255864 OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK 255864 CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. � LTCa�s� co�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN e�r Septe�b�r 28� 1971 COMMIS NE ATF �E.SObYEDs Th�t Applieat n -12�]. for Off Sale Malt $ererage, applied for by S�peramexica Stations, Ine. at 1146 Payne Avenue, be and the same is her�by granted. �E�J • (Gas Statioa) Informa.11y approv�d by �auncil September 14, 1971 �iew Loeatioa for license. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�E P 2 8197� 19— Yeas Nays $EP a 8 197� Butler � �D�dY ve� 19— Levine � Tn Favor �e�eekt�r" or Sprafka U A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �EUBLISHED �T ,�a �s�7� �� , " CITY OF�SAIN� PAUL . � Capital of Minnesota �,'-�' / . � .������y aLJe aht�nev�t o ub�CC �a et p � ADMINIBTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIBE PROTECTION po�.[c� DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaioner HEALTH RALPH G.MER.RILI.,Dsyaty Commiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lteente Inspeetor September 14, 1971 Honorable NIayor a.nd city Council Saint Faul, PZin:^esota Gentlemem and Mada.m: Superamerica Division of Northwestern Refinin� `'o. operate a number af g�,s sta.tions in the City of Saint Paul. In connection therewith, they h�,ve made application by letter tc> secure Off Sale Malt �everz.ge Lic:�nses for these various stations. Attached is a copy of their letter of appiication which is self-explanatory. Very truly yours, �����` . License Inspector �':< �%�,.:' ..j � t� /�'. ��� ti ' �?T /+ .... � `.,�. .[ � J . , . . . • ������ ����� SAIN7 PAUL PARK,MINfJE50TA 5507/ POST OFFICE BO%248 DIVIS{ON Oi NORTHWESTERH REFININGCO. � 812•459•11�55 ' August 19, 1971 Mr. Dennis McLaughlin City License Inspector Ramsey County Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. McLaughlin: In a recent phone conversation with Mr, Jim Ryan, the 1�ain City Branch Manager of Hamms Brewery, it was suggested by him to write to y�u as a means of beginning proceedings to secure a 3.2 beer license for the Superamerica Stltions ir_ the cit�� of St. Psul, Minnesota. We do have, at the present time, a number of out- state Superamerica stores which are currently selling beer and to date have had no difficulty with such a program. The progr2ln which Superamerica wishes to begin in St. Paul is that of selling 3.2 beer in our stores in a way which we will meet all city ordinances and abide by all laws which govern the sale of beer. It will not be the practice of Superamerica to purchase beer and sell it at a very low price which may cause price war problems, and it will not be the practice of Superamerica to sell beer to any minors. There will be no persons under the age of 21 selling beer in any Superamerica outlet. We also wish to sell the beer for the purpose of handling a item which is requested by the public and which will in turn allow Superamerica to take benefit of such sales. To further explain the control by which the program will be followed at Superamerica may I say this: Superamerica is under the direct control of its parent corporation of Ashland Oil inc. , Ashland, Kentucky, and being under such a control our station managers are salaried and are not independent dealers, The guidelines or rules will be given to our station managers and they are obligated to follow them. /•�,�,,'��j���i2Q2�,�_�. � � �•r' ,9j., �� �CS n� �: �s � �•� � -`;1 �l ^;� ' : �`.., ;;_� G �z, ,r, ':� ���"� `�`�� C�`'��! . v, :;r;3 `'�;� ���r `_ t ` ��Jr�:; - _�_..- . Mr. McLaughlin - 2 - August 19, 1971 To better explain this, I am enclosing a 5-step paper which our men will follow. Please bear in mind as you look at these 5 points, they will be adopted to meet local similar ordinances. If I can be of any further help or assistance, please notify me at my office. Sincerely, SUPERAMERICA ;,�,,-�-�`.� (f .�. R. T. Anlauf � Grocery and Drug Buyer RTA:mkm Enc. Ye:�c:h„ne .5f,-11�.. s,� Exr. ., t 1�i/�'J'1-,.. � '-'��� �'L 3 '�J C � �'v� ;1_r c: �.p'i �./C,.. "•1 r�„ o..t , .,�ri �.�i,��,a l _.. � .:,�;-,' ..���� � . � .��:, } �T�' '��, . �' � - _ � �� _ .. . . . . /;�; , ' . r -• , �� DISCOUNT SHOPPING STATIONS � � , � i.. .. � , �.- 3 � _�...........,,-.. 1 , ; '- . ._ :.` . �. ... � i� � ' ..--.,-.,.. .: , ,. , fA . t . � ' �� :, !.. -...... ". � . .. - . - -��` .. : ._.,.....__,..----- - -- :� . _ c •. ' �,, , . � . � . i ' i� ' . � . . ` . REGTJi.AfiIO�;S OOVERNING THE SAI,E OF �3�ER A� sur�:r�r�ICn sTURES � � IN �iil�'NI:SOTA � 1. Beer may be sold for consw-npL-�on off the premises ' � only. - - 2. Only beer containing 3.2 percent alcvhol by weight . may be sold. . � � 3. Beer may not be sold betzaeen the hours of 12:00 � Midnight and 8:00 a.m. ?�:onday through Saturday, � and u.ntil I2:00 Noon on Sunday; and b�twe�n the {� ,� hours oi 12:00 rlidnight and 8:00 p.m. on any �' ' election day. . - 4. It is unla�aful to sell beer to minors, any person under the a�e of 21 �ears, to permit a minor to coinsume beer on the preraises or to peru�it a minor to loiter or remain in the room where beer is so1d. • 5. Rlrchaser mnst pay for beer at the ch�ck-out coun_ter • and sho�a verification of a�e. ' � �,,����18i°�c� . ��j�� ' 'f �'= J'���� � � R� , � �� � ` �•� ' ;�;' o `. � `� � ,���i t-- . '�- ._� � _ ` � <� ..,'''� , �O J,' U �,i 9 .- ��S a�,,`�i':�±' � . 4'�S�'� L,�.- ' �'n�e f; . . Sept. 1$� i971 Hon. Desrl Meredith Oomsr. of Pubiic Saf�ty Pub�.ic Safety Building Dear Sir: Atteation: �. Dan3.e1 �1cLsughlia The City (buncil today informa�].ly apprc3ved ttte applicatior� of Superamerica Division of DTorthWestern Refinit�g Co. for Off 5a►l.e Ma].t Berv�rage I,icenae� for their vsrious stationa. �tiii you plse,ae prepa�re the necesaary rsaolutioas coverirsg thia �atter? Yery truly yours' � City Q.erk