255547 ���� Couaoil PYIe No..............�..�.,, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. :.._ �__.___ . Theundereignedhereb ropoeeethemalcingof thefolYowingpnbliaimprovement by the City ot�eint Paul,vis.: -�--- _ . Improve FAIRVIEW AVENUE From Minnehaha Avenue to Pierce But].er Road (City Projeet P-o5�+7) as follows: widen, grade �.nd pave; construct curb and gutter; coustruct street, alley and driveway re�turns; construct storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; and construct concrete walk on both sides of I'airview Avenue from Minnehaha,Avenue to Pierce Butler Road, except where good and sufficient walk now exists; and do a11 other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said isnproveMent. PRELIMINARY OltDER. WHER.EA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following impmvement, vls.: Improve FAIl�VIE'wT kVE1YU�' from I�,inn�ehaha Avenue to Pierce But.ler Road (Citg Project p-Oj�L�t) �,s follows: wider., grade und pave; construct curb an�3 gc.tter; construct st�eet, alley and drivekray returns; cc�nst��ct storm water dr�,ina�;e fa.cilities; constr.uct sewer, water a.nd gas service connections; a,nd cons�cruct conerete walk on bcth sides of Fairview �v�nue fror� Pf,in�ehah�. Avenue to Pierce Butler Ror�.d, except where good and sufficient walk now exists; and do all other work which is necessaxy and incident�.l. to complete said unprovement. 1. To inveatigate the neceeeity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and�eatimated cost of eaid improvement� and the total ooat tbereof. 3. To fnrniah a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. , 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked ifor oa �e petitioxu of three ar morr,owaer�. !S. To report upon aU of 8he foregoing mattere to the �ummyeeioner of Finanoe, Adopted by the Counail..._..............................SFP..2.a_1971.. Y�we Counc i lman But 1 er SEP �$ 197� � Conway �PPmve�...................:................................. ......--•-•---•-------- Levine Mered�-!fi � � � � Sprafka ' � Tedes co ' ................. ............... Mr. President McCarty ��W�o�'��"�� �oao s-so � /� i Pt}BLISHED Z �� � � ►C� _