255867 *
ORI6INAL TO CI'1'Y CL6FtK 25586`�
RESOLVED, That the Council her.eby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining
to the following listed properties and as shown by the
official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated September 8,
1971, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto
and made a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
94-70-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando
Kurt G.O. Pinke
56-71-B 421 No. Wheeler St. Thomas W. Stewart
57-71-B 160 East Kellogg Blvd. Haarstick, Lundgren &
Associates, Inc.
�_� Lawrence T. Brodle
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.—
Yeas Nays
But�er SEP a 81971
�- C°��-�-L-�-� r Pr � 19�
Levine �� Favor
Mer�di#�-- ,�
Sprafka ' Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED OCT!� 2 i�r�
. ' 9/8�?1
. Meeting No. 58
Wednesday, September 8 , 1971 �
Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1:30 p.m. �
Members present: Donald Wozniak, Chairman
Raymond Grove
Mitchell Kamin
Estyr Peake
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Agencies present: Bureau of Health Frank Staffenson
Bureau of Public Buildings G1enn Erickson
Bureau of Public Buildings Jerry Kern
Bureau of Fire Prevention Dick Heller
Bureau of Fire Prevention �aalter Shimek
Phalen Area Neighborhood Jack Mell
Improvement Program
Others present: Thomas Anderson, Kurt Pinke , Richard Goldman,
Donald Tousignant, Thomas Stewart, Lawrence Brodle, Constance
Jaworski, Lawrence Brodle, Constance Jaworski, Donald Haarstick.
The minutes of the August 11, 1971, meeting were approved as
94-70-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando
Kurt G.O. Pinke
PRIOR HEARING: November 18 , 1970
February 10 , 1971
SUBJECT: Letter dated October 1, 1970 , from the St. Paul Bureau
of Health to Anthony Orlando, 110 Charles , indicating Housing
Code violations detected at 112 Charles Avenue.
APPEAR.ANCES : Kurt G. O. Pinke.
Proceedings : Mr. Pinke stated that he was only indirectly repre-
senting Mr. Orlando in the sense that Mr. Orlando had told him
that he could handle his own business . Mr. Orlando is not aware
_ 1 _ EXHIBIT "A"
., Meetinq No. 58
of Mr. Pinke`s presence at this meeting. Mr. Pinke has indirectly,
through his brothers, kept track of any progress Mr. Orlando has
made and assisted him whenever possible. Mr. Orlando has accom-
plished much work to include repair of the back stairway, painting
and near demolition of the substandard garage. He has also re-
paired some of the plumbing deficiencies . Presently the upper
occupancy is vacant . . . Mr. Staffenson pointed out that items
3 & 6 in the inspection report are considered safety hazards.
ACTION: Motion by Wozniak to continue the matter for ninety days.
Further moved that a life-safety inspection be conducted by the
Building Department to determine what electrical and plumbing vio-
lations constitute a health and safety hazard and should therefore
be corrected as soon as possible. Finally moved that �a copy of
said violations be transmitted to Mr. Pinke.
Seconded by Tieso.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven
(7) to zero (0) .
53-71-B 223-225 Arundel St. Norman Investments
James S. Nordlie
& Richard S. Goldman
SUBJECT : Letter of July 13, 1971 to Kleinman Realty Co. , 1409
Willow St. from Robert Ames , City Architect, requesting that
additional bath facilities be installed according to code re-
quirements in order that a Certificate of Occupancy may be issued
for 223-225 Arundel 5treet.
APPEARANCES : Richard S. Goldman.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Goldman explained that there were a total of
41 units in the building. The building was purchased in May, 1970.
The average rental per unit is $60 per month. The building is
being purchased on a contract for deed. Norman Investments is
composed of James S. Nordlie and Richard S. Goldman.
ACTION : Motion by Wozniak to waive the requirements of Section
54. 11 of the St. Paul Legislative Code which requires that each
dwelling unit be provided with its own water closet, lavatory and
bathtub or shower. Such waiver is granted for as long as Norman
Investments , a partnership between James S. Nordlie and R.ichard S.
Goldman own the property.
Seconded by Kamin.
- 2 -
Meeting No. 58
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : none: Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven
(7) to zero (0) .
SS-71-B 419 South McKnight Road Donald A. Tousignant
SUBJECT: That portion of the Legislative Code which requires a
1-1/2" waste line. The present structure has a 1-1/4" waste line.
APPEARANCES : Donald A. Tousignant.
PROCEEDINGS : The home was purchased from the state and moved to
the site from 798 Mound St. Mr. Tousignant obtained three bids
to correct the plumbing, one from Maplewood Plumbing, one from
Rivard of White Bear, and one from Stokes. All three are licensed
in St. Paul. None included in their bid to change the waste line
from 1-I/4" to 1-1/2" . Mr. Erickson emphasized that all home
movers are well advised that the home, after being moved, must
comply in all respects with the Housing and Building Codes of
St. Paul.
ACTION: Mr. Erickson was asked to contact Maplewood Plumbing
and advise them of the board' s "feeling that it is responsible to
assure the homeowner that the home is brought up to current St.
Paul Plumbing Code standards and that it should have bid the job
on that basis . The matter was continued for two weeks.
56-71-B 421 North Wheeler St. Thomas W. Stewart
SUBJECT : Requirement of Section 54. 11 of the St. Paul Legislative
• Code that euery dwelling unit have its own bath facilities.
APPEARANCES : Thomas W. Stewart.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Stewart explained that there are four apart-
ments and three bathrooms at 412 North Wheeler. The fourth unit,
a one room efficiency apartment which is occupied by a single
person, shares a bathroom with a regular apartment which is
occupied by a couple. The bathroom connects the two dwelling
units .
ACTION: Moved by Peake to waive Section 54. 11 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code which requires that each and every dwelling
unit have its own bathroom containing a water closet, lavatory,
and bathtub or shower. Such waiver is granted to permit the
one efficiency apartment to share a common bathroom with the
adjoining apartment.
- 3 -
51`7Sd Y1
Meeting No. 58
Seconded by Kamin.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven
� (7) to zero (0) .
Discussion re : 810 East Cook Ave.
APPEARANCES : Constance Jaworski.
PROCEEDINGS : Presently three persons have title to the home:
, Andrew Mularczyk, who is 80 years old; Bernice Mularczyk, his
sister who is 73 years old; and Mary Mularczyk, another sister
who is 86 years old. Mary Mularczyk is Mr. Jaworski 's mother.
Mr. Jaworski wishes to know what will happen if a �aiver of Lode
violations is granted to permit continued occupancy of the property
by the two sisters and brother. The Phalen Area Neighborhood
Improvement Program has determined that the $3,500 grant avail-
able is not enough to complete necessary repairs which now total
about $7,000 .
ACTION: It was suggested that the appeal be formally brought
before the board for consideration. Meanwhile it was suggested
that Mr. Jaworski seek legal counsel as to what might be done
with the property.
57-71-8 160 East Kellogg Blvd. Haarstick, Lundgren &
Associates , Inc.
Lawrence T. Brodle
SUBJECT : Section 4.04.12 of the St. Paul Legislative Code re-
quiring a setback distance on an interior property line for
`APPEARANCES : Donald S. Haarstick and Lawrence T. Brodle.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Brodle submitted a blueprint showing the present
�location of the F.O.K. Building and its relation to the lot lines .
A parking and density variance has been recommended for approval
by the Zoning Board to the City Council. Mr. Erickson suggested
that a waiver of the side yard requirements also be considered �
as they also do not meet code requirements .
ACTION: Motion by Voigt to include a request for variance of
side yard requirements as part of the original appeal.
Seconded by Tieso.
- 4 -
' Meeting No. 58
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven
(7) to zero (0) .
ACTION: Motion by Tieso to waive Sections 4.04. 12 and 4.04. 13 of
the St. Paul Legislative Code which require minimum rear and side
yards for dwellings or tenements . Such waiver is granted to per-
mit re-use of the existing structure as an apartment complex.
Seconded by Grove.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso,
Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7)
to zero (0) .
Discussion Re: Case No. 40-71-B, 840 Beech Street
Mr. Heller expressed his concern for the safety of the occupants
of the basement dwelling units at 840 Beech Street. He submitted
pictures of the window we11s which had been provided. It was
agreed that the original conditions under which an appeal to
permit continued occupancy of the basement dwelling unit had not
been met and Mr. Erickson was asked to arrange an inspection to
verify the same and perform the powers of enforcement if in fact
the conditions had not been complied with.
Voted unanimously to return the exhibits which were submitted in
the matter of Case No. 30-70-B, 300 East 4th Street, A.T.R.
Electronics Inc. by Allen Aaron as requested by Al1en Aaron.
Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
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Recording Secretary
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DU�LICy1Tt 7"O NlIN7fR .
cmr oF sr. PAUL ��N��� No
RS30LVED, That the Council hereby satifies and apprnves
the, action of the Saint Paul Board of Apper�ls and Review for
the Housinq, Buildinq and Fire Prevention Cod�a pertaining
to the follawing liated propertiea and as aho�m by the
official minute� of said Board of Appeals dated September 8,
1971, a oopy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached herAto
and mad� a part hereof by regerence:
Ca�_, a No. Pro er Appellant
94-70-H 112 Charles Ave. Anthony Orlando
Kurt G.O. Pinke
56-71-B 421 No. Wheeler 3t. Thomas W. Stewart
57-71-B 160 £aat Relloqg Blvd. Haarstiak, Lundgren �
Assoaiates, Inc. '
Lawrence T. Bro81e
SEP a 8197=1
COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Co��ci1 19�
Y� xa� SEP 2 8 1971
�. Approv�l 19—
Levine �
T*± Favor
�- v ��
Tedesco A S�et
Mr. President, McCarty