zoning Ordinance that is being proposed, there will be a epecific classification for parking. Mr. AicPartLin felt the anaxaer to the situation would be to file a negative easement with the Regiaerar of Deeds which states the property will he zoned Cammercial only for parking and once it is not used as a parking lot, it will revert back to "B" Residential> That is the only protection available aC this time. The Zoning Board can recoamend to Council that they put in a negative easement. A woman from the aeighborhood stated she did not want any fences or curbing put in the parking lot along the alley as ahe would not be able to get out of her garage. She noted Lucille Ste Marie hsd a £ence put up �n her property and she conld not get out of her garage and found it necessary to turn the garage a�round. Mr, McPartlin said it should be up to the Tra�fic l�ngineer to see that this is granted depending upon the fact thet neighborhood residenta are not in• terfer�d with in regard to getting out of their garages. Mrse Macie Denaiso�, 633 Van Buren. sta�ed the ne�.ghbors did not wac�t any use on the property other than parking. Mr. Mansur explained that when it is approved for parking, the Traff�c Eng�neer will confer with the neighbors so that parking in the Zot does no� interfere with residents getting ia and out of tt�eix garages. It was moved by Mx, McPartlin and secondeci by Mr. Mansur Co approve the rezoning. Mr. McPartlin made a part of. his moti.on thst the recommendation be transmitted to Council subject to a negative easement designating that this property be rezoned so that it can only be used for parking and when the parking ceases to exist, it wfll revert back to "B" Residencea The City Cou�cil should also instruct the Traffic Engineer to see thet the p�rking lot fs designed so that it will not interfere with ingresa and egress from the garages on the �11ey. The motion carri�d by � 4-0 vote. Submitted by: I'aul Lo ltosetter R,�bert Lo Ames, Chairman -2- � -,^i a...n f�.. �� -1 {, d M1 r� 1 � ,E,o- a�" A 1� w i S B,�r: West 2U �4� Blk. 1� catefl oty st�e' �s' gu sx � � �� tf8heta and t�1 0 ;7�s}e� t�ve: to i t: ,_ Dat�d'�S : . 3971�'. ' Ci'� C ei�k. � (Augurk 28, 19'�1) i / r ' V . . _ f,e. _,� � � �1 Z c .l:<..--�''" DANN�. ��:i�;iiTi.'ie Cx 3, ��L�is�s'-::+ �: ��ivvTrIP���N .�'IIOPZi;iiB 1.T T.�i�' 530 i�70.T;`:iIY",'F.u'i'�:t\ :\'._T:�,:vA_L �.i..ili BL�II.J3IitiG u5 I+�.eiS�' Z'tIi:Y S'PRTi<:1' SAl1�T'C PtaUZ., �SIP2'\T�SOT�. .r►S101 A\TIfONY F. L`ANNA Q � ��'�-`�`I'�'++ RaG'_iFt C. IiS\iYL*7�9 July �G � �. 7__ AR�ACGl)„(tl:, JO?I\ N. CILSDUIL CII.IRI.E3 A. JflI�11�90N or covxisan: CLI\TON R. BENTL7:Y �i'o The tIonoraaZe Nayor_ and City Council c/o Cit-y Clerk Room 386, City Hall Cit� af Saa.zzt Paul, biinnesoi:a Re: Re-Zoaz�.rg Pet�iti��n John J. t�lhi.te - T}etitian�:c Fa.�ad: Jun� �: , 1.9?]. I�'i lE Nc. : 1.:!..3 G Dear Si�.-. zt has br�en cai.led to our at�te�t�.an by Nir< ����z�i:�.;� 'I'. :r3xc�wn� ��!��.nzxi�Ly Tnc'raniciar.�, that the Easte�ly 20 feet c�f: r�.r,t 3 , f:31�cr: 1, :;ynd.b.c.<<t.�°_ , I�to. � �.uc-:.ci.on, is alr�ady z�n�d Comm�rc�a)., anc� �-.�3at. �rl��� ?��c���is �o:� feet oF Lrt � , Block 1, Sy�dic��te i�i��a 4 ;,cida.�a.�s: �rJ.cl ��.�� oi I�c�t ^, L1ocY l.y Synd�cate i�o. 4 AC�C�Z�1L}I'Yr ar.c� ��:.:r��c� ���" �:c�si::�^�cc:. In arcor_aancu V.�ith �he �U2"E?C�'Ca�T1C� i.zi.f_�xzn��:a.cn, s.5leasc a.���nci t�i� Peti�cic��a l7f �;�hn �7. v,.fll iG�r fl�.E�'Cl JlXT2c? �;•j �.:3��, s �Q '.r�.C�U.�a u �:ll.�'. Z�?— zcni:�r� of �he ��e�t 2U fcc�t of Lot� 3 � ,:,x�� �:�1 0�" Z,ot � , t3�.oc)c 1, $y"'�'� � �CZCA1.t1.0I7 frc�a �r�,�� ZZE:S7..C'l.C17.i:'�� .T��..S�1'].Gi;. �40 ���.•" COI�IL['.tG'?"C:?_�.L x.u.�Cc�'t.C-' 1�Qo / D2S�Y.'1C�. :Li ik�.�re arr� any further �rc��a,t��r;sr plea�� c�»iG�.�.�Yt uur c�fLiGE�. Vex�� tru:Ly �c�u.r� F 87-1.L,i�;ir �I��>i�;�.f�'.:1:7� Gl�T..�SUOF•.I' & .7CJ'rI?:LSt;sV / � //� /1 /'� ' �/' �� �, l�` '' f �Y "L, l 1 � .��.=ei�ieh<w'L-AS IL+�...-��. l�/�n�. Li�'�L�=� �f•s �i , // . Ly1C{�.).e.^7 !'ie L�i�,�:.aJ.� lej Ct�,J: s e CC:: City P1a:�rx:i.i�c� Bo::�x':� ., . ' ' • �� " , . • . _ 2 _ 4 . That street and ailey improvements proposed for Action Year IIT in t7ie area bounded by Chatsworth , Dale , Thomas and Ninr�ehaha, be deferre.d until such time that the residents of that area request thai they be done . These recommenda�tions were forwarded to the Development Department of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority July 15 , 1971 . Preliminary orders for the street improvement work recommended for Englewood Avenue and Virginia Street wi.11 be brought before the City Council by the Public Works Department som�time in the near future . , Sincerely, � ;�, �� •;��r��I (// V/ l ♦ Adolp� _ obler, President Thomas-Dale Development Council , Inc. AT: j g 'CJ` + �� - . . DANNA. HENNINGS. C�II.SDORF C� JOHNSON J ATTORNEYS AT I.AW 510 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANH BUII.DIN(3 . 55 EAST FIFTH STREET BAINT PAUI.. MIIITNESOTA 5�5101 Ax2aoNY �. DeNNS July �.6� 19 71 224-7473 aoa$a c. $Bavxiaros sxas con$ei� JOHN F. (iII.BDOR!' CHAHLEB A. JOHN80N � � �' � � � � � or oovxesu 4 CLINTON R. BENTLEY `���, '� ��7 y MAY�R'S O��I�'� To The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386 , City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: Re-Zoning Petition John J. White - Petitioner Filed: June 4, 1971 File No. : 1136 Dear Sir: It has been called to our attention by Mr. Adrian T. Brown, Planning Technician, that the Easterly 20 feet of Lot 3 , Block l, Syndicate Vo. 4 Addition, is already zoned commercial, and that the West 20 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, Syndicate No. 4 Addition and all of Lot 4 , Block 1, Syndicate No. 4 Addition, are zoned "B" Residence. In accordance with the foregoing information, please amend the Petition of John J. White, filed June 4, 1971, to request the re- zoning of the West 20 feet of Lot 3, and all of Lot 4, Block 1, Syndicate No. 4 Addition, from "B" Residence District to "C" Commercial District. If there are any further problems, please contact our office. Very truly yours, DANNA, HENNINGS, GILSDORF & JOHNSON -------- Charles A. John CAJ:se CC: John J. White 679 West Hoyt Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL " MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Cow1 Nouw 55104 August 27, 1971 City Clerk 386 City Hall File R1077, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. on September 9, 1971 on the petition of Lucille M. St. Marie to rezone frocn a "$" Residence District to a "Cou�nnercial" District the property described as follows: West 20 feet of Lot 3 and all of 4, Block 1, Syndicate Addition No. 4. The property is located on the South side of Minnehaha Avenue between North Dale Street and North St. Albans Avenue. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Buflding or telephone 223-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend - this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Coogaissfoner of Finance °�,� , •. .� THOMAS-DALE DEVELOPMENT COUNCiL, INC. � � � 537 N. Dale Street�St. Paul, Minnesota 55103�227-702J September 8, 1971 Mayor McCarty and City Council City of St. Paul City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Honorable Mayor and Council Members : On August 2 , 1971, a letter was sent to the Zoning Board regarding Lucille St . Marie 's petition to rezone from "B" Residence to Commercial the property located on the south side of West Minnehaha Avenue between Dale and St . Albans "� Streets . This letter stated that the Thomas-Dale Executive Board would support Mrs . Marie ' s request . This is to inform you that our position has not changed. We are still in support of this petition. Thank you. Sincerely, ___,?�<-'��'�-��°✓d,��,�����r✓'-�- J ame s B urnp G/ f, Corresponding Secretary �,: Jg �58� ��ta�er 18� 1971 :'�r. �n�honar I:7�,�na :'�'t Vc�rr.ey �.� ��a.w �le) ��orthwe��ern Taa��iona7. t3�.nk �.;3.r��. <_;�. �'r�u�.., ::�'��esn�a. ?iea�.z� �"sir: ����.c���� �.� a cop� af r�n ordinance rezo�iir�.f, ��°�i��� ���$ 20 f'ee� o� Lot � �.nc� all o�" �,ot �' �:,�lock �., �,ync�.ic�te i�a�. �+ Add�.�ion� SU�kTFCT' to cer-�aiz� cc�nd�.t�.oxts ��� caut izz �2ae W r��inance. We call 3rour specia.l �,°ttentio� to i�c��r���1 2 �f' :���tion 2 which requ:lres the �"3.1.ing of a deec: oi' neg�tive �a.sem�ht in two parts in this office. , �'he Corpsaration �ouns�l's Office can �3.we you :�°th�:r i.�'or- mation as to the form a�' that instrwmcn�. V+�r��r �ru� youra� Cit�r Q�rk � q - - • • Jo I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. /� —Adopted `� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �Butler Carlson ��i�lserr ���-�'�� Levine ,L-�rins� Meredith "�"����"`�� r# e�h Sprafka � �prafka � Tedesco �edesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O