255847 �5g�� Counoil 1�Yle No...................� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ancl PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. �, �____ ._ T6eundereignedherer b�ropoeeethemslcingofthefolYowiagpubliaimpmvement by the City of�aint Paul,vis.: Improve FAIRVIEW AVENI7E from Minneha.ha Avenue to Pi.er�e Butler Roa.d (City Project P-�547) as follaws: widen, grade and pave; construct curb and gutter; construct street, alley and driveway returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, water and �as service connections; and construct concrete walk on botrl sides of I�'airview Avenue from Minnehaha Avenue to Pierce Butler Road., except where good and sufficient walk now exists; and do all other work w�ich is necessary and incidental to complete said improver�ent. PRELIMINARY ORDER. _4 � _� . ��WHER.EA$, A written propoeal for the making oi the following improvement, vis.: Improve FAIEtV�EW AVEIVU�' from Minnehaha Avenue to Pierce Butler Road (C3.tSr Project P�Oj��j} as follows: w3.den, grade ruzd pave; construct curb an�� g�.tter; c�nstruc� st�eet, alley ar.d driveway returns; cr�r.st:�Kct storm ws.ter drai.na�;e fa.cilities; constr.�zct sewer, water and gas service connections; a.nd canstruct concrete walk on bctn sides o� Fairview �,vznue fro� Pfiin.zEhah� Avenuz to Fierce Butler Road, except where good and sufficient walk now exists; and do a11 other work which is necessary and incidenta]. to complete said improvement. 1. To iaveetigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and+eatimated coet of eaid improvement, snd the totsl coet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or eketch of said improvement. , 4. To state whether or no�eaid improve�ent ie aeked lfor ow tthhe petition of three �r mor� ownere. 6. To report upon aU of the goregoing mattere to the �ummaeeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the �ounoil._._..............................�FP..2.8_197:1---........ Yses Counc i lman sut�er SEp $ 81971 A�F�[ Conway APProve�...............e...:.._...................._..... ........................._ Levine MereeFiti� Sprafka ; Tedes co ............_... ..........._ Mr. President McCarty ^���o� ����� �000 �-ao � �I . ,i PUBLISHED 2 1� � �C�