255877 � OR161NAL TO GITY 4"LlRK ,s r� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL N�, ;�c�c�S l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6T COMMISSIONE ATE RES4bVED, That the Corporatioa Cot�sel is hereby agthorized to pffer for p�blic sale th� sgpplemental m�terial to the Legislative Code of the City �f Saint la�al, bringiag said Code up to date as of damuary 1, 19�1, at a price of $10.�� for each sets be it RTSaL�EH, That the City Clerh i� hereby �uthorizeal aad directed to receive pa�ent for the �ale �f the I�ea�islative Ccde aad Suppleae�ts, asd to issme its receipts therefore aad fsrther that the receipts fron s�ch sales shall be deposited to Fend DA31-2�6= be it FIIBT�EB B�SO�.�SD, That tbe Carporatioa Co�sel is hereby anthorized to distribnte �ritho�tt charge said snpplenttental material to tlze Judgee of the Supr�ae C��uct, Diatriet Comrt aad M�tnicipal Coart; to t�� co�stit� � tional officers of the State of lYiiiaaesota aad tc> sa�h State Departtieats as would have need cf sases � all City aad Cet�sty officers ia the aunabers reqaested; tc> the Hill Refereace I�ibrary, Saint Paul Public Libra�cy, and college aad bigh school libraries, as r�qnested. �OR� � �RO:�E[� l/ � ;� AS or�or i n � ounsel �1 Ep Z 9 �g�� S COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er S E P 2 9 �97) r��� i9— �--- �' S T*� Favor Me�ee�itk Sprafka J yor Tedesco ASainat ,PUBLISHED ►'� - � Mr. President, McCarty Q�;j �97r� -- ____ �� i �urue�rs�ro nnN�aie .. CITY OF ST. PAUL �,�a� N� riri OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�s�o er CAMMISS(ON� DA� R880I.VED. That t.ti� Corporatioa Counsel is hor�by anthos3.zed to offer fos pnblic sal� th� �nppla�ental material to the Legislativ� Code of th� City of Saint paul, brinqinq said Code up to date aa of Jaanary �. 1�1, at a pric� of �10.00 for each s�t= be it � R�S4LVSD, That th� City Clsrk i� ha�c�by snt�osis�d and diroctod to r�c�iw pay�at gor ths aal� o� thi� Leqislatine Code and Suppl�ent�, and to itsu�s ite r�eipts ther�tor� aad furthsr thst th� ra�eipts #� �t�ch salee �hall bm deposited to !'nnd 0031-20E�� be ;�t ��A l�Sd�V�D, That the Ca►rposation cour�s•i, i� - bere�y authoriaed to distribate Mitltiont eharqs said . s�l�wntal �aatsrial to the �idg�• of th� inp�c� �a►t�ttt. Di�trict CQnrt and l�niaipsl. Conrt� t.o t.� cw�ustitu-► tional oftic�r� of thi 8tate of �tinnssota and to s�ah Stat� D�psrt�s�nts aa woul8 hava �ud ot sa�sst tc� all City aad Qonatp olFiesztir ia the nnmbsr� raQwtstad� to the Sill aefer�aa� Library, 3aiat Paul Public Library, . anc� aollsge a�d hiqh sahool libsui�s, sa syque�tad. SEP Z 9 1971 COUNCII�N Adopted by the Co��� 19— Y� xa� SEP a s �s7� Butler � Appro� 19— �' � T� Favor 11�epedit�- � �p� . � A o4A;11At Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty a��